Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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Special Sale of Silk Gloves
Ladies' 75c quality Silk Gloves, in black or white, dou
ble tipped, all perfect, sizes 5 V to 6 C C C
plain or embroidered backs, special J) Dp
Cash Price
A complete showing of the new styles in Perrin's
French Kid and Bacmo Washable Gloves, all the new
spring shades shown, at from. $2.25 to $3.00
r. tiruJV.. TP ...m ah b1 niMKA
60e Perfumes in assorted odors; our cash price per ounce bottle , sc
SOe Rouge (popular brands in good shades) ; our cash price
2Se Toilet Crcr.m (an excellent emollient for chapped hands) ; our price, isc
25c Listerine; our cash price
SOe Sloan' Liniment or Chamberlain's Pain Balm: our cash price - frr
60c Syrup of White Pine orChamberlain's Cough Remedy; our caBh price, juc
89c Freneh RJce Face Powder; our cash price ; I8C
Our Prescription Department is always lowest on price.
Four cash prices from our Prescription Department.
1 dozen Quinine Capsules, 25e value; our cash price
100-bottle H inkle's Pills, '25c value; our cash price lc
4 -os. Glycerine 60c value: our cash price
1 pt. White Liquid Paraffin Oil for internal use, 60e value; our price 35c
stratina Mnst Cnnmncinalv the Worth While Advantages of Cash Buying I
lyiaT'l r.wif.ry UiXj lite u&ii .wv v ----q
' -
Saturday Specials in Yarn
Sweaters and Corsets
Second Floor
Natural Gray Sock Yarn, regular 1 1.00 value,
Saturday, per hank 81.00
Extra Heavy Knitting Yarn, in khaki, navy and
gray, for sweaters; this is an all-wool yarn; per
hank, at .......81.15
Ladies' Sweaters, regular $3.50 values, in cardi
nal, maroon; all sizes; make a splendid wrap for
spring; on sale, Saturday, at. .... . . . .. . .$2.50
Boy' Jerseys, a few odds and ends, in all colors;
regular $1.00 and $1.50 values, Saturday, 59
$3.00 and $4.00 Corset, in pink and white. In
this lot we have some excellent values for large
figures, also for the slight figures, with rubber
top, lightly boned; Saturday 82.50
Children' Muslin UnderwaUt (Ideal), for girls
and boys 2 to 12 years, at 391
Brassieres and Bandeau, slightly soiled, in front
or back fastening, pink and white, values to 69c,
Saturday, at .. 35d
Hart Schaffner & Marx
$25.00 Suits . )(N
$35.00 Suits .
7 C( $25.00 Overcoats
o ay (to a nn rv,
$35.00 Overcoats
snUe nil itm and stvles -Overcoats, sizes 34. 35. 36 and 37 Onlv
w.ww j f W
t l - -11 ! t mm umiol mofAivi rf tint narmririrr firaf etnolra frntn coocrm tr coaenn
plete clearance of our fall and winter 1917-18 Suits and Overcoats. Our customers get the benefit.
Just a com-
Interesting Furniture Speeds
Values in Dependable Furniture
we're confident you will not find equal
ed elsewhere.
Nufold Bed Davenport, will fold up with full size
mattress, real Spanish leather $35.00
Nufold Bed Davenport, imitation leather, Span
ish or black 830.00
We have 3 Unifold Bed Davenport in golden
oak, Spanish leather, $45.00 values, in this sale,
at S35.00
We have several Pedestals, worth $4.50 to $3.00,
choice S2.50
Kitchen Cabinet, complete S2...50
Kitchen Cabinet, complete, aluminum top,
at S15.00
Kid Bassinets (bed on wheels) S3.50
Porcelain Top Kitchen Tables, enameled, 86.50
$3.50 Card Table, only 88.00
$10 Leather Seat Arm Rocker 87.50
$8 Leather Seat Arm Rocker 85.95
$6.00 Wood Seat Arm Rocker 83.50
360 New Hats
Specially Priced for Saturday at
$4.95 and $6.45
Better than usual values at $7.50 to $10.00.
There are 360 Hats in the collec
tion, some of them in Lacquered
Straw, others in Straw combined
with Georgette and Taffeta. The
trimmings c o n s i s t of Lacquered
Fniita and Flowers. Stove Polish Ribbon,
Ornaments and Novelty Feathers and
Wings. ' They all have that dash of style
that usually identifies only higher priced
Millinery. .
S ;'..... I a
I Intereresting Savings in Underwear Section
i i : t.w jMnr Sflfc and Arena De Chine Envelope
I Chemise, worth to $6.50; Saturday ...... .............. .$3.98
1 . Dainty Nainsook and Mull Combination Suits and one
worth tii $3.50! Saturday $1.98
Children's Muslin Drawers, lace i 'and t-embroidery
trimmed, worth to 35c; cash price 19c
1 Odd lots of Ladies' Silk and Wool Union Suits, regular .
I and extra sizes, $3.50 values .$1.98
1 Silk and Wool Vests and Tights, extra large sizes, $1.25
I ' Ladies' medium Fleece Union Suits, all sizes ..... .50c
I Italian Silk Vests, hand embroidered and lace tops,
I worth $3 ; cash price Saturday . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $1.98
I Ladies' odd lots of Mercerized Summer Union Suits, tight or
loose knee bands, crochet or, plain tape top, worth to $1.50; Satur
i day cash price, 69c. Reinforced garments in this lot.
medium wpiVht Union Suits, all sizes 2 to 12:
s vv w w O ' .
I Dnfi1ntr 50c
. . '
Men Wto Know Values Cannot Help But
Appreciate These Furnishing Specials Saturday
Men's $2.00 heavy Union Suits, fine quality cotton
.ribbed, form iittmg ana very uhq
elastic; cash special
Men's 85c heavy Fleeced Underwear, shirts and
drawers- odds and ends from our regular CQq
lines ; cash special ... ............. ...........
Men's $1.50 heavy Flannel Over Shirts, navy blue,
collar attached, sizes Uy2 to 17 neck ; QC q
cash special
Men's 40c" heavy elastic web Suspenders, gilt
trimmed and leather ends, tun lengtn, strong yiA
and durable; cash special
Interesting Specials in House Furnishings
No. Copper Nickl PUU4 Tm Ktttlt;
cash prie $1.T
IHit. Aluminum Ble Cook.r; essh
prk I
l-eop Aluminum Percolator; cash
prie tt"
10-qt. Ensmtl Preserving Kettle, ctsh
t-4t Enamel Berlin KetUe; cash
prie 79
Lsm Aluminum Mall Boxj cash
price 4
Boy's Ball Bearing Roller Skate; cash
price -SO
Wright's Ga Iron; cash price ..$1.95
Toilet Paper, 10-oa. roll, 1,000 sheet.,
1JM.0 value, per roll 10c
Not less than five roll to a cus
tomer. Milk Can Server; cash price BSc
Hayden't Make the Price for the People.
Oar aim I to sell goods at the forest possible margin (or cash. License No. 11496.
K. G. Cora Flakes. Pkc TV.e
lS-os. ean Condensed Milk UVe
-oa. cans Condensed Milk 6V
Grape Nuts, per pkg UVie
Gallon ean Golden Table Syrup. . . .70c
Vs-gaL caa Golden Table Syrup. . . .sm
tH-lb. ean Golden Table Syrup.... 23c
10 lbs. Best Whit or Yellow Corn
meal for , B5
lbs. Fancy Japan Bice ....25c
tt-o. Jar Pur. Apple Butter...... 25c.
n-cs. Jar Freeh Fruit Preserve. ..25c
The Beet Domestic Macaroni or Spagh
etti, per pkg ..TVte
No. I can Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn
for "Vie
He. t can Fancy Wax, String or Green
Bean for ISe
No. tyk can Fancy Rip Tomatoe
for , 12y
No. ean Fancy Pumpkin or Hominy
for 12 Vic
T bar Cracker Jack Laundry 8oap, 25e
ban Beat-'Em-All. Diamond C or
- Swift' Pride Soap 25c
bar Pearl Whit Laundry Soap.. 28a
4 lbs. Beet Bulk Laundry Starch... 2S
Yeast Foam, per pkg ....4c
Large Bottle Pickle, assorted kinds
for 10e
4 lbs. California Brown Beano 25c
t lb. Colorado Pinto Beans 25c
Diamond H Pancake Flour, pkg. . .12Vc
IS lbs. Beat Western Potatoes .... SOe
Fancy California Cauliflower, lb... 10c
Fancy Caifornla Head Lettuce, head,
at TVsc
S heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 10c
Fresh Carrots. Turnip or Shalota, per
bunch, at Be
Large Cucumbers, each 10c, 20e
New Cabbage, per lb .....5c
Large Soup Bunches, each 4c
Butabagoes, Turnips, Carrot, Beets or
Parsnips, per lb 2Vtc
t lbs. Red Globe Onions... 10c
Fancy Sweet Potatoes, lb 7 Vie
Large Grape Fruit.... .5c, 8Vie
California Firs, pkg 10c
Fancy l-Crown Muscatel Raisins, per
lb., at UVie
Fancy Santa Clara Prune, lb....!2Vie
Fancy Caifornia Dried Apple. lb,..15e
Thompson's 8eedless Raisins, lb... 15c
California Booking Figs, lb ..15c
Faney Moor Park Apricots, lb.... 25c
New rard Dates, lb soc
No. 1 Engllih Walnuts, lb........ 25c
No. 1 Brasil Nuts, lb 15c
No. 1 Filbert, lb 22VtC
The Best Lemon or Orange Feel. IB zsc
Extra Fancy Florida Grape Fruit, a'jc
Special Cash
Prices in Neck
wear and Veilings
for Saturday
75c Satin Collars, 50c
Double faced, washable satin
collars in maize, flesh, rose
and white, regular value 76c,
special Cash Price, Saturday,
each 50
Washable, satin collars, in
roll and ' square effect, in
white only. Also georgette
collars trimmed with Venise
and filet lace; regular value
$1.75, Cash Price, Saturday,
at 81.25
Pique Sets, 50c
A good assortment of pique
sets with large collar; organ
dy collars trimmed with Ven
ise lace, regular value 75c,
Cash Price Saturday, at 50t?
Red Cross veils, in all colors.'
Special Cash Price, Saturday,
each, at . .81.75
Circular veils with chenille
border, in navy, taupe and
black; regular value 75c,
Cash Price, Saturday, 59
Fancy mesh veiling, in all
colors, same with narrow
borders, regular value 60c,
Cash Price, Saturday, a yard,
at 25t
A Superb Showing of New Spring Apparel
Splendid Showing of
New Spring
In All the Popular Col
ors of the Season.
Women's fine quality Silk
Hose in best makes with
double garter - tops, ,high
spliced heels and double
soles, colors, regular $2 val-
ues; cash $1.50
Women's Mercerized
Lisle and Fibre Boot Hose,
all sizes, black and white
colors; special OC
cash price
Women's Fleeced Hose, all
sizes, worth up to 35c; OA
cash price
Boys' and Girl's Wayne
Knit Pony Hose, black,
white and colors, all Qq
sizes, pair
A display which offers you not only compre
prehensive assortments of the best products of
prominent designers but offers you also values at
each price which you'll acknowledge truly extra
ordinary. No advance in Spring Apparel prices here.
Spring Suit Specials $25
Hundreds of nobby Suits just received shown
for the first time Saturday much superior in every
respect to the usual suits shown at this price.
Colors are Biege, Rookie, Pekin, Navy, Black, etc.,
in plain and fancies. Greatly underpriced at our
cash price, $25.
Two Other Special Lots
at $35 and $45
Distinctive Designs in Dresses,
at $25.00
Charming new models in Chiffon Taffeta,
Satin Combinations, Georgettes, Jerseys,
Serges, etc., in all the season's most want
ed colorings; all sizes 16 to 44's; $25
twenty-five designs, Cash Price.. v
Many New Tunic Styles and Beaded
Models Included.
Spring Coats, at $25.00
Handsome new designs in Velours, Burel
las, Serges, Poplins and Heather mixtures,
styles suitable for all occasions, all $95
new colors, remarkable values, at
Exceptional Coat Values, $15
Four different designs in Poplins, Serges,
Mixtures and Checks, all sizes 14 to 44;
good colors.
Thousands of Beautiful Blouses Attractively Priced
A most remarkable lot of Blouses that would sell regularly at $4.00 to
$7.50, in two special lots at $2.95 and $4.95.
The Blouses, at $4.95
Come in fine quality Georgettes, beaded
or embroidered ; Tailored Crepe de Chmes
and nobby Tub Silks; big assortment of
choice designs, in all colors and sizes;
worth to $7.50.
Long Silk Kimonos, worth $4.00 $9 95
and $5.00, Cash Price
The Blouses, at $2.95
Blouses made to sell at $4.00. Come in
dainty filet lace trimmed, tucked and tai-.
lored styles; colors flesh, peach, maize,
navy, white, and black; remarkable bar
gains, at Cash Price.
Ladies' Silk Underskirts, worth J0 QE
$5.00 and $6.00, Cash Price. . . uu
Saturday Shoe Specials
In Our Busy Shoe Departments
Women's Shoes in vici kid, .'
patent leather and white
kid, with canvas uppers,
also kid vamps with ivory
tops, worth up to $7.50,
Hayden's Cash Price, per
pair ......$3.95
Women's Shoes, in kid,
gun metal and white
Cabretta, worth up to $5,
Hayden's Cash Price, per
The "Hayden Spe
cial," special Shoes
for men, in black
calfskin only, in air
the wanted styles,
strictly union made,
$6.00 values, Hay
den's Cash Price,
at $4.50
Men's button and blucher Shoes, in welts and McKays,
all sizes, $4-00 values, Hayden's Cash Price. . . . .$2.95
Misses and Children's gun metal and vici kid button
Shoes, sizes 8I2 to 2, splendid $3.00 values, Hayden's
Cash Price $2.00
Infants' and Children's kid and patent leather Shoes, turn
soles, sizes 2 to 8, values up to $1.50; Hayden's Cash
Price ..$1.00
, Stetson and Crossett Shoes for Men, Grover and Queen
Quality Shoes for Women. No better shoes made or sold.
More per pair Less by wear.
i In the Children's Section f s
I We are showing a classy line of new Gingham r
I Dresses, in the very latest styles and colors, and the B
I pnees most reasonable.
I For the little tot from 2 to 6 years the most cunning
5 styles, high waist and daintily trimmed ; these we are
I offering, at $1.00 and $1-49
I For the miss from 8 to 14 years we have the most nifty
I line ever shown, for the school girl, 200 of these elegant
I dresses are offered for Saturday Special, at $1.95
For Saturday only we have
a splendid line of Spring Coats
in black and white checks, in
sizes 2 to 6 years; your choice
at $1.98. These are every one a
We still have a few Winter
Coats in sizes 2 to 6 years.
These are all wool cheviots,
velours and zebelins and sold
regularly up to $8.95; your un
restricted choice at $2.98.
Money -Saving Specials Saturday in
Choice Meat of All Kind Kept and
Sold Under Mot Sanitary Condition.
Pork Loin Roait, lb i....23Vic
Pork Loin Chop, lb 25c and SOe
Pork Neck Bones, lb. . 8c
Hindquarters, per lb. 21e
Fancy Spring Lamb Forequarter
per lb, at,
Lamb Chop, per lb 2Sc and 30c
Rolled Rib Rout, lb 24Vac
Standing Rib Roast, lb 20c
Sirloin Steak, lb 22iC
Porterhouse Steak, lb 23c and 30c
Round Steak, lb 2iyte
Shoulder Steak, lb ISVie and 20c
Pot Roast, lb ISVtC and 20c
Veal Roast, lb 20c and 25c
Veal Bound Steak, lb.... 28c and 30c
Veal Chops, lb 25c and 30c
Breakfast Bacon, lb 35c
Regular Hams, lb 2SVac
Hamburger Steak, lb 17Vc
Home Made Sausage, lb ,15c
Leal Lard, lb .'28c
Home Made Fork Sausage, per .lb.,
at 25c and 30c
Fancy Corned Beef, lb 20c
S lbs. Sauer Kraut 25c
Fancy Dressed Poultry of All Kinds
at Lowest Prices.
Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dox 51c
Best Creamery Butter, lb 52c
Good Dairy Butter, lb... 47c and 48c
Butterine, all kinds, lb.... 28c to 35c
Nut Oleomargarine, lb. .32c and 35c
Wisconsin Cream or Young American
Cheese, per lb 30c
Brick and Limburger Cheese, lb.. 35c
Domestic Swiss Cheese, lb 45c
All Kinds of Good Things In the
UKUCtRI utri. urtn ai iuu a. m. m V M
jr w iw !