Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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    Daily B
PAGES 11 TO 20
Illinois Congressman Declares
Conservation Program Will
Increase Fuel Supply 80,
000,000 Tons.
. Washington, March 1. The fuel
administration's recent closing order
was defended in the house today by
Representative John W. Rainey of
Illinois, who declared that when the
"entire story is told there will be
members of the house who would be
glad to expunge from the record, if
they could, speeches they-made im
mediately after the coal orders
. promulgation." ... it. .
'Speeches made m this house that
day none of them on the democratic
side," Representative Rainey said,
"will not be dropped from airplanes
inside the German lines and if an ef
fusion from an ex-attorney general
of the United States given circulation
gets into Germany at all it will be
sent there by German agencies and
will splendidly encourage . German
rmles in the present crisis.
He said the relie' brought about by
the heatless Monday order was im
mediately apparent ana as a ru
480 ships have been loaded and coaled
since January 17 and nearly everyone
of them has safely reached its desti
nation and the supplies are being dis
tributed to the armies in trance.
Despite unprecedented increase in
coal production, there is still a short
age of 50,000,000 tons, the represent
ative said, which must be met by im
mediately building more coal cars
and more engines and by -conserving
coal. Mr. Rainey said Dr. Garfield
Is blazing his own trail and that tne
fuel administration had perfected an
organization to save more inan
nOO.000 tons of coal annually by plans
now being developed.
The speaker deprecated what he
said was "the- impression created by
the speeches here and by partisan
newspapers throughout the country
that Dr. Garfield is a college presi
dent and nothing more." Mr. Rainey
said Dr. Garfield is a lawyer of
marked ability; that he had organ
ized a mine railroad and one of the
srreat trust companies of the coun
try, the Cleveland Trust . company,
and that no man in the United States
better understands the business ot
operating coal mines.
Pullina Aoart Will Ditch "
Train, McAdoo Tells Rail Men
Omaha railroad offices have re
ceived a communication from Un" ex
tor General McAdoo, in which he
it. ...t;n1 tn the necessity ot
cans aiicnn"" - - - .-
"pulling together to save America and
restore peace to a distracted world.
Mr. McAdoo tells the railroad men
that "pulling apart will ditch the
aa. "that we must gain
for ourselves the coveted distinction
and just reward of patriotic service
nobly done." ,
The director general further says
no discrimination will be made in
employment, retention or conditions
of employment of employes because
of membership or nonmembership in
labor organizations. As to hours he
says that when the exigencies of the
service require it or when i sufficient
number of employes m any depart
ment are not available to render the
public prompt transportation service
employes will be required to work a
reasonable amount of overtime.
Swift's Son-in-Law Is Held
As Alien Enemy of the U. S.
Washington, D. C, March 1-Count
Minotto, son-in-law of Louis Swift
the Chicago packer, detained as an
enemy alien, today was ordered held
for action by the attorney general,
but not orucicu ui-i'"'"'", . ,
' A decision of the immigration bu
reau announced that charges of being
an enemy agent, on which Minotto s
deRortation was sought, would be dis-
mijl ,.Km;ttpd aeainst the
count by several governmen depart-
ments was aeemeu msuuiv.... -charges
were believed to be of such
gravity that the Department of Justice
should have an opportunity for fur
ther investigation.
Operation on John Redmond.
;! London, March 1. John Redmond,
the Irish leader, was operated, upon
4 in London today. ttis concilium is
jk satisfactory. ,
Richard J. Davis, a Boston Chris
tian cipntiet has hpn annnintpd bv
Secretary Daniels as the first Chris
tian science chaplain in tne navy.
Phanlain HavU has hppn rnnnprted
with the Christian Science Monitor of
Boston for several years.
Murphy-O'Brien Auto C mpany
Give Big Feed to 100
Dealer- at HensLaw
Wasninorton. March 1. The admin
istration amendment to the draft law
to bring in men as they reach the age
if 91 ',aa hmnorhr nn in the senate
today as emergency legislation for im
mediate passage, but finally was put
over until tomorrow.
Without discussion the senate
passed another resolution authorizing
the president to call into immediate
military service skilled experts in in
dustry or agriculture.
The purpose of the latter resolution
has nothing to do with the much dis
cussed conscription of labor, but re
fers to men already registered whose
position on the classification is so far
down on the list that they might not
be called to military duty in the near
future. The purpose is to make these
men available for draft and service in
the lines in which they are expert.
The resolution is yet to be acted upon
by the house.
The hurried consideration of the
f.-ct omenrllTlpnt WHS COmnelled bv
the insistence of Senator New of In
diana on consideration ot his amend
ment for the registration for military
training of all men between 19 and 30.
Acting Chairman Frelinghuysen of
the military committee explained that
rrnnc Marshal General Crowder
was eager to have the committee
amendment adopted without delay,
as he wanted to include "in the next
draft the men affected.
School Janitor Shoots
Self While Pupils Recite
Charles G. Henderson, janitor in
the Long school, Twenty-fifth and
Franklin streets, shot himself through
the right lung witn a revolver uus
afternoon. .
The suicide attempt occurred in the
basement of the school building.
Pupils were at their lessons when a
revolver shot rang out.
Miss Carrie Nelson, teacher, dis
covered the janitor lying in a pool of
blood. . , .
He was taken to St. Joseph s hos
pital in a police ambulance.
He may die. '
Germans Sentence Two
Belgian Senators to Death
Amsterdam, March 1. A German
nxrf.mortial at Antwern has . con
demned to death for espionage the
Belgian socialist .senators,
T oorroc nrrnrdincr to the Het
Vnllf Pipter Troe stra. the Dutch
cn.M;c ipaHpr has telcerraDhed to
Tu:i;nn c-Vioiftpmann the German ma-
iority socialist leader, appealing to
him to use his influence to prevent
execution of the sentence.
Rnvs Arizona Cattle
. . , For Wyoming Ranch
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kcchne left
troctprrlav Mr Phnpnix. Ariz., where
Mr. Keeline will receive 3,000 had of
2-year-old steers, for his ranch at 011
lette, Wyo. The stock will be de
.rolnnsrl rtn ihp ran cp durinar the sum
mer and will be ready for army beef
early in the autumn.
A irative son basked in the spotlight
at the banquet of the Murphy-O'Brien
Auto company to the Paige dealers in
attendance at the Auto show. T. L.
Tisch, formerly of Seward and now
advertisinsr manager of the Paige Au
tomobile company, was the principal
The luncheon was served in the
rathskeller of the Henshaw hotel at
noon yesterday and more than 100
dealers in the Omaha territory were
in attendance. Raymond E. Davis,
general manager of the Murphy
O'Brien company, acted as toastmas-
Kfr Tifarti ennk-p nlainlv and cave
tVi (arte aa thpv exist in the automo-
bile industry today for the informa
tion ot the dealers wno nave no op
portunity of learning of manufactur
ing conditions and the reason for ob
stacles which they encounter in the
retailing of cars. Facts were given
with which the dealers could explain
misinformation which is working to
the detriment of the selling of auto
mobiles. "We have 30 per cent mere steel
in our factory today than we had one
year ago," said Mr. Tisch. "This con
dition is true in other factories also.
No priority orders are necessary when
working on government contracts, as
you can secure all of the steel you
need without trouble.
Plenty of Gas.
"Tlio cVinrtacrp nf ra hticraboo Was
exploded when the chairman of the
Council of Defense petroleum com
mittee reported that there were 1,000,
000 gallons more of gasoline produced
than the consumption required and
the government requested the use of
more gasoline. Practically every
available receptacle is full and unless
more is used it will be let to run back
in the ground and be wasted. Since
that report was made some of the
largest oil wells in the United States
have been opened.
"Curtailment of business advocated
by many would be the worst thing the
government could do and I Can assure
you that they will never a'.tempt it.
The fallacy of the plan has heen dem
onstrated and no so-cauea nonessen
tials could be found.
"Canada realized the error of cur
tailment and the number ot automo
biles there best shows that they have
not curtailed. In 1914 when the war
started, Canada had 43,00(1 automo
biles. Today they have 191,000 and
the increase has been gradual.
"The one big question we have to
solve is transportation. It is impossi
ble to secure cars enough to ship the
cars out of Detroit The only solu
tion at nrpepnt ia trt drive the cars out
from the factory. This has been tried
ann-Tmuin icasiuip emu aiici ii va-
Demonstrator Is Busy
Explaining New Motor
Unquestionably the largest crowd
seen around any exhibit at the auto
show is constantly examining the
cut-out chassis of the Rco displayed
in the Jones-Opper Auto company's
booth in the annex. The chassis
shows every movemenf of the motor
and a demonstrator is constantly re
quired to explain the details to from
IS to 25 men.
The long wheel base and light con
struction of the car makes ideal
family car. Visitors and dealers are
equally interested in the car. Models
are shown of both the four and six
cylinder cars.
Restaurant Man Buys
Six-Passenger Stutz
Louie Ahko, Omaha restaurateur,
bought a six-passenger Stutz auto
mobile yesterday. A similar car has
been on exhibition at the auto show
and atracted considerable attention.
The Haarman-Locke Auto company.
local distributors, made tne saie.
The Demand for Trucks Among
Business Men and Farmers
Will Be Enormous,
Say Dealers.
Dan Geddes, manager of the truck
department of the VVhitebreast com
pany of Lincoln, who is in attendance
... u a.. CVii. is vprv ontinnstiC
over the outluok for truck sales for
the coming year. He has recently se
cured the agency for the Panhard line
in connection with his Diamond I
trucks. , , t
tv. f rn-V. will be one ot
the biggest industries in Nebraska.
said Mr. Oeddes. ah nucs ui u
llv the farmer, rcal-
ize the saving by hauling with trucks
and the sales for the next tew years
1 1 i. i
Will UC ligt. .
As as evidence ot tne way pcm"c
are buying trucks I will state that last
week I contracted with one dealer in
the southern part of the state to huy
1UU trucks. lie nas a territory com
prising seven counties. I spoke to
liini at flip cliow tndav and he told
mp flint lliia numlipr vvntilit not he
enough as he had already made many
"I have received three letters since
I have been in Omaha from farmers
who were unable to come to the show.
They stated they saw my ad in The
Bee and asked for more information.
This condition makes me say that this
year will be .the biggest truck year
Nebraska ever had."
Lexington Sport Mode!
Is Admired by Throngs
The Sport Tour model of the Lex
ington cars, displayed by the Haar-mann-Locke
company, is one of the
attractive models on display in the
annex. Admiring crowds continually
hover around this booth to examine
the beautiful lines and upholstering
of this car.
Tersistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success
Make Truck Attachments
For Converting Automobiles
H. L. Bell, president and general
manager of the Iowa Motor Truck
company, attended the Auto show
Wednesday. Whil: in Omaha he was
the guest of H. H. Connor, manager
of the Omaha branch of the Iowa Mo
tor Truck company.
This company manufactures a truck
attachment which can readily be at
tached to an old automobile which
still has a good engine. The company
has been manufacturing these attach
ments for three years and the first
truck sold is still in operation and has
averaged traveling $S miles a day
since it was sold. The first attach
ment was sold to W. L. Daggett and
son of Ottumwa, la. '
The factory at Ottumwa ' has a
capacity of 25 attachments per day
and now has between 1,500 and 2,000
units in operation. Mr. Bell reports
that the attachment is proving ex
tremely popular with farmers. . Any
kind of a body derired either for
commercial or farm work can be built
for them and give satisfaction.
In Three Models
Haarmann-Locke Motors Co.
2429 Farnam Street
Omaha, Neb.
Phone Douglas 7940.
' Mm'
pense is paid is slightly encaper man
freight rates."
Mr Tl-nriB tnnVp hrieflv on tne
A1 . - J
Inral situation recrardinflr the securing
of cars and sales methods in this ter-
rin ii.iiaif nf t . o Knen ana
I Vll u i . . v. -
Bert Murphy, whom he said were too
bashful to speak, he thanked the deal
ers for their co-operation the last
vpar and welcomed tlim to. their
$how rooms and to the banquet.
Willvs-Kniaht Overland
. . ... p.
Appeals to inriny Buyers
tu- nrionri th thrift car. dis
played by the Van Brunt Automobile
company, is one ot .tne most popuwr
cars on display, together with Willys-
TCnicrht which occuoies the same
booth and is built on the same lines
,.Mtti tlii pvrpntinn of the motor. i
The designs of the cars are excep
tionally attractive. The original cost
nA Vi Inur iintreen rost of these Cars
aim m- r v , . I
iiirtc thp immediate attention Ot
the visitors following the thrift plans
that have been inaugurated by the
Mitchell Auto Dealers
Lunch at Fontenelle
The J. T. Stewart Motor company
gave a luncheon to Mitcneu aeaiers
.,f Fr.ntnp1li hotel at noon Wed
nesday. More than 75, dealers were
present. R. C. Reuschaw, vice presi
dent and general manager ot tne Mit
hoii rnmnanv wpre nresent from
Racine, Wis., and met with the deal
ers. . ' ,
John Tainsh, sales manager from
the factory, made a short talk ex
ditions and
advising the dealers on the probable
dirhculties they wouia encounter uur
ing the coming season.
Store Hours:
Open 8:30 a. m.
Close at 9 p. m.
You can own a
attractive new
for as little as
(Mom J
uglas St. . I
Wonderful New
Spring Blouses
$5, $5.95, $6.50
It's a Suit Season that also meana a Blouse
Season We're prepared with one of the strong
est, broadest, most select line of Blouses ever
featured by this store.
Hosts of new colors. Georgette and Crepe de
Chine are again the wanted fabrics. Many new
and different collar effects are featured. Come
Saturday and, select your new Spring Blouses.
ita Our Mr. Orkin. now in New
view these extremely clever new suns.
Fine Men's Wear Serge, Tricotines, Gabar
dines, Silvertones, Tricot, Poplins and
Flannel. Navy is the favorite color, but
close seconds are rookie, tan, taupe, marine
and Belgium blue and shepherd checks.
The new styles are distinctively pretty
Some severely tailored with ripple peplin
effects, smart vestees, long rolling lapels,
deep pointed fronts; belts are in favor; in
fact, the range of style is very broad this
fcori fcOQ50 feci and
Skirts never had so
much good style .
crowded into them :
as is evident this ;
spring. .1; .
Our new showines
are extremely broad ,;
-every want e d,
fabric is represent ,:
ed. Hundreds of
clever models are '
featured at
i si
Cadillacs at Cost
Don't buy a car until you have
seen and priced the Cadillacs we
are selling at a sacrifice of our
We are closing out our entire stock of
Cadillacs. Roadsters, Touring Cars,
Broughams, Phaetons and Victorias -the
brand new style 57, 1918 Models, and used
cars alike cut to actual cost to us.
Our large supply of Cadillac parts is also going at this
big reduction.
We expect most of these cars to be sold this week.
Many already have been snapped up.
This opportunity will not be open to you again. Come
now. Get your Cadillac.
On display at our building.
George F. Reim Co.
Telephone Harney 10. 3lst and Harney Sts.
M fl
r.lpar vour skin -
Malie your face
a business asset
, That skin-trouble may be more than
a source of suffering and embarrassment
it may be holding you back in the
business world, keeping you but of a
better job for which a good appearance
is required. Why ' 'take a chance" when
Ointment heals skin-eruptions so easily ?
Sample Ire Dept. 4-R, Relnol, Baltimore, Md.
APRIL 1, 1918
Every person In Wyoming' will be
required to list for taxation all tax
able property owned by him or under
hi. control as guardian or trustee on
April 1, 1918. i
Are your Investment, tax exempli
Fedural Farm Loan Bonds give
Exemption from local, .late anil
federal taxation, 4V4 per cent interest,
payable semi-annually, safety a snored
by V. H. government supervision, an
opportunity to help your country by
financing food production.
Denominations 11,000, S500, 10,
S50. S25.
Price 100. :
Mail subscriptions or wrlfo for fur
ther Information-to
E. D. MORCOM. Treasurer.
1249 W. O. W. Bide- Omaha:'
When Writinj to Our Advertisers
Mention Seeing it in The Bee