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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1918)
fHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 17, 1918 rrs a nice ouEf game ABIE, THE AGENT i TWt'KlBVTitK. COMES IN, J OV ME, LOCKS WW WW Mv TEU& ME AtoW To PLAN "! Copyright 1111. International Mwa Service. Drawn for The Bee by Herschfield 2 C B. sfe you Posmva. I s T ufuwe ne A, W hslKP-UHS HAVE SOM TW. El 1 07'W,!2 I MXWimw 1p, K OOMRW' M jef SLACK-AW 500N A intuits i i - i JlH N-vci. i - . it . ij i v rvjiy i x i ii i . i - i SITUATIONS WANTED Male. UNION ENGINEER wanU position i belt of references from Isrgs light and powar company. Htm 1164, . WANTED -Position by sxperlenced book kaapari can give references. Box till, omana nee. EXPERIENCED colored man wanta Job aa porter, houseman or janitor. Harney 1601. WANTED Position by experienced meat cotter. Box 2419, Omaha Bee. HIGH acbool boy want! Job after echool downtown. Douglas 6814. WANTED Pos.on farm, Box 111. Ho. Omaha Female, HIGH SCHOOL graduate and experienced postoftlce clerk would like a position. wirnie wnaiey, cnarter oak. la. COLORED girl deairea work aa ohambe? maid. Wehater 16(4. call after I o'clock. Sewing at home, shirtwaist aklrta apcy, R. 7763. BUNDLE washing neatly done, Webater 713. TOR an experienced nurse call Web. 206d. Waahlng, ironing or plain aewlng. D. ifloT Laundry ind Day Work. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully laun dered. Called for and delivered. Web, 4113. RELIABLE colored woman wanta day work, can give references. Webster 1301. BUNDLE waahlng and lace curtalna nicely done. Webster 1727, COLORED woman wanta day work. Web, m ri Rel. Colored girl for day work. Web. 4711. LAUNDRESfTwante work. ffi"pTWeb." Itai. Colored lady wanta day work. liar. 8408. LAUNDRESS wanta bundle waah. Coif, toll BUNDLE freshing wanted. Walnut 8269. fur a rood woman for day work, w. 8978. LAUNDRY wurk wanted by day. Web. 85li)7 BUNDLE waahlnTanTday work. Har, 1685" EXP, taiind'rea for day wor. Web. 1167. HELP WANTEDMALE Storea and Offices. CITt Salcaman, automobile, aalary and eommlaalon; traveling aaleaman, trastora, drawing account and eommlaalon) travel ing aaleaman, food producta, 1 100 1 ttrev- allng aaleaman, ella, 1100; aaatatant oiflr manager, 1100; bookkeeper, lumber, $76; bookkeeper, film business, 190 j bookkeep ar, mfg., 1100; correspondent on adjust ments, Jobbing house, 116-1126; office olerk, auto accessories, ISO; timekeeper, local firm, III; stock record olerk, mfg., 76; manager, retail bualneaa, 85 city collector, calling on merchants, 76; aaa't, cashier, country bank, ethnographer, 1100; stenographer, R.R,, 100. Western Reference & Bond Asi'n. Origins toni of the Reference Bualneaa. ' Til rirat Nat'l. Bank Bldg. TUB -MARTI SERVICE Is at your com maftd. New calli dally. Accountant' and credltman 1B0; correapondent familiar with claim adjuatlng $100; correspondent lsrae corporation I'd; office clerk, rail road ax p. 8t; bookkeeper wholesale HO; ledger clerk 171; office clerk and typist ICC; iteno. 1100; stono. 10; record clerk elderly man MB. Many more. NO FILING FEE, only 10 tenia to investigate, refer encea. The Marti Service J917-1I w. o. W.'Bldg. TOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE. Advertlaa for "help" the aama way you advertise to gall merchandise, and the difference) In returns will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. i A trained and experienced ad taker' will aaalat you in preparing your advertisement. CIVIL service examinations In Omaha aooa. Men desiring, government position, de partmental, foetofflce, railway mail, cue tome, writ for free particular to J. O. Leonard, former government examiner, III Kenola Bldg. Waahlngton. WANTED An experienced night olerk for 100-room hotel. Middle-aged single man preferred. Houra 11 p. m. to T a. m. flood salary. Permanent position. Hole! Ranford, Ifth and Farnam, Omaha, I'Ol'NO MEN You can still hold your po aitlon and make extra money working one hour every evening. Write only to , Triangle Electro Trading Co,, ft Cham- era St., New York City, 1 WAREHOUSE MEN ..iS 4 BOOKKEEPERS ,...75-MS-104 I 8TKNOORAPHER8 ..,$76-1100 t BRIGHT BOTS to learn good trade.. $40 THE CANO AOENCV, 00 BEB BLIM1. AN experienced packing plant asalatant su perintendent, capable of handling clerical foroe, testa and records. Oood position and salary for the man who can qualify. THE CANO AQKNCl, 0 HEW BLDU, EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Books audited. Small sets kept on contract. Monthly state ments prepared. Reasonable. Howard, HIT M. Hth 8t. Phone Tyler t4. SUOM CLERK Fine future for the right on. Stat age and experience) In first letter. Writ Harry's ,Shoe 8 hop, Fremont, n.ff, WANTED Ry. mall olerka, I7I-IU0 moatk, Omaha examination soon. Sample ejaeatlons free. Franklin Inat. Dept. fll M. Rochester. COMMERCIAL teacher wanted at once) salary 11,100. Write or wire Tatee Flshsr Tsacnera- Agency, roriiano, ura. Profeasiona and Tradea. WANTED We can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 jreara of age at CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Steady, healthful em- ployment Must be physically sound, of good character and habits and come well . recommended. Apply in person at of fice of superintendent f transportation, Room 205, second floor Merchants National Bank building. OMAHA tt COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. FUR cutters wanted at once to work on fur linings for aviation suits; steady em ployment to satisfactory workers. GORDON &. FERGUSON. ' St. Paul, Mfnn. WANTED Good broom makers: steady work the year around; tieing, lie up to oc Hartman Broom Co., Clay Center, ' Xan. . HELP WANTED MALE Proftggiong and Tradea. WANTED. UHION CARPENTERS AND MILLWRIGHTS. APPLY WITHERBPOON-ENOLER CO., C. N, W, ELEVATOR. COUNCtt. BT.TJTT8, Ija WANTED First clasa nonunion cotnpoa Itort for gene commercial work; steady work; goad Men from smaller cltlea preferred. Iteea Printing Co., 10th A Harney fits., Omaha. WANTED Blacksmith and general all around man, muat ba good rhoer; married man preferred, steady Job for good man, good wages. Writ bos 111 or phone IlW Anita, la. MAN to work this. city reflnlahlng chan dellers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method; $10 dally without capital or ex perlcnce. Writs Qunmetal Co., 13 Elm, Decatur, 111. en (Tinker, machinist wanted For Inapoptlng locomotives, steam end shovels. etc. Local territory, reliable man, refer. ences, age. Cheater A. Phillips Co. Old Colony building, Chicago, III. IF YOU are a non-union compositor of good ability, you can secure permanent work at good pay by calling Harney 4817. Phone evening. YOUNU single man wanta position on the farm by the month; experienced, steady hand; not subject to draft, B. A. Wlcb, Cedar -Rapids, la. - BE A DETECTIVE. Excellent opportunity, good pay; travel. Write C. T, Ludwlg, Westover Bldg., Kansas City, Mo, TRUNK maker wanted that can work on fiber work, retail shop, Frellng-Stelnle, iso j rsrnam WANTED Ladles' tailor, experienced coat maker. Jess F, Fox, 774 Saunders Kennedy BUIg. WANTED Second cook. Apply In person. Brunswick Restaurant, Fremont, Nefc WANTED FIRlfC fOuTO J7A1RTICS 1401 JACKSON ST. BARBERS wanted, top .wages. Apply iillti 8. 10th St., Omaha. LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Call or writ Barber College. 1114 Douglas St THREE experienced grocery salcsmsn wltb Fords to farmers. Bee, Bos 1711. ITOUft experienced meat cutters at. once, Apply Washington Market. 1470 Douglas Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED WIDE AWAKE, CAPABLE, AMRITtOUS, I.O CAT. AN0 TRAVELING REP ITkSENTATIVK WITH SELL 1N( EXPERIENCE TO SO LICIT LARGE CONSUMERS, SPECIAL COATINGS FOR ALL KINDS OF EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR SURFACES. SALART, BONUS AND EXPENSES. PERMANENT CONNECTIONS WITH EX CELLENT OPPORTUNITT FOR ADVANCEMENT. STATE AOB, EXPERIENCE, PRESENT LINE, 'PHONE NUMBEn. APHRESS BOX T 400, OMAHA, IIKK. WANTED Tailoring m!" sirents. If you want to tnake big money from the very v start establish yourself permanently In business; her Is an opportunity of the life time, W a re the largest mad-to-mea-ur tailoring house In th country, fur nishing big and cornplst equipment. In cluding 400 new and guaranteed woolen, as well as a special army uniform line of 60 patterns, without cost to you. Tou taka orders for made-to-measure clothes perfect fit, best workmanship, full sat isfaction guaranteed. -Hundreds of mer chants In th leading cities and towns have started with our line. If you went "'to make $80,00 to $60.00 per week from th ttart writ today for full particulars, giving your experience as salesman or tailoring aalea agent, If any. J, R. Rob ens. Bales Mfr Lock Boa 411. Chicago. AN ARffcLft of tremendous demand-''Nat tlonal War Necessary," good for next 16 years, 'exclusively owned and controlled by ua Is now ready for tha market Profits will run upward of $10,000 a year for the xecutlvs who now has, or knows how to organise a large foroe of eommlaalon (ales men, city and country. Tou will control your own territory. A marvel for m big man; th government oreate a demand for you. Olve detailed particulars about yourself In first letter strictly confidential. Jerome Laadt, Prssldtnt, I 8. Dearborn St., i-ntcago, in SALESMEN WANTED T sell farmers, also dealers, SAL TON1K, medicated con diment (salt and pepper) fifty-pound blocks, for all stock. Vermifuge, dlaeaae preventive, conditioner. Stock licking It "doctor themselves automatically." No trouble, no feeders, go dosing, n waste, big demand, easy seller, liberal weekly commission advancements. Writ for salss producing circular. Guarantee Veterinary vo., oioox .iry, la. CAf Fcmrrrw ATTCv-rtAvti Salesmen wanted to sell groceries, paints, oils, etc, at wholesale direct to ranchers, farmers and other consumers; splendid opportunity and first class In ducement to live, enegertlo men) liberal advances on sales; territory protected; our oldest customers ar our best ones. Dept. I, George Meldrum Co Wholesale urocere, Chicago, III. SALESMEN wanted; exceptional opportunity for aggressive salesmen to represent th old Jewell Nurseries, Lsks City, Minn. (Established 1061.) Largest growers of northern trees and plants In America. A half century bualneaa based on fair and honest dealings, offers steady positions to men with experience In county canvassing. Splendid proposition to local representa tives. SALESMAN wanted for state of Nebraska; highest grade advertising line In th coun try big selling season now In full swing; exclusive copyrighted designs In calendars, art leather and oellulold specialties; liberal contract; remittance weekly. Salesmen of experience only apply Sunday, February 17, Mr. Held Wilklns, Fontenolte Hotel or address American Art Works, Coshocton, O. SALESMEN Experienced or Inexperienced, elty or traveling. Bend for our free book "A Knight of th Grip," and Hat of openings. Immediate employment service rendered members. Address nearest office. Nat. Salesmens Tr. Assn. Dept., 4S0 Chicago-flan Francisco-New York. SALESMEN and service men New carbu retor for Ford Lars. Simple, not a mov ing part. Installed la thirty minutes; guaranteed to double your mileage and .start In sere wsathsr without heating or priming. Fifteen day FREE trial. Writ U. A J. Carburetor Co (01 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. DISTRICT manager to represent us In ex clusive territory; commission basis; "must finance youraelf; device proven meritori ous; agents already appointed making good money; get cur proposition. Ifelllcke Calculator Co., Ill N. Clark St, Dept E, Chicago, III. OPEN, good pool t Ion for A good solicitor for ths Best Hive Dry Cleaners. Salary or commission. One who can run a new Ford car. CaU Bed 1711, HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN If you want to make your road expenaea and more during your spare time, write for information about our brand new advertising specialty; different from the rest; a whirlwind seller; liberal commission. Mention "Perfection" when writing. Newton Mfa;. Co., Newton, la SXLKSMAN Capable specialty man for Nebraska. Staple Una on NEW and EX CEPTIONAL terms. Vacancy now. At tractive commission contracts. $85 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxler Co., 1117 Carlin Bldg., Clevelahd, O. SALESMAN For Nebraska for Ills; per manent position; old house selling staple Itna on exceptional terms; high commis sions with $16 weekly advance. Sales manager, Suite $41, 100 Woodward, De troit. SALESMAN wanted, for staple, well known, high profit making line sold direct from factory to merchant, on convenient, liberal terma. Want saleemen worth big money. Job permansnt. Donald-Richard Co., Iowa city, la. SA I.KSVIAN WANTED High-grade travel ing aaleaman capable of earning $1,000 and expenses annually. Staple Una to general merchandlae trade. Attractive proposition to dealers. Address Sales Manager, (12 Hearst Bldg., Chicago. SaLeFmEN To sell our Yucatan Punch and other temperance beverages. Large commission and drawing account to suc cessful men. Easy sellers snd big de mands. Writs M. E. Mues, Sales Manager, 4 1 h and Market Hts., St. Louts, Mo. XrB you looking for the best 1018 big money making side line whore you can earn $B0 weekly; that can be sold sll year round. No samples. Write Ad-Lee Novelty Co., Dept. 4, Chicago. SALESMEN MAKH $500 MONTHLY now on big Wyoming Oil boom. Big money for Investors. Maps and particulars free. Big commission. Write National Bond & Se curities Co., Denver, CoUx SIDE llnefor men suiting to dealers and Jobbers of auto supplies and hardware. I'ockot sample. Large commission. Manu facturer. 326 W. 6th St., Chicago. SALESMEN Our new colored patrlotlo art knife salcaboard Just out; oonstgnmeat , proposition; write today. Iowa Novelty Co., Cor. B way ft 'Fulton Hts., Keota, la, BIO money making proposition for expert enced stock remedy salesmen. Oman Bee, Box I486. Agents and Canvassers. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS reward If N. R. O. Laundry Tableta will not waah clothes without rubbing. Contains no paraffin wax or injurious chemicals. Can not possibly Injure clothes or hands. The wonder of ths age. Sells like hot cakes, llo packaga enough for I family wash ings, Ws supply free samples. Every housewife you give one to becomea your steady ouatomer. We guarantee the sals. Secure territory at once. Write for free sample and full particulars. Farquhar Moon Manufacturing Co., Desk D, (7 Van Buren and La Salle Sis., Chicago. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Superlntendency of an Important field In ths west Is open with an old established western lift insurance company noted for Its strength, conservative management and unequaled dividends to policy holders. Ths aalary which will be paid to an efficient man of Intergrlty snd proven ability will be attractive. Communi cations ronf.dentlal. Address Boa Y 89, Omaha Bee. AUENTS Big Hit) Our l-plece aluminum set is all ths rags. Chesper than enamel , ware. Sells like wildfire. Guaranteed 20 yeara. Retail value $5. You sell to house wives for only $1.1$. Biggest seller of the age. Nine sure salea out of every 10 shown. Others cleaning up $10 to $20 a day. Answer this quick to secure your territory. Dlv. 1204 American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111. - AGENTS Fuel saving dustless screen shovel, saves .snough fuel to pay for Itself ' In one month. Sells on sight, every city and town home. Price It. You make $1. Clean up $10 a day easily. Send II for prepaid sample and proposition. John son Screen Shovel Co,, Dept A, Richmond, Ind, 100 FEU. CvM. profit, quick sale, great est 21-eent seller, Taplex Hirudy Heater, . keep your hands and body warm, fits your pocket; safe, simple, tidy; every, body wsnts one. Send too In stamps for sample and particulars. Taplex Corpora tion, 1328 Broanway, New York. TSN WANTED To distribute free food samples and accept orders everywhere. 30o package saves $1.10. Proves Itself by free trial. Biggest seller and repeater known. Quick money-maker. Sample free. Globe Ass'n, 41 Como Bldg., Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY Excellent line signs and novelties. Travel ing expenses advanced. Liberal comts slons. Excellent territory. Olvs age, height, weight, road experience and three late business references. Stanford-Crowell Co., Ithaca, N. T. AGENTS t want 100 agents to take orders for Comer raincoats; spring lins ready; dandy coat, $3.08; $1 stylet; profits in advenes; we deliver. Send postcard for samples and proposition, Comer Mfg, Co., Dept. Q-117, Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS To meet government require ments for Income tag schedule, every farmer should have my Farmer's Manual and Complete Account Book; hustlers clearing $7 dally; outfit free. Prof. Nich ols, Napervllle, 111. AGENTS The biggest hit on the market The Ideal Steak Tender and Vegetable Chopper. Makes chuck steak as tender as porterhouse. Write for free sample offer. Tyler Mfg. Co., Dept. L.. Mnnols, J IIU. "AOOSAVE" Takes ths place of eggs In baking and cooking. Pure, wholesome, always fresh. Sells like wildfire. Tour profit 100 per cent. Writs today for free sample. E. M. Feltman, 106 American Bldg.. Cincinnati, O. AOENT9 WANTED Exclusive terrltoriea. Good income assured. No competition. Catalogues and samples furnished. Refer ence required. National Store Fixture Co., 106 W. Monro St., Chicago, 111. CATCH THE KAISER, greatest war game novelty; very rascinaung; sola tnrougn agente only; both sexes. Enormous prof its. Particulars free. Checkerboard Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED Salespeople for our wonderful coal saver one ton has efficiency of two. Enormous profits. For particulars, ad dress Jerome Cralte Coal Saver Company, 144 North Breed, Los Angeles. Cal. AGENTS 1018 patriotic pictures. Big sellers. "Pershing In France." "America We Love Tou." "Duty Calls.'' . Sample free. Also portrait catalogue free. Peoples' Portrait sta. D Chicago. LAROE manufacturer wanta representative w to sell shirts, naderwear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, SOS Broad way, New York. ECONOMIZE IN YOUR COOKING with "Handee" Paa and Orlddl Oilers, 15o "Nosplll" Salt Shaker Fillers, 3So, post paid. They sell on sight Agents wanted. HOME CRAFT SHOPS, Toledo, O. CHEWING GUM Soil to storekeepers, eta Good permanent business built up quickly. ' Tou make tlo en every box. Exclusive territory to workers. Write today. Bel met Co., Cincinnati, 0. CALIFORNIA Rosebeada selling like hot cakes. Agents coining money. Absolutely new. Big profits. Catalogue free. Mis sion Bead company. By 2810, W. Pico, Iis Angeles, Csl. AUENTS New patrlotlo pictures. "Persh ing In France," "Duty Calls." "Her Sacrifice,'' "Berlin or Bust" 8mpte free. Also portrait catalog. Consolidated Portrait Co., Btatloa C, Chicago. HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS Positively biggest money maker . today; sgents wanted everywhere) hurry; he first; particulars free. E. J. De Lay, 1002 McLane St., Falls City, Neb. AUENTS 130 to 1100 a week; free sam ples; gold sign letters for stores and office windows; liberal offer to general agent. Metallic Letter Co., 431 N. Clark, Chicago. GAS FIRE In any coal stove from coal oil; beats coal; agents bonanza; Wonder Burner Dept. 6, Columbus, Ohio. Bnys. BOYS WANTED TO" LEARN TRADE. OOOD WAOK3 TO BEGINNERS. GOR DON LAWLEH9 CO., 8TH AND DODGE. WANTED Office boy, good chance for ad vancement. 1419 W. O. W. Bldg. PETERSON Bros., Florists Boy wanted. 1714 Frnam. Phone Douglas 1048. Trade Schools. BOTH men and women to learn the barber trade. Special rates. Call or writs. 1402 Dodgs. TRI-CITY BAk'JER COLLEGE. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOT Learn In six weeks, no books; eaay to learn; free catalogue. National Auto School. 2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. BE an auto and tractor expert In a tew weeks; earn $90 to $300 a month. Our big free book explains. Rahe's Auto School. 2130 Oalc St.. Kansas City, Mo. Miscellaneous. WANTED Man to do ohores and garden work at country home adjoining Omaha. Apply at my office J. W. Welch, 1406 Douglas St. If writing, stats age, ex perience and wages wanted. AMATEURS for Omaha tryout for motion pictures. Limited number. Address Di rector, 766 Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. MEN WANTED Ags 21 to 60 years, for yarding stork and general work. All winter Job for good men. Apply Time Keeper, Union Stock Yarns Co. HELP WANTED Male and Female, U. B. GOVERNMENT wants thousands elerks st Washington, Men, women, 18 or over, $100 month. Quick Increase; 80 days' vacation with pay. Easy work. Common education sufficient. Pull unnecessary. Be patrlotlo. sYour country needs you. Help her a in" live In Washington during these stirring war times. Write immediately for free Hat of positions open. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 236-M, Rochester, N. T. MOLER Ba.ber ColsSjre wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue, 110 S. 14tn St.. Omaha. Neb WANTED Nai-ies men, women desiring positions government clerks at Washing ton; $100 month. Box T-378, Omaha Bes. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. THE MARTI SERVICE Is constantly in touch with the business firms snd KNOWS where the goad positions are. Dictophone operator $7!i; stenographer must be quick and accurate $76; stenographer lumber $15, $76; stenographer Council Bluffs $70; billing clerk Implements $65; bookkeeper and stenographer $66; comptometer opr. $66; four stenographers $60, $66; steno grapher up-town office $70. NEW CALLS DAICT. NO FILING FEB, only 60 cents to Investigate, references. The Marti Service 1817-1$ W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, small manufacturing, central Nebraska, $76; stenographer and clerk, email office up town, $66; stenog rapher and correspondent $85; stenog rapher, oil firm, $66; stenographer, film company, $66; bookkeeper, retail store, $86-100; ass't. bookkeeper and typist, $50. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. Originators of the Reference Business. 736 First National Bank BUIg CIVIL service examinations In Omaha soon. Women desiring clerkships, postofflce, government departments,' stenographers, writs for free particulars to J. C. Leonard, former government examiner, 824 Kenois Bldg., Washington. WANTED Claim correspondent; must have experience In wholesale merchandise claim work and good correspondent. Right aal ary to right man. Address Paxton & Gallagher Co. WANTED Experienced atenograpber in law office. Olve references and salary de sired; permanent position. Hoagland & Hnnelanrt, North Plsttn, Neb. STENOGRAPHER $75 2 TYPISTS $40-$50 THE CANO AGENCY, 60(1 BEE BLDG. WANTED A Stenographer. Inquire of the Western Rroeltlng and Bcfining Co., Douglas 8424. Professions and Trades. WANTED 25 GIRLS. Good Surroundings and Good Wages. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12th and Davenport Sts. THE Nebraska Telephone company offers an xcepttonal opportunity to young ladle to learn local and long-dlstanoe tslephone operating. Permanent positions, oppor tunities for advancement, good wages. A salary Is psld while learning. Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with ths working conditions or any other details srs specially Invited to accompany me applicants. Apply to C F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas street. WANTED Experienced girls to work on Mlna Taylor dressea and aprons. Excel lent working conditions. Also few ap prentices desired. Good wages while learning. Apply M. E. Smith Co. Sth and Douglas street entrance. WANTED Girls to work In light airy workrooms, sewing overalls and Jumper. Experienced girls fereferred. Can accomo date some apprentices. Oood wages paid while learning. Apply M. E. Smith Co., 8th and Douglas St. entrance. WANTED Experienced inspectors for Mlna Taylor dressea and aprons. Splendid work ing condition and good wages. Apply M. E. Smith 4 Co., Ith and Donglas St en trance. WANTED Experienced hand Ironers In our clean model laundry. Oood wages. Ap ply M. E. Smith A Co.. Ith and Douglas 8t entrance. LADY bookkeeper and stenographer to do work at home. Jensen, Omaha-Toy Co., 2301 South list St Tyler 1614-W, HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. SIX experienced salesladies In meat gro cery and delicatessen department. Apply Washington Market. 1470 Douglas. WANTED Lady barber and lady for aoft drink place. Good salary. Tel. Doug. 8404. At 801 Pieree St. i LEARN bsrber trade 1402 Dodgs St Saleswomen and Solicitors. WE WANT Intelligent saleswomen In every town S. A.; $25 to $40 per week: somet- ; new; appeals to alls exclusive right; sample free. A. J. Forbes Co., Thomson Bldg., Oakland, Cal. EXPERIENCED saleslady in Fremont wo man's apparel shop; state particulars; good wages, permanent position. Box T 410, Omaha Bee. $100 A MONTH up. to bright compentent ladles with ability in out-aoor soliciting, exceptional opportunity for advancement Phone Walnut 2813. FIVE bright canabhl ladles to travel. demonstrate and cell dealers, $76 to $160 per month. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., cept. H4. omana, net Household and Domestic. WANTED. Competent white girl for general house work; small family; references required. Walnut 1246, Dundee. WANTED Woman cook, good small com mercial hotel, modern conveniences, flood town on main line of the Burlington. Address Perry Hotel, Cambridge, Neb. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework; no washing; good wages for competent help. 420 N. 48tn st walnut 893. GOOD wages to a competent white girl for housework; no cooking; laundresa kept. Mrs. H. V. Burklcy, 3177 Davenport St Harney 2641. WANTED COMPETENT WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; NO LAUNDRY WORK. 133 S. 88TH ST. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; good wages. References required. Phone Walnut 2675. WANTED Young girl mornlnga or after noons for housework; must go horns eve nings. Walnut 718. WANTED Reliable white girl for general housework; small family. Wal. 465. GOOD girl for gmeral housework. Tele phone Harney 2265. FOR general housework, eolored maid with good references. Tel. Walnut 1748. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Cook, small commercial hotel, modern conveniences, good town, light work, woman preferred; state experience and salary expected. Address Pittsburgh Hotel, Blue Hill, Neb WANTED A girl to work In restaurant. Apply American Lunch Room, 108 S. 12th atreet. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladies to learn barber trade. Special rates and Inducemsnta TRt-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. AMATEURS for Omaha tryout for motion pictures. Limited number. Address Di rector, 76$ Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansaa City, Mo. , MUSIO teacher to give lessons to children In exchange for board or room. Douglas 7341. EARN $26 weekly, spars time, writing for newspapers,. magazines; sxp. unnec. ; ds talls free. Press Syndicate, 189, St, Louis. LAUNDRESS wanted. Apply at the Clark son Hospital, 1100 Howard St. EDUCATIONAL WAR OPPORTUNITIES Owing to the great war-time de mands for more stenographers and typists, many fine positjpris have been left vacant in thjf business world. . I - - The government is urging all young men and women to train themselves as stenographers and typists to fill the vacancies and to get the practical experience neces sary to fill a government position at salaries of $1,100 to $1,200. Boyles Opportunities Boyles College offers you the opportunity to train yourself in either day or night school and guar antees to put you in a good position after finishing the course. If you want to get a good position with a bright future communicate with us at once. Call, Phone or Write. x BOYLES' COLLEGE ' 18th and Harney, Omaha. Doug. 1565. Van Sant School of Business, i Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6680. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. IF you want a nlcs comfortable room In a private family In ths Hanscom Park district a block to the ear and twenty five minutes walk to bualneaa center, call Hsrney 1461. . biivA.u-HKA'lKD rooms 12 wk., alao apts with kltchenets ugden Hotel Co Bluffs. TO THE WOMEN WHO HAVE ROOMS TO RENT. Remember that th weather conditions for the next few weeks will probably not permit room hunters making an at tended bunt for room a They will stay Inslds and witch the want-Sda If you wish your room rented, phone as your d NOW. Tyler 1000. URAYSTONE, 26th and Cass, Desirable, comfortable, nicely fdrnished rooms. Douglas TI94. FRONT ROOM, MODERNLY FURNISHED FOR TWO GENTLEMEN. PRIVATE. DOX'OLAS 1007 2629 CALIFORNIA Large, pleasant warm. modern room; very reasonapie; close in 2216 DOUOLAS Furnished rooms by week or day; well heated; good location. FOUR beautifully furnished rooms, first floor; private home. Harney 0936 PLEASANT, aunny room, entirely modem. In good location. Harney 1318. MODERN room In private home. Reason- able, 2406 Emmet Web. 6147. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms, CLEAN room In prlvata family, with or without garng Harrey 2216. COMFORTABLE sleeping rooms. Modern, close in. 2116 California. Red 8651. Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS: If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List. Olvea Complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of the city. New lists Issued every week. PRIVATE HOME Attractive rooms new ly and beautifully furnished, with break fast and dinner to gentleman or married couple employed. Call Har. 3369 or 2611 Farnam STRICTLY MODERN FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE HOME, NEAR CAR; BREAK FAST IF DESIRED. 2202 PINKNEY WEBSTER 4971. MODERN rooms; private home. Rates for two In room. Good board, home baking. $6.60. 2543 Capitol Ave. Douglas 7341. 2561 DODGE Modern room for gentlemen. Good board. Walking distance. Har. 6143. WANTED Children to board; good care; two blocks from school. Call Harney 4859.- FRONT room, modern, private home; good cooking. 117 Turner Blvd. Hotels. CLAREMONT INN, 17th and Jackson, tran aient guests, $1 a day; permanent guests. $6 week. Douglas 2736. Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED ROOMS, CREIGHTON BLOCK. World Realty Co., Douglas E34X Sufi Theater Bldg. THREE basement rooms, modern except beat; $10.00. 2632 Davenport St. FOR RENT HOUSES West. Close-In Rooming House X pl tt l -n. 1 i oteani neat rurmsneu 121 South Twenty-sixth street, 14 rooms, sll modern. Oood condition. Coal bills for the next two months for house of this size Would about equal total rent for this with heat included. We also furnish hot water. Armstrong-Walsh Company REALTORS. Tyler 1536. 833 Securities Bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT. $36.(0 6-room, 1822 Hickory street, modern, new. $45.00 Eight-room, $008 Farnam strtet, modern. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone Douglas 761. 6-ROOM Two bathsWest Farnam dis trict. 4H. rnone uougias ami., WEST FARNAM 328 N. 28th Ave,, S rms., two baths, $45. Donglas IHTi North. ROOMING HOUSE1 FREE RENT TO MARCH 1ST. This Is a good 11-room, brick house, In good condition and within walking dis tance. Fine for a rooming or boarding house. On car line and three blocks from Cuming car lines. Address 813 N. 20th St. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. Realtors. 608 Bee Bldg. 1919 DODGE ST. 1 rooms, modern, good location for rooming house. Ill S. 20th St., 9 rooms, modern, extra lavatory and toilet on both floors. CITT TRUST COMPANT, 16th and Harney Sts. Phone Doug. 789. 8IX-ROOM,' strictly modern, four rooms down, two rooms and bath upstairs, hard wood floors, hot and cold water In base ment; half block from car line. Webster 1681. -ROOM, all modern, new brick flat, 610 N. 33d St., 135. Call H. B. Boyles, Couglas 156S. South. STORES FOR RENT. 125.00 2719 Lesvenworbi street 150.00 707 South Sixteenth street. $70,00 617 South Sixteenth street. 176.00 613 South Sixteenth street. 1100.00 1605 Howard St., 20x28 feet, steam heat. GEORGE & COMPANY, REALTORS. Phone D. 756. 101 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 10-ROO1I all modern house,- 1326 S. 32d St adjacent to Hanscom park Call Douglas 678. Investors Realty Ce. (Realtors), 906 w. u. w, iog. 1213 S. 11TH ST. For rent March 1, mod- srn 8-roora house, garage; splendid ad vantages for right party. Engags It quickly. Douglas 6708, 1062 S. 28TH AVE Five-room cottage; city water, gas, electric lights; toilet, 118.00 per month. Tel. Tylef $21. Miscellaneous. HOliSES-ALL MODERN. HI N. 25th St., 8 rms 126.00 2226 Mason St., 10 rms 26.00 1461 Plhkney St., bungalow, S rms. 27.50 3523 Lafayette Ave., 8 rms 32.50 1604-0 Georgia Ave., 6 rms 85.00 1406 St. Mary's Ave., 8 rms........ 88.00 610 S. 27th St., 7 rms 35.00 2024 Wirt St., 10 rms 40 4)0 5011 Capitol Ave., 7 rms 45.BO 209 S. 16th St., 8 rms 45.00 4601 Florence Blvd., 9 rms 60.00 822 8. 26th St., rooming house, 14 rooms 90.00 2556 Harney St, 10 rms..... 90.00 HOUSES-PARTLY MODERN. 2810 Charles St., S rms $15.00 4126 Grand Ave., 6 rms 15.00 1822 N. 20th St., 8 rms 17.06 1151 N. 18th St, S rms 17.00 614 S. 15th St., colored. I rms... 20.00 1(63 Pierce St., 0 rms 25.00 1817 Davenport, 0 rms 25.00 2623 Cass, 10 rms 35.00 FLATS, MOD. & PARTLY MOD. 1611 N. 24th St., rm v 114.00 1054 S. 30th St., ( rms.,.. 16.00 1486 8. lth St., 7 rms 20.00 1136 Hamilton St., 6 rms 20.90 615 N. 25th St., 2d floor, 7 rms.... 12.50 MODERN APARTMENTS. Bosworth, 2217-19 Howard St., rooms and bath, furnished or unfurnished, built-in bed, ideal location, very rea sonable. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 1(26. Realtors, 133 Securities Bldg. WE WANT more houses and apartments to rent The fact that we have practically cleared up our big Hat la conclusive proof of ths efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your place rented ses Payne and Slater Co., Omaha Rental Men 111 Oman Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1011 FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 5- r, 171S California St $10.(1 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6- r, 616 North 17th St 15 0$ 6- r, 3315 Ohio St "" 7- r, 6016 42d St 16.00 9- r, 2734 Caldwell St 23-60 7- r, 1909 California St 25.00 STRICTLY MODERN, l-r. 223 Park Ave S0.0 8- r, 3901 North 17th St 30.00 8-r, 1511 North 40th St SO. 00 8-r, 559 South 36th Ave 36.00 8-r, 621 Soi-th 19th St 40.00 8-r, 2610 Dewey Ave 35.00 8-r. 630 South 17th Ave 40.00 FLATS. PARTLY MODERN. 10- r, 705 Scuth 13th St $20.0$ APARTMENTS. 3-r Apt., No. 17 Stoecker, 824 South 23d St $17.60 PORTER & SHOTWELL, 202 South 17th St. Doug. 6013. Offices AVith Home Builders. y' 128 N. 38th Ave. Elegant 8 -room house, sun parlor and sleeping porch and other attractive features. $60.00. 3421 Dodge St. Seven comfortable rooms with built-in features; exclusive neigh borhood. $60.00. 665 S. 26th Ave. Six rooms, nearly new, strictly modern, close In. $35.00. 711 S. 36th St. Seven rooms, nicely ar ranged, strictly modern; Field club dis trict. $35.00. A 3-story brick, sttached house, with IS eombortuble rooms, arranged well for boardinr; and rooming purposes. The rooms are nicely decorated. It now pays a nice Income. Located on Farnam street near 27th street. We have several other good locations for boarding and rooming houses. Call us. A. P. TUKET & SON. REALTORS. 620 First National Bank BIJg. Doug. 602. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. $11.001654 N. 16th St, 3 rms., flat, walking distance. $18.008513 Jones St., 6 rms. Close to two car lines, ALL MODERN. $25.001131 Georgia Ave., 7 rms., good Shape. $33.60 2362 Mandereon St, T rm., brick house. 136.001700 S. 26th St., S fms., h. V. heat. $35.00 3301 Davenport St., I rms., good location. We have others call ns. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 537 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. 3 rooms, 1821 North 17th St., bath and (fas 112.60 7 rooms, 2520 Charles St 17.00 4 rooms, 2013 Clark St 10.09 t rooms, 616 South 13tlr8t., 17.60 6 rooms, 919 South 12th St 12.60 6 rooms, 1110 Farnam St 15.00 5 rooms, 1110 North 23d St 12.53 S rooms, 3014 Mason St., modern.... 30.00 8 rooms, 939 North 26th St., modern 25.00 9 rooms, 1411 North 17th, modern... 25.00 10 rooms, 2412 Cass St., modern .... 40.00 11 rpoms, 1029 South 80th Ave., mod.. 25.00 BENSON & MYERS CO.. REALTORS, 424 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. 74S. FOR RENT. S8 So. 26th St., 10-r, mod. house. .$65.00 1738 So. 29th St., 7-r, mod. house.. 30.00 2025 Howard St., 6-r., pt. mod. house 16.50 2019 Grace St., 6-r. part mod. house. 14.0 1108 So. 9th St., 6-r. house for colored , . ; 20 00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY, - . REALTORS, 205 South l&lh St. Douglas 722. v CHOICE RESIDENCES. 236 Park Ave., a strictly modern dwelling, close In, good neigh borhood 80. 0 1512 N. 40th St., Very desirable, hot water heat 36.00 PORTER ft SHOTWELL, 108 S. 17th St. Douglas 6011. Offices with Horns Builders. 4011 IZARD St. 7 rms.. all mod.. 35 2212 Mason St., 8 rms., all mod.... 31 1637 S. 2fith St., t rms., all mod 25 209 S. 13th St.. 10 rms., part mod SO 4084 N. 26th St., 6 rms., part mod.. 20 2602 Chicago St., 6 rms., part mod.. 19 815 8. 25th St., 3 rms., part mod 8 BIRKETT & COMPANY. 250 Bee Bldg, Doug. 633. $16.00 5-R. cottage, 1712 North 33d St. $16.00 6-R. cottage, 2107 Ohio St. 20.00 7-R. mod. house, 2507 St. Mary's Ave. 22.50 7-R. mod. house, 1807 LOthrop St. 80.00 8-R. mod. house, 2122 Wirt St.; garage. W. H. GATES 647 Omaha Nat'l, Bank Bldg, P. 1294. 1314 S. 27TH ST., 6-r., mod. ex. ht. .$16.00 .sua o. iim bi., -r., part modern;-. 13.50 2014 Bancroft, 5-r., part modern... 13.00 1616 N. 32d St., 4-r., city water.... 7.(0 2418 S. 6th St., 4-r., city water..., 7.60 480.7 Charles, 5-r., well , 10.00 8412 Evans, 6-r.. well 1.00 CREIGH, SONS ft COMPANY. t k Douglas 200. Realtors. 608 Bee Bldg, FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. Glenarlo Apartments 51ST AND CAPITOL AVE. (DUNDEE) NOW READY FOR OCCUPANCY. 4-room apartment with (-room ac commodations. Strictly modern In every detail, Fire proof building. Seltna Realty and, Construction Co- 228 Clty Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 8068. FOR RFMT Large modern house in West Farnam district; 2 bedrooms on second floor and 1 on third floor; 2 bathrooms. 165.00. J. H. DUMONT & CO.. Realtors. 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. NEW MILTON, 1964 Jones, two rooms with built-in bed and dressing room, making 8-r. apt, very choice. $17; renting for $32.60 summer, $37.60 winter. See janitor. """ii"" at hbiubm iei4 Harney St. FOR RENT Classy little 6-room flat near 26th and Harney. Want tenant at once. Get particulars on this If you want A ..good deal. Call D. 1472. MOVE TO THE HAMILTON. FIREPROOF. Fine 3-room apt. just vacated only $5$. ERNEST SWEET, D. 1472. BEAUTIFUL 3-room and bath apsrtment walking dlstanc-. In fin location. $39 (0 winter. Douglas IU0 HAMILTON APTSTFIrtproof. 24tb ft Fsrt nam: 1 to 6 rms. wltb kitchen. D. 1471. North. ONE four-room and bath and one five-room and bath, modern, heated apartment in refined residence district, 2821 North 20th St. boulevard. Special low price to party "i"1' vimuren. rnone Webster 6892. BRAND NEW apartments, stea t heated, '& rooms, $27.50; 7 rooms, 140. 2818 Cuming. Harney 1050. 4 AND 5 room apt, new, all modern, steam heatod, $27.60 to $35.00. Mapls Court 1811-15 Maple St. D-2S08. DANDY, desirable, new, up-to-date, 6-room apartment, 145 N. 4th St. (Apt. 6.) Harney 616$. South. HEATED APARTMENTS I Rooms,-"The Hudson," 207 South 26th Avenue, Bummer, $40; Winter, $50. 6 Rooms, 410 South 25th Avenue, Sum mer, $40; Winter, $45. BENSON ft MYERS CO.. Realtors. 424 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. poiig. 748, BEAUTIFUL 9 -room flat, strictly modern; oak floors, new electric lighting fixtures, across from Hanscom Park, 1717 Park Ave. $3o. Hastings & Heydcn. 1614 Harney 6t