Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1918, AUTO SHOW NUMBER, Image 40

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New Building of Concern Just Completed at Fifteenth and
' Jackson Streets Is Most Modern of Its Kind In
Any City of the Middle West
The completion of the new horn of the McCaffrey Motor
company is a decidedlyiong step in Omaha's advancement, and
centers the spotlight of publicity on T. Sherman McCaffrey's
rapid rue on the rungs of success. t
A little mors than two years tf o
T. Sherman McCaffrey gave op a sal
aried position with the Mcdraw Elec
tric company and with his father and
brother formed the McCaffrey Motor
. company with himself president, his
brother Frank, vice president; and his
father, Owen McCaffrey, secretary
and treasurer. i, " ' ,
The infant corporation obtained one
floor in the John Deere building,
wherein began a car selling campaign
of inch fores and aggressiveness that
soon two additional floors were need
cd to make room for the nourishing
The history of the company chron
ides a continuous string of successes,
broken by a single failure the at
tempt to boy a building at Sixteenth
and Farsam streets. When all efforts
to obtain the Farnam street property
proved fntile the company bought the
next best location, the northeast cor
ner of Fifteenth and Jackson streets,
and there erected the new home.
Is Modem Throughout
The new building housing the Mc
Caffrey Motor company is constructed
of brick, concrete and steel and is ab
solutely the ultimate in the builder's
art ft has a 66-foot frontage on
iackson street a UZ-foot frontage on
ifteenth street The main floor, or
Jower floor, consists of show rooms.
office and ladies rest room tn the
front, with a modern service station
in the rear.
When I went down to give the new
structure the "double O my first tm
pression was that a mistake had been
made in the address, for; from the
outside it had the appearance of
bank building. Once inside, however,
I knew for a certainty that it waa
a motor concern from basement to
roof. , . ' t
When I went in Manager Grant L.
McFayden extended the welcome
mitt just as heartily as if my appear
ance didn t tell him at a glance that
I was not in the car buying class. Mc
rsyden has been selling ford motor
cars for the last six years snd is rec
ognized as one of the very, best in
the game when it comes to organis
ing a sales force or putting the pep"
into a selling talk. Also, and mamiy.
he has the trust and confidence of
raendous asset tor any manager.
Sherman Well Known. f
There will be very little said about
T. Sherman McCaffrey, president of
the- company, for, being born and
raised right here in Omaha, he is pret-
if generally Known to ine ioiks nere
about. Anyway, when I asked him
a few personal questions, that Irish
physog of his flushed up like a Coun
cil Bluffs maiden just after being
kissed, and I could see he'd rather talk
about the building.
When asked what particular phase
of the new home caused him the most
pride, he instantly replied, "the loca
tion. And while I was trying my
darnedest to juggle the confab back
to where he'd say something about
himself, he was off and away telling
how tickled he was at being able to
grab off a building lot right in the
very heart of the business district
He s got the location at that, and
you can't blame him a mite for being
pleased about it There's not another
place in Omaha so easily reached
from all directions.
Splendid Force.
The man incharge of sales, Ed Low.
ry, is another native Omahan. He
comes from one of the oldest and
best known families in the state. Ed
has been with the McCaffrey com
pany for the past year and a half and
has "Forditis" in its most violent
form. He has become such an expert
in the auto game that he can spot a
Ford "prospect" five blocks away.
The brightest spot in the entire
building is the cashier's corner, not
because it's where the fellows receive
their weekly stipend, but on account
of . being the throne of Miss Edna
Jensen. Miss Jensen is, the sort of a
girl who could pay the boys in Villa
currency and they'd never know the
difference. But, while her pleasing
personality is a great addition to the
office, the main reason for her being
on the tay roll is the-fact that she's
one of the most efficient cashiers who
ever blue-penciled an expense account
The front office is presided over
by Fred Krug, who could easily quali
ify as a certified public accountant
He has had many years experience
ra cicncai worK ana figures, to Krug,
is just the same is "possum" to a
Georgia darkey. :
Is Special Pride.
In the service department Avery
Jordan holds forth with a corps of
as efficient service men and mechan
ics as ever were gathered, under one
roof. If there is one thing the Mc
Caffrey people pride themselves in, it
can safely be said it's their service
station. Mr. Jordan' has had seven
years' continuous service in this par
ticular work, and he frankly admits
the McCaffrey Motor company has
the best equipped service station in
the world.
When Jordan tell you a thing, he
always states it in the superlative, and
after one watches 'round for a bit
one concludes that he's right, at that.
The building superintendent Ray
Wilson, put in three years with the
Ford Motor company and has been
with the McCaffrey company for the
past year end a half. He knows the
motor business in all its dips, curves
and angles, and he's an efficiency ex
pert of the first magnitude.
Bert Dukes is the stock (keeper,
having charge of the tool crib and
stock rooms. Under his care re as
sembled all sorts of repair stuff. Ford
parts in superabundance and supplies.
In his department one can find every
thing from bolts to bodies.
In the adjusting department is an
other Ford Motor company graduate,
R. W. Copenharve. who looks after
credits on repair work. He was four
years With the Ford people and. is
acknowledged to be one of the best
and fairest adjusters who ever gsve
an estimate.
On the second floor was not so
much activity, for it s a storage floor.
Here are placed the completed jobs.
the new cars and overflow of cars
from the repair floor above. It is in
this room where one gets a better
view of the walls, that the color
scheme of the interior finish is most
noticeable. The ceilings in all the
rooms are white, 'but the walls sre
half battle-ship gray and half white,
the lower hall being gray, with a black
dividing line. It makes a rather
unique, though impressive effect
Not Consider Cost
On the third (and top) floor is the
repairing department the most mod
ern and convenient in the city. In
equipping this department the word
went forth from the president of the
company to pay absolutely no atten
tion to cost "Get the best and plenty
of it" was his answer when ssked
about fitting out the repair shop. A
big "burning in" stand for treating
bearings does now in IS minutes the
work formerly requiring from six to
eight hours. There is slso a big
"testing stand,1 in which all engines
snd motors are tested before replac
ing m cars. Every known machine
and tool for doing better and quicker
work has been Installed. Added to
this the fact that experienced experts
only are allowed to work and no one
can doubt the foreman's sssertion that
"there isn't s better shop in the west
than ours."
Sanitary favoratories and shower
baths have been installed on both the
second and third floors, enabling the
men to "clean up" before leaving the
A gigantic elevator, electrically coir
trolled, whisks the cars from the main
floor to the repair shop department
on the third floor with all the con
summate ease and grace of a Beau
Brummel retrieving a lady's powder
puff. ' ' '- . .
Efficient Sales Force. N
Coming back to the front office we
met some of the salesmen. A fine,
manly aggregation of artists, these
gentlemen, and I'm no longer amazed
at the immense number of Ford cars
on the streets of Omaha. They look
capable of selling gloves to an arm
less man. . i
Allan Farmer used 'to show 'em
where to sign on the dotted line of
sn insurance, application , blank, but
one day left off quoting death sta
tistics long enough to get an earful
of auto talk.. Since then Farmer has
devoted his talents exclusively to the
welfare of the dear public by allow
ing said public ownership of Ford
Probably his former connection
with the Cudahy Packing company
accounts for Neil Smith being such a
"slick" auto salesman (are you gonna
let me get by with that?) since com
ing with the M: Caffrey Motor com
pany, Anyway, Smith made good as
an automobile salesman right from
tne jump-a-way, and seems to like
the game much better than the pack
ing business.
Paul Hungate was an experienced
auto salesman before he joined the
McCaffery Motor comoanv'i lellincr
force, having been connected with a
local agency for some time. Paul is
a Ford enthusiast, contending it the
most reliable car that ever carried a
bunch of Joy-riders. ,
Before he became a car salesman,
A. R. (Barney) Burnham was a
wrestler of more than local renown.
He's still somethinar of a "thrower"
when it comes to spreading this "best-little-car-in-the-world"
stuff. Barney
has been with the Ford people for
a long time and knows his line of
talk better than a preacher knows
his text
v Compsny Officials.
The hand at the helm at all times
has betn the able hand of the presi
dent T. Sherman McCaffrey. Alert
energetic, aggressive, he has ever
been ready to grasp opportunities at
tne psycnoiogicai moment Where
less resourceful .men would have de
bated, T. Sherman has snapped out
instant decision. Don't get the idea
that he decides without judgment
far from it; the difference is, he stud
ies a possible condition or situation
before it gets to him, and when it
comes he's ready.
The vice president of the concern,
Frank McCaffrey, is well known in
business and local circle H ,'.
juniSr member ,of the McCaffrey
Bros, comoanv. coal dealer. H-
has been very successful in a business
way, and is an efficient official of the
motor company.
ine aecretary and treasurer, Owen
McCaffrey, is a eentleman of the nM
school, and one of the most likahl-
men in the city. He was born In
ireiana, on the 17th of March (did
you get that?), quite a few years
ago. It wouldn't be fair to tell Just
what year, for, no matter what year
it was. he doesn't look it He
direct from "the ould sod" to Omaha,
and, has been here for the last 40
years. ,
He has been prominently connects
with many of the big real estate
transactions in Omaha, and has been
no small factor in the city's progress.
na one wno expects to make Oma
ha a permanent abiding nlare. T mn.
few a great pride in the new home
of the McCaffrey Motor company, not
only because it is a building repre
senting everything. new and modern,
but because it's a tangible evidence
of the possibilities and opportunities
here in Omaha for men with enercrv
and determination. Long may it stand
as a sturdy monument to the enter-
rise and ability of the 2-year-old
I cCaffrey Motor company. j
Timmerman's Expert Sets
Big Boiler at McCaffrey's
Getting the boiler "set in" right
was one of the important things to
accomplish in the construction of the
McCaffrey Motor company's new
building. For this work an expert
boiler setter from A. Timmermann
company was called upon.
The Timmermann company pro
duced and own the famous Timmer
mann Back Boiler arch, and the com
pany is known ss the final authority
on all matters connected with fire
brick and boiler-setting.
Sunderland Machinery Co.
Handles Large Contract
The Sunderlsnd Machinery and Sup
ply company, specializing in Ford
service station equipment, had the
contract for supplying machinery for
the repair department and service
station of the McCaffrey Motor com-
owhere in the west can there be
found a more completely equipped
repair snop or a more perfectly ap
pointed service station th.n McCaf
frey's, snd .nowhere in the west is
there a concern, beside the Sitnrier.
land company, prepared to fill such
a contract as was required by the Mc-
vanrey Motor company.
Vm of Whal Wblfken.
All wlulM Uvl0B ruaimantarv
btfor birth, it tto teeth continue to
trow, the wbUe to put la the toothed cla;
t the teeth are displaced by Urie num
ber of flattened plates of bona or baleen,
fringed at the edee, the bal la put In
the whalebone oleic. Baleen forma a eleve
throach WhlOh the Whole etr.ln. all fan.
oelleeted from tha water. Popular Bcienca.
Cordial Invitation Extended
Dealers to Make Headquar
ters at New Ford Home
During Show Week,
The Ford dealers visiting Omaha
during Automobile Show week will
be thrice lucky. They'll not only see
the biggest and best exhibit ever
staged in the mid-west, but they'll
be just a short step from the new
quarters of the McCaffrey Motor
company, where they'll be welcomed
like a bottle of grajie juice at a
Bryan banquet. '
Mr. McCaffrey expects I all Ford
agents to make the McCaffrey Motor
company's new show rooms and of
fice their headquarters during Auto
Show week, and he puts a world of
emphasis on the fact that the invi
tation includes the wives, sweethearts
and sisters of the Ford dealers. The
commodious ladies' rest mom will
be at the disposal of the visiting ladies
at all times and especially during
the coming week, when a vast num
ber of out-of-tpwn ladies will be gath
ered here for the big show.
Is Near Auditorium.
The entire second floor ot the Mc
Caffrey Motor company's new home,
has been taken ever by the Automo
bile show committee for the coming
week for display purposes. Being so
near the Auditorium building, where
the show will be held, it is almost
like an annex to the main show
, 'Durinsr the week the show rooms
of the McCaffrey company will be
formally inspected. These show
rooms are equal In appointment to
any in the city, and are the best light
ed rooms in the west
The big electric signs extend on
both Jackson street and Fifteenth
We furnished the electric
sign for this building.
114-116 South 12th St
Douglas 729. '
street and are of the regulation Ford
script design. The signs call par
ticular attention to the service sta
tion, looming up to gasless motorists
like a bubbling well in the Mojave
Insurance Carried With
The Foster-Barker Company
Notwithstanding the fact that the
Mccairrey Motor companys new
building is absolutely fireproof, in
surance must be carried to protect
office equipment, important records,
cars stored for ' repair, etc. After
mature deliberation the McCaffrey
Motor company decided to place its
insurance with the Foster-Barker
company, Brandeis building.
This decision resulted from a care
ful study of "past performances" of
the companies represented by the
Foster-Barker company and it was
found that these companies were fair
and liberal in interpreting their poli
cies, prompt and just in settling
claims and singularly free from an
noying red tape.
The Foster-Barker concern is one
of the established institutions of Oma
ha and numbers among its policy
holders the largest corporations of
the state.
Interior of Show Rooms
Present Pleasing Effect
After all the others, contractors,
brick layers, plasterers snd plumbers
has finished their particular work on
the building now housing the McCaf
frey Motor company, then came G.
A. , Thompson, contracting painter,
with his colors, brushes, putties and
.To him was given the take of turn
ing the sturdy walls, the rugged floors
and the mottled ceilings into things
of beauty and elegance. How well
he accomplished his purpose is evi
denced by the extremely pleasing ef
fect produced.
4106 South 13th St. BOILER INSTALLED BY Red 6638.
Omaha's Popular Firebrick Expert
Firebrick Expert and Boilersetter
Build- of High Grade BoiUr Setting
We had the Contract for Painting
and Decorating on This Building
Contracting Painter
Ttltphona Red
318 Breadeit
Theater Building
N Job Too Large
lAi 1515 HARNEY
We Furnished all the Reinforcing Steel
and Steel Sash for This Building
Trussed Conor fete Steel
H. E. GADEN, Mgr. '
Home Offices Omaha Offices-
Vountown, Ohii. : P 1112 W. 0.' W. Bid.
1921 St. Mary's Ave.
Phone Douglas 3497
Concrete Piling on This
erman Thielke
Concrete Piling a Specialty
Phono South 872.
3,500 lights of glassjn this
building furnished and
glazed by
Kehnard Glass
& Paint Company
Douglas 4356
1417 Dodge Street
l !
Ford Service Station Equipment
Complete Equipment for
Garage andMachine
Repair Shops
Machinery land. Supply Company
Our Insurance is Carried By
i '
Brandeis Building
i I