Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
S ii i i
Intend at Omaha poatoffice ai second-claae matter.
" ' ' Br Carrlefc Br Hall.
PtBt m tadar ...P mea, Ida iw rau. flto
VHr without Buiidaj Me 4.00
wlnt and Bind;.... " lOo " t.0
notat wtt&oot Bucdar...... ....... " So f 00
emidM B oo If - 64 " lOO
fVtod notica st abuse of aodrees at IrrtttJirtt la daUntr t Oetaaa
Bt ClrculaUoa UnwUniL v
the Aanolated Fna. at Ueh Tha Bm Ii a mIm, M exctoihel
entitled la Ut dm for rabllctUon of all Hn dlwalcBW eradlud
lb 11 or not ottnrwlM orMittd In tale pap and ait th local om
VsbUioed hereto. AU rictus of paaUotUaa et sat spatial aieaatoaea
aVmilt by draft, express or postal order. Only i-eml aUmpe takaf U
BrDnt of snail eeeonit. Personal ehegk. except aa Oaaaba aad
nun axcnanie. not accepted, .
Oaiiha-Tht Bob BuHdlnt, ChtcagePetmle'e (Ha, Bafldlaa.
Boots Omaha-HlS H 8t NeiTforfc-18 rifta Ira.
Oousoil hiufrt H n. auus n. nt. nw u n numra
w. . ... i is.iLi.mliiii no, fc.
Xinooln Little Bulldina.
Address aoeunnileatloiii Matin to am aed editorial antta lo
Pntaa Baa, Editorial Department. '
V 59,964 Daily Sunday, 52,534
'emrue ouralattua tor the month, aabnribat eed swats to If Dvlltt
uiluu. ureuiatioa auin,
Subscriber leaving the dry akould Kara The Baa mailed
ta am. Addreaa cbanfaai aa alias aa raquaavxi.
Good morning going v to the auto how
Hindenburg will have to hustle if he keeps
'that date in Parii on April 1. ' '
Biddy, the barn yard queen, is busy filling up
he cold .storage warehouse! with eggs just now.
Two dollar wheat ought to look pretty good
fro the nan who was getting 80 cents for It four
years ago.
Mr. McAdoo says Mr. Hoover's food short
age is a myth. Hers is a chance for a little more
co-operation in governmental departments,
German U-boats show a queer sort of appre
ciation for the hospitality, extended them by
Spain, but the easier Hhe rriark the better they
like it
' SMaaMaaMaMaMaWaJaM
The "tin lizzie" will glisten la the spotlight's
glare along with the $9,000 acme of luxury, and
it will draw many more kind words from auto
show visitors. .
One exhibit that likely will be missing at the
Auditorium this wtek h the device that will en
able the pedestrian to cross Farnam street west
; of Twenty-fourth in saiety.
If you ate not able to satisfy your desire in
the way of t new car this spring do not blame
the enterprising Omaha dealers, who are ready
with a complete line' and anxious to show their
No date has yet been fixed for the second
draft, but spme time after April 1 is tentatively
suggested. It might help a lot of the boys to
' made preparations if the time were more definite
ly fixed.( f
Morris Hillquit announces his willingness to
enter the war. He will volunteer to spread "prop
aganda" among the German soldiers. First he
h should observe the effect oi the Trotzky-J-enine
I . et -t it!. . ; " '
' cnon aiong tnii line.
Senator Underwood was very fair in stating
that since the war started congress has given a
' splendid exhibition of nonpartisan loyalty. If
politics has crept in anywhere, it is not through
the big chambers of the capitoL
i ' ' - ;"'.'
Two vears aco Germany was engaged in its
v supreme effort of the war so far, the attack on
Verdun. And. now the Hindenburg line Is said
to be moving back again instead of forward. The
fate of the kaiser is plain in this.
No more fat jobs in the railroad service with
out permission from headquarters is the word
from Washington. When gettirig-4pwn to real
efficiency the fancy salary and the sinecure offer
the most tempting place to sjart "
An Omaha woman has secured a divorce from
a, husband who, would net sleep. The basis of
her complaint was that he did not want to let
anyone else indulge in the habit The court
ruled that some sleep is needed in every house
hold, . ..... . : . . ' ' . ,.
Word of improving health conditions in the
big army camps wilt be welcome to .everybody
and with the satisfaction it creates will go the
hope that before another winter comes on the
authorities will have so' arranged that the experi
ence of the last few months never will be had
again. . .
Kearney's commercial club is on the right
track in seeking1 to protect the government-built
demonstration road from experimentation by the
county board. Plenty of highway area subject
to improvement can be found in the vicinity of
Kearney without taking road already , well built
and looked upon as a model mile.
Price For 1913 Wheat Crop.
President Wilson's action in fixing the basic
price for the 1918 wheat crop is taken with a
view to quieting the agitation for a law to set
the figure at a much higher rate than established
by executive order, When it became imperative
that something be done to check the upward
tendency of the cereal, under the influence of
the speculative market, the president fixed a
basis of $2.20 per bushel for No. 1 hard at Chi-
4ago, with a graduated scaje for lower grades.
Following this act congress adopted a law es
tablishing a minimum price for the 1918 crop at
$2 per bushel. Quite recently considerable effort
has been made o sewre the passage of. a Jaw
increasing this minimum, various prices ranging
up to $3 a bushel being suggested. Under the in
fluence of this, farmers are said to have held back
wheat hoping to receive the higher price. It
was to end this agitation and dispel any notion
of a higher price that the president has issued
his present proclamation. The rate fixed allows a
profit to the wheat raiser, and its announcement
ought to have the effect of inducing -the farmers
to part with their surplus holdings now, when
the demand for flour is so urgent Nothing is
to be gained by withholding the grain from mar
ket, nor will any loss follow a rush of wheat to
the elevators. The price it fixed and the gov
ernment is practically the, purchaser.
Cost of Baking Bread.
Inquiry into the cost of baking bread has not
been confined to Omaha alone, else the question
might yet be enveloped in a maze 5f uncertainty.
In Minneapolis the food administration made
careful and extensive inquiry, just as it did here,
and with about the same result except that up
there figures were given, where in Omaha con
clusions were based on estimates or conjectures.
A retail baker there produced his tabulated state
ment of costs, showing that his loaf of bread,
based on an elaborate calculation of all ex
penses, manufacturing and overhead, even includ
ing donations to churches and losses on unsold
production, brought the cost to 8tt cents. Against
this the government agent made a showing, com
piled from figures presented him by wholesale
bakers, in which the cost of producing a pound
loaf of bread ready for delivery to the con
sumer is &35 cents. This estimate was not chal
lenged by the wholesalers, who did not, ask an
increase in price It Is barely possible the re
tailer had some items in his overhead expense
set at a point too high, while his materials are
figured slightly in excess of the prices fixed by
the wholesalers. The point is, though, the gov
ernment is fairly well sustained m its conten
tion that the price it has fixed for the pound
loaf of bread is reasonable, and allows a profit
to the baker. The public is deeply concerned in
this, as it is the most important of all the
efforts at price-fixing by the food commissioner,
and as, it stands or falls so will practically the
entire system (are. .
Pershing and the Preachers. t
It remained for General Pershing to give the
army chaplain that full recognition he has long
awaited with modesty and becoming patience. No
army ever was so godless aa to set forth without
its priest or prophet and in some the holy man
has combined with his sacred office the func
tion atso of fighter, so that we have the record
of many who deliver prayer or downright blows
with equal zeal and energy. In the American
army and navy the man of God has been recog-
i nized as an Indispensable functionary and ranks
as a commissioned omcer, cm nis rciauon ip
any unit of the service has been somewhat hazy.
General Pershing now suggests that the chap
lains be formed into a distinct unit, with ad
ministration on close military practice, that three
instead of one be assigned to each regiment and
that the whole organization be made more re
sponsible and more serviceable than ever. The
recommendation to the secretary of war along
theie lines will doubtless be made effective and
the fighting forces of the United States will be
correspondingly the more effective because of
the sound moral as well as material support they
will draw from the more efficient service of the
chaplain. '
Supplies for Camp Dodge,
The order from the office of the quartermaster
general removing Camp Dodge from the Omaha
supply district and' attaching it to, the Chicago
district must have been issued under a misappre
hension. It is not at all easy to view General
Goethals as acquiescing in any such inefficient
move as that Less than 200 miles from Omaha
and more than 300 from Chicago, the single item
of freight haul alone ought to make the differ
ence that would decide' in favor of this city.
At this time when the government is bending
every effort to conserve in transportation,' when
consumers are urged to buy at the nearest point
for supply and all sorts of economies are being
practiced to save time and cars,' it seems strange
the army should set such an example of ineffi
ciency as is noted in this business. General Goe
thals cannot be in full possession of all the facts,
or he' would not accentuate the blunder that lo
cated the camp at Dea Moines in the first place by
sending it more than 100 miles further 40 get
its supplies.
The German Who Was "Different"
Experience of an American Citizen Who Believed in the
Honesty of His German Friend
(Copyrighted 1818, American Defente Society)
Discovering recently that a friend of mine
in Newark had "gone on the bond" of a Ger
man who was thus permitted to continue
business within the interdicted zone of the
New-Jersey metropolis, I voiced my aston
"Oh, I know," he eaid, "you've heard me
declare that every German is a potential spy
and not to be trusted, and I haven't changed
my opinion; but this man is different."
"How?" I asked. "He's German, he's
been in the country, as you admit for 14
years without ever having thought to
prove himself a good citizen by becoming
naturalized, and well, how is he different?"
"In lots of ways. He has neglected Be
coming a citizen, I admit; but that's a mere
detail, and besides he's really a better citizen
than many a man I know who can vote. As
for any risk on my part in going voucher
for him, don't be alarmed he's not that
kind. He keeps away from other Ger
mans, belongs to none of the German socie
ties, has bought a number of Liberty bonds
and joined the Red Cross. You don't need
.to worry about him he'r different I am
telling you."
To celebrate the kaiser's birthday fit
tingly, German spies in this country, on
January 26 set fire to shipyards and muni
tion plants in various parts of the United
States, among them a big plant in Newark.
Two dozen arrests were made in connection
with the Newark disaster, after soldiers had
been fired on by men they discovered run
ning away from the spots where fite htd
broken out One of the two dozen Germans
arrested in Newark was the man for whom
my friend had vouched, because he was "dif
ferent." The papers, the other day, reported that
eight privates had, after investigation b'y the
secret service, been discharged from duty as
soldiers at one of the rational cantonments
and two of the group interned. They were
all young men born in this country, the sons
of German parents, but no hint of their lack
ot patriotism tor the united Mates had bees
apparent when they were tafcen into the
army. They also were "different" from other
Germans. So they were trusted till they
were caught doing things.
It will be noted that in almosf every case
of the arrest of plotters against the govern
ment, recently, the suspects are of the "dif
ferent" class men who have been considered
trustworthy and whose German affiliations
seem to have been overweighted by their
decency In most cases the arrest of such
men causes surprise and wonder to more
than ode person, accompanied by a feeling
of disappointment and sorrow at misplaced
But to my mind thri discovery that there
are few if any "different". Germans really, or
that the "different" German is the one most
to be suspected, is the most natural thing in
the world. Of course it is the "different"
German is the most to be suspected, is the
most natural thing in the world. Of course
it is the "different" German who is given the
opportunity to burn and explode munition
plants and shipyards and quartermasters'
stores. The German who isjiot believed to
be "different" has no chance, is given no
chance, to gain access to the very places to
be destroyed. It as part of the game of
espionage and treacnerjeto appear "different"
and thus cause a letting down of the bars.
Note, for instance, the cases, of several
Germans who, having been interned by the
government in the early days of the war for
activities that were, to say the least, bus-
fiicious, have since been released. Removed
rom liberty, these men have suddenly
joined the ranks of the "different" Germans
they have shown a "change of heart" have
convinced the authorities that they are per
fectly good citizens, and have earned their
reward and their liberty. How much longer
will any one of these releasee? persons re
main "different?"
By Paul West
I number among my acquaintances a man
who has figured actively in the German
espionage service. At present he is more or
less at liberty in. this country, for reasons
which he and trie government thoroughly
understand. This' man views the situation
as regards the "different" Germans and their
acceptance by Americans with amusement
It would be vastly different in Germany,"
he said to me, "if there were any appreciable
number of Americans loose there at the
present time. My government would look
on the American who professed any degree
of kindliness in thought or manner toward
the kaiser as worthy of more attention and
watchfulness than the man who openly pro
fessed allegiance to the Stars and Stripes.
For a man who will in ths slightest degree
deny his country in time of war is a traitor
and can be counted on to be treacherous to
either side, and will bear watching."
"As for an American, no matter how
strongly he tried to prove his willingness to
abide by German law and order, being em
ployed in makingermari munitions, or be
ing allowed to share German secrets, as Ger
mans are allowed to do in tjaje country, it
would be absolutely out qf the question.
"I do not believe," he said, "that there
are any what you call 'different Germans in
the United States. I hope not I should be,
to confess the truth frankly, as ashamed of
themi as you would be of any of your coun
trymen in Germany at the present time who
might be friendly toJhe kaiser. And 'I will
add something which may surprise you I
wish that America would recognize this fact,
and - that nobody, the government or any
private citizen, would allow himself to think
that there can be any such objectionable
animal For it is bad for every German in
the country and is bound to result in serious
consequences before much longer.
"If the public were taught to mistrust
every German and no opportunities were
given any German to do things, a few less
munition plants might be destroyed, it is
true. But a few less German necks would be
stretched on lamp posts in the long run.
Fori I fear, that will be the ultimate result.
The American nublic like anv nuhlic is merci-
rful it swings, too, like a pendulum, as it
swung in England. There they were too
good to the Germans at first to the English
every German who did not stand out in the
street and hoch the kaiser was 'different' and
to be trusted as long as he kept his mouth
shut. As a result, German espionage went
freely on. Some 'different' Germans were
caught, and the pwblic rose against anyone
with the slightest touch of Teutonism about
him, so that many innocent persons suffered
with the potentially guilty. It will be so
in this country. Too many 'different' Ger
mans will be caught doing things then all
will suffer. There will be t reign of terror,
I predict German property will be de
stroyed, Germans will be shot or hounded,
mob violence will wreak its vengeance be
cause the government here has been too lax.
I honestly wish it were not so that it could
"be understood by every one that not a Ger
man is to be given any leeway or considered
'different'" .
Yet today hundreds of Germans go about
their business in interdicted zones, vouched
for by good Americans who believe them
"different." And daily munition plants are
being blown up or set afire and by whom
by these" "different" Germans? Probably,
since they are the only cfoes who have ac
cess to the localities.
Perhaps it is speaking too broadly to say
that the German is like the Indian, and that
the only good German, from the standpoint
from which we regard Germans today must
have first fulfilled the requirement that made
an Indian good. But it is no less true that
the American who, these days, .harbors in
his affection one 'different' German is making
just as big a mistake in his belief. "
There are no "different" Germans.
Physically and Mentally Protected
Safety Device for Motomen on Interrhan Lines
Railway and Locomotive Engineering.
It is not often that- we stray into the field
occupied by the interurban trolley line, but
what we have to say on 4he subject repre
sented is quite' applicable to a steam-operated
railway. We regard this vehicle and its
occupants as properly ' protected against
dangers, physical and mental.
The man in charge is purposely kept
alone,'' without a marfe, and ha is isolated from
the passengers for the purpose of preventing
his being distracted and his attention with
drawn from his work by irrelevant conver
sation. So far this arrangement is good and
it shows that, even in a very crude fashion,
the idea of protecting the man from the
vagaries of his own mind is given some faint
attention. At least the tacit asknowledge
ment of the possibility of his being distracted
in certain ways is here made plain.
i The man in charge stands at his posf,
isolated from his fellows, and. he governs the
movements of the car or of the train by
what is commonly called the "Dead Man's
Handfe" attached to the controller. This
handle, as most people know, is made with a
knob or button at the top of the point. of
hand grasp. The button must be pressed
down about three-eighths or one-half inch
against the upward thrust of a small spring;
and this pressing down makes connection so
that the discs of the controller move with
the handle through all its positions. - If, how
ever, the pressure of the hand is relaxed or
withdrawn, the discs of the controller are
disconnected from the handle and in obedi
ence to the action of a powerful spring, they
fly back to the zero point, cutting off the flow
of electric current to the motors, and at the
same time opening an escape valve in the
air brake, and thus the brakes are applied in
the emergency.
, This twofold action of the dead man's
handle deals very effectively with a physical
derangement of the normal actions of the
man. If he is the victim of heart failure, ot
is temporarily overcome by an attack of
acute indigestion or merely faints in the
heavy, drowsy heat of the day, his grasp
relaxes, and the train automatically comes
to a dead stop. In fact so satisfactory is the
action of the dead man's handle that if an
automobile is recklessly driven across the
front of the train on a road crossing all the
man in charge of the power has to do is
to let go of the handle, seek safety if need be,
and the powerful, but uncomprehending me
chanism sets about at once arresting the mo
tion of the train and doing it in minimum
Here the danger of sudden and unlooked
for physical disability is amply recognized
and adequately provided for. AH that safety
demands for the preservation, of the lives of
those who have trusted themselves to the
company's care has been done fully and
properly and with this high-minded single
end in view. The isolated man in the cab,
though temporarily overcome or permanently
stricken down, cannot jeopardize the lives of
those whose safety the company has thus
far guaranteed.
The isolated occupant of the cab is, how
ever, not yet actually safe from himself.
He may be alone, but he is liable to mo
mentary lapses of the mind. He may be the
prey of sudden impulses or he may be the
victim of mind distraction, emotion, fear,
flurry or inchoate thought, and sobe in a
worse plight than the man who failed
through physical weakness or the direct at
tack of disease. '
One Tear Ago Today In the War.
Germans yielded on wide front
along the Ancre,
British captured Kut-el-Amaxa. on
the Tigris, from the Turks.
Cunard linar Laconia sunk by aub-
znarlne off Irish coast, two American
women being among those drowned.
rlTie Day We Celebrate.
It. 3. Madden, police ludae of Oma-
ba, bora 1883.
James Corr. of the James . Coor
(company, born 187S.
Dr. a. ii, iuppie, dentist born
JS65. '
Major General Harry F, Hodges,
tTnited States army, born in Boston
$8 years ago.
Enrico Caruso, operatic tenor, bora
ttt Naples, 45 years ago.
-John Burke, treasurer ot the United
Btates, bora in Keokuk: county, Iowa,
e years go.
pbis Day In History. ,
1754 General Benjamin Tall
fenadge, who had the custody of Major
Andre until the latter! execution,
orn at Brookhaven, N. T. died at
Litchfield, Conn., Uarch 7, 18J6. '
1 1779 Americana tinder . Colonel
"Clark attacked the British post at
ymcennes, lnd.
IS 22 William Pincknev. minister
England durins the aecotiaUons
tracedi&r the- war of 1812, died in
VMhmgtoa, n. a Baft M Aj6Bajlii,
t :& AMU Ala JiS3t ' J
Just SO Years Ago Today
Joseph Kelken has nurchased 1 the
Casino at the corner of Fourteenth
and Howard streets and the cafe will
hereafter be known as the Omaha Ca
sino, ;
' Carpenters' union No.-5 8 of Omaha
has appointed a committee ot three
to wait upon the carpenter con-
tractors of thia city to get them to
enter into an agreement in reference
to wages aad hour for the ensuing
8. P. Morse left for New York. Lon
don and Paris, to place Important
orders for novelties tor the fall of the
year. i,
Miss Lizzie Ii. Dolan. of Niagara
Falls, N. Is in the city visiting her
Drotner, j. k. uoian, souin
Eleventh street
Mr. Andrew Bosewater U renovat-
in a; the residence. S10I Dodge street
previous to his removal there about
mr As -
Whittled to a Point
, Minneapolis Journal: It is pretty
sure that Germany will not give up
any territory during Lent N
St. Louis Globe Democrat: Keeping
one's old shoes in order to out-hoard
the hide-hoarders is heroic, but some
times embarrassing.
Washington' Post: Those who
"Justify the ways of God to men" are
a little flurried over tne raci mat
Abdul Hamid died a natural death.
Minneapolis Tribune: "We must
talk ahlps, ships, ships," says a con-
aressman. wouldn't it ee oeuer to
cut out the talk and build ships,
ships, ships?
Brooklyn Eagle: If experts are
correct the electrification of all the
railroads in America would save 100,-
000.009 tons of coal a year. It would
manifestly relegate many laDor proD
lems to oblivion. But let us not seek
to anticipate the millennium.
New York World: , No doubt for
purposes of air raiding the distance
from England to Germany is no great
er than from Germany to England.
Perhaps the essential difference is
In the better appreciation by the
British of the futility of attacks that
merely kill civilians and destroy pri
vate property.
New York Herald:- "Ail who had
horny hands were massacred," says
a dispatch from Kleft via Petrograd.
Very probably the truth is not in it;
but even if there is soma it Is a safe
bet that none of the leaders of the
Bolshevik! was at any Urn i" fra&ffsr
ot even being suspected,
Aimed at Omaha
Grand Island Independent: Most
Omahans, 'however, will protest that
the 'Douglas county court house was
not built- to be that kind of a court
News-Times:,The honest peo
ple of Omaha may well rejoice be
cause the thievea have fallen out
The whole caboodle should be sent
to prison pr exiled.
Plattsmouth Journal: Those Omaha
bakers are going to make the dis
covery, that Gurdon W. Wattles is
food control manager ot this state,
and that' after he decides to make a
move he Is always prepared to back
it up.
Dakota City Eagle: In a tabulated
list ot the tax levies ot Nebraska
counties Dakota county Is shown
with a county levy of 16 mills, total
levy of 49.87 mills and a.totanax or
1164,607.87. Douglas county has the
highest total levy, 100 mills, and Mc
pherson county the lowest 28 mills.
Hastings Tribune: An Omaha wo
man cleared 11.200 last year on a
flock of hens kept on a small city
property. It a woman giving in a city
can make ' that much money from
raising chickens it does seem as
though the women in the country
could clean up a few thousand dollars
every year from their poultry
Big . Risk.
"That actress who thinks she has
tragic power, is now going to attack
Henry VHI." . .
"She had better be careful, then.
for Henry always did get a bead of
the women." Baltimore American.
Out of the Ordinary
A Clapton (N. J.) family recently
sat down to a potpie containing 200
sparrows. "
Cards entitling customers to four
glasses of whisky a week are issued
by a Glasgow firm.
Wind whipped 57 in bills out of
the hand, of Mrs. Mary Guls, of
Sheppton, Pa., and not a dollar was
Years ago a man introduced to the
world a thin copper strip for protect
ing shoe tips and received $4,000,000
In r6yalties.
During the recent cold snap one
church organist of Belfast Me.,
played' with woolen gloves on, and
the pianist of an orchestra in the
same town played for a dance with
her gloves on.
A curious feature of the recent air
raids on London has been the rapid
detection by dogs of the presence of
hostile aircraft .Bomb dropping at
a distance of three or four miles al
ways causes the dogs In London sub
urbs to bark. t v
Merrill Reed, a student of South
Lancaster (N. H.) academy, for 82
took off his clothes and swam a 200
foot channel. The local Ice company
was cutting its supply, and Reed had
to dodge ice floes, but he easily
reached the other side.
Automobile stealing "grows so bad
that it is nearly as dangerous in some
localities! to leave an autom-blle un
matched as to hang a pearl necklace
on the front door knob. In a single
California county 11,000,000 worth of
automobilea were stolen la 1917.
7 jrjj.
Says It Was an Irishman's.
Omaha, Neb.. Feb. 22. To the
Editor of The Bee: Regardless of
source, the glowing excerpt from the
speech of Charles Phillips, on the
"Character of Washington," was well
chosen and timely, while its publica
tion was in keeping with the high
character of your paper. However,
your correspondent was inaccurate,
when he said that "the tribute was
written by an English essayist and
coming from that source at that time
gives added value to the estimate
placed upon him." For the purpose
of correcting the recora, auow me
to state that the eulogy was delivered
bv Charles Phillips. Irish orator and
co-worker of O'Connell, at a dinner
given in honor of a young American,
Mr. Payrw on Dinas island" in the
Lakes of Klllarney. This oration and
another by Phillips on Napoleon are
familiar models to students of Irish
eloquence. The tribute to Washing
ton may be found in all 'the standard
works' on oratory and represents to
quote the speech itself. Ireland's
veneration and feeling toward Ameri
ca, the home of her- immigrant and
the asylum of her exile."
Agnew,on Squirrels.
Omaha, Neb., Feb. 21. To the
Editor of The Bee: From the wild
statements made by Charles Stolten
berg of Fort Calhoun, I think his
statement that he lives among wild
animals must be true. It is possible
that I do not know much about squir
rels, but I think I know about as
much about them as this pretended
naturalist does. When I was a little
boy BO years ago, I used to go with
my grandfather, who was then 75
years old, hunting for timber squir
rels, and carried the squirrels that he
shot and he never made a miss, for he
had been an expert shot in the war
of 1812.
I think I know a whole lot about
squirrels when they are as thick as
bees in the summer time where I live
and they have destroyed so much for
me. One year they destroyed nearly
five bushels of peaches, another year
about three bushels of walnuts and
last year about five bushels of wal
nuts and a lot of beans after they
were ripe. Then they destroy all the
hickory nuts on a tree in our back
yard each year long before they are
ripe and eat my high priced chicken
feed. I know of my own personal
knowledge of their destroying birds'
nests, killing the young birds and
driving the old birds away. ,
As I have said before, when we
moved up by Spring Lake park, nests
of birds and the birds were very nu
merous, but none can be found now
except that other nuisance, the Eng
lish sparrow, and two or three big
hoot owls. Thj9 squirrels have driven
all the birds away and they will never
come back until the pestiferous squir
rels are driven away or exterminated.
I would rather have 100 birds
around my place than two squirrels.
Possibly the squirrels wnere etoiien
berg lives do not destroy the nests
of birds and do npt destroy fruit but
if they are that way, they are different
from any squirrels I ever saw.
No one claims squirrels eat birds.
They destroy nests and kill birds just
for nure cussedness, as near as I can
-figure it out, just as the German air
men bombard hospitals ana nospnai
I think Stoltenberg is the one who
would study up about squirrels, for
I have had my fill of experience with
them and think I know a little about
Only a Beginning. -
rtmaiia Vah. 52. To the Editor of
The Bee: Those citizens ofOmaha
wno, ior years, nave oeen caning n
tantlih in all anrta nf imlllf AflASnnn in
nffli.. oro t lnnf- vlnfllpn tpd bv a lurV
verdict in the case of a county offi
cial. The sheriff has performed a
real service for Omaha and Douglas
county. Will It be found as certain,
urban th Tiennlft sit AS a lurV in the
spring election, that one of the city
commissioners nas aone a ukc service
on behalf of the people?
Borne six montns ago, x was 10m Dy
a nvnntiat. Amahft. thfttl Wfthlfk &
year we would see a certain citizen
who nas always oeen considered me
head of undesirable elements, come
out Into the open ana repuaiate nis
entire past This recent trial seems
tn vmira madA n start in that direction
for him, and if he is disposed to make
tha nrnnhet'a mrnrd rnm true, there
Will be some tremendous things re
vealed. "When oia age comes over
one. and " conscience has ita qualms,
very frequently the awakened soul
does some real service in the interest
of mankind.
Surely when those who have con
ducted underground business fall out
and some of them Emerge into the
sunlight honest folk will get what's
due them. The sunlight ot publicity
is a great revealer of things.
The cohesive power of booze having
been eliminated from the life of Ne
braska, we may hope for mans
revealings .in the near future. The
time is ripe for a change all along
the line, not in the direction ol
"puritanism.'J-but in the direction of
common decency and honesty In pub
lic office. L. J. QUINBY.
The War
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ties. This is why the
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' Donflas 691. Bnrkley Envelope Printing Co. 417 S. 12th St.
Washington, D. C ,
Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for which, you will please send me,"
I entirely free, "German War Practices." .1
Street Address.. .-asctjora3& 0
lCity. . . . ...r.isw.eriiiii mm inaaania Staa.s.h