r i ABIE THE AGENT I$,WYvrKEACY vrHCSC SPARK PUif5 VJHKT T0 X CARE V You've GoT Tb MO. I NEVEP. 9 dWiC Mr AK!rtrHRJ. 0J SOIDJWEAFE STARKPlVXiS AK WO tjOCD-iOU Vc ONES rOR IHKtt VNuHTnt .mr-wl C KMC H GCTTO GIVE ME MMe vwnr here, t GWEYOUCM tCOVWMrV-XW SCHHCB6EL! ANOTHER 5tT rWi NOUEVERX)tNL FOR ME,? INTHB STORE? V . in M1RD pWlDtNO IN . SSBSKeka I SET r"KBE! cEtfrpRoFvroN IT J Copyright 1111. International , News Service. -3 3 MONTHS LATER DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY HERSCHFIELD '3. Dies i irTTiriTF:yrr!r.i THE BEE: OMAHA "AT -, "7 -Si, 2 S y- i Want Ad Rates (Cuh With Order.) lfta per word ....each Insertion t pr word for tbr eonseeutlvo Insertions la per word lor en additional insertion No (4 takia for bet than total of 20 r las than 10 par day. CHARGE 4 per Hue (eoont words to Hne) en time la per line eacn time, s consecutive rain To pet line eaeh time, 80 eonseeutlvo timet SITUATIONS WANTED 26 per line per week CARDS OF THANKS AND . FUNERAL NOTICES ' lOe per line.... ,,...ach insertion (Minimum Chars a, SO Centa.) i ; Contract Rate Oa Application For convenient of advert litre want ad will bo accepted at the following offieeit MAIN OFFICE... Be Building Ann Office.,... 4110 North 4th St, Lake Office Stll North 4th St. Vloton Office..... ..1711 Vinton Bt Park Office 261S Leavenworth Bt Walnut Office 1 North 40th St South Side ......ZI1S N Bt Council Bluffs 14 Main 8U North THE BEHS will not be ruponsiblo for sots than on incorrect insertion of an ad Tertiiement ordered for mora than ona time. TJe THE TELEPHONE if yen eannot eon veniently brine or send your ads to any of the above offices. Ask for a Want Ad Taker and yon whl receive the same good service. aa wnea oeuvenng jour aa in person. PHONE TYLER 1000 Want Ad Column Close Evening Editions. 1!:00 M. Morning Editions 10:00 P. M. Sunday Editions.. 10 P. M. Saturday Evening MOVIE PROGRAM North. ALU AM BRA. S4TH AND PARKER LAST CHAPTER, "WHO IS NUMBER ONE?" O. HENRY "MUTT AND JEFF." ORAND, UTH AND BINNKT DOROTHY D ALTON, in "THE PRICE MARK." South. APOLLO, 1TH AND LEAVENWORTH FRANKLYN FARNUM. in "THE FIGHTING GRIN." ROHLFP, IMS LEAVENWORTH DUSTIN FARNUM, in "THE SPY." West DUNDEE, tlBT AND UNDERWOOD NO SHOW TODAT. THUR8DAT WILL BB MR", VERNON CASTLE, In "VENCJEANCB IS MINE." ' DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. BKOW Laurence a X, aged 14 years. 1 month. I days, at his home north .of yiorenoe, February It, 1011. a Funeral Thursday afternoon at I o'clock from N. P. 8wanson'a chapel, 17th and Cuming atreete, to Foreet Lawn cemetery. Frlende are welcome. Interment private. BKR08TROM Mathilda, aged 41 yeara. 1 monthe, SO daya, at her home, 411 Center . street, February, 1(11. Funeral Tbureday afternoon at I o'elock from N. P. Swanson'a chapel, 17 th and Cuming streets, to Forest Lawn cemetery. Frlende are welcome, "NOTICE W. C. O. 8. members of Holy Family Court, No. tit, are requeated to attend the funeral of Slater Catherine . Qloden, J611 Davenport street, at 1:10 a. m. Thursday, to Saint John's church at , 0:10. By order of Johanna Downing, i Chief Ranger, and Elisabeth Foran, Recording Secretary. , SEELEY Ava Clarene, Infant child of Mr. 1 and Mrs. Clarence E. Beelny. j Funeral private, Wedneeday at It a. tn. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits te wed have beeen Issued to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Cecil K. Bockhacker. Omaha............ 16 Dora Nelson, Omaha... , 2S Pedro R. Oomes, Omaha................ II May L. Eastman, Omaha 14 Edwin T. Bdrrell, Omaha.............. It Emma Oladen, Omaha.... 11 George Haraann, Elkhorn, Neb II Anna H. Schroeder, Elkhorn, Neb....... It Joseph Hacken, Chicago, 111 41 Ellen Tchatsky, Omaha........ 01 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Albln and Mary E. Kupper, Fort Crook, boy; Fred C. and Clara M. Blossles, 210t South Twenty-fifth, girl; John and Clara Klockner, llti Parker, boy; John I and Nellie Laird, 1611 North Twenty-ninth, girl; Joeet and Frances Ryba, till South Twenty-ninth, boy; Clifford and Elisabeth Walton, 4M0 Capitol avenue, girl; William R. and Mary B. Foafaler, 24SI Pratt, boy; Henry and Lonsetta Beddlez, till North Twenty-eeventh avenue, boy; Ben and Fan nie Abrahameon. 1(11 Clark, boy; Earl and Kva Crealy, S124 North Twenty-fourth, boy; Byron E. and Mabel Laird, hospital, boy. Deaths Mrs. lva M. Mahon, 41, Dewey apartmenta; Baley Thraaher, 1 daya, 1611 North Twenty-second; George Buel, 40, hos pital; Laura B. Murphy, St, Olson; Mrs. Mary Stefacek. 10, hospital. BUILDING PERMITS. Clarkson Memorial hospital, SOU Howard, brick laundry, 17.000. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers, 14 4k Hsr. D. 1ST. E. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Dlreotora. T. L. Fero. Mgr., SSd and Cuming Sta Phone Douglaa 477. Auto ambulance. alUWE RIEPEN, undertakers and em balmera. 101 B. ltth. Douglas 1S2I. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, underUker and embalmer, Stll Farnam Bt D. 1661. - FLORISTS. BEING a member of the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery association, we are tn position to deliver flowers at short notice anywbsr In the United States and Canada. Hees snd Swoboda, Florists. 'VrJta! LEE L. LARMON Kit Douglas Bt. , Douglas Ills. LAROEST assortment of fresh flowers. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER SHOP, 411 8 It. D. S101 ROGERS, Florist, Sit 8. ltth. D. 1400; BATH." National Florist, 1804 Tsrusm St A. DONAGHUE. 1621 Harney. Doug. 10OL SPECIAL NOTICES ' . . NOTICE. 8peclal meeting of the Working Men'a Nonpartisan and Economic leegue will , be held at the Labor temple, Sixteenth and Capitol Ave., Vedneaday evening, I . o'clock aharp. Business of Importance win oe iraneactea. ' A. J. DONAHUE. President President g Secrete ry. his law uffiir IS. VS. 11. , , J. It WANOBERQ. Recordfn C, F. CONNOLLY has iovwl hie - tot 17.jLmha Natl, Bic Bldg. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having loot aome article woulf do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertsln whether they left It In the street car. Many articles sach day ars turned In and the company la anxloua to reators them to the rightful owners. IF YOU lose anything and will advertise It hers you will surely recover It If found by an honeet person, if yon find any thing of value the honest wsy la to ad' veetlse for the owner. LOST 20 In flat bound purse on Park ear between 14th and Leavenworth and 14th and Farnam Monday morning. Finder please call Julia Maurer, Red 1844. LOST A eteel bar about f ft long near O. w. depot or oa 8. 12th. Seward, Call B. 41tt. WANTED TO BUY WANTED Old false teeth, crowna and bridges. Ws pay from 1 to 120 per set. Send by parcel post and ws send check by return mall subject to your approval. Jackson's Dental Depot Davenport, Iowa. Desks desks desks New decks, used desks bought sold and traded, J. C. Reed, 11' Farnam. D. 6149. BOOKS bought Kieser, Loyal Hotel Bldg, For Salts Miscellaneoeu Furniture and Household Goods. THOUSANDS' OF DOLLARS' WORTH 0 FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES.. ETC. Our Burplus Stock. MUST BB BOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. Buy Now and Get First Choice. The choicest home furnishings thst money can buy. We make a specialty of complete homo outfits, also hotels and rooming bouses. Railroad faro free to all out-of-town buyers within It miles of Omaha on purchases of 120 or mors. STATE FURNITURE CO., Tel. Doug. 1117. Cor, ltth and Dodge 8ts., Omaha. Ton Can Buy It for Less at the Ststs." BARGAINS IN STOVES AND FURN1VURK. Beds, springs, met tresses, bsddlng of all kinds, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum. 1131-1147 N. 14th Bt. Webstsr HOT. Open till 0 p. m. ACTUAL TRUTHTTpOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, gas and coal oil stoves, rugs, baby carriages, trunks, sto. Loyal Furn. Co., lit N. ltth. RUSH right down and get your shars of all kinds of furniture at a sserlflce. 101 N, ltth Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO., Kit Douglsr, have pianos to rent at l.to per month, or will cell on NEARLY new mahogany finish, piano' for ssle to responsible psrty. Fart cash, bal ance payments, Red 7486. FOR SALE A sanitary couch. ' Telephone coirax 120. Sewing; Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent repatr, sell needles and parts of all wlng machines. " . , MICKEL'S ' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Uth and Harney Bte. Doug. lttt. Store and Office Fixtures. WE have moved to new location. Wo buy, sell and make desks, safes, showcases, shelving, sto. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 8. W. Cor 11th and Doug. Phono D. S724. FOR SALE White enamel steel surgical In. strument cabinet Good condition. Sea. eonahle. Walnut Tt. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, ' Monarch and emita premier typewriters. Sent anywhere Rental supplies vn purchase. Remington Typewriter Company, Nineteenth and uauBiaa atresia WB buy' and sell snd sxchsnge all makes v. ftyi.,iiviB. uu.nui.eu irpvwriiora, 110 and up. Writs for list Midland Typo. ..A, . . . TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Kent an Oliver t months for It. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1101 Farnam. OLD Dutch line ribbon and carbon. You try neiors you nuy :t rrom aiatt, 1220 sat National Lank. (Tyler S46S. FOR SALE Hammond typewriter, excellent con nu ion. . neep. walnut Tt. Miscellaneous. TRUSTEE'S SALE BANKRUPT STOCK. THE HIKELL COMPANY. Toilet preparations, barbers' supplies. All stock and fixtures for sals. Whole or In part to hlgheat bidder, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY SI, 10 A. M. 1114 CHICAOO ST., OMAHA. WM. L. RANDALL. Doug. 421. 4S7 Omaha Nat'l Bank. , WANTED 400 men at 1024 North ltth St, 10 eat a not plate lunch, 160; hot and cold sandwiches, to and lOo; soup, to; chill, lOo. Harry Hemleben. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers ateamed. renovaiea ana made up in new feather proof ticking. 1107 Cuming. Doug. S467. SWAPPERS COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME. Trade those articles of furniture, cloth Ing, personsl belonglncs, etc., that yon havo no need ot Get something yon can use. Special rat for ads In Swappers' Column 25o for l-IIno adv. I days and So per answer for all letters received. Business sds regulsr rates. DIAMONDS Jewelry for rlflee. shot guns, ciotning. Friedman, llll Douglas. I WANT to buy or trade for a male parrot Box silt, .Omaha Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Bta. Dentists. Taft's Dent Rmi 101 Ross Bldg. D. S18I. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 021 W. O. W. Bldg. Accordeon Pleating.- ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburss, box pisaung, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants, IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 100-101 Brown Bldg. Douglas lilt. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button Co.. HS-T Paxton Blk. Douglas Slot. Baths. LaBELLE Bath Institute; electrlo and plain oaths; masssge ot all kinds; expert at tendants. , 160t Harney. Douglas 7041. MASSEUSE, baths manicuring, physical cult. Miss Wslker, S24 Neville Blk. Engage and Express; REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Packages ess tnsn xo ins., is cents, uoug. 146s. THE ONLY :WAYw&gML THB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. .Carpenters and Contractors. LESSARD A 'SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1621, Chiropractors. Dr. 3. C Lawrence. Bclrd Bldg. D. 1461. Cemeteries. WEST LAWN offers sympathetic aervlce in sudden sorrow; perpetual care; no sssess-1 tutnts;lots ou easy terms, Fhon Wat ISO, ANNOUNCEMENTS , Dancing Academy. LEARN to dance In 12 lessons. Rate 16.60. Keep Dancing Academy. Douglae 7860. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, SIS Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all en see. Tyler lilt. S. D. JOLLY, IIS Paxton. Red lilt. Dressmaking. TERRY Dressmaking Co., 20th and Farnam. Dressmaking, Mies Sturdy. Douglaa 1316. Fixtures and Wiring. TYTTRIYTW Electrlo washing machines, lU iVXli ,i.trio I ins and reading lamps, zzzi Cuming Bt Dou. stll. Historical Costumes. The largeat atock of theatrical and masous, rads costumes In the country for rent or sale, thco. Ueben A Bon, 1614 Howard. Kodak Finishing FILMS developed, lOo a roll; one-day serv- Km. nase noaar Btuaio, iMsviue Blk., ltth and Harney. Patents. PATENTS prooured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 688 Brandels. D. 66tl. Household Specialties. & F. ADAMS, 631 a 16th. D. SOOT. Under new management Wo want to see old friends snd meet new. Open Sat svenlng. Tour credit la good. Agents wanted. Insurance. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY, tlt-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. lilt. Jewelry. DIAMONDS yUGZfZ IT at smell profit GROSS, 401 N, 16th Bt Lumber and Building Material SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber and Wreck. Co. Web. 2814. Osteopaths. OSTEOPATHY for rheumatlam, tonallltla, la jrippe, pneumonia, disesses of women, young women suffering from anaemia, chloroate, dysmenorrhea. Dr. Mabel Wes son, 614 Brandsls Bldg. Res. phons, H. 47411 office, T. 2160. Oxy-Acctylcne Welding. EXPERT WELDINO OF ALL METAL H. W. LEVERING. 101 S. 12th St D. 1671. Removal. Dr. F. W. Boland., phye.. eur.. tit Bee Bldg. Plumbing and Heating. TOPP A CO., 1711 Vinton atreet Plumbing ana nesting; general repair work our specialty. OH burner experts. Tyler lilt. Patent Attorneys. BTURGES A STURGES. U. S. and foreign patents snq trsaemsrks. ISO Bee Bldg. Printing and Office Supplies. Wa ten-Barn hurt Ptg. Co.. 624 S. 13th St Piano Tuning and Repairing. HAVE your piano tunsd and the tons snd thirty ysars sxpsrlsncs; best references; sooneiy, eniciency, accuracy, w. D, Fie d, . , . . THATOHKR fUlil M idm 1 1 . V-.,.. .pr. unuig ana repairing, nano rpum ana rennisneq. festlmstea rree. W. R. Dalbey. piano tuner. Douglaa 9297 Safes. S AFFIQ BARGAIN" 1212 Farnam. OASEjO J.J. Deri -lit Safe Co. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectlv bv Exnerta. Ths W. O. Cleveland Co., 1410-11 Hsrney Bt. Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L.. 116 B 20th, Tailor. D. 1432. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D, 621. Voice Culture. Albert Hatsrstro Basso cantante,- teacher 01 singing, tecnnique ana repertoire. Stu dlo. 43 Securities Bldg. Tyler 146T-J. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcementa and printing. vuugias j-riniing io iei, vouglas 644. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR 8ALB, NO TRADE Pool and billiard Businnn, six isDies ana otner fixtures all good, fins location, cheap rent Took in 14.700 lest year; good reason for selling; located In town ot 8,000 population. Pries 13,600 It taken at once. Box 60, Creston, 1a ' FOR SALE Strictly modern, up-to-date, wtanu iiiw iiuiet in -Dooming neo. town of 400 on main Lincoln Highway; 14 rooms, hot and cold water, ateam heat electrlo lights In every room. All furnl. ture snd fixtures new throughout. Rea. aonable If taken at once. .1800 will swing deal, mortgage on fixtures for balance. Reason for selling, going to war. Ad dress Commercial Hotel, Lodge Pole. Neb, FOR BALE, NO TRADE Set of abstract dooks, gooa Business, ana a lino opening for a good attorney In a town ot MOO population. Price 14,000. Box 10, Cres ton, la. GOOD INVESTMENT. 11,000.00. Buys a first-class brick store room, S4x 10; county seat and best town In south west Nebraska; rented for five years at 06.01 month. No trades considered. Box 66. Beaver City, Neb. FOR SALE My bowling alley, pocket bil liards, barber shop and soft drinks busi ness. This is a good chance for two bar bers to own a buelneaa at th right price. Reasons for selling, I am In ths draft. Bowling Alley, Bralnard, Neb. A GENERAL stock of staple merchandise, all clean goods In N. E. Nebraska town, about 114,000, and new brick building, 110,000. Will take a good SO-acr farm as part payment Can glva terms. L, Box S06. Oakland. Neb. FOR SALE CHEAP. A good small set of bank fixtures, Ira ni edlata delivery. Writ or phone for price and full description. Security 8tat Bank, Holbrook, Neb. CASH GROCERY A bargain for quick sale. Com under first draft la reason for selling. Doing good business and getting cash. Box T-411, Omaha Be. WANTED To purchase - motion picture theater tn town not over 1.000; give full description, price and terms. Apply Box 1111, umaha Bee. MOVING PICTURE machine, new and re built all makes: supplies. Western Sup. pit vn. ivi wst. mag. MOTION picture machine bargains, new and ' rebuilt fully guaranteed. All supplies. uimm rum exenang. iws pouin mn Pt RESTAURANT, confectionery and bakery combined, those Interested write; Box 101, Fairfax, Mo. ' DOWD SALE AND AUCTION . CO., 1121 W. O. W. Bldg. Red l85. BUSINESSES furnished and sold. All states. F. V. Knlest, Bee Bldg..' Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Buslneaa building and General Mds., 18,000. Box STS. Cosad, Ieb Looking for work? Turn to the Help Wanted Columns now. You will find hundreds of positions listed there. - . . . PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Homs so. llcits your old clothing, furniture. maga sines. Ws collect Wa distribute. Phone Doug. 4121 and our wagon- will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St MEN desirous of retaining youthful vitality until advanced ago correspond with ex- pert concerning private course to be given Omaha soon. Communications confiden tlal. Address O. F. C, Box 661, Denver, uoio. WANTED A BABY. A young couple of good character wlah to adopt a normal baby. New born In, fant preferred. Would correspond with expectant mothers unable to provide for child. Box Y 414, Omaa Bee. NOTICE, I. Ray B. Thompson, hsreby give notlcs that I will not bs responsible for any debts Incurred by my wife, Mrs. Ray B. Thomp son, from this data on. RAY B. THOMPSON. OMAHA Bath Inat Electrlo, stesm or tub baths, maaaagea of all kinds. 121 Neville Blk. Doug. 7881. ltth and Harney Sts. 11ECHANO-VHEPAPY massage for your feaitn s sss. M. Halran, 221 Neville Blk. Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment. f or appointment call Ty. 1088, 701 S. 24th. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage. sv Bran, Thea. Bldg. D. 1661. MAE BRUGMAN, sclentlflo masseuse and baths. 20S Karbach Blk. Red 2727. VAPOR and tub baths. Masaages of all kinds.. Km. I, 1606 Harney. Doug. 7046. PRIVATE licensed maternity boms, 4411 N, 18th St Phone Colfax S042. MINNIE NAGLB at LaBelle Bath, Institute. isus Harney. Douglas 7040. ' BATH and masssge, 1802 Farnam 8U Room S. Phone Douglaa S761. LOLA A. ROSS, please write to your aleter, KUtn, wauaa, wen. Manicuring and mass. 162S Farnam. R. It. MISS WEST, manicure, m..ssage. 110 N. 17th, E. BROTT. massage. 70S 8. 18th. D. I62T SCIENTIFIC mass. 61 Paxton Blk. D. 6372 MEDICAL PILES, fistula and other rectal disesses cured wlthe-t surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on reotal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 140 Beo Bldg, Omaha. RUPTURE successfully trsatsd without a surgical operation. Call or writs. Dr. Frank H. Wray,. SOS Bee Bldg. OXYQEN Sample trestment free to th aniictea. 11s B. 26th. Tel. Harney It77. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. WANTED By experienced Illinois farmer, piaca 10 work on rarm by March 1; un marrieq. aoj jiaiey, walnut la. WHITEWASHING, windows washed, rugs ira, uours waxea ana poiianea. Call Walnut 1868. TWO experienced men want farm work. Call personally after I p. m. Victoria hotel. RELIABLE man desires employment; can furnish references. Box 2989, Omaha Bes. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes position. Box S866, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED butcher wants position. Bss ju. r. jreaerking, uiaremont Inn. CHAUFFEUR wishes position. Bog T 41S. Omaha Bee. Female. WANTED Employment by neat and refined ureier poeuion as reception Clerk In doctor's or dentist's office; best refer- ences. Address Box 1811, Omsha Bee. EXPERIENCED NURSE Well care for Invalid In her own home, also nursing, Web. 2100. WANTED A position as housekeeper or witn a small ramuy, ny a young woman with S-year-old boy; city references. Col. 2870. 641S North S3d Ave. WANTED A position as housekeeper or with a small family, by a young woman with S-year-old boy; city referencea. Col. -o,. ,,ia n.rtn eou Ave WELL educated refined woman wanta post- nun as matron or cnargs 01 Kitchen and dining room, splendid first cook. Tyler 669. 2606 S. 13th St. 8ewlng at home, shirtwaist, skirts spcy. R. TT6J. ... EXPERIENCED stenographer and typist Box S79T Bee. POSITION as elevator conductor, by lady wan experience. Telephone Webster 1111, EXPERIENCED, competent etenographer oeeires permanent position. Box 1811 Bee. FOR an experienced nurae call Web. 1060. Washing, Ironing or plain sewing. D. 8T80. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundreaa. Washing, Ironing ana nousework by day. Satisfaction given. Web. 1680. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully laun- aerea. tauea xor ana delivered. Web. 4281. ... EXPERIENCED colored laundrese wants nunaio washing ana osy work. Web. 1320. RELIABLE colored woman wants day work; can give references, wsnster 1102, WASHING and Ironing, Tuesday, Wednea- uy. Mnursoay. uoi. ziit. call evenings. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants wash- ing ana ironing. Harney tOTS. BUNDLE washing, rough dry and finished. ea eu. EXP. Colored woman for day work. Web COLORED woman wanta day work. Web. es. j EXP. LADY wants day work. Web. 2021. ReL colored girl for day work. Web. 4T13. DAY work and bundle waahlng. Web. 1088. LAUNDRESS wants work. Exp. Web. 363S. Colored lady wants day Work. Har. 1406. LAUNDRESS wants bundle wash. Coif. S0SI. BUNDLE waahlng wanted. Walnut S269. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut S260. FOR a good woman for day work. W. 6971 BUNDLE washing and day work. Har. 16oT EXP. laundress for day wor. Web. 1867. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER. EXPERIENCED. s Apply OMAHA BODY CO, 1120 North ltth St NOTICE! WANTED To hire a man, not subject to draft to work tn a general store; one who understands th general mercantile ' business and who Is willing to locate In a small country town of 100 people, and le not afraid of work. Must furnish good ' references. Stat ag and experience and wages In first letter. . T. Frost, Wol bach. Neb. BOOKKEEPER (construction Co.). $100; bookkeeper, 185, $90; Invoice clerk, $86; experienced hotel clerk. 186, 190. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE -CO. . 1016-11 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. CASHIER, uptown office. 186-190; assistant shipping clerk. 176; general office man. automobile firm, 185; sampls stock man, middle-aged, 166-170; record elk., con atructlon company, local, (76; bkpr., con struction firm, out ot town, 1100; city col lector, S7S. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. 736 First National Bank Building. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRB Advertise for "help" the same way yon advertise to sell merchandise, and ths difference In returns will surprlss you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you in preparing your advertisement CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Omaha soon; men desiring government positions, departmental, postofflce, railway mall, customs, writs for frss particulars to J. C. Leonard (former government examiner), 624 Kenols Bldg., Washington. STENOGRAPHER, TEMPORARY HO I STENOGRAPHERS 140-7t STENO. AND SECY. (Exsmpt). .1100-1110 BOOKKEEPER, OUT OF CITY 1100 THE CANO AGENCY, 100 BEE BLDG. STENOGRAPHER, private aecy 1110 THB MARTI SERVICE, HIT W. O. W. Bldg. I STENOGRAPHERS 160-186 STENOGRAPHER, OCT OF CITY 171 THE CANO AGENCY, 100 BEE BLDG. BOOKKEEPERS, 166 to 1126; atenog., 176 to 190; correspondent 190; bkpr and clerk, 190; ledger clerk, 176 to 86; office clerk, 160 to 176. WATTS REF. CO., 118S 1ST NAT. BANK. BOOKKEEPER, construction exD 1100 THE MARTI SERVICE, 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED We can use" a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Steady, healthful em ployment. Must be physically sound, of good character and habits and come well recommended. Apply in person at of fice of superintendent of transportation, Room 205, second floor Merchants National Bank building. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAR CO. WANTED Gsrags foreman ; man capable of handling men and meeting the public Here is an excellent opportunity to right party. Answer giving reference, age and salary desired., Box 1116, Omaha Bee. WANTED Oarage men; three men wanted for th best garage and service station in th city; must bs abls to drlvs cars and a permanent position guaranteed. Answer giving age, referencea and salary desired. Box 1124, Omaha Bee. FIRST class molders, coremakers and pat tern makers wanted: Steady work. Only those desiring steady position need apply. Stat experience. New, light, clean shop. Good working conditions. Address Box 144, Atchison, Kan. CHAUFFEUR, single, of experience, steady place Nam last three employers, shop experience, it any,- wages wanted with board and room. Addreaa 40321 Bee. WANTED freight handlers. Apply Amer- ican rxpress uo., union station, LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Call or writ . Barber College. 1124 Douglaa St. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED BIG OPPORTUNITY FOR A FEW GOOD SALESMEN WITH CLEAN REC ORDS AND CREDENTIALS; EXPERI HNCED IN SELLING STOCK, INSUR ANCE AND ADVERTISING. OUR PROPOSITION IS BACKED BY MOST PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN IN IOWA. IF YOU ARB A 5,000 MAN YOU CAN MAKE $10,000 ON THIS PROPOSITION; CONDITIONS HERB ARE MOST PROS PEROU3. ADVANCE ARTISTS ARE NOT WANTED.. FOR FURTHER INFORMA TION WRITE OR COMB AT ONCE BE FORE TERRITORT IS ALL ASSIGNED. W. E. LEVEY, SALES DIRECTOR, . T10-T11 SECURITIES BLDG. - DE3 MOINES. IA. SALESMEN WHO CAN SUCCESSFULLY APPROACH BUSINESS MEN. Will add two for new territory. . Business publications constituting a money-making service, endorsed by thousands of progres sive firms. Quick action sale and quick earnings, on liberal basis. Want men who have handled high class lines and appreciate opportunity U make perma nent connection on proposition -successfully sold rlgbt now. For personal Inter view write sales manager, 1601 Keener Bldg., Chlcsgo. WANTED Traveling salesman , by St. Jo seph, Mo., wholesaler. On with sta tionery, drug, grocery or wrapping paper experience preferred. Give reference and past experience in first letter. Strictly confidential. Box Y-415, Omsha Bee. WANTED A good live oil stock salesman for out of stats. Good reliable company. Right man can make big money. Call, writ or phone room 120, Hotel Castle, city. EXPERIENCED clothing and men'a fur nishing salesmsn at once; state age, aal ary expected, whether married and experi ence. Box 1106, Omaha Bee. Boys. WANTED Errand boy. OMAHA PRINTING CO. 1301 Farnam. Trade Schools. BOTH men and women to learn the barber trade. Bpsclal rates. Call or writ. 1401 Dodge. TRI-CITY BAkJER COLLEGE. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Learn In alx weeks, no books; eaay to learn; free catalogue. National Auto School. S814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. Miscellaneous. FREE JOB No office fee. Apply at 121 So. 10th St. ' HELP WANTED Male and Female. MOLER Ba.bar College wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trad. Call or wrlto for free catalogue. 110 & 14tb Bt. Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Scores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED. For Wyoming Dana, town of 1.000. bank experience not neceesary If good stenographer. Salary 11.009 per year. For Iowa bank, within 60 mile of Omaha, town ot 1,000. Salary 110 to 176. For Nebraska bank In on of Omaha's suburban towns. Salary $60 to start Several other gocd positions now open. THB CHARLES E. WALTERS CXX. 1421 First National Bank Bldg, Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED Limited number ot young lady students to snroll In our course at offics training, to learn to operate comptometers and Burroughs caculatlng machines. Two to three months training to qualify for position. A rare opportunity to receive expert instructions. Cost for ths complete course 140, on payments. DWORAK CALCULATING SCHOOL, 644 Ramge Bldg. Phone Douglaa 2169, BURROUGHS bookkeeping machine opera tor, 66-75; stenographer to manager, 86; stenographer, uptown office, 75; ate nbgrspher and bookkeeper, $66; stenog rapher, small office, 166. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, 736 First National Bank Building. LEARN to operate Burrows nonllsters; time required to complete the course, two to three months. Good operators in demand steady work and good pay. Expert In structors In charge. Dworak Calculating school, 644 Ramge building. CIVU, SERVICE EXAMINATIONS In Oma ha soon; women desiring clerkships, post, offics, government departments, eten ographers, writs for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former government ex aminer), 624 Keonls Bid., Washington. STENOGRAPHERS, ISO to 196; typists, 140 to too; office clerk, 40; steno. and bkpr., (68. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1ST NAT. BANK, FIFTEEN stenographlo positions open, good salaries. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1015-16 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, small office $65 THB MARTI SERVICE, 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, uptown office $86 TUB MARTI SERVICE. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg, Professions and Trades. GIRLS To operate POWER HEMSTITCH ING MACHINES and PLEATING MA CHINES. Permanont positions to caps bis operators. OUT of the CITY. AP PLY AT ONCE. Box Y 412, Omaha Bee. V ANTED. INSPECTORS OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE, GOOD SALARY, PERMANENT POSI TIONS. GOOD CHANCB FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY SAM COHN, BRANDEIS STORES. MILLINERY MAKERS. DRAHOS-LTJTTIG HAT SHOP. FIRST CLASS experienced alteration lady. Reference required. The Boston Store, Council Bluffs. Phone 686. WANTED Good, experienced lady barber. 116 S. 14th St. Phone H. 1235. TAILORESSES wanted tor skirts and finish srs. 606 8. 16th St. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodgs St Saleswomen and Solicitors. MILLINERY SALESLADY. DRAHOS-LUTTIG HAT SHOP. $100 A MONTH up, to bright compentent ladles with ability In out-door soliciting, exceptions! opportunity for advancement Fhon walnut 2813. Household and Domestic. WANTED w Competent white maid or nurse girl for general housework. No laundry work, Telephone Harney 1929. GOOD wages to a competent white girl for nousemaia; no cuomng; isunaress Kept. Mrs. H. V. Burkley, 3177 Davenport St. Harney 2641. WANTED Girl for general housework, family of 3; wages 18 per week. Mrs. C. R. Sherman, 132 North 38th Ave. Phone Harney 971. MAID for general housework; no laun dry: good wages; pleasant room on the second floor. Telephone Harney 8192. WANTED Good cook for family of adults. Apartment 1. 1404 So. 10th. WHITE GIRL, to assist with housework, Small new house, no washing, good wages. Phone H. 4599. 109 S. 42d St. WANTED White chamber maid. Keen, 18th and Harney. Hotel GOOD GIRL for light housework; aplendid home to deserving girl. Phons llarney 4285 or phone Harney 2268. WANTED A girl for general housework, $8 per week. Apply 4160 Cass St Mrs. J. P. O'Keefe, Walnut 838. WHITE girl for general housework. Wages $8 per week. Laundress kept 108 North 53d Ave. Tel. Web. 772. WANTED A girl for general housework; no laundry work; references required. Tel. walnut 640, WANTED A girl for general housework; nons but good girl need apply. 2051 N. 19th St COMPETENT maid for general housework. Good wages. 115 N. 15th St. Harney 811. WANTED A good girl for general house work; references. Telephone South 1060. GOOD WHITE GIRL; must be a good cook. Mrs. T. J. O'Brien, 3510 Farnam St. Girls. WANTED! Errand girl In alteration room. APPLY to Mlssa Case, Id floor. THOMAS KILPATRICK & CO. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, sborthsnd, stenetypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer. clal and English brsnches. Cstalogus free. BOYLES CGLLEGE, Douglss 1665. 18th and Harnev Sta Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening 8chools. 110 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6890. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TO THE WOMEN WHO HAVE ROOMS TO RENT. Remember that the weather conditions tor ths next few weeks will probably not permit room hunters msklng an ex tended hunt for rooms. They will stay Inside and wstcb th waat-ada. It you wish your room rented, phone us your ad NOW Tyler 1000. IF you want a nice comfortable room in a private family In the Hanscom Park district a block to the car and twenty five minute walk to business center, call Harney 1461. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for 1 working girls; walking distance. Hsr. 6269. STEAM-HEATED rooms 12 k also apt with kltcheneta. Ogden Hotel Co Bluffs Silt DOUGLAS Furnished rooms by week or dsy; well hested, good location. COMFORTABLE sleeping room, private bom, reasonable. . Red S66L FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TWO room cottage; partly furnished. T klnde of fruit on place. Florence 446. Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED room for light housekeeping in modern uome, on car line; walking dis tance; wishing privilege; employed peo ple preferred. Reasonable. 1520 South 24th St Douglas 7558. THREE-ROOM apartment furnished com plete for housekeeping. Stove heat. Quar ter maer, $14 per month. 1918 Vinton Red 6287. Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS1 If you fail to find the room yon desire among tbess ads call at Th Be office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of ths city. New lists Issued every week. WANTED Board and room In private mod ern home for tubercular young man; able to be up; $10 per week. Walnut 2769. 2123 PINKNEY STREET Board and room for two employed. Private home. Web ster 6970v PARK -AVE. DIST. First class room with board, reasonable H 1208. Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED ROOMS. CRFIGHTON BLOCK. World Realty Co., Douglas 5342. Sun Theater Bldg. S BASEMENT rooms, modern except heat 110.00. 2632 Davenport St. FOR RENT HOUSES South. DESIRABLE 6-room flat at 29th and Hickory, on car line; modern, ' nicely decorated; economical furnace. Phone Douglas 7564. $13-114; 3-ROOM cottages, 3030 South 18th, gas, electrlo lights, sink, toilet, no chil dren. Red 4902. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT. 618 So.' 26th St.. 16-r.. mod. house. .. .$66.00 1738 So. 29th St, 7-r.. mod house.... 10.00 2019 Grace St., 6-r., part mod. house.. 14.00 1108 So. th St., 6-r. house for colored. 20.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY, REALTORS. 305 So. 18th St. Douglas 722. 2129 WIRT ST., 8 rail $35.00 610 S. 27th, 7 rms 15.00 200 a 36th, 8 rms 45.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT Houses, cottages, and apartments, PORTER A SHOTWELL. SOS 8. 17th St Doug. 5011. Offices with Home Builders. FLAT 2303 Leavenworth, five rooms 120.00. 1516 Shorman avenue, 12 rooms, 133.00. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 654. 9-ROOM. all modern house, close In, 145. JOHN J. MULV1H1LL (Realtor). 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. St. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THB CITY. CREIGH SONS A CO.. BEB BLDO. SHOPKN A CO.. RENTALS. Douglas 4228 FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. COLLEGE TERRACE APARTMENTS. New. fireproof building, located south east corner 23d and California; many special features, garbage Incinerators, -laundry and locker room, etc.; all outside , apartments; best of car service; ready for Immediate possession; rental, $40 and $45 winter, $35 and $40 summer. Se Janitor. Apartment 1, 2221 California, or call OSBORNE REALTY CO., Tyler 496. BEAUTIFUL 3-roora and bain apartment. walking distance. In fine location. $39.60 winter. Douglas 3140. HAMILTON APTS. Fireproof, 24th A Far- nam; 1 to 6 rms. with kitchen. D. 1472. North. LOOK AT THESE. 2966-70 Woolworth Ave., 3 and 4-room flats, 1st and 2d floor, $11 and 12; mod ern except heat. In good condition. Tel. Webster 6039. D. C. BUCK,!S202 N. 24TH. ONE four-room and bath and one five-room and bath, modern, h ated apartment In refined reside i district, 2821 North 20th St. boulevard. Special low price to party without children. Phone Webster 6892. Central TizarH Palace Rlnrlr Nothing better for price. 4-room apart ment; also 4-room flat. Apply office, 220 N. 23d. Phone Red 4232 AND 5-ROOM apts., steam heated, $30 and $31.50. 18th and Maple, ned 683. South. HEATED APARTMENTS. I rooms, "The Hudson," 207 S. 26thi Ave.; summer, $40.00; winter, $60.00. 1 v BENSON & MYERS CO.. REALTORS 424 Omaha Nat, Bk. Bldg, Doug. 746. Miscellaneous. 2508 CAPITOL AVE. Modern 8 -room fla'C .io; zoiu i-apuoi Ave., modern, 8-roora flat, $35. Desirable location, close In, also smaller flats: 2532 to 2536 Decatur St., 3 rooms and bath, $8 to $10. PHENIX INVESTMENT COMPANY, 815 Bandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 4960. METERS TRUST CO. Specialists In Apartment management 4-ROOM completely furnished apartment luuuiui. iur tu.iv, ciose in. Tyler 2608. H. 3361. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty FOR RENT Building, Wholesale District American Hand-Sewed Shoe Co. building, northwest corner 12th and Harney Sts., about 39,000 square feet. GEORGE & COMPANY, Douglas 756. - Stores. STORE FOR RENT CITY NATIONAL BANK BLCL This is the only store available on 16th street, between Dodge and Howard streets. GEORGE AND COMPANY, DOUGLAS 756. FINE new atore room and baaem.nt at 27th . olm- oteam beat For narttcnlur -...... u .i.t. T-..T:; ua- Bran- .ri.i prug. uougiaa 1571. MODERN store near postofflce. 160 ! moder? u 1D,n near postofflc. low rent G. P. Stebblns. 1610 rhi,..- ,0W Wtoc.?r !7"A""" d Famam, fin. - " is 1114), "Office and Desk RoomT " OFFICES. I!A n . - ' ' "ivuiu tug uif " "iwnl, BANK BLDO sikbt TRUST CO.. Agts. Tylsr SOO IwcirEr 111. r,lnt- ,7,t0M