V; i6 A THE BEE; OMAHA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1918. " 1 14' j i I OMAHA LIYE STOCK Cattle Son light for Tuesday; Trade Active; Hog Eeceipts Large; Prices Lower and Sheep Slow. Receipt were: Cattle. Ho Sheep. Official Monday .....le.JM to,8t i.ti Estimate Tuesday .... 4,730 11,000' 10,000 Two days 'his week. .15,664 IMs 16.66S Same day last week.. 18,561 20,481 27.251 Sam day 2 wk. aso. 12,670 ll.SSt 11.600 Sam daya I wka, aco.20.8t 14,040 20,017 8am day ' wka. ago. 15,698 14,062 20.730 Sam day. last Tear.. 14,107 24,010 20,004 Receipt and disposition of live stork at the Union Stock yards, Qmaha, Neb, for 24 hoors ending- at I o'clock p. m, Feb. 20, lilt: RECEIPTS CAR8. Horses Cattle Bora Sheep Mules C . M. & St P. 0 33 Wabash 1 2 Missouri Pacific 0 10 Union Pacific 70 03 C. N. W., east .... 80 17 4 2 C. A N. W west .... 01 77 7 J C St. P., M. A O..... 20 10 2 C, B. & Q-. east .... 15 I 4 C, B. A Q., west 20 0 10 C, R. I. A P., east ..13 T 1 C, R. L P., west .. S 6 1 Illinois Central 14 10 Chic oro Great Western 1 Total receipt 250 281 43 3 DISPOSITION HE A D. Cettle Hogs Sheep Jlorri ft Co. .... 1.320 1.012 807 Swift and Company 1,825 3,012 007 Cudahy Park. Co. 1,005 0,810 1,670 Armour Co. ... 320 1,242 030 Schwart A Co. 1 ..... J. W. Murphy I,20 Lincoln Pack. Co... 66 S. Omaha Pack. Co. 4 Wilson Pack. Co... 205 W. B. Vansant Co. 66 , Benton Vansant OL 83 ..A. II1II at Son 30 ..... K. B. Lewis 428 ..... ..... J. B. Root at Co... 75 ..... ..... 3. H. Bulla ...... 20 ..... L. F. Hii 27 ..... Rosenstock Bros. .. 64 ..... ..... F. O. Kellogg .... 206 ..... IVerthetmer I.. 71 Sullvan Bros 25 Vo ft Kan. Calf Co. 120 ..... ..... Chrtotle 1 .HlKKlna 11 ... Huffman 21 Roth 40 ..... ..... Slryers 27 ..... ..... CJIberg 4 ..... Baker, Jones, Smith 3 Banner Bros. . .... 00 ..... John Harvey 490 Dennis & Francis.. 27 . Jensen & Lunnren. 80 Pat O Pay 1 Bunlnger ft Oliver 60 ..... Km co. st Other buyer 767 ..... 1.741 Total .1.424 12,209 l,02l Cattle There w4 no,t a very heavy run of cattle for Tuesday, 4,700 head, and qual. Ity was pretty good a a rule. Trad opened out fairly active and fully steady for both beef steers and cow stuff, but owing to bad reports from outside markets and som dlf f fruity In a.curlng atock cars and refriger ator ran business slowed up a the morning advanced and after th first round or two ales were slow to me lower man jnonuuy. iiaaA tn hol.e beef ateer sold on the early round at 113.60913-00 and bulk of the fair to good kind around 011.16 13.20. There was L ood demand for stacker and feeder si.d price steady to strong for any thing of Uls Wild. . Quotations on Cattle: Oood to choice k... tiJ6(i4c1JU: fair to aood beeves 111. 60912.26; common to fair beeves, $0.00 til J. 26; good to choice yearlings, I10.76W 1226: fair to aood yearlings. t.0010.00; nnnun to fair yeaNIng. 17.0000.00; good to choice grass beeves, 110.(0011.70; fair to good grass beeves, 9.00J10.II; common to fair crass beeves. 17.(000.60; good to choke heifers, 10.600 11.00; good to cholc cow, $0.0010.60; fair to good cow, ss.vuv DO: common to fair cows, 87.00 8.00; prim feeders, $10.60011.(0; good to choice feeders, J.76l.It; lair vo goon jeeuorB, $8.7600.(0; common to fair feeders, $0.(00 1.00; good to choice itockera, $1.60010.(0; tock heifer, $7.6000.60; tock cow. .iuW 0.00; dock calves, oi.ooqiv.w; veai caives, , $1.00013.00; bulls, stag, $7.6010.60. Representative sale: t BEES' STEERS. Noi Av. Pr. No. Ay. Fr. 7. 720 $0 00 .. 6 510 UU 14 (17 10 26 10 , 141 11 00 0,, 060 11 26 12 1125 It (0 a... 025 11 66 $3 1130 11 00 (0 (64 11 :( 20 .1270 12 (0 10 1176 11 It II., til 10 15 17. ........ 7 11 15 14........ 166 11 10 20 1021 11 II 20.. 102 11 71 40 1101 It 10 21.. ......1327 It 60 12... 1481 It 71 II 1661 II 00 14... 1461 II 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. I 696 I 00 1.. 70 I II 7 607 I 00 I 7( I (0 10 (46 I 00 10 761 10 00 $0 06 10 76 13 177 11 00 COWS. 14 600 I It 1 101 4 712 1 26 f 114 11 700 7 60 4 tit 10 , 184 7 10 1 (97 tl 101 t 40 I. .......1077 16 (It I 60 7 1001 11 ...1071 1 It t... 001 (........ Ill lit 11 io II.. 1081 I 40 t ..1001 7 1061 t If II 121$ 10 ...10(7 10 00 HEIFERS. 14 Id t 00 t M I 614 I 20 I.. 470 18 063 I 40 II 181 10 7KI II! t 705 I 161 t 10 47 174 T 00 T 60 71 I II 10 I 76 10 1 I (0 II I It I 26 I (0 I 00 26 761 t 71 21.. 161 10 6$ BULLS. 1 110 I 00 1. 1 1140 I It 1. 1. ...... .1370 t 00 1. 1 1070 t 16 1. 1........1920 t 75 CALVES. ......... 441 I 00 11. 1 , 270 10 10 4. ' t 161 11 00 1. 1 120 11 76 1. .1420 .1244 .1610 . lit I 10 I to t 10 t to 401 t 00 !!! !i ?! lit STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 10 174 I 00 IT. ....... 120 I It I 110 I If (00 t tl I. ....... 170 . I 16 10... 170 10 00 t 171 10 40 11 161 t If 17 Ill t If I........ 167 t 10 tl. ....... 161 10 10 10 076 10 60 It 030 11 00 14 117 10 i: 6 107 11 10 Jl. ....... t50 11 16 11. 1131 11 60 It., 1041 11 10 Hog Another heavy run ot hog wa en hand this morning and shippers com menced business early, buying a tew loads at prlcea that were for the most part 15c lower than the best time yesterday. Out side of thl there wa practically nothing doing, a packer were In a bearish mood - and were bent on buying hog lower than shipper. The best price paid wa 117.11, llo lower than the top figure yesterday, while the bulk ot the offering moved at 116. 9017.10. Only a small bunch ot th bog had been sold well after midforenoon. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Ar. Sh. Pr. 47. .161 ...16 86 20. .141 ...into 69. .146 40 II IS 66. .301 ... IT 00 101..264 40 17 06 71. .211 ... IT It I4..2IT ... IT II Sheep Sheep and Iamb receipt continued rather light. Opening trade In fat lamb, waa a little alow, but the undertone to val ues wa. firm, a trlng of choice lamb around II to II pound bringing a top of 614. IS. Value were trong to lOo higher In (pot. Medium to choice lamb old at I16.26016.5O, with heavy lamb on down. The bulk ot the offering wa rather plain. Fat sheep were tn good demsnd at fully ateady price, top ewe selling at 112.00. Demand for feeder wa about a good as yesterday, feeding ewe lamb going up to the high mark of 111.10. Best .freight feeding- kind, went op to 111.60. Quotatllona on Sheep and Lamb: Lambs, handy weight, tll.l601l.lls lambs, heavy weight, 116. 00(916.25; lamb, feeders, 116.00 016.60: lambs, shorn, 611.60011.60; lambs, culls, I10.00O14.00; yearling, fair to choice, tll.60O14.60; yearling, feeder, 111.00 14.25; wether, fair to choice. 111. 00O13.00; ewes, fair to choice, 111.00 012.25; ewes, breeders, all age, tlt.60Oll.60; ewe, feed ers, I7.60O10-60; ewe, cull.. and cannera, 1 6.00 07.26. . Representative sales: 1011 Mexican lamb tl 201 fed lamb Ity; it tt It 21 ' " Chleasw Live Stock Market, Chicago, Feb. 16. Cattle Receipts, 10,000 fcead; market, teady; native steer, I8.I6O 14.16; Mocker, and feeder. 17.6610 90; cow and heifer. I6.76OH 00; calves, 8.7I Hog Recelpta, 11,000; market, weak. 10c tnder yeaterday average: bulk. I17.1IO .3 17 40f light, $10.1(017.60; mixed, tll.lo 17.46; heavy, $16.66017.49; rowfh, $16.(50 16.80; pigs, $13.50016.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 14,000 head; market. teady; heep. $10.16013.10; lamb, $13.75011.16. - St, Louis lire Stock Market,' Bt Loul. Feb. tl.-Catfle Receipt, 4, 400 head; market active; native beef iteers, $8.00 011.60; yearling ateer and heifers, $7 00013.(0; cows, $6.00 011.60; stockers and feeders, $6.00010.60; fair to prima beef steers, $0.00013.50; beef cows and heifers, $6 00010.00; southern yearling steers, and heifer. $7.60010.00; native calve, $6,000 "hoe Receipts, 15.000 head; market lower; lights, $17.20017.46; pigs, $13.00 16 75; mixed and butchers, $17.4017.6O; good, heavy, $17.46017.75; bulk of sales. $17.26017.60. Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 200 head; market teady; lamb, $14.00016.76; ewes, $10.50012.00; wether, $11.60012.26; can ner and chopper. $6.00 O 0.00. , Kansas City Live Stock Market, Kansas City, Feb. 26. Cattle Receipt, 7,000 head; market strong; prim fed steers, $1100013-76; dressed beef steers, $10,600 13 00; western steer, $0.76013.00; cows, $7 0011.00; heifer. $8.0013.00; atocker and feeder, $7.60013.60; bull, $7.26 10.25; calves, $7.0012.60. Hog Receipt. 12,000 head; market lower; bulk of sales, $17.20017.40; heavy, (17 26017.66; packer and butchers. $17.25 17.65; light, $17.26017-40; pigs, $14.00 16.25. Bheep and. Lamb Receipts, 4.000 head; market steady; lambs, $15.65016.60; year lings, $13.0014.26; wethers, $U.6013 26; ewes, $11.25013.25. Sioux City Live Stock. Rinnr niv. Feb. 26. Cattle Receipts, 2,500 head; market stesdy to 10 cent lower; beef steers, $0.60013.25; fat cows and heif ss.flAMil.2S; ranners. $0,7647.76; Block er' and feeders. $8.50011.60; calves. $8.00 12 60; bulls, stags, eln., I'f.wuoiw.vv; ;u lng cows and heifers, $6.7500.00. Hogs Receipts, 15,000 head; market 15 to 20 cents lower; light, $16.60fll6.70; mix. ed $10 65016.75; heavy, $16.70f 16.80; pigs, $12 00015.00; bulK oi sales, Bheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,600 head; market steady. New York Coffee Market. New York, Feb. 26. Coffee The markot for coffeo futures was quiet today, dui showed a generally steady lone wun im reaching the highest levels loucnau the break which followed the announce- ment of maximum values. The opening was 1 to 6 points hlgner on scanereu nimuii or a moderate cramiw with the advance exienaing to . May and 8.640 for September In the late trading. The close was. at the best point of th day, showing a net advance of 1 to 15 points, Marcn, ss.iic; mar. o.oo-, July, 0.44c; September, 8.64c; October, $.58o; Pecember, 1.67c. Spot quiet; Rio 7s, Ittc; Santo 4s. lOttc. Very few cost and frolght offer were re ported from Brssil; their absence being attributed to difficulty In securing tonnage. It was said, however, that some business had been done f. o. b. Brasll, believed to be close to th lo basis, although no de tails of grade or prices were made public The official cables showed no change In the Rio market. Santo futures were 60 to 100 rels lower. Rio reported a clearance of 15,000 bags for New Tork and Santo. 27,00 bags for New Orleans. Brazilian port receipt, 63,000 bags. Evaporated Apple and Dried Frnlt. New Tork, Feb. 26. Evaporated apples, dull; California, 14 16 Ho; prime tate, "pruneFlrml California, T14c; Oregon, 11 14c. Apricots Dull and easy; choice, 170, extra choice, 17 c; fancy, lo. Peach-julet; .tandard, lltte; cholc, "RasVnt-Btesdy; loos muwatel. I M , io; choice to fancy seeded, 1OH011C, seedless, $ New York Metal, v.w Tork Fsb. '26. Metal exchange quote! 13 firm; spot IT.IIIJ7.I0 Spelter JJulet! East St, Loul. delivery, spot, offered AtrLonlons Bpot copper 1110! electrolytlo, fl2(. Spot. tin. fill, fu ture.. 1314. Lead, .pot, 2 10.; future., 121 10.. Spelter, .pot, 4; future, f50. You Can't Brush Or -Wash Out Dandruff Ti,a nnW aura way to Ret rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, pet about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvons apply it at night when i retir- ine: use enougn vo rnuiw;ii and rub it in gently with the finger tiPDo this tonight, and by morninfr most if not all ot your aanaruii wm be gone, and three or four more ap plications will completely dissolve i;nd entirely destroy every oe; and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and. your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft and look and feel a hundred times tetter. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. Adv. KIDNEY REMEDY WORTHY OF PRAISE T nnvfl linrl recommended to me for 1 sale many kidney, liver and bladder ram rliaii. but none of them have been S mnra miccessful than Dr. Kilmer's ! Swamn-Root and after selling Swamp- oo Root for the past fifteen years I might say that it seems toooi 111 tle above the average, judging from the satisfactory reports coming in from mv customers who have given it a trial and obtained beneficial re suits. , Very truly yours, ' E. E. BURRIS, Druggist, August 10, 19,17. Madison, Neb. Letter to Dr. Kilmer Co., BlnghamtoB, N. Y. Prove What Svamp-Rot Wilt Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, oe sure and mention The Omaha Daily Bee. Medium and large size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Advertisement. Sell War Stocks BUY PEACE STOCKS. NEARLY" TWO YEARS AGO the INDUSTRIAL AND MIN ING AGS named as the most promising war stock INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE. International Mercantile Marine, pfd- ha advanced since the war began from' around !3 to above 1100 share. The common has advanced in th .am period from 62 H to 27 a (hare. The Burchast of 1.000 sharee of th pre ferred and 1.000 shares of common in 1918 at a total for both of 13,628 showed profit a Saturday ei $123,375, or mora than 3,400 Th current Issue ot th Industrial and Mining Age name and analyse th most likely Peace Stock. The INDUSTRIAL AND MINING AGE, now In it tenth year, costs IS for 62 issues. It 1 written by noted ex perts and number, among it reader some of the bet t known profession! stock market operator in th United States. , " Sample eopy sent free for purpoie of In troduction if yon writ immediately. Address INDUSTRIAL AND MINING AGE 27 William Street, New York Largest Circulation of It Character In World. FISTULA CURED Rectal Diseases Cured, without a gevem mr. gical operation. No Chloroform or Ethei used. Cure guaranteed. PAT WHEN CURED Write for Illustrated book on Rectal Disease, with Dame na lesumotuais of more than 1000 promi nent neODle Who have been narmanentlv .tnrMl GRAIN- AND PRODUCE With Ziight Wheat and Oats Ee ceipts Corn is Chief Attrac tion and Prices Hold Firm. Omaha, February 26, 1018. Carlot receipt of grain eased off consid erably today, arrivals totaling only 116 cars, of which 170 car were corn. Wheat re ceipts, as well as those of oats, were ex tremely light, with only four cars and nine car, respectively. No rye wa reported and but three car of barley. Corn wa the chief attraction today and wa in fairly good demand. Spot quota tion on tbla cereal ranged from yester day' price to 7o over, the bulk th offering going at a substantial gain over yesterday's sale. Oood white corn wa In good demand and taken readily, but buyer were rather slow In taking the other grade. Off grade stuff sold all the way from $1.10 to $1.40, the greater part of It selling at $1.25 or under. No. I white topped the market, this grade bringing $1.03 and $1.06. No. 4 white sold at $1.15 and $1.(3 and No. 5 white at $1.75 and $1.83. No. 4 yellow went at $1.58 and $1.60 and the No. 6 yel low at $1.60 and $1.67. No. 1 mixed brought $1.62 and the No. 4 grade $1.68 and $1.60. No. 6 mixed sold at $1.40 and $1.53. Oats followed In the advance, selling up )4c. Receipt were light and those offered taken readily. Standard oat brought IHc and the No. 1 white 88c and 89 'AC th sale at 88o being for a part car only. No. 4 white sold at 89a and the sample grade at 88 o and 80 c. Rye was up 2c to 3c, the No. 2 selling at the toi. of $2.45. Barley was strong, but up to a late hour no sales were reported. Clearance were: Wheat and flour equal to 308,000 bu.; corn, 17,000 bu. Primary wheat receipt were 244,000 bu. and shipments of 120,000 bu. Holiday last year. Primary corn receipt were 1.006,000 bu. and shipments 088,000 bu. Holiday last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,305,000 bu. and shipments 668,000 bu. Holiday last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn Oats. 498 Chicago ..... Minneapolis . .. 41 .. 87 .. 16 .. 4 .. 20 .. 32 ..(45 780 Uuluth ...... Omaha W.... 170 161 162 Kansas City , St. Louie ... Winnipeg ... These sale were reported today: Corn oN. I white: 1 car, 11.03. white: 1 car, $1.02; 6 cars, $1.00; $1.88; 1 car. $1.86. No. 6 white: $1.82; 1 car, $1.78; 1 car, $1.76; $175. No. white: 8 cars, $160. white: 1 car, $1.40; 2 cars, $1.10. yellow: 2 car, $1.60. No. 6 yellow No. 4 1 cars, 1 car, 6 cars, Sample No. 4 : 1 car, 11 .67: 6 cars. 11.64: 7 cars. $152 12 cars, $1.60. No. I yellow: 1 cars, $1.45; 1 car, $1.43; 1 car, $1.42. Sample yellow: 2 cars, $1.25; 1 car. $1.16; 1 car, $1.10. No. I mixed: 1 car, $1.62. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, (near white), $1.68; I cars, tl.60; 1 car, it r.a- 4 cars.' 11.68: 1 cars. 11.67. No. f mixed: 1 cars, $1.63; 10 1-6 cars, $1.60; 1 cars. 11.40. No. t mixed: 1 car, $1,411 f cars, $140; I car, $1.28. Sample mixed 1 rnr. 11.28: 1 car. 11.26. Oat Standard: 4 car, l!?4e. No. 1 White: 4 cars. 89'ic: 0-10 car, 88c. No. 4 Whttn: 4 cars. 89a. Sample White: 1 car, 89i4c; 1 car, 8tl4e; 1 car, 891c; I cars, I8ic No. 2 Mixed: 1 car, o. sample niixeu; i car (barley mixed), 88c; 1 car, llo. Rye No. I: 1 car, $2.45. No. 4: 1-10 car, $2.80. Wheat No. 1 Hard Winter: 1 car, $2.12. No. 4 Hard Winter: 1 car (smutty), $2.06. No. 1 Durum: 1 car, $3.12. Wheat, Oat and Barley One car, 84V4o. Omaha Cash Price Corn: No. 2 white, 11 93; No. 4 white. 11.8501.92: No. f white, I151.I2: No. t white, $1.60; ampl whlto, $1.1001-40; No. 4 yellow, $1.(0; No. i0fl 1.67: No. I yellow, $1,420 1 if. nmnll vellOW. Ii.lVWl.2D, 11 u. Get .Your Cadillac NOW- You mixed, $1.671.60; No. t mixed, $1.4901.63; No. 6 mixed. Cl.3801.41; sample mixed, $1.2(01.28. Oats: Standard, SJVic; No. 3 white, 8S081KC; No. 4 white, lie; sample 18 010c Barley: No sales. Rye: Ne. 2, $2.46; No. 4, $2.(0. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain broken, IK South Sixteenth street. Omaha: "Art. Open. High. Low. Close. ISat'yT Corn. I Mch. I 1 27H 1 271, May I 1 26 1 27 Oats. I I Mch. 1 884 8H May 17 18 Pork. I I I May I 48 65 48 66 Lard. I I May I 26 16 26 17 July I 26 37 26 $7 Ribs. I May 1 26 26 26 46 July 26 86 i 25 16 127K 27HI127H 27 11261, $i! 4 87141 11 I 126 871 48 20( 48 35 148 (5 26 OS 26 12 26 271 26 32 26 30 25 35 26 701 26 76 126 02 26 25 125 27 26 70 CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS. Corn and Oat Take Downturn a Peaee Talk and line Weather. Chicago, Feb. 26. Downturn In grain price took place today owing to a revival of peace talk. Oats especially showed weakness. Corn recovered and closed steady at the same a yesterday' finish, with February $1.28 and May $1.26. Oats lost Mc. net. In rovlsions, the outcome varied from 25c. decline to a raise of 10 12 54c Bearish sentiment due to Chancellor von Hertllng's professed agreement with Presi dent Wilson's four fundamentals tor peace made an evident Impression on corn values during the first half of the session. Fine weather and liberal receipts tended arso for a while to ease down the market. Subsequently, however, trading was gov erned by the fact that country offerings to arrive small and that all the better grades of corn arriving here were being purchased for export. It was .aid large amounts would be thus taken until at least March 10 to meet vessel room contracted for. Free selling both early and late pulled down oats. Re'ports that oats were In active demand at Annapolis to go west had only a transient influence a an offset for peace 'talk. Llkllhood or enlarged aemana in cases of an end of hostilities mads provisions average higher. Realising by holder. weakened pork. Chicago Cash Prieea Corn: No. I ana I yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow, $1.4001.70; the close was ateady at the same as yes terday' finish, with February at $1.28 and May at $1.26. Oats: No. 1 white. 01O02c; tandard. 11 H 03c. Rye: No. 2, 12.60. Bar ley, $1.7002.05. Seeds: Timothy, 6.008.Z5; clover, $22.00023.00. Provisions: Pork, nominal; lard, $36.60; ribs, $zt.36zi.e. Omaha Hay Market. Receipt on alfalfa and prairie hay con tinue steady the demand fair to good. Market steady with prices unchanged. Choice Upland Prairie 121.60 ; No. 1, $11.50020.60; No. 2. $15.t017.60; No. 3, $12.6014.60 Midland Prairie No l, i.noozu.u; o. 2, $16.60017.60. Lowland Prairie No. 1, $16.60017.60; No. 2, $14.60015-60; No. 1, $12.60 13.60. Choice Alfalfa $30.00: No. 1. $28.00029.00; standard, $25.00027.00; No. 2, $23.00025.00; No. 1, $20.0023.00. Straw Oat. $1100; wheat, $10.00. St Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo.,- Feb. 26. Cattle Re celpts, 1,600 head; market higher; steers, $9.00013.60; cows and heifers, $7.00012.26; calves, $6.0012.00. Hogs Receipts, 10.000 head; market lower; top, $17.50; bulk of sales, $17.30 17.45. Sheep and Lamb Receipt, 4,000 head; market higher; lambs, $13.0O16.76; ewes, $7.00013.60. ; Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolls,fFeb. 26. Flour Market un changed. Barley $1.7202.01. Rye $2.4302-45. Bran $32.60. More than $85,000 worth-of Cadillac automobiles including the very latest models and styles going to users in this district at just what they have cost us. Don't let this opportunity slip by. Come tomorrow; select the car you want before it's too late. In order to devote our time exclusively to the Peerless Eight motor car, which we now handle in this territory, we wish to dispose quickly of our large stock of Cadillacs. Therefore every Cadillac we have has been put on sale at a sacrifice of our entire profit 7 This means that by purchasing a Cadillac from us NOW you can save from $200 to $350, depending upon the style you choose! No such opportunity in the automobile line has ever been offered before in Omaha, and it would be almost a miracle if another like it should come again. The Cadillac motor car needs no introduction. It has repeatedly proven itself one of the best cars built. Its very name is a guarantee of quality. We are selling at greatly reduced prices the famous Style 57 1918 mod els. We have touring cars, phaetons, victorias, brougham and roadsters. Nine carloads of these 1918 models arrived from the factory only a short time ago. In addition, we have a number of slightly used cars, most of them practically as good as new. Every one of these Cadillacs, brand new or slightly used, go at cost to us We also have a large stock of Cadillac parts. The same reduction is being made on these parts. You undoubtedly want a Cadillac. Now is your chance to get it at a price you would pay for a much cheaper and inferior car! Come and see these Cadillacs. They're an "Auto Show" in themselves. Order the one you want before your neighbor gets it. GEORGE F. REIM COMPANY OMAHA, NEBRASKA Phone Harney 10 31st and Harney Streets NEW YORK STOCKS Wall Street Finds Difficulty in Understanding von Hertling Remarks, Which Reflects in Market. New Tork. Feb. 26. Witl street's Inabil ity to draw any very definite conclusions from the latest utterances of the German chancellor probably accounted for the un certain trend of stocks during the early part of today's trading. This feeling was thrown off later, how ever, representative rails, shippings and In dustrial making substantial gains In the last hour and Imparting additional strength to various specialties. Pools enlivened the session by their spo radic action In speculative Issues, Baldwin Locomotive made up the greater part of Its recent abrupt decline, gaining over six points. American Sumatra Tobacco also ad vanced almost five points, with another rout of the shorts. Included among the other 2 to 4 point gains were Texas Company, Marine pre ferred, Atlantic Gulf, Industrial Alcohol, American Locomotive, Westlngbouse. Pacific Mall, Hide and Leather preferred and Loose Wtles common and preferred. United States teel guided the seasoned industries, advancing 2 points, and Pacifies were strongest of the rails, Canadian Pa cific gaining 1 points, with 1 to 2 points for prominent coalers. Sales amounted to 485.000 shares. Call money opened at 4 per cent, but soon rose to 6 on a broad demand. Time money was quoted at I per cent for all dates, but the supply was altogether negligible. French bonds were strong, but the general list. Including Liberty Issues, was Inclined to ease. Total sales (par value), aggre gated $3,465,000. United States (old issues) were unchanged on call. - . Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Amer. Beet Sugar . 5,300 82 81tf 82'A American Can 4,200 41? 41 1,200 74 73 74 6,200 66 64 66 1,600 82 82 82 100 107 107 107 400 107 106 107 300 15 15 16 6,700 64 63 64 600 86 85 85 3,100 114 112 114 800 52 62 62 Amer. Car and F.. Amer. Locomotive. Amer, S. ft Refg. Amer." Sugar Refg. Amer. T. ft Tel... Amer. Z., L. and S. Anaconda Copper. . Atchison A. G.4W. I. 8. S. L Bait, ft Ohio B. ft S. Copper .. Cal. Petroleum . . Can. UPaclflc .... Central Leather .. Ches. ft Ohio .... C. M. ft St. P C. ft Northwestern C, R. I. ft P. ctfs., Chlno Copper Colo. F. ft I C. P. Refnlng .... Crucible Steel .... Cuba C. Sugar Distiller' Securities Erie Gen. Electric Gen. Motor. G. Noth. pfd .... Gt. North. Ore Ctfs Illinois Central . . Inspiration Copper 300 20 19 20 16 147 71 64 39 93 21 43 39 33 64 33 40 15 141 121 91 28 94 46 99 28 30 16 32 113 29 93 31 22 69 18 71 28 104 85 30 22 44 2,000 148 146 2,900 71 70 1,600 56 64 7,600 40 38 ioo "21 '21' 1,600 43 42 800 39 38 2,500 33 33 12,400 65 63 . 600 33 32 2,700 40 40 400 15 15 800 142 140 1,100 122 116 400 91 90 1,800 29 28 '"700 46 45 18,700 99 97 1,100 28 28 600 30 30 "ioO 33 33" "Vob 28 28" 11,700 93 92 400 31 31 000 23 22 'iiioo 18 is' 600 71 71 300 28 28 'V,400 85 84 2,500 30 28 ""too 45 " 4" Int. Mt Marine pfd 18,700 Nlnter. Nickel .. Inter. Paper . . K. C. Southern . Kennecott Copper It. ft N Maxwell Motors Mex. Petroleum , Miami Copper . Mo. Paclfio . . . . , Montana Power Nevada Copper , N. T. Central .. N. Y., N. H. 4 H Nor. ft Western North. Paclfio . Paclfio Mall . . , Paclfio T. ft T.. Pennsylvania . . Save Our Profit 57 23 77 Ray Con. Copper 700 Reading (.800 Rep. L ft Steel .. 2,700 Shat., Arts. Copper So. Paclfio 2.800 So. Railway 1,300 Studebaker Cot. .. 14.400 24 77 It 23 76 77 79 16 17 24 50 88 11 24 23 61 49 Texas Co. 6,200 162 148 162 Union Pacific . U. 6. I. Alcohol U. S. Steel ... U. S. Steel pfd Utah Copper . Wabash pfd. "B1 4.000 122 121 121 1,600 121 121 122 15.300 97 15 17 600 110 110 110 1,700 13 82 13 22 300 10 tt 10 West Union Total sales for the day, 486,000 shares. U. S. 2s. reg... 17 G. N. 1st 4. 18 do coupon. t7L C ref 4s .... ( U. S. reg. ... do coupon .. L. S. L. 3.. 09 I. M. M. 6s .... 13 tt K. C. S. ref 6... 76 17.98 'U ft N. un 4s.. 85 U. S. 4s, reg. .104 M.. K.4T. 1st 4. 60 U. S. 4s, coupon. 104 M. Pac. gen. 4s.. 68 a v s Ea 96 KM. Power 6 .... 90 A. T.&T. c. 6. 14 N. T. C. deb. 6... 93 Anglo.F. 5s 90 N. Pacific 4a ... 83 A. ft Co. 4s.. 85N. Pacific 3s.... 69 Atch gen. 4s.. 83 O. S. L. ref 4s.. 84 B. ft O. cv. 4s 78P. T. ft T. 5. 92 B. S. ref. 6s.... 89Pa. con, 4 .. 91 C. Leather 6s .. 95Pa gen. 4s .. 00 C. Pacific 1st . 80 Reading gen 4s.. 84 C. ft O. cv. 6s.. 79 S. L. ft S. F. a. 6s 67 C, B. ft Q. i. 4s 93 S. Paclfio cv. 6a 91 C, M.ftSt.P.c.4 71S. .Railway 6s.. 92 C, R. I.&P.R.r.4s 66 T. ft P. 1st ....86095 C. & S. ref 4. 69U. P. 4 87 D. ft R. G. ref 5s 48 U. S. Rubber 6s 78 D. ota 6s, 1931. 92U. S. Steel 6.. 99 Erie gen. 4s 51 Wabash 1st 94 G. Elec. 6s 98Frnech Got. f 98 Bid. New York General Market. New York, Feb. 26. Flour Firm; springs, $10.55011.00; winters, $10.26010-60; Kansas, $10.60011.00. Corn Spot, unsettled; kiln dried No. 2 yellow, $2.08; No. 1 yeljow, $1.88; No. 3 white, $2.26; cost and freight, New York, prompt shipments; Argentine, $2.21 f. o. b. cars. Oats Spot, unsettled; natural. $1.0001.06. Hay Firm; No. 1 $3.00; No. 2. $1.90; No. 3, $1.90; shipping, $1.051.75, all nom inal. Hops Quiet; state, medium to choice, 1917, 4050c; 1916, nominal; Pacific coast, 1917, 2023c; 1916, 14016c. Hides Steady; Bogota, 3435c; Central America, 33 34c. Leathei- Steady; hemlock sole over weights No. 7, 48c; No. 2, 46c. Pork Steady; mess. $62.00; family. $64.00 65.00; short clear $50.0056.00. z Lard Quiet; middle west, $27.10017.20. Tallow Easy; city special loose, 17c. Wool Steady; domestic fleece XXXX Ohio and Pennsylvania, unwashed, 65 66c. Rice Firm; fancy head, 99c; blue rose, 89c. New York, Feb. 26. Buttei- Market un settled; receipts, 9.663 tubs. Creamery, high er than extras, 6050o creamery extras (92 score), 4949c; firsts, 4849c; sec onds, 4647c. Eggs Market irregular; receipts, 7,120 cases. Fresh gathered extras, 6465c: ex tra firsts, 53o; firsts, 6263c; seconds, 60 061c. Cheese Market Irregular; receipts, 3.042 boxes. State held specials, 2526c; state held specials average run, 260 26c. Live Poultry Market firm. Fowls, 36c; old roosters, -2c: young, 2830c; stags, 25c; turkeys, 2533e. Dressed Poultry Market firm. Chickens, 2739c; fowls, 2935c; turkeys, 2438c. Chicago General Market. Chicago, Feb. 26. Buttei' Unchanged. Eggs Lower; receipts, 2,728 cases; firsts, 3939c; ordinary firsts, 3839c; at mark, cases Included, 8739c. Potatoes Receipts, 22 cars; market un changed. Poultry Alive, market unchanged. New York Cotton. New York, Feb. 26. Cotton futures opened steady. March, 21.15c; May, 30.90c; July, 30.45c; October, 29.28c; December, 29.08c. Kansas City Butter and Eggs. Kansas City, Feb. 26. Butter Creamery, 45c; firsts, 43c; seconds, 42c; packing, 36c. Pittsburgh Coal La A ft pr W Ft1 I OR.Cn. TARRY. 240 Dee Dldg., Omaha, Neb.