Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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japan to Help Allies Me
War on Germany in Russia
Nippon Statesmen Believe It
Anarchy in Siberia, Where Great Quantities of
Supplies May Fall Into Hands of
German Hordes.
I . (Staff Correspondent New York Tribune)
1 London, Feb. 28. (Special Cablegram to New York Tri
bune and Omaha Bee.) More active participation in the war
on the part of Japan seems to be one of the direct consequences
of the development of events in Russia. ,
f That Japan will consider it necessary to end the state of
anarchy in Siberia, is believed by many.
How large a military force and when it could be put into
Siberia are questions which cannot be answered definitely for
the present, but it is well known tnsty
Tanan has an armv equipped for er
rice comparing favorably with Eur.
opean standards. . " " ,
? According to reports, German and
Austrian prisoners have seised part
of the transsilerian railway. They
hardly can be prepared to withstand
an attack by even a small properly
armed and officered force.
The movement of an army across
Siberia would be a slow job. For a
Ion time there has been considerable
agitation in France for greater use of
Japan's military strength, and it has
been suggested that Japanese troops
be brought to European battle fields.
V The same great transportation prob
lem which is handicapping America.
affects Japan.
i: In the eastern theater the obstacles
are not so difficult, and it may be Ja-
v pan will soon take the field to protect
IPS'T-SS' lrtdtmrk,"HUMMMf, Voice." It U on all gtnuin. . HpWPI
Jlpf'f ' f Victor TalWuj Machine Company. j
if-?- '" W
5 ; . ; ;
I f' i ",.;' ' ,tyktaMk the Bsajstsia Tta.aaf tUVfctse ialkk ksacUat CemssBS' dtstanatfaa the selects efttie Cecaptay eatr. jj
Necessary to End State of
property, even though ihe doesn t
engage the German army.
Thus far Japan's effort has been
confined to assistance in the patrol
of the Mediterranean and adjacent
waters with her torpedo boats.
Washington, Feb. 27. Japan has
directed inquiries to the entente pow
ers, and the United' States govern
ment, to test their feeling towards a
proposal to institute joint military
operations in Siberia to save the vast
quantities of war supplies stored at
Vladivostok and along, the Siberian
Criticism at home of the failure of
Japan to play a larger part in the
war is said to have been influential
in bringing about the negotiations..
Officials here refuse to discuss this
subject for publication, but it is un
derstood, so far as 'America is con
cerned,, the proposition when first
broached was not wholly 'acceptable
Jascha Heifetz again displays his genius
The wonderful young Russian's mastery of the violin is
evidenced in this brilliant rendition of Elgar's dainty "La
Capricicuse" which cannot fail to captivate you.
yistrola Rd Stal Record 64760. Tea-loch, It I
A channing Neapolitan song by De Luca
.. A simple, tuneful Italian "Pastorale." The noted baritone
sines it in a lively mood that is altogether in the happy spirit
of the song. v vkts4Seatstcer4tm xwuu,n
De Gogorza sings the fascmatijtig "Margarita,,
. "Thou Art Near Me, Margarita" is a beautiful song with a
.Hunting melody, arid, de Gogorza's interpretation is one you
will delight to hear. : . - i
, . VlctroU Red $eil Record 6473. Ten-Inch, fl
Sousa's Band plays two stirring new ousa marchec.
Delightful solos by Werrenrath and Murphy.
Two lively dances by Waldorf Astoria Dance Orchestra.
Two Collections of Musical Comedy "Gems." Three Superb Operatic and Concert Arias.
Six Interestine Popular War Sones. Two Descriptive Trench-life Specialties.
Hear these new Victor Records to-day at any Victor dealerV Ht will s-tadlv tire too a complete
list and play any mueic you with to hear. Saenger Voice Culture Record art invaluable to
vocal ttudcntaatk to hear them.
Victors and Vktrolas in great variety from $10
Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J.
Important Notice. Victor Racorda and Victor Machines are scientific
ally coordinated and synchronized in the processes of manufacture, and their
use, one with the other, ia absolutely essential to a perfect reproduction.
though the exchanges on the subject,
which are still in progress, may re
sult in modifying the government's
; Accumulated at Vladivostok are
military supplies of all kinds, much
of American manufacture; and even
greater-quantities of. Japanese origin,
which were delivered long before the
bolsheviki took possession of the
Russian government. The Stevens
commission of American engineers
made extraordinary efforts to improve
the facilities of the Siberian railroad
so that these stores could be trans
ported westward for the use of the
Russian army on the German and
Austrian fronts. 1
Great Quantity Remains.
A good deal of accumulation was
removed, but great quantities remain
on the docks and in warehouses, and
even in the open, both at Vladivostok
and at points westerly on the rail
road. The material suffers greatly
from deterioration through exposure,
but the principal matter of concern
to the allies is the danger that the
stores should fall into the hands of
the Germans, who may make their
delivery a condition of any peace
treaty, which they may compel the
bolsheviki to sign. 1
This situation is regarded by the
Japanese as warranting military ac
tion on their part. They are quite
willing to have the co-operation of the
entente and Amerfban forces, and the
problem now before the co-belligerents
is whether Japan shall be allowed
to proceed single handed, if such a
campaign is begun, or whether there
shall be joint operations. It has been
argued that ther should be a com
bination movement to avoid any ques
tion as to the ultimate disposition of
occupied territory in Siberia.
Ships Bar Movement
From the tone of the discussion of
this subject in official Washington, it
appears that, while the entente gov
ernments incline favorably to a joint
campaign with Japan in Siberia, they
are faced with the obstacle that prac
tically none of them has any troops
or ships available for an Asiatic cam
paign. This statement does not apply,
however, to America, which not only
has some powerful cruisers with large
crew and marine contingents now
in Asiatic waters, but in addition has
to $400. Period atylea to order from $375
about 20,000 troops in the Philip
pines, and two full battalions, about
900 strong, in China, and on the rail
road where they could be rushed
quickly into Siberia.
To Act Together.
While that American force would
be insignificant compared to Japan's,
the participation of the American
troops in the campaign would serve
to maintain its international charac
ter .'
The Russian representatives m
Washington strongly disapprove of
any campaign in Siberia conducted
under Japanese auspices, even though
there be joint operations urging the
belief that the bolsheviki elements
struggling foicontrol at Vladivostok
and along the Siberian railroad will
never permit the military stores to
pass into German possession.
Spanish Shipping Easier
Prey Than French or Italian
Madrid, Feb., 28. The Spanish
press announces today without official
confirmation the torpedoing of the
Spanish ship Sarniero. Efforts to ob
tain the official confirmation elicited
this comment:
"U-boats obtain better results
against Spanish shipping than against
Italian and French tonnage last
Baltimore Textile Workers
Vote to Strike on March 1
Baltimore, Feb, 28. The textile
union workers at the Woodberry and
Mount Vernon Cotton Duck mills
here tonight at a secret meeting called
a strike to take effect on March 1.
These mills have government con
tracts for cloth and tentage for the
Wisconsin Solon May Run
For Seat in Upper House
Washington, Feb. 28. While nego
tions were in progress today for a
largely attended conference of repub
licans in Wisconsin to determine upon
support of some candidate for the
United States senatorship. five mem
bers of the Wisconsin delegation in
the house urged Representative Allan
Cooper to run, and he took the matter
under advisement' ,
to $950.'
1, 1918.
Chairman Woods of Congres
sional Committee Says He Is
irr Complete Accord With
New Party Manager.- :
Washington, Feb. 28. Chairman
Hays of the republican national com
mittee began a series of conferences
here today with party leaders at na
tional headquarters after a formal
Qhe fashion Center Jon
Children's Colored
Dresses for Spring
The very prettiest of dainty
dresses of fine chambray
and plain gingham, in pink,
green, maize, light blue ; all
hand smocked ; sizes 2 to 6
years, at $2.35, $2.50, $3,
. $3.50, $4.50.
Children's fine madras
dresses, hand trimmed, in a
delightful manner; shown
in tan, Copenhagen, rose
and, green; 8, 10 and 12
year sizes, $4.50 and $4.75.
White middy dresses with
pleated detachable skirts; 6
to 12 years, $2, $2.25, $3.50
and $4.50.
Third Floor.
A new fabric that is particularly
well adapted to children's sum
mer garments. Tobralco resem
bles madras, but has a soft lus
trous finish. Designs are good,
dainty stripes and small block
effects. For hard wear, good ap
pearance and ability to with
stand frequent tubbings there
is nothing better tfcaa tobralco.
27 inches wide, 10c a yard.
White Goods Section.
Toilet Requisites
Emery Boards, 10c dozen,
Cutex Cuticle Remover, 2$e.
Almond and Benzoin, a sooth
ing lotion for hands and face,
at ZSe. j
New Coats
Models that ! are truly fashion
able in design, fabric and color;
, workmanship of the highest char
acter features these new coats
: for $25 and $35.
No extra charge for alterations.
A Hartmann Wardrobe Trunk
These trunks embody the best features of
trunk construction, including lift top, heavily
"Omaha's Best Baggage Builders"
Your Fortune Possible
From $30
1 Wonderful Opportunity
MAKE US PROVE IT I Send immediately for free Gusher Oil Bulle
tin. Hot off the press. Full of official maps, photographs and United
States government reports. "
You Purchase Geologically Approved Oil Land
NOT OIL STOCK, but a full quarter acre tract of real oil land ap
proved by the best geologists in the world. Warranty deed with each
tract. . .
We Guarantee To Drill Two Big Wells
Ontf to be drilled on this wonderful prospective property and one on
our positively proven lease in Famous Humble Gusher Oil Field, al
ready surrounded by. big wells, with oil positively proven to be on
our lease. .
50 Of All Profits Goes To Our Purchasers
We believe our Humble Lease alone should enable us to pay you 500
per cent annually on this investment, and when we bring in oil on
our prospective property we believe every one of our purchasers will
be able to make enormous profits by leasing or jelling their quarter
acre tracts. One well of 2,000 barrels per day on your tract should
earn you royalties of approximately 400 per day.
( Send at once for free bulletin.
Gulf Coast Development Company
740 Firt National Bank Bldg. 1 Phona Tyler 398. Omaha, Neb.
call at the capitol on Senator Gal
linger of New Hampshire, republican
leader in the senate, and on Repre
sentative Woods of Iowa, chairman
of the republican congressional cam
paign committee. Chairman Hays
will meet Senator Johnson of Cali
fornia and other progressives.
After the conference Representa
tive Woods said he was in complete
accord with Mr. Hays' harmony pro
gram and would co-operate with the
national committee in the republican
congressional campaign.
Tonight Chairman Hays was a
guest of Washington newspaper men
at a dinner, and in a speech reiterated
his policy of conducting party affairs
on the "open door" basis.
"The open door policy in political
matters, in my opinion," he said, "not
only includes the equal, unhampered
participation in the management of a
party's affairs by the party member
ship, but also a frank, honest and
Showing Tailored Serge Dresses
For Immediate Wear. Priced $25
Various attractive new'
styles are. being shown
each expressing' the latest
ideas of spring fashions.
They are notable examples
j of the finest dress making,
A Special $5 Hat Sale
Unusual Values for $5
Silk Boot Hose
Are But 85c a Pair
They take' 'the place of all
silk on many occasions, for
boot hose are silk where
they show, but are of lisle
where wear is hardest in
the tops and soles. Shown
in white, black, bronze,
brown, gray, silver and
champagne, 85c a pair.
padded inside. This arrange
ment makes every garment
accessible and prevents them
from falling off the hangers.
Shoe box conveniently plac
ed in front. Large hat box
and plenty of space for linen
and underwear
$30.00. $35.00.
$39.00. $45.00.
for Shrewd Investors
full advisement of the public of the
party's purposes, activities and -accomplishments."
, ,
Berlin Strike Pamphlets -Roundly
Denounce Kaiser
London, Feb. 28. Some of the
pamphlets which were secretly circu
lated in Berlin during the recent
strikes consisted of savage attacks on
the German emperor, a fact which was
admitted and deprecated recently by
the German newspapers, have reached
Liverpool. .
The document ends with a long de
nunciation of the ambition, vanity and
personal cowardice of the emperor.
Two Americans Killed.
Colon, Feb. 28. Two Americans
whose namts are not known have
been killed in the Costa Rican insur
rection, according to a message re
ceived here. ,':
and though moderate in
price are fitted to grace the
wardrobes of well gowned
women. Private display
rooms at your disposal A
decided convenience.
You'll gain materially
in this sale Friddy, be
cause the hats offered
are remarkable values
for $5. They ordinarily
sell for considerably
more, but we purchased
them especially for this
sale, consequently the
$5 price. All new from
the makers' needle.
Friday Second Floors
Aprons for Service
Office aprons of black sat
een, full skirt length; a very
good quality, all sizes, $1.
Black sateen aprons in med
ium and small sizes, at -35c,
40c, 60c.
Maid's white aprons, plain
or trimmed styles, long or
short bibs, at 50c to $1.
Third Floor.
is an old company, incor
porated under the laws of
Nebraska, has assets of
nearly $900,000, and a
surplus of over $100,000.
It ofers to the public
based upon mortgages
covering improved real
Will bear closest scrutiny.
A most attractive invest
ment. Their soundness i3
unquestioned. Mail orders
Home Builders, W'
American Security Co., Fis. Aft.
Douglas and 17th St.
Omaha, Neb.
3m Vakt9
. jif I VtV Selling
VtU1 bi vtieeab!e
VS?--. A vfour cariv