THE OMAHA SUNDAY . BEE: FEBRUARY 24, 1918. CADILLAC SHOW CHASSIS SHINES LIKEJLATINUM Material Simply That Which Goes Into the Regular Car, That Is Sold in the Reg- ., i . ular Way. Mechanical construction was given more than ordinary prominence this year in the Cadillac booth at the New York and Chicago show. The cut-open chassis, showing in ternal construction and operation, is a feature which the Cadillac company was the first to adopt in the early days of the industry, and which has been a feature in every show since that time. This year's exhibit contains a spe cial chassis, in which the predomina ting effect is that of platinum , and gold. I he materials, however, are only those which go into the actual construction of the car, highly cleaned and burnished. The Cadillac company is showing a line of ten body styles tins season as follows: Seven-passenger car, four-passenger phaeton, two-passenger roadster with rumble seat, four-passenger broug ham, tour-passenger town limousine and town landaulet, seven passenger limousine, landaulet and imperial. All five limousine and landaulet; models are on a 132 inch wheelbase and the others are mounted an a 125 inch wheelbase. Feature Eight Cylinders. Adhering to the eight-cylinder V- type high-speed, high-cfficienc principle which it first introduce and which has characterized its pro duct for the last three years, the Cadillac company calls attention to further refinements of that principle, The company is now on its "fourth year's production of eight-cylinder cars, witn more than 55.UUO in use. Perhaps the most important change is tne use or detachable cylinder heads. These are secured to the cylinder blocks by 20 nuts each, and are made gas and water tight by special copper-asbestos gaskets. The detachable heads make for greater accuracy m manulacture, without sacrificing the compactness, lightness and rigidity of the former construc tion. They permit easy access to valves and pistons, without removing the cylinder blocks, and greatly facili tate the removal of carbon deposits. One of the detachable heads is re moved in the cut-open chassis, show ing piston and valve action very clearly. ' The Tilting Headlight. A feature of the new cars which it is felt will be particularly appreciated, is the device tor tilting the headlight reflectors. This device eliminates glare from the eyes of uncoming motorists by lowering the direction of light It is operated by the driver by means of a small lever attached lothesteeringpost. They Give Ford Service for McCaffrey x 0i2 Cr4 (F iSi SiiM Xf y&4 & f ELECTRIC CARS MUCH IN DEMAND Parents Left .Without Drivers When Boys Go. to War Are Turning to Electric . 1 Cars. Without question there are indus tries which have suffered as a result of the war, but the encouraging re ports from other industries seem bound to1 counteract all of the war's ill effects on business. One of the latest announcements of bigger and better business comes from R. S. Woodhull, sales manager of the Mil burn Wagon company of Toledo, O., manufacturers of the .Milburn Electric. "Despite the advance in price due to increased costs of material and la bor, our electric car business is get ting better and better," says Wood hull. "Unquestionably, the growth in certain business is largely due to the merits of the product manufac tured: nevertheless the most meritori ous article in the world could not be marketed successfully unless the pub lic were in the financial position to buy it. . And, to us, that is the most inipor- tant feature of the -whole situation. The public is in a financial position to buy electrics and when the public has money general business will not suf fer. 1 "Obviously, flie manufacturers of electric cars are in most advantageous position for making the best of cur rent prosperity. Nowthat this most admirable wave of intelligent economy is spreading oyer the land, 'the economy in operation and the low up keep cost of the electric appeals to every motor car enthusiast. "Furthermore, in the building of our cars we specialize in light weight and low construction,' consequently they guarantee the maximum tire and battery service, thereby increasing the economical advantages of the vehicle. 1 TrYBBSTa 9 ANNOUNCING THE Commonwealth 4' . .''' . An Automobile Which v Took Dealers At The Chicago Show By Surprise Every little while some manufacturer comes out with a model that startles the dealers. That's what the Commonwealth did to dealers who visited the Chicago Show. . We are pleased to announce our connection as western distributors and invite you to inspect this model. SPECIFICATIONS . "Another factor which is increasing the sale of electrics by leaps and bounds is the calling away to war of thousands of chauffeurs and boys and young men' who drove the gasoline cars for their parents. The increasing scarcity of chauffeurs has turned the mind of more than one gasoline car owner to an electric because the lat ter is so simple to operate that either the old or the young may drive it with perfect safety. CITY OF CHICAGO BUYS HEAVY TRUCKS Seven Service Trucks Assigned to Task of Performing Heavy Hauling for Illi nois Metropolis. Albert E. Bihler, Omaha distribu tor for Service trucks, points with pride to the recently executed con tract made between the Service Truck company and the city of Chicaeo. The city of Chicago purchased seven five-ton Service trucks for the heav iest work the city has to do. "Service gives service that is serv ice, is the motto of Bihler. "Service trucks are worm drive and include 1, 1JJ, 2, IVi special and S-ton models. Users of any of these trucks will all tell you that on a basis of sheer ef ficiency the Service is a winner." de clares Bihler. "Service is the ideal truck for anv kind of work," continued the Omaha distributor. "Carry any load you want to and the Service truck will deliver it. And lills and rough roads will not tear the insides out of its engine either." Tiuck Company to Locate Factory at Havelock, Neb. The Hebb Motors company of Lin coln will locate its new truck man ufacturing plant at Havelock, Neb. The Hebb Motors company has been a body manufacturing com pany at Lincoln. Recently at a small factory at Detroit a corps of engineers has been testing and assembling dif ferent units and a motor truck has been built. It is this motor the Hebb firm will make at Havelock and place on the market. A large site at Havelock has been obtained by the Hebb people and they will start construction of the plant immediately. The capital stock of the Hebb com pany is being increased and stock sub scriptions now are being sold. Coast Hurler Expected To Deliver With Chicago Frank Schellenbach, the tall lad from Los Angeles, after a season's ex perience in the minors, is expected to make good with the Ch this year, who says the pitcher showed mm last year that all he needs brushing up. Rock Island Will Sue for Coin Posted as Guarantee The Rock Island club of the de-. fund Three-I league has notified President Al Tearney that it means to sue him for payment of the $1,000 it deposited as a guarantee with him to finish the season. me president of the league says the money was used to finance crippled clubs, or at least sonic of it was, and that an ac counting will be made showing that fact. But Rock Island claims the money was not put up to finance lame is ducks. So there's the argument and the law suit. A cordial invitation is extended to all Auto Dealers and Garage Owners to investigate THE MORRIS CASH & CREDIT REG ISTER during Show week. Serves You As a CASH REGISTER CREDIT REGISTER AUTOMATIC BOOKKEEPER EVERY ENTRY FORCED A device designed expressly for your par ticular business in every detail. MORRIS CASH AND CREDIT REGISTER COMPANY 219-222 City National Bldg., 16th and Harney Sts. Phone Douglas 4408. Omaha, Neb. MIR DO - - agio A (C I u light Cylinder Passenger Cars Are Surpassed by No Other Make Cars in the United States of BEFORE PURCHASING A NEW CAR SEE AND RIDE IN THE DOUGLAS EIGHT Space 2, Main Floor; at the Show OMNI-POWERED MOTOR Is ; which the power Impulses are OTr-ljpd; the crank shaft bearing resistance . reduced br ever 80; vibration al most entirely eliminated; fuel eon mmptlon reduced and acceleration materially Increased. Four SHxS cylinders-en bloe; removable cylinder head: ample valve area; efficient, lelf-eontalned lubrication in eonnee tion with plunger pump; three-point suspension. COMPLETE ELECTRICAL EQUIP MENT, including Dyneto Double Unit tartinir and lighting system; At-water-Kent ignition; 10-inch double bulb head light ; 6-volt, 80-hour Wlllard itorage battery: tall light, dash light and motor-driven horn. The generator is driven from head gears; starting motor ii fitted with Beadia drive. NOTICEABLY - 8MOOTH ? RIDING ' QUALITIES the three-quarter elliptic rear springs being 48 inches long and 2 inches wide with the under leave virtually flat; semi-elliptie -front springs; all spring bolts fitted with grease cups. DEPENDABLE SYSTEM OF BRAKES, internal and external, operating on liberal sised drums; equalized. TRANSMISSION m UNIT WITH MO TOR, selective type, gliding gear; three speeds forward, one reverse; annular ball bearings; noiseless gear shift. DRY PLATE MULTIPLE DISC CLUTCH, the velvety action of which permits of gradual engage ment and instant release of seven pistes; Clutch-hub lubricated from motor; adjustable. FULL FLOATING REAR AXLE; weight carried entirely on housing; drive shafts easily removable by simply unscrewing bub caps; Two Bow Bower tapered roller bearings in each rear wheel hub; Hyatt roller bearings next to differential; special ly treated shafts; differential remov able through rear plate. THERMO-SYPHON COOLING In eon- . nection with honey-comb radiator; overslied . manifolds, spacious water jackets and powerful fan, HOTCHKISS DRIVE; two universal joints; specially heat treated pro peller shaft. WHEEL BASE II J Inches. WEIGHT 2,875 pounds. SPEEE:Fou' t0 ittt " PW hour on high gear. PRICE Five-Passenger Touring Car or Four-Passenger. Chummy Road ter. 9J. Wire Wheels Extra. .Don't Buy It Because St Ss Made n Omaha Buy It Because It's a BETTER CAR Price $995 f. o. b. Factory. Nebraska Paterson Auto Co. Omaha, Neb. Distributor See It at the Show. Lincoln, Neb. OUR NEW FACTORY AT 30th and SPRAGUE STS., ready for occupancy May 1st, will give us added facilities for the manufacture of passenger cars and trucks. THE DOUGLAS iy2-TON TRUCK, with internal gear drive, combination box, plat form and stake body, with many other up-to-date exclusive features, make it the foremost opportunity for individual transportation problems in the middle-west. The Douglas Motors Corpo ration 26th and Farnam Streets After May 1st, in our new, Fireproof Factory at 30th and Sprague Sts. "OSo 0000 O ff V' b Cc Ml i r' 1ft i