Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1918, SOCIETY, Image 18

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Adelaide Kpitncrly
Ella Fleishman
i B
I llTsV
IFfl TAms
Jei and Maids
And Military Life
' (Contlnar
dance will ttke on a very military as-
, pect.
Caotain Taylor Belcher, the organ
her of the club, was among the first
to join the colors, having gone to the
first training camp at Plattsbnrg. It
is whispered that Captain Belcher
will exchange ' his two bars for a
waior's star very soon.
-The others who have commissioni
are Lieutenant Will Noble, Lieuten
ant William E. Petersen, Lieutenant
Walter S. Byrne, Lieutenant H. R.
Hammond, jr., and Lieutenant Hird
, Stryker. Those who have enlisted
and are in training are Karl Hopkins
and Howard Dunham at the' fareat
Lakes naval training station; T. K.
JIcFayden, at Mare Island navy
"'yard; George Flack and Herbert
Smails, in aviation at the Atlanta
rionflying school; A. L. Laurance, at
Camp Funston, in the national army;
A. A. Abrahamson, at Camp Taylor
with the ambulance company, and
Joseph B. Johnson, in the third train
ing camp at Funston. Grant McFay
den has been accepted as sergeant in
he base hospital No. 49, and Walter
rioye has applied and passed the ex
imination for the balloon school.
Echoes from "Military Life."
' White we &re chatting about mili
tary things we roust not forget "The
Day of Military Life," which was
such a great success. The officers
r and men alike are very much pleased
aver the affair and also about Omaha
and Omahans.
"The spirit manifested by civilians
la really astonishing to us military
men," said one of the officers. "The
manner in which ,the Omaha people
limply leaped to help us made a most
profound impression upon all the sol
diers." Mr. M. C. Peters, whom the
Fort Crook boys call their "god
father," threw himself so whole
heartedly into helping to make the
carnival a success that he has won the
everlasting gratitude of all men. The
women of the . Service league and
Rev. T. J. Mackay are especially
mentioned in tne note or thanks
McAllister-Bernard Wedding .
A verv nrettv home weddiner fnnt
place Thursday evening i when Miss
Mary Eugene Bernard, daifghter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bernard of East
St. Louis, 111., became the bride of
Eugene D. McAllister. The ceremony
took place at the home of the bride's
aunt, Mrs. II. M. Hundlev of this
city. Rev. E. H. Jenks read the mar
riage lines
American Beauty roses were used in
profusion in the living room, while
pink roses formed the decoration for
the dining room. , .
The bride was charming in her
white crepe gown made on simple
lines. A shower bouquet, of bride's
roses was carried. ' -
The bride's sister, Miss Elizabeth
Bernard, was her only attendant. She
was also in white, her BOwn beinc of
white net, the pinks and blues of her
Douquet ot sweet peas giving a touch
of color to the costume.
Following the ceremony a wedding
supper was served lor tne members
of the family who were. , the niy
guests 'at the wedding.
After a wedding trip the young
couplo will be at home at the Fair
view apartments. ..,
At the Prettiest Mile Club.
Mrs. C. B. Baum entertained at a
luncheon party of 12 at the clufcSatur.
day. . ." ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Haynes enter,
tamed eight guests at dinner at the
club Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
George Irons entertained a party of
five, as did also Miss Jenkins. Four
somes were given by Mr. and Mrs.
A. S. Rast, Mr. and Mrs. John Sperry,
Mr. and Mrs.. E. W. Long, Mr. ani
. Mrs. C. S. Rainbolt and Mr jnd Mra.
E. S. Pray. .
Fraternity Party.
,1-The Theta phi Delta fraternity en
tertainad a number of the University
of. Omaha coeds last Friday evening
at the home.of Mr. and Mrs. George
L. Campen; S4i South Twenty-sixth
street. All the details of the party
were carried out with the Washington
birthday ilea. The rooms were deco
rated with ned. white and blue stream
er. and tidtlets, yellow dafodils and
(wbit hyacinth, the fraternity colors,
were used to adorn the tables. '
.The members and guests partici
pated in singing "America" at the
beginning of the games. Then fol
lowed a series of progressive games,
the winner of which vere given bal
loon of patriotic colon. "Bimco," a
new game among the students, was
the favorite of the evening.
Punch and fruit salad were served
by. the- pledges of the fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. Campen, Mta. W.H.
Goodwin and Dean and Mrs. P. R.
Stevenson were chaperons. Others
present were:
Willi AnderaoA
Lol)l Kftdal
Helen Moor ,
Clara Llndler
Ulllaa Bardoa
Lillian Henderaen
Jlarjorle Paraoni
Pattt Atklaaon
Marfuertte jtuay
I - :-
Jamea Smith
Cheater Johnson
Harold Clay
Frank Broadwell
Ree4 Zimmerman
William Campea
Charles Marsh
William Boyef
Clyde Nicholson
Engagement Announced.
; Mr. and Mrs. B. Greenfield an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Bessie, to Mr. Abraham
Minkin. No date has been set for the
The engagement of Miss Laura
tosephine Pratt of Evamton, 111., to
.ieutenant Marion A. Shaw of Osce
ola, Neb., has been announced. Miss
The Best Sold in Omaha
YrLry A ' Canned in Italy and im-
IllU XJialAU pbrted directly by the
: - 2125 PIERCE STREET. ' . . PHONEt TYLER 772.
I CUlloa Caft .... ..... R5.00 H Gallon Caa .....i... 82.75 M Gallon Can 81.50
' . Society Loses Member of Younger Set
. : . i
IMmmmwmmmm.vms !, m,Jnlf n : isWWM eJIIln lillllMMM. anWftftjgWj I
ICS a ' 4 i!I
II 1 111 I
i in x sti i
Hi "J&
W a1 ' , . rr-Jl!
III ..I J . ' J'" ." . . ""," - f!
, ?r i, ; kti,- f 4
X". , v. ' lr i 5
IH. f
Pratt has-been teaching in the Lin
coln schools for some time.
Present Two Playa.
"Either, Queen of Persia," and
"Truancy, Love and Conscience," "will
be, presented by the Young Judea
council. Sunday( March 17, in the
Swedish auditorium.' Mrs. Carl Stein
is the coach. Dancing will follow the
plays. . ,
At the Prettiest Mile Club.' "
The W. D. K. club entertained at
dinner Saturday evening at the Pret
tiest Mile club. Covers were laid for
the following guests: -
Meaar. and Meidamts
Waltar Myari. ' Mrk MorralL
Floyd Wh, . B. D. Allyn.
Scott "Wilbui Frank Dushrtr
rrank Bppllmin, W. Prunar,
Ivan Dolphin, Arthur Jonoa.
Sorority Luncheon.
Mrs1. Robert W. Adams entertained
the members of the Alpha Chi Omega
alumni at luncheon at her home Sat
urday. Following the luncheon the
H M JtmsA-asMfaigfMat , r srtr , jjajaiS wtf I
, Specially Priced At
SI 95, $225, $260, $290, $375 and Up
You have your choice of the Emerson, Schmollcr &
Mueller, Angelua, Brinkerhoff, Steger, Mansfield and
Gerhard t Player Pianos.
Terms of $2.50 per week will enable you to own one
of these players. Your own selection of Music and bench
with each instrument. . .
Slightly used player rolls, former prices 25c, 50c, 75c,
now on sale, at 15J, 25c, 353 d Up.
Eli"." PIANO. CO.: flm'ie2TU'
Exclutir Rcpret ntatiTM for AolUn, Pjianola and Duo-Art PUnot. -
Miss Florence Heggblade, attrac-O-
tive member of the younger let, left
Saturday for New York CJty, where
she will soend several months with
her' brother, Mr. Frank Heggblade,
and Mrs. Heggblade. ' . 4
afternoon wa spent In sewing for
the visiting nurse. Twenty guests
were present.
Indoor Golf.
The Ladies' Golf club of the Pret
tiest Mile club will play indoor golf
at Burgess-Nash Monday morning at
10 o'clock.
Luncheon for Musical Folks. '
Miss.Luella Allen entertained at
luncheon at Hotel Loyal Saturday
complimentary to Mrs. Willard Snell,
nee Grace Hancock, of Madison, Wis.
The guests included:
Meadamaa Maadamaiw
Douglas Walpton, A. M. Borttnm.
Edith Waftonar,
Mlaaaa , Mlaaaa
Henrietta Reea, Mary Munchhoff.
Bella Robtnaon, v
We are closing out
twelve slightly used
Player Pianos, guar-,
anteed to be in perfect
condition and former
ly selling at prices
' As.
ranging up to $v&u.
Death and Birth Rates
In Brussels District
The latest -Vital statistics report
from the Brussels district shows a
tartlingly low birth rate in compari
son with the startlingly large death
rate. In ona week there were 17 births
in the city of Brussels and 59 deaths,
or a birth rat of 5.2 and a death rate
of 18 per 1,000 inhabitants. In the
suburbs one week'a report shows 78
births and 156 deaths, or a birth rate
of 6.2 and a death rate of 12.7 per
1,000 inhabitants. The total numbet
of birthi in the district In one week
was 93 and the total number of
deaths 215, or a rate of 6 births and
13.8 deaths per 1,000 inhabitants.
Faculty Member Sherwood School of Musi.
Itudlo, SIS MeCstue Bids. Phone Dut. 4804
0ielte New Slleem and Sulaho-Sillna Pa!lloni
Formerly of the NEBRASKA Hotel.
SMclal Weekly Ratee. Excelsior Sprints, Mo.
Dr. Lm W. Edwards, 24th
and Farnam, withes to call the)
public's attention to the Chiro
practlo talk en Pagt 6-A.
There has never been anything in
Omaha with the INSTANT action of
simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.,
as mixed in Adler-1-ka. ONE SPOON
FUL flushes the ENTIRE bowel tract
bo completely it relieves ANY CASE
sour stomach, gas or constipation and
prevents appendicitis. The INSTANT,
pleasant action of Adler-i-ka surprises
both doctors and patients. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Co., 16th and
Dodge; Beaton Drug Co., 19th and
Farnam; Yates Drug Co., 16th a"nd
Chicago. -Advertisement.
PERUNA. . Every woman should have at hand a reliable means of checking' colds, coughs and grip. It is her duty to protect
the members of the family, to prevent the development of catarrh, to overcome its frequent appearance, and to use a reliable
family tonic whenever the appetite is irregular and the digestion weak. There are many thousand housewives in this country who
have learned from experience the value of the old, reliable Peruna In such cases. Many of them tell their experiences for your benefit
For all Catarrhal Indications take Peruna.
Pmna may ( eblalntJ In tabltl form for your coiwenteisce.
. Cmrry a box with you.
A daughter was born February
ro Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Switzler at
Hempstead, L. I. Mr. Switzler is in
the national service commission in
New York.
Mrs. C. H. Aull is expected home
this week from Washington, D. C.
where she has been for six weeks
with her sister, Mrs. William T.
Guernsey ' of Independence, Kan.,
who has an apartment in Washington
this winter. Airs. Guernsey is presi
dent general of the Daughters of the
American Revolution.
Miss Dorothy Stowitts. who has
just completed her course in trained
nursing at the Methodist hospital, is
spending this week witn Mr. and Mrs.
G. M. Durkee in Dundee and then
will be with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ring-
wait tor a 'While. Miss stowitts has
applied for duty as a Red Cross nurse
Mrs. T. E. Boyd and her daughter.
Mrs. Ellis Bierbower, have taken an
apartment at the Elwood in Dundee
and will give up their old home on
Davenpoft street the first of March.
Mrs. E. C. Twamleyand her moth
er, Mrs. Bennett, leave today for a
western trip to Fort Sill, Phoenix tnd
Mrs. E. H. SpraRue, who went to
California three weeks ago, is at Cor-
onaflo this week with Mrs Fred
Hamilton. 1
Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Congdon have
been at Coronado. beach for two
weeks past and may remain longer.
Miss Josephine Congdon, in their ab
sence, has been stopping with Miss
Gertr,ude Mete, but went Thursday to
her sister, Mrs. Arthur Rogers.
Mrs. David Stone and children, who
fiave been with Mr. and Mrs. George
A Hoagland for several weeks, left
Sunday to join Colonel Stone in New
Mrs. Luther Drake left Thursday
for San Bernardino, Cal.,to visit her
mother. Mr. Drake will join her
some time in March.
Mrs. James Chadwick returned on
Thursday from Denver, -wt) ere she
and Mr. Chadwick have been for some
weeks. The latter will not return
until next week. Mrs. Chadwick is
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank B Johnson.
Mrs. Thomas Hayes and children
and Jier sister, Miss Dorothy Ring
wait, arrived Thursday morning from
San Antonio and are with Mrs. Theo
dore Ringwalt. Major Hayes was or-
The U. S. Department of Agriculture says that:
. Milk
10 eemti a
12 eeptt a
U eects a
You can use noEk, Mac sweet or bosk. '
Jon can always get a supply bca jto& J&kvsr &t the. Mac
wago&s .Witney P8" Toataan.
. Scientifically Pasteurised ffl!k
Special Jersey Cream
Guernsey Milk
Something New Alamfto Cream Cheese -
Pasteurized Butter, pound and half-pound fgs.
Or Phone Us Today for Delivery Tomorrow
Try Our XX CREAM, Excellent for Whipping
Alamito Dairy Company
Mrs. Win. Hohmann, 2764 Lincoln Ave
Chicago, UL, writes: '
"I suffered with catarrh of bronchial
tabes and had a terriblo cough ever since
a child.
"I would sit up in bed with pillows prop
ped up behind me, but still the cough
would not let me sleep.
"So reading the papers about Peruna I
dscidad to try. Without the least bit of
hope that It would do me any good. But
after taking three bottles I noticed
chance. My appetite got better, so I kept
on, never discouraged Finally 1 seemed
not to cough so much and the pains in my
chest got better and I could rest at night
"I am wall now and cured of a chronio
cough and sore throat I cannot tell yon '
bow grateful I am, and I cannot thank
Peruna enough. '
dered to Houston several weeks ago
ana expects to go to r ranee at any
time, Mrs. Hayes coming here to stay
during his absence.
Mrs. J. H. De Jong left Friday for
Los Angeles to visit her sister, Mrs.
W. N. Umstead. From there Mrs.
De Jong will go to San Francisco and
later to Portland. Mr. De Jong will
join her later and they will return to
gether in May.
A son was born Sunday to Mr.
and Mrs. Mix A. Pirsch of Minnea
polis. Mrs. Pirsch was formerly Miss
irma uoiasten ot this city.
, Mrs. Ed Lang returned Saturday
rom a two months' visit to her for
mer home, Savannah, Ga.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hicrgins Sullivan re
turned Friday from an absence of al
most two years in the east, where she
did investigational work for the child
labor committee and for the govern
ment in the manufacture of army'uni-
torms. Mrs. sullivan, who was for-
Until you have
tasted my
you will not
know how good
can be
At most good dealers.
Sent postpaid to any
address' in the United
States for $1.25, lb. box
era art
If as cheap ai sirloin at
23.3 eenta a pound
27.9 eenta a pound
43.9 oenta a pound
Douglas 409
Council Bluffs No. 205.
Mrs. Elln Malmgren. 133 Frederick St,
West Manchester, N. ft, writes :
"Every spring and fall for eleven years,
I have been troubled with catarrh in my
throat and nose and hoarseness, and I am
very pleased to state that at last I found
a medicine, Peruna, from which I received ,
great benefit, and I will hereafter use and
recommend it I always keep it in my
house in case of sickness. I recommend
your medicine to all my friends and every
sufferer, as an excellent medicine for
colds and for building no strength.
We have many Swedish friends in Boston
who use Peruna and think a great deal of
it If all the Swedish people in this
country could know what an excellent
family medicine your Peruna is I ajn sure
they would keep It in the home."
fTha Peruna Company,
merly on The Bee staff, goes td.
Pueblo Tuesday to take up her new
duties as general secretary of the
Young Women's Christian associa
tion: 1
Thrift Hints
Some coffee needs boiling and some
does not one must experiment to
find out.
Save every drop of skim milk.
Tripe, fried or boiled, gives a relish
to a meal.
the gospel of the clean
One quart of milk is equal to eight
eggs. ,
A little chopped
cabbage salad.
celery improves
All farmers should
cheese at home.
make cottage
Sassafras Bark, 1 lb 33
Senna Leaves, 1-oz. pkg 5d
Glycerine, Colgate's-oz. bot.l9
Epsom Salts, 1 lb 9
Hinkle Pills, 100 19
Sulphur and Cream Tartar Tab
lets, box 10
Quinine Capsules, 2-gt. 1 doz 9
Liquid Tar Soap, bottle, .. .253
Affinity Cleaner ..23d
Energine , 23d
Whiz, can 9
Lux, pkg 13t
Putnam's Dry Cleaner
21 and 39
Horlick's Malted Milk
Small . . ;39d Larjre , . . 79
Hospital size. .82.89
Carry It Home With a Red ;
Cross Seal.
Kirk's Olivp Oil Castile (absolute
ly pure olive oil), cake....9d
Dozen gijj
Jergen's Hard Water (lathers
freely in hard water), cake.9d
Dozen gcjA
Jergen's Lily Cream, box S
for - 25
t ajinsj Ulllll til '"I
leth and Howard. Douglaa 846.
or eggs at
25.1 a dozen
30.2 a dosen
37.7 a doaen
Columbus, Ohio.