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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1918)
.4. 4 C Ltitj U 31 AH A SUNDA BEU: FEKKUAKi 17, 1918. FOULl MY pyyr J 1 """ f iWBsstlif''lllf ft Egg Machines That's What the Tom Barron S.C.W. Leghorns Are All stock on my farm are direct defendants of those imported direct from England. These have certified records of from 252 to 278 eggs each in one year. ' Stock and Hatching Eggs For Sale. J.J.WELSH Cherrycroft, Omaha, Neb. ROUND INCUBATOR Cwpletofwbatebta. Eipraapr Mid. OnUr laws osdenwaib; built or wiitntc.. 25 raara' ifMrVmce. foajiT nitinr oiiamp. im c&a mo ell t batch. Un tamed without rmoiicrar. Now H Taw Iwaaprtnctola aolr noMtwa, aaat and vaoulatton. Lid a eoinptt rsv diftU vlaU. Cowbtntioo hot waW and warm atf. GreaUat Ineobntor la T Taara. FfttC SOCK Ulla ail about 28 tiparW f Moipmaifl. nnta 8 95 PREPAID Pf tar Bemad, Ji rORTUINCUIAIOICO.; klu T-444 IUM, DEI. I Phone Your Poultry Want Ads to the Bee Tyler 1000 Rose Comb Black Minorca Stock and Eggs Prix Winner JOHN SCHELL 3705 Martha St. Harney 3278. Omaha, Neb. T5 Singl Comb Black Minorca and Black Cochin Bantam Hatching Efi Send lor Mating List MYERS POULTRY YARDS, 2228 Sixth Ave., Council Bluff, la. Tel. 1491. Ls4.d-cS.1vii iwive n i. sa il tcmot unit J- H-. y 5 The rich buttermilk ttrenrth. ensanatoneauptn orsana arrkea. The clean balanced grain start and keep chick arovlM. Bolide straw. Word cafeaa that (row to heavy layer. Oat the Ordinal Ceeelyietofalehiekelaht 1 wewe. our a t Vm fit. CONKEY'8 POULTRY TONIO uepi Bene laying, soe and OOe. STEWART mo CO.. Ill N-rth 10th St. NEBRASKA SEED CO., ISIS Ho wire St. MOTHER HEN IS ABOUT TO STEP TO FRONT AND MAKE HERSELF VISIBLE Department of Agriculture Sending Out Battery of Ex perts to Teach the City Dweller How to Make Money and Have Toothsome Meals By Raising Chickens Next Summer. Classified Poultry FARM AND RANCH LANDS New York Lands. 428 ACRES, mil from v llage, atore. blackimltb chop, chorch. lawmlll, grist mill, ebeea factory, 4 from ktation; SO from Buffalo, population (00,000. Good 11-room house, splendid gambrei roof barn, 42 by 120, litter earrtir. fin pig gery and hennery, aplendld water s pply. 160 acres tillable, 100 acre timber, bal ance good pasture; 100 apple tree. In eluding SS head of Holsteln came, Horse, sow. s pig, about 600 bu. oata, about 130 t(fns bay. disk harrow, land roller, grain drill, aprlngtooth rows, sulky culti vator, plows, surrey, manure apreader. horse rake, gas engine, cream aepa ator, mowing machine, grain reaper, corn har vester, ay tedder, wagons, sleighs, small tools. Price 113.000; 13.000 cash; 6 per cent Interest. Free list bargains. Ellis Bros., Springvllle. N. . GOOD 70-acre farm must sell, owner , sick. Address owner. Buena Vista Farm, Mor rlsville. N. Y. Oklahoma Lands. AUTOMOBILES By FREDERIC J. HASKIN. Washington, Feb. 14. Keep chickens! This mandate now goes forth from the Department of Agriculture. The Bureau of Animal industry, by co-operation with state agricultural colleges, is putting a corps of 40 poultry experts into the field, for the purpose of stimulating the people to keep and raise chickens. nn TflTT.T. TtTTTV. O This effort is not to be confused COMB to our mill at 29th and B Sts., South Omaha, and buy your poultry feeda. Also feeds for horses, cows, hogs and other live stock. Prof. Ufford Is in charge of our experimental department and will be glad to talk with you. We can make de liveries, if. C. Peters Mill Co., Omaha, Neb. Tyler 209 or South 1877; ask for city sales department. Barred Rocks. TEN THOUSAND baby chicks this season; order now; Barred Rocks that lay; April hatched pullet laid 21 eggs In December, 21 again In January. Can you beat It? Don't keep hens. Get hens that keep you. 8. J. woodruff, IMS Hamilton. Wal nut 2289. FINE Barred Rock cockerels, also a fsw choice pullets and hens. Benson 608. FOR SALE Barred Bock cockerels. Benson 601-J. 2520 N. 68th St Phone Black Minorcas. WANTED On approval aingle comb Black Minorca cocka; Minorca type and color required. Gleason, 4407 Grand Ave., or Colfax 3403. Orpingtons. f!ll"llll!IIHIII!IINIIIII!lllllillll : Distinctive REDS WIN Wherever Shown I -SINGLE COMB RHODE ISLAND REQS- EGGS FOR HATCHING. STOCK FOR SALE. ARTHUR L. EDSON, Breeder, 4312 Street, Omaha, Nab. 2 nilllHIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,, ., BUCKEYE INCUBATORS GUARANTEED TO HATCH MORE AND STRONGER CHICKS Mad In Sevan Sise, , 60 to 2,440 Ef. So Simpla They Can't Go Wrong. Twenty-five Years of Successful Service. SOLD ONLY BY THE NEBRASKA SEED CO - TWO STORES PUBLIC MARKET, nJ 1613 Howard IIU First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Street. with the Poultry club work, which has been going on for some time. This is a new project. And further more, it is not to be taken lightly by the city men, as something that con cerns him little or not at all. It is addressed to the city and town dweller as much as to anyone else, if not more so. It is a war measure one more appeal to the complete patriot. If you would do your full duty by your country and civilization, you must keep a henl Lift Ban on Chickens. Already a number of American cities have lifted the ban on chickens by so amending their laws that poul try may be raised within their limits. Many more cities are expected to fol low suit, as the federal battery of poultry orators gets into action. These prophets of the new chicken coop will address chambers of com merce, church sociables, business men's clubs, schools and all sorts of organizations. lhey will furnish poultry news to the press in their J Make Hen f I Lay and I Little Chick V Grow BY FEEDING THEM FRESH GREEN BONE Deliveries made on orders of 25 pounds and over. Prompt shipments guaranteed to points outside of Omaha. Price 50 lb, or over, 4 We. Under SO lb., 5c. Joe Vomacka Casing Co. 2710 M St., Dept. B, So. Omaha 1 Phono South 2534. Don't Be Content with Medium Hatches and Weak, Crippled Chicks. Get the Real Profits from Vav- T: 1 I l . uw m uuc aim invcsuneiu FdrfTLTTciTr.ri TTa1ts 4-I.a nUil TU .U A. i r. B toowation. It makes no difference what machine you use, or if you depend entirely m hens Egg-O-Hatch will bring you 10 to 40 percent larger hatches and your chicks will be stronger and easier to raise View of ITnhstrheil ri,M ihowtng blcd-vcsel uted at temporary lungs. . There? is nothing mysterious or unnatural about Egg-O Hatch. .During incubation fresh air for the chick goes in and the poisonous gas exhaled passes out, through the pores of the shell Breathing Is accomplished by blood vessels In B the inner membrane Just within the shell B Often during this period many of the shell pores become I clogged or dosed, partly suffocating and weakening the I chick. As a further handicap, the shell itself tends to uccouo tougner ana more aimcuit to oreak. Under perfect conditions, a chick has just barely sufficient strength to get out at hatching time. 'Partly strangled and weakened Shd held by a hard, leathery shell its chances are greatly lessened. Usually these chicks die. The few that do get out are too frail and puny to raise. Eg"g-0-Hatch Strengthens the Chick ,nn o Jtn,weaKens Shell EGfrO-HATCtt applied to eggs during incubation furnishes free oxygen and absorbs the poisonous carbon i dioxide, thus greatly strengthening the chick. At the same time it disintegrates or rots the shell making it easy for the chick to break. With this help through the critical period more of the chicks hatch and are stronger and easier H to raise g Egg-O-Hatch its tried and proven not an experiment I know it will do all I say it will; thousands of users the m country over tell me it does even better. I am so confident 7 of satisfactory results with you that I make this proposition: fWa EgfO-Hatch what you consider a fair triL following my aimple fautructiont, and if you do ? ot get mora and better chick than you can get 7 without it, return the jar to ane and 1 will refund 2 Tour noBe. " it 1 . l Jk 1 " Bw Egg-O-Hatch comes in powder form. It is mixed with water and applied by dipping, sprinkling or spray- ing. One size only 50c. Get a jar now from any Lee dealer or send to us. Use the attached w ".c. THE LEE WAY TO POULTRY PROFITS Jo"t I haw pmered a aerias rJ ju7Ut.,tIlImJn'mi'i- bow you en keep th. hena layhV fld l lK AY. M 40 rQ a definite plan to follow. Ikia plan ln called the f Waif to FwltrrSaeM.. LbSi f.TLV1' I"'0 s trm at any dealer handling Le. prp rauona or, for a cents stamna to cover mi i i. . .iTT attached coupon. ' UM am .. , . - GEO. HLFJECO 1115 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. 4 State .m few respective districts, setting: forth the case for the hen. They are not talking to the pro fessional poultry man. He produces what he can sell, and he knows what and how much that is better than anyone else. Furthermore he buys grain in large quantities for his chick ens, and that grain would otherwise be used for human food or converted into some other kind of meat. There is no real saving of food values that would otherwise be lost in his op erations. Feed for Millions. But very different is the case of the small farmer, who raises chickens incidentally, and still more so the case of the city or town dweller who keeps a few hens. Both of these classes, and especially the latter, are annually throwing away great quanti ties of food in the form of table waste. It is all good chicken feed. There is believed to be enough of it avail able to feed about 200,000,000 chick ens. The department hopes to actually increase the number of chickens in the country by perhaps a quarter oi that number. The laws which prevent the keep ing of chickens within the limits of cities are the most formidable barrier to the jenrease of poultry, and the conversion of garbage into eggs. The cities and towns must change their laws. For upon study of the question, it is found that the hen is not die party who brought this legal disability 1 1 t T. . J upon ncr Kina. it was her noiser half. It was' the crowing rooster that was exiled. He must stay in exile. The ideal municipal law with reoarH to chickens provides for inspection of an poultry yards to see that there are no roosters, and that they are kept reasonably clean. The hen is a much more cleanly animal than the bullpup uiat eats tne scraps m so many house holds, and a more useful one than the parrot that consumes expensive feeds in so many others. Two Hens Per , Member. Neither of them, you will say, is as mucn expense and trouble as flock of chickens. But there you are wrong." For you are not asked to keep a laree flock. Two lienc (nr each member of the family is about r gnr. ine table scraps will keep tnese with a very little grain and green feed to supplement it. You will buy the hens in the market young hens if possible. They will provide about an egg a day for each member oitnetamily. That is more than the average family eats. To be exact, the average consumption per capita is 14 dozen a year, and the average con sumption of poultry is two and one half fowls per capita. Thus, if a family of three keeps six hens, it may in theory get more than the average number of eggs. When the hens quit laying, they can be eaten, so that each member of the family(will be only half a hen be hind his regular allowance of poultry. If the birds have been fed on the table scraps, the only expense of the whole operation will be the difference be tween the market value of the birds when they were bought and when iney were killed. There may even be a favorable balance of would be the case now with hens bought in 1915. Dog is an Enemy. Of course, this th is subject to many practical difficul ties. The neighbor's H no- mav -snc an abnormal mortalitv amnn. flock; they may get the pip or fly over the fence. But the thing can be done. It may be profitable, and if It ISn t. VOU can rnmfnrl vnnrc.K with the thought that it is patriotic. It will be noted that there is no chicken-raising connected with this backyard hen-keeping. This inspir ing phase of the chicken business is rendered impossible for the city by the unfortunate vocalizations of the rooster. The egg is the only in crease possible from a single parent. Of course, it is possible to hnv frt;i eggs in the country and hatch them in an incubator. But in that- every youthful chanticleer would have to be disposed of before he reached a crowing age. Otherwise both the law and your neighbors will be against you. lhlS CltV chicken farminc ! mat ter of lettinc the farmer nic. t, chickens, and the giving those of the genuer sex the proverbial good home. v, raising iMecessary. The case of thi mnn urtin tivaa the suburbs or the coutnry is differ ent He is urged to raise birds and to keep a larger flock, raising feed for them on the premises. This chicken-raising and hen-keeping on a small scale is really necessary to save the situation. The high price of chicken feed has caused thousands of farmers to kill all their chickens, thousands of poultrymen to cut down the size of their flocks. Corn, for ex ample, which is an excellent fattening feed largely used in the poultry busi ness, doubled in price between the summers of last vear and the fore. You can see that such an in crease as that has wiped out the profit for many a poultryman. cut it does not materially affect the case of the man who can feed a small flock on garbage and perhaps raise ORPINGTON BREEDERS Send 60c for three full years subscription to your breed Journal. Regular price, MIc yearly. Or plngton Magazine, Keens Bldg., Kearney, Neb. HATCHING eggs, thoroughbred Buff Or plngton; S. C. White Leghorn; English Penciled Runner Ducks. Prices reasonable. Send for free mating list. B. O. Japs, Lnlverslty Place, Neb. Thoroughbred Buff Orp, cockerels. H. 1423. Pet Stock. FOR SALE Boston terriers. Pastsy's Beau ttful Lady, aged 8 mo., mahogany brlndle, perfectly marged, pedigree includes 11 noted champions. I've enlisted. C. Miller, care of Brown's Business College, Davenport, Iowa. GUARANTEED singers. $6 males. Phone Douglas Mary's Ave. also a few fe 8117., 2022 St. CANARY birds, males and females and pairs. 1473 Emmet St. Web. 141. FULL-BLOODED Spitz dog for sale. Doug las 4936. Ask for Mrs. Vienas. PERSIAN cat, champion Kaaba; best male at K. C. show; at service. Benson 472. Rabbits. Attention. Rabbit Breeders 1 I have secured the agency for Young's Easy tan. Also Gibson's Rabbit Book. You can secure same by calling Harney 6984. Plymouth Rocks MINNE LUSA Barred Plymouth Rocks, eggs for hatching, 17.00 per hundred; catalogue tree. Ahlqulst nros., Florence, Neb, Rhode Island Reds. WANTED FOUR PURE BRED ROSE) COMB RHODE ISLAND RED COCKERELS. W. E. CARTER. Oretna, Neb. R. R. No. 2. ROSE COMB Walnut 306. RED Eggs for 4364 Franklin, St. hatching. White Leghorns. WHITE LEGHORN egga, 11.60 per setting. Delivery. Phone Benson 286. Wyandottes WYANDOTTES White and Columbian. Won first five states; cockerels, 13.60 up. Eggs. Catalogue. Terapledotte Farm Lexington. Neb. WHITE WYANDOTTES Winners Iowa State Fair, Nebraska State Show, Ameri can Royal Stock Show, Omaha Show, C. H. Frame, Vtlllsca. Iowa. Miscellaneous. BIG PROFITS IN POULTRY assured by using PRATTS' POULTRY REGULATOR. It strengthens breeding stock. Increases fertility, resulting In bigger hatches and insures strong healthy chicks. ROUP profit destroying, contagious, trouble maker. Positively prevented and cured by Pratts' Roup Remedy. (Tablets or powder.) Sold on money back guarantee by Stewart Seed Co. PRODUCE MORE EGGS'EAT MORE EGGS," Is the government's appeal Keep a small flock of hens In your idle back yard. Have plenty of eggs and meat for home use. Sell the surplus at big prices. For best results use a varied ration and Pratts' Poultry Regulator. Guaranteed to make your hens lay or your money back. Stewart Seed Co. UNDEVELOPED INDIAN LANDS In the Old Indian Territory, highly satis factory for stock raising and farming. Not necessary to leave your present em ployment and co west to secure and de velop landsras arrangements have been made for others to develop and care for your lands. DEMONSTRATION CAR Visit the free demonstration car located at Ilth and Marcy Streets, Great Western Freight lepot, south of Omaha Van and Storage Co., sent here for th purpose of Interesting the public in the manner of securing and developing these lands, THE TITLE TO WHICH COMES DIRECT FROM THE INDIANS THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT. Car sent out by Le Flore Em.gratlon and Development Co., ij f lore, ukia. HERE FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY Car .epen from 9 a. m. to p. m. every day, Including Sundays. Admission free. FORDS FORDS FORDS 1 1911 Coupe, demountable rlmi and In good shape Hfl i ii7 Ford Touring, fin shape, look good, each $30 3 19J8 Ford Touring, best of condition, each 11915 Ford Touring, good order 8211 1 1914 Ford Touring, A-l condition. ... 8171 1 1913 Ford Roadster, good running order HI ELECTRICALLY EQUIPPED CARS Tii-nnd new Maxwell Touring. 1917 Maxwell Touring, best of condition 33l 1917 Maxwell Roadster, same as new. .8421 1916 Maxwell Touring, fine running or der, for 1289 1916 Overland, Model "S3 , just liKo new 36 1915 Overland. Model "79". overhauled and repa:nted 2!S 1916 Metz Touring, overhauled and in fine running order 819S Bulck Touring, fine shape 8325 Maxwell Roadster, fine running order, .8169 Chevrolet Touring, best of condition. . .8350 All cars demonstrated to your entire satisfaction. Terms to responsible parties. MEEKS AUTO CO. 20th and Harney. OMAHA GARAGJt Tyler 656. Wisconsin Lands. HIGH CLASS AND CHEAP. 217 level acres rich soil, 120 under plow, 15 meadow, balance easy clearing; no stone or stumps; new 6-room semi-bungalow, hardwood floors and finish, full base ment, big porches: good, high-roofed barn, 36x100; granary, poultry house, hog house, corn crib, root house, machine shed, good well; near large summer resort lake; 1 mile from school, 254 miles from live Washburn county, Wisconsin, market town on Omaha line. No help and sacrificed for quick sale at 856 an acre; about 83,500 cash, balance to suit Immediate posses sion. A truly beautiful farm home. Mrs. a. f uuer, 1.99 Portland Ave., St. Paul, .Minnesota. USED CARS OVERHAULED REFINISHED Call and see our complete line of boffl open and closed cars of various type ana models. These cars have been completely overhauled and reflnlshed and are nearly new. Sold with our guarantee that If yon art! not satisfied after seven day' trial, youf money will be refunded. A demonstration will prove all that we claim for them. GUY L. SMITH "Service First." 26th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1370. RAISE CHICKENS. Twenty acres dark clay loam, 10 cultivated. Daiance easy clearing; 4-room frame house log barn and poultry house: 1 mli tmm good Washburn county, Wisconsin, town of t.ovv population, nig snap at 81,100, with su casn, Daiance to suit. J. K. Port, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, owner. 80 ACRES Wisconsin farm land, fnr .dIa ur iraua lor an umana hnus p Wnm. pacek, 2755 Kent St., Omaha. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. 860 per a. inciuaing paia-ap water rights. Henry iavi ec i m. Kyianqer, 854 Omaha Nat'l, Texas Lands. FOR SALE Ten acrea in Brazoria eountv ' jowa colony, l,zo. Box 49, Fort unag-e, ja. Miscellaneous. CHOICE FARM. N'.llBson. 422 Rose Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with u if you want to keep it. E. P. SNOWDEN SON, 12SS.15th. Douglas 9371. WANTED TQ RENT Farm or ranch and stock on shares: experienced in both; have 4hree men to farm: good references. Rnx 4782. Omaha Be WANTED To hear from owner of srood business for sale. State cash price, full description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED To rent farm or ranch on shares, uveryinins is iumisnea. is. Nlel sen. Olen. Neb. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 6J00 thoroughbred fowls all leading verities, including Runner Ducks, Hamburgs, Andaluslans, Camplnes, Spanish, Black Orpingtons, also Belgian Hares. Describe what you have, name lowest wholesale price. I buy entire flocks.. P. W. Frehse, Clarlnda, Iowa. THE greatest egg producer known. Fresh Green Bone, for laying hens and growing chicks. Price 4c per pound 60 pounds or over; under 50 pounds, 5 cents. Joe Vomacka Casing Co., 2710 M St., Dept. B South Side. Phone South 2534. POULTRY SUPPLIES Complete line of Conkey's and Lee's Poultry Remedies at the Nebraska Seed Co., 1613 Howard St. INCUBATORS See the Buckeye In opera tion at the Nebraska Seed Co. Exclusive Agents. 1613 Howard St. OLD TilUSTY" incubators and brooders shipped promptly. Big catalog free. M. M. Johnson Co., Mfrs., Clay Center. Neb. a little green feed for them. It is a case of the amateur coming to the rescue of the professional. The Department of Agriculture's poultry experts are now making an estimate of the amount of poultry m the country so that they may more intelligently direct their campaign for its increase. Although no exact or dependable results have yet been obtained, there are indications that the poultry supply has been greatly cut down. For example, receipts of poultry and eggs in the New York market are only two-thirds of normal. Remember the Old Hen. Furthermore, there is always a heavy mortality of chickens about this time of the year,, owing to certain religious holidays which prevent large classes of people from eating other meats. Chicken usually goes up 5 or 6 cents a pound, and with the addi tional fact against the fowl that it costs a fortune to feed him, his chances of escaping the ax this year are slimmer than usual. That is why it would be a patriotic and also a forward-looking act for you to go out and rescue a few of these doomed hens. Remember, any old hen will lay pretty well for the next three months. And after that, if she fails to live up to her duty, she will still make a good stew. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. BARGAINS SATISFACTION, GUARANTEED EVERY CUSTOMER, We do honestly and sincerely endeavor to live up to this motto. We guarantee the mechanlsal condi tion of every car In this ad. This does not necessarily mean that we have overhauled every car, but It does mean that we have overhauled every car that needed It Every car has been reflnlshed through out, including new tops where neces sary. Ford Touring, good running order... 8150 Ford Touring, 1916 J95 Ford Roadster, 1916 2'B Ford Touring, 1916 225 Ford Touring, 1916, newly painted... 250 Ford Touring, 1917. all new tires 225 Ford Touring, 1916, special touring body ; $:( Hup Roadster, classy, rebuilt body.. 166 Glide Coupe, electric lights 165 Imperial, starter and lights 200 Hudson Coupe, newly painted 350 Studebaker Coupe, "26,'' like new.... 400 Chevrolet Touring, like new 300 Oakland Touring, newly painted..... 800 huick 31," good running order 160 Chandler 7-pass., like new, 1916 650 Saxon Six, 1916, newly painted 450 Overland Touring, lights and starter.. 276 Studebaker Touring, starter and lights J75 If you are dissatisfied with your car, trade It In and get a new one you can use. Make small payments each month; we store it for you until you want it. AUTO EXCHANGE CO.. Douglas 6035. 2107 Farnam. FORDS OUR SPECIALTY. WE TRY TO PLEASE. WE ARE THE USED FORD MEN. If we haven't what you are looking for, we will get It for you; see us If you want to deal. 1917 Bulck Light Six, perfect shape.. 8709 1916 Bulck "25", In good shape.... 350 1917 Maxwell touring, a good one..., 860 1917 Oakland Light Six roadster.... 708 FORDS FORDS FORDS One brand new 1918. 21917 Ford touring 8300-8375 21916 Ford touring 8225-8260 2 1915 Ford touring 8200-J225 1 1916 Ford readster, a good one.... $205 3 1914 Ford touring $175 to $20(J Brand new 1912 Ford touring body.. $90 Every car sold with a 24-hour trial and a money back guarantee. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 Farnam St. Douglas 9070. AUTO PARTS COMPANY. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1917 Paige "6" speedster; this car Is new and has electric lights and starter $CO0 1917 Ford touring; llko new 350 1917 Ford roadster, good shape , 325 1916 Ford touring, new body 265 1916 Ford touring, Just overhauled... 250 1915 Ford touring, new top and scat covers 243 1914 Ford touring, good shape 185 1916 Ford chassis, new wheels and tires 225 1915 Ford truck, demountable rims.. 260 1916 Ford chassis, good shape 175 1914 Ford truck 150 All above cars are mechanically perfect and sold with a money back guarantee. We will demonstrate any one of these cars to your entire satisfaction. AUTO PARTS CO. 2106 Farnam street. Douglas 4560. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiator on hand. Mashed fenders and lamps re paired like new. Highest prices paid fo junk radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR, TIRE & AUTO WORKS, 1819 Cumins St. Omaha, Neb. WE HAVE A VERY NICE LINE OF Till BETTER GRADE USED CARS; IF IN TERESTED IN THIS CLASS OF CARS BE SURE TO TALK TO US BEFORH YOU BUY. WESTERN MOTOR CAR CO.. 2047 Farnam St Doug. 4904. FOR SALE BY OWNER, 1917 FORD SEDAN. EQUIPPED WITH WESTING HOUSE ELECTRIC STARTER. FINH SHAPE; LITTLE USED; NO TRADES; YOU MUST HURRY. BOX 2535, OMAHA BEE. FOR SALE ONE FORD SEDAR, IN PER FECT CONDITION; EQUIPPED WITH ELECTRIC LIGHTS, DIM AND BRIGHT, AND WESTINGHOUSE STARTER. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALI SOUTH 913. ALL kindd of cars for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, 10c per mile. Douglas 7390. Ne braska Service Garage. Standard Motor Co. Used Allen tourii.g car, good condition. Bargain. 2020 Farnam St Carl Chang-strnm. QUALITY USED CARS. Studebaker-Wilson, Ina. We have the best bargains. See us at once. Harne: 871. Farnam and 25th Ave, Buy Your Used Car Now You can now get your pick at very low prices. Next month used cars will raise In price. We have a very complete stock of hlghgrade cars to offer for your ap proval. Every car Is In fine shape and will more than give you your money's worth.' SEE OUR LIST BEFORE TOU BUY. LIGHT 4 OVERLAND ROADSTER. LAT MODEL, FOR SALE AT ONCE. COLFA: 152B. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 10th ,d Hownr-' Ford Agers. Doug. 350 19 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USEt CARS; q ,ck action; no delay. Auto Ex. change Co.. 2107 Farnam St. Doug. 6036, 'All cars are exactly them to be. as we represent REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 600 Axel Fore and wife to Lars Hellberg. southeast corner Forty-fifth and Mason streets, 65.5x108 $ A. G. Brunner and wife to Lillian Stroup. Wirt street, 134 feet west of Twenty-second street, north side, 60x124 8000 Lillian Stroup and husband to Ber nlce A. Negus. Wtrt street, 134 feet wes of Twenty-second street, north side, 60x124 8160 Louise M. Crawford and husband to Fred D. Wead. Farnam street, 644H east of Twenty-fourth street, south side, 27.4x133 1 15233 Barker company to Paul N. Wlemer, northeast corner Thirty-second and Myrtle avenue, Irregular, approxi mate. $0x100 Mary Marx to Jacob Clapler, Twenty eighth street, 43 feet south of T street, west side, 44x100 Max Romack and wife to Louis Wln troub. Twentieth etreet. 210 feet north of Burdette, east side. Irreg ular approximate, 35x135 1500 100 Z2J0 READ THIS LIST OVER CAREFULLY. 1914 '4" Studebaker Touring.. 1914 "4" Studebaker Touring... 1914 "6" Studebaker Touring... 1915 "6-' Studebaker Touring... 1917 "4" Studebaker Touring... 1917 "4" Studebaker Roadster... 1918 '4" Studebaker Touring... 1917 "6" Studebaker Touring ... Bulck Roadster "85' Overland Maxwell Roadster 1915 "4" Studebaker Touring. 1916 "4" Studebaker truck 1917 "4" Studebaker truck.., ... 8300 ....8325 $450 3450 3500 3600 ....3700 ....$700 ....$175 $200 ....3275 ....3375 3300 ....$700 NiJW DODGE SEDAN FOR SALE; WILL CONSIDER LATE MODEL FORD AS PART PAYMENT. COLFAX 3841. Oakland sensible six. " MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Farnam St. 1916 MITCHELL light six touring, Jus overhauled and repainted; a real bargain $600, Address Box 2457, Bee. A FEW 1918 Ford touring cars. One used 1917 Ford touring. 4001 S. 24th Bt So 4 4360. BARGAINS 1.. used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnaiu. Harney 414. 1917 MAXWELL, GOOD RUNNING ORDER7 $275 CASH. DOUGLAS 8027. WE BUY, SELL, REWrFORDS.' " c- iin.Kiy, Loug. i4. Harney St. $100 reward for auto or tractor magneto we can't repair. Baysdorfer. 210 N 18th. BATTERIES CHARGE! AND REPAIRED Ever Ready Battery Station, 1206 Farnam. Auto Bodies. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR AUTO. WM. PFKIFFER AUTO & CAR RIAGE WK9.. 2525 Leavenworth Ty 701. Auto Livery and Garages. All cars will be demonstrated to your entire satisfaction. Call or phone us any air mis weeK. We also have some other equally good ouya on onr noors. Deal with Square Deal Wilson. Studebaker-Wilson, Inc. Farnam at 25th Ave. Omaha, Neb. RENT A FORT -DRIVE IT YOURSELF! 10c a mile. 35o per hour minimum charge. (Except Sundays and holidays.) FORD LIVERY CO. Douglas 8622. 1314 Howard St. Tires and Supplies. FORDS start easy In cold weather It you use our 1918 carburetor; 34 miles per gallon guaranteed; one-third more power. Use cheapest gasoline or one-half kero sene. Qnlckly starts cold motor, even at tero and move right off with full power. Ne spitting or popping. Slow speed on high. Fits exactly. Attach it yourself. Thirty off list where no agent. Big profits selling our goods. We fit all motors. Write for 30-day trial offer and money back guarantee. The Air Friction Car bureter Co., 367 Madison St., Dayton, O. GUARANTEED TIRES , ONE HALF PRICE 3000 Miles Guaranteed 30x3 $$7.75; 30x3 $8.75; 32x314 $10.2S 33x4 $12.35; 34x4 $13.25; 35x4'A $16.60 Write us today for particulars AGENTS WANTED Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO. 1516 Davenport St. Omaha, D. 2914 FORD TIRES. 30x3 f 8.45 S0X3H 10.90 3.000-Mile Guarantee. THU TIRE SHOP, 2518 Farnam St Dougla 4878. WE have a few Wadsworth winter top for Fords: solid glass doors; will sacrifice for $50.00 eaoh. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam St Douglas 9070. TIRE price wreckers. This is no 3-ln-l tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. " s. ulu. Agta. wanted. Oman. , 4 i