Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1918, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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Lad Appeals to United States
Commissioner to Be Sent
UKaia Oi Hah Da Ct
f ected.
Andy Dewyer, a 21-year-old youth
with a face and head of such artistic
beauty as would have delighted Van
Dyck, sat before United States Com
missioner Neely Friday morning,
elf-confessed dope fiend and traf-
ficker in the narcotic drugs.
Great black, limpid eyes, with long
lashes, a Grecian nose, a smiling,
friendly mouth, tossing, dark brown
curls, are features of this boy, who
' , lias been tangled in the toils of mor
Makes Confession.
He confessed everything to the of
ficers wno arrested mm, told now ne
had customers, some of them promt'
t nent Omahans, how he would go to
the Johnnie Moore joint at 221 North
- Thirteenth street, and the Sid Allen
1... - a. mi - a. i i it.
piatx i 10 io uapuoi avenue, uuy inc
? users at a profit of 100 per cent,
using his earnings to buy morphine
to satisfy his own craving.
Both federal officers and the United
States commissioner were touched
- t j r
dv ins rase anu ins conxession.
TT J I- 1 3 . t
1- Z A 1 A t J IT.
mm in m niarp in np rurpn wae
, put under $1,000 bond and steps were
taken to have him sent to. T.inrnln
tinder the riinsomaniae law for treat.
ment and cure.
Asked how he acquired the habit,
Andv merelv . sairf ! "Mt T wa
brought up and ran around in the
Ihird ward.
.Federal officers. headd hv RiiccMl
t-oerstein and Andv Hansen or the
burean of investigation and Deputy
the "dope" den of "Sid" Allen, 1313
Capitol avenue, late Thursday night
and arrested Allen on the charge of
selling morphine. '
This is the place where Harry Ru
dolph lives. He was arrested a few
weeks ago-and is out on bond.
Has Many Customers.
The Allen place is one ot the great
"dope" supply houses of the city.
The officers confiscated a large
quantity of morphine. While they
were there, about an hour. 22 "customers'-
called. All of them had
some plausible excuse when they
found the officers present. Special
Agent Knox chased one darkey down
- the alley. Emerging from the alley
the darkey ran into another colored
man and knocked him down. When
Knox returned to the house with his
captive the other darkey came limping
in, complaining that "some man done
run into me out heah and knocked
me down and done spmned mah
All the "customers" were allowed
to go, as there was no real evidence
that they were after the drugs.
Hearing Waived.
Charlie Reed, an inmate rf Johnnie
Moore's notorious "dope" joint at 221
North Thirteenth street, arrested a
few days ago for selling morphine,
waived hearing before the commis
sioner and was sent to jail in default
of $3,000 bond. His attorney said
that as he was only a "lieutenant" in
the place the bond ought not to be so
"Well, Johnnie Moore is the 'cap
tain' and he is under $5,000 bond; so
we'll make the 'lieutenant's' only
$3,000," said the commissioner.
Special Consideration.
Federal officials say Moore is re
ceiving, "all the comforts of home"
at the county jail. He is in under two
t arrests with a total of $9,000 bond.
Instead of being confined in the
"bull pen" with the rest of the pris
oners they say he is in the juvenile
ward with young prisoners and has
a cot to sleep on and wears his own
clothes instead of the prison garb.
They do not know the reason for this
special consideration to one of the
worst characters in their custody.
Chamber of Commerce Men
To Discuss Work for Year
Four hundred members of the vari
olic committees of the Omaha Cham
ber of Commerce will meet Tuesday
night to discuss the general policy of
the chamber for the year. President
C C. George and Executive Chairman
John W. Gamble will be present to
outline the work. This will be the
first meeting of this kind in which all
the members of the various working
committees for the year will get to
gether to .talk over the general out
line of what the chamber hopes to ac
complish during the year.
Pay Increase Pleasing to
New Government Official
Fred Montmorency, general freight
agent for the Burlington railroad, on
his return from a western trip Fri
day learned that he has been appointed
chairman of the freight committee of
the Omaha district under the govern
ment operation of the railroads He
will continue his duties with the Bur
lington in addition to his new work
"I don't know yet what my duties
will be," he said, "but I am glad to
note that my salary will be increased
by $1 a year."
Jewish Society to Teach
Hebrew Language to Young
The city Talmud Torah society, a
Jewish organization, has raised $1,700
for the purchase and remodeling of
the building at 2023 Burt street, where
iewish children will be taught the
lebrew language. ,
M. Gross donated $1,000 for the
cause in memory of his wife; A.
Katskee, $100, and Dr. Phillip Sher
agreed to furnish a complete library.
Work will be started immediately on
the building.
"General" Fails, to Register;
1 Will Be Interned in Lincoln
General Waverly Lee was taken to
Lincoln Friday by United States
Marshal Flynn. He was arrested in
St. Joseph on a charge of failing to
register. "General" is the young man s
name and is not a military title.
Friday, February 22, 1918-
-Burgett "Nath Store Newt for Saturday-
-Phone D. 137
afarilay at Burgess-Nash Till S o'Cbdk
am sho
FEB.25- MAR-2.
10 10
DRESS the Baby
the Vanta Way
Nurse Owens, who has given
years of careful study to the
care of babies, is here and will
demonstrate how to dress the
baby in the most comfortable
and healthful manner without
pins or buttons.
A cordial invitation is extend
ed to all mothers to visit our
infants' wear section and see
how well prepared we are to
take care of the needs of the
little ones.
A pinless diaper pattern will
be given free to every mother.
BurroM-Naah Co. Stoai Floor
Caramels at 33c lb.
Special for Saturday. Fresh
made nut caramels, vanilla or
chocolate flavors. Purest ingre
dients, at 33c a lb.
Peanut Brittle 29c
Also cocoanut brittle, fresh
made and specially priced, at
29c a lb.
BurgMt-Nwh Co Mln Floor
Extra Special!
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose
Underpriced Saturday at $1,19
A SPECIAL purchase from a large
manufacturer at a great price re
duction, enables us to offer them to you
in a like manner. Women's black, white,
pink, and champagne colored pure silk
lace boot hose; women's pure thread silk
hose embroidered in bird effects, a vari
ety of colors; pure thread silk hose, fan
cy novelty stripes.
All full fashioned, regular made foot,
double tops. In one big lot and greatly
underpriced, Saturday, at $1.19 a pair.
Burg Mt-NMb Co. Mln Floor-
CRESH Carnations
at 3c Each
Fresh carnations, very spe
cially priced, Saturday, at 3c
Violet, 19c
Large California violets, 50
in a bunch, special for Saturday,
at 19e a bunch.
Sweet Peat, 15c
Very special Saturday. As
sorted colored tweet peas at 15c
a bunch.
Burf oat-Nwh Co. Mils Floor
New Japanese Crepe Kimonos
in a Wide Range of Prices
MADE of crepe, in new colorings; in exquisite tones are these new
Japanese kimonos.
Choice of rose, blush pink, electric blues, wisteria, violets, copens,
rich purples, dull gold, sea foam green.
Many of .them are beautifully embroidered in oriental floral de
signs in contrasting colors.
Prices are, $1.25, $1.75, $2.00, $3.00, $3.50, $3.95 and $4.95.
Burf.ta-Nath Co. Socond Floor
RUGS and
Toilet Goods
Djer Kiss face powder, 59c.
Lana oil and buttermilk toap, 8c
1 lot tooth brushes, 25c.
1 lot tooth brushes, 35c.
Soul kiss face cream, 29c.
Racarma toilet water, $1.00.
Colgates tooth paste, 23c.
1 lot hot water bottles, $1.25.
Williams' talcum powder, 12c.
Orchard white, 33c.
Nonspi, 39c.
Locust blossom extract, ox., 39c
Your choice -of white
French Ivory, Saturday, H
4711 toilet soap, 19c.
Peroxide, small size, 10c
Peroxide, medium size, 20c
Peroxide, large size, 30c
1 quart witch hazel, 59c.
1 quart denatured alcohol, 59c
Nuxated iron, 79c.
Lavoris, small, 22c.
Lavoris, medium, 44c.
Sal hepatica, small, 24c
4 ounces glycerine, rose water
and bay rum, 19c.
Burf aaa-Natb Co. Main Floor
For Your Approval
An Early Showing of
New Spring Suits
At$25 429.50
OF foremost interest to the well dressed
woman, is this display of smart spring
models that portray the new trend of fash
ion. In line, in color, in material and in many
other little ways these new models at
$25.00 and $29.50, are worthy of your ap
proval. Fabrics most prominent are ' all-wool
American poplin and men's wear serge.
The jackets are made with tucked back
and are belted. A noticeable feature is the
ripple skirt effect The suits are trimmed in
braid and buttons and lined throughout
with peau de cygne or Paisley.
Colors predominating are poilu, blue,
quaker gray, tan, navy and black. For Sat
urday, priced at $25.00 and $29.50.
BurfOMNh Co. Socond Floor
AVE By Using an
Oil, Electric or
Gas Heater
How comfortable you feel in
the morning if your room is
well heated. Nothing will be
more appreciated during these
cold days than one of these
Oil Heaters,
Perfection oil
heaters, nick
el t r i mmed,
odorless and
s m o k e le t s.
Easy to oper
ate. Specially
5 need at
Electric Heatert, $7.50
Majestic, Hot Point or Uni
versal electric heaters that can
be attached to any socket Very
special, at $7.50. t '
Gat Heatert, $1.98
Your choice of a number of
different styles of gas heaters,
at the special price of $1.98.
Stoves and Ranges
Bucks' cook stoves of cast
16-inch oven, $19.50.
18-inch oven, $25.00.
Bucfts' steel ranges, nickel
trimmed, with warming closet,
6-hole top, special, at $35.00.
BurfMt-Nath Co. Down Stain Storo
Thousands of Yards of Fashionable Silks Fully 13
Under Present Day Market Values
INVOLVING several thousand yards of the newest and most fashionable silks that we
have offered this season.
The values are extraordinary in every way as the silks are those most favored by
fashion for gowns, suits, wraps, skirts, blouses and one-piece dresses and they have been
priced Saturday, to fully under the present day market values.
The sale includes:
Chiffon and taffetas and satin with printed
flowered designs, light and dark grounds.
Fancy stripe taffeta and satin, all width
stripes, wonderful color blending. 36 inches
Self-tone taffeta with wide satin stripe,
light shades for party dresses. 36 inches wide.
Plaid silks for separate skirts and dresses;
unusual color combinations. 36 inches wide.
Chiffon taffeta with brocaded figures in
solid colors. 36 inches wide.
Satin charmeuse with rich, high luster,
variety of shades, also black and white.
Fancy silks for linings, smart figures on
light ana dark grounds. 36 inches wide.
Chiffon taffeta, soft finish, for dresses
and suits, variety of shades. 36 inches wide.
Black chiffon taffeta with black satin rib
bon stripe, full 36 inches wide.
Silk poplin, in full range of street shades,
rich luster and very silky. 40 inches wide.
Silk broadcloth for men's shirts and wo
men's blouses. Colored stripes of fast colors,
variety of styles.
Imported pongee, in heavy weight, for
coats and suits. All pure silk. Natural tan
color. -
Black taffeta, extra wide, heavy quality
for spring suits, dresses, etc. 40 inches wide.
Heavy black satin duchess, rich, high lus
ter, raven black; 36 inches wide.
Heavy crepe de -chine, all pure silk in
black only; soft quality, 40 inches wide.
All silk faille in black only. Heavy quality,
for suits. 86 inches wide.
Burj.M-Nh Co. Mala Floor.
An Unusual Assortment of Trimmed
Hats-Early Spring Models
Introducing Many New Features
Indicated by Fashion This Season
At $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00
HERE'S a delightful showing of early spring models. They are all new new styles
new materials new colorings. The assortment includes:
Watteau Effects, Poke Bonnets, Quaker Style,
Lisere Braid, Shiny Straw, Shoe Polish Straw
Effectively trimmed with the new shiny wings, shiny quills, lacquered cherries and
leaves. Some are draped with circular veils. In fact, this is an assortment that we are
proud to display and so moderately priced, at $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00.
Special, Saturday M orning, From 9 to 1 2
Sale of New Spring Hats, at $2.50
WE will place on tale, Saturday morning from 9 to 12, a limited number of smartly trimmed hats that
have been specially reduced to the extremely lo w price of $2.50.
They represent values that will more than repay you if you can attend this sale. Arrange to be
here as early as possible, as there is but a limited number of hats.
Burf.i.-Ntih Co-Socond Floor
Step Lively Men!
And Have a Look at These
Men's Suits and Overcoats
Which Have Been Reduced for Saturday to
THIS is no time to hesitate about buying a suit or overcoat
with the price of woolens going up every day.
If you delay you'll miss these extra values in suits and over
coats that are the best to be found anywhere for the same price.
The reason of this great price reduction is that our stock of
men's suits is too big, and we are putting this section, like others
of our store, on a war-fitting basis and willingly accept the sac
rifice that we may accomplish this end.
Every garment possesses all the points there are to a suit or
an overcoat, thorough satisfaction with the way they fit, the way
they're made and the way they look and wear splendidly tai
lored throughout. In style and fabric everything that is new is
represented. The tailoring shows the master touch of America's ,
greatest designers. All sizes represented, from S3 to 46.
There's a wide range of materials, including plain serges,
good staple styles that will be desirable for the coming season.
All reduced, Saturday, to $21.50.
Burfott-Nash Co. Fourth Floor
News From the Men's Furnishing Section
That Will be of Interest to Every Man
Beau Brummel Shirts $1.50 fo $8.50
YOU have heard of the Beau Brummel shirts we are certain, and will be interested to know that addi
tional shipments of these most satisfactory shirti have just been received.
This gives us a complete assortment of patterns and sizes. You will be able to find the pattern that suits
you and at a price that you will De giaa to pay. rn:e range irom to is.oo.
Man'a SamoU Handkorchiaft
All the men's sample handkerchiefs that have
been used on the road by the salesmen for a big
Jobber, will be placed on sale.Saturday. The lot in
cludes linen, fine chiffon, Colored borders, hem
stitched initials and plain. All perfect, but soiled
and mussed from showing. Reduced to and less.
15c and 25c eacb.
Man's Gloves, at 12.00 la 15.00
Auto or driving gloves for men. All leather and
leather palms. Choice of a splendid assortment, at
prices ranging from $2.00 to $5.00.
Man's Naclrwaar, at 75e
Men's rubber lined neckwear, in which the rub
ber keeps the silk from wrinkling. New spring pat
terns and at the special price of 75c
Burf ooa-Nuh Co Main Floor
A Special Sale of Men's Shoes Saturday
on the Fourth Floor at $4.85
ALL the discontinued and short lines of men's shoes at a great saving on
They are the best values we have ever offered at $4.85.
Black calfskin, oak tan leather soles
Black calfskin, rinex soles, rubber heels
Black calfskin, tan russia, calf fop
Black kidskin, wide toe last
Tan Russia calf, bu tton and lace
Tan oil grain Munson't army lattt
Choice, at $4.85.
Boy's Shoes at $3.85
Boys' genuine black calf, lace anleather soles,
d button styles, with solid oak tan
Special for Saturday, at $3.85."
BurtoM-Nwh Co. Fourth Floor
taGESS-ta GOtWJY.'