Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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Economic Agreement Reached
of S
osiery Saturday
3 $4.00, at $1.50 a Pair
he details, then prepare to come down here on
dozen pair or more for an offering like this
us Stock of the Aristo Hosiery Company,
ijst nth Street. New York City.
Lirs have lisle garter tops and lisle feet; some are
dinary values, at $1.50 pair.
Hand Machine Embroidered
s Hosiery
Lace and Embroidered Clocks
' champagne, green, gold, pink,white and black
losiery Offerings
j Boys' Hose, in heavy and medium weight, ribbed, QQr
u double heels and toes, a good black, a pair O&K,
-Children's Hose, in fine ribbed, spliced heels and 9Cr
toes, all sizes from 5 'to JMo, good quality, pair t0
2fc, 35c and 39c
ire and Lisle, all the wanted 'colorings of pink, sky,
i 'Floor '
and Toilet Needs
Peroxide of Hydrogen,
1-lb. bottle for 23c
Energine for cleaning,
25c size, at 18c
Phillip Milk Magnesia,
50c size, at 34c
Grave's Tooth Powder,
25c size, at 18c
Sloan's Liniment, 25c
size, at 16c
Cucumber Cream, 25c
size, at 14c
Cream of Almonds, 35c
Jap Rose Face Powder,
50c size, at 29c
Lilac Rose Talcum Pow
der, 1-lb. can for. . ,14c
Ise'bell's Exquisite
Face Powder, 50c
size for 29c
Russian Oil, for internal
use, 75c bottle at. .49c
Essex Peroxide Soap . . 8c
Lilac Rose Soap, at. . . .8c
Main Floor, Rear
Fresh Cut
On Sale Saturday
10,000 Freli Cut Sweet
Peas, a bunch 23c
5,000 Freh Cut Carna
tions, each 3c
Violets, a bunch at. . . .19c
Wedding and Funeral De
signs Our Specialty
Main Floor, Rear
IS till ICS
urday Sale
unyan & Richardson
ook Store, Council Bluffs)
he entire surplus stock
' an extremely wide va
bjects y$, Biographies,
iesy Etc.
tion of Their Value
At 50c
$1.50 to Worth Up to
LOO $3.00
)OK LOVERS, come
7 Saturday morning,
ng to be able to get
aarkable "finds" in
n emory.
i Floor
st Prices
r day Sale .
ii ng Interest
h as obeyed the economic
i instant that the prices
ament are extraordinar-
si is to save and save con-
f, 100 pieces; made in
d somely decorated with
treated with coin gold;
Omaha Cut Table Tumblers
i 8-ounce, bell shape ; light
blown glass, each, JQ
Casseroles, glass, with cover,
9-inch, each, M OQ
Women's $7.50,
$9 and $10
Your Choice Saturday
at $4.95
We have just received a splendid lot of
wool and fiber silk and worsted Sweaters
and Sport Coats, in a variety of designs
and colorings, suitable for Spring wear for
women, misses and children.
This lot is a manufacturer's surplus stock and
sample line and because we purchased them at
a decided concession, we are able to offer Sweat
ers that would ordinarily sell for $7.50, $9 and
$10, all to go at $4.95 each.
Second Floor
Girls' $8 to $10 Serge Dresses, $5.95
Just Arrived Special Purchase From New York
THE PRICE WE QUOTE, $5.95, will hard
ly cover the cost of the materials alone today.
Mothers who take advantage of this sale will
be practising economy for next season as well as
this, as this low price will hardly be reached
again. Splendid School Dresses for any time of
the year.
Three of the styles are shown in these
sketches, sizes 6 to 14 years:
No. 1
No. 3
No. 1 Russian Box Plaited Dress, made of all wool;
yoke front and pique collar; belt very elaborately
No. 2 Dress made of Wool Serge, Bolero effect,
trimmed with embroidery down front, also on
each side of pocket and white satin collar.
No. 3 Wool Serge, made straight line, with belt of
self material; white pique" collar with 3 rows of
buttons each side ; also 2 pockets.
"Elsie Dinsmore" Dresses, $2.50 to $3.50
Are Sold Here Exclusively
We are the exclusive agency for the "Elsie Dinsmore" Dresses for
Girls the most attractive at these moderate prices that we know of.
Ginghams, Chambrays, beautiful Plaids, Stripes and pretty plain colors.
Straight lines; high waisted effect, with pocket that girls like; deep hem. All fast
colors. Prices $2.50 to $3.50 and Sizes 6 to 14 years.
Note We will g ire every lla girl who comet here on Saturday a et
f Paper Dolb In colore.
New Flapper Dres
specially designed for growing girls hard
to fit, sizes 12, 14 and 16 years, in pret
ty new Foulard Silk, Taffeta, Satin,
Wool, Jersey and Serge, In all good col
ors such as taupe, new blue, gray, green,
tan and copen.
Price $15.00 to $32.50
Girls' Stylish Spring
for girls from 6 to 14 years,
jaunty new styles, fine quality of
Serge, Poplin, Fancy Wool Mix
ture, Velour Check, in all new
Spring colorings.
Price $6.95 to $15.00
Floor 1
Main Floor, Rear
n si
Women's Shoes at Big Savings
And An Item of Infants' Footwear.
You can walk away with a fine pair of Shoes
and pay very little for them if you come here
Saturday. Infants' Shoes also at a price well be
low that which you would pay ordinarily.
200 Pairs of Women's
Shoes, in kidskin and gun
metal calf, lace or button
styles, sizes 2i2 to 5V2
widths A to C; $4.00 and
$5.00 values, a $2.95
pair, at
Women's Shoes, in mus
tard colored kid ; high cut
lace boots, turn soles,
Louis heels, sizes up to 6 ;
widths AA to E; regular
$8.00 values, a $495
pair, at ..w...
Women's Spats, colors are
light gray, champagne,
brown and white ; regular
ly sold at $2.50 a pair,
special, a pair, $2.00
Infants' Shoes, several lots
of broken sizes, in patent
leather and black kidskin;
turn soles; sizes up to 4;
regular $1.50 value, Qgg
special, a pair, at. .
Main Floor, Rear
Sale of Leather Bags, $2.98
Values $5.00 to $8.00
We are offering for Saturday's
selling, some of the classiest Bags
you have ever been able to buy at
this price, $2.98.
The illustrations w ill give you
some idea oftheir charm, but when
you come here and see the wonder
ful variety, you will want three or
four of them at this price.
$3.00 La Vallieres, $1.69
Genuine Cameo, finest gold filled
chains especially low priced for Satur
day, at $1.69.
Gate Top Mesh Bags, $1.00
Very special offering for Saturday in a
variety of silver plated cases.
50c Oriental Beads, 29c
All colors. Necklaces of these good
looking Oriental Beads at this little price.
$4.00 Solid Gold Brooches, $2.00
Buy one for some one for a birthday
gift or it would make a splendid addition
to your own collection.
Main Floor, Front
$2 Kid Gloves at $1.25 a Pair
Fifty Dozen Kid Gloves, Worth
$2.00 a Pair, Saturday, $1.25
This is a very special lot of Two-Clasp
Kid Gloves, that were purchased a long
time ago, they come in white, in all sizes; in
black they come in sizes from 5 to 6i only.
The price is away below today's market val
ue. They would have to sell at least for $2,
if we purchased them today but while this
limited quantity lasts, we will sell them, Sat
urday, at $1.25 a pair.
If you think at all of buying Kid Gloves, and especially
White Kid Gloves, don't miss this opportunity, for it is, perhaps,
the only chance like this that will occur for months to come and
perhaps for years to come.
Also Limited Quantity of White Washable Doeskin Gloves.
Main Floor
f ;
it 'loek Saturday Ih p
aDy brandeis Stores
Which Will Enable General
Pershing to Equip His
Washington, Feb. 21. An econo
mic agreement with Spain under
which General Pershing will get
mules, army blankets and other ma
terials in that country in return for
cotton, oil and other commodities
from the United States, was signed
today in Madrid. The State depart
ment was so advised tonight by Am
bassador Willard.
The terms of the agreement could
not be learned tonight and it was not
known whether they had any bearing
on the rate of exchange between the
two countries, which the United
States has desired to adjust because
of the recent depreciation of the Am
erican dollar in Spain where it is now
worth only about 75 cents.
Success of the negotiations was
welcome news to officials here at the
ability to buy supplies in Spain will
save ship tonnage and enable General
Pershing to build up his reserve
stores much more rapidly than prob
ably otherwise would have been pos
sible. Will Aid Ship Tonnage.
The negotiations followed refusal
of Spain to supply a large number of
mules, 200,000 blankets and other ma
terials ordered by General Pershing
last month. The official reason given
for the failure to fill the order was
said to have been that the Spanish
railroad system had broken down
and it was impossible to handle goods'
destined for France.
Negotiations at Madrid apparently
were going on when it became known
that Spanisch steamers were being
held up in American ports for lack
of fuel.
Through their control of bunker
coal the United States and the allies
were in a position to stop not only
the shipment of goods to Spain from
the allied countries, but from neutrals
as well. Spain is dependent upon this
country for large supplies of food
stucs as well as other materials.
Majors Belmont and Brown, United
States army, are understood to have
conducted the major part of the ne
gotiations for the United States,
while Spain's representatives were
Senor Urquijo, a banker, Senor Gar
nica, under secretary of finances and
Senor Pina, former Spanish ambas
sador to Washington.
May Compromise to
End the Ship Row
Washington, Feb. 21-Coneeasions
to William L. Hutcheson, president
of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and
Joiners, in adjusting the claims of
ship yard carpenters appeared prob- .
able tonight after further conferences
between governmnt officials and of
ficials of th carpenters' union.
The original signers of an agree
ment to leave all differences in ship?
yards to the shipbuilding labor ad
justment board for settlement, will
be called together to see if the agree
ment can be amended to meet the
carpenters' demands. The signer in
cluded navy and shipping board of
ficials and representatives of 17 unions
whose members are engaged in ship
yard work. The carpenters' or
ganization was the only one whose
members are employed In shipyards
that did not become a party to" the
Hutcheson has declined to leave to
the board decisions respecting condi
tions of labor, but has agreed to let
it adjust questions concerning hours
and wages. Today he presented to
the conference a proposal for signing
the memorandum if it is amended to
permit a representative of the, car
penters to have a say in the board's
findings. -
Hutcheson left for New York to
night, announcing that he would not
attend further meetings until the gov
ernment had agreed to accept his pro
posal. Takes Casualty Lists to
Awaken Women to the War
Chicago, Feb. 21. Mr. Thomas
Peston, jr., formerly Mrs. Grover
Cleveland, came to Chicago today to
take charge of the women's activities
in connection with the Congress of
National Service.
The women of America are not
working together sufficiently to win
the war and until they do, it will
never be won, she asserted.
"America is not used to .being seri- '
ous about anything and it will take
the casualty lists to make women
realize the enormity of the problem.''
Goshute Reservation
Squaws Go on War Path
Gold Hill, Utah, Feb. 21. Incensed
at the arrest by the soldiers and re
moval from the reservation of seven
draft evaders, squaws on the Goshute
Indian reservation went on the war
path after the soldiers left last night,
raided the agency and threatened to
kill Jim Clover, Indian interpreter, left
in charge. They threatened to burn
the agency property and incited the
old bucks to acts of violence and re
venge. Dr. J. H. Peck today succeeded
in quieting the Indians.
Engineers Close Session.
Waterloo la., Feb. 21. (Special
Telegram.) The 13th annual conven
tion of the state engineers closed
with a banquet and address by Gov
ernor Harding. The Iowa State
Drainage society affiliated with the
engineers, adding 100 members .' to
the organization, which became ef
fective at once. C H. Young, Cedar
Rapids, was elected president, to suc
ceed K. C Gaynor, Sioux City;
Nathan Barber, Waterloo, vice presi
dent; J. N. Dunlap, Iowa City, re
elected secretary and treasurer. Id the
municipal section, F. S. Alden, Cedar
Rapids, was elected chairman; J. G.
Thome, Clinton, vice chairman. In ,
the drainage section, John T. Drug,
Stratford, chairman; Seth Dean, Glen
wood, vice president; highway section.
H. H. Dean, Glenwood, chairman;
C F. Fischer, Iowa City, rice chair
man. Muscatine, Fort Dodge and
Cedar Rapids all extended invitations
for next year's convention. No de
cision was made. ,,
You can secure a maid, stenogra
pher or bookkeeper by usini Bee
Want Ad. ! ' '