Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Three Cases of New Voiles;
pretty colored borders in
novel designs and t hem
stitched ends r y.Kr
special, a yard
60 Pieces of Solid Colored
Voile and Marquisette; 36
inches wide, in all colors;
make pretty side draperies;
worth 39c a yard ; spe- 99 e
cial Friday, a yard. . .
2,000 Yards of Casement
Scrim; pretty colored bor
ders; special, a yard, 1 lr
at ; 1 1C
One Counter of Cretonnes;
large assortment; a very
pretty range of patterns;
speciala yard, OC.
at OOC
One Table of Pretty Drapery
Madras; brown and green only; 36
inches wide; unusual; 50c quality,
Friday a yard 39 C
50 Piecei of Voile, Scrims and
Marquisettes; plain, fancy and
hemstitched borders; a large va
riety to select from; spe- 1 Q
cial a yard at 1 7 C
Basement. '
720 Pairs Men's Kid and Cape
Gloves in gray and tan; small
sizes 7 and 7 i regular $1.50
and $2.00 values, sale AQn
prcie at . . . . T
85 Dozen Men's Work Shirts in
chambras and madras in blue,
tan and fancy stripes; cut extra
full and large; sale A
price, each at VlvrC
45 Dozen Men's Fleeced and
Ribbed Shirts and Drawers; me
dium and heavy weights; sale
price, a garment 69 C
at ..
One Lot of Men's,Ribbed Union
Suits; medium weight in ecru
color; good quality and well
made ; sale price, a d "I OP
suit at
Store Opens
9 A.M.
Closes 6 P. M.
n i
Store Opens
9 A. M.
Closes 6 P. M,
Big Bargain
in This
i'ujujjm1 w m mi -mi r t m ummmmmm ' jjimmn um n 1 mi'1"1111
If ii m I I'f'TiM- i r -n mi ii i n imihiii urn muniii n n u mim lftr. i mm rmi J
KT tt 'T - -mi- r - . unSf g
For Friday
3,000 Pairs' of Shoes Kemarikatole Purchase
Women's $4 to $6 Footwear at $2.95
Children's $2.50 to $4 Footwear at $1.95
These Shoes come from some of the best makeers in the "East" and ve purchased this lot of
3,000 pairs at agreat concession for spot cash.
il ' "Mil WMW-MWMMMIMIII1II I PS mlmmtmmmtmmi
This is one of the best lots of Shoes that we have ever sold at or near these low prices.
Sizes (Women's) 2Vz to 8, Widths AtoE Sizes (Children's) 8V2 to 2, Widths BtoE
ALL regular stock from the different makers, manufactured to sell at full prices.
This represents the stock accumulated from recent cancelled orders.
Every piece of this Footwear is right UP-TO-DATE FOR STYLE and extremely desirable.
Every Shoe Brand New.
Sale Starts Promptly at 9 Friday Morning. Come Early for First Choice
Women's All Dark Brown Kid Shoe,
9-inch top, plain toeT military heel,
light flexible sole, all JJO QC
sizes, a pair
Women's All White Calfskin Shoe,
9-inch top, plain toe, full Louis heel,
light welted soles, all tO Q C
Women's AIL Black Vici Kid Shoe,
9-inch top, plain or cap toe; Cuban
or full Louis heel, all j9 95
sizes, a pair
Women's Dark Tan Calfskin Shoe,
8-inch top, "Munsing Last" army
shoe, one of the most durable made,
hand welted sole, soft tip j0 QC
and plain walking heel. . P
Women's White Kid or Dark Tan
Kid Vamp, with corded silk top,
button style, light flexible J0 QC
sole, all sizes ; v.U
Patent Leather Vamp, with white
cloth top, 8 and 9-inch lace style,
low heel, for growing (9 QC
girls, all sizes '. .
Vici Kid Vamp, with white cloth or
kid top, 8 and 9-inch lace style, low
or high heel, I Jo QC
all sizes v-WO
Dark Brown Kid Vamp, with white
xloth top, also in Black Mat , Kid
Top, 1-inch leather . fcO QC
Cuban heel P.270
The Children's Footwear in This Sale
Patent Leather Vamp, white cloth top, with fancy
trimming, either "Baby Doll" or English 1 QC
lasts, all sizes C Pl7U
Vici Kid Vamp, with mat kid top, button or lace
style, Goodyear welted sole, plain toe, M QC
low heel, all sizes
Gun Metal Calf, with mat kid top, button or lace 1
style, tip or plain toe, light flexible d QC
soles, all size's... VlViJ
Tan Calf Lace Boot, with half double sole and low
heel, plain toe or tipped, M QC
all sizes , ,PI.570
Fancy Zephyr Dress Ginghams;
made in America; pretty plaids,
checks and regulation nurse
stripes; very desirable for spring
and summer dresses, etc. OQj
special, a yard, at e&47l
36-inch " Percale; light grounds
with neat figures, stripes and dots;
long mill lengths, spe- 1 Cl
cial a yard at XvlJjC
Mill Remnants Bleached Muslins;
good quality in long useful lengths,
special, a yard, at 9"C
36-inch Unbleached Muslin; heavy
round thread quality for making
sheets and slips in two qualities;
on bargain square, a yard 1 P
at 12c and J.
Fine Dress Ginghams; splendid as
sortment of plaids, checks and,
stripes; 10 to 20 yard 1 Q
lengths, at '. 15C
36-inch Bleached Muslin; soft fin
ish, free from dressing; suitable
for fine underwear, pillow cases,
etc., cut off the piece; Fri- Ifi
day only, a yard at .... . " V:
Mill Remnants Serpentine Kimona
Crepe; pretty patterns for dress
ing sacques; Kimonas and Wrap
pers, special, a 1 AXg
yard at : . "2C
36-inch Bookfold Dress and Wrap
per Percale in the wanted blue and
gray colors; also light grounds;
splendid variety, new OQ
printings; a yard at . . . .
72x90 Bleached Sheets with seam
in center; made of fine heavy
muslin; a bargain, each, at "JtyQ-
Axminister and Velvet Rugs;
27x54 a large variety of new
patterns; regular $4.00 CJO C A
values, at each PeOU
Salesman's Samples of Axminster
and Brussels Remnants; 3 to 4
yard lengths; special, a(1 f(
yard at .. ..ipI.UU
30x60 Hit' and Miss Rag Rugs,
regular $1.19 values, spe- OP
cial each at OOC
250 Yards of Stairway Carpet;
good colors; regular 75c value,
special, a yard, at 49 C
Hosiery and Underwear
Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits
in pink with band top and shell
knee; in all sizes, special T C n
a suit at OC
Women's Fine Lisle Union Suits
with fancy cluny yoke and lace
trimmed knees; sizes 5 7C
and 6; a suit at OC
Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits
in lace trimmed knees and wing
sleeves; sizes 4, 5 and 7C
6, each, at
Large 'sizes, in complete 7Q
assortment, each, at JC
Women's Ribbed Vests with fancy
hand crochet yoke; all CA
sizes, each at .......... v
Infants' Sample Shirts in wool and'
part wool; some Ruben styles;
(every mother knows this cele
brated make) your choice, OQ
each, at OJJC
Children's Strong Knit Waists;
sizes up to 12, a very low OP
price, indeed, each, at,...OC
Women's and Children's Vests and
Pants in odd lots; to clean or
up, each mvC
The Hosiery
Women's Fiber Silk Hosiery, in all colors, seconds
of 50c quality, great value, a pair, at
Women's Lisle Seamless Fashion
Hosiery in all shades; seconds of
59c quality; a very excep- OQ
tional offering, per pair. . OIC
Women's Mercerized Hosiery in
black, white and colors; seconds
of 35c quality, a pair OP
Men's Cotton Socks in black with
white feet; some with
double soles; a pair at
Children's Fine, Medium and
Heavy Ribbed Hosiery in black;
all sizes; buy 3 or 4 pairs QP
at this price, pec. pair.
Ready-to-Wear Offerings
Eight Big Bargain Groups
We have grouped together these different lots of good, depend
able wearables. In many instances these garments have been copied
from i high-priced styles. All made of good materials, durable and
will give long and lasting satisfaction. With the present indications
of increased costs it will pay you to anticipate another season's needs.
Rarprain No 1 About 300 Women's and Misses' Dresses
6 u" At $3.95
Everyone is this season's style mostly in serges and other
fabrics, also some silks. We have grouped the balance of
several lots of dresses that have sold from d;o QC
$6.00 to $8.50 at the bargain price of PJ.70
House Furnishings
Columbia Family Scales, 25 pound
pacity; $1.75 value 49
Step Ladder Stool, very handy in AQ
the kitchen, $1.25 value, at OC
Gray Enamel Dish Pans, 14-quart JQ
size, each at
Mrs. Potts' Sad
irons, stand and
t t handle, set at.
Irons; 3
Wash Boilers; size No. 8
with white metal anti-rust
each, at. .
Golden Rod Washing Pow
der, small size, 1 O
3 for
2 Vi -pound pack- 1 A
age, each Xvi
Wall Paper at Lowest Prices
We quote some remarkable values for Friday
which will be of interest to those wishing to decor
ate this month. Widest variety for choice.
All of Our 9c and 10c Paper Suitable for kitchen, Cir
bed room and living room, border to match, Fri., roll, 2C
A Large Variety of Good Looking
Paper All new, suitable for din
ing ana living room, hall, etc.
with cut-out borders for each
Friday special, per roll
Bed Room Paper Every one sug
gestive of the newest. You will be
pleased with our display showing
the different decorations. 11
Friday, per roll.
New Effects for Down-Stairs
Rooms Positively the newest de
signs and colors. Every one worth
30c to 35c. A large assortment to
select from with cut-out borders-
for each. Friday, special,
per roll, at
Washable Varnish Tile Papers
For kitchen and bath room; sold
every day for 25c and 30c. 1 Q
Friday special, per roll . . 1 C
Bargain No. 2 pmen' and
Winter Coats, $8.95.
Every coat that has sold up to $15.00.
About 200 in the lot. All good styles,
' big collars and pockets, belted.effects,
rough and smooth cloths, plaid ma
terials, full lined Egyptian plushes,
good variety of colors JQ QC
Everyone a bargain at vO.Uo
Bargain NO. 3 Women's and Misses'
Winter Suits, $5.00.
About 60 in the lot. Your choice of any
Woman's, Misses' and Junior's suit in
the basement. Materials are serges,
poplins, etc. Suitable for early Spring
wear. Former prices $10.00 jC Aft
to $15.00. Each only JO.UU
Bargain NO. 4 wmen' Misses' and
Juniors' Suits, $1.95.
Mostly small sizes. Not this season's
styles, but good suits for small women
or large girls. About 50 in the lot. The
skirts alone are easily worth d J Qg
the price. Each suit only. . . 1
Bargain No. 5 DreM s$kirts, Each,
Broken lots, right up-to-the-minute
styles. Plain and fancy silks. All
woot serges and poplins, plaids, etc.
Two big racks full to choose from.
Regular $5.00 and $6.00 djo An
SIHrts Pni-h of po.VU
Bargain NO. 6 House Dresses and Porch
Dresses, at $1.00.
We have grouped a lot of Women's and
Misses' House Dresses and Porch
Dresses that have formerly sold up to
$2.00, in Amoskeag Ginghams, Per
cales, Chambrays, Checked Goods, etc:
Odds and ends of "American Lady" and
"Sellwell" brands. All sizes. dj- rv
Big bargain, each only p 1 UU
Bargain No. 7 irIs' Washable
Dresses, each 39c.
The balance of the girls' . winter
dresses for quick clearance at one
price. Sisfes are from 2 to 6 years and
b to 14 years. Wonderful QQ
rn ill 1'mji7-t
bargain at
Bargain NO. 8 Wornen' Misses' and
Juniors' Coats, $1.29.
Winter Coats that are worth many times this
price. Odd garments, mostly in small sizes;
not this season's styles, but suitable for prac
tical wear; all grouped into one d1 OQ
bargain lot, at.
Linen Offerings In These Basement Sales
Turkish Towel Ends, each 7Vii
Damask, 60e This is the li.ien
finished1 kind, wearing qualities
unexcelled; in a range of very
pretty patterns; 64 inches wide.
I 7V6 Wash Cloths, each 5$
Towels, 25c Full bleached Turk
ish Towels; hemmed ends; also
pretty colorings; a regular 39c
SPECIAL Sample Spreads, M
Off One lot of soiled spreads in
crochet and satin quality (no
seconds), perfect goods, at a
saving of V off regular price.
Men's Suits $10and $1250
In enlarged Men's Basement
Clothing. Department
What an event for you,
Mr. Business Man, to be able
to buy a practical Suit in this
time of rising markets at
such low prices as $10.00
and $12.50. Desirable styles
that are always good. A fine
variety of patterns and col
ors. Fabrics are tweeds,
cashmeres and worsteds.
Suitable for any kind of
wear. All sizes.
Men's Overcoats
t i ia tin
it '
We have grouped together several lots
of men's overcoats which are decidedly
underpriced. These are all good wear
able practical styles well tailored to
suit the needs of the plain practical man
of business. Shades and fabrics of all
descriptions. Styles are the T'lster
Models, Great Coats and Chesterfield.
All sizes.
Special: Men's Trousers, $1.50
One big lot ol men's and young men's trousers. Regular $2.50
values. This is a very fine number at this low price. Patterns and
fabrics are very desirable. All sizes.
Men's One-Piece Overalls Special at $2.25
Blue and khaki shades one of the best work garments
made. A real value at this low price of
Omaha Distributors for Carhart Overalls.
Boys' Suits at $4.25
Here is a table, of suits at a big sav
ing to you. Dark colors, light colors
and medium shades; good staunch
wearing fabrics; 'many styles to select
from ; sizes 6 to 16 years.
Boys' Waists and Shirts. 65c
Bargain square of wonderful values.
Slightly soiled $1.00 and $1.25 values
in waists and shirts. A lot of flannel
blouses in khaki, included with a big .
assortment of good quality madras,
percale, chambray, in various light and
dark patterns. All sizes.
Special Corduroy
Knickerbockers. $1.35
Just arrived a lot of good wearing and good weight
corduroys in sizes 6 to 16 years and at very reasonable
prices. Dark drab shades only.
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