Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1918, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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The Omaha Bee
.Cotartt at Omaha poatoffiM m iteond-elaM matter.
Dailf aaa Biadit.
Bt MtM.
immi mna mnaar.
Emiim without tundar.. ...........
in4.. Am anl M M
tMia kkic or abut oi aavm ot irranianu oawerf io uuuua
Baa OroaUnoo DwrtcMnL
Tba laoelitod fwaa, gf Mea ma R ta santar. tt aelumif
ntltlMt la tht for Babltoattoa o all am diipatetm credited
to tt m art MMnrin eraaitas la lU rr aa4 alio Ui lorai am
oMltbaa mmb, 1 ail runt ot puduouiob (
an al lanrfil
Kaatt r dnft. mm er ratal artar. Onto l-ewt aUBM takas la
Mrntabt af maU aooomu. rational eauca, aictpt sa vnaoa aaa
aaM aiitianra.
act aooaptad.
aha TM M nlldlni. t.hleafo PaiWi fti Bulldlnf.
Council Brttfa-14 W. Halo Bt. Bt. ula-Naw B'k of Commerce.
Uacol UUla Bulldlac . WiabiaMoa 1111 a St.
AMtm anaflmateatlaii rautiut la am aad atBtortal matut la
Oouaa Baa. Bdltorlal Dapartoaot .
59,964 Daily Sunday, 52,534
A Win etrml.ttun tot tat root, autantkaa aod amra to bt Dwlfht
Wllllana. Cinmlailoa How.
Subacribara laavlat tha etty akouuj aa Tba Bta aiallad
la taare. Asdraaa chaof4 aa eltaa aa raquaataq. . .
Time to be lookinj up seed catalogue.
"It look a If the golden rule were not able
to withstand the iron -fist
' , Idealist may observe in Russia what human
ity has to expect from the Teutonic superman.
' It Mr.' McAdoo will just furnish the cars the
west will send New England all the foodstuff
needed there. . ,
Jericho has fallen again but this time with
out th tooting of rams' horns or any extended
march around, the walls.
. Gram "gamblers have been feeling their oat of
i late and Jhe.upshot of the matter is a rule fixing
th prfcer it is high enough at that.
f iState Treasurer Hall recommend that -bond
interest rate be raised to Vt per . cent . The
trouble 'the 'investor' beat him to it.. ru-
' j . -
1 Europe ii being fed on about one-third the
American rate of meat consumption, but that
does hot inean we are to cease to save.
,.. .... . . . .. : -
. :' VhW8toiJ., doubt German control of the
air along the American sector in France, but a
good way to make ure is to hurry over a lot
more of the Liberty airplanes.
glutton i removed from the taboo list for
meatless day and the sheep will substitute for
the fcotton tail ion the "meatless" menu. Now
watch the orice on mutton go soaring. v..
Statement that the packer have an average
profit of around half a cent a pound on meats
will Jiot greatly Impress the consumer, who is
pretty well convinced that somebody is making
more1 than that '
. Again bakir are ordered to regard the rule
.equirinrf 20 per cent substitute. for wheat flour
in making bread. At that they have the better
of the hojisewife, who is compelled to take it
50-50 wheii she buys white flour. r
. "Artie" Mullen's journey to Washington was
not entirely, fruitless, for he" is to be charged
with looking after enemy alien property in Ne
braska, lit is not likely that this will keep him
very busy, but it gives him a little place in the
spotlight. ''-:: , ..
. ! i; -.. ?
'. General Allenby has finely passed the dis
tance from Jerusalem to Jericho, and has many
time followed the example of the good Samari
tan. ? No single chapter of the war show a
brighter contrast between methods of the armies
of democracy atld those of allied autocracy than
i does the advance of .the British troops through
Palestine. T ' '- ' ' V '
i , "Acre Day" for Nebraskan. ' .
,' A! correspondent makes a suggestion that
seems extremely practical. It is that the men and
boy iri the mallef town of the state, who have
condideraole spare time in the summer, mobilize
into a brigade to help increase the food supply.
Each of these is to be requested to plant an acre
that might otherwise be idle and to devote one
day a week to its care, "Acre day" could be
. agreed upon and on that day the ordinary voca
tions of, the town would be suspended for the
time while effort would be expended on cultiva
tion of .whatever : crop the individual had in
charge. Our correspondent estimate that 50,000
men and boy will be available for thi work,
without reducing the industry of the state by an
hour; that is, all business customarily carried on
will be done and 50,000 days a week now wasted
aa be devoted to raising small crop, the out
put of which will be added to the available sup
ply of food. The idea ia a good one and the
State Council of Defense, the unirerrity authori
ties or ome other central agency ought to ee
that it i put into practice.
Government Responsibility to Railroads. -
The decisive vote . by which the Johnson
amendment was -rejected in -the senate wiH -end-for
the time the talk of government ownership
of the railroads so far as congress is concerned,
but it does not dispose of the responsibility of
the government to the owners of the railroads.
It is beyond reason to think that the lines will
be turned back to their owners under exactly the
same conditions that prevailed when they were
taken over. Extending experience with , trans-,
portation problems already has convinced men
of high standing-that post-war conditions will be
vastly different from any hitherto known. It
would therefore seem a wise course to provide
for immediate needs of. operation, with a view
to later formulating such legislation as -the les
sons' we are learning teach us in wise. This is
apparently what the senate has in view; the
broad and deep questions, involved m, '.railroad
operation are not such as will be settled off-hand,
but it is well io know that the congress does
not contemplate indefinite governmental opera
tion of the roads. Prudent discharge of present
responsibilities will occupy sufficiently the time
that can te given to the problem aside from
other important matters and the final disposition
of the whole question may easily rest oh' the
assurance that ultimately the roads "will be re
turned to the stockholders. ' " ;'
Glorified Highway Robbery... ..
One must turn back many pages in history to
find a parallel for the present German advance
into Russia. It is not to be found in, the march
of Genghis Khan nor even Attilla, 'to whom
folks are so fond of comparing the "Teuton of
today. Those Asiatics came up at the -head" of
conquering armies, it is true, and devastated wide
regions, but they had to overcome resistance at
every step, and finally were stayed by valiant op
ponents. " The kaiser' present march into. Rus
sia has none- of the, elements of risk that at
tended (he incursion of the Hun or the Mongol
into Europe.'. Hfs troops are moving gainst
people defenseless i and incapable of .defense, This
feature is bad enough,- but the further tact is
that loot is the Vole purpose-. ; ' ''';;';,.'" '.,''
It is idle to' talk of enforcing peace against--a-nonresisting
peopter that" pretext "is 'as" empty
of meaning as is the pretense .that . Germany was
attacked in 1914. , Highway, robbery on the most
stupendous scale is now gdlng on in Russia, lim
ited by the German military; conscience.' The :
call .of the bolsheviki to i the ptppfe.'to resist to
death", is the hopeles cry of. a, crushed and
beaten faction. The kaiser'i supreme will is be
ing worked Out in Russia and robbery beyond
anything the world ever knew is the result. The
only comparison is to be found fo he '"'record
of the pillaging bands from the "fortsts of thi;
Rhine who swept over the cultivated lands' of the
weaktfr tribes and feasted on what omebody" :else
had produced. A
Indeed, it is difficult to distinguish between
the way of the German of today' and his pro-'
genitor of 2,000 years ago. Just , as civilization
then had to put down the marauding barbarians,
so civilization today is faced with the task' of
subduing their descendants. Americans must
realize this. It is a war for the perpetuation of
right and justice against force we are fighting.
" - How Peace Came to Us in 1865
Negotiations that Failed on Threshold of Surrender
Henry S. Burrage, Historian of Maine, in Leslies.
In our civil war, when it had lingered as
long as the present world war, many well
meaning men, weary of war with its suffer
ings and sacrifices, insisted that something
should be done to bring the war to a dose.
One "of the mOst persistent of these peace
men was Senator F. P. Blair, an astute poli
tician, well acquainted with prominent ncn
in the south. He had a scheme which he
believed was workable if only he-could-get
the ear of President Davis. To his request
for permission to visit Richmond Mr. Lin
coln gave consent, but secretly had his mind
made up as to his own .attitude in the mat
ter. This was in the winter of 1864-65. .On
Mr. Blair's" return he informed Mr. Lincoln
that he had found Mr, Davis willing for a
conference "with a view to secure. peace, to
the two countries.'1 ' At jonce. Mr; -Lincoln
firmly made it known to Mr. Blair that such
a conference could be held only "with the
view of securing peace to the people of ,our
one common country." -" .. -
With a note from -Mr.-Lincoln to this
effect Mr. Blair again-repaired to. Richmond,
and, having shown the note to Mn Davis,
he remarked that the part -about, "our. one
common country" related to the part of Mr,
Davis' letter about "the two countries." Mr.
Davis said he so understood the reference;
but without either accepting or declining
Mr.. Lincoln's basis for a conference; he ap
pointed peace commissioners -as 'follows:"
Alexander 11. btephens. conieaerate vice
president; Senator R. M. T. Hunter and John
A. Campbell, assistant secretary of state. All
were gentlemen or high character, and abil
ity. i ';
' At Mr. Hunter's suggestion that the presi
dent's terms meant unconditional surrender
and submission, Mr. Seward replied that
nothing importing or implying, humiliation
to the people of the south had been said or
intended. u Mr. Lincoln again reiterated his
views a to the one .way in which peace
could and sliould be sought and Mr-! Stephens,
again brought forward his p1aft';! fpr. an
armistice on the basis of a. Mexican' expedit
tion.ajvd asked for its reconsider'atibn:.. '.'I
wjlt. reconsider it," said. Mr. Lincoln,'. "bu J
do-not think my mind will 'change."' W.'th
these .vwords the cotfdrgnc' 'closed.'' V '
.!' .This -was February" 3, 1865 less than. two
months, and a half before the surrender , at
Appomattox. The result of the conference
was a great disappointment to the commis
sioners, who had hoped that somehow, in
some way,-peace might be secured without
unconditional surrender.
' But who now can fail to see that nothing
could have been worse for the people of the
south had the peace commissioners of the
confederacy succeeded in their endeavors to
secure terms of peace upon the basis of "two
countries" as they desired? With no natural
boundaries separating the confederate states
from the states left in the union, and slavery
still existing below Mason and Dixon's line,
the most fruitful sources of international
troubles would have been destructive of
peaceful relations,' not .to mention other
sources of hostility and strife.
, Considerations like, these Have long been
recognized in the south. General E.. P, Alex
ander, Lohgstreet's chief of artillery, who
fired the confederate guns at Gettysburg be
fore Pickett'a charge, has stated the matter
in the introduction to his "Military Memoirs
of a Confederate:" "The world has not stood
still in the year since we took up arms for
what we deemed our most invaluable right
that of self-government, We now enjoy the
rare privilege of seeing what we fought for in
the retrospect. It no longer seems desirable.
It would now prove only a curse. .We have
good cause to thank Gpd for our escape from
it, not only for our sake, but for that of the
whole country and even of the world."
My own regiment was one of three
Massachusetts regiments at Vicksburg.
When the beautiful memorial of these regi
ments was unveiled in the national park at
Vicksburg November 13, 1903, Lieutenant
General Stephen D. Lee of the confederate
armv was one of the speakers and referred,
to the significance of the occasion in bring
ing together "veterans who followed the flag
of the union- and veterans who- followed the
flapr of the dead confederacy alt taking part
and loving this great reunited American
country." On.' reading-his address-as pub
lished in a Vicksburg paper sent to me by a
friend. I wrote to General Lee, thanking him
for his patriotic' 'words. In his reply, he
said: "It is certainly gratifying to get such
$ ..letter from a survivor who was-. on , the
other side-r-now.we "are all on the- same side,
glorying in the grandeur and prospective, fu
ture of the' common country." '
UkraineOtitf Empire
Section of Russia Which Made Peace With War Lords
Co-ordination of War Effort.
Mr. Hoover' statement a to the food supply
situation is but one more proof of the . urgent -need
of co-ordination of our" war efforts It is not
expected that the eastern communities, now' run-'
ning short Of food, will be permitted to seriously
suffer nor is it conceivable that great quantities
pf food will be permitted to decay1 in western
granaries and torehouse for 'want of trans-
portation. , It is necessary, however, that a more
oraeny arrangement tor the , transportation -of
various war material be arranged. Great dis
turbance has been noted in the general transport
tation system of the country incident to the un
usual weather conditions, but not, all of it is .to
be to excused. A month ago more than 2,000,
000 tons of freight of various kinds were piled up
on the dock at New York awaiting shipment,
while at New. Orleans several steamers half
loaded, were Waiting for cargo. , At th,af time
effort was being made, to clear the New York
jam that more traffic forced through '
"the neck of the bottle." Since then, it is.
stood, more attention has been given to the fa
cilities of southern ports and to some extent the
-diversion of. traffic, necessary to. use them has
taken place. Only this week the New ..England
fuel administrator declined. to eclvsent to the re
quest of General Goethals that more fuel be fur
nished -New1 England factories; to the erid that
they might speed up work on war orders. All
these things combine to' indicate, what a Jam
occurred when the several departments '.of' the.
government . were - intejjt .each on,, its ' own. pro
gram. Better understanding will bring .the .cdr
operation necessary. American can meet tht
needs of the war, but only, when effort is under,
central direction. '':' ' :''." ;
Driving wester mine t , top. speed .;tbrough
the tprlng month i one; way:to avoid k coal
hortage next winter. For the matter of that, it
might do little harm to drive the mines at full
time until the wr' I over,. The fuel will .be
needed and ij; can be gotten at by the conumer
much easier on the lurface of the ground.
Ukraine, in English "frontier,", includes
the provinces of Kharkoff, Kieff, Podblia,
Pplta.v,a..'.and Volhynia. : In : the: days, of
'Charlemagne, Ukraine held sway as 'the
greatest. Slav empire in the world.. Its capi
tal, Kieff, was the largest and wealthiest city
fii; easter"n'' Europe, its kings daughters mar
ried the royal heirs of England and.France.
and the voict of its ministers. was lond and
- - Ukraine; or Little Russia, under the Rtf
sian . empire, covered 850,000 square- kilo
metre, an area greater than-that of-France,
and only a little less than that'of Italy, Spain
and Portugal togefther. Under-the jempirel
it had;-of course, no political' frontiers, like
those denned in the' peace-treaty. Careful
estimates show that 29,000,000 Ukrainians
live in the provinces named; the population is
estimated more vaguely as about 19 per cent
of that of all Russia. The number of Ukrain
ians in the United State has been put varir
ously at from 500,000 to 1,00.0.000. '' -
The famous black soil: of Ukraine covers
three-quarters of the country. To the. north
are some 110,000 square kilometres of for
ests. ..The agricultural soil covers 53 per cent
of the entire territory of Ukraine and is 32
per cent of that of the whole of Russia,
which is. six, times larger than Ukraine itself.
Before the war the annual production of
cereals in Ukraine was two-thirds of Russia's
whole production and was-greater than that
of Germany or France. ; , The exportation of.
grains from Ukraine amounted to 27 per cent
of the production, and of. all the wheat ex
ported from Russia nine-tenths came from
Ukrainian lands. '
i 'Wheat, rye and barley are the staple crops
of Russia, and of these the annual product in
Ukraine amounted to one-third of Russia's
output, , Beet root was especially cultivated
in . the Ukrainian provinces', which yielded
five-sixths of the sugar beet production of all
Russia (Ukraine produced Immense quanti
ties of tobacco and had large and 'fine or
chards and vineyards; 62 per cent of Russia's
annual production of pig iron and 58 per .cent
of her steel came from,,-Ukraine. -
'.The province of Kharkoff lies partly in
the basin of the Don and partly in that pf
the Dnieper. Sheep, cattle and horses were
bred in vast numbers; thousands of horses
were bred for the arnir; the -yield of wool
was of especial importance.- At one of the J
four great annual tairs at Kliarkott, capital
of the province, a business of -from'llS.OOOr
000 to $20,000,000 was done; at another,
$4,000,000 worth of, wool was., exchanged:
Kharkoff was an educational Center, for the
highest and middle classes.; ;-, :'; . v '
The estimated population- of the" province
of iCieff in 1906 was '4,200,000, of which the
jews form?d one-tenth.- The Dnieper forms
part of . Kicff's eastern boundary; The sugar
works .irt .the province produced 1,500,000
tpns of . sugar and more than-50,000 tons of
molasses annually. The factories include
iron foundries and petroleum refineries. Kieff,
the ' capital city, on the west bank Of the
Dnieper, wa the center for Russia', sugar
industry as well as for the general trade of
the region.,, , v
' . After Moscow and outside of Poland, the
province of Podolia was the most densely
populated in Russia. Gardening as well as
agriculture occupied its people. Its cattle
"were famous; it produced vast quantities of
fruits and wine; bee keeping was an impor
tant industry. The Poles retained Podolia
until the third division of their country, in
1793, when Russia took it.
The government of Poltava had an esti
mated population of 3,312,400 in 1906. Sixty
per cent of. the total area is arable land. The
main source of Poltava's wealth' was live
stock breeding. The annual .fair at Poltava,
.the .-capital town, was 'of great importance to
the whole woolen trade or Russia: besides at
theifair, merchandise worth $12.500,000.;was
exchanged for goods imported from Great
Britain. TheVe were several other great
fairs at which tobacco, timber, corn, tallow,
salt and sheepskins were sold, bringing mil
lions of dollars. Poltava exported much
corn! r
Volhynia contains immense forests. Nev
ertheless agriculture was well developed in
the south. The exports of grain and timber,
chiefly to Germany and Great Britain, were
large. The population of the province was
3,547,500 in 1906; 13 per cent were Jews.
Many Germans had settled in the province.
That part of Volhynia now embraced in
eastern Galicia was not yielded to Ukraine
by the peace treaty. New York World.
Status of Drafted Men
The United States circuit' court of appeals
ha3 affirmed the judgment of the United
States district court of the eastern .district
o( Missouri that a man who has been ac
cepted under the draft hecomes at once sub
ject to the laws and, regulations governing
the regular army, including the articles of
war, and, consequently, cannot appeal from
a court-martial sentence to any court. Pro
vOst Marshal General Crowder gave public
warning, after the examination of. registrants,
that every person who had been accepted
for military service must hold himself in
readiness to respond to the .call for service
or run the risk of trial for a court-martial on
a charge of desertion. Since the country is
at war, the extreme penalty for desertion is
death. It was easy to find lawyers, however,
to take the view that a man did not become
subject to military law until he had taken
the prescribed oath and that the only remedy
the government had was to prosecute for re
sisting the draft. There we're still other law
yers who considered the conscription act un
constitutional, at least in so far as it permit
ted the use of conscripted men in . foreign
service. The supreme court of the United
States upheld the validity of the conscription
law and, if -the question of the. status of the
accepted registrant be appealed,, it will in
all, human probability affirm the judgment
of the court of appeals. The unanimous de
claration of the American Bar association
should have had more weight with lawyers
inclined to(Iook for technicalities.
Returns on the recent questionnaire re
veal that several thousand registrants, doubt
less for various reasons, failed to make re
sponse. " It is not the duty of the government
to keep informed as to the whereabouts of
registrants. The burden is on the registrants
to notify the exemption boards of changes
of addresses. Under the decision these men
are deserterswho may be punished by court
martial. If any registrant, through ig
norance, carelessness or misapprehension as
to his status, has failed to report, 'it will be
to his advantage to get. into touch with his
exemption board at once and throw himself
on the mercy of the authorities. Any con
tinued attempt to evade service will be most
hazardous. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
One year Ago Today In the War.
Premier Lloyd George announced
the British government had decided
on draatie measures to Increase home
production And -curtail imports aa a
result ot the German submarine war
fare. -
The Day Wo Celebrate.
Alexander P. Thomson of Parbridge
ft Thomson company born In 1850.
Herbert A. Doud, cashier In the
United States revenue office, born In
16.'.. '';.
Mrs. Margaret - Deland, a literary
genius ot New England, now en
gaged in relief work In France, born
at Allegheny, Pa., 1 years ago today.
Jonathan Bourne, jr., former
United States senator from Oregon,
born at New Bedford, Mass., 6S years
ago today. - -
Rear Admiral Henry B. Wilson,
U. ' 8. N who has held one of the
most important sea commands since
the commencement ot the- war, born
In New Jersey 67 years ago today.
TliU Day in History.
. 17S Lorraine reverted to France
an the death of Stanislaus of Poland.
ISIS General Jeremy F.-Gilmer,
who served as chief engineer of the
confederate states army, born In
Guilford county, North Carolina. Died
at Savannah, December 1, 1883.
192 -Senor Estrada Palma was
chosen first president of the Cuban re-public.
Just SO Years Ago Today
Superintendent Smith of the horse
railway company has returned after
an absence ot about 30 days - in
A horse almost Cltsy 'cd in the
mud on N street.- lie dug out
and a danger signal will mark the
spot until dry weather.
Ticket Agent F. J. Knapp 1s now
keeping a bachelor's hall, his Wife
having gone on a visit to friends in
The South Omaha Savings
filed articles of incorporation with the
county clerk. The capital stock is
$100,000 and the bank will begin busi
ness April 1, 1888. The first board
of directors is composed of the follow
ing gentlemen: C W. Thomas, J. H.
Millard, Charles II. Brown, H. II.
Meday and Guy C Barton.
Harry Merrlam, editor of the
Pythian Spur, . was marrteC to Miss
Hattie Elliott at the bride's residence,
Twenty-third and Pierce streets, by
Rev. J.. & Detweiler ot the English
Lutheran church,
, Right to the Point
JlinneapoHa Journal: All together
for a cherry-treeless Fcbrury 22.
' r-Wall Street Journal; rRported 2,
100,000 Germ na are now on western
front, looking for more or less, hon
orable graves. ' ?.- '' V ?
Washington Pdst: Free seeds hav
ing been stricken from the agricul
tural appropriation bHl in the house,
it ,1. again up to the senate to save
the nation."' .'' " :
New Yorlt Herald:- Stripped of all
nonessentials, the testimony in the
trial proved that Bolo took German
money,' and to France that meant
death for Bolo. Who has been taking
German money in this untry?
Brooklyn Eagle: Beer-making
from rice is .to be tried. We get
closer to the standards of the older
Japan as the" years go on. But thej
um is coming wneu. ina mewing oi
anything but trouble 'will be a state's
prison offense." - -v--' ..''r.
Louisville- 'Courier-Journal: - ."The
fundamental ''issue was never -more
clearly defined," says the PaU Mall
Gasette, of Wilson's latest speech.
Aye, verily, but now let us consider
the Issues defined and set to work to
lick the enemy. .
' Louisville Courier-Journal: It took
a French court-martial about IS min
utes to sentence Bolo -Pasha to be
shot. There are many German spies
In this country, but not one of them
has been shot. Very few of them
have been dealt with as severely as
they would have been if they had
been convicted of sle&itag chickens.
Twice Told Tales. ,
Her Work.
Congresswoman Jeannette Rankin
said in a Young Women's Christian
association address; Charles Schwab
married on 37 a week, and Chauncey
Depew on $9. I have no sympathy
with the girl who makes a devoted
young man wait, till he can support
her as luxuriously . as her old. father
"My. sympathy all goes out io the
young ' man who said Joyotisly,- us
soon as he was accepted :
" Then, darling, we'll get married,
at once. Of course, at first, we sha'n't
be able to keep a servant.'
" 'Oh, Jack, hadn't we better wait,
then?' she protested. 'What would
the neighbors say if they saw me do
ing my own work?' .
"Jack looked puzzled?' ' . ' -
" 'Why, sweetheart,' he said; v whose
work do you want to do?" " Wash
ington Star ". '
A Sufficiency.
A caboose, Dorothy, is a utiHty- car
attached to the rear of a freight train.
By the way, Dorothy, your, question
recalls a little story. One warm sum
mer day Mrs. Murphy was sweeping
off her piazza when Mrs. Carr, (he en
gineer's wife, came aldtag carrying her
latest baby, the tenth.
"Arrah, now, Mrs. Carr," cried Mrs.
Murphy, "and there ye are up and
around again with another little Carr."
"Yes, Norah," said the engineer's
wife, "another little Carr it is, and as
far as I am concerned I pray the Lord
it'e the caboosa." Hoaton, Transcript
Round About the State
Silver Creek Sand deftly gandbags
would-be grafters selling a cheap "in
come tax record book" for big money
in that section. Much "easy money"
is secured by representing the book
as an official publication, which it is
not- .
- McCook's new "Liberty hand" is
coming to the front in the' very latest
up-to-the-minute stylo of- uniform.
Green cloth, trimmed with black braid
and gold-corded caps to match. Just
the right shade to start spring melo
dies on the 17th of March. . '
Gothenburg's flagon of happiness
lacks three fingers of Jts fulness-r-"a
city hall,, a new railway depot and
gravel to fill the mudholes on Win
chelf street." The Independent is
optimistic about-getting them, since
"we already have a-park, stock yards
and a curfew bell. , 1 .
Unwavering confidence lri Nebraska
as a wheat producing state garnishes
the cpUimBs of .the Hastings Tribune.
Recent snow falls all but clinches, the
promise . of . winter-. . wheat eomlng
through in' good condition.-' Whereat
the' Tribune' chortles: "It rtafces wheat
to mike the dough and it'takeSwrheat
to get the -dough.'. ; ; - ;' v
.Down in Plattsmouth, wttere fash
ion platers decorate the scenery, mas
culine styles harrow up the, artistic
soul of the Journal and provokes this
maddened scream: "Why not over
throw a few style-makers and restore
to the American his old trousers, in
which he could sit down with perfect
confidence?" Who swiped the - old
A? A
Against the Brewery.
Genoa. Neb., Feb. 19. To the Edi
tor of The Bee: In our conservation
of food stuffs we can see inconsistency
In its rankest form, when we are striv
ing to save cereals for the sustenance
of our soldiers, and let the brewers
cpntinue to consume millions of
bushels of grain in the manufacture
of booze. The breweries should be
prohibited from manufacturing beer
in any form. We have permitted
thousands of homes to suffer from
cold on account of fuel shortage,
while the German brewers smiled and
consumed thousands of tons of coal in
the manufacture of booze which does
no man a particle of good. Nothing
could be more consistently done than
for President Wilson to take a hand
in this question of national prohibi
tion : especially for the duration of
this war. V. A.,BRADSHAW.
"AH is Not Gold That Glitters."
Long Beach, Cal., Feb. 17. To the
Editor of The Bee: Allow this to be
widely known through your columns,
that to the interest of the traveling
public, and tourist who visit the so
called sun kissed California, that not
all fs gold that shines, and to them
that might become so infatuated with
the climate to want to locate some
where in this sunny southwest. To
such let this be a wor!. of advice. As
at the present time, though the real
estate and builders are 'putting up
houses, three to five and six rooms,
which they sell at exorbitant price,
while the construction is of the
cheapest quality, and as they refer
to the tourist as their ready sucker
always ready to bite at anything. So
let this be to any one's timely warn
ing to let the real estate agent and
the builder as well be the would-be
sucker, as they class this as the most
up-to-date bungalows. Let after one
year's use they will scarcely bring
one-half the present sale price And
again as quite a few boats are being
built at the ship yards. They will try
to, make it appear that labor is In
,great demand when their object is to
sell their bungalows, while at present
there are many more applicants than
jobs, and as the present Indications
are that as this southern part of Cali
fornia has had to say no rains and the
time for them have about passed. To
date there has been Just one-half inch
of rain, and all ranches are at a big
loss, therefore living is bound to be
very high before another winter is
here. Hence this southwest country
would be a great disappointment for
any one to come either to work or live
in. As before said, some little cheap
building is going on at Sarf Pedro.
Wilmington and Long Beach, which is
by the real estate and builders con
cerns. These are facts and to any one
that goes to those places to live or
buy, get a suitable lot-and engage
some reliable builder to construct
your home as you would most desire
it to be, is the honest advice of one
who knows. O. C. SULLER.
For a Leaguo of Nations.
Shelbyville;. Tenn., Feb. 19. To the
Editor of The Bee: There can be no
lasting peace among the nations of
the world until the strong nations in
this war form a compact as one na
tion to stop all future wars among
nations and also to command peace
among nations, and these strong na
tions to appoint representatives to a
peace tribunal where all differences
will be settled by arbitration and be
final, and this peace tribunal to be
housed in a building somewhere in
continental Europe and would by the
great nations who will control, and I
would suggest the United States to
represent the western continent (ex
cept Canada), England to represent
her colonies also France, and Italy,
and Japan to represent the Orient,
and Russia to be admitted when a
strong government is formed, Ger
many and Austria-Hungary to repre
sent the central powers and Turkey
and all these nations to represent
the balance of the world.
Clinton Scollard In Juape.
Down the lane, aa I went humming, hum
ming. Who should I see coming
Buy May Marjory!
''What was that I heard you humming,
As you saw me coming?
Prithee, tell!" Bald she.
"Oh," I smiled, "1 was Just humming,
As I saw you- coming
Where boughs met above
And the crickets kept on thrumming, thrum
ming. As 1 saw you coming
Something about love!
Ah, her blush It was becoming coming.
As I kept on humming
While we walked along.
And the crickets still were strumming,
As I kept on humming
That low strain of song.
Dropped her eyes as i continued humming;
Ah, 'twas jro becoming
To May Marjory!
Then she raised them, and my heart went
Though I kept on humming;
"You're a dear!" said she. -
"I don't think thia boy will do for a meV
"Why not?"
"We need an older boy."
"Send him out on a trial message. He'll
bo older when ho gets back." LoulsvlUa
Mrs. Bacon So your daughter made btt
debut as a singer last night?
Mrs. Egbert Yes. she did.
"And was she successful?"
"Oh, my, yes! She got six bouquets!' -j
Yonkers Statesman.
"Average Juries reminds me of self
corklng revolver." , ;
"In what way?"
"They go off as soon as they're charged,
but nobody knows where they're going t
hlt."Ealtimor American.
"Is your furnace controlled by a thermo
stat, madam?" -
"Well, we have a man come In to looK
after it, but I don't think he's orte of thosa
Greeks you mentioned because his skin la
black." Biooklyn Citizen. , ,
Hubbubs What is your idea of the nlos:
dsco:tive thins In llfo? u
SuMubs '.V ill. just cf-hni)d. I . should,
ray a five-minutes' walk Iroin tiie station. f
Judge. ' yj:
"Tommy, you shouldn't road those hor
rible stories. They will make your hair
stand on end." ."
"Aw, hair won't stand on end. I. triad. I&
with some of sister's on the bureau (he
other dav." Louisville Courir-Joun!!l..
Set at the Real Cause-Take-Efc
Edwards' Olive Tablets ;
That's what thousands of stomach
sufferers are doing now. Instead of
iaking tonics, or trying toJWWI
aoor dijestion, they are attacking the,
ml cause of the ailment clogged liver,,
ind disordered bowels. - . ;n
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouseth:
iiver in a soothing, healing way. : When
the liver and bowels are performing their
latural functions, away goes indigestion
and etomach troubles. . .
If you have a bad taste in you
mouth, . tongue coated, appetite poor,
lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or.
energy, troubled with undigested foods,,
you should take Olive Tablets, the subr.
ititute for calomel. '
Dr. Edward3 Olive Tablets are. a
nurely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil. You will know them by thei
olive color. They do the work without
griping, cramps or pahv ;
Take one or two at bedtime for quick
relief, so you can eat what you like.
At 10c and 25c per box. All druggist
Face Looked Awful
From Skin Trouble
Cuticura Healed
"My daughter had a breaking out
on her upper lip and chin for four
weeks. It was like water blisters and
would itch and if she scratched they'
would irritate and burn.
They seemed to ' spread
and her face looked awful.
"For four weeks we tried
many remedies but they
Beemed to make the'erup
tion spread more. Then
I got a free sample of Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment, and after
wards bought more, and now she; is
all healed, with one cake, of Cuticura
Soap and a half a box of Cuticura Oint
ment." (Signed) Mrs. W. Ferguson,
Upper Sandusky, Ohio, July 9, 1917.
If your skin ia already healthy and
clear keep it so by using Cuticura Soap
for toilet purposes assisted by touches
of Cuticura Ointment to soothe and;
heal any tendency to irritation, red
ness or roughness cf the ekin or scalp.
Sample Each Free by Mail. Address post
card: "Cuticura Dept. Ii, Boston." Sold
everywhere. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c.
hour cop"
( V much m?re
i:K. ,j fe.
W A &tKe SoHiryfST'
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& bc-K...
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Is equal to every occasion. You have always cherished the
hope of having a player piano m your nome wny not se--.
cure it now, and enjoy it while most in need oi music's
cheering influence !
ONLY $475
A first payment of $25 secures immediate delivery '-
the remainder may be paid $15 a month.
Player rolls 60c up.
A. CO.
1513 Douglas Street.
ICew Pianos, $200, $225, $250; Used Piancs, $75,
$100, $125 EASY PAYMENTS.
i tuc miAUA nrp iMFnRMATinN p.itptait , 1i
j liy w&YAJ"ftsk viiiiif a a w v irfr w
Washington, D. C. .
Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for which you will please send me, f
entirely free, "German War Practices."
Street Address , ,
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