Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1918, Page 6, Image 6
DOUBT GERMANS CONTROL AIR ON AMERICAN FRONT Secretary of War Baker De clares General Pershing Has Made No Mention of Dan ger From Enemy Planes. (Br Ajaoeteted Ftm.) WuMngton, Feb. 21. Army offi cials showed eyery tyidenct of ur prise today t press dispatches from France telling of German control of the air over the sector of the front held by the American forces. They would make no comment for publication, however, and Secretary Baker also was silent beyond saying that his advices from General Persh ing made no mention of snch a sit uation. Disclosure of conditions described by the dispatches comes on the heels of Secretary Baker's announcement yesterday that American-built battle planes had been shipped to France fire months ahead of the original schedule and soon would be ready in quantities. This statement does not mean that the whole program for the American air fleet is so far ahead, and it is un derstood that actually it is not far from the schedule one or the other, ' The exact status of the program is a carefully guarded secret Secretary Baker said today in re sponse to questions about the cable dispatches that any publicity of that nature must come from General Pershing, who alone Is able to judge of the military value of the informa tion. Unwise to Reveal Plans. It was obvious around the War de partment that there are other ele ments in the airplane supply situation ' which it is regarded as unwise to re veal Mr. Baker specifically refused to sanction discussion as to these. There are certain considerations, it was pointed out by some officers, none of whom claimed to have actual knowledge of the situation at the American front, which to their minds, made it more surprising that a com ' plete lack of adequate air patrols should exist there. In the first place. General Pershing was fully advised as to all matters regarding the Amer ican air service and the degree to which he could rely upon it when he decided to put the forces into the line. Also and great stress was laid on this he has been working in com plete co-operation with the French government in getting his men to the front. So far as known, the par ticular section of the line held by the American was fully patrolled by allied airmen, presumably French, before it was taken over. Could Call French Patrols. If General Pershing regards the situation in the air as b any way a menace to his troops, it was suggest ed, it seemed certain he would call upon the French for patrols. It is possible, of course, as was de veloped in Secretary Baker's confer ence, that a local concentration of air forces has been made by the Germans against the American sector. Such a condition might arise at any time on any section of the long battle line, Mr. Baker said. The dispatches from the front, however, appear to indicate a continuing situation in which no air planes for ordinary patrol work are available, rather than a sudden in ' crease in the enemy's air fleet in that ' region..- Mr.. Baker would not indicate whether he intended to call the matter to General Pershing's attention. If he did so. it 'would be a departure from his usual custom. The War de- partment assumes that the com mander of the expeditionary forces will advise it promptly if anything arises of a serious nature in which aid is needed. Otherwise the forwarding of men, airplanes, supplies of all sorts goes ahead on a regular schedule of pri ority provided by General Pershing and as they, become available for shipment and ships are. available to carry them. M i ii i i i Britons Fight for Lives, Says Milner .. London, Feb. 21 Vincent Milner, member of the war cabinet, speaking at Plymouth today, deprecated too much talk about war aims. -"until ceace negotiations are reached,'' he said, "we are fighting for our lives and the very existence of the'free nations of western Europe. As a result of the collapse of Russia, the military party of Germany is again firmly in the saddle. Doubtless many of the people in Germany loathe the continuance of bloodshed for mere aggression, but at present they . are Quite powerless.'' Lord Milner contended that it was no longer a question of destroying tr russian militarism, out whether .Prus sian militarism would destroy the al lies and dominate Europe and part cf Asia. "President Wilson and Premier Lloyd George have made it oerfectlv dear," he continued, "that we have no desire to dismember Germany, dic tate her constitution or exclude her from a fair share of the world s inter course. There can be but one answer to Germany's challenge and that an swer may involve greater sacrifice and endurance than heretofore." Ask Whether Francis Will Provision Finn Red Guard Stockholm, Feb. 21. Concern over a report that Ambassador David R. Francis, at Petrograd, had promised . the Finnish . Red Guard provisions from America, was expressed today by M. GrioenberK. Finnish minister here, who visited Ira Nelson Morris. the American minister to Sweden. - v M. Grioenbers reauested Mr. Mor ris to inquire whether Mr. . Francis was correctly quoted atnd whether he - had expressed America's attitude - toward the Finnish situation. Hasten Ban Repair. Washington, Feb. 21To hasten repair work on locomotives and rail way rolling stock an agreement in volving lengthening of working hours, promotion of apprentices and helpers and maintenance of open shop condi tions has been readied between Di rector General McAdoo and A. O, Wharton, president of the Railway aturday Brings Wonderful .1, Women's High Grade Tailored Suits, $39 A Splendid Assortment of Styles for Saturday All the new features for Spring are em bodied in these garments adaptations from higher priced models developed in fine Serges, Gabardines, Poiret Twills, Striped and Fancy Tweeds. Styles here are exclusive for Omaha not to be found elsewhere. An extremely wide variety for choice and we would advise early selection as this will give you ample time for any alterations you desire to have made. Sizes 34 to 44. Special Tailored Suits at $25.00 At this popular price we are showing a very broad and comprehensive stock of Suits, developed in excellent materials, such as Men's Wear Serges, Velours, Navy Blue Gabardines, Hair Line Worsteds and Poplins. Second Floor NeW Silk Petticoats for Spring, $3.45 Just arrived a new assortment of Silk Petticoats for Spring, in plain shades as well as in the bright hues or changeable color ings. Pleated, tucked and ruffled styles. Elastic belts and full flounced effects. Specially Priced, at $3.45 Second Floor Slightly Soiled Blouses $3.45 Values Up to $6.95 Each WE HAVE GATHERED TOGETHER a group of beautiful Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine Blouses that have become slightly soiled and re-priced them down ward for Saturday, to $3.45. Every woman knows how desirable these two materials (Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine) are, and at this price, with one tubbing you will have Blouses as good as new. Hand embroidered models, lace trimmed models, some with frills and others with fichus ; dozens of dainty styles to select from. Saturday, at $3.45 Each Second Floor New "Coronet" Hats, at $10.00 One Price Always $10.00 For "Coronet" Hats Second Floor Misses' and Small Women's Dresses Chic Styles, at $15 to $35 Even at these extremely moderate prices, - these Dresses possess a distinctive charm that spells itself in capital letters YOUTHFUL NESS the elusive factor which many design ers strive after, but few attain this Specialty Shop has carefully selected only those gar ments which exemplify this extremely desir able factor in the most emphatic way. Dresses of Serge, Jersey, Taffeta and Foulard All new Spring models, new Apron effects, Eton models and straight line models. Second Floor We illustrate two of the shapes and styles offered for Saturday, one a snappy Turban and the other the popular Sailor shape but these are just two from the many, many desirable shapes that we shall show at this price, $10.00 The Hats we are offering right now in the "Coronation" group, are made of Lisere Straws and Georg ette Crepe, Gonboe Braid and Sat ins, trimmed with smart quills, Fom-Poms, bows and beaded orna ments. All the latest styles and most popular colors. Special Purchase of Collars and Collar and Cuff Sets Offered Saturday At 35c We were fortunate in obtaining this lot at a spe cial price, and, as a conse quence, will share the benefit with you on Satur day, when we say 35c for these dainty bits of Neck wear. Collar and Cuff Sets in Organdie, with em broidered designs. In roll and Tuxedo styles desirable for new Spring Suits and Dresses. Mala Floor Handkerchiefs Men's Iruh Print Handker chiefs some plain centers with fancy colored borders; also men's plain white embroidered initials, each "1 Ol at 1--2C Men's All Puro Linen Handker chief; neatly hemstitched; good size, extra value, 1Q each at 1 C Women' Silk Crepe De Chine Handkerchief with fancy colored borders; hemstitched and rolled hems; 36c 1 values at IOC Women' Very Fin Cotton Handkerchiefs; plain and fancy colored embroidered corners; also plain, all pure linen women's handkerchiefs; 19c values, -I 9 1 each Mala Floor eraarkable Sa.o ( Values $150 Opto Just read a few of the Saturday and buy half ado: may never be repeated. , Samples and Surplus 19 to 25 Easi These are all Silk; some silk throughout, othirs hand embroidered, others lace boots. I All first quality and extraold Lace Boot Hosiery TPn.nn.oi T ,noa Sstrinps Plaids and Checks 4 Silk Golf and Tennis Stockings in colors of ci The Children's He Girls Hosiery, Silk Lisle, fine ribbed; spliced heels tZfA B and toes, in new brown, white and black; a pair, di Girls' Hosiery, ribbed; in white, black and some QK- C colors; lisle and medium weight, a pair t. ,'tc Infants' Hose2 A nice line of Hosiery for Infants, m Cashmr black and white. Main !F! Silk and Knit Underwear Unusual Saturday Offerings There are many unusual features about the offerings here for Saturday, and one of the most important is the little prices. The quality of the goods makes the little prices all the more remarkable. Women's Union Suits of a well known manufacturer, beautiful silk top lisle body garments, in pink and white, prettily embroidered, all sizes; very M no special offering for Saturday, a suit, at. . vl70 Women's Camisoles, very pretty patterns in Italian and Phantom silk, striped and shadow effects; lace yokes; ribbon shoulder straps, all sizes; very QOr special, each, at . Oi7l Women's Vests, fine lisle, extra long; plain or hand crocheted yokes; regular or extra sizes ; very special of fering, each, CQ- at Boys' and Girls' Union Suits, medium or heavy weight cotton, all sizes; a 7C fine value, at Women's Union Suits, fine lisle, lace trimmed or tight knee; regular and extra sizes; special, a suit, yjg at ... .. . ... ..i ... Children's Vests and Pants, heavy or medium weight cotton, very good 25 C value, each, at .... Third Floor I 5,000 I In a Satun J Purchased From Run (Formerly Bushnell's Bool $ We purchased the 1 of books, containing ai Fiction, Essays Historic $ Thi.1 J At 25c Worth 75c to $1.50 At First Long Trouser Suits for Boys Priced at $12.00 FOR THE BOY just enter ing high school for the boy who has "arrived" at the sec ond milestone in his life, we have this to say we special ize on "first long Trousers" . . Suits. Snappy new styles, in a varied assortment of patterns, light and dark mixtures. A real quality suit at popular prices; sizes 15 to 19 years. A Special Group of Long Trouser Suits With Two Pairs of Pants, at $17.50 to $2500. Tailor Service and Alterations Free of Charge. Boys' Two-Pair Pants Suits At $6.50 a Suit (Double Seats and Knees) The double wear value of these Two Pair Pant Suits is fully appreciated by all mothers. The double re-inforcement and the excellent fabrics make them worth much more than the price we ask for them. Second Floor, Men's Building fate Stores Worth $1 $2.01 NOW YOU BOO here bright and early because you are going c some of the most rem ai V your book buying m ei Main Fl v CHINA ai At Lowes ASatur'd of Surpass! n Every woman who h ai impulse will know in an i quoted in this advertise n ily low. , To share in this sale) j siderable. French China Dinner Limoges, France; hand g( delicate pink flowers; tp special during this . , sale, a set at . . M jVoU CiAA lish Porcelain, fljl rifk very special at .. Blue and White Kitchen Bowls, 3-inch, 39 C Casseroles, 5-inch, brown with white lining, 1Cr each, at r.K Girt Fret That Store loses a 3 Federation of Labo " ' - - n i - ir in fi i '- " - ii ma i in I - n in i - !" i " " r Cii - j- ,i " 1 '"" '