Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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The Omaha Bee
Entcrae at Omaha poatoffiee eond-class natter.
Bf Carrier.
Pl!y and Bandar. .................par enes. We
Daily wltbont Sunday...... ......... " We
rnmlna sad Sunday " 10b
Breolna imaoot Smidaj to
Himil.l KIm Mil. - . Km
Hmd notice of cbuuto of address of tmaultrtty la deltroT to Ooiaba
By Mall,
ar laar. M.0
" 1.00
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It Aaaodatad Praia, of utilca Tkt B il l awaitier. It exehitlrelt
MitittArf n h. mm far miMie.flnn af all aawa dlanetrhea credited
to it r not Mhtrwlw credited In thll paper tad also tha Inral nawa
publiatHid brrrln. all riasta of paUtoatioa of atu aoactal dlmeteaas
an ai. nana
Remit fey draft, nvrcat ar pofttl ardn. Only l-wnt atanpa takaa la
parrnent of tmall aeeoonta. Penooal aback, euept oa Omaha and
aaatera uenaaia. doc oeepiao.
Omahs-The Baa Bnndlnt. t bicajo-Pwl' Oai Bolldlat.
South Omaha-iSM N BV fur tort-88 Flftli ate.
Council Bluf-14 N. liaia 8t St I-oiila-Nfw B'k of Coannaroa,
Liaoola UUls Building. Waahloatoe 1U O St
' address eonroilerlorje relating lo eacrs and editorial natter to
Omaha Boa. ZdJtonal Dtparuaaat.
i 62,544 Daily Sunday, 54,619
1 tranta errrxnstlon fof tb monto. robecrtbea acd sworn to by Dwlaht
i Williams. Circulation Minuter.
I Subscriber taavlnf tha city should hava Tha Baa mailed
to than. Address changed aa eftaa aa requested.
Plan your garden now, plant it later.
Get ready for the next Liberty loan now.
Mr. Bryan talked just the same, even if the
folks could not hear him.
Must have reminded Toronto old timers of
bygone days when the 17th of March or the 12th
of July meant something besides mere dates.
Sweet bells continue to jangle ihharmoniously
at Washington. Our democratic brethren ought
to get together on their estimates if not on their
policies. '
The new Browning gun Is a great dust-raiser
and no doubt will prove a powerful persuader if
enough of them can be put into action on . the
west front soon.
The price fixed for binding twine to American
farmers leaves lots" of room for the hennequin
raisers of Yucatan, That Is one trust we have
not yet dehorned. ;
If our foresight ever catches up to our hind
sight we will lay aside our seed corn in Novem
ber and not wait till March to attend to this im
portant part of the state's chief industry.
j If the program for the special session of the
legislature is extended much farther the states
men will be at, Lincoln for quite a while. Most
of the proposed subjects could well wait till the'
next regular session.
; The pinto bean Is coming in for a great deal
of boosting right now and will have to work
mighty hard to live up to the assertions of Its
enthusiastic friends. Anything that will produce
literally of good food deserves attention, how
; Reports from Greece are to the effect that the
olive crop of 1917 is short, but the Greeks had
made up for the deficiency by raising the price.
However, cotton seed and, corn furnish fairly ac
ceptable substitutes for those who like salad
dressing. v '
( General March says the boys at the front are
fit and ready for any duty they may be" asked to
perform, confirming fully all good reports we
have' had from them. But Americans never have
lost confidence In these lads, -who. so gallantly
represent the home land on the battlefield.!
The kaiser's dentist expresses wonder, on
reaching home, at the leniency with which Ger
man subjects are treated in America. If he will
but listen he may hear some faint echoes of his
wonderment among those of his countrymen who
' bave never been to Germany, but who do not fully
comprehend the humane way of managing a war.
Making the Seed Corn Secure.
i Spingtime comes again in Nebraska and with
it the usual flurry over seed corn. Farmers
habitually are urged to make selections for seed
early in the winter, right after harvest, and most
tf them do, but some are inclined to procrasti
nate in this matter and it is to these the mes
sage is now addressed. Corn should be carefully
tested before planting, in order that its quality
may be known. Only strong and sturdy seed
should be used, (that no question may exist as
to its germination. , This is vital Another most
important step is that the authorities take what
ever action they may to prevent profiteering in
the article. The farmer should not be forced to
pay exorbitant prices for grain to plant at a time
'-when the national need for his produce is so
great Last fall the seed wheat situation was
Vigorously and satisfactorily handled by the State
;CounciI of Defense, and a like course in regard to
seed corn this spring will meet 'approval. The
farmer is entitled to this much of protection at
least ' - : .' . -
Americans Waking Up.
One of the really effective campaigns in point
of arousing the American people from their
lethargy is just coming to its climax. It has to
do with the food situation entirely. Suddenly
it has been brought home to our people that
they have not been keeping their side of the
bargain with England and France. This has not
been through any inclination to shirk responsi
bility. Our people were slow to appreciate the
gravity of the situation. With plenty here it was
not easy for them to comprehend how little was
abroad and how absolutely the issue of the war
depended upon food being furnished from Amer
ica. Nor did they realize the far more important
fact that this food could only be had through
the means of economies practiced at home. In
other words, that we must share with our allies
and can only send to them what we voluntarily
save from our own allowance. Now that these
facts are put squarely before the public the re
sponse is as generous as anything the American
people have ever done. Food will be furnished
and the big flotilla of allied transports will be
loaded with the supplies not only needed to keep
our own boys on the battle front well fed, but to
keep hunger away from the homes over there.
This sacrifice here must be kept up until another
harvest has been garnered. It does not ask
much from any of us, but it does mean the win
ning of the war.
Mr. Bryan in Toronto.
The unpleasant episode at Toronto, where
William Jennings Bryan was "booed" down at a
public meeting, must be soberly considered at
home. Objection to hearing Mr. Bryan could
not have been because of his prohibition ad
vocacy, for Toronto and Ontario are thoroughly
committed to the policy, Some question might
be raised as to the propriety of a citizen of the
United States crossing the line to take an active
part in the politics of the Dominion, but under
ordinary conditions this breach might be over
looked. Opposition to the orator clearly was
based on his-record In connection with the war.
Canadian soldiers evidently fail to grasp the deli
cate poise of Mr. Bryan's neutrality, prior to last
April, and seemingly do not fully appreciate the
lofty ideals of universal peace and human broth
erhood he has so persistently advocated. It is
quite probable that were he to go to a German
community on a similar mission he would be
howled down because of his pro-British feeling.
None of his fellow citizens question Mr. Bryan's
loyalty, or his devotion to democracy. Canadian
soldiers, back from the trenches at Ypres, Vimy
Ridge and along the Aisne, are not inclined to
split hairs over the matter, however, and decline
to take account of refinements of reasoning that
might serve to decide men in less strenuous times.
It is not likely "the incident will seriously affect
relations between the countries, but it may be of
service In bringing a better balance between Mr.
Bryan's judgment and zeal. ,
, United Germany's Defiance.
Philip Schiedeman, spokesman for the domi
nant group of German socialists, has sounded
what may be accepted as the defiance of united
Germany. His speech in the Reichstag ought to
do away with any hope the socialists of America
might have had that their German comrades en
tertained aspirations in common with them. The
bolsheviki, the I. W, W, and even the American
socialists talk in terms of "internationalism;"
they have no country, no flag, no race only the
proletariat universal. In Germany this does not
count. There the aspiration is for Germans first.
"Deutschland uber alles" is and has been quite as
much of the socialistic as of the junker's dream
of the fatherland's future. Schiedeman's asser
tion that the socialists have fought against ag
gression and invasion is but repeating the im
pudent statements made by the war lords from
the first. What he says of the future for Bel
gium, Alsace-Lorraine and .other occupied terri
tory should be weighed alongside the fact that
the socialists of Germany supported the war
from the beginning and still support it' Who
can discover In this any reason to hope that
Germany intends to relax its grip on any con
quered ground or free any subjugated people un
less compelled by force? Schiedeman's con
tempt for the bolsheviki is shared by all Ger
man socialists, whose ideas of brotherhood were
put Into cold storage as far back as 1913. Our
people may as well understand now that they
are facing an united Germany, in which no sign
is visible of revolt against the kaiser's policy.
A Canadian medical officer, just back from the
front, has, landed in jail because his enthusiasm
for prohibition led him into making assertions
the higher authorities deem derogatory to the
service. One of the strange things about the cult
is that its propaganda is accompanied by much
intemperance of speech.
"Co-belligerent may fit the technical atti
tude of the administration, which is inclined to
nicety of distinction at all times, but the Ameri
can people, who have gone whole-heartedly into
the war, will always prefer the more compre
hensive and friendly term of ally.
In the race for Wyoming oil between the auto
and the locomotive, the auto won; for the loco
motive can not afford the price of gasoline. -
Filling Up Internment Camps
Increasing Roundup of Supporters of War Lords
Washington Letter in Boston Transcript
Enemy aliens who think more of their
native land and autocracy than of America
and democracy are being caught daily by
Uncle Sam and concentrated in his war
prison barracks. In approximate figures, 5,
000 aliens and prisoners of war have been
rounded up in the last 10 months, a total
which will be greatly increased before the
end of 1918. A day in the office of the
adjutant general and at the Department of
Justice reveals that every section of the
country is being watched for disloyal per
sons and that they are being given the
minimum punishment they deserve as rapidly
as evidence proving disloyalty is obtained.
First comes a telephone call from the United
States marshal in New York who reports
that he has an alien to turn over to the
military authorities, then a telegram from
federal authorities in St. Louis that they have
three aliens to be interned for the duration
of the war. Seventy-one men were sent to
the prison barracks week before last, while
10 fell into the national dragnet last week.
They come from every walk of life. Some
are poor and ignorant, but at least' a score
have the reputation of being millionaires.
One million dollars will be spent this
year in keeping a watchful eye on the 2,000
aliens and prisoners of war concentrated in
the three army compounds and in maintain
ing the detention camps established by the
Department of Labor, which house 3,000 de
tained aliens and German sailors who were
taken from seized German ships interned in
Atlantic coast ports, in the Philippines and
the Virgin islands. This bill, bv the wav.
will be turned over to the central powers
when the time comes for the peace confer
ence. The army conducts three prison com
pounds. One is at Fort McPhersoh, Ga.,
where 866 prisoners of war (sailors taken off
raiders and interned vessels) are quartered.
Another is at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., which is
accommodating 3S7 interned enemy aliens
who are placed in the custody of the army
by the Department of Justice. The third is
at Fort Douglas, Utah, which has 507 pris
oners of war and 168 enemy aliens. The
prisoners of war and the enemy aliens at
Fort Douglas are separated from each other,
but are within the confines of the same stock
ade. In- addition to the three compounds
named the army maintains a detention camp
at Taboga Island, which is quartering SO odd
aliens who were captured in the Canal zone
or who were seized by the Republic of
f anama and turned over to the United btates
for custody.
All orisoners of war and enemv aliens
confined In compounds in the United States
are under military guard. While they have
had an easy time this winter, there is some
real work awaiting for them as soon as
spring arrives. Since last fall the prisoners
have been constructing buildings within the
stockades, preparing their quarters, working
gardens and the like. Many have had much
spare time In which to make toys, which have
been exchanged for tobacco and sweets or
have had chicken farms to improve their
mess. But as soon as warm weather arrives
practically all of the men will be required to
build roads near the barracks. They will
work on roads having a state or national
value, rather than on local highways. In
Utah they will build a strip of the Lincoln
highway. While the prisoners have received
little or no pay from the government this
winter, they will be paid when they begin
road building. International law provides
that prisoners of war shall receive no pay
when the work performed is for their own
benefit and comfort, but that when they do
work which is not for theif own benefit and
comfort they shall receive the same pay as
our own soldiers engaged in similar work.
The prisoners, however, will not receive
actual money for the work they do, at least
until the war is over. The government will
hold back from what the prisoners earn the
cost of maintaining and guarding them. The
balance will be used to purchase extras for
the prisoners' benefit. Whatever is left will
be held by the commandant of the barracks
and paid to the prisoners at the conclusion
of hostilities.
Much attention was given by the country
some months ago to the story of large sums
of money reported to have been paid to Ger
man officers, who were taken off of ships in
terned in American ports. It was declared
that they were receiving the same pay as
American officers of equivalent rank, which,
as a matter of fact,, was more than they, had
received while serving the kaiser for Ameri
can officers are paid more than German offi
cers. As a matter of fact none of the Ger
man officers have received one cent since De
cember 1 last. The officers have lived on the
money held to their credit and when this
money is gone the expenses of each officer
will be charged up to the German govern
ment, unless, in the meantime, some agree
ment can be reached between the United
States and Germany.
True to its traditions, this country has
treated its prisoners humanely. This is
testified to by reports which the Swiss lega
tion has forwarded to Germany. Diplomatic
representatives of Switzerland have inspected
the barracks in this country and have re
ported to Berlin as diplomatic representa
tives of Spain have inspected German prison
camps and have reported to Washington. All
of the reports of the Swiss legation are sub
mitted to the Department of State before
they are transmitted. Every report has been
favorable, setting forth that the prisoners
have received the same food that is given
American soldiers and have as good quarters
as are provided American troops. This coun
try is paying the same amount for food for
prisoners as it is paying for food for our
soldiers, namely 35 cents for each man each
day. This means that the United States is
paying $1,750 each day to feed its prisoners.
Not one complaint about food has been
made in the reports prepared by the Swiss
Era of Inflation on the Way
Rising Costs Map a General Grab All Around
New York Financial World.
A multiplicity of signs appear from every
avenue of industrial endeavor throughout
the country indicating that a still higher
price era is ahead of the country. The farm
ers are dissatisfied with $2.20 wheat and
want $3 per bushel; labor is steadily press
ing for better wages, and what is more, is
getting it or will get it; the cost of new
capital is rising and some interests from ne
cessity are compelled to pay 7, 8 and even
10 per cent for accommodations. Manufac
turers complain that they must increase
prices to meet the advance in raw material.
The government itself is headed toward the
expenditure of from $16,000,000,000 to $20,
000,000,000 this year, and despite drastic at
tempts to regulate prices the tendency of
costs 19 straight upward. Foodstuffs are
from 60 to 100 higher than pre-war levels.
The next Liberty loan will bear a 4 per
cent interest rate instead of 4 per cent.
There is justification for the demand for
higher wages and for adding to the price of
everything manufacturers have to sell. Raw
material is becoming scarcer on account of
the scarcity of labor, rising wages, inadequate
production and inordinate demand. The
railway heads this week admitted freely be
fore the Railroad commission that numerous
classes of railroad employes were not ade
quately paid and should have better wages.
And so it goes, all along the line. Every
body and every interest is, like Oliver Twist,
asking for "more." Each interest feels the
pressure from above and seeks to relieve it
self of some of the load by putting it on
some other interest It is a natural instinct
and no one and no particular interest can be
blamed. The administration and congress
see the situation as a whole and are attempt
ing to relieve the pressure by taking over
the railroad burdens and putting them on the
country's shoulders, and at the same time
framing an enlargement of the currency sys
tem through the proposed War Firfance
corporation, which will provide a big increase
in currency supplies and restore credit where
it has been lost. But all this means infla
tion and provides the very means for es
tablishing the higher prices which all are
seeking to avoid. Only drastic price limi
tations and price fixing can operate to check
Undoubtedly the great activity of indus
try and the impetus of the tremendous ac
tivities in the war will need these new
facilities for expansion and the movement
will be gradual, as those in charge of the
machinery seek to regulate it and prevent
the inflation getting beyond control There
will be more and more currency in circula
tion and the larger the volume the less it
will buy that is prices will rise as currency
is cheapened. Federal Reserve bank money
is coming more and more into use and it is
now an almost unheard of thing to hear of a
gold certificate or the actual gold itself, be
ing in circulation. There will be a period of
activity or boom that may last several years,
even after the war ends, but inevitably there
will develop an instability in the entire struc
ture; the gas and froth produced by the
artificial stimulus of war will escape and
there will come a period of prostration, like
the case of an inebriate stricken and weak
because of his excesses. The inflation will
represent production, but production that
has been wasted in war and in the end will
have little back of it. Additional legislation
will perhaps be sought to counteract or stay
the reaction, but a great deal of this will
be abortive and negligible. Meanwhile those
who are moderate in their mode of living"
and seek to avoid reckless ventures which
the inflation invites, will in the end be near
the safest and calmest anchorage when the
reaction comes.
Italy1 s Gift to Civilization
While most of America's airmen will
probably see service above the battle line
which extends from the North sea across
Belgium and France, they will not be for
getful of the superhuman skill, daring and
self sacrifice of their allies beyond the Alps,
the intrepid Italians, whose country pro
duces no coal, no steel, and food insufficient
for het needs, yet has managed for nearly
three years to maintain her armies against
the ceaseless hammering of Austrian and
German guns.
Italy, the mother of civilization, of art
and of science, and the cradle of intellectual
liberty, began fighting the invaders from
the north a thousand years before the dis
covery of America. She has given to the
world Marcus Aurelius and Dante, Columbus
and John Cabot, Leonardo da Vinco and
Galileo, and in more recent days Volta, Gal
vani, Garibaldi, Verdi and Marconi.
Just as the new world was given to
civilization by her two great navigators,
Columbus and Cabot, so the infinite realms
of space were revealed to man through the
gift of the telescope from Galileo, that
monumental genius who also helped to per
fect the compound microscope, which has
made modern medicine and modern chem
istry possible. Likewise it is Marconi's gift
of wireless telegraphy which makes the ob
servation airplane a truly potent factor in
One of the marvels of human history is
this extraordinary Italian race, that for 2,000
years has blessed the world with one suc
cession of geniuses musicians, authors,
creators of inspiration and advancement
from which all other peoples have benefited.
National Geographic Magazine.
One Year Age Today In the War. ;
. Ambassador Page conferred on war
i situation with Premier Lloyd George.
Berlin declared last period of grace
landed and all ships would be sunk.
Japanese foreign minister stated no
proposal had been made to Japan to
Join in possible war against the United
'.She Day We Celebrate,
!j John H. Shary of the International
iikand and Investment company, born
(31871. - - .
Charles K. Sherman of the Sher
ijnan & IfcConnell Drug company,
born 1852.
Edwin Milton Royle, author of pop-
ulars plays, born at Lexington, Mo.,
56 years agotoday.
f. ' i
fjtbla Day In History.
S .182$ William Boyd Allison, for It
years United States senator from Iowa,
suborn at Perry, Cv Died at Dubuque,
jtAugust 4. 1908.
1865 A federal brigade under Gen
l,eral Devin occupied Staunton, Va.
4 1890 James E. English, governor
jof Connecticut and United States sen or, died at New Haven. Born there,
SfMarch 13. 1812.
,J 189S President-elect Cleveland ar-
rrlved in Washington in anticipation
aof his inauguration. '
,i 1897 The lord mayor of London
gave a banquet Jn honor of Mr. Bay
ard. 1jhe retiring United States ambas-
Just SO Years Ago Today
There are about IB candidates for
the six vacant council chairs of South
Omaha and they all Bay they don't
want to run.
The steps leading to the court house
are in a deplorable condition. The;
are covered with ice and the attempt
to descend them is fraught with
. There was an Increase in internal
revenue collections during February
over the corresponding month of last
year of $118,090.66.
During the past month 844 cases
were adjudicated by Judge Berka, the
police magistrate.
According to Wolf, the directory
. publisher, Omaha's population is
j about 115,000.
r The Omaha Oil & Paint company
j filed articles of Incorporation with the'
' country clerk. The incorporators are
Eli Ballard. Michael P. McBrlde.
Kobert E. Waugh and Mcrriweather
I J. Wauarh.
Whittled to a Point
Minneapolis Tribune: Russia is
due to learn that the quitter always
gets the worst of it
Minneapolis Journal: A telephone
operator, by putting a "count" before
his name nearly worked Morgan &
Co. for $50,000,000. You will notice
that little word nearly."
St Louis Globe-Democrat: If Mr.
Hoover knows where the food is and
Mr. McAdoo can haul it they should
get together and move it without
writing open letters to. each other.
New York World: It is late in the
day for bolshevik leaders at Petrograd
to call on Russia for "defense to the
death" after they have compelled it
to commit suicide.
Washington Post: When suspicious
looking foreigners sing "Keep the
Home Fires Burning" in Frankfurter
English in the neighborhood of the
docks, it la time for a conndlng people
to get busy.
Louisville Courier-Journal: It :s
stated that whale meat makes a good
substitute for beef, but as Mr. Hoover
has not caught a supply of whales it
is necessary for the time being to ob
serve seven whaleless days a week.
Kansas City Star: The German
terms are the terms of ruthless con
quest Germany's motto is the motto
of the pagan world. "Wo to the con
quered!" The world's only safeguard
is to defeat Germany In her chosen
field and with her own weapons.
There la no use pleading with a savage
Quaint Bits of Life
There are more than 200.000 stam
merers in the United States.
No Japanese motion picture house
permits the men and women to sit
together. '
A man. in Greece who is sentenced
to death has to wait two years before
the execution of his sentence.
On a clear day it is not possible to
go up in an aeroplane anywhere in
England without seeing the sea.
The British admiralty makes a per
fect model in paraffin wax of every
naval vessel before it is built
Tuesday is said to be the only day
of the week which is not recognized
as the Sabbath by one people or an
other. . t .
' It has een estimated that no fewer
than 20.000 oysters have to be fished
up from a great aepm Deiore iv
worth of pearls are obtained.
When first introduced into England
sugar was only used in medicines, and
for long people refused to eat it, say
ing that it was bad for the lungs.
One of the most remarkable hos
pitals in the world is that of the
Royal Veterinary college near Lon
don, where over 3,000 animals are
treated every year.
Jean Ledrans, a French mechanic
who lost an eye and both hands in
the war, has turned farmer and is
now able to write perfectly well, to
drive a horse and cart, drive a plow,
t.A ysa Aa tha flolria. and harness and
tiuc cw.u
unharness a horse. AH the appliances ,
which he uses on both stumps of his
forearms have been devised by him-j
self. I
Twice Told Tales
Donbtful Compliment
A clergyman was about to leave his
church one evening, when he encoun
tered an old lady examining the carv
ing on the front
Finding her desirous of seeing the
beauties of the church, he volunteered
to show her over, and the flustered
old lady, much gratified at this un
expected offer of a personally con
ducted tour, shyly accepted it
By and by they came to a hand
some tablet on the right of the pul
pit "This explained the good man,
"is a memorial tablet erected to the
memory of the late vicar."
"There now. Ain't it beautiful V
exclaimed the admiring old lady, still
flustered and anxious to please. "And
I'm sure, sir, I 'ope it won't be long
afore we see one erected to you on
the other side." London Tit Bits.
On the Range.
The recruits weren't doing very
well at rifle practice.
"Look here!" cried the instructor,
"what's the matter with you fellows?
There hasn't been a hit signaled in the
last 10 minutes."
"I think we must have shot the
marker, sir," replied one of the men.
San Francisco Chronicle.
Cheer Cp!
"It is a wonder that this wine Jelly
is allowed in the menu of this 'dry
- "Perhaps they thought it beet to
have at least one oasis in the dessert"
Baltimore American. "
7 J'S,
More About Squirrels.
Papillion. Neb., Feb. 2. To the
Editor of The Bee: I have noted with
interest the discussion between
Charles Stoltenberg of Fort Calhoun
and Frank A. Agnew of Omaha, con
cerning squirrels. As an interested
bystander, I would suggest that these
two nuts beware lest the squirrels will
get them both. DEWEY WATNE.
Once Is Final.
Omaha, Feb. 27. To the Editor of
The Bee: In regard to the federal
prohibition amendment, if one state
legislature would ratify it could an
other one later change ratification? I
mean two legislatures of the same
state. J. J. TRAINOR.
2606 Dodge street.
Answer: Once the legislature of a
state has voted on the ratification of
an amendment to the federal constitu
tion, the action is final, and not sub
ject to review or reconsideration by a
subsequent legislature.
Whose Patriotism Counts?
Omaha, Feb. 28. To the Editor of
The Bee: In view of the disclosures
In the investigation of the packing in
dustry which, however, contain noth
ing new it is surely a rare display of
nerve for one of the "big Ave" to run
a display advertisement in newspapers
telling the public how patriotic their
employes are and inferentially taking
much credit for the acts of said em
ployes. Employes that are as patriotic
as those referred to in the advertise
ment are entitled to unusual credit,
for they evidently are not deterred in
their patriotism by the unpatriotic
example set for them by the "big
five" of the meat-packing industry. It
seems this packing concern seeks to
divert public attention from Its own
misdeeds by directing attention to the
good deeds of its employes. I. J. C.
"How do yon like your aon'a wife?"
"She's a perfect darling. The first day
after he brought her home she discovered
a way to do up my hair that makes ma
look 10 years younger." Dayton News.
"Maxle." queried the teacher of the Juvenile
class, "what is the difference between elec
tricity and lightning?"
"You don't have to pay nothing for
lightning," answered Maxle. Chicago News.
Agnes Why don't you learn to punctu
ate? Kdlth The ideal Why I put more com
mas and dashes In what I write than any
one else I know of. Boston Transcript
Norah The lady next door wants to borry
a scuttle of coal, mum.
Mistress Tell her, Norah, that we are
already borrowing our coal from the people
on the other stde of us. Boston Transscrlpt
Mrs. Wayupp I see your friend Mrs.
Bump la dead. She wasn't much of a so
ciety woman, was she?
Mrs. Blase No; Indeed. Why, she didn't
leave enough ex-husbands to act as pall
bearers, Life,
Cyclopedia Do you notice the airs the
Unabridged Dictionary Is giving himself?
Popular Novel What Is he giving himself
airs for?
Cyclopedia Because his appendix has
been cut out. Baltimore American,
The kaiser calls his bomb-proof sons, and
takes them on his knees,
And tells them how his submarines are
masters of the seas;
He says the allies soon will feel the force
of German arms,
And that their nlghta are sleepless now for
tear of war's alarms.
He says that Paris soon will fall, that Rome
will aoon be theirs,
That they will have no more to fear from
all tha Russian bears;
That all the world will soon concede that
Germany la "It;" . ;. ,
That Uncle Samuel, as a toe, is almply
"And see that all our people get this dope
as I tell you;
Be sure you make It plain to them be
aura they get our view;
We'll have to keep them in the dark, there's
much they need not know, ,
So put the blinkers on their eyes and keep
them on the go."
O, Kaiser WUhelm! How can you your
people thus deceive! k
How can you urge them on to death when
nothing can relieve
The tightening meshes of the net that all
around la drawn 1
Why don't you draw aside the veil and
let them see the Dawn?
The mighty navies of the world are float
ing near your shores.
Their black.mouthed guns are filled with
death, they're at your very doors
And countless legions bar your way with
glittering lines of steel,
Determined that "Germanla" the woea of
war shall feel.
Tour ruthless hand you ne'er have staved,
so none will mercy show;
Our Uncle Samuel's In the game, he'll give
you blow for blow;
Tou soon will look like thirty cents! your
name will soon be Pants;
Tou'd better make your will, old boy, before
you lose your chance.
Qriswold, la. C. G. REYNOLDS.
An unswerving justice dictates the
policy of this undertaking establishment
We handle all burial services with wis
dom and tact and properly price our
service chsrges. Our modern equipment
is dedicated to the public service. Busi
ness connections everywhere.
Funeral Parlor, (Established 1888)
17th and Cuming Sta. TeL Douglas 1060.
1214 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 9.
Head In One Week Witfi One
Cake of Soap and One
Box of Ointment.
"My seven year old boy suffered
from tetter which started on the back
of his head as a pimple. Then it
formed a group of little bumps that
would itch for two or three days and
then run. His scalp was very sore
and he could not bear to have anyone
touch it It itched and he was restless
at night. His hair fell out leaving a
bald spot.
"I saw Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment advertised and I wrote for a free
sample. He found immediate relid so
I bought a cake of Cuticura Soap and
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For hair and skin health Cuticura
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Sample Each Free by Mail. Address post
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"Curo Your
Rupturo LilL
I Cured nine"
Old Sea Captain Coxed Bis Own
Rupture After Doctors Said
"Operate or Death."
Els Eemedy and Boo Sent Pre.
Captain Colllngs sailed the seas for
many years; then he sustained a bad
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not only remain ashore, but kept him
bedridden for years. He tried doctor
after doctor and truss after trusa No
results! Finally, he was assured that
to must either submit to a dangerous
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oeitherl He cured himself instead.
"Fallow Man and Women. Yon Don't Have
To Ba Cut Up, sail Yon Don't Have
To Bo Tortured By TruMH."
Captain Colllngs made a study of
himself, of his condition and at last ha
was rewarded by the finding of the
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Anyone can use the same method I
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Every ruptured person in the world!
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Please send me your FREE Rupture
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A wonderful variety of Player Rolls, comprising Autographed
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