..HE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1918. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyrlaht, 1117. International New Service. I Drawn for The Bee by George McManus AREN'T YOU ,0Ni TO I f I'D LIKE. TO IT I ' HOm 1 I I THACTi I I I -MRb SMlTH-VOO kv II fflk K T T" i LEADERS HOLD THEIR PLACES IN DAD'S TOURNEY Ostronics Have Fine Oppor tunity to Make Killing, But Fall Down in Final Spurt. TOCRNKY STANDING. Team. Schayler Vo. 1 ...... Schuyler No. 8 ....... Central Furniture' Co O'Brien Caady Co Rash League Owl Union Outfitting Co. Ostronlcs .2051 t83 '.888 taw ..2819 Dntch MI1U 1814 15ml Holm ..'.J798 Sam' Indiana J796 Donble. Bertstea-Betr, Council BInffs 1349 Tan Haosen-Muehllcn, Schuyler 127 C. Bachman-Zedlna U84 Fristoe-Brown, Lincoln 1180 Stank-Mneller, West Side, la 1112 Besltn-Chandler : 1170 Keller-Sorathmjuu), Weat Sid 1162 Slndllar-Melntosh, Schnyler ll f'arlfon-Schmitt, Lincoln .,...1159 Boord-Radford . 1155 Single. Hartley (42 Mcintosh, Schuyler 042 Dflhae, Weat Sid SIS Shaw . ..; ..'........,.... 1 Fristoe, Lincoln ,. ," , . ill Heald, Otceola '.. flog ionne . 60S Mehner AOS FKsajerald 05 Swaboda . t m , . 60S Schedule, for Toddy. Herln'a alleys of Fremont. The city of Sioux Falls, Bloux Fall, S. D. Wagner's Sl'Mlals of Manning;, la. Old Time of Manning, la. Emlls' Jayblrda, of Manning, la. Carroll Boosters, Carroll, la. Cantry'a RexaU'a of Ldfcam la. Logan Specials of Logan, la.. t Logan Kids of Logan, la. The Winners of Winner, 8. D. Baer and .Dvorak of Wahoo. Neb. None of the leaders was disturbed in the Huntington handicap tourna ment yesterday. The Ostronics had a great chance to go into the lead; they had 1,697 pins for their first two games, but fell down badly in their last game, only getting 852. The Central Furniture company team rolled into third place with 2,866. As this team only has a han dicap of 63 pins, they bowled the highest total so, far in the tourna ment. Sunday the alleys will be occupied by all out-of-town teams. Scores: FITZ HAPPT THOUGHT. 1st Sd. Sd. Bueher. 179 110 Klug 114 199 B1U ,....." 1S8 119 Krugtr .. Ml 1(9 Htmpla 14 14 Handicap Ill 12 S Total. 4tt 431 413 83 479 171 Total! 119 92 EARLS C0LT8. let. 2d. Pratt 144 191 Jepsen ........... 1(1 117 Kappea 124 130 Cederholm ., 141 1(0 Weiss lit 1(4 Handicap ....... 121 123 Total.. ....... 32 3IT OSTRONICS. 1st id. A. Ostronle.... 1(9 17 Metanar ......v.. 201 199 J. Ostroal.. ...... .1(9 1(9 Kelley .... 209 IT Sperry ........... 189 114 Handicap .. 1&8 192 122 2.147 3d. Total. 199 127 124 163 1C1 151 123 402 431 493 44S set StO 2,(32 24. Total. 131 499 119 1(3 137 91 4(0 (22 173 (tS 103 309 1,119 Totals.. 9tS 999 9(2 WASHINGTON SHIRT. let 3d. Id. Total. Laplnakl 203 127 Ragan .127 1(7 O. Olson 234 134 Toman 229 213 ennedy 133 221 andlcap 22 35 4 141 14( ft id it 471 429 .(0 (13 (10 lot 309 2,(97 Total! 1.010 387 RHI3 CAFE. 1st 2d. 3d. ToUl. Pain ........... 179 154 179 (24 JenklM .. 171 149 1(9 437 Williams 190 192 147 (19 Bsntachler 312 l3 . 172 647 Anderson 170 lit lit 477 Handicap 9 60 0 180 Total! 982 8(3 3(4 2,734 CLASSICS. Ogellby ' 122 ' 142 1(8 428 Harrington 144 162 425 Procopio J4S 21 2 149 (09 Murphy IK 179 148 411 McCortoick 161 lt4 1(9 10 Handicap US 11S IK S4I Total! t(8 1,008, 3(4 ORPHEUM GARDENS. 1st 3d. 3d. Mayna .....165 223 143 Crane 170 181 170 Grote 152 17t 131 Gernandt ..164 13$ lit Rlea 188 182 108 Handicap 3 (8 (8 2.715 Total. (81 (21 464 492 473 204 Today's Sport Calendar Billiard National Class A 18.3 bmlk-llne championship tournament opens, at Detroit, Base Ball Schedule meeting of the South, era league, at Atlanta. Automobile Opening of shows at Omaha, Indianapolis, and Bridgeport, Conn. Oolf Opening of annual spring tourna ment at St. Augustine, Fla. Opening of women a championship tournament at Bell air. Fla. Boxing Fred Fulton Frank Moran, 29 rounds, at New Orleans. Jack Dempsejr vs. Bill Brennan, 10 rounds, at Milwaukee. Harry Oreb ts. Mike O'Dowd, 10 rounds, at St. Faul. Ted Lewis ts. Soldier Bartfield, tlx rounds, at Philadelphia. Chick MagUone ts. Young Brne, 20 ronnds, at Barberton, O. Frankie Murphy vs. "Kid" Johnson, 15 ronnds, at Victor, Colo. Southern A. A. V. boxing championship, at Birmingham, Ala. Holllday 1(1 141 147 448 (Continued oa Fage Fifteen, Column Four.) CREIGHTON FIVE HITS ROAD FOR EAST THIS WEEK Omaha Tossers to Go Clear to Wisconsin for Clash; Cage Fans Keen to See Huskers. Totals 8(7 (83 , 811 2,690 O'BRIEN CANDT CO. 1st. -2d. 2d. Kuhey 181 200 1(1 Karl 112 165 197 Ungly 128. 1(7 190 Keale i 174 223 178 Plmmsrman 1(8 160 1(7 Handicap (3 (2 (3 Total. (23 (74 S2( (73 489 159 Totals 919 997 933 1.(49 CENTRAL FURNITURE. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. H. Hansen 168 187- 182 Kleny 172 148 2(9 Eldson 166 182 142 Jarosh .. 223 223 1J6 Learn 21 21 21 637 (69 (19 641 (3 3,8(6 Totals 939. 939 997 BANKERS REALTT. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. R. Sclple 133 Harrison ....... 183 Howard 1(0 Echoenmaa. ...... 1(1 K. Sclple 181 Handicap ...MM 43 164 I' M81 171 179 43 17S 190 1(4 178 179 43 472 S4( S29 (12 (39 129 -' Total!.. S(9 91t Doable. V 1st 23. Hancock t ....... .13 172 Peterson 123 169 Handicap ..13 13 , Totals . 389 1st. Bralnion . ........172 Hathaway ........ 201 Handicap ....a... 22 91 254 2d. 142 1(9 32 324 Id. 917 2.722 3d. Total. 128 413 129 491 13 39 2(9 1023 3d. Total. 1(3 476 139 4(7 33 99 999 1939 Id. Tout. Omaha floor enthusiasts are anxious to see the University of Nebraska and Creighton clash on the basket ball court. The Cornhuskers have a fast quin tet this year and Creighton has cleaned up everything in sight. The two fives are unqustionablythe fast est in the state and a clash for su premacy would be well worth seeing. Creighton, it is known, would like to lock horns with the Huskers, but last year after booking"lwo gmes with the Blue and White quint, the Cornhuskers cancelled. For this rea son, Tommy Mills hesitates to open negotiations with, the state institu tion. Tommy Mills and his charges leave tomorrow on a trip to last all week. The Blue and White team will tangle with Upper Iowa college at Fayette ville, the State Teachers' at Cedar Falls, - Drake at Des Moines, .Du buque at Dubuque, and Campion col lege at Prairie du Chien, Wis. Wis consin is the home of the versatile Blue and White coath and be is likely to secure a number df games in that state for his undefeated five. The Creighton squad will wind up its 1918 season about the middle of March.- Mills is negotiating for two games with the strongest teams in the Missouri Valley conference, and has announced that arrangements, al though not quite complete, will prob ably result in their being brought here for a fitting conclusion of a most successful year. 1 1 Toledo Horse Fans Announce New Stakes Toledo, O., Feb. 24. Six early clos ing stakes aggregating $16,200 in addi tion to 13 class races divided over five days, is the program announced today by directors of the TJoIedo Driving club company for Toledo's first year in the Grand Circuit. The stakes follow: The Fort Miami stake for x 2:08 trotters, $5,000. The Dudley stake for 2:12 trotters, $3,000. The Maumee stake for 2:04 pacers, $3,000. The Fort Meigs stake tor znv pacers, $3,000. The Sherwood cup for 3-year-old trotters to the 2:12 class, $1,200. The Win Kmnan stake for Z-year- old trotters, open to all, $1,000. The directors voted down the pro posal to take up the M. & M. stake for $10,000 surrendered when Detroit dropped out of the Grand Circuit All races with the exception of those for colts will be three in five heats. Entries close March 18. National Amateurs Meet in Chicago Cleveland, O., Feb. 24. Chicago was selected as the next convention city of the National base ball federa tion at its session here today. Tlje mid-summer meeting will be held in Detroit. Several minor changes were made in the rules, the most important of which is that hereafter the final series of the championship shall consist of two out of three games, none of which shall be played as a double header. The matter of protests was also taken up, and all teams in future will be required to report to the secre tary of the federation by August 15, a list of all players eligible for com petition. In turn the secretary will send complete lists to members, who must tile protests within 30 days. A resolution furthering the col lection of a half million dollar fund for furnishing base ball supplies to the United States soldiers and sailors was unanimously adopted. Each member of the city association pledged itself to stage benefits at different times during the season. Northwestern Beats Michigan. Chicago, Feb. 24. Northwestern defeated Michigan, 18 to 14. in a Western conference basket ball game hert last night, jJoyrJ km star for Michigan, ' UNI FRESHMEN TRIM CENTRAL; HUSKERS WIN Omaha Cage Artists Go Down Before Young Cornfeds by Twenty-Seven to Thirteen. Lincoln, Feb. 24. (Special Tele- gram.)-7Jmaha High received a sound lacing from the Nebraska freshmen five last night, 27 to 13, as a curtain raiser to the game be tween Nebraska and Wesleyan, in which the Huskers again trimmed the Methodists, 24 to 20, in a hard fought battle. Patty, former Omaha star, was the main cog in taking his old ttam' mates to a drubbing, with five goals from field and three free throws, Smith was the only Omaha player who could locate the basket with any degree of success. The first half nded, 15 to 9 for the freshmen and Stewart's yearlings pushed further ahead in the second half. Although the Huskers had a com fortable lead against-Wesleyan in the first half, 13 to 7, the Methodists sprinted and nearly evened the count. Jackson for Nebraska and War ren for Wesleyan did most of the scoring: The summary: NEBRASKA FRESHMEN, Patty, r. f 9 Bailey, 1. f. 3 Kacer, 1. f.-o 9 Bektns (c), e. 1 Simian. 1. f. 1 Howarth,-r., g 0 Newman, 1. g 3 F. Pts. 0 13 Total 13 8 ( 37 OMAHA HIGH. O. FG. F. Pts. Maxwell (c), r. t 1113 Russell, r. f 0 0 0 0 Smith, 1. f 8 0 3 9 Paynter, c 1 0 2 2 T. Logh, r. g 0 9 0 0 Konechy, r. g..... 1 9 0 2 O. Logan, 1. g. 0 0 9 9 Totals 9 1 ( 13 Time of halves: 20 minutes. Referee: Rob ert Hager, Lincoln High scho6l. Huskers and wesleyan, NEBRASKA. G. F.G. Jackson (C), r. f ,3 9 Scbellenberg, 1. f. 0 Gerhart, 1. f 9 Hubka, c. and r. g 1 Thomas, r. .. 3 Phillips, 9 Spear!, 1. g... ' ra m F. Pts 3 13 17 24 F. Ft. i Jl 9 20 Referee: Eldridge, 1. ah...u... 0 Totals i... ...... 9 9 WESLETAN. O. F.G. Warren, r. f........ Hlnman, L f ............. 9 Kooster, I f ........ ....... 0 Johnson, L f 9 Carman, o 1 Hefner, r. g 0 Houaer, 1. g 0 Teih, I. g. ................ 1 Totals 9 8 Time of halves, 20 minutes. Jones, Grlnnell college. Fcrt 0mal. Soldiers Are Easy for Benson & Thorne The Benson & Thorne basket ball team romped away with the Fort Omaha quintet, 54 to 5, Saturday night at the "Y." George Parish and Burdickglommed all the honor, making IS baskets be tween them. "Old Man" Ritchie was very much in evidence, guarding for the Benson team. The soldiers could not find the basket, even when they did get half a chance for a goal. The Townsends overcame an early lead of the Commercial High team, winning 16 to 10. Jayhawkers Best . Ames in Floor Scrap Arrres Ta PVh 24 Th TCancaa Aggies beat Ames 22 to '18 at basket ball .yesterday. Van Trine scored 14 points for Kansas, his work being largely responsible for his team's vic- torv. The score mi tied until a four minutes before time was up, when a spurt -put tne jaynawkers into the lead. Illinois Easy for Wisconsin. Madison. Wis.. Feb. 24. Wisconsin won an easy victory over Illinois to night in a western conference basket ball game, 23 to 15. Three Birdmen Killed In Crash 500 Feet in Air Memnhis. Term . Feh 24 A ritr. ilian flying instructor and two cadets at tne united states aviation train ing school at Park field, near here, were tillerl in a rnllielrin rfuan mn airplanes shortly after 3 o'clock this .fi . mt . auernoon. xne aeaa: . .GUY H. REAGLE, Chicago, civ ilian instructor. JAMES II. WEBB, Rome, Ga flying cadet. ROBERT GRAY. TR.. Lonir Island N. Y., flying cadet. Ihe planes were about 500 feet up. Rnth marhinre rt-ocVioH in aih jAM s.bw..x. V .... k , three bodies were badly mangled. In structor Reagle and Cadet Webb were in a macHin working over the southern half of the flying field. Cadet Grav. wha larked hut nn. hour's work at range finding before completing nis training tor a commis sion as a second lieutenant, was in the nthpr marhinp alnn inA wn operating over the northern part of .1 a ' r t , inc nywg neia. The machine were in uih.t i. . - - . W U ... . .0 known ai the tientral atrin nt air 4fit divides th two portions i th firing fieM when fVi.w mat " T. DLUFFS TRAMPLE ON PATTON'S MEN IN SPEEDY GAME Clever Work by South Side Players in Cage Contest, But Cross-River Cracks Too Speedy. Council Bluffs High school basket ball five, sent Coach Patton's South High quintet to a 40 to 26 defeat at the Bluffs "Y" Saturday. The game was spectacular throughout and was exceedingly hard fought. In the first half the Packers started with a rush, cattinar one field basket and a free throw from the foul line.' McNutt, left forward for the Bluffs, soon found himself and easily over threw South High's lead on the Bluffs boys. He was the star bf the contest, caging eight field baskets for the fluffs throughout the game. The score at the end of the first half was 15 to 10 in favor of the Bluffs. At the opening of the second half Captain Saunders of the local five set his usual pact that he has kept in every game of the season so far, caging a number of pretty baskets for his team. Datesnian's and Morri son's close guarding held the score low for South Omaha. ' The students in the balcony were brought to their feet many times in the second half when Wilson and Etter of South High ran up their score in spite of the guarding. The lineup: local's close SOUTH HIGH Wilson R.F. Vol! L.F. Etter C. Kralgh ...R.O Oswald L.G. Subs, South High. COUNCIL BLUFFS R.F Saunders h.V McNitt C Stemlor R.G Morrison L.G Datesman llodgen for Wilson, Ktter for Vols, Hathseck for Etter. Council Bluffs, Currle for McNitt, Morris and Heath for Morrison. Referee, John Mor rison. Scorer, Lelchtenberg and Patton. alSTRiBtrrons- kanbab city WESTERN LEAGUE AT DES MOINES W SPRING MEETING Kansas City, Feb. 24. The spring meeting of the Western league, at which probably will be adopted the playing schedule for next season will be held in Des Moines Sunday, March 3, it was announced' todsly by E. W. Dickerson, president of the league, upon his return fromaa visit to several cities of the circuit. The spring meeting originally was planned for another date. ' Gretna High Schoolers . -Outplay Creighton High Gretna, Neb., Feb.24. (Special Tef egram.) Gretna High defeated Creighton High in the fastest game of basket ball ever played on the home floor, 37 to 5 last night. The visitors were completely outclassed in every way from team work to goal shooting; Simonds and Knoll were stars for the home team, but the team work was far better and the visitors had no chance to shoot goals and- had bad luck when they had chances. The lo cals now lay claim to the Class C championship of eastern Nebraska and will defend their titjt. Gretna also defeated Waterloo High Friday. 45 to 16. The lineup: GRETNA. CREIGHTON. Knoll Forward Murphy Simonds Forward Norsla Trlhy .(nter Mullen Adams Guard.. v......... Boaoon Simons .Guard Rohlff Field goals: Knoll (8), Simonds (6), Trlhy (4), Simons, Norris, Rohllt. Fouls: Simonds (3), Mullen, Relore: Abbott. Badgers Trim Illini.. Madison, Wis., Feb. 24. Wisconsin eliminated Illinois in the Western conference basket hall game tonight, by winning an easy game, 23 to J5. Chaudler starred for the winhen, Princeton Trims Cornell. Princeton, N. J., Feb. 24. Prince ton defeated the Cornell basket hall team in an intercollegiate league game NINETY QUINTS ENTERED IN HIGH FLOORTOURNEY Thirty Nc. 7 ..m to Take Part in Annual '. isket Pill Event Held at Nebraska University. Lincoln. Feb. 23. (Special Tele gram.) Ninety Nebraska high schools have entered the Nebraska high school basket ball tournament, accord ing to announcement tonight of Coach E. J. Stewart, of the University of Nebraska, who is in charge of the floor meet. The entries do not close for a week and Dr. Stewart is con fident the tournament will be the larg est in the history of the school, with upwards of 100 schools taking part. . Thirty new schools are included in the list of entries so far. They are: Alvo, Brainard, Boelui, Craig, Cort land, Dorchester, David City, Gerlng. Gresham, Hickman, Howells, Lodge Pole, Mascot, Mason City, Morrill, Meadow Grove, Nehawka, Oakdale, Plainview, Taxton, Rosalie, Shubtrt, Shickley, Sutherland, Stanton, Syra cuse, Upland, Wausa, Waterloo and Winside. The 60 other schools which have entered and which took part in the tournament last year are: Alma, Arnold, Beatrice, Bethany, Bertrand, Bloomheld, Culbertion, Chester, Clarkson, Central City, Diller, Dun bar, Dewitt, Ewing, Exeter, Ejmwood, Friend, Fremont, Giltner, Gretna, Gothenburg, Humboldt, Holdrege, Hebron, Harvard, Hayes County Higli, Holbrook, Hebron Academy. Iuniata, Kearney, Kenesaw, Louisville, -incoln, Murdock. Newman Grove, Norfolk, Osceola, Omaha, South' Omaha, Omaha Central, Omaha High SchooK of Commerce, Randolph, Ravenna, Shelton, ScribnerTSupenqr, Schuyler, Stella, Seward, Sidney, Sut ton, Teachers' college, Tobias, Uni versity Place, Wahoo, West Point and Wilber. i Chicago Wins Close Game. Iowa City, la., Feb. 23. Chicago defeated Iowa in a western confer ence basket ball game tonight, 29 to 26. The game was close throughout Ma Keen in mind the fact that Bevo. beinsr a soft df ink. will freeze at 32 Fahrenheit just like any other non-alco- Vir1. VitMraflri Urn 9rfii1 Vmiit tViia M freerlnor nfTeeta the rich fullness of that delightful Bevo flavor which ' I goes so particularly well with a meal or a bite to eat ' If Bevo were merely a summer beverage this warning might not be so timely but, as all who drink it know Bevo is an all-year-'round drink Everybody enjoys it for more than just its thirat-quenchiag qualities the pleasure it gives comes from its flavor, purity and wholesosjne nutritiousoess the enjoyment of these qual ities is independent of time or season. To get full pleasure out of Dutch lunches, Welsh rarsbits, oysters, dams, lobsters, sausage, cheese and many other inch delicious edibles, Bevo should be included. ( You will find Bevo at Inns, cafeterias, restaurants, groceries, department and drug stores, soda fountains, dining cars, steam ships, canteens soldiers homes, navy, and other plates where refreshing soft drink beverages are sold. Your grocer will supply you by the case. Demand the genuine have the bottle opened in front of you see that the seal is unbroken covering the crown top and see titat the crown top bears the Fox. Bevo is sold in bottles only, and is bottled exclusively by Anheuser-Busch St. Louis r Paxton & Gallagher Co. Wholesale Dealers OMAHA. NEB. CARS FOR ALL FOOD, DECLARES M'ADOO Director General Reiterates As surance That Ali Products Offered for Transport Are Being'Hauled. Washington, Feb. . 24. Prompt ad justment of railroad transportation to the country's food needs as Food Administrator Hoover may demon strate them, was promised today by Director-General McAdoo, who re iterated his statement of yesterday that praetically all food offered for movement by farmers and food deal ers is being transported. AMC8E STENTS. Devoted a BRILLIANT MCSIOAL BCBLBSQttt Twice Daily vMit. Today Final rsrforroanc Friday Nit WHO CARES H.w .Nlik Sasslla U 8 Lssi At Onali Htt LESTER ALLEN - tin Niw Auto SM9y CiiaMed la tk 0sytty Oarsit AUTO SHOW WIIK iy ItHUi lusty Chm. Nary a jltaey Bus. 3! DKAB BEAD KB: ' This tub f speed ntalse sure (II Into this week's .b! plotura, toe Auto Shew. Yes, dear keait, ery Till tor le Omaha will slae rsilrter bertend they'd better rattitar early too. If Uiy want seats, fat hcik-rionlt "atmosMisrs" miybe J'U par. fume the theater with issoUne. OU MAN lOmtBOIT. Mar. Osyety. fevenina sad Sun. Mat., 85, M, IB,' ft 5? Mats 15 and 25c Cheer Gam If Una Like, But Ko Smohlnr LADIES' 1f AT ANT WKKK riCKKTS W DAT MATlNES Buby pnlt Oari in the Lobby , AUTO SHOW Closes March 2d NOW QPETSf AUDITORIUM Admits ion 40c 9j30 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. HARRY OREBN A FLAYERS) -FA-CHON MARCO I ELIZABETH M. MUR RAY I Herbert CUftoni Edwia Geortei Alaska Trial Oray Sammerrillej Or phenm TraTel Weekly, FHOTOFLATS. MUSE CONSTANCE TALMADGE in 4 "The Studio Girl" Naws Weeky Keystone Comedy Last Times Today FRANKLYN FARNUM in "THE ROUGH LOVER." HA MILT ON feci Today OUSTIN FARNUM in "DURNAD OF THE BAD LANDS' sath SUBURBAN Today aaJ Tnesaar. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS -RKAuiiKiu rot Trie 'Moon. FrifUy BI&1H OF A NATION. - Col.- ZS4! LOTHROP M Last Time ToAav HAROLD LOCKWOOD In "THE HAUNTEDr PAJAMAS" Whea WrihBi Is Our AdVertissrs MesSot Seehg it in Tht Bet) "'i 3