Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1918, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1918. 11 I V MOVING AND STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household foods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., S. 16th. Douglas 4163 FREEST FIDELITY Fbon Douglas 2SS for complete list of vacant bouses and apart meats. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sta. Globe Van and Storage Co For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West WEST FARNAM, $5000 Practically new house, " rooms, with living room arrangement, fireplace; four nice bedrooms, oak finish tnrougnout. A real sacrifice price. , GLOVER & SPAIN, (REALTORS), Douglas 3962. 91S-20 City National. North. MILLER PARK DISTRICT 7-room strictly modern home on Laurel Ave., near 24th St. Living room, dining room, den and kitchen 1st floor; S large bedrooms and bath 2d floor. Oak floors throughout. A nice south front, H block to car line. Price M. 500.00 and must be sold. Look this over and make an offer. J. L. HIATT CO., QArt FIRST NATIONAL VJJ BANK BUILDING. TYLER 63 GOOD 6-room house and lot at 5351 North 30th St. for 1.860. $200 Cash. W. H. GATES. 47 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1294. RENTERS! You can move Into a brand new S-room house on practically your own terms. Good location. Phone Douglas 3628. KOUNTZB PLACE Modern S-room house, full basement, large lot, close to car. Price JJ.J50. Norrls & Norrls. D. 4270. 111NNE LUSA homes and lota offer tbe best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. "WHO wants a 7-room modern house oil Bristol St. for $2,200? Terms if desired. Webster 4130. South. FINE ACRE IMPROVED On Car Line and Paved Road Locate! on South Side; a practically level acre. The housi Is about ready for plas tering; will be ready to move Into April 1. Will build you a poultry house be sides; good basement; electric wiring. 2350 dow will handle, balance monthly. Call me r . Walnut 3672 any evening and Tyler 60 .during the day. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE Strictly modern; built two years; paved streets; one block from Windsor school; 6 blocks from Hanscom Park, 13,200. O. G. CARLBERG, 310 Brandels Thea. Bldg. THREE-ROOM house, 2 lots, cistern; elec tric light; $900. half cash. Corner 49th and S St. Tel. 1036. Miscellaneous. LET me show you my brand new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at $3,850. Rea sonable terms. Call Owner. Douglas 1722. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St. Doug. 1064. T R. 8. TRUMBULL. 306 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Don. 17S4. REAL ESTATE Other Cities FOR SALE Seven-room house, wired, close In: also four-room house, a bargain. Box 442, Auburn, Neb., REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty BUSINESS properties and Investments. A. P. TUKEY and SON; 620 First Nat. Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., Income, Business and Trackage Specialist 16th and Dodge Sta. Douglas .41. YOUNG & DOHERTY. -.. City Real Estate. Doua-las 1671. S22 Brandels Theater. 11. A. WOLF. Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE To Exchange TWO sec. rich Imp. farms, eastern ! Neb. Will consmer smaller mmm. Dundee residence properties for sale or for exchange of land. Paul Peter son, 364 Bralndels Theater Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Tel. D. 1805 or Wal. 310b. 94 ACRES, 10 miles south of South Omaha; improved: encumbrance 18,600. Equity of 15,600 to exchange for clear Omaha resi dence. JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUOIAS 664. CLEAR 16C-acre unimproved Jones Co., S. Dsk.. for clear modern house. D 3840. REAL ESTATE Unimproved . North. ' VACANT NORTH Have t full lots on Plnkney street, south front, at 25th Ave., among beautiful new homes. Priced to sell, can give terms. TRAVER BROS. CO.. Douglas 6886. 81 First Nat. BE. Bldg. Miscellaneous. LARGE garden lots near car line, paved street. S125 to S19S. II down. Doug. 6074. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN South Side. AC RE AGE. 3 acres, 2-room house, near south city limits, 21,700. 2 acres, good 7-room house abundance of fruit, $4,800. ' 4 acres, 8-room house, over 100 bearing trees, $5,800. acres, 6-room hous. poultry house, barn, on car line, $4 000. 12 seres, 6-room house, barn, $4,200. 6i lots, house, all fenced, front trees, on south SOth St., $.800. 1 acre frame building, 1H blocks from car line, $1,600. ,T. K. KOPIETZ. 4733 S. 24TH ST. FARM. 50 acres; two sets of Improvements; rich, level land: cannot be excelled for farming or gardening: Hi miles from Omaha limits. Price $17,000. J. H. KOPIETZ, 4733 8. 24th Street. Acreage. A LARGE suburban tract of ground outside city limits, near carllne. Ideal place to raise poultry or garden. This Is a 260-ft-frontage for $510; will sell on easy terms. Telephone Walnut 34gj REAL ESTATE WANTED For Sale or Exchange FOR FARM'OR RANCH. $50,000 Press brick, close-in business I. leek; income $5,000 year, on lease; also $9,000 first mortgages, store buildings and residence properties. Wmt land. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, Hi City National Lank Bldg. Omaha. Neb. vVE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 5 snd -room houses snd bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 406. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED To buy, 6-room house, $200 cash; in district between Franklin and Miami Sts Call Web. 2058. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. SUNNY COLORADO LANDS. INVESTORS AND HOMESEEKERS ATTENTION. Now Is the time to Investigate what we have to fler you In the way of lands for investment for the epeeolator and good homes for the homeseeker. Our lands are located near Cheyenne Wells, the count) seat of Cheyenne county. Splendid soil, good water, good schools snd fine roads. We have land listed from $10 to $30 per acre, according to Improvements and loca tion. In a very short time this land win doable In value. To appreciate It you must come and see for yrurself, and If you cannot come write us That you would like and we will be 1 leased to submit a list of what we have to offer. CHAS. If. NORMAN. The Plone'r Land Dealer. Chavanne Wells. Colorado. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. FEBRUARY 19. Our next excursion to McOehee. Ark. W. S FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BI.K, Colorado Lands. LISTEN Residents who refused to pay $1,25 an acre for eastern Colorado land 10 years ago are paying $10 to $26 now and declare said land will rapidly rise to $50 or $100 sn acre. Save commissions by writing W. S. Pershing, ex-mayor, Limon, Colo. WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county, Colorado; $12.60 to $18 per acre. We control 26 choice quarters. Send for booklet. Klok Investment Co.. Omtthfl. Missouri Lands. 1,000 ACRES Lies well, 800 cultivated, farmed with tractor, well watered, good buildings, all fenced hog tight one mile depot aud high school en automobile road. Fine stock and grain farm. $36 acre. Terms. Hudson A Young, Niangua, Webster county, Mo. GREAT BARGAINS $5 down, $5 monthly buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $220. Address Box 282. Springfield. Mo. Nebraska Lands. ARE YOU FIXED OUT FOR THIS SPRING? I have several farms and ranches which I can sell you and give you possession this spring. I have farms ranging from 160 acres up that I can sell on reason able first payments and plenty of time on the balance. I have ranches ranging from 480 and 640 acres up, and in price from $10 to $12 an acre up, which I can also sell you on reasonable first pay ments and give you plenty of time on the balance If you desire. f have one particularly fine $,4S0-acre ranch at only $18 per acre. This Is Im proved and ready to move onto; all fenced and cross-fenced, with SOO acres under cultivation. The most excellent ranch. 640-acre ranch at only $18 per acre. Only two miles from Joder'and 114 miles from Crawford; 60 acres under cultivation; 600 acres can be cultivated; improved, ready to move onto. 1,440 acres, only two mile from Ard more; 60 or 60 acres under cultivation; 700 acres can be cultivated. All ready to move onto this spring; Immediate posses sion. 690 acres, milk cows, 34 head of stock, a most complete line of farm machinery; 150 acres under cultivation; 600 acres can be cultivated; running water, plenty of timber, most excellent grass. Only $24, 150. Half cash. 1.047 acres, about 100 acres under culti vation; SOO acres can be cultivated. Nice lake, stocked with fish; running water; plenty of timber, all fenced and cross fenced. Ready to move onto; spring pos session. Only $17.50 per acre; m.duo casn will handle It and the balance back at t per cent. Some quarter sections, all under culti vation and Improved; others . Improved and partly under cultivation. 160 acres, t miles out. Improved snd ready to move onto; 4 head of horses, 3 cows, one heifer, considerable farm ma chinery; about 40 acres under cultivation; 140 acres can be cultivated; three-roomed house, barn, well, windmill and tank; all fenced and cross-fenced The whole thing as It stands only $6,800. Easy terms. 360 acres, only four miles out; 20 acres alfalfa; almost every acre of the place ran be cultivated, as It all lays fine. All heavily grassed. Small set of Improve ments. All fenced and cross-fenced; most excellent alfalfa soil. Only $25 per acre. Two quarter sections, only two miles out from railroad town; unimproved: fully 130 acres on each quarter can be farmed, all heavily grassed. Only $18 per acre and easy terms. Come at once or write me for my list, getting descriptions and prices and pic tures of places which I have here for sale. Don't watt; don't procrastinate to day is your day of opportunity. Northwest Nebraska Is your best chance. Why wan der around elsewhere when everyone knows that northwest Nebraska Is the home of opportunity. It has been proven; It has been tried; It has been thoroughly tested and It has stood up and proved to be wonderous. ARAH L. HUNGERFORD, Crawford. Dawes County. Nebraska FARMS FARMS FARMS Among my VERY LARGE LIST of farms for sale In DOUGLAS AND SARPY counties, I have 14 or 15 EXCEEDINGLY GOOD BARGAINS, ranging In sizes from 20 acres to 800 acres; all within from ! miles to less than 25 miles of Omaha. These best bargains, TAKEN FROM A LARGE LIST, run In sizes of 80 acres, 120 acres, 240 acres, 320 acres, and a few larger snd smaller propositions. I keep no printed list, so come on and let me show yon the - goods.- REMEMBER THESE ARB GOOD BARGAINS. POS SESSION can be given on several farms yet. No trades considered. Call mornings If convenient. ORIN 8. MERRILL COMPANY, ROOMS 1217-1218 CITY NATIONAL BANK BUII.UIWU. FOR SALE Combination cattle and hog ranch with possession this spring. Sell stock and machinery. If wanted. About 400 acres gilt edge farm land, 400 acres good hay land, 480 acres pasture with spring water and plenty of timber. Fine new Improvements, fenced and cross fenced, one quarter on creek, hog tight. Holt Co., Neb., 1 mile Knox Co. llpe.. $50 per acre. Carl Grant, Porsey, Neb. FOR SALE Farms and fruit farms from 10 acres and up; Nemaha county land the best. Address Niels Jensen, Brownville, Neb. CLEAR 160-A. unimproved Jones Co., S. D. for clear modern house. Seward Bros., 678 Brandels Bldg. Dooglas u EXCEPTIONALLY good bargain In 320-acre Improved Buffalo county farm, within auto drive of Kearney, Neb.; $50 per acre. C K. DAVIES, KEARNEY. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade, medium-priced land In Nebraska. Very little money required. C Bradley. Wol laach. Neb. , IMPROVED 480-a. farm four miles from town In Kimball county. Possession March 1. Easy terms. A snap. R. F. Lee, Owner, Kimball, Neb. WRITE me for pictures and prices my farms and ranches In good Old Dawes County. Arab. L. Hungerford, Crawford, Neb. WB HAVE clients who will pay cash for bargains In western land. White Hoover. Omaha National Bank Miog. RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, easj terms. A. A. Patzman. 101 Karbach Blk. New York Lands. 428 ACRES, 'A mile from v llage, store, blacksmith shop, church, sawmill, grist mill, cheese factory, 4 from btatlon; $0 from Buffalo, population 600.000. Good 11-room house, splendid gambrel roof barn, 42 by 120, litter carrier, fine pig gery and hennery, splendid wattr f..pply. 150 acres tillable. 100 acres timber, bal ance good pasture; 100 apple trees. In cluding 68 head of Holsteln cattle, horse, sow, 8 pig, about 600 bu. oats, about 130 tons hay. disk harrow, land roller, grain drill, sprlngtooth ' .rows, sulky cultl vator, plows, surrey, manure spreader, horse rake, gas engine, cream sepa.ator, mowing machine, grain reaper, corn har vester, ay tedder, wsgons, sleighs, small tools. Price $13,000; $3,000 cash; i per cent interest. Free list bargains, Ellis Bros.. 8prlngvll!e, N. V - GOOD 70-acre farm must sell, owner sick. Address owner. Buena Vista Farm, Mor rlsville. N. Y. Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of the range. Get on th ground floor with 80 acres Irrigated land In connection with open range. You en grow stock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excursion every tr- weeks. Send for bul letin. Harley J. Hooker. 40 1st National Bank Bldg. Texas Lands. FOR SALE Ten acres In Brazoria county, Texas. Iowa Colony, $1,200. Box 4$. Fort Dodge, la. . Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $60 per a.. Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi ft C. M. Rylsnder. 854 Omaha Nat'l, Miscellaneous. CHOICE FARM- Nlllsson. 422 Rose Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us tt you want to keep It. '11. P. SNOWDEN SON. 423 S. 15th. Douglss $371. WANTED TO RENT Farm or ranch snd stock on sbsres; experienced in both; bave three men to farm; good references. Box 1782, Omaha Bee. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. Harness, Saddles andTrunks We make them ourselves; sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods, when you can get high grade goods at first cost? ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. 1310 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE A lop buggy, butcher wagon and hamesa. Call Benson C54-J Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. MUST SELL AT ONCE. One team of brown mules, weight about 2.600 pounds, 7 sad 8 years old. and one 2 years old gelding; one farm wagon and harness. To see them, please call at the stable In rear of residence. 1248 8. 10th St Three blocks south Union Depot. FOR SALE J light grayhoraesnd one set of harness. Kennedy & Parsons, 1301 Jones St. 1 FOR SALE Freeh Holsteln cow, calt by side. Dsve Mensgh, 1613 Farnam. FOR SALE Heavy team and harness. W. J. CJinek MlS-'JllStiCHS:i3T. GOOD sound horse for sale. Fish, lOli'X lth St , Douglas 2963. POULTRY AND PET STOCK WANTED FOUR PURE BRED ROSE COMB RHODE ISLAND RED COCKERELS. W. K. CARTER. ' Gretna. Neb. R. R. No. 2. "OLD TRUSTY" Incubators and brooders shlppod promptly. Big catalog free. M. M. Johnson Co.. Mfrs.. Clay Center. Neb. Pet Stock. FULL-BLOODED Spits dog for sale. Doug las 4936. Ask for .Mrs. Vlenas. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans jand Mortgages. ett and t per cent mortgages secured by Omaha residence or Nebraska farms. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 638 Keeline Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 6 FER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASSOCIATION. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. city National Bnk Bldg. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERG. 313 Bran- aeis Theater Bldg. D. &. 512 HARRISON A MORTON. 16 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg CITY AND FARM LOANS S. 6H snd ( Per Cent. J. H. DUMONT C. Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMESEAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101S Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 2715. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY W. H. THOMAS ft SON. Keeline Bldg. 1100 to 610.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam 8ts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms snd ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. Private Money SHOPEN COMPANY. Douglss 4!2(l Financial Wanted. I WANT to borrow $1,500.00 for one year on a first mortgage for $10,000.00 secured by Omaha real estate. Will pay 7 pet. Box 2599, Omaha Bee. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, plsnos snd notes ss security. $40, ( mo.. B. goods, total, $3.50. $40. mo.. Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60 Smaller, larger am ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN COMPANY. 432 Rose Bldg., I6th snd Farnam. Ty. 666. LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY I CI SMALLER LOANS O (7 J- O W. C. FLATAU, EST. 182. O 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDG.. TY. 50. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malssbock. 1614 Dodge. D. 5(1$. Est 181 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Margaret B. Fitzgerald to James P. At klsson, Davenport street 70 feet west of Twenty-second treet, south side. 63x74 $ 2 City Trust Co. to Elisabeth B. Lowe, southeast corner Forty-third avenue and Crown Point avenue, 40x124 150 William A. Flanagan and wife to Brid get Flanagan, Burt street, 60 feet east of Fortieth street, north side. 60x150. 1 Bartholomew Real Estate Co. to Nettle B. Gwynne, Twenty-seventh street, 105 feet north of Fowler avenue, west side, 2x135 1 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Beef Cuts Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective February 18 are as follows: Loins, No. 1, 29Hc; No. 2, 25Vc; No. 3. 16c. Ribs, No. 1, J4Hc; No. 3. 22c; No. 8, 16c. Rounds, No. 1. 20c; No. 2, 184c; No. 3, 164c Chucks, No. I, 16c; No. 2. 16c; No. 3. 14e. Plates. No. 1 1414c; No. 2, 14c; 'No 3, 12V4e. Oysters King Cole northern standards. per gallon. $2.75: King Cole northern selects, per gallon, $2.95: King Cole New York counts, per gallon, $3.10: blue points, per 100. $1.25: large shells, per 100, $1.68; cotults, per 100. $1.75. Celery California mammoth, fresh trim med dally, well bleached, per dozen, lOo. Fish Whiting, ocean pike, per lb., skinned 17Vao; round. 8c; box lots. 7c Herring, per lb., round, 10c; sack lots, superior stock, fancy goods, 9c, Herring, per lb., dressed, 12c; 1-ox lots. i:. Tulllbee white, avge 1 lb., per lb., 12c; box lots, 11c. Fresh Frozen Fish Halibut, coast frozen, per lb., 21c; salmon, red, coast frozen, per lb., 22c; pink, per lb., 20c; black cod sable fish, coast frozen, per lb., 14c; black bass, odd size, 28c; -.arge or small, per lb., 23c; trout, per lb.. 23c; whlteflsh, per lb., 20c; pike No. 1, 18c; box lots, per lb., 17c; pick erel, dressed, 16c: round, per lb., 12c; crapple average, lb, 16c: tlleflsh, for steak, per lb., 15c; yellow ring perch, per lb., 16c: huf-falo-carp, round, per lb.. 13c; ling cod. 12c; flounders, per lb., 14c; western red snapper, per lb.. 11c; sliver smelts, per lb.. 16c: whit ing round, odd size and medium large, per lb.. 8c. Fresh Caught Fish Black cod sable fish, per lb., 14c; black bass, odd size, 30c; large or small, per lb., 25c; crappies, odd size and large, per lb., 20o; buffalo, genuine, round, If any, per lb., 10c; buffalo-carp, round per lb., 14c: red snapper, per lb., 16c; cod, east ern, per lb., 18c; flounders, per lb., 14c; smelts, per lb.. 16o; Spanish mackerel, per lb., 18c Frogs Louisiana black bulls, per dxen, jumbo, $3.00; medium, $2.00. Kippered salmon, 10-lb., baskets, $3.10. Kippered sableflsh or grayflsh, 10-lb. bas kets, $2.40. Smoked white (lakeflsh), 10 lb. baskets, $2.20. Live Poultry (per lb.) Broilers, 40c; springs, 28c; stags, 22c; old roosters, 18c; poor chickens, 6c; geese, 22c; ducks, 26n; turkeys, 28c; capons. 28c; guineas, esch, 40c; squabs, 14 to 16 oz. each, per doz., $4.00. Coffee Market, New York, Feb. 18. The market for coffee futures was quiet today with prices showing a. tendency to sag off under scat tered offerings. The opening was at a de cline of 3 to 4 points, with May selling off to 8.14e and December to 8.4KC during the later trading or about 4 to ( points net lower. No Improvement was reported In tbe Immediate freight situation and the cost and freight market was steady with small offerings, but there was renewed talk of a better supply of tonnage liter on snd rumors were circulating that about 46,000 tons would become available for the coffee trade, through the release of Dutch tonnage. The market closed at a net decline of 4 to 6 points, March, 7.86c: May, 8.13c: July, 8.24c; September, 8.37c; October, 8.42c; De cember, 8.51c. Spot Coffee Firm; Rio 7s, 8,,ic; Santos 4s, 1014c. A small lot of Santos 4s was reported sold In the cost snd freight market at .30c for February, March shipment, and there was an offer of Santos 4s st 8.40c f. o. b , equal to about 10 Vie, c. i. f , at present rates The official cables reported an unchanged market at Rio. Two hundred seventy thou, sand bags was reported In the Santos stocks to cover government purchases. Santos cleared 41,000 bags for New York. Bra zilian port receipts 63,000 bags. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis. Feb. 18. Cattle Receipts 6,200 head: market higher; native beef steers, $8.00013.60; yearling steers and heifers, $7.0013.5O: cows, $8.0011.50; stockers and feeders, $6.00 tf 10.60: prime to fair southern beef steers, $9.0012.60; beef cows and heifers. $6.00010.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, $7.60 10.00; native calves, $6.00 14.00. Hogs Receipts 14,600 head; market high er; lights, 16,701S.S6; pigs, $12.00015.60: mixed and butchers. $16.70917.00; good heavy, $16.8617.00; bulk, $16.7616.96. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 700 hesd; market steady; Iambs. $14.00 17.76; ewes, $10.60 &12.00; wethers, $11.6013.25; can. ners and choppers, $6.009.0O. Kansas City Live Stork, Kansas City. Feb. 18. Cattle Receipts 13,000; market higher; prime fed steers, $12.50013.76: dressed beef steers, $11,260 12.86; western steers. $9.26012.85; rows, $7 0010.76; heifers. $7.26011.75; stockers and feeders. $7.60012.00; bulls. $7.60010.00; calves. $7 00 12.65. Hogs Receipts 11,000 hesd: market high er; bulk, $16 60018 80; heavy, $16.76016.90; packers and butchers, $16.76016.90; light. $16 60IS16.85; pigs, $13.AOf0 15.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 6.000 head; market lower; lambs. $16 00016 60; year lings. $13. 5014. 50; wethers, $11.60; cwc, $11.2512.60. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Week Begins With Moderate Run of Cattle; Prices Strong er; Hog Receipts Are Fair; Market Brisk. Omaha, February is, liJ. Receipts were: Cattle. Hugs. Sheep. Estimate Monday .... K.400 13.000 17,000 Same day last week.. ,125 11. Hi 13,217 Same day 2 wlss ago. U. 447 14.73 8.34 Same day 3 wks. ao. S.H91 7.49 J 12.J1 Same day 4 wks. ago.l'USS 9.5S4 14.011 Same day last year. .. . 7.866 10. HO H.424 Recepts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yard. Omaha, for 24 hours ending at S p. m. yestxrday: R ECEIPTS C A RI.OA PS Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Hit's r... m. & st. p.... is f, i Wabash 7 2 Missouri Pacific . . 4 Union Pacific .... 64 H 42 6 C. a N. W., east.. S? j C A N. W.. west .lll n 4 C St. P., M. & O.. 41 13 7 C, B. A Q., east. . X 2 , B. A Q.. west.. Ss 12 12 C, R. I. A P.. east 26 ;ii 1 C. R. 1. A P., west 1 Illinois Central . . 1.1 2 Chicago Gt. West. .16 Total receipts .401 131 DISPOSITION H EA P. Cattle. Hogs 16 Sheep. 1.534 Morris A Co M Swift A Co 1.477 2.033 1.7SS 1.M4 1.816 ,47 1.94 2.400 Cudahy Packing Co.. 1,456 3.146 3.867 rmour & Co. 1.551 Schwartz ft Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co. S. O, Packing Co... Wilson ft Co 57 IS 270 Morrell 1 W. B. Vausant ft Co. 123 Hill ft Son 110 377 144 . TS 161 313 m F. B. Lewis Huston & Co J. B. Root ft Co. J. H. Bulla Rosensloek Bros. , F. G. Kellogg ... Werthelmer ft Degen 1 1 3 H. F. Hamilton 164 Sullivan Bros 1.1 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co . s Christie 94 HlFKins 6 Huffman 16 Roth 66 Meyers Olsssberg 1 Baker. Jones ft Smith 28 Banner Bros 151 John Harvey til:.' Dennis ft Francis.... K5 Jensen ft Lungren.. Itl8 Pat O'Day 4 Other buyers 690 Totals 9.635 10.333 11,878 Cattle The wee opens out with a mod erate run of cattle, about 8.400 head, as agalnta 6,626 head a week ago. Demand from all sources w:s rather broad, and especially for desirable light handy weight steers. These sold freely at steady to some what stronger prices, while the call for the good heavy rattle was somewhat restricted and trade was slow wlih prices much the same ss last week. Cows and heifers were In very fslr supply, but demand for sll grades was active and values quotahly fully ateady all around. In stockers and feeders supplies were limited, and with a keen Inquiry from both yard traders and country buyers busi ness wns lively and prices somewhat stronger for anything at all useful, Colorado pulpers brought $11.76. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $12. OOff 13.00; fair to good beeves, $10.7511.75; common to fair beeves, $8.50 insio.50; good to choice yearlings, I10.00 11.60; fair to good yearlings. $9,004)10.00: common to fair yearlings, 37.O0W9.0O; good to choice grass beeves, $10.50011.50; fair to good grass beeves, $$.76(910.00: com mon to fair grass beeves. $7.508.60; good to choics heifers, $9.00r 10.10; good to choice rows, $8.50.60; fair to good cows, $7.5008.60; common to fair cows, $8.25 7.25; good to choice feeders, $10.26011.40; fair to good feeders, $9.6010.25; common to fair feeders, $7.D0i'9.00; good to choice stockers, $9.00010.60; stork heifers, $7,500 9.00; stock cows, $6.50J8.50: stock calves, $7.009.60; veal calves, $3 25 18. 00; bulls stags, etc., $7.00ff 10.00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4 427 $8 00 1 160 $9 00 640 i 25 616 75 898' 10 00 870 10 15 874 10 30 796 10 60 902 10 90 14. . . 14... 7... 6... IS... 720 9 60 4.. 25.. 24.. 45.. 11.. 21.. IS.. . 826 15 . 747 10 10 .1006 10 25 . 776 10 46 . 844 10 76 88$ 11 36 I. STEERS AND HEIFERS. . . 460 60 5.. HEIFERS. 7 75 J.. 8 26 6.. 8 75 2.. t 2,1 18.. 86$ 10 00 604 ' T 10 776 $ 0 610 622 843 715 .. 835 .. 773 9 00 9 40 18. 1036 10 25 COWS. . 803 . 930 . 936 .1060 7 20 2. . 8 25 C.. 8 65 9.. ..1000 7 60 ..1020 8 60 ..1114 8 75 9 00 5 1284 10 00 BULLS. 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... ... 630 ... 6K0 7 25 8 00 1 460 7 di 1 1260 8 23 ...1440 8 60 ...1110 00 1... 1. . . ..1270 8 15 ..1370 10 1.. ...1810 10 00 CALVES. ... 260 60 14.. ... 200 11 00 2.. ... 175 12 75 3. . 452 $ 73 . 215 11 50 155 18 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. ... 700 8 00 29 654 8 60 . . i 735 9 00 1 660 9 40 ... 614 10 00 3 750 10 25 ... 66 10 40 5 924 10 8.1 5.. 10.. Hogs Itecelpts of hogs were only fair today and the market opened with both packers and shippers buying hogs at prices that were 20ifit36c higher than the close ase week. Trade, was active right from the start. Shippers were picking the light weight hogs' showing quality, and trade en this class of stuff has been active the lsst few days. Best price paid was $16.66, 26c higher than was paid Saturday, while the bulk of the offerings moved at $16.2(016.4$. A good clearance was made, practically ev. erythlng that was yarded being sold before 10:30. A few late loads were reported back. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av, Sh. Pr. ... $16 $0 $0 16 40 ... 15 60 S3. .192 70 $16 20 66. .233 82. .184 42. .177 65. .286 .. 16 35 70.. 249 . . 16 45 74. .205 .. 16 65 PIGS, SKIPS. . . 16 00 53. .137 Sheep Sheep and lamb receipts were more liberal for a Monday than they have been In some time. Trad was dull In both lambs and sheep and the undertone was wesk, with prospects of lower prices all around. A few handy weight Mexican lambs sold early at 316.60, and showed but little decline under Friday. Other kinds of the sams class, however, were slow In moving and are due for a decline of from 1015c. Good ewes at $11.25 looked fully 25c under last week. Choice 74-pound yearlings bring ing $14.30 were also lower. Fat bucks brought 16.006 8.50. There was no life to feeders and the undertone was wesk. Heavy lambs were draggy and looked like they would sell around $15.0015.75. Quotations on sheep snd lambs: Limbs, hsndywelght, $16 25SW16.60: lambs, heavy weight, $15.5016.00: lambs, feeders. $16.00 zl6.60; lambs, shorn, $11,600)13.60: Iambs, culls, $10.0014.00; yearlings, fair to choice, $11 60tfl4.60; yearlings, feeders, 112. on 6? 14.25: wethers, fair to choice, $11.00013.00; ewes, fslr to choice, $11.00a12.00; ewes, breeders, sll ages, $10.50016.60; ewes, feed ers, $7.60010.50; ewes, culls and canners, $5.00l5 7.25. SHEEP. 43 Wyoming ewes 9 8 00 193 Wyoming ewes 99 11 26 205 fed Mexicsn lambs 7 244 fed yearlings 71 254 fed yearlings 70 14 60 14 80 14 20 Sioux City Live Stork. Sioux City. Feb. 18. Receipts. 3,600 head; -market strong; beef steers. $9.60013.60; fat cows and heifers. $8.00 11.00; csnners, 36. no 7.50: stockers snd feeders, $8.00011.00: calves. $.800012.60; bulls, stsgs, etc., $7,600 10.25; feedings cows snd heifers, $6.60fl.7. Hogs Receipts. 13,000 head: market 10 cnts higher; light, $16.00016.20; mixed, $16.16016.25; heavy. Xl.20 1S.20; pigs, $12.00014.60; bulk of sales, $16.15018.26. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,500 neaa; market steady. Chicago Live Stork. Chicago. Feb. 18 Hogs Receipts. 45,000, strong: 30c above Saturday's average; bulk $16.80017.00; light $16.65017.10; mixed $16.60017.1''; heavy $16.30017.00; rough $16.30016.60; pigs $13.26018.25. Cattle Receipts 16,000; tomorrow 18,000. Firm native steers $8.60013.86; stockers and feeders $7.35 10.6 -, rows and heifers $6.40 011.70; calves $8.25013.50. Fh'P Receipts 20.000, wak. Sheep $9.60013.20; Iambi?, $13.76016.(6. St. Joseph Lire Stork. Ft. Joseph. Feb. 13. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head: market strong; steers, $9,000 13.60; cows and heifers, $6.00012.00; calves, $6.00011.50. Hogs Receipts, 12,000 hesd; market high er: top, $16.85: bulk of salea, $16.66016.80. Sheep and Lamba Receipts. 8.000 head; market higher; lambs, $13.0016.0; ewes, $7.00012.0 GRAIN AND PRODUCE! NEW YORK STOCKS' ARM.Y CONFUSION Heavy Corn Receipts Force De cline From 1 to 5 Cents; Ex ceptional Quality Sells at Advance. Ollialls. Fel)l'llar I S 1 9 1 S , New Yiil'k. IVb. U t.'onal nn ! i i ll,.m of all grain Sunday totaled d,' !"." h" week end. mmil.n. cars, with 12 of wheal. 427 of corn. 76 of I " '" '' the hi(l.iill..iV s:rlU, oat., five of rye and six car. of bsrlev. ' '" lr" ,"':'""' reported b .m Receipts of com were again exceptionally!,'1 '""IT.1 "I1 '"'l''"'' companies, more heaxy and tended greatly to make for l.nvo'r ' ,u"" '!umi1"' wh" retarded s .IU rash values, scot sale, showing a decline ! ,'"ur'"fl" "01v' trul" s'-ruad In todiy' ranging from Ic to ic for the bulk. Much of tln corn received today was of a ery good quality and several cars of the chohe while continued to bring an extra pre mium, these going at a It). 1c advance. There was a general good demand fur this cresl and sales made uulte freely. No. 2 white sold at ll.SJ and No. 4 white at Sl.aUtM.80 and the No. s white si $1,724? 1.76. No. 4 yellow brought ll.5SJft.HS and the No. 6 grade fl 4SQ'1.4. No. 4 mixed sold at II. 47M1. 56, while the No 6 mixed went at 1 46( 1.47. Oata reacted and in spite of the decline eelpts showed a slight Increase, bui with . . .... ,, a lairiy ftiuu local ueniaim practically of the., offering, w.r. ,llno..,l of No. whlte sold at 6c and No. 3 white at Us ?(!. No. 4 white sold st 87$83c and the sample grade at 67 Vi 0 87 ('. Rye was unchanged to a cent up, while harley was quoted unchanged to So higher. Either cereal was In good demand, miller, taking the bulk. No. 3 rye sold at $:.16$ 3.16 and the No. 4 at $M4. No. 4 barley brought $l.SSfi1.85 snd the No. 1 feed and sample grades at 51.85 and $1.84, respec tively. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 868.000 hu.; corn and oals none Primary wheat receipts were 4i3. 000 bu. and shipments 297.000 bu., against receipts of 1,117,000 bu., and shipments of 642,000 bu. lsst year. Primary corn receipts were 2,23,000 bu. and shipments 864.000 bu., against receipts of 1,220,000 bu. and shipments of 666,000 bu, last year. Primary oats receipts were 1.341,001 bu. and shipments 765.000 bu., against receipts of 7::. 000 bu. and shipments of 716,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. 1 Wheat. Corn. Outs. Chicago Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha Kansas City . . . ! ...246 . . . 9 15 101 106 4L'7 406 406 24 24 St. Loula Winnipeg 245 These salea were reported today: Corn No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.17, 1 car, $1.90; 2 cars, $1 85; t car. $1.84: 3 curs, $1.83; 4 cars, $Ls3; 2 cars, $1.61: 8 3-6 cars. $1.80. No. 6 white: 8 cars. $1.76; 4 ears. $1.74; t cars, $1.76; 1 car $1.72. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.69. Sample white: 1 car. $1.50: 1 car (19 per cent damaged), $1.41. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. $1.(3; 2 cars, $1.43; 2 cars, $1.60; 2 cars, $1.66. No, 6 yellow: 1 car. $1.50: IS cars. $1.48: 23 cars, $1.47; 14 cars, $1.46; ( cars. $1.45. No, $ yellow: 4 cars, $140. 2 cars, $1.39; 1 car, $1 38; 3 cars. $1.37; 3 cars. $1.36; 2 cars. $1. 4. Sample yellow: 3 cars, $1.27: 2 cars, $1.26; 1 car. $1.21: 3 cars. $1.20. No. 4 mixed: 1 I car, $1.65; 2 cars, $1.58; 2 cars, $1.52; 1 car, fl.Di; A car., si.ti. rvo. d iiiisvie. cars, $1.46; 13 cars. $1.46; 6 cars, $1 47; 16 cars, $1.44. No. mixed: 6 cars. $1.40: 1 cars. $1.88; 1 car. $1.33; 1 car, $1.33. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.30; 1 car. $1.27: 1 car, $1.25; 1 car. $1.23; 3 cars. $1.20. The close was unsettled, March $1.27 H and May $1.26., with the final range as a whole He off to a up, comparod with Saturday's latest figures. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 8$Me. Ne. I white: 2 cars, 88c; 14 cars. 88c. No. 4 white: 3 cars, 88c; 2 cars, 87c. Sample white: 4 cars, S7icj $ cars, 87 Vie. No. 4 nixed: 1 car, 87V4C Rye No. 2: 1 car, IMS. Ne. 4: 1 car. $2.14. Barley No. 4: 1 oar, $1.85; 1 car. $1.82. No. 1 feed: 1 car, $185. Sample: 1 car, (part corn), $1.84. Wheat No. 1 ted spring: 1 bulkheads, $2.10, No. I amber durum: 1 car, $2.1$. No. 2 durum: 1 car, $2.13, Omaha Cash Prices Corn: Ne. 4 while, $1.8001.90: No. 6 white. $1.7201.76: No. S white, $1.69; sample white, $1.4101.50; No. 4 yellow. $1.6601.63; No. 6 yellow, $1.4301.60; No. 6 yellow, $1.8401.40; sam ple yellow, $1.2001.27; No. 4 mixed. $1.47 to 156; No, ( mixed, $1.4401.47; No. ( mixed. $1.3201.40; sample mixed, $1,200 1.30. Oats: No. 2 white, 88 e; No. 1 white. 88tp66c: Ne. 4 white, l4K08Sc; sample. 87V40I7HC Barley; No. 4. $1.8201.86; No. 1 reed, $1.85. Rye: No. 2, $2.16; No. 4. $2.14. Chicago closing prices, furnished The B. by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain broken. 815 South Sixteenth street. Omahat Art. Open. High. I Low.l Close. ISat'y. Corn, lei II Mch. 1 2744 1 274 1ST $4 1 27S 127, May 1 26H 1 86H 1$V4 1 264 124 Osts. I Mch. 86 t 85t . i'A 85 '4 May SIM, 84 3'4 Vi 83H Pork. May 4$ 0$ 48 20 43 06 4$ 6$ 47 17 Lard, i May 26 27 28 30 26 06 2$ 05 26 10 July 26 47 f 24 47 2 22 36 37 Ribs. I I May 26 60 26 60 hi 82 25 30 26 27 July 25 70 26 70 25 67 26 66 26 55 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Corn Averages Higher Owing to Accumu lation of Reserve Storks, Chicago, III., Feb, 18. Corn averaged higher today owing more or less to efforts to accumulste reserve stocks here before farmers become busy with field work. The close, however, was unsettled. Much $1.27 snd May $1.26. with the final range c off to a like advance compared with Saturday's latest figures. Oats gained c to 0o net. The outcome in provisions varied from 17c decline to a rise of 7 cents. Despite big Increase of arrivals, the corn markut pointed upward throughout nearly the entire session. It was realized that but a short time remains until spring work by producers might sharply restrict tbs crop movement. Predictions of stormy weather within the next 36 hours empha sized bullish sentiment, and so too did the fact that as high as $2 a bushel had been paid for extra good white corn suitable for milling. Near the end of the day. though, prices tended somewhat to relax owing to assertions that 100. 000 cars had been concentrated in the middle wsst and that a dally movement of 4.000,000 to , 000,000 bushels wss on. Oats ascended to new top records for the season. Urgent bidding from the west was chiefly responsible. A bulge In hog prices gave strength to provisions. Subsequently, realising sale brought about a setback. Butter Steady; creamery, 44049c. Eggs Lower; receipt", 1,262; firsts, 62c; ordinary firsts, 4960c; at mark, cases Included, 60061c. Potatoes Irfiwer; receipts, 6$ cars; Wis consin. Michigan snd Minnesota, bulk, $1.80 02.00; do. sacks, $1.9602.05. Poultry Alive, higher; springs, 30r; fowls not quoted. New York General Market. New York, Feb. 18. Flour Finn; springs, $10.66011.00; winters, $10.25010.60; Kan sas. $10.60011.00. Corn Spot, essy; kiln dried, No. 3 yel low, $1.78; No. 3 mixed, $1.70, c. I. f.. New York, prompt shipment; Argentine, $2.16. f. 0. b., cars. Oats Spot, firm; natural, $1.0101.02; hay, firm; No. 1, $210; No. 2. $3.00; No. 3, $1 90; shipping, $1.7601.85, sll nominal. Hops Quiet; state medium to choice, 1917, 21024c; 1916, 14017c. Hide. CJulet; Bogota, 3804Oe; Central America. 3840e. Leather Firm; hemlock sole. No. 1, 61c; No. 2, 49e. Provisions Pork, strong; mess, $31,500 62.00: family, $64.00066.000; short clear, $50.00056.00. Lard, steady; middle west, $26.550265. Tallow Dull: city sperlsl, loose, 17c. Wool, firm; domestic fleece. XX Ohio and Pennsylvania. 70c. Rice Firm; fancy head. $i09c; blue rose, a o v. Corn No. 2 yellow, nominal: No. 3 yel low, $1.7001.80. No. 4 yellow, $1.6001.76. Oats No. 3 white, 38089c; standard, g8089c. Rye No. 2. $2.2302.23. Barley $1.6001.92. Timothy $5.0008.25. Clover $22.00033.06. Pork Nominal. Lard $26.07. Ribs $24.20024.70. New York Produce. New York. Feb. 18 Butter Steady : receipts, 6.326 tubs. Creamery, higher than extras, 62 0 63c; creamery extras (92 snore), 62c; firsts, 4961c; seconds, 470 48 c. Eggs Market nervous; receipts. 3,466 cases; fresh gathered extras, 62 063c; ex. tra firsts, (2c; firsts, 61c; seconds, (00 Sic. Cheese Market steady; receipts 380 boxes State whole milk flats, held specials, 26 0 j !6c- ditto average run, 25 028c. Dressed Poultry Market firm. Chickens. 37023o; fowls. 27036c; turkeys, 24038c. Live Poultry Finn. Fowls, 30c; turkeys, 33c. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Feb. !. Com No. 2. $1 No. 4 white. $1.93. May. $1.26. Oats No. 2, 8330c: No. 3 white, $9c. Subsidence of Ship Builders' Strike and Large Industrial Earnings Nullify Discour aging Foreign News. -:ock innrket ; lnw:iUnenl mil, shipping, representative f equipments xntt nuim-ronw war contract shares were encompassed in 11 broad ntove inent st advance, while ..oinc ; speculative tK?ue were even stronger. I Annouuceimnt ihai copgrvaa Is 10 dt vote this work to the rnllrosd bill snd re.iiiuriiig trade advices from wwteru and (other trade centers who among the addi- !' tlonal helpful factors of the da. Much of the Inquiry for stocks emuim:ed from i-ommlsekio houses. Indicating a re vival of public Interest, lut the aborts were I helpful In advance, covering extensively In '"",7 re,"",y ""' Pr 1 Over half a .core nils. Includm , . VrU. ., and southern shares, ng- Istered gains of I to J- points. I'adflcs and (osiers again turnlnhing the stimulus. Selling for profits nude little impres sion until the final hour, when Lulled States Steel, Marines and some of the In active equipments yielded part of tlielr gains. American and lUldnin 1 jm.i.iiouwh meanwhile showing extreme silvam-es of m7'v. respectively. Sales amounted to .'OO.iloo shares. Money on call and lime was l.aluer, the rate for the l,ui,r holding at per lent bid, with few offering. All class s of bomls were stronit. tliv several Liberty issues uppK Hu nting laat week's roily. Total sales (pur value), ag gregated 5. 325.000. Old I'nlted Stales Issues were unchanged on call. Number of sales and mime of prices of the leading stocks Closing Sales. High. Amer. Heet Sugar. IS. SOO fit , American Con .... 16,000 42'4 Amer. i F. . . . 5.000 7ii Amer. Locomotive. 15.::oo 0s Anii-r. S. ft It.... 1 9,706 Jtl Low. Hid 79 41 "i 74 8 3Ji Ii0 41 i 75 h 67 84 ' Amer Sugar Ucf. . Amer. T, A T. . Amer. 7... f,. ft 8 Anaconda Copper.. Atchison A., O. ft W. I. S. L. Hal. ft Ohio Butte ft Sup. Cop. t'al. Petroleum Canadian l'nciflc . Central Leather... 4, 1100 10Sa I OH", 107', soil 107S 1 1 -S 107', 1.700 to ik in 16 1 4. SOO 05 4 61 ' 2. mm sci., as mi 8.U00 not, UKVt 84 .1.200 63 :,t li 2.600 32, 31 H l.soo lit, i; 2,100 HIV, 47 15.700 731 7IS 214, 18 147 71 i 641, 43U Che. ft Ohio 2.600 641 C. M. ft St. V. . , 1,000 434. Chi. ft N. W C. R. I. ft P. ctf. 1,800 2t Chlno Copper .... 1,800 441 Colo. F ft 1 1,600 40 W Corn Products Ref. 1 1.000 35 63 4, 43 1. .... 94 301, 21 44V. 44V U9', 39 V, 34 V. 36 61', 64 31 '4 32 V4 401, 40V Crucible Sleel ,700 64 Cuba Cane Sugar. Distillers' Sec Erie General Electric... General Motors ,. Gt, No. pfd Gt. No. Ore elf... 9.200 it 4.300 41V4 2.300 164, 1S 15 900 140V U9V l:i9 5.600 1334 m 131 14 1.200 12 V, 92 91 V4 1 1,100 20V, 29 30 800 96V4 95 96 Illinois Central Inspiration Copper. .4,600 474, 4ti 47 Int. M. M. pfd .. 68,600 102V4 tOOt, 100 International Nickel 1,700 U'i 28 2714 International Taper, 4,300 ii K. C. Southern .. 400 17i Kennecntt Copper. 4,000 33 Louisville ft Nash Msxwell Motors ., 1,300 30V, Mex Petroleum... 23,0011 94V, Miami Copper 1,900 32 31 31 174 17 33 33 V4 113 27 .V 92 93 31 31 23 1 28 .... 70 19lt 19 V. 71 71 29 28 104 105 85 86 Missouri Pacific 4,400 24 Montana Power . . Nevada Copper . , New York Central. N. T N. II. ft II. Norfolk ft West.. Northern Pacific... Pacific Mall Pacific T. ft T... Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal .. Ray Cons Copper, Reading 900 4,000 800 19V4 72 29 i :;oo 106 1.KD0 86 2,300 284 45V4 244 784 80V, 27 43 24 77 73 11 24 45 62 24 78 !79i 2.800 2,800 22,100 Rep. I. ft S: 12,100 Southern Pacific .. 7,500 87 14 244 624 85 86 23 23 61 62 Southern Hy. . . . Studebaker Corp. Texas Ce. ....... 2,200 6,400 3,700 169 156 168 Union Pacific 11,000 120 119 120 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol 6,600 128 128 127 V, 8. Steel 117,200 97 96 97 U. 8. Steel pfd 600 111 110 J10 Utah Copper .... 4,100 84 83 84 Wabash pfd "B" , , 1,100 33 22 33 Western Union 39 Weatlnghouse El... 6,600 42 41 42 Total sales for the day, 800,000 shsres. New York Money. New York, Feb. 18. Mercantile Paper 5 06 per cant. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills. $4.72: commercial 60-day bills on banks, $4.72; commercial 60-day bills, $4.71; demand, $4.76; cables $4.7$ 7-16. Silver Barn, 86c; Mexican dollars, (6c, Bonds Government, strong; railroad, strong. Time Loans Strong; 60 days. $0 days and six months, 6 per cent bid. Call Money Firm; high, per cent; low, 6 per cent; ruling rate, I per pent; closing bid, 6 per rent; offered at ( per cent; last loan, 6 per rent. U. 8. 2s reg.. 97II1. "en. r. 4s., 87 do coupon .. 97 Int. M. M. 6s.. 93 U. t. $1 reg.. 99 K. C. S. r. ts.. 76 do roupon ., 99 L. ft N. un. 4s. 13 U. 8. Lib. 3s 98.08 M K & T 1st 4s 63 IT. S. 4s reg..l04Mo. Par. gen 4s.. 68 do coupon ..104 Mont. Power 6s. 91 Am. r. Sec. 5s.. 96N. T. C. d. 6s 93 A. T. ft T. e. 6s 94to. Pacific 4s.. $3 Anglo-French 6s'69 do 3s 69 Ann. ft t'n. 4s 86Or. S. L. r. 4s. 83 Atchison gen. 4s 84 Par. T. ft T. 6s.. 92 B. ft O. cv. 4s 78'Ponn. eon 4s 97 Beth. Steel r. 6s $7 do gen. 4s... 90 Cen. Leather 5s. 96 Reading gen, 4s $4 Cen. Pacific 1st. 79S L 4 S F a 6s 66 C. ft O. e. 6a... 71 So. Pacific, cv. 6s 91 C. B, ft y. ). 4s 93 So. Ry. 6s 92 CM8Pc4s 73Tex. ft Par. 1st. 95 C R I ft P c r 4s 66 Union Pnelfid 4s 87 C. ft 8. r. 4s.. 70 IT. 8. Rubber 6s.. 79 D. ft R. O. r. ts 49 U. 8. Steel ts.. 99 Dom of Can. ts 93 Wabash 1st 94 F.rle gen. 4s 61 French Oov. ts 97 Oen, El. 6s .... 97 'Bid. Ot. No. 1st 4s.. $8 London Money. London, Feb. 1 8. Silver Bar, 42 d per ounce. Money 3 per cent. I'l.count Hates Short snd three months' bills, 2 per cent. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. Now York. Feb. 18. Evaporated apples dull; California. 14 0 16c; stste 160 16',r; prunes firm: California. (014c; Oregon. 13014c; apricots firm: choice 17; extra choice 17; fancy 19&20; peaches quiet; Standard 11c; choice 12tjl3c; fancy 13 V 1 4-; ralnlns steady; loose muscatels 09c; choice to fsnry seeded 9W10; eedles $10; London layers $1.80. Omaha Hay. Omaha. Feb. 16. Hay Choice uplsnd prairie li:iv, $21.60; No. 1. $19.50020.60: No 2, $15.6017.60; No. 3. $12.50014.50. No. J midland. $19.60W'0.5O: No, $, $15.60017.50. No 1 lowland. $1650017.60; No. 2. $14,600 16.60: No. 3, $12.5013 50. Alfalfa Choice, $.10.00: No, 1. $28,000 29 00; standard, $25.00027.00; No, 2, $23,000 25.00; No. 8, $20.00023. 00. Straw Oat, $11.00; wheat. $10.00 Turpentine and Rosin. Ssvsnnah, Ga., Feb. 18. Turpentine Firm, 43e; sales, 119 bbls.; receipts, 49 bbls. ; shipments. 297 bbls.; stock, 26,481 bbls. Rosin Firm: salea, 416 bbls.; receipts, 889 bbl..; ahlpmentff, 837 bbls.; stock, $1,524 bbls. Quote B. D. TJ, F. O, II, I, $5.96; K. $6.(5; M, $7,00. N, $7.30; WO, $7.30; WW. $7.50. ' New York Metal. New York, Feb. 18. Metal exchange quotes lead steady; spot, $7.0507.20; spelter, quiet; East St. Louis delivery, spot, offered at $7 87. At London: Spot copper, 110; futures. 1110; electrolytic, iijo, spot tin, tin; fu tures. 31 4. Iad, spot, 29. 10s; futures, 28 10.. Spelter, spot, $4; futures, 60. New York Dry Goods. New York. Feb. 18. Print cloths here to day were higher and more active. Other gray cottons were active. Yarns were quiet and burlaps firmer. Raw silk for .pot delivery wss firmer with futures easier. Dress goods were firm. New York Sugar. Now York. Feb. 18. Sug.r Rsw. stfsdy; centrifugal, 6.006c; molasses sugar, nomi nal. Refined: Steady; rut loaf, 8.96c; crushed, K.70C. mould A, T.tic: cubes, 8.20c;' XXXX powdered. 7.66c; powdered. 7.60c; fine grsnulated and Diamond A, 7.45c; con fectioners A 7 36e; No. 1, 7.30c. New York Cotton. New York. Feb. Is. Cotton futures open ed steady; March, 30.20c: May. 29.74c; July, 29.20c; October, 28.00c; December, 27.80c. Cotton futures closed steady; March, 30.19c; May. 29.73c; July, ;.24c; Ootoher, 1 28.03a; December. 27.80c ENGLAND ROUSED BY ! London Press Takes Lloyd ' George to Task Over Gen eral Eobertson's Removal as Chief of Staff. London.' Ftdv 18. The itlea thai the public i, attempting lu dictate to Che povornu:ent what i'.s iniliuiry pol ' icy shall he or w ho shall he employed to cany it out i.s deprecated hy the j Daily t hronicle in n ecjitoi ial 011 j the situation hrought about by the an- nounceiiifiit that General Robertson ; had been retired as chief of the impe j rial staff. ; "The tu.-dc is one lor the responsilnV j ministers." it a s. "and white it i. .open to Parliament lo change the j ministers nj circumstances have been disclosed in the present instance which warrant such an upheaval. The Times remarks that the pre- , mier's recent speech in the House of Commons failed to carry complete conviction and says the result has I been a storm of exaggeration and pv jliiical intrigue over what seeing fa have been a most natural and common ; sense arrangement. It declares that ; a full explanation of events obviously ; i-; overdue. ' I Robertson WV.s Dismissed? News of General Robertson's re' , moval, the Morning l'ost says, will I be received with consternation by the1 public and the army. It eulogizes, j Generat Robertson, not' only as the ', greatest Uritish soldier of his day, but as the highest miiitarv genius the war thus tar has produced. Declaring that it is evident that General Robertson has been dismissed aud that those who dismissed him find it inconvenient to confess the truth the Post says that Parliament will I insist on know ing why the diotin- miished soldier is treated sn Krurvilvi It continues: "If the summary dismissal of Gen-, eral Robertson were not enough to shatter our confidence in Premier Lloyd George and the government the circumstances of the dismissal would do it. "The need of the hour is a pre mier who, while knowing where to forebear interference with what he does not understand,' will know also Jiow to throw his whole weight into the prosecution of the war," s ' James W. Lowther, the speaker of the House of Commons, and General Jan C. Smut are mentioned by the Post as the type of men fitted to head the government. Stefansson Failed to, Navigate The Northe?st Passage Seattle. Feb. 18. Captain Alexander Allan, an Arctic trader, has arrived ere from the north with word that Vilhjalmur Stefansson, an explorer now in the Arctic, failed to realize his hope of navigating the northeast passage to the Atlantic because two members of his party disobeyed or ders and left their chief marooned on Melville island in 1916 without a ship. The two, Captain Gonzales and Mate Seymour of the Schooner Mary Sachs, one of Stefansson's fleet, were instructed in 1V14 to take the Sachs in 1916 to Stefansson's base on Mel ville island. Instead, Captain Allan asserted, they cut a hole in the Sachs and, beached it at Banks Land, about SOO miles west of Melville island, m , When Stefansson found he was marooned he abandoned his plans to go east and made the trip to Banks Land on foot over the ice. From Melville island to the Atlantic navi gation is comparatively easy, Captain Allan said., Stefansson, Captain Allan declared and the members of his Canadian Arctic expedition are wintering at Barter island, off the Alaskan Arctic coast. The explorer expects to make a 100-mile trip north over the ice this coming summer and return to civilization next fall by way of Nome, Alaska. Colored Troopers, Charged Z) With Murder, Go on Triav San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 18. Forty enlisted men of the Twenty-fourtr. infantry, colored, went to trial be' fore a court martial here today on charges of murder and mutiny. It h the third court martial to be convened as a result of the crimes committee at Houston the night of August -23 last, when 20 persons were shot 'to death and' others were injured in a riot of the Third battaljon of the Twenty-fourth infantry. General Sibley Dies. v Rockford, 111., Feb. 18. BrigadiK General Frederick W. Sibley, who took part in Indian campaign under General Crook and served in the Spanish-American war, is dead at the base hospital at Camp Grant. Death was due to pernicious anaemia. . General Sibley, who at one time wa! commandant of West Point, came ' to Camp Grant, from a hospital at Roch ester, Minn., where he had under gone treatment. General Sibley was 66 years old and was brevetted "tor gallantry in action" in the Little Big Horn iu 1876 and again "for distinguished gallantry against Crazy Horse's camp on -Powder river, Montana." Aviation Casualty List. Fort Worth. Tex.. Feb. 18. A statement from American aviatioi: headquarters here shows that of the 31 killed at the three flying fields 2C were English and 11 Americans. ' The list includes several mechanics who met death on the ground. The flyers have been here four months and considering the intensive . training and advanced courses the , ratio of deaths is not considered large. Kansas City Grain. Kalian. CHy. Mo., Feb. 18. Corn No i mixed, tl.?SQl.0; No. 2 white, $1.02.00; No. i ypllow. fl.IO01.SS: Majr, I1.2T. Oats No. S white, l91Vc; No. 2 mixed, HH tic. Kansas Vltj Produce. Kansas City, Mo., Feb.. is. Butter-; Creamery. 46c; firsts, 44c; seconds. He; parking, 38c. ; Egfts Firsts, 47c; seconds, 37c. i Poultry Roosters. Joe; broilers, 2324c. ! - i . Minneapolis Grain. Minnespolls. Fb. U. Flour L'ncbanssd. j Barley S1.64rl. SO. ' Rye 12.193.20. ' I Bran 132. 40. T-.. ' Dolnth Oil. Puluth. Feb. 18. Mussed $2. TS'4 ei.SOIiJ May, IJ.70',i; July, $2.76 bid; October, 22.69 bid. New York Cotton. New York, Feb. IS. Cotton -loae4 ti net 1 point lower to 5 points uis;l-