Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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in such a ivay that the shortage is
spread out as evenly as possible."
In discussing public eating house
control it is charged in the report that
the consumption, particularly in
l.ental Space in Mat.. lie
Temple Building Nearly Gone
The Masonic Temple Craft an
nounce that the Columbia Fire In-
i c
tions are successful the entire rental
space of the temple will be occupied.
Bradshavv Elected Head
Of Law Society of U. S.
D. E. Bradshaw. attorney general
of the Woodmen of the World, was
elected president of the Fraternal So
ciety Law Association of America at
Chicago. He has served as treasurer
and also vice president of the associa
tion, the membership of which is
Omaha Girl is Promoted to
Rank of Yeoman in U. S. Navy
'high-priced restaurants and hotels" surance
company will move its oi-
fices to the second floor of the new
per capita is nearly double of normal.
temple building this week. The
company will occupy the entire floor.
The Craft has leased the two stores
adjoining the restaurant and the one
in Nineteenth street to the Omaha
chapter of the Red Cross for the
period of the war and two months
thereafter. Negotiations are on for
the rental of the two western stores
in the building and if these negotia
(Continued From Page One.)
it is necessary that this normal supply
"The bill authorizes regulations to
eliminate unnecessary use of essen
tial foodstuffs by manufacturers of
food products," says the report. "It
would be possible to effect a great
savings in food products by requiring
higher milling or the mixture of in
gredients in bread which cannot be so
readily shipped abroad."
be distributed with absolute equality
throughout the country. From time
to time there may be temporary
shortages in certain foods.
"In such a case the president should
have power to control the distribution
made up ot general attorneys 01 ine
fraternal associations of the I nited
States and Canad and local
tril t-
torneys of such associations.
Vessel Torpedoed by Subma
rine Without Warning; is
Third Boat Lost in Less
Than Month.
(By Associated FrM.)
Madrid, Feb. 22. (Friday.) The
Spanish steamer M?.ria Caspio has
been sunk by a submarine on its way
to New York with a cargo of cork
The crew was picked up by the Span
ish steamer Claudio Lopez, which also
was stopped by the submarine but
later was allowed to proceed.
The captain of the Claudio Lopez
had the greatest difficulty in inducing
the commander of the submarine to
allow him to continue the voyage.
The submarine commander wanted
to sink the liner because it was
carrying a number of cars consigned
to .the Spanish Northern railroad,
which is partly J-rench owned.
, Third Spanish Boat Sunk.
The sinking of the Spanish steamer
Maria Caspio makes the third such
occurrence in less than four weeks.
On January 28 a German submarine
sunk the Spanish steamer Giralda and
February 13 the Spanish steamer Cef
erino was destroyed by a U-boat.- On
February 10 the Italian steamship
Liuca ui uenova was sunk within
Spanish territorial waters.
Madrid advices Thursday reported
that the Spanish government would
publish the text of ihree notes sent to
the German government concerning
the sinkings of the Giralda, Ceferino
and Duca Di Genova.
In the case of the Italian steamer,
ipain demanded that Spanish terri
torial waters be respeced.
Spain Victim of U-Boats.
Destruction of Spanish steamers hy
German submarines has become more
$2.20 Wheat Price
Fixed by Wilson
For Year's Crop
(Continued From I'age One.)
be harmful to tvtfy industry in the
"I know the spirit of our farmers
and have not the least doubt as to
the, loyalty with which they will ac
cept the present decision.
'. Farmers Show Confidence.
"The fall wheat planting, which fur
nishes two-thirds of our wheat pro
duction, took place with no other as
surance than this and the farmers'
confidence was demonstrated by the
fact that they planted an acreage
larger than the record of any preced
ing year, larger by 2,000,000 acres than
the second largest record year, and
7,000,000 acres more than the average
ton the five years before the outbreak
of ;the' European 4warv ,
fit seems not to be generally under
stood why wheat is picked out for
price determination and only wheat
among the cereals. The answer is that
while normal normal distribution of
all our farm products has been sub
ject to great disturbances during the
last three years because of war con
ditions only two commodities, namely,
wheat and sugar, have been so seri
ously affected as to require govern
mental intervention. '
Must Prevent Speculation.
"The disturbance which affect these
products (and others in less degree)
arise from the fact that all of the
overseas shipping in the world is now
under government control and that
the government is obliged to assign
tonnage to each commodity that en
ters the commercial overseas traffic.
It has consequently been necessary
to establish single agencies for the
.purchase of the food supplies which
milch go abroad.
"The purchase of wheat in the
United States for foreign use is of
so great a volume in comparison with
the available domestic supply that
the "price of wheat has been ma
terially disturbed and it became neces
sary, in order to protect both the
producer and the consumer, to pre
vent speculation. It was necessary
therefore for the government to ex
ercise a measure of direct supervis
ion as far as possible to control pur
chases of wheat and the. process of
its exportation. .This supervision
necessarily amounted to price fixing
and, I therefore thought it fair and
wise that there should be a price
stated that should be at once liberal
and equitable.
' Farmer Is Invaluable.
"Those peculiar circumstances gov
erning the handling and consumption
of wheat put the farmers at the very
center of war service. Next to the
soldier himself, he is serving the
country and the world and serving it
in a way which is absolutely funda
mental to his own future safety and
prosperity. He sees this and can be
relied upon as the soldier can.
'The farmer is also contributing
men to the army, and I am keenly
alive to the sacrifices involved. Out
of 13,800.000 men engaged in farm
industries, 205,000 have been drafted,
or about 1.48 per cent of the whole
number. In addition to these, there
have been volunteers, and the farmers
have lost a considerable number of
laborers because the wages paid in
industrial pursuits drew them away.
Furloughs for Farmer.
"In order to relieve the farminsr in
dustry as far as possible from further
drains of labor, the new draft regula-
tions have been drawn with a view
to taking from the farms an even
smaller proportion of men, and .it is
my hope that the local exemption
boards will make the new classifica
tions with a view of lightening the
load upon the farmers to the utmost
extent. The secretary of war has
asked for authority to furlough sol
diers of the National army if con
ditions permit it, so that they may
return to their farms when assistance
' is necessary in the planting and
r harvesting of the crops.
- "National and local agencies are ac
tively at work, besides, in organizing
community help for the more efficient
distribution of available labor and the
'drawing upon new sources of labor.
While there will be difficulties and
very serious ones, they will , be ' dif
ficulties which are among the stern
A necessities of the war,'
Sada E. Anderson is the first girl
navy "yeowoman" ever seen in
Omaha. She enlisted at the local re
cruiting office some time ago and
was recently promoted to yeoman,
first class.
Miss Anderson is stationed at the
Omaha recruiting office and has
proved an efficient member of the re
cruiting staff. She is 21 years old and
has enlisted for the duration of the
F. R. Harper (left) was recently
promoted to first boatswain s mate
He has served with the local recruit
ing office about a year, but expects to
be called for sea service soon.
William repper (right) is an
Omaha bov and has served as yeo
man, second class, in the local office
since the time of his enlistment.
Diplomats Flee
Petrograd to
Escape Capture
(Continued From Pegs One.)
fidence in the peoples commissaries
and approving their measures aiming
at peace. .The resolution passed with
only six dissenting votes.
In the last two days the Germans
have not met with a single case of
resistance, a Petrograd dispatch to tli:
Exchange Telegraph company says.
Lvacuation of the port ot Keval is
proceeding slowly, the soldiers de
clining to assist.
I he headquarters ot the Kussian
western army have been moved to
Smolensk, 250 miles southwest of
Moscow. The change was made in
such haste that the staff lost touch
with the various armies.
Poles Aid Teutons.
Austrian and Ukrainian troops are
nearing Kiev, the Ukrainian capital
now held by the bolsheviki, according
to dispatches from Petrograd in the
late editions of the morning newspa
pers. It is said that roiun legionaries
aid the Germans in occupying Minsk.
Petrograd newspapers report that
Russian soldiers on the northern
front seized 27 trains which are being
used to carry 40,000 soldiers to Moscow.
The Germans are taking no prison
ers, merely disarming the Russians
and liberating them.
German airplanes, the Petrograd
correspondent of the Times says, are
. . - , n
aisirinuung proclamations, caning on
the Russian people to remain calm
and keep order, as the Germans are
coming to suppress., anarchy and to
bring food as soon as' possible.
The bolsheviki are greatly per
turbed and depressed. Foreign Min
ister Trotlky is reported to be sick
in consequence of renewal of hostili
ties. British Ordered to Leave.
The Times correspondent reports
some anxiety in the British colony in
Petrograd. A British military order
directs all Englishmen of military age
to hold themselves ready to start
home at six hours' notice.
Other British subjects, especially
women and children, have been ad
vised to leave Russia without delay.
The Turkish army in the Caucasus
has begun an offensive, a correspond
ent of the Exchange Telegraph com
pany wires from the headquarters of
the Russian western army.
The attack was started before the
expiration of the armistice.
The Turks occupied Flatana and
paralyzed the evacuation of the
Caucasian corps which is now grouped
along the coast.
TroUky Quits Petrograd.
It is announced semi-officially from
Berlin that Dr. von Kuehlmann, the
foreign secretary, has gone to Buchar.
est to discuss peace with a Roumanian
emissary and, therefore, resumption
of negotiations with the bolsheviki
will have to be postponed.
Leon Trotzky, the bolshevik for
eign minister, is reported to have
left Petrograd for Dvinsk to seek an
early conference with the Germans.
Bolshevik resistance seemingly de
pends on whether the Germans wilt
accept readily the capitulation of the
It is apparent, however, that the
Germans, with the Roumanian nego
tiations as an excuse, are going to
push their campaign in the Baltic
provinces before answering the Rus
sians. In the region north and east of
Dvinsk and along the Gulf of Finland,
the Germans have advanced farther
than in the south, where east of
Minsk they are nearing the line of
the Beresr;a, m crossing which in
1812 Napoleon suffered a serious de
feat while retreating from Moscow.
With the regular army and navy
seriously demoralized, the bolshevik
leaders are placing their faith in the
Red Guards and guerrilla warfare by
the inhabitants of the invaded dis
tricts. The Russian commander of the
northern front reports the Germans
advancing in detachments of from 100
to 200 men and not as regimental
(Continued From rase One.)
making is the result of evolution con
trolled by the needs of the country
and to change it now would be simi
lar to swapping horses in mid-stream,
adopting a new and untried steed for
a tried and proven successful one."
Resolution to Senators.
Before adjournment the Traffic
club adopted the following resolu
tion, copies of which will be sent to
Nebraska and other western senators
and representatives in congress:
"Whereas, It has come to 'he atten
tion of the Traffic dub of Omaha;
representing the principal industrial
concerns, that there are now pending
in the senate and house of repre
sentatives certain bills, the purposes
of which are to curtail the powers of
the Interstate Commerce commis
sion it vest in the president of the
United States the power to initiate
advances in the rates, rules and regu
lations of common carriers which will
result in increased cost of transporta
tion, and; v
, Fear Change Now.
"Whereas, It is the sense of the
Traffic club ,of Omaha that any
change in the, present method of in
itiating increases in rates, rules and
regulations of common carriers, or
the placing of such power to increase
the cost of transportation in the
hands 6f the president or any other
individual or body other that the In
terstate Commerce commisison
would place an undue burden upon
the shipping interests of the country
not warranted by exigencies of war,
"Whereas, The Traffic club of
Omaha believes that the interests of
the nation will be best served if pres
ent methods of initiating rates by the
agents of the carriers under the In
terstate Commerce act be continued
in effect:
"Therefore Be It Resolved, By the
Traffic club of Omaha, that all the
power and influence of the club be
brought to bear to prevent any dis
ruption of our present system of rate
making and control, and that a copy
of these resolutions be sent to the
Nebraska senators and representa
tives at Washington with a request
that by their influences and vote these
or similar measures are defeated."
Grain Men Assist.
Through its attorney, Henry T.
Clarke, the Omaha Grain exchange
has taken similar action. Resolu
tions have been adopted and sent to
?enator Hitchcock. Clarke wired that
the grain exchange "protests against
the endorsement of any legislation by
congress that will lessen the jurisdic
tion of the Interstate Commerce
commisson over interstate rates, or
which will prevent or restrict the
right of the shipper to have a full
hearing and final decision by the
cQmmissioi'n on questions relating to
the reasonableness or discriminatory
nature of existing or proposed rates."
That extra room will pay your coal
bill. Rent it through a Bee Want Ad.
Is one of the finest exhibitions
that people of this vicinity are
privileged to view.
It is a huge, progressive enter
prise, one that thousands travel
miles to see. You who live in
Omaha should not miss such an
It merits your attendance,
February 25 March 2.
tfhe fashion Center fir WomevP
New Apparel Is Very Attractive
for Spring Sewing
Matched edges and insertings in
Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss.
Fancy beading with edges to
Cambric and Swiss Flouncings,
twelve and eighteen inches wide.
Fancy edges in Organdie and
Swiss for collars and vests.
Bandings and wide skirt flounc
ings to match.
Beautiful patterns.
Sensibly priced.
Those WhoKnit
Find Everything Here
Much valuable time is saved by
coming to Thompson-Belden's
for yarns for the assortments
are bo complete. Both heavy and
medium weight yarns in
Light gray, white and O. D., for
Plain khaki and khaki mixed.
Medium and dark gray.
Olive drab in balls.
Classes of instruction in knitting
twice every day, 10 to 12 morn
ings, 3 to 5 afternoons.
Third Floor
To adequately describe the many articles of outer
apparel would be quite impossible, but perhaps these
few brief outlines of individual garments will interest
you sufficiently to make a visit in person possible.
Tretone Girdles
The young growing girl, just at
the awkward age, is the most
difficult person to fit.
Corsets are of first importance,
for-the figure must be moulded
into the desired lines before it
las matured. Help nature by
riving her the very best. Tretone
Girdles will answer this par
ticular purpose perfectly.
$1.50 up to $5.
Third Floor
5 r"" A severely tailored
JllltS model of Scotch Mix
" ture, three-button coat
with two patch pockets ;
very attractive back.
The Skirt is gathered at
the belt and has two
pockets. Price $35.
A Silvertone khaki col
ored suit has a jacket
fashioned after the cam
paign blouse. The skirt
has two pockets and a
saber belt. Price $55.
A bustle effect Blue
Serge model with half
belt at the back. The
coat lined with flowered
crepe. The skirt with
shirred belt lines and
two pockets. Price $45.
Spring Footwear
Unusually Attractive
SOROSIS Shoes are known for
quality, style and fair prices.
Sorosis are good shoes. They are
extremely fashionable and travel
in the most exclusive circles.
Spring showings are now in com
plete readiness.
Newest Arrivals
A dark gray lace kid boot, $11.
A golden oak brown lace kid
boot, $15.
A complete line of spring pumps,
together with suitable spats.
A Coats
A half lined Motor Coat of Scotch Mixture, has
a large belt and pockets. The convertible collar
is a safeguard against all sorts of weather.
Buttons covered to match. Price $35.
A belted Coat is a combination of Gray Satin
and Gray Silvertone. Artistic buckles, striking
ly designed sleeves and a brocaded lining all
add to its attractiveness. Price $59.50.
Sleeveless Sports Jackets in Velvet, Silk and
Wool Jersey, are in bright, Spring colors. Very
novel and pleasing. Priced $19.50 to $35.
An afternoon Dress of Silk Voile, in foulard de
sign of blue and whiter trimmings of Taffeta and
Georgette. Priced $59.50.
A gray Crepe de Chine Frock with Georgette
sleeves and blue chalk beads, is very striking
in appearance. Price'$50.
A blue Serge Dress with silk tailored braid, has
a vestee and collar of pique and six button tai
lored sleeves. Price $27.50.
Alterations are made without extra charge.
Private display rooms are at your disposal.
The Best of New Fabrics
For Spring and Summer
Silks The best qualities
prove least expensive, serv
ice and satisfaction consid
ered. With this in mind we
mention Belding's Silks as
one of the best purchases
possible. Belding's Silks and
Satins are wear guaranteed,
but cost no more than ordi
nary silks. They are sold in
Omaha exclusively by the
Thompson-Belden Store.
Washable silks in great variety.
Crepe pongee, satin broad
cloth, tub silks and striped
crepe de chine, for blouses
and men's shirts, $1.25 to
Woolens A great many of
our newest woolens are sell
ing for less than today's
wholesale cost. We saved
by looking ahead so can
you. With prices advancing
every day it's surely the
part of wisdom to make an
early selection. We would
like especially to show you
our new wool poplins and
serges for dresses.
Cottons In spite of sharp
est advances in cotton
prices these new materials
are noticeably moderate. Of
course, you must realize
that duplication is out of
the question. So the Women
who are farsighted will pur
chase early. Selections are
very comprehensive.
You can depend upon
Thompson-Belden fabrics
Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters For Business
w ','Hiii;iiiMiii:ii,iiijitliiii:
,n i: ! 11. 1 ' t -1 1 1 1 ; i li; ' mr-i'.ni,rli.mwii.mmroim'mB.iiinwia.i mm '""'lllliji iuiuli;ilill;'IIIUi.llttoiuH wiTM;inmn.n.:ii8jiiiiasni '' """'"""n'lllllllllllllllllllMlhmmiilliiiuuu.
Range From 10 to 90 Per Cent
SALE CLOSES FEBRUARY 28th Odds and Ends Go at 10c on the Dollar
Your Mail Orders Will Receive
Preferred Attention
CO., Creators of Jewelry
1520 Douglas Street
! I Hi; ;i; r:rirj-
Six Years
at 1324
We Please
You or
Your Money
Dr. McKenney says:
"We are a permanent, high-class organization, who by
efficiency methods have eliminated the poor service and
high prices from dentistry. It's economy to have us .do
your work, because of the long service it gives, (guar
anteed) and the very reasonable prices."
Best Silver
Heaviest Bridge QA
Work, per tooth, VT'
75c I Gold Crown . . $4
... ,. . $8d$10
Wonder Plates Worth $15 to $25
Hoars, 8t30 A.
M. to 6 P M.
and Saturday
Till IP.M.
Not Open
14th and Farnam Sts.
1324 Farnam Street
NOTICE Out-of-town patrons can
gat Plata, Crowns, Bridges and Fill
ings complete In ONE day.