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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1918)
lttti UiUAttA Ot;NJJAl' tiLts '. r IVtSKU AK X IV, iyi. 3 L f FOR RENT APARTMENTS South. 5-R0O1I moderu apartment. Murphy bed, shower bath, vacuum cleaner; walking distance. Flora Apts., 2561 Jones St. Rfd 572. DESIRABLE S-room flat at SJth. and Hick ory, on car line; modern, nicely decorated; economical furnace; iplendid basement. Douglas 7S64. - Miscellaneous. 3023 LOCUST 3T., X. rms $1J.50 1807 St Marys Ave id fU, rms.. 18.09 SOS S. !5th Ave., T rms 20.00 1ST TRUST CO. OF OMAHA, REALTORS. 400 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. T. 72. PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists In Apartment management FOR RENT Business Prop'ty WHOLESALE LOCATION UPTOWN Sxl33, N. W. Cor. 15th and Jones. Only half block from Castle hotel. Only four blocks from 16th and Harney, The best spot In town for a firm desliiuB r.t'iiiness to business center for .ales room and also requiring trackage. The price Is right. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler 1E38. Realtors. 333 Securities Bldg. Stores. STORES FOR RENT To large store rooms In ths new Ma sonic building will soon be ready. Dfug laa and 19th Sts. We are receiving appli cations now. This Is a clean, attractive location, and especially desirable for shops catering to ladles' trade. Room at '212 N. 16th St.. good for cloth ing, gents' furnishings or lunch room. HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS. Ill Omaha National Bank Bldg. STORE FOR RENT CITY NATIONAL BANK BLG. This is the only store available on 16th street between Dodge and Howard streets. GEORGE AND COMPANY, DOUGLAS 756. STORES FOR RENT IK 8. UthNfit 20x44 and 6 rms. above, mod. ex heat, (30. 101 S. 12th St. 22x44 and basement, mod. except heat, (35. BIRKETT & COMPANY, 250 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. 1409-11 HARNEY ST., 44 feet frontage, in i the heart of Omaha's best business dis trict. CITY TRUST COMPANY. 16th and Harney Sts. Phone Doug. 789. FINE new store room and basement at 27th and Leavenworth Sts. Steam heat. For particulars see Conrad Young, 322 Bran dels Theater Bldg.- Douglas 1571. Ill S. 13TH ST., 2d fl., 2,300 sq. ft.. (86.00 1807 St. Mary's Ave., 2d fl., 6 rms.. 18.00 1ST TRUST CO. OF OMAHA, REALTORS, 400 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. T. 729. llODERN store near postoffice, (5u; modern store room on 16th, near postoffice, low rent. a. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. NEW store for rent at 24th and Farnam, fine location. Call D. 1472. STORE room for rent, 120 N. 15th St, Fell & Pinkerton Co. 635 Keellne Bldg. Office and Desk Rooms. OFFICES, (20 per month and up FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG., FIRST TRUST CO., Agts. Tyler 500. WANTED TO RENT LlST your vacant property with OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. They can secure desirable tenants and save you time and worry. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. FIVE OR SIX-ROOM MODERN BUNGA LOW; PREFER SOUTH SIDE WITHIN TWO MILES FROM BUSINESS DIS TRICT. COLFAX 319. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGF CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture Store; office on Howard St., between 16th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400. Have your moving bandied Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way ye do it Ask to sej our dally rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 101 8. 16th. Douglas 416. FREE service FIDELITY Phone Douglas 28S for complete list of vacant bouses and apart ment. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338 T ( T?U,L",Ti Express Co., Moving V. J. iHJW" Packing and Stora go. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2743. Doug. 6146. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. BEST VALUES IN DUNDEE 14,760 t rooms, thoroughly modern, near the corner of 60th and Chi cago. Easy terms. 15,000 7-room bungalow, thoroughly modern and very attractive. Full lot, with lots of shrubbery and flowers. Half block from car line and overlooking Happy Hollow club. (5,250 6-room bungalow In excellent condition, located near the school. (5,750 9 rooms, with living room, din ing room, kitchen, sunroom and, den on the first floor. Four nice bedrooms 2d floor; full lot, with driveway and garage. (6,160 New stucco house with living room, dining room,' kitchen and breakfast room first floor; three nice bedrooms and tile bath 2d floor; two fireplaces, bullt-ln book cases, etc. (8,750 Dundee brick and stucco house about two years old, located in the new part of Dundee. Six large rooms, oak and white enamel fin lsh; bullt-ln bookcases, fireplsce and clothes chute. Lot 60x136, with garage and driveway. (11,000 High-class stucco home, S rooms, with four bedrooms, all latest ""built-in features. Corner 100x135. High and sightly and handy to car line. Garage for two cars. A very attractive ome throughout. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 819-20 City National. DUNDEE 7 ROOMS $5,750 Big living room with fireplace and built in bookcases. Pining room with buffet, butlers pantry end kitchen with built in cabinets. Three fine bed rooms, enclosed sleeping porch and tiled bath on second floor. Large arttic and full basement. Oak floors upstairs and down. Lot 60x135. This is one of the best buys we know of at the price, but owner has gone Into busi ness !n Council Bluffs and finds It neces sary to make Immediate sale. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler U8. Realtors. 333 Securities Bldg. RENTERS! Tou ean move Into a brand new (-room bouse on practically your own terms. Good location, rhone Douglas 3628 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. GOOD DUNDEE HOMES AT LOW PRICES $3,000 buys a good 2-story, 7 -room mod ern house in first class condition, looted on south front lot 60x115 feet, on Webster 8t, between (0th and 61st. 13,400 buys a nearly new 7-room, 2 atory modern house, occupied by pirsont owner only a few months. In excellent con dition, finished In oak and French gray namel, with Ts-in. oak flooring through out. Located on a corner lot, 50x135 ft. In Dundee's new addition. Has gar a to and driveway to same. Terms, $750 cash, balance monthl. like rent. 25,500 buys a good 2-story modern house located on Cuming St., between 60th and 51st, having reinforced concrete porch floor, tiled vestibule with coat closet, large living room with beamed ceiling, attractive dining room with built-in buffet, conven ient kitchen, lurge pantry and lee box room first floor, 3 attractive bedrooms, comjilota bath and sleeping porch second floor; stairway to floored a tie. Finished in oak and white enamel. House is nearly new and can sell with ! lots 60x186 ft. each, for 16,760. This property is priced exceptionally low for quick sale, for good t business reasons, and must bo seen to be appreciated. GEORGE & CO., rhone Dour. 756. FINE DUNDEE HOME 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH $4,000 The house Is about four years old. Downstairs Is arranged with reception hall, living room and bullt-ln bookcases, dining room paneled and bullt-ln seat, kitchen with cupboards; rear vestibule and resr porch. Oak finish downstairs. Oak floors throughout. Upstairs ar ranged with three large bedrooms, and all enclosed Bleeping porch; linen closet, stairway leading to largo attic. Pressed brick foundation. Full basement. Only one block from car line. A corner lot Call me at Walnut 3672 today or any evening, and Tyler 60 during the dny. CASS ST. Near Saunders School New 6-room strictly modern bungalow, oak finish, furnace heat, full basement, large 60-ft. lot. Owner Is leaving city Mar. 1 and must sell. Price reduced to (3,560. Reasonable terms. J. LfHIATT CO. 000 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 63. DESIRABLE DUNDEE CORNER LOT Located on southeast corner Fifty-first and California street. Lot 60x135 feet. Beautiful shade trees. Lies high and sightly. Only one block from car line. Never before offered for sale. Price (2,150. Easy terms. GEORGE & CO., s Phone Douglas 766. TWO BUNGALOW BARGAINS. (3,150 5 rooms, new, all modern, oak floors and fine lot. (150 cash and (30 per month. (3,750 6 rooms on one floor. All oak finish, east front corner and two blocks from Harney car. (250 cash and (35 per month. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., 223 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 3140. North. MERCER PARK Locate your home where you know that Other homes adjoining are bound to har monize. Every lot fronts on a BOULEVARD. All street Improvements in and paid. Con struction material must be either brick, stone or stucco. No frame houses per mitted. Plans are now being drawn for some large homes to be erected here this year. All large lots. Prices are rea sonable. If you can pay for your lot we will assist you In financing your house. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY We are agents fof several large tracts especially adapted for manufacturing purposes, equipped with splendid switch ing facilities, also good street car service to care for employes. Priced right Full particulars at office. W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. D. 1064; evenings Colfax 1078. $400 CASH $30 PER MONTH You pay this much as rent each, month. Why not have something to show for It and own your own home? r-room biiniralow; large lot. .n new ad dition; close In; has all mod 'rn conven iences; nicely decornted and all ready to mt've into; built In 1917.' Price (3 500. Terms as above. Let us show you this. J. H. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS. 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. ONE OF THE BEST HOMES IN KOUNTZE FLACE. A very warm house, built by owner for his home; has hot water' heat and a nice, large fireplace; first floor finished in best of Quarter-sawed oak and some built-in effects; has library or den. Second floor Is finiuhed In birch, with four sleeping rooms and up-to-date bathroom. Every sleeping room has a large closet; stairway to a floored attic. Lot is 50x124, fronting south and east, with a garage for two cars. "Price (5,500, and you couldn't build the house now for the money. W. H. GATES, Realtor, 647 Omaha National Bank Bhlg. D. 1394. Webi!688L MILLER PARK DISTRICT 7-roora strictly modern home on Laurel Ave. near 24th St. Living room, dining room, den and kitchen 1st floor; 3 largo bedrooms and bath 2d floor. Oak floors throughout. A nice south front, Vi block to car line, price (4,600.00 and must be sold. Look this over and make an offer. J. L. HIATT CO., 900,'Flrst Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 63. DANDY HOME BARGAIN OWNER HAS LEFT CITY. Five large rooms and bath, strictly modern In every way, several built-in fea tures. Oak finish, choice east front lot, one-half block to car, two blocks to school. Price for quick sale (3,600. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. KOUNT2K PLACE Modern s-room bouse, full basement, large lot, close to car. Price (3.360. Norrls ft Norrls, D. 4270. OAK bungalow, 6 rms., brand new, all mod.,4! very attractive, S3.iso; only small amount cash, bal. like rent D. 3140. U1NNE LU8A homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. WHO wants modern house on Bristol St. for (2.500? Terms If desired. Webster 4130. South. BUNGALOW BARGAIN PRICE ONLY $2,800. Five nice rooms and bath on first floor, attio finished off with beaver board. Strictly modern throughout. South front lot 33189 on paved street. Easy walking distance. Don't fall to see this. OSBORNE REALTY CO. in Om. Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE Strictly modern; built two years; paved streets; one block from Windsor school; I block from Hanscom Park, (3,200. C. O. CARLBERG. 310 Brandels Thea. Bldg. S-ROOM COTTAGE, modern. 4762 S. 15th Bt South 3169. j REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. WEST FARNAM, $3,000. Practically new house, 7 rooms, with living room arrangement, fireplace; four nice bedrooms, oak finish throughout. A real sacrifice price. 35TH AND DODGE, $6,500. 8 rooms, thoroughly modern and Well built; about four years old; full east front lot with garage alid driveway. 118 S. 34TH ST., $7,000. 8 rooms, not new, but well built and In good condition throughout; hot water heat. GLOVER & SPAIN, I Douglas 39Si S19-20 City National. CLOSE-IN HOME HOT WATER HEAT $8,500 Living ruoni, dining room, library 'or den and k'tchen on first floor; 4 unusual ly good size bedrooms and bath above. Kest of quarter sawed oak woodwork and floors. Not an old house, but practically new. Lot 65x143 with frontage ou two fine residence streets. Gurage and cement -driveway. Terms to right party. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler 1536. Realtors. 333 Securities Bldg. 3132 North 47th Ave. Six-room bungalow, stucco and frame; oak finish in living rooms; oak floors throughout; stairway to "large floora at the oust front One block from boulevard. Price (3,800; terms, (300 down and balance about the same as rent. C. O. CARLBERG, 310 Brandels Theater Bldg. LET me show you my brand new stucco bungalow: finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at IB. SCO. Rea sonable terms. Call Owner, Douglas 1732. W. FARNAM SMITH : CO.. Real Estate and Insursnce. 1320 Farnam St. Doug. 1064. R. S. TRUMBULL, 306 First Nat Ek. Bldg. Doug. 1734. REM ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty BUSINESS properties and Investments. A. P. TUKEY and SON. 620 First Nat. Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO Income, Business and Trackage Specialist. 15th and Dodge Sts. Douglas 416. YOUNO & DOHERTY. City Real Estate. Douglas 1671. 823 Brandels Theater. H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT DOUBLE BRICK WALKING DISTANCE RENTS, $1,140; PRICE $10,500 Straight west between Farnam and Leavenworth. Each side contains recep tion hall, living rooty, dining room, and kitchen on first floor and three good bed rooms and enclosed sleeping porch and tiled bath on second. Oak finish and floors. Building is extremely good look ing, being faced with tapestry brick on forr sides. Design is unususl and gives appearance of one fine brick residence. Lot 60x140. Paving paid. Double garage. This Is an exceptional value and will pay a fine return.. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler 1536. Realtors. 333 Securities Bldg. Good Business Corners At the northwest corner of 24th and Sprague we have a practically new, press brick store building. Size 22x80 feet The ground Is 30x1(3 feet This Is one of the best outside business corners In the city. The ground is worth at least (3,000 and the building could not be built for what we are asking for the entire prop erty. The store now rents for (50 a month. Price only, (5,000. 1816 Military Ave. la another press brick building; almost new. The ground Is 160 feet on Military Ave. by 16214 feet on Parker. The building Is on tho south part of the ground, leaving 128x162 on the corner vacant. This Is a fine site for an oil station or garage, or both. Prlco, (4,000. A. P. TUKEY & SON, (REALTORS) 620 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 503. WILL loan 10 to 20 thousand on good close in r al estate, 6pct and commission. Quick action. Box 39170, Bee. REAL ESTATE To Exchange A GOOD 1,400-acre cattle and sheep or horse ranch In Brown county, Nebraska. N. W. of Alnsworth. Price (20 per acre. Will take In exchange part pay In acre age or good Omaha residence. R. S. TRUMBULL, 1305 First Nat. Bank. Tyler 785. TWO ',4 sec. rich imp. farms, esstern Nebr. Will consider smaller farms or Dundee residence properties for sale or for exchange of land. Paul Peter son, 364 Bralndels Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Tel. D. 1805 or Wal. 3106. 94 ACRES, 10 miles south of South Omaha; Improved; encumbrance (8,600. Equity of $5,600 to exchange for clear Omaha resi dence. JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 654. MERCHANDISE line, run 18 years, (12,000, clear; modern brick building, (10,000, .clear. One or both central Nebraska farm. Will assume, R. O. Constable, Iteration, Kan. HAVE 8V acres. Wheeler county, value (2,600; will trade for equity In city prop erty Wilson. 317 8 16th CLEAR 16C-acre unimproved, Jones Co., S. Dak., for clear modern hodae. D 2840. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. (200 SACRIFICE. Lot 23, block 1, Ralph place, Dewey Avenue, (900 cash; cost (1.100 3 years ago, MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames Ave. Colfax 217. North. VACANT NORTH Have t full lots on Plnkney street, south front, at 25th Ave., among beautiful new homes. Priced to sell, can five terms. TRAVER BROS. CO.. Douglas 6886. 819 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous. UNIMPROVED ACRE TRACTS . 6 acres facing east on main driving road between Benson and Dodgo St., milt west of Falracres. Lies high and sightly and nearly level. Price (1,000. Terms (500 cash, balance yearly at 6 per cent. 9.13 acres located on Calhoun paved road, 3 blocks north of Florence City limits, having two fine, building sites, with nearly 1,000 ft. of frontage on paved road. About 3 acres in alfalfa, several In culti vation, balance in pasture with some tim ber. Price (6,000. Reasonable terms. 10 acres located 10 blocks north of Ben son car line on Orphanage Road, within 4 miles of Omaha postoffice, having about 4 acres in alfalfa, 1 1 acre In grapes, 24 apple trees and 24 cherry trees, all hear ing. Price (650 per acre. No buildings. Reasonable terms. 20 acres, 200 ft. east of paved road north of Florence, Just south of Forgot Store ou Loop Drive. About 3 acres In fin timber wilh a beautiful building sits. Balance in cultivation and bearing fruit of all kinds. Improvements consist of ex cellent well, windmill, good chicken house, barn and small residence. Pries (13,000. Must be seen to be appreciated. GEORGE & CO., Phone Doug. 756. LARGE garden lota near car line, paved street. (125 to (195. (1 down. Doug. 6074. I REAL ESTATESUBURBAN Benton. WE HAVK acreage property to exchange for city property. Call us. I INTERSTATE REALTY CO., ! 913-14 City National. Douglas 111!. Acreage ACREAGE WEST. mile south of Dodge St. 4 miles west of Elnnvood park. t mile to school, l.lea high, sightly. 8-acre pasture, shade and spring stream. 33 acres in cultivation, some fruit Fair Improvements. On main artery, leading west. This 40 Is bound to increase la value. Price and terms upon appllration. O'KEEFF REAL ESTATE CO., REALTORS. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 2716. ONE-HALF ACRE. Buy this vacant corner on the south east corner of 40th and Camden Ave. Only two blocks from car lino and school. Use the lots this year for gardnn or a chicken farm and tit a few years you tan sell one third of this tract of ground for what you pay for all of It. These lots have city water and at the prices asked this Is real buy. For prices and terms call CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, DouglasJOO. Realtors 608 Bee Bjdjr A LARGE suburban tract of ground outside city limits, near carllne. Ideal plaoe to raise poultry or garden. This is a iuOft. frontago for (310; will sell on easy terms. Telephone Walnut 1466. T OR 10 ACRE fruit and garden ground; 5-r. house, barn and chicken house; I blocks to car. W. H. GATES, (47 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg D. 1214. CLASSY 5-room modern home with aere and assorted fruits, 4 blocks to car, ((,660. F. D. Wead, 310 S. ISth St. REAL ESTATE Other Cities (660 BUYS beautiful lot, corner JSlh and" Brown. A. 9 Ross, Nebraska City, REAL ESTATE WANTED For Sale or Exchange FOR FARM OR RANCH. 150,000 Press brick, close-in business block; Income (5,000 year, on lease; also (9,000 first mortgages, store buildings end residence properties, Want land. S. S. & R. E. Montgomeiy, ::3 City National Lank Bldg. -Omaha, Neb. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with (300 to (500 down. Call Osborns Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. HAVE 3 lots to exchange for good Dundee home; ..alance cash. Bog 2432, Omaha Bee. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. Harness, Saddles and Trunks We make them ourselves; sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods, when you can get high grade goods at first cost? ALFRED CORNISH CO., 1210 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. MUST SELL AT ONCE. One team of brown mules, weight about 2,600 pounds, 7 and I years old, and one 3 years old gelding; one farm wagon and harness. To see them, please call at the stable In rear of residence. 1248 8. 10th St. Three blocks south Union Depot. FOR SALE 3 light gray horses and one set of harness. Kennedy & Parsons, 1309 Jones St. FOR SALE iFresh Holstein cow, calf by side. Dave Menagh, 1R13 Farnam. FOR SALE Heavy team and harness. W. J. Clnek, 6212 B. 24th St. Call 8. 1397. GOOD sound horse for sale. Fish, 1014 N. 16th St, Douglas 2963. FOR 8ALE A top buggy, butcher wagon and harness. Call Bonson 6S4-J. HOUSES tor sale. 1713 Webster Street FARM AND RANCH LANDS Alabama Lands. ALABAMA For health, wealth, warm win ters, cool tummers, better than California or Florida. 191 acres Improved, Mobile bay, near gulf. Bargain. Sidney Blank' enbaker, owner, Foley, Ala. Arkansas Lands. FINE Arkansas farm near Judsonla, 458 acres; 300 cultivated; fine 8-room house; fireplaces; nice shade, lawn, flowers; 4 tenant houses; barn for 71 head; new silo; never-falling water; on main road; 66 acres wheat; 25 cows, ( mules, 6 sows; all Implements. Price (35,000; (10,000 cash balance easy. Other good farms low as (20 per acre, on easy terms. Orren Gemmlll, Plattevllle, Colorado. FEBRUARY 19. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. a. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. COLORADO OFFERS to you many opportunities to obtain ex cellent lands suitable for agriculture, stock ralrlng, dairying, etc., at reasonable prices. Rich, productive soil, and Ideal climatic conditions, Denver Is a strong "market town." When looking for a change of location, remember Colorado, especially. Ask mj for authentlo Information, which will be sent to you absolutely free. R. A. SMITH, Colonization and Industrial agent,' Union Pacific system, Room 1319, Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. Tou are cordially Invited to call at room 112, Union Pacific building, to ae our excellent and extensive exhibit of products grown In the Union Pacific coun try. SUNNY COLORADO LANDS. INVESTORS AND HOMESEEKERS ATTENTION. Now Is the time to Investigate what we have to offer you In the way of lands for Investment for the speculator and good homes for the homeseeker. Our lands ere located near Cheyenne Walls, the county' seat of Cheyenne county, Splendid soil, good water, good schools and fine roads. We hsve land'Hated from (10 to (30 per acre, according to Improvements and loca tion. In a very short time this land will double In value. To appreciate It you must com and see for ycurself, and If you cannot come write us what you would like and wt will be leased to submit a list of whst we have to offer. CHAS. H. NORMAN. The Pioneer Land Dealer, Cheyenne Wells, Colorado. LISTEN Rosldents who refused to pay (1,26 an acre for eastern Colorado land 10 year ago are paying (10 to (26 now and declare said land will rapidly rise to (50 or (100 an acre. Save comminslont by writing W. 8. Pershing, ex-mayor, . Llmon, Colo. WHEAT lands, Kit Carson county, Colorado; (12.60 to (18 per acre. We control 26 choice quarters. Send for booklet Klok Investment Co., Omaha. Florida Lands. FLORIDA We will build your home on rich farm near Jacksonville at only (6.00 per month. Write Jax Heights Co., Jack sonville, Fla. Minnesota Lands. NEAR thesclty and the iron mines at farm land prices; low ones. Our company still offers some farms and wants to locate a few more families. Shall wa writ you about these? Arnold, Commissioner, Iron Rang Fallroad, 607 Wolvtn Bldg., Du luth, Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL M4SSOUHI FARM. (2.60 cash and (2.60. monthly; no In terest or taxes. Also an interest In our great development project which within the next few months should pay you on hundred dollars for every dollar you In vest. Highly productive land, close to three big markets; photographs and full Information free. M UNCI ICR, H. 317, N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City Mo. 1,000 ACRES Lies well, 800 cultivated, farmed with tractor, well watered, good buildings, all fenced hog tight one mile depot and high school on automobile road. Fine stock and grain farm. (36 acre. Terms. Hudson It Young, Nisngua, Webster county, Mo. LISTEN FARMER 1,280-acre stock ranch; spring water; well; Improved; ( miles town; (12.59 per acre; other farms. Ste venson & Padgett, Mountain View, Mo. OREAT BARGAINS (5 down, (( monthly buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only (220. Address Box 282, Springfield, Mo. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. ARE YOU FIXED OUT THIS Sl'KINU? 1 have several farms and ranches which I ran sell you and give you this spring possession. I ha farms ranging from 160 acres up that I can sell on rc-asun-abl first paymonts and plenty of time on th balance. I have ranches ranglns from 40 and 600 acres up. and In price from (10 to (13 an acre up, which 1 can also sell you on reasonable first pay ments and give you plenty of time on the balance If you desire. 1 have one particularly fine 3.4S0-acre ranch at only (13 per acre. This la Im proved and ready to move onto; all fenced and cross-fenced, with 300 rn under cultivation, The most excellent ranch, 40-acre ranch at only (1 per sere. Only two mllts from Joder and 11 miles from Crawford; 60 acres under cul tivation ; 500 acres can be cultivated; Im proved, ready to move onto. 1,440 acres, only two nines of Ardmore. 50 or 60 acres under cultivation; 700 acres can be cultivated. All ready tn move onto this aprltig; Immediate posses sion. (90 acres, milk cows, 34 head of stock, a most complete line of farm machinery; 150 acres under cultivation; 600 acres can be cultivated; running water, plenty of timber, most excellent grass. Only (24. 160. Half cash. 1,047 acres, about 100 acres under cul tivation; 300 acres fan be cultivated Nice lake, stocked with fish; running water, plenty of timber, all fenced ami cross-fenced. Ready to move onto; spring possession. Only (17.60 aero; (4.600 cash will handle It and tiio balance back at t per rent. Some quarter sections, all under culti vation and unimproved; others Improved and partly under cultivation. 1(0 acres. H miles out. Improved, and ready to move onto; 4 head of horses, 1 oows, on heifer, considerable farm ma chinery; about 40 aores under cultivation; 140 acres can be oultlvated; three-roomed house, barn, well, windmill and tank; all fenced and eross-fenccd. The whole thing as It stands, only (5,800. Easy terms. (60 acres, only four miles out; 20 acres alfalfa; almost vry acre of the place ean be cultivated as It all lays fine. All heavily grassed. Smsll set of Improve ments. All fenced and cross-fenced; most excellent alfalfa soil. Only (2i per acre. Two quarter-sections, only two miles ut from railroad town; unimproved; fully ISO acres on each quarter can be farmed, all heavily grassed. Only (18 per acre, and easy terms. Come at once or write me for my list, getting descriptions and prices anil pic tures of places which I have here for sale. Don't wait; don't procrnstlnote today Is your opportunity. Northwest Ne braska Is your best chance. Why wander around elsewhere when every one knows that northwest Nebraska Is the home of opportunity. It has been proven, It has been tried. It has been thoroughly tested, and It has stood up and proved to b wondrous. ARAII L. HUNT.ERFORD, Crawford, Dawes County, Nebraska. FARMS FARMS FA RMS , Among my VERY LARGE LTHT of 'farms for sale In DOUGLAS AND SARPY counties, I have 14 or 15 EXCEEDINGLY GOOD BARGAINS, ranging in sices from 20 acres to (00 acres; all within from 2 miles to less thsn 25 miles of Omaha. These best bargains, TAKEN FROM A LARGE LIST, run In of 80 seres, 120 acres, 240 acres, 320 seres, and a few larger and smaller propositions. I keep no printed list, so come on and let me show you the goods. REMEMBER THESE ARB GOOD BARGAINS. POS SESSION can be given on several farms yot. No trades considered. Call mornings if convenient. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, ROOMS 1217-1318 CITY NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. FOR SALE Combination cuttle and hog ranch with possession this spring. Sell stock and machinery, If wanted. About 400 acres gilt edge farm land. 400 acres good hay land, 4S0 acres pnsturo with spring water and plenty of timber. Fine now improvements, fenced end cross fenced, one quarter on creek, hog tight. Holt Co., Neb., 1 mile Knox Co. line., (50 per acre. Carl Grant, IViraey, Neb. WE HAVE clients who will pay cash for bargains In western land. White & Hoover, Omaha National Bank Bldg. Peace Treaty Signed! Anxiety and Discontentment Wiped Out That is what happens when a tenant signs a lease . for offices in the Bee Building. Co-operation between landlord and tenant is es sential to satisfaction. That is why it is NOT necessary for the management to solicit re newals of leases the tenants ask for then.! Would it not be a diplomatic move on your part to give us the opportunity of showing you our few vacancies? Apply at Office of Bldg. Room 623 KEYSTONE INVESTMENT CO., V ' Lessee The Bee Building. M. E. RANDELL, Manager. Jfr ? 1 s Jff sLuJLfel - 1 f Rent, $540 a Year Price, $4,500 These attractive terraces are strictly modem and up-to-date, on a corner, both streets paved. Easy walking dis tance to town, only one mile to court house, V2 block to car line. Upkeep is very low as they are of concrete and stucco construction. Full cellars with fine furnaces. The rent is low and they are always occupied. If you are look ing for a first class investment, let us show you these. Terms can be arranged. HAST (REALTORS) 1614 Harney Street. Phone Tyler 50. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. BE PATRIOTIC. BUY A KIM HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. WHEAT FARM. HELP UNCLE SAM WIN THE WAR. Possession March 1: 480-scre Improved farm, one mllo from Bushnell, all fenced and cross-fenced, fair set of Improve ments. i;2 acres In winter wheat, 1(0 acres net broke In ssme field of fine farm land, balance rolling to rough, but excellent pasture; this Is an ideal dairy farm, close to good town, school, tele phone, church, etc.; terms (1,000 cash. (',000 March 1, balance (1,000 yearly at 6 per cent; price (SO per acre. 640 acres, unimproved, near Bushnelt, Nb., over 500 a. good level farm land In one field, no better soli In rounty; this Is absolutely the best unimproved section in Kimball county todny for the money; this will slnnd Investigation; look at this before you buy; price (26 per sere; easy terms. 320 acres, sonio Improvements', every foot good level lund; bcsUof soil and grass; 76 acres in winter wheat; 26 acres In fall rye; this fine piece of land Is some dis tance out, but at that we consider It the best bargain we have to offer; prlc (:'2.60 per acre; easy terms. SECURITY LAND AND LOAN CO., KIMBALL, NKH. FARM FOR SALE. 320 seres. 200 acres In cultivation, 40 acres alfalfa, (0 acres pasture, 40 acres in fall rye. Farm fenced and cross-fenced, extra good hedg posts. 15 acres fenced hog tight, flood well, windmill and cis tern. 6-room house, good cement and brick cellar; nearly new barn. (2x24, with haymow, room for 11 horses. Granary, good chlckn bouse, nog bouse; pit silo, 10x20. Garage. 10x14, with cement floor. 6Vj miles from Amherst, 4 from Water town, 4k -mile to school. Telephone and rural rout. Price (60 per acre, on. third cash, bslanc I years at ( per cent. C. K. DA VIES, Xaarney, Nebraska. MUST BE SOED (40 acres, Cheyenne county, no Improve ments, (Vs miles from R. R. town on msln line ef Union Pacific; fin soli; mors than four-fifths of thla land lies well and can be farmed wtth a tractor, balance pasture. Price (26 per acre. No similar tract In Cheyenne county can b bought at this figure. Terms, half cash. WHITE & HOOVER 454 Omaha National Bank. 923 ACRES adjoining the town of Cushlng, Howard ' lunty, Nebraska. (00 acres choice Loup Valley bottom land, heavy soli, practically all In cultivation, 40 acrea In alfalfa. Balance rolling to rough vesture land, hard soli, all well grassed, Good eight-room hous, large barn, cattl sheds, granery and other small buildings. One of the beat cattle feedings proposi tions In the state. Price (7i per acre, (20.000 will handle the deal. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha, Nebraska. 640 acres near Pierce, Neb; Improved, level land. (100 per acre. A snap. Inter. State Realty Co., (13-14 City Nat'l. Doug si 9. FOR HALE Farms and fruit farm from lu acres ana up; ieirtnim county unu mi best. Aaaress meis jensen, urownvuis, Neb. TMliunryn If n.a farm fmir ntllaa frmn town In Kimball county. Possession March 1. Kniy terms, A snap, it i ., Owner, Kimball, Neb KXCKPTIONALL" good bargain In 120-acre Improved Buffalo county farm, within auto drive of Kearney, Neb.; $60 per acre, C, K. DAVIHH, KEARNEY. RANCHES of all sixes and kinds, eeaj terms A A Pstamsn. 10) Karharn Blk. Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of the range, uet on tin grouna noor wun su acres Irrigated land In connection with open range. You c.n grow stock succeas- - fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excursion every tw weeks. Bend for bul letin. Hurley J. Hooker, (40 1st National nank Hldg. 4 i .. ' . ' -S'"w. Ljr,, irCil NGS& HEYDEN Spring Bargains Cut Prices Vacant Lots We have accumulated a number ot choice lots In different parti of the elty and have put a price on (hem that will opn your eyes. Bee them today- Don't wait (or nice day, $1,575 Farnam St., third tot east of 4th, smith front, 60x139 ft., In beautiful Dun dee. A GREAT BARGAIN. $875 CAES ST., welt of 41st Ave., In a Bice residence section, close to school and car Itne, north front, 10x128 ft., all pavlnr paid. Note the SIZE and PRICE!. $975 4Sth Bt., east front, In CLAIRMONT, (0x140 ft., high and sightly. $675 Hth St., near Peer Park Boulevard, east front, nice terrace and shade trees; paved atreet; 60x130 ft. Can you beat tt? $1,975 EVAN8TON, a beautiful lot faclnr Rlm wood Park and boulevard, near Dodge St., 50x120 ft. Fine site for a fine home. All specials paid. $775 Hi and Saratoga, big corner lot, 63x127 ft,; shade trees; one block to car line. $675 Brown St., near 27th, south front, 4 Ox 126 ft. Nice homes all around. $975 Kountse Place Spencer St., near lid, north front, 60x124 ft., all paving paid. The cheapest lot In this big addition. $1,175 Laurel Ave., In beautiful Laurelten Ad dltlon, south and east front corner, 26th Ave,, a splendid lot, 46x120 ft. $2,175 Prettiest Wile, In Norwood, Sxl6S ft. a young farm, east front, one block from Miller park. Get It quick; It's the last lot left In that district. $875 Crown Point Ave., In Bells Isle Addi tion. A special bargain; second lot west ot 25th Ave., south front $1,275 Kansas Ave., the last lot you ean buy on this beautiful atreet, facing the park; fine homes all around. $1,575 S LOTS, with trackage possibilities, close to the Belt Line R. R., back of Sun derland's north yard. A good speculation. $3,000 Best site in Omaha for Grocery Store, Meat Market and Drug Store, on 10th atreet across from MINNB LUSA get the MoaT We WANT stores out there; 140 feet frontage; will divide. These are REAL bargains we are going to SELL. Sundays call: F. L. Gallup. Colfax 120, or 15. A. Hotslngton. Colfax 2202. Charles W. Martin &Co. REALTORS. 742 Omaha Kat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 117.