Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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    IHfc iifcfc: UMAHA, iUfc&DAi, FfctfKUAKa 2o,
Unfurnished Rooms.
World Realty Co., Douglas 6342.
SunJTheater Bldg.
3 BASEMENT rooms, modern except beat,
$10.00, 2633 Davenport St.
Rooms Wanted.
WANTED By couple, room, board, west
Ide. References. Comfort rather than
price considered. Box 2572. Omaha Bee.
-ROOM house for rent in Florence. Phone
Florence 401.
House has room upstairs to complete
two more rooms; good poultry house and
well; ground lays fine; can give two more
acres adjoining. Very easy terms. Owner
nays sell by March 1. Going on farm.
Call Walnut 3672 evenings or Phone Tyler
50 day time.
$300 DOWN.
A splendid one-acre, well improved. Ten
minutes' walk to car line. High and level.
West Side. Whole price 31,200; balance
monthly. Must be sold by Thursday. Call
Mr. Browne. Doug. 2819.
FOR REXT 3632 Hawthorne Ave., modern
six rooms, plenty of shadp and fruit trees,
130 per month. Key first door west.
Phone Walnut 1683.
FIVE-ROOM bungalow, hot water heat.
4517 So. 39th St. $25.00.
V. . H. OATES,
647 Omaha N'at'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1294.
$13-114; 3-ROOM cottages, 3030 South lmh,
gas. electric lights, sink, toilet, no chil
dren. Ri d 4903.
$303209 Cass, 6 rooms, strictly mod. win
dow shades, fine yard.
$181060 N. 20th, 6 roomR, bath.
$13.505320 Manderson, 5 rooms, large
$10 109 S. 28th, 4 rooms, owner pay wa
ter. $35 1!20 S. ?0th. 10 rooms, mod.
TMNOWAI.T BROS, Brandels Thea. Bldg
518 So. 26th St.. 6-r., mod. house $65.00
1 738 So. 29th St., 7-r., mod house 30.00
-019 (Jra St., o-r., part mod. house.. 14.00
110J So. 9th St., 6-r. house for colored. 20.00
203 So. 18tb St. Douglas 722.
In the way of four, five or six-room mod
ern, up-to-date apartment? Preference
will be given to those In better districts of
the city. Want to deal direct with own
ers. No agents.
Ili N. 25TH, 6 rms $25.00
510 S. 27th, 7 rms 35.00
209 S. 36th, 8 rms 45.00
Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg.
Houses, cottages, and apartment!.
202 8. 17th St. Dong. tOlt.
Offices with Home Builders.
REAL ESTATE, insurance, rentals; vacant
houses and apartments made steady pro
ducers. List now. W. G. Templeton. 614
Bee. Tyler 2020.
FLAT 2303 Leavenworth, five rooms $20.00
1618 Sherman avenue, 13 rooms, $33.00.
JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 554.
9-ROOM, all modern house, close In, $45.
JOHN J. MULVIH1LL (Realtor).
tOO Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. 8.
SHOPEN A CO.. RENTALS. Douglas 4228
New. fireproof building, located south
east corner 23d and California; many
special features, garbage incinerators,
laundry and locker room, etc.; all outside
apartments; best of car service; ready
for immediate possession; rental, $40 and
$45 winter, $35 and $40 summer. See
Janitor. 'Apartment 1, 2221 California,
or call OSBORNE REALTY CO., Tyler
BEAUTIFUL 3-room and bain apartment,
walking distance, In fine location. $39 60
winter. Douglas 3140.
HAMILTON APTS. Fireproof, 24th A Far
nam; I to 6 rms. with kitchen. D. 1472.
4 AND 5-ROOM apts., steam heated, $30
and $31,50. 18th and Maple. Red 682.
5 rooms, "The Hudson," 207 8. 26th
Ave.; summer, $40.00; winter, $50.00.
424 Omaha Nat, Bk. Bldg. Doug. 746.
DESIRABLE 6-room flat at 29th and
Hickory, on car line; modern, nicely
decorated; economical furnace. Phone
Douglas 75P4.
250S. CAPITOL AVE. Modern S-room flat.
$35; 2510 Capitol Ave., modern, 8-roora
flat, $35. Desirable location, close In,
also smaller flats: 2533 to 2536 Decatur
St.. 3 rooms and bath. $8 to $10.
S16 Bandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 4960.
Specialists In Apartment management.
FOR RENT Business Prop'ty
FINE new store room and basement at 27th
kind Leavenworth Sts. Steam heat. For
"particulars see Conrad Young. 322 Bran
dels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571.
MODERN store near postofflce, $50; modern
tore room on ICth, near postofflce, low
rent O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago.
LIKE TO SMILE? Office Tii the Bee
building and smile with satisfaction.
Keystone Investment Co., Tyler 131.
NEW store for rent at 24th and Farnam. fine
location. Call D. 1 472.
21lT CUMING ST.. $25: store room, 18x6o"
with rooms In rear, also garage.
Office and Desk Rooms.
OFFICES. $20 per month and uj.
FIRST TRUST CO.. Agts, Tyler 608.
Owned and operated by Central Furni
ture Store; office on Howard St., between
15th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400. Have
your moving handled Just 89 you would
an order for now furniture. That's the way
we do it. Ask to se- our dally .ental list.
Jf T?l7T?ri Express Co.. Moving,
. J. IXLjEjLJ Packing and Storage,
1907 iTarnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 6146.
Separate locked rooms for household
goods and planoa; moving, packing and
808 8. 16th. Douglas 4163.
Phone Douglas 288 for complete
list of vacant houses and apart
ments. Also for storage, moving.
16th snd Jackson Sts.
Globe Van and Storage Co.
For real servlcs In moving, packing and
storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4339
S-room cottage near 30th and Manfler
son: modern except heat; large lot;
block' to car line; 1 block to new school;
price cut to $1,850 for quick sale.
$2,500 Beautiful Clifton Hill; 5-room,
modern cottage, good condition, floored
attic; large lot, paved street; block and
a half from car. Easy terms.
Douglas $692. 919-20 City Nat. Bk. Bldg.
KOl'NTZE PLACE Modern 8-room house,
full basement, .rwjc" lot. close to car. Price
13,15V, Karris & Noma, D. 4270.
M1NNE LI'S A hon:es and lots offer the
best opportunity to Invest your money.
Phone Tyler 1S7
WHO wants a seven-room modern house on
Bristol St. for $2,200 ? Terms If desired.
Webster 4130.
7-HOOM modern house, hot water heat;
double garage; paved street, $2,700. Bar
gain. Q. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago.
FOR Properties In dIJnDEE. HAPPY HOL
See GEORGE CO., City Nat. Bank Bldg.
FOR SALE Seven-room flat, close in. Don't
answer unless you mean business. Call
Red 62S9. ,
Have a brand new five-room house
which I will sell on remarkably easy
terms. It is strictly modern, has full lot
and is well located, near car. See this
today. Phone Douglas 3628 or Harney
3566 Sundays and evenings.
LET me show you my brand new stucco
bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca
tion. A real bargain at $3,850. Rea
sonable terms. Call Owner, Douglas 1722.
FOR SALE or rent, 1 acre fine laying
ground, 1 block to car; small house. Rent
very reasonable. Colfax 728.
Real Estate and Insurance.
1320 Farnam St. Doug. 1064.
SOS First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dour. 1734.
REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty
BUSINESS properties snd Investments.
A. P. TUKEY and SON.
620 First Nat. Bank Bldg.
Income, Business and Trackage Specialist.
16th and Dodge Sts. Douglas 415.
City Real Estate.
Douglas 1571. 322 Brandels Theater.
II. A. WOLFTRealtor. Ware Blk. Specialist
In downtown business property
V4 SEC. rich Mo. river high bottom land,
well mp.; 7 mi. from river; r,o overflow.
Will sell or exchange for smaller farm or
good Omaha Income. Paul Peterson, 304
Brandels The. Bldg., Omaha. Tel. Doug.
1805 or Walnut 3106.
TWO fine Lucas County (Iowa) farms for
clear Canada land. Owners answer at
once, with full description and price.
Walter J. Good. Charlton. Ia.
REAL ESTATE Unimproved
Have 6 full lots on Plnkney street,
south front, at 25th Ave., among beautiful
new homes. Priced to sell, can give terms.
Douglas 6886. 819 First Nat. Bk. Bldg.
MINNfTlUSA Nice lot on Titus Ave., near
24th St.: can be bought at a bargain; this
lot must be sold. Call owner evenings,
Walnut 70.
LARGE garde., lots near car line, paved
street. $125 to $195. $1 dorfn. Doug. 6074.
South Side.
FOR 8ALE Four room cottage and large
Improved lot at 44th and H Sts.; a bar
gain if taken at once. South 3049.
New 8-rom modern house and cor
responding outbuildings; 300 bearing fruit
trees; 6 acres of berries.
A LARGE suburban tract of ground outside
ctty limits, near carllne. Ideal place to
raise poultry or garden. This Is a 260-ft.
frontage for $510; will sell on easy terms.
Telephone Walnut 3466.
U ACRES West of Banson, Improved;
good hog and chicken equipment. Call
Mr. Browne. Douglas 2819.
For Sale or Exchange
$50,000 Press brick, close-in business
bleck; Income $5,000 year, on lease; also
$9,000 first mortgages, store buildings snd
residence properties. Want land.
S. S. & R. E. Montgomery,
213 City National Bank Bldg.
Omaha. Neb.
WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for
6 and 6-room houses snd bungalows with
$300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty
Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg.
WANT good residence; about $6,000. Will
pay one-half cash, balance In good resi
dence lots. Box 1792, Omaha Bee.
IMPROVED farm, wt stern Neb., $00 per a.;
mortgage $4,000; want Omaha resld nee.
D. 3S40. Colfax 4193.
I WILL buy a few pieces of good wheat
land In eastern Colorado. Give legal de
scription and price. Box 2911, Omaha Bee.
I WANT to buy a house in Dundee. About
six rooms and sleeping porch. Box 2936,
Omaha Bee.
Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages.
HAVE two 6 per cent loans, $1.-00 each, to
sell on new 4-room house and an acre of
ground; one block to car line. Sold to
good parties. $2,500 each.
HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St.
Phone Tyler 60.
6 and 6 per cent mortgages secured by
Omaha residence or Nebraska farms.
638 Keeltne Bldg.
One dollar starts an account.
Money on hand for mortgage loans.
City National Bank Bldg.
dels Theater Bldg. D. 685.
916 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bids
6, 6H and Per Cent
J. H. DUMONT C. Keeline Bldg.
1018 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1716.
W. H. THOMAS & SON, Keeltne Bldg.
$100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D.
Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts.
MONEY to loan on Improved farms snd
ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha.
Private Money
SHOPEN A COMPANY. Douglas 4228
Arkansas Lands.
Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark.
Canadian Lands.
GRAIN" and stock ranch
open for inspection and
sale, 1280 acres; 900
acres cultivated; 500
acres ready for crop;
good water; highly im
proved. Price $42 per
acre. Offer closes
March 31. Attractive
investment. C o r r e
spond direct.
Woolford, Alberta, Canada.
Colorado Lands.
WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county, Colorado;
$12.50 to $18 per acre We control 2$
choice quarters. Send for booklet. KlOK
Investment Co., Omaha.
Florida Lands.
FOR SALE; Ten acres land, loctted 2 miles
from Summerf ield. Florida. If Inter
ested write D. J. Smith, Lost Springs,
Kansas Lands.
FOR SALE 160 acres. Greeley county, level
wheat land, $1,500, also 160 Grove county.
Kansas, level, tine soil, $2,500. Must sell
at once. This is less than half value.
Need money. 0. R Marks. Huron, Cal.
Iowa Lands.
FOR SALE. NO TRADE Good quarter sec
tion of land In Union county, fair Im
provements, lays good, very little rolling,
almost level; close to two good towns,
plenty of water, good grove, plenty of
fruit, good rich soil; $127.50 per acre,
easy terms. Possession March 1st. Box
50, Creston, Ia.
FOR SALE, NO TRADE 90-aere farm, good
Improvements, good rich soil, good
orchard, good wells, good fencing; north
part of Ringgold county. Iowa; $110 per
acre; easy terms. Box 50, Creston, Ia.
Montana Lands.
FOR SALE Good grain farms ill Judith
Basin, at bargain; some of them seeded
on to winter wheat now; you get the
wheat with farm if you buy now. Send
for pamphlet and price list.
Lewlstown, Montana.
Missouri Lands.
GREAT bargains, $5 down, $5 monthly, buys
40 acres, good fruit and poultry land,
near town, southern Missouri. Price only
$230. Address Box 282, Springfield, Mo.
Nebraska Lands.
40 acres, fair Improvements, good land.
$160 per acre; 40 acres, no wast and
close in, $200 per acre; 80 acres, good but
small Improvements, no waste. $160 per;
122 acres, ideal, on paved road, close In,
$260 per; 160 acres, fair Improvements,
lays good and a dandy bargain at only
$150 per acre; dandy 420 acres, close lit
on paved road, $250 per acre; 330 acres,
good Improvements, near church and
school. $130 per; 640 acres, two sets of
Improvements, exceedingly good general
farm, valley and uplands at $115 per
Terms on all the above; 6 per cent on
some. Step lively and act If you want
one of these.
1217-1218 Ciiy National Bank Bldg.
POSSESSION MARCH 1. 1918 Improved
quarter section 1 Vi miles from Horace,
and 6 4 miles from Scotia, Greeley county.
Comfortable 4 room house, new hog
house, stable and other buildings; well
and windmill; 10 acres timber, 40 acrer
pasture, 1)0 acres cultivated; all good
soil. Price $65.00 per acre, about one
half cash, time on balance at 6 per cent.
Miner & Bradley, Grand Island. Neb.
10 ACRES near State Normal, small new
house, barn, cistern, well, cave, apples,
berries, seven acres He fine, three timbered
pasture with spring. $2,000, half cash, I
O. Wilson. Peru, Nebraska.
EXClTpTKONTilYood bargain In 320-aefi
improved Buffalo county farm, within
auto drive of Kearney, Neb.; $50 per sere.
FOR SALE Rent large body nigh-grade,
medium-priced land In Nebraska. Very
little money required. C. B.adley, Wol
baeh. Neb.
WRITE me for pictures and prices my farms
snd ranches In good Old Dawes County.
Arah L, Hungerford, Crawford, Neb.
WE HAVE clteiitsTwho wlIfTay cashTfor
bargains In western land. White A Hoover,
Omaha National Bank Bldg.
RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, ess)
terms A A Patrmm. 801 Knrhsch Blk
Oregon Lands.
NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of the
range. Get on thi ground floor with 80
seres Irrigated land tn connection with
open range. You o-n grow stock success
fully and cheaply. Personally conducted
excursion every tv . weeks, -fiend for bul
letin. Harley J. Hooker. 940 1st National
Bank Bldg
Wyoming Lands.
WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $60 per ..
Including paid-up water rights. Henry
Levi A C. M. Rylander. 854 Omaha Nat'l.
CHOICE FARM. Nlllsson. 422 Rose Bldg.
Don't list your farm with us If you
want to keep It.
423 S. 15th. Douglas 9371.
Horses Live SlcJ: Vehicles
For Sale.
Harness, Saddles and Trunks
We make them ourselves; sell them
direct to consumer. Why pay two profits
for Inferior goods, when you can get
high grade goods at first cost? ALFRED
CORNISH A CO.. 1510 Farnam St..
Omaha. Neb.
I HAVE a young Jack that I'll sell for $600
or exchange him for work horses, colts
or cattle or oilier property. What have
you to offer? Full particulars and picture
furnished on reiiues. B. S. Smith, 609
Terminal BIdf?.. Lincoln, Nob.
FOR SALE Three light grey horses and one
set of harness. Kennedy & Parsons, 1309
Jones St.
'OLD TilUSTY" Incubators and brooders
shipped promptly. Big catalog free. M.
M. Johnson Co., Mfrs.. Clay Center. Neb
Rhode Island Reds.
ROSE COMB RED Eggs for hatching.
Walnut 306. 4354 Franklin St.
Organized by the Business Men of Omaha.
FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security.
$40, 6 mo.. H. goods, total. $3.60.
Smaller, larger am't3 proportionate rate.
433 Securities Bldg. 16th, Farnam. Ty. 666.
-l O W. C. FLATAO, EST. 1892. '
Lowest rates. Privste loan booths. Harry
Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 5819. Est. 1891.
Mary A. Enrlght and husband to
Frances A. Albrecht, Twenty-fourth
street, 120 feet south of B street,
40x150 $3,000
Jennie Oaks and husband to Adele
Wrenn, Fortieth avenue, 150 feet
south or fowler avenue, west slue,
Martha G. Montgomery and husband
to Milton Co., Thlrty-flflh street,
195 feet north of Woolworth. west
side, 62x131
Ashbel S. Avery and wife to Albert
M. Connors, northeast corner Thirty-fourth
and Arbor streets, 49x140.
John C. Shartel and wife to Anna
Zeah, Titus avenue, 76.5 feet west
of Twenty-eighth avenue, north side,
Coffee aMrket.
New York, Feb. 25. : The circulation of
March notices caused some liquidation at
the opening of the market for coffee futures
today, but after selling at 7.86c, or 4 points
net lower on the call, the near months
firmed up on covering. Other months opened
1 poltn lower to 2 points higher, and rallied
on the strength of March, which sold up to
8c during the afternoon or about 11 points
net higher. September rallied from 8.41c to
8.48, with active months generally selling
9 to 11 points net higher. The March no
tices were estimated at about 26.000 bags,
but much of the liquidation was In the
way of switching and trade Interests seemed
prepared to take deliveries. The market
closed at s net advance of 6 9 points.
March, 7.98c; May, 8.20c; July, 8.34c; Sep
tember, 8.46c; October, 8.60c; December,
8.59c. Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s 8'c; San
tos 4s, 10'c. No fresh offers were reported
tn the cost and freight market over the holi
days, with Importers still claiming diffi
culty In securing tonnage. The official cables
reported no change In Brazilian spot mar
kets. Santos futures were 25 to 100 rels
higher. Santos reported a clearance of 66,
000 bags for New York. Brazilian port re
celpts, 46,000 bags.
New York Metal.
New Tork, Feb. 25. Metal Lead, firm;
spot, $7.12Vi7.25. Spelter, dull; East St.
Louis delivery, spot, offered at $7.75.
At London Copper, Spot, 110; futures,
110: electrolytic, 125. Tin: Spot, 314; fu
tures, 311. Lead: Spot. :'9 Ids: futures,
28 10s. Spelter: Spot, 61; futures, 50.
Steady Market Follows Good
Demand by Both Packers
and Shipping Buyers ; Hog
Receipts Heavy.
Omaha, February 25. 1918.'
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Estimate Monday 9,000 18.100 7.500
Sams day last week... 9.S34 10,181 10.043
Same day 2 wks ago.. 6.125 11,161 1S.I17
Same day S wks. ago. .13. 447 14.768 8.34
' ,,,, HuV A U' If a n WA El'. I . A -MB.,
. ....... HSU.. l,.J0
Same day last year 7.614 0.023 14.11$
Receipts snd disposition of live stock at
the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for
24 hours ending at 1 p. m. yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
c, m. st. p is is .;
Union Pacific 11 6;
V. A N. W., east.. 11 8 .. j
C. A N. W., west.. 145 9S 6 1
".. St. P.. M. & O. S4 45
t, B. A Q east., 2 2
C, B. & Q , west.. 44 26
C. R. P., east.. 14 11 i
Illinois Central 32 12
Chicago Ot. West.. 18 14 i
Total receipts ..427 287 25 4
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Morris A Co 60 3.143 037
Swift A Co 1.67 4,811 088
Cudahy Packing Co.. 1,734 (,10 1,337
Armour ft Co 1,114 3,476 1.103
Schwartz & Co 116
J. W. Murphy 1.28!
Lincoln Packing Co.. 34
S. O. Packing Co 3
Wilson Packing Co.. 149
O. K. Serum Co (i
Cudahy Denver 266
W. B. Vansant Co.. 63
Benton, Vansant A L 70 ,.
Hill A Son 47
F. B. Lewis 698
Hunsinger A Oliver.. 149
J. B. Root A Co 98
J. H. Bulla 106
L. F. Hubs 34
Rosenstock Bros 65
F. O. Kellogg 28
Werthelmer & Degen S09
Ellis 63
Sullivan Bros 110
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co. 84
Christie 114
Hlgglna 2
Huffman 19
Roth 37
Meyers 4
Baker, Jones & Smith 17
Banner Bros 133
John Harvey 725
Dennis A Francie 107
Jensen & Lungren.... Ill
Pat O'Day 12
Other buyers 963 1,867
Totals 11,298 19,363 ' 6,983
Cattle The week opens out with a fairly
liberal run of cattle, about 0,000 head. There
was a good demand from both packers
and shipping buyers, and with favorable
reports from outside points, the market was
generally steady on anything at all useful
either In the way ot beet steers or butoher
stock. Some of the leas desirable offerings
had to go at shaded figures, but the gen
eral trade for killing stuff was not ma
terially different from the close of last
week. Supplies ot stock cattle snd feed
ing steers were not very extensive, and there
was a good demand for them from both
yard traders and country buyers, so that
prices were firmly held and the movement
reasonably active from start to finish.
Quotations on Cattle Good to choice
beeves, $12.26 13.10; fair to goou beeves,
$11.26012.00; common to fair beeves, $9.00
11.00; good to choice yearlings, $10,760
12.25; fair to good yearlings, $9.00010.00;
common to fair yearlings, $7.00(19.00; good
to choice grass beeves, $1 0.50 1; 11.75 ; fair
to good grass beeves, $9.00910.16; common
to fair grass beeves, $7.608.D0; good to
choice heifers, $9.60010,60; good to choice
cows, $.0010.00; fair to good cows, $7.76
$8.75; common to fair cows, $6 6007.60;
prime feeders, $10,500)11.50; good to choice
feeders. $9.75010.26; fair to good feeders,
$8.756 9.60; common to fair feeders, $6,600
7.50; good to choice stockers, $9.50O10.i:
stock heifers, $7.60J9.60; stock cows, $(.10
8.75; stock calves, $7,004 10,00; veal
calves, $9.0011.00; bulls, stags, etc., $7.50
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr.
2 002 $9 75 26 633 $10 Ot
16 694 10 26
25 850 11 00
34 1077 11 25
8 952 11 60
3 1106 11 75
40 1240 12 00
17 1092 12 25
12... 1320 12 60
1 1013 10 60
64 954 11 10
24 846 11 40
11 1181 11 70
28 1198 11 86
20.., 1018 18 10
20 1343 12 60
23 1867 12 90
17 1161 IS 00
7 680 8 35 8 357 8 40
6 656 8 57 725 26
9 892 10 15 11.' 849 11 00
20 940 11 25
1 1060 11 76
2 845 7 25 8 819 7 40
1 1170 7 60 1 919 7 86
81 722 7 90 5 914 8 00
2 1085 8 25 4 36 8 35
31 1061 8 40 61 913 8 60
18 1047 8 85 42 903 9 00
t 923 9 25 6 1068 9 40
11 930 9 60 17 1117 9 65
3 123 9 75 20 1061 86
1 870 7 60 1 7 8 00
1 1040 8 26 1 1100 8 60
1 1250 8 1'5 1 1420 8 76
1400 8 86 1 1620 9 00
Hi 1560 9 25 1 H60 9 60
.1290 10 00
. . . 330 10 00 2. .
155 11 00
100 12 60
... 210 11 60 1.
158 12 75 2 160 13 00
Hogs Receipts of hogs this morning were
heavy for a Monday and on the early rounds
shippers bought hogs at prices that were
steady with Saturday. Packers slso bought
a few on the same dssis. uumiuo i mo
early session the trade was slow and the
majority of ths buyers wsre holding back
for lower prices. Toward midforenoon they
oommenced buying hogs at prices that were
from 6o to lOe lower than Saturday and
trade at this decline was extremely slow.
The best price paid was $17.30, steady with
Saturday, while the bulk moved at $17.00
.Representative sales:
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av.
78. .217 ... $17 00 61. .236
Sh. Pr.
40 $17 05
... 17 16
40 17 26
63.. 284
75. .223
72. .238
70 17 10
40 17 20
... 17 30
66. .338
85. .210
Sheep Receipts of sheep snd lambs were
light for the week's opening. Trade was
very active in consequence and values were
generally higher all around. Light lambs
wero generally 25c higher than last week,
with the heavy lambs unevenly higher, ths
bulk going at 26 0350 up. Best light lambs
sold up to $16.60, good grades going at
$16.50, with medium kinds at $16.26016.40.
Heavy lambs sold sround 16.0016.25 and
down There were only a few sheep on the
market and the values were higher Fair
In-between grades went at $11.25. Feeders
were In good demand, but scarce. Plain
bred ewes sold at $12.26. Values looked
Quotations on sheep snd Iambs: Lambs,
handywelght, $16.26016.76; lambs, heavy
weight, $15.60O16-2&: lsmbs. feeders, $15.00
Iil6.60; lambs, shorn, $11.50013.50; lambs,
culls. $10.00iftl4.00; yearlings, fair to choice,
$ll.6014.60; yearlings, feeders. $12.00
14.25; wethers, fair to choice. $11.0013.00;
ewes, fair to choice. $11.00 gi 12.26 : ewes,
breeders, all ages. $10.6016.60; ewes, feed
ers. $7.50010.50: ewes, culls and canners,
Representative sales:
No. Av.
239 fed lsmbs 86
215 fed lambs 74
188 fed lambs 87
230 fed lambs 77
215 fed lambs 71
$16 10
16 15
16 36
16 60
IS 15
t. Louis Live Stork Market.
91 T.nuls. Feb. 25 Cattle Receipts, ,
600 head; market steady; native beef steers,
$8.0013.50; yearling steers and heifers,
f7.00O13.60; cows. f6.O011.60; stockers
snd feeders, $6 00(ffin.60; fair to prime
southern beef steers, $9.0012.50; southern
native steers and heifers, $7.60g 10.00; na
tive calves, $6.00014.00.
Hogs Receipts, 21,300 head; market
higher; lights, $16.25016.60; pigs. $13.00
16.50; mixed and butchers, $17.40016.60;
good heavy, 1 17. BO ' 17.65 ; bulk, $17.35
Sheep and Iambs Receipts 600 head;
market steady; lambs, $14.00016.75; ewes,
$10.50012.00; wethers, $11. 60013.25.
Kansas City Live Htock Market.
Kansas City, Feb. 26. Cattle Receipts.
14.000 head; market steady; prime fed
steers. $13.00013.76; dressed beef steers,
$10.5011.26: western steers, $9.60012.76;
cows, $7.0001100; heifers, $8.00012.00;
stockers and feeders, $7.60012.60; bulls,
$7.25010.25; calves, $7.0012.6O.
Hogs Receipts, 10.000 head; market
lower; bulk, $17.35017.66; heavy, $17,600
17.60; packers and butchers, $17.45017.60;
light, $17.35017.55; pigs. $13.75016.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 head:
market higher; lambs $15.36016.45; year
lings, $13 nor 14.00; wethers, $11.60013.25:
ewes, $11.25 12.7 )
Heavy Run of Corn; Prices
Generally Lower; Oats Slug
gish; Rye and Barley
Omaha, February 2'. 1918.
A continued heavy ran of corn was on
hand today, arrivals of this article over
Sunday amounting to 636 cars. Receipts
of wheat were 13 cars, while those of oats
were 60 cars. Ry and barley arrivals were
1 and 8 cars, respectively.
Present weather conditions are very fa
vorable for the movement of the soft corn
left In the country and shippers are awake
to every opportunity offered to move their
holdings. With a continuation of such
weather a large movement is looked for and
doubtlessly will result In lower cash values.
Trade In the local cash market was very
light during the fore part of the session, but
later on assured a more active course with
cash premlous generally $c to 10c lower, the
6 and 6 grades of the yellow and mixed go
ing at the extreme decline. The better
grades ot which corn sold off $c to lo and
with a good milling demand were disposed
of quits readlln. Considerable sample grade
stuff has arrived here of late and sold from
10c to 40c under the ( grades. No. 3 while
sold st $1.90 and the No. 4 white at $1 .80
and $1.17. No. i white sold st $1.70 and
$1.73. No. 3 yellow brought $1.70 and the 4
grade $1.66 and $1.64 while the No. f yel
low went at 11.45 and f 1 60. No. 4 mixed
sold at 1.11 and 1.(0 and No. & mixed at
$1.44 and $1.60.
Oats were off Me to ic. Local buyers
were not keen for this cereal and most of
It went to shippers tor export account. All
sales ot oats reported so far were made at
89o and Included sales of ths standard and
No. I and No. 4 white grades.
Rye was strong, the sample grade soiling
at $3 15 while barley was c to 10c higher.
The demand for this cereal was excellent
and sellers had no trouble In finding a ready
tsker. No. 1 barley sold st tt.00 and No. 4
barley at $3 00 and ff.05. No. 1 feed
brought $1.96 and $1.99 and the rejected
grade, tl.90.
Clearances were: Whest and flour equal
to 113,000 bushels; corn, 1,000 bushels, oats,
(00.000 bushels ,
Primary wheat receipts were 447,000 bush
els and shipments 193.000 bushels, agnlnnt
receipts of 1,144.000 bushels and shipments I
of 620,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 3.379,000 bush
els and shipments 1,151,000 bushels, against
receipts of 1. 7,000 bushels snd shipments
of 479.000 bushels Isst year.
Trlniary oats receipts were 1.097,000 bush
els and shipments 777,000 bushels, against
receipts of 964,000 bushels and shipments of
683,000 bushels last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago & 401 267
Minneapolis 54 . .
Duluth 16
Omaha 13 636 60
Kansas City 38 622 101
St. Louis 33 327 186
Winnipeg , 266
These sales were reported today:
Corn No. $ white: 4 cars, fl.90. No. 4
white: 3 cars, tl.87; 4 cars, $1.86; 1 car.
fl.85; 1 cars, $1 85; 4 cars, $1.80. No. 6
white: 16 cars. $1.76. No. ( white: 1 car,
$1.65; 1 car, 91.60. Sample white; 1 car,
1.40; 1 car, $1.36. No. I yellow: 3 cars,
$1.70. No. 4 yellow: 3 cars. $1.64. No. 6
yellow: 3 cars, $1.60; 1 car, $1.47; 15 cars,
fl.43. Sample yellow: 4 tars, tl.18; 1 csr,
ft. 09. No. 6 mixed: 8-6 car (near White),
$1.60; 6 cars, $1.45. No. 0 mixed: 1 car,
$1.35; 8 cars, ft. 13; 1 car. $1.30.
Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 rats. 12.12.
No. 3 hard winter: 1 car. 11.01. No. 4 hard
winter: 1 car (4 per cent rye) tl.03. No. 1
dark hard winter: 1 car, $1.11. No. 4 dark
hard winter: 1 car, $3 12. No. I northern
spring: 1 car, $3.09. No. 5 red spring: 1
car (musty) $1.08. No. 1 durum: 1 cars and
1 bulkhead, f2.12. No. 1 amber durum: 1
car (smutty), tl.13. No 1 mixed common
and red durum: 1 car, (20 per cent spring.
80 per cent durum) f2.ll.
Oats Standard: 1 car, 89c. No. 3 white:
6 cars, 89c. No. 4 white: 1 csr, 89c.
Rye Sample; 1-6 csr,
Barley No. 3: 1 csr, fJ.00. No. 4: 2 cars,
12 05; 1 3-6 cars, $2.00. No. 1 feed: 1 csr,
fl.98; 1 car. fl.96; I cars, 11.96. Rejeoted:
ear. $1.90.
Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 3 white,
fl.0 4 white. $1.8001.86; 6 white, 1.74
1.7C; white. $1.6001.65: sample whits, $1.36
Jl. 40- No. 1 yellow, $1.70; No. 4 yellow, f 1 66
01.64; No. 5 yellow, fl. 46O1-60; No. 6 yel
low, ft. 36 01.38; sample yellow, $1,0101.11;
No. 4 mixed, fl.63Wl.60; No. 6 mixed, $1.44
01.46; No 6 mixed, fl. 80O1.35; sample
mixed, $1.0501.30. Oats: Btandard. 89c;
No. 2 white, 89c; No. 4 white, 9o. Barley:
No. 8, $2.00; No. 4. $2.0003.05; No. 1 feed,
$1.951.9S; rejected, $1.80.
Chicago closing prices, furnished Ths Bte
by Logan A Brysn, stock Slid grain brokers.
318 South Sixteenth street, umansi
Art, t Open, b High, J Low. Close. IBst'y.
Corn, ill I
Mar. I 1 27 1 27KU27H 1 27 117H
May I 1 26 1 27 12tt 1 2(TiUH
Oats. I I II
Mar. I I8U 19 87 698, 88
May I 66' Mil 85 I I 8"
Pork. I I
May j 48 60 I 48 70 ',48 66 48 65 4I 66
Lard. I I I '
May I 38 05 I 26 20 35 971 26 02 26 47
July I 26 26 26 40 125 25 26 25 16 76
Ribs. I I II I
May I 25 30 25 86 126 2t 25 27 35 70
Inly 1 25 70 25 06 25 70 25 70 26 05
Receipts Tull Down Values) Wenthar Condi
tions Act as Ntlmnlant.
Chicago. Feb. 26. Notwithstanding the
big receipts pulled down grain values todsy,
the effect was subsequently more than over
come by adverse weather conditions and by
the lifting of embargoes on various railway
lines from here to the Atlantic seaboard.
Corn closed firm, tl.27V. March, and
fl.25Ti, May, the ssme as Saturdny's finish,
to Ho higher. Oats gained HO He. In pro
visions there was a setback ranging from
13Hc to fl.
Receipts of grsln were the heaviest yet
this season, and in corn arrivals at primary
centers were mora than double last year's
figures. A further bearish factor was Pres
ident Wilson's proclamation disapproving a
higher guaranteed price on wheat. About the
middle of the session, however, sentiment
changed and thereafter the market tended
upward. Storms which might retard the
crop movement were reported In Iowa and
other Important states. Opening of new
freight outlets to the east counted likewise
as a strengthener of values.
Oats paralleled the action of corn. There
was much short covering as s result of a
ruling at Minneapolis that settlement of de
faults would be based somewhat on ths
value of cash oats In all markets.
General commission house selling weak
ened provisions.
New York, Feb. 25. Flour firm; springs
$10.65011 00; winters $10.26010.60; Kansas
$10.60011. 00.
Corn Spot unsettled; kiln dried No. 2
yellow t2.08?i; No. 3 yellow fl.86it; No. 3
white $2.26 V4 cost and freight, New York,
prompt shipment; Argentine $2.21, f. o. b.
Oats Spot unsettled; natural $1.0501.06.
Hay Firm: No. 1, $2.10; No. 2, $2.00;
No. 1. $1.90; shipping 1.75fll.85, all
Hops Quiet; state medlmi to choice 1917
4060c; 1918 nominal; Taclflc coast 1917,
20023c; 1916, 14016c.
Hides Steady; Bogota 435c; Central
America 33 0 34c.
Leather Steady; hemlock sole over
weights No. 1, 48c; No. 2. 46c.
Pork Steady; mess $62.00; family $64.00
66.00; short clear $50.00051.00.
Lard Quiet; middle west $26.90027.00.
Tallow easy; city special loose 17c.
Wool steady; domestic fleece XXXX
Ohio and Pennsylvania unwashed 65066c.
Rice Strong; fancy head 8iO'c; blue
rose 8H08HC. .
Chicago Mve Stock Market.
Chlcsgo, Feb. 25. Cattle Receipts. 17.
000 head: market firm; native steers, $8.65
014.16; slockers and feeders, $7.60011.00;
cows and heifers, $6.75012 00; calves, $8.75
Hogs Receipts. 64,000 head; market un
settled, at Saturday's average; bulk, $17.20
017.40; light, $16.85017.45; mixed, $17,000
17.40; heavy, $10.70017.40; rough, $16 70
016.86; pigs, $12.75010.26.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 14,000 head;
market strong; sheep, $10.26013.30; lambs,
Sioux City Live Htock.
Sioux City, la., Feb. 26. Cattle Receipts,
3,000 bead: market strong, 10c higher. Beef
steers, 9.7E13.25; fat cows and heifers,
$8.00011.60; canners, $7.0008.00; stockers
snd feeders, $8.60011.60; calves, $8,000
11.60; calves, $8.00012. 60; bulls, stsgs, etc.,
$7.50010.10; feeding cows and heifers, $7.00
9 60.
Hogs Receipts, 14.000 head; market
strong. Light, $l.75fflll.f0; mixed, $16.85
16,95; heavy, $16.90017.00; pigs, $12.60
14.50: bulk, $16.86016.95.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head;
market strong.
New York (Jotton.
New Tork, Feb. 26. Cotton futures
opened steady; March, 11c; May, 30.70c;
July, 30.22c; October, 29.05c; December,
Futures closed steady; March, 30.94c;
May. 30.73c; July, 10.27c: October. 29.16c;
December, 28.97c.
Russian Situation Coupled
With Dubious Status of
Prominent Issues Acts as
Damper on Street.
New Tork, Feb. 25. Ths dubious status
of certain prominent Issues, coupled with
the more disconcerting chsracter of the
Russian situation acted as a weight aver
today's stock market, effecting gross re
cessions of i to t points in the geueral list.
Directors of ths Brooklyn Transit
company deferred action on ths regular
dividend bersuse of heavy Impending fin
ancial obligations and another sharp break
In St. Paul common and preferred presaged
drastic action tn that quarter later In the
Special shares In which professional
Interests or pools were recently active made
further temporary gains, but the move
ment proved more or less abortive, virt
ually all the advantage being relinquished
In ihe general reaction ot the last half of
the season.
Domestic conditions were confusing, the
West reporting a halt In trade due to
Inadequate skipping facilities, but local
money rates were appreciably easier as a
result of last Saturday's better bank state
ment. Weakest features In addition to rails snd
utilities. Included Atlantic Oulf, Marines,
(.ieneral Motors, Texas company snd
Oeneral Electric. U. S. Steel lost an ex
treme of a point, but rallied slightly.
Sales amounted to fit, 000 shares.
Among the day's railway returns. New
York Central's December net gain of
$1,708,000 was offset by Northern Pacific's
loss ot slightly over $1,000,000.
Bonds as a whole tended slightly lower.
Liberty issues showing relative steadiness.
Totsl sales (par value) aggregated
United States old I s advanced l per cent
on call.
Number of sales and range of prices of
the leading stocks: Closing
Sales High Low Bid
Amer. IVct Sugar.. 7.700 83H 81 80
American Can 3,600 40 40 40
Am. Car & Foun... 1,60 74 73 i
Amer. l,o. o 4.100 6 64 4
Am. Smelt. Ref. 8,000 83H 2H 82:
Am. SuKr Refining 300 106H 106 107
Amer. Tel. 4 Tel... 1.000 107 100V, 106H
Anaconda Copper .. 4.600 44 H 3 " 63
At. O., W.I.SS. I... 13.100 116 HI 111
Halt. A 0 700 61 63 61
Cal. Petroleum 300 16 16 14
Canadian I'aciflo .. 1,600 147 146 146
Central Leather ... 9.800 73 69 704
Chesa. A Ohio 600 64 (4 14
Chi., Mil. A St. P.. .17.200 41 36 40
hi. A Northwestern 300 14 93 93
.'., R. I. & P. ctfs S0
Chlno Copper 1.000 48 4:1 43
t'olo. Fuel A Iron .. 800 19 39 39
Corn Prod. Refining 9,000 .14 32 33
Crucible Steel 10.800 6t 62 62
Cuba Cane Sugar .. 3,100 3;l 32 32
Distiller's Securities 7.10O 40 M 39
Erie 900 11 15 16
General Electric .. 1,600 140 138 138
General Motors 7,300 114 130 121
(Jreat North. Pfd. .. 300 90 90 90
lit. North. Ore Ctfs. UOO 28 8 28
Illinois Central 94
Inspiration Copper . 1,700 46 46 46
Int. Mer. Mar. Pfd. .35,400 100 97 97
International Nickel 1,600 28 28 28
International Paper 400 30 80 30
Kansas City Sou 16
Kenneoott Copper . . 300 31 JJ 3!
Louisville A Nash 111
Maxwell Motors .. 400 21 18 28
Mexican Petroleum. 11,600 14 93 91
Miami Copper 300 31 31 31
Missouri Pacific .. too 13 12 22
Montana Power 69
Nevada Copper 1.200 19 18 18
New York Central. 2,100 71 71 71
N.Y., N.H. A Hart. 1,000 18 17 17
Norfolk A Western. 1,000 104 104 103
Northern Pacific .. 800 86 84 84
Paclflo Mall 1.100 28 27 27
Paa. Tel. A Tel 200 14 24 34
Pennsylvania 400 46 44 44
Pittsburg Coal 66
Ray Consol. Copper 1,100 24 13 23
Reading 9,900 77 75 75
Rep. Iron A Steel .. 1,800 78 77 77
Shst. Arli. Cop. ..
Southern Pacific .. 1,300 86 66 66
Southern Railway .. 800 23 23 23
Sturiebakor Corp. .. 8.700 61 60 60
Texas Co 6,600 164 148 148
Union Paclflo 4,600 121 110 130
V. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 4,800 123 110 130
Dnlled States 8tcel.. 94, 800 94 14 96
ir. S. Steel Pfd. .. 700 110 110 110
Utah Copper 1,700 8,1 83 8,1
Wabash Pfd. "B" .... 21
Western Union 89
Westlnghouse Else... 1,200 41 41 41
Total sales' for Ihe day. 626,000 shares.
New York Money.
New York, Feb. 26. Mercantile paper
6 06 per cent.
Sterling Sixty day bills, 14.73; com
mecrclal 60-day bills on banks, $4.71;
commercial 60-day bills, $4.71; demand,
$4.76; cables, $4.76 7-16.
Silver Bar, 86c; Meilran dollars, 68c.
Bonds Government, Irregular; railroad,
Time loans Strong: 60 days, 10 days snd
six months, 6 per cent bid.
Call Money Firm; high, 4; low, 3;
ruling rate, 4; closing bid, 2: offered
at 3; lust loan, i.
V. S. 2, rcg.... 97 O. N. 1st 4s.. 88
U. 8. 2s, coupon 97 I, C ref. 4s.... 82
1'. S. 3s, reg 91 Int. Mer. Mar. 6s 93
U. S. 3s, coupon 89 K. C. 8. ref. ts 71
1!. S. Lib. 3s 97.96 L. N. un. 4s.. 88
IT. S. 4s, reg...l()4M K T 1st 4s 81
U. S. 4s, coup. 104 M. P. gen. 4a 66
Am. For. See. 6s 98 Mont. Power 6s 90
Am. T. A T. c 6a 94 N. Y. C. deb. ts 93
Anglo-French 6s 89 N, P. 4s 13
Ann. & Co. 4s 86 N. Pacific 3s.... 60
Atchison gen. 4s 63 O. S. L. ref. 4s.. 64
B. A O. cv. 4s 78 P. T. A T. 6a 98
Beth Steel ref. 6s 89Penn. con. 4s.. 97
Cen. Leather 5s 96Penn. gen. 4s 90
Central Pac. 1st 90 Reading gen. 4s 84
Ches. A O. cv. 5s 79 H L & 8 F a 6s 66
C. B. A Q., J. 4a 93 8. Pac. ov. ts.. 91
C M & S P c 4s 72 Southern Ry 6s. . 92
C R I 4 P r 4s 66 Tex. A Pac. 1st 86
C. B. ref. 4s 68 Union Paclflo 4s 87
D. A R. U. ref. 6s 48 V. S. Rubber 5s 78
D. of C, 6s '31 92 U. S. Steel is.. 99
Erie gen. 4s 61 Wabash 1st 94
Gun. Electric 5s 98 Bld.
London Money.
London. Feb. If. Bar silver, 42d per
ounce. i
Money, 8 per cent.
Discount rates: Short bills snd three
months, 3 per cent.
Omaha Hay Market.
Receipts on alfalfa and prairie hay con
tinue HtcuUy the demand fair lo good.
Market steady with prices unchanged.
Choke Upland Prairie f 21.60; No. 1.
$18. 60020.60; No. 2, 115 60017.60; No. 1,
$ 12.60O14.60
Midland Prairie No 1, $19.60020.60; No.
2, $15.60017.60.
Lowland Prairie No. 1, $16.60017.60; No
2, $14.60015.60; No. 3, $12.60013.60.
Choice Alfalfa $30.00; No. 1. $28.00029.00:
standard, $25.00027.00; No. 2. $23.00026 00,
No. 2, $20.00023.00.
Straw Oat, $1100; wheat, $10.00.
New York Produce.
New York. Feb. 25. Butter Market eas
ier; receipts, 10,505 tubs; creamery,
higher than extras, 6161c; creamery, ex
tras, (92 score), 50 to 50 c; firsts, 480
49c; seconds, 46048c.
Eggs Market unsettled: receipts, 10,868
cases; fresh gathered, extras, 65c; in Ira
firsts, 61 54c; firsts. 63c; seconds, 60O
Cheese Market Irregular; receipts, 3.653
boxes; state, held, specials, 2626c;
same, average run, 26 26c.
Poultry Dressed, market firm; chickens,
25031c; fowls, not quoted; turkeys, 2438c.
Chicago Produce.
Eggs Market lower; receipts, 6,204 cases.
Firsts, 4141c; ordinary flrstc, 3940u:
at mark, cases Included, 37040c.
Potatoes Market lower; receipts, 59 cars.
Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota bulk,
$1.4601.60; ditto, sacks, $1.60.
Poultry Alive, market lower. Springs,
Chicago, Feb, 26. Butter Market lower.
Crcamsry, 448c.
St. Joseph Live Htock.
8t. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 26. Cattle Receipts,
6,000 head; market steady to strong; steers,
$9.00011.60; cows snd belters, $7.00012.26;
calves, $6.00U.tO.
Hogs Receipts, 16,000 hesd; market
lower; top, $17.60; bulk of sales, $17.66.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head;
msrket strong; lambs, $13.00016.60; ewes,
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits.
New York, Feb. 25. Evaporated apples,
dull; Callfornlas, 14U'c; prime state,
Prunes Firm: Callfornlas, 714c;
Oregons, 13014c.
Apricots Quiet; choice, 17c; extra
choice, 17c; fancy, 19
Peaches Quiet; standard, 11 c; choice,
12 13c
Raislns Steady; loose muscatels, 9c
9c; choice to fancy seeded, 10 11c;
seedless, !8c.
Kansas City Traduce,
Kansas City, Feb. 25. Butter Creamery,
40c; firsts, 43c; seconds. 43c; packing, 38c.
Eggs Firsts, 42c: seconds, 87c.
Poultry Roosters, 20c; broiler, 2324c.
Cal M. Maynard, Charter Mem
ber of Council Bluffs Typo
graphical Union, Suc
cumbs to Operation.
Cal M. Maynard, the oMest printer
in Council Bluffs in point of service,
died at 3 o'clock Monday morning at
the Edmundson hospital following an
operation for removal of an enlarged
Mr. Maynard was 61 years old. He
was born at Leavenworth, Kan., but
came to Council Bluffs with his par
ents when only a tew mouths old. His
father. Colonel W. V Maynard, was
one of the best known newspaper
men in the midwest. Colonel May-
nard established the first paper
printed in the city, the Council Bluffs
Bugle. He later became editor of the .
Council Bluffs Nonpareil, where the
son began li is printing office work
before he was 10 years old and con
tinued to follow it to the end. For
the last 16 years Mr. Maynard had,
charge of the private printing plant
of McCord-Brariy company in Omaha.
When the Council Bluffs Typo-"
graphical union was established Cal
Maynard was a charter member. He
was very active in other fraternal or
ganizations and was head consul for
fowa for the Woodmen of the World.
He was also a Mason and a member
of the Moose. j;
Mr. Maynard is survived by his
widow and two daughters, Mignon
ette and Rachael, 27 North First
street. His aged mother, Mrs. W. W.
Maynard, resides with her daughter,
Mrs. Bert Stimson, at Missoula.
Mont. She celebrated her 89th birth
day a short time ago. ,
Crrnival Men Find Fears
Ground! ::s, Weaver Reports
Secretary J. D. Weaver of Ak-Sar-Ben
returned Sunday night from Chi
cago, where he spent the week at a
convention of carnival secretaries and
"A splendid spirit was manifested
by all show men," Weaver declared.
"They are sure they will be able to go .
ahead as usual in the fall. Last fall
they were down at the mouth for
fear the railroads would not be al
lowed to haul their equipment when
the nation needed the railways for
transportation of food, coal and war
supplies. Now the say they have
definite assurance from the railway
committee that they will be carried
as usual,
"So we are looking forward to a
big carnival during our fall festival
in Omaha. I have not yet contracted
with any of the shows, but I have
some splendid prospects in mind."
One Million Bushels is
Grain Increase for Week
Grain is coming into storage in '
Omaha terminal elevators faster than
it is shipped out, and, as a result, the
increase in stocks since last Monday
has been close to 1,000,000 bushels..
The report of the inspection depart
ment of the Omaha grain exchange
indicates that total stocks in storage
aggregate 2.162,000 bushels, or I,-,
270,000 less than on the correspond
ing date of one year ago.
The figures now and one year ago:
Now. Year Ago.
Wheat 241,000 1,149,000
Com 1,250,000 1,285.000-
Oats 62J.000 910,00(1
Rye 19,000 77,000
Barley 29,000 11,000
Total 2,162,000 3,432,000"
Navy Seeks Accountants v
For Chief Yeoman Duties
The Omaha recruiting office for the
navy has received instructions to en
list men as chief yeoman. This of
fice ordinarily requires fouf yeara of
The wage paid is $72 per month
with allowances for other expenses,
making a total of $132 per month in
actual cash, in addition to clothes and
medical attendance.
To obtain this office the applicant
must have had at least five years'
experience as accountant with a firm
of accountants or as factory account
ant with a business concern. "
Tissf Cuts Wholesils prices ot beef csi
sfftctlvs February IS ara as follows: Loins,
No. 1, ;ttc; No. 2. No. 3, 16Hc
Ribs, No. 1, :4Mo; No, 2, !2c; No. S, lit.
Rounds, No. 1, 10c; No. 2, Uo; No, S,
HHc. Chucks, No. 1, Ho; No. I, 15oj No.
S. 14c. Plates, No. I 14 He; No. 2. 14c; No.
3, 12HC '
Oysters Northern standards, per tt,
12. CO; large cans, 51c; small cans, 39c; se
lects, 12 ID per cal.; Urge cans, (5c; small
cans, 43c; counts, 11.10 per gal.; large cans',
13.10; small, 70c; small cans, 48c; Chcia
peukn stani'irds, 12.26 per gal.; large cans,
45c; small cans, SOc; selects, 12.50 per gal.;
large cans, 50c; small cana, 35c. '
Celery California mammoth, fresh trim-m-rt
da!ly. well bleached, per doien, SOc. ,
Fish Whiting, ocean pike, per lb., akin
skinned, 7c; round, He; box lots, S'ko; her.
ring, pe lb., round, c; sack lots, lei
herring, per lb., dressed, 11c; box lots, 10c;
tulllbbe, whits avge, 1 lb., per lb., lie; '
box lots, 10c ; Canadian W. C. jack pickerel,
rd., 12c; box lots, 11c; yellow pike, No.-l.
INc; box lota, 17o. '
Krpsh Frozen (per lb.) Halibut, coast
troien, 22c; salmon, red. coast frozen, 2 2 i-.j
pink, 20c; black rod sable first, coast
frozen, 16c; black baas, O. 8., 18c; large or
small, 20c; trout, small, 20c; whlteflsh, me
dium and large, 18c; pike, No, 1, 18c; bos
lots, 17c; pickerel, dressed, 16c; round, 12c;
crspple, average, 12 lb., 16c; tlleflsh, for
steak, 15c; yellow perch, 18c; buffalo and
carp, lie; ling cod, 12c; flounders, lo;
western redsnapper, 11c; sliver smelts, X6t;
native mackerel, 21c; whiting rd. O. S. and
medium targe, 8c; frotcs, Louisiana black
bulls, per doz.. jumbo, f 3.76 ; medium, t2.Q9.
Fresh Caught (por lb.) Halibut, fancy ex
press stock, 26c: salmon, red, fancy express
stock, 28c; black cod sable fish. 16c; black
bass, O. S., 30c; large or small, 25c; catfish,
O. 8. and large, 25c; medium, 22c; crappie,
0. H. and large, 22c; buffalo, genuine, Rd.,
If any. He; buffalo-carp, Rd., 14cj red
snapper. 18c; native mackerel, chilled, 21c;
haddock, chilled. 12c: cod, eastern, chilled.
16c; flounders, He; Spanish mackerel, 17c:
silver smelts, chilled, 16c; shad, split, each
(frozen), 25c. '
Kippered Salmon, 10-lb., baskets, plenty,
fill sll orders. 13.10: kippered sableflsh ot
grsyflsh, 10-lb. baskets, plenty, fill all
orders. 12.40; smoked whits Oakeflsh). 10
lb baskets, plenty, fill all orders, S3. SO.
Froes Louisiana black bulls, per dvgen.
jumbo, 13.00; medium. 12.00.
Turpentine and Rosin. , .
Savannah, Oa., Feb. 26. Turpentine
Firm. 42c; sales, none; receipts, 84 bbls.;
shipments. 112 bbls.; stock, 26,043 bbls. '
Rosin Firm; sales, 80S bbls.; receipts. 239
bbls.; shipments, 117 bbls.; stock. 69,035
Quote: H, r. E. F, O, H. 5.65.TH;
1, 6.00; K, S6.80Qi6.S6; M, 7.05: N. $7.25:
WO, 7.40; WW. $7.60.
New York 8ugar. '
New Tork, Feb. 25. Sugar Rsw, mark
steady. Centrifugal, g.005o; molasses sugar,
nominal. Refined sugar, steady. Cut loaf,
8.96c; crushed, 8.70o; mould A, 7.6c: cubes,
8.20c; XXXX powdered. 7.5c; powdered,
7.0c; fine granulated. 7.45c; Diamond A,
7.46c; confectioners' A, 7.36c; No. 1, 7.J0e,
Kggs Register Drop.
Chicago, Feb. 26. Eggs dropped I csnti -mors
In South Wster atreet today. Mlscel- -laneous
lots sold at 39 40c, compared wltli
44 46c last Saturday and 49961a lass)
Thursday. Receipts were heavy, 5,204 4Ms