Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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P. L. Emerson Gives Compre
hensive Talk to Dealers; Ex
plains Means of Combating
Freight Car Shortage.
The dealers of the Nebraska Olds
mobile company organization were
guests of Charles A. Tucker last eve
ning at a dinner at the Fontenelle
The Nebraska Oldsmobile company
has probably made the most phe
nomenal growth of any Nebraska
automobile organization. This com
pany was organized one year ago and
since that time, due to the efforts of
Charles A. Tucker, has built up a
dealer organization 125 strong. This
organization, as young as it is, holds
second place in number of cars sold
for the Olds factory.
Emerson Is Spokesman.
Among the guests at the dinner
were P. L. Emerson, general sales
manager of the Oldsmobile factory;
A L. Bergsiem, district representa
tive for the factory; J. R. O'Neal,
manager of the Omaha branch, and
R. A. Harvey, a member of the firm.
Mr. Emerson was the spokesman of
the evening and gave a very compre
hensive talk regarding the Oldsmobile
Factory and the advances made bv it.
One year and a half ago the Olds
mobile factory was regarded as the
smallest unit of the General Motors
company organization and in that
short space of time it has been
brought up to second place. Recently
two large buildings have been con
structed, which gives the present site
just double the floor space and ca
pacity. Just Like Gold Bond.
The remarkableness of the progress
made by the Oldsmobile company is
very evident from its achievements.
Mr. Emerson regards the Oldsmobile
franchise as nothing short of a gold
bond contract. They have made
faster strides in putting production
through on a large scale than any
other General Motors company unit.
Innumerable obstacles have been
overcome in getting equipment for
shipping cars to dealers. In order to
get cars to dealers and avoid delays
the Oldsmobile factory has in some
cases sent out its own crews to
shovel snow from roads enroute to
Chicago, Grand Rapids, Michigan
City and Detroit
No Expense Spared.
Mr. Emerson said they had spared
no expense to help the dealers over
come the freight equipment problem.
"The past month's business and the
, business done at the Omaha Auto
show," asserts Mr. Emerson, "has ex
ceeded their wildest expectations.
ors nignt. as no society nignt nas
been designated, it is believed that
the society will be out en mass to
mingle with the boys in khaki and
blue and make the evening pleasant.
A special motor display was given
Auto show visitors yesterday after
noon when the fire department was
called to Fifteenth and, Howard
streets. A truck in front of the
Auditorium on fire, resulted in an
alarm being sent in that the building
was burning. A large part of the
motor driven apparatus responded.
The fire was easily 'extinguished.
The Card-Adams Motor company
will be hosts at a luncheon for
Chandler dealers at noon today.
C S. Hurst, sales manager of the
Olympian Motor Car company of
ronnac, iwicii., is auenumg me auio
show. While here he is assisting the
Dill Motor Car company in demon
strating the Olympian line.
Tuscania Victim Found.
A Scotch Port, Feb. 28. The find
ing at sea yesterday of the body of
James McKosky of Watervliet, N. Y.,
has increased to 212 the number of
Americans lost on the transport Tuscania.
increases strength ot delicate, nervous,
run-down people in ten days' time in
many instances. Used and highly en
dorsed by former United States Senators
and Members of Congress, well-known
physicians and former Public Health
Official. Ask your doctor or druggist
shout it.
Item of Interest Seen and
Heard at Omaha Exposition
The Douglas Motors corporation,
the only concern in Omaha manu
facturing passenger cars and trucks,
has a wonderful display of its prod
uct at the Auto show. '
The Douglas combination body truck
has attracted a great deal of attention
from visitors and factory representa
tives. Dealers are closing for the
line in the states of Nebraska, Iowa
and South Dakota.
The attractive four-passenger
speedster on display in the Douglas
exhibit has been sold to the com
pany's representative at Cincin
nati. O.
H. I. Gannett, secretary of the
company, is the designer of both the
Douglas speedster ana tne trucK.
CenTcre. K. Twitttnever. advertisine
manager for the Peerless Motor Car
company of Cleveland, is attending
the Auto show and assisting George
F. Reim, local distributor, in introduc
ing his cars in this territory.
The Stewart truck exhibit in the
lobby of the Fontenelle hotel is at
rtrtincr a trreat Hral of attention. The
greaseless bearings, eliminating oil
cups are examined with interest by
all. The big truck is placed directly
in front of the entrance where it must
be viewed by all visitors entering ana
leaving the hotel. The Jones-Opper
company, is distributor in nortnern
Nebraska and western Iowa.
Tonight will be "Soldiers and Sail-
How to Make an Inexpensive Mixture
That Will Darken Streaked or
Faded Gray Hair.
ctrool-prl nr faded hair can
be immediately made black, brown
or light brown, whichever shade you
desire, by the use of the following
that vnn ran make at home:
Merely get a small box of Orlex
powder at any drug store, iz costs
nnW 95 xonts nnri nn extras to buv.
Dissolve it m one ounce of water ana
comb it through the hair, run airec
tinna fnr uea nnmn in parh box.
WVIJB v " " ...
You need not hesitate to use Orlex,
as a $100.00 goia Dona comes in eacn
v,nv wiaroTitepinfT the user that Or-
lex powder does not contain silver,
lead, zinc, suipnur, mercury, anume,
a1-oii Tii-nHnpta nr their derivatives.
vuai'Mii j v.w , .
off. is not stickv or
V UV Vh- aavu w j v -
eummy and leaves the hair fluffy. It
"... , 1 1 1 u
will maKe a gray-nairea person mi
twenty years younger. auv.
A Sure Way To
End Dandruff
New Vapor Way
of Treating all
Cold Troubles
Ncrrth 'Carolina Druggist Iiu
rents a Salve That is
Vaporized by the
Body Heat
Particularly Valuable to Mothers
Druggists Are Offering 25c Jars
03i 30 Days' Trial.
I1 !
PnMn kra stmnlr Inflammations oil
the air passages and everybody knows
that the onlv war to reach, the air
passages direct Is by means of vapors
that can no mnaiea. ine oia-iaan-loned
vapor treatments however, were
cumbersome and costly, but a North
Carolina druggist solved this problem
by inventing a saire mat ia vapor
teed by the body heat.
This nrenaration. knownaa Tick
VapoRub, Is , now being . introduced
here. , Tne local druggists Know, tne
danger of constant "dosing," especially
in small children and are anxious
that all their customers should try
this new outsiae treatment. Ar
rangements have accordingly been
made with the manufacturers to sell
the Bmall size jars, price 25c, on 30
days trial no charge to do made ir
the customer, la not delighted with
the results.
Pnr riecm rheof oldff. BOTfl throat.
bronchitis, tonsilltls, or Incipient piiem
monla VapoRub should be applied over
the throat and chest and covered with
mm flannel cloth. The Tanon
arising carry the medication, with
each breath, to the air passages ana
lungs, in addition vapoKUD is ao-
anrhnA thri-inirh and stimulates the
Bkln taking out that tightness and
soreness in the chest
For head colds, bay fever, catarrh'
or asthmatic troubles VapoRub can
either be applied np the nostrils or a
little melted In a spoon and the vapors
Inhaled. Croup is usually relieved
within fifteen minutes and one appli"
cation at bedtime prevenUanight
Win the War by Preparing the Land,
Sowing the Seed and Producing
Bigger Crops.
Work in Joint Effort th SoU ol th. U. S.
and Canada -Co-openitiv. Farming in Man
Power Necessary to Win the Battle for Lib
erty. The Food Controllers of United States
and Canada are asking for greater food pro
duction. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of
wheat can be sent to the allies overseas be
fore the crop harvest Upon the efforts of
the United States and Canada rests the
burden of supply. Every Available Tillable
Acre Must Contribute; Every Available
Farmer and Farm Hand Must Assist. West
ern Canada has an enormous acreage to be
seeded, but man power is short, and an ap
peal to the United States allies Is for more
men for seeding operations. Canada's Wheat
Production Last Year was 225,000,000 Bush
els; the demand from Canada Alone for 1918
is 400,000,000 Bushels. To secure this she
must have assistance. She has the land, but
needs the men. The Government of the United
States wants every man who can effectively
help to do farm work this year. It wants the
land in the United States developed first,
of course; but it also wants to help Canada.
Whenever we find a man we can spare to
Canada's fields after ours are supplied, we
want to direct him there. Apply to our Em
ployment Service, and we will tell where
you can best serve the combined interests.
Western Canada's help will be required not
later than April 5th. Wages to competent
help, $50 a month and up, board and lodg
ing. Those who respond to this appeal will
get a warm welcome, good wages, good board
and find comfortable homes. They will get a
rate of one cent a mile from Canadian boun
dry points to destination and return. For
particulars as to routes and places where
employment may be had apply to
U. S. Employment Service, Dept. of Labor.
There is one sure way that has
never failed to remove aanaruii at
once, and that is to dissolve it, then
you destroy it entirely. To do this,
i-.ct- oKnnt fnnr nurrPPS of T)lain.
jUOb fccy '
common liquid arvon from any drug
store (tms is au you wui neeu;, ap
ply it at night when retiring; use
. I 1 11 1 1 M.U
enongn to moisten me scmp aim iuu
it in gently with the f niger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will complete
ly dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it, no matter
how much dandruff you may have.
You will find all itching and dig
, ging of the scalp will stop instantly,
and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous,
flossy, silky, and soft, and look and
eel a hundred times better. Adv.
Tfa wtQj S MS-
Mitt. S3 "! imZ
mm mhi ran
It WUI 1
Be Careful
to keep the stomach well, the
liver and bowels regular, by the
timely and helpful aid of
Largest Sale of Aay Medicine m Ae World
SoU everywhere, U boxes, 10c, Ma.
Two-Power Range Eight
rA Trickle of Power or a Torrent
REVISE your conviction that Big Power means constant
expense. With Two-Power Ranges, you may send the
power to your rear wheels in a tiny; trickle-or, if need
be, in a rushing torrents ' " ; i - '"
For everyday utility driving you use a trickle of power
in a soft, smooth, even flow and operate with no more
expense than if you had no big reserve of power and speed.
For the occasional distance-driving you Have eighty Horse power ready on the in
stant, to level the steepest grades to make time laugh at distance to vie with any,
contender no matter what its "class." - -., . v v
For utility driving you have an excess of agility and smoothness with economy.
For distance driving you have an excess of power and speed unhampered.
Let us show you the satisfaction of owning one car which combines these opposite
virtues which charms you with its "dual personality."
0E all ordinary uses the Peer
less operates entirely within
its "loafing" range of power.
In this range the performance is
notable for its soff, smooth agility
and all absence of apparent effort.
And in this range it performs on
half rations consuming fuel so
sparingly as to shame many a
lesser powered six even many a
(Weight, 3,500 Pounds)
Four-Passenger Roadster ...$2,840
Two-Passotiger Sporting
Roadster $2,490
Four-Passenger Coupe $2,850
Six-Passenger Sedan $2,01)0
Seven-Passenger Limoslne ..$3,690
F. 0. B. Cleveland, Ohio.
Subject to Change Without Notice,
. The
AS you open the throttle and
reach what you would con
ceive to be the car's limit of power
and speed, you automatically re
lease her double poppets and ut
terly change the character of her
In her "sporting" range she has
the attributes of a racer. Un
commonly severe grades are as
nothing any speed you would
dare is yours to command
George F. Reim Company,
Plume Harney 10.
GEORGE P. REIM, President.
Distributors for Nebraska and Southwestern Iowa.
31st and Harney Sts.
. t
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