THE VEbl: OMAHA, THUK5DAY, r'LBKUAKX U8, 1918. EVERYBODY WANTS TOHAVMLLEN CAR Carl Changstrcm Asserts He Never Went Through a Sea son Where Demand Set in So Early. "They all insist on having Allen cars," says Carl Changstrom, presi dent of the Standard Motor Car com pany. "I left a new Allen car stand ing in front of the garage while I was away the other night and on my re turn discovered that thieves had at tempted to steal it. They coasted the car from Thirty-sixth street to Thirty first street, where it was abandoned. "The new model lock on the Allen this year baffled them and they were unable to start the motor. I want everyone to drive an Allen car, but prefer a deposit before the car is driven away." Want to See Trucks. In speaking of the show Mr. Chang strom said: "The most wonderful thing about the show is the spirit ex hibited by the visitors. Everyone seems interested in the exhibits and the crowds that are attending are marvelous. "Great interest is being shown in the truck line and we have closed sev eral large contracts for Defiance trucks. The farmers and others obliged to do hauling are commencing to realize the saving by motor trans portation and are taking advantage of the big show to pick out the trucks best adapted to their use." The Allen and Westcott cars of the Standard Motor company are tastily displayed on the stage of the Audi torium and the classy colors in which these cars are being painted this year is attracting attention to the line. Air Cushions Liked. Allen cars in tan and green are two of the most popular showings in the medium priced car. The air cushion springs of the Allen, the same as are being used on many of the higher priced cars, brought forth favorable comment from visitors. -The great attention to details in the construction of the Westcott cars was noticeable by all. The chummy roadster and sedan on display were constantly being admired. In the sedan as part of the regular equip ment are electric cigar lighters, clock and many little features that add to the pleasures and conveniences of mo tor trips. Two More Committees of C. of C. Are Appointed Two more working committees of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce have been appointed as follows: Municipal Affairs Committee Gould Dietz, chairman; George F. West, vice chairman; W. G. Brandt, J. P. Breen; F. A. Broad well, C. A. Grimmel, A. A. Lamoreaux, G. A. Magney, II. G. Moorhead, J. W. Par rish, L. R. Slonecker and R. N. Towl. War Activities Committee Randall K. Brown, chairman; W. D. McHugh, vice chairman; Joseph Barker, A. S. Borglum, Dr. W. O. Bridges, W. M. Burgess, Edwin' B. Clarke, J. C. Dahl man, T. J. Donahue, D. H, Farrell, Joseph Hayden, F. W. Judson, Charles L. Keller, J. L. Kennedy, H. G. Kiddoo, C. T. Kountze. A. D. Mar riott, W, H. Metcalfe, II. W. Morrow, a i".. !i ir - n -. c i) u : i t. r. xviuucii, ix. . x cici.i, v. tjt x mi- lips, A. C. Scott and W. W. Sla-I baugh. I BOWIE RETURNS TO SALES FORCE OP H. PELTON i,Sb fa Douglas Bowie, one of the oldest salesmen on auto row, has returned to the II. Pelton organization and is busily engaged at the auto show demonstrating the Franklin and Mar nion models. He is enthusiastic and optimistic over the outlook for sales in the Omaha territory this year. "It is evident from the attention being at tracted by the Franklin and Marmon models on display that we are going to have a big year," said Mr. Bowie. The Franklin and Marmon exhibit is one of the most attractive features at the show. With an imposing place in the center of the Auditorium stage Mr. Pelton has taken advantage of his opportunity and beautifully deco rated his exhibit. The massive Marmon and Franklin cars, in themselves enough to attract more than passing attention, are sur rounded by cut flowers and decorated with appropriate cords and ribbons. In the selections of cars and designs for show purposes the utmost care was shown. IVIotor Car is America's Greatest Gift to Allies "A famous writer, who has six times visited the shell-ripped fields of Europe, has raid that of all the sup plies, commodities and manufactured articles shipped to the allies, the au tomobile is the one and only Ameri can product that has proven 100 per cent equal to the gruelling usage of war," says T. C. Stubbs, manager of the Western Motor Car company. "And so I say, the man that would now throw the motor industry over board is the same fanatic that would dump life-preservers into the sea to lighten the load of a ship in a storm. And there is- no difference between throwing the industry overboard or puncturing it with the knife of ill-advised legislation. "The great automobile business is the life preserver of 5,000,000 Ameri can stomach. It is the thing that must keep 5,000,000 heads above water while the war-storm continues in its fury. "One-fifth of the population of the United States have their very exist ence pinned to this vast business of motor cars. And 5,000,000 people is nearly twice as many as live in the state of California." You can secure a maid, stenogra pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee Want Ad. - NEW HOLMES CAR ATTRACTS CROWDS Air Cooled Motor Admired by Motorists (Visiting Exhibit in the Woodmen of the World Building;. A crowd that goes in curious and comes out converted aud enthusiastic is passing daily through the show rooms, where the new Holmes car is being shown to the Omaha public in the Woodmen of the World building, Fourteenth and Farnam streets. At nearly every hour of the day and evening a keen-eyed, interested group, many men deep, surrounds each of the half dozen models, complete in every detail, which. Arthur Holmes, presi dent and designer of the Holmes Au tomobile company, has brought on from his big factory at Canton, O. Naturally the long swallow flight curves of the Holmes car first attract attention.- "It suggests movement to me even while it is still," one visitor phrased the impression made by the finely proportioned and balanced body. Even the mudguard is shaped in two curves instead of one tf accentuate for eye and imagination the forward rush of the machine. The expert motorists, of whom there are many among the Holmes car visitors, note with satisfaction the always dependable air-cooling system. While they discuss the advantage of the unit power plant and other engi neering improvements, women are ex pressing admiration for the comfort and the smart yet conservative ap pointments of the Holmes car. As one man put it;-"This Holmes car is the only one I've ever seen which suits me and suits my wife, too." Both Omaha people and out-of-town visitors have proved by their warm reception of the Holmes car that there wa3 a widespread and definite desire for a new American automobile built for beauty and for service. Goodyear Rubber Company Creates New Cushion Tire A new cushion tire has just been announced by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company, which in many classes of service renders the most economical service of any tire that has yet been developed. This tire has been in preparation for more than two years and has sur vived the most rigid experimental tests demanded of it. In appearance it resembles the regular solid rubber tire, but in construction it is quite ditterent. I he tread is of practical wearing thickness equal to that of similar sized solid tires. In cross sec tion, it somewhat resembles an in verted Y, with a fabric reinforced double base fitting in a clincher- flanged rim. A metal ring running through the center holds the double bases of the tire in a veritable vice, preventing tliem from buckling and eliminating all likelihood of the tire's twisting or slipping from the rim. It is exceptionally resilent and soft enough that in contact with the road service it spreads out over a much larger area than a solid rubber tire of the same size. In actual service some remarkable mileages have been secured, ranging from 25,000 to 45, 000 miles on one and two-ton trucks to which the new cushion tire seems to be peculiarly adapted.. ir ii An Artistic Car With a Warrior's Heart LXOUIS1TELY modeled and built, a smart ttav- 0eler of city street or country road, the Molinc Knight is nevertheless a car to meet the hardest rest or service, its smart elegance, prizeu uy uic fasfirlinns motorist, nrlnrns a mowd nnwef find dependability, every motorist needs. The modish Moline-Knight is built around an engine at home alike on battlefield and asphaltum drive. Canada specified a Moline-Knight sleeve valve motor for its War Truck. British military engineers would have none but a Knight in The Tanks. Here in America, New York and Chicago motor buses in motor distress called the Moline-Knight to the rescue. ill tion, Noiseless,1 immune to carbon corrosion and pre-igni-an, it is the de luxe engine for the de luxe passenger car. Learn the gracefulness and elegance of the Moline-Knight car by a visit to the Automobile Show. In space Armory B-7 you will find the Special De Luxe, the Sedan and the Chummy Roadster in both 40 and SO H. P. models. Each is a classic, but we urge your especial consideration of the Moline-Knight Special De Luxe, a seven passenger luxury. car for fastidious motorers; $2250 F. O. B. factory. Our exhibit will convince you of the tasteful beauty of this car. Let us take you for a rapid spin over the roughest road you may care to pick and prove what a Moline-Knight motor in a Moline-Knight car means in comfort and all-around motoring enjoyment. Mid. by ROOT 6t VAN DERVOORT ENGINEERING CO. East Moline, ILL , KNUDSON AUTO CO., Distributor 2059 Farnam St. Phone 6531. r I V- ma m I t "Get Out and Get Under" Has No Meaning for Grant Owner While there may have been a point to the song, "Get Out and Get Un der," that was so popular a few years ago, the n.otor car of today lias- been so greatly improved in accessibility that it is hard to believe that there ever could have been automobiles of the old-fashioned type. - j "It wasn't a question merely of sav ing the car owner a lot of work and trouble, though we wanted to do all we could in that direction," says George S. Salzman, head of the engi neering department of the Grant Mo tor Car corporation, "but equally a matter of insuring that Grant sixes would be properly taken care qf, that led us to pay a great deal of atten tion to the matter of accessibility. "We believe the Grant Six is as near to being absolutely automatic as a motor car can be. It has been our aim to build a car requiring a mini mum of attention. But we shall prob ably never get to a point where a motor car will work as well or last as long when the owner forgets- to screw up the grease cups or change his dirty oil as it will when he is thoughtfti1 enough to give his car the very slight attention that is all it asks for." Survey to Be Made of War Work Done by Gate City A survey of the war work done bv Omaha and Douglas county is to be made at once at the direction of the State Council for Defense. The work is to be done through W. D. McHugh, chairman of the Douglas County Council for Defense. This will in volve a complete table of the activi ties, such as the Liberty loan cam paign, the Red Cross work, the war stamp campaign and all activities in which the people have given their services to me cause. Light Showers and Snow Flurries Throughout State While there is no return of winter weather, the brand that is reported to the railroads from out in Nebraska and Wyoming is not sonnelike. Reports indicate temperatures of 24 to 40 above zero throughout Ne- DrasKa, wnn ugnt snowers and snow flurries. It was considerably warmer Tues day and some of the streams showed signs of breaking up. Out in the state Tuesday night the weather turned colder and checked the thaw ing. Lone Highwayman Robs Man of Money and Watch Stanley Pospichal, 1461 South Fif teenth street, was held up by a lone highwayman Tuesday night at Fif teenth and Harney streets and robbed of $3.50 and his watch. Power Transmitter New Evolution in Auto World The Auto Power company, in the First National bank building, reports remarkable sales for "The Wizard" automobile power transmitter. It is a devise for transmitting direct power from the crankshaft of any automo bile to other machinery. The transmitter is considered ideal for use in any parage, machine shop or on the farm. It connects to the car without boring single hole in the car or making other changes except removing the crank. It can .be at tached or detached in a very few min utes. The attachment is portable and said to be ideal for use in furnishing power for corn shelters, buzz saws, feed grinders, electric light plants, concrete mixers, pumping water and around the farm house for churning, wood saws, washing machines and cream separators. War Makes for Efficiency In American Industries "That the war is making for ef ficiency in American industry is no where better evidenced than in the effect it has had on the traffic depart ments of the various automobile con cerns," says G. H. llouliston, man ager of the Hupmobile company of Nebraska. "A few years ago the average efficient traffic manager would have told you that the possi bilities for packing automobiles in various types of freight equipment were exhausted; that nothing new could be devised or discovered until freight cars were made a different size or a different shape. Under the stress of present traffic conditions, in the Hupmobile factory alone, some half dozen new ways of packing cars for shipment have been devised - in the last six months. Other factories have been equally enterprising. The re sult is that the general standards of efficiency in the shipping departments have been perceptibly raised ' and raised for all time." That extra room will pay your coal bill. Rent it through a Bee Want Ad. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER DURING AUTO SHOW WEEK You Have Tried the RestNow Try the Best. American Oil Products Co. 606 First National Bank Bldg. Tyler 430. Peerless Auto Oil, Ford Special Auto Oil, Amproco Auto Oil, Amberine Auto Oil, Eagle Auto Oil, Oklapride Auto Oil, Tractor Oils and Greases. 606 DIFFERENTIAL AND TRANSMISSION GREASES TANCEDO-SWEEPING COMPOUND-TANCEDO 10-SAVING COUPON-10 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ALLOWED. AMERICAN OIL PRODUCTS CO 191. 606 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . Please Bhip the following oils or grease : Size of Drums we ship: 10, 20, SO, 50 and 66-Gallon Steel Drums with Faucet Name Address ............... SAVE THIS COUPON! Send for our price list. When ordering goods from us, send this coupon and you may deduct 10 per cent from net price list. pnoot iMJJM TBI fra3fr rvf kr htj, w i .... , ,i i,t--f a rcrMP"j i vni iv&e-M wm: j-fiM.- .v-v j in si. ii iiiuiu i JI mil Jlv ds5) s-rf .A M Phone Doug. 5383. T7TTi fi? h wwm redwaw: V 1 rLLjr "Fourdor." RoUter II ' V x ' V ' -PBf r Opn Car S CWP S-Plumir Open Cur 7 . EeSSBJy 7-Pitntr Sedan i U f5r 4-Paienrr Coup 'CJL ii S-Puenir Town Car tlx IT wmeticds F.rst Car Time-Tested Engines Beautiful New Bodies FOR close upon a quarter century each Haynes engine ft has been Haynes built. "Haynes cars have good engines" is the resultant oft-heard tradi tion. No model has proved aught but a success. More than three years ago, from out this long experience, a light, speedy, rugged six-cylinder Haynes engine was perfected. Such fleetness in the get-away, such flexibility in high gear, such surplus pulling power did it de velop on so little gasoline, that it was heralded "America's Great est Light Six Engine." Today, virtually identical in its construction it retains that title. Tens of newer sjxes have sought to rival it. None has paralleled its record for owner usage. More than 20,000 are m use.. Their speedometers register a Quarter billion miles. That the latest Haynes Light Six engine is the counterpart of these fore-runners testifies elo quently to the maturity long since attained. Thus the heart of each new, beautifully modernized big Haynes "Light Six" of today is this same sound mature, owner tested motor. Long continued satisfaction can be your sole heri tage in choosing a Haynes. "America's Greatest Light Twelve Engine," likewise a Haynes, is upholding the cher ished Haynes traditions amid multi-cylinder motor cars. We will weleom ytmr.rliit. Inspect th elerea new tottinft f tbete two "ret- est American motors. ' Kaoh beds it worthy oi the loyal heart beneath . itt bood. Need more be said r HAYNES AUTO COMPANY 2032 Farnam Street. $1,850 1,950 1,830 2,585 2,535 3,250 Haynes "Light TweWet" Wire Whesls, Cord Tires "Fondon" Roadster 7-Passcngor Open Car 7- Passanfar Sodan: 4-Passcnf r Coups 8- Passsager Town Car 2.T8S 2.785 3,385 3,338 3,885 Demountable Tops for all Open Models, $300. These prices f. o. b. Kokorao, Ind. Add $44 so cover war tax. t