THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 10. 1918. 7 A Property of Blaugas Company Ordered Sold . Federal Judge Woodrough has or dered the property of the Nebraska Blaugas company. Twenty-seventh and Boyd streets, sold under fore closure to satisfy creditors to the ex tent of several hundred thousand dol lars. The sale is to take place 20 clays hence at the east door of the court house,, provided the company does not satisfy its creditors before then. B. H. Dunham was appointed master to sell the premises and exe cute the court's decree. The concern has been operated by a receiver, George P. Stebbins, for several months. The suit was brought in federalcourt by Allen W. Sleeper, who owns bonds of the company to , the extent of $180,000 and has ad- T vanced several thousand dollars be sides toward the operation of the business. The Nebraska Blaugas company and 19 other corporations and individuals are defendants. The company makes gas' plants for homes. It is operating now and will probably continue to operate even after its financial difficulties I have been adjusted by foreclosure. Pastors Asked to Urge All To Attend Patriotic Rally Colonel J. if. Banister issues the following appeal to the pastors of t'jmaha: "You are respectfully requested by the ' executive committee, of which I am chairman, to announce from your pulpits Gunday the Washington and ' Lincoln day celebration at the Audi ' torium on the evening of February 12. Please urge all members of your congregations to attend this meeting, which has been arranged by the pa triotic societies of the city. (The oc casion will celebrate the birthday an niversaries of Washington ' and Li;i :oln and will also give evidence to ihe soldier boys in uniform that the tvhole citizenship of Omaha is stand ing back of them and is anxious to show appreciation of their work for Uncle Sam." Weather Clears and Heavy Snow is Melting Rapidly According to the reports to the rail roads, the weather has cleared all the way from the Missouri river to the mountains and bright, warm sunshine is the rule. The snow is melting rap .dly. Temperatures out in the state started in at 8 to 30 degrees below tero. with the coldest in. the central Portion. Wyoming and Colorado temperatures are higher than those tf Nebraska. Railroads report a snowfall of one to six inches over Nebraska, with the heaviest down in the southwest sec tion. There was little wind accom panying the storm and consequently lut little drifting, not enough to inter :ere with traffic. Arniy Needs Men Familiar With Handling of Horses Army recruiting officers ate making a special drive for the enbstment of .nirti familiar with the . handling of iiorses for service both fh this country id in France. Remount stations in i!'e United State report a great Mortage of men to care for horses and the demand must be supplied inimediatelv. Veterinarians are in great demand to care for the horses now being purchased for the remount depo ill rnv.ja.aaaA - m Hhis I iiiivv I Jtvv rr- ' IlLU If II Hi I al I 1 4 I .1 I j FUNS. TO GIVE i AID IN OMAHA Propose to Have Dwellers in Apartment Houses Form Groups of Workers; Other Proposals Are Made. Red Cross auxiliaries in all apart ment houses is a measure to increase me numDer ot women workers in Omaha, advocated by Mrs. C. T. Kountze, head of the woman's service bureau. "There are at least SO large apart ment houses in Omaha in which a treat deal of work could be done if the women would organize for the purpose. If there are no competent supervisors for surgical dressings among them, they can make hospital i garments, the need for which is just as great," said Mrs. Kountze. Won.en living in a group of apart ment houses on Sherman avenue bor dering the Strehlow terraces are the first to signify their desire to fall in with the plan. Organize Business Girls. There is talk of organizing the business girls in the large office build ings for Red Cross work, but the dif ficulty to be met here is in obtaining enough supervisors and instructors for night work. A movement to enroll more mem bers of the large women's organiza tions such as the Omaha Woman's club and the Association of Col legiate Alumnae, both of which hold several departmental meetings a week, is on toot. Visitors thronged the state inspec tion warehouse in the Haubens build ing between the hours of 2 and 6 for the "open house," arranged so that the public might view the work. Heads of departments showed the visitors through the different rooms where receiving, censoring and pack ing are being done. There was no let-up in the work through the after noon, even while the "reception" was going on. Tag 12,000 Packages. Twenty girls of the D. T. A. club spent three hours tagging 12,000 mus lin bandage packages Friday night. W. L. Butler, C. A. Inman, Walter Campbell and Edward 'Goetz of , the Marsh-Overland company volunteered their services to stencil 60 boxes. Mrs. W. R. Clarke of Lincoln has been named assistant state instructor for surgical dressings, with headquan. ters in Lincoln, for the greater con venience of women of the South Platte district. Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. J. O. Goodwin, state chairman, and Miss .Marjorie Smith returned Friday from a visit to central division headquar ters in Chicago. . The need for an automobile to carry auppiics to auxiliaries irom tne baird building was emphasized at a board meeting of Omaha chapter Friday. Gould Dietz is looking for some one who will donate a' car. Sunday, February 10, 1918- Ntw Star Hour "9 A. M. to 6 P. M." -BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- New Stor Hour "9 A. M. to 6 P. M." 5 Conservation Is the Word Of the Hour All of us have been asked to conserve to save meat, wheat, sugar, fuel, power and many other things. The blessing of an early and sure peace rests on what you, as a unit of red-blooded Americans, do in getting on without the large use of these various things which must be conserved. Now it has become neces sary to save daylight also because saving daylight means the saving of artificial light, which in turn is a sav ing of power and fuel. By a ruling of the Fuel Administration the new store hours, beginning Monday, have been scheduled open ing at 9 a. m. and closing at 6 p. m., Saturdays included. Then, aside from this, the lights in the show windows the eyes of the store and possibly one of the greatest advertising assets, are not lighted at all this to accom plish as best possible, the conservation of fuel. The shortened store hours brings changed shopping con d i t i ons procrastination steals most of the morning hours before 10 o'clock while rioon finds the day half gone, with a dozen things left undone which should have been accomplished in the morning hours. These of necessity must then be crowded into the few hours of the afternoon. , Get the habit and make the most of the morning hours. Instead of shopping in the afternoon, start from home at 8 or 9 o'clock, we'll be ready for you. ' Shop in the morning con serve daylight and help the merchants help Uncle Sam. THURSDAY Is Valentine Day You'll find here1 a splendid collection of the new ideas in a wide variety of selection and at a price range of lc to 25c. Everybody enjoys receiving a valentine, and don't, by all means, forget the kiddies. BurM-Nah Co. Main Floor It's a duty and a neces sity that every man, wo man and child should buy War Savings Stamps. For sale at Information Desk, Main Floor. The "Ask Mr. Foster " Travel Service Information , This office is maintained for your convenience, and whether you desire information about some near-at-home trip or are interested in a tour of South America or the orient, you will find here the very latest and most satisfactory data. The manager in charge of this office is prepared to plan the journey and to give information concern ing all details to relieve you of all worry no charges or fees ever. Burfew-Nath Co. Balcony, Main Floor B RING Your Films to Burgess-Nash If you will bring your kodak films to us any day before 12:30, they will be developed, printed and ready for you at 11:30, the next. Likewise all films left before 4:00 p. m., will be ready at 3 :30 the next day. We guarantee our work, too. Our stock of films is always fresh, you take no chance if you buy your films at Burgess Nash. No. 0 Brownie camera, $1.75. No. 2 Brownie camera, $2.50. No. 2A Brownie camera, $3.50. No. 3 Brownie camera, $4.50. Kodak albums specially priced at $1.35 to $3.00. We carry Eastman kodaks exclus ively. Bur(-Nah Co. Main Floor Here's an Unusual Value in Taffeta Silks and Satins At $1.69 WE say unusual value, because if we were to buy them on the market today, they would cost us practically what we offer them to, you for Monday. The groups include pretty taffetas and satins, in smart stripes, plaids, checks and plain colors. Very desirable for skirts, dresses and suits, 36 inches wide, and very spe cial, at $J.69 a yard. Satin Charmeuse, at $1.95 a Yard In a pleasing range of shades for street and evening dresses. Browns, plum, navy, old rose, French gray, taupe, reseda, gold, pink, flesh, Copenhagen, yellow, white and black. 40 inches wide. Very special, at $1.95 a yard. BurfMS-Naah Co. Main Floor This Is Baby Welfare Week In the Burgess-Nash Infants' Wear Section An Occasion of Vast Importance to Mothers Who Want to Know More About Dressing Their Little Ones in the Most Healthful and Comfortable Manner ULLY realizing that the interests of the baby are of first importance to every mother, we have plan ned this occasion as a source of helpful instruction primarily to demonstrate the superior advantages of our infants' wear section. F' A Trained Nurse in Attendance Mrs. Owens, a trained nurse, who has given years of careful study to the care of babies, will be herejand explain and demonstrate how to dress the baby in the most healthful and comfortable manner. We want all mothers to come, and extend a most hearty welcome, not necessarily with the idea of buying:, but we want you to know and appreciate what a great help we cant)e to you in supplying the accessories of the nur series. Large numbers of Omaha mothers have the warmest praise for our admirable infants' wear section. Its entire energies can be devoted to providing the best ap parel for the little folks from the earliest moment of their lives till they are six years of age. , Vanta Baby Garments Featured Mrs. Owens will explain the advantages of the Vanta Baby garments, showing why they are so en thusiastically endorsed by physicians and nurses ev erywhere. With Vanta garments, not a pin or a but ton is necessary to dress the baby from top to toe. A Pinless Diaper Pattern Will Be Given Free to Every Mother. Burgosa-Nath Co. Second Floor No Need to Go South to Wear These Hats, $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00 YOU can stay right here in Omaha and wear these charming new creations and feel smarter and bet ter dressed than you did in your winter velvet. Particu larly nice for immediate wearing is the new bright and shiny millinery shiny straw shiny ribbons shiny ornaments, in fact, everything in keeping with the new season Spring, the brightest and cheeriest time of the year. Such novel features, as: Pokes, Watteau Style, Short Back Effects, Dress Hats, Tailleur Hats, Street Hats The creations are the .very latest ideas just in from the east, and each hat depicts that characteristic of in dividuality and distinctiveness foundi in Burgess-Nash millinery. Bnrgesa-Naah Co. Second Floor Golf Our driving net and putting course affords splendid op portunity to keep in trim. And there is no charge whatever. Burgeai-Naah Co. Fourth Floy pliENTY of Yarns For Knitting 5 A recent shipment brought a splendid supply of knittin worsteds and silk and woo yarns so much in demand for women's sweaters. The newest shades are represented. Khaki Yarns, $1.00 Khaki colored yarn suitable for hclmeta, wristlets, soxs and scarfs, at $1.00 a hank. Burreu-Naah Co. Third Floor New 1918 Spring Boots, Oxfords and Pumps Are Ready for Inspection rpilE lasts and patterns are exclusive, and they will not JL be shown elsewhere in the city. For Dressy Street Wear Imported Russia army tan vamps with warumbo buck cloth tops, perforated tip and vamps, light welt soles, two- inch Cuban heels. Brown French kid vamps with warumbo buck cloth tops, perforated tip and vamps, light welt soles, twp-inch Luban heels. Two-tone lace boots, brown kid vamp, dark golden brown kid tops. All black Russian calf, dull kid top, two inch Cuban heels. All tan Russia calf, light welt soles, inch Cuban heels. For Dressy Afternoon Wear Silver gray kid. Moose brown kid. Military gray kid. Golden brown kid. Fawn color kid. Koko brown kid. Two-tone brown kid. All made with hand welted soles, two-inch kid covered heels, plain and perforate! tips, $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 and $13.50, the prices. Educator and Kindercraft Shoes For infants, children, misses and big girls, are the best wearing shoes made. Burgeaa-Nath Co. Second Floor IF-? n If You Have la Thought of Econ omizing on Your Corset D O it now! A dollar spent oh correct corseting in time will save more than the proverbial nine. We have women in our corset depart ment skilled in the corset art, and they will advise you how to treat your figure in order to obtain the very best results. Warner Corsets y really form the backbone of our corset department so confident are we of the permanent quality of Warner's Corsets. And, irr-these times, when we must search the market for dependable merchandise, to know that there is a manufacturer upon whom we can count for guaranteed service, makes corset selling quite worth while. Come in and be fitted to one of these new models that have arrived. Prices $1.00 to $6.00. Burf.ia-Na.h Co. Second Floor His Majesty, the Baby, No Doubt Needs a New Carriage AND it is with pride that we point to this display of car rigaes, collapsible carts and sulkies. Reed Body Baby Carriages New and distinctive in de sign. The color combinations are most attractive, includ ing old ivory, nile green, gray and natural reed, with gears to match the body and uphol stered in real corduroy. Some are equipped with reversible gears. Prices, $22.50 to $47.50. SidwayColIapsible Carriages Space for pillows and wraps. Folds flat when not in use, and can be easilv car ried. Du Poht fabricoid waterproof hood. The springs are adjustable to babv's Wftio-hr.. nrntoi'firio' trio oniriA fr-nr jolts and injury. Prices, $19.00 to $25.00. ' Sulkies Are $5.50 to $12.50 Characterized by roomy seats, high backs and excel lent springs. All reed sulkies, hand woven of high grade genuine .imported reed, good steel wheels with heavy rubber tires. Variety of colors, at $5.50 to $12.50. Burftaa-Nath Co. Third Floor 11117' 0 UR Soldiers' and Sailors' Shop has been moved to the Third Floor at the landing of the ele vator. Here you will find every thing that the boys at the front or cantonment need and' waft, in wide- and generous assort ments; service flags, service buttons, shaving outfits, swag ger sticks, French talking ma chine records, comfort kits, Red Cross kits, emergency kits, smoking sets, etc. ( Burgeis-Nath Co. Third Floor Le Burgess-Nash Help With Your Laundry Work Til a 34535 "Mina Taylor" Dresses For Home and Porch Wear Insure Comfort WHAT a comfort it is to be dressed in a garment that does not hinder you, from reaching upwards without experiencing a tightening at the arms ! What a comfort it is to wear a garment which permits freedom of movement of the body a dress in which you will be at perfect ease at all times ! Then let your next home dres3 be a Mina Taylor. These fine garments embody every essential of comfort. They are made large and roomy at every point where roominess is needed through the waist, across the shoulders, at the arms, and through the hips. See the splendid assortment of Mina Taylor Dresses now on display on our Second Floor. You will find here a Mina Taylor that is just your size in your favorite color and it will have the little frills and fancies you usually add to home dresses when you make them yourself. From $2.25 to $5.50 Per Garment We Have Mina Taylor Aprons, Too, at 50c to $2.50 Burgaaa-Naah Co. Second Floor. F.Urti-ir WmMncr lvUrhln. 75.00 "Quicker Yet" electric washing machines, dolly style, swinging wringer, $75.00. Wash Boilers, $2.19 G a Ivan ized iron wash boil ers, with s t ationary wood han dled, No. 8 size, $2.19. Wash Boilers, $2.95 Copper bottom wash boilers, ex tra heavy tin, at $2.95. Clothes Props, 19c Clothes line props, 8-foot, size, for 19c. Clothes Baskets, $1.29 Willow clothes baskets, wood bottom, good size, special, at $1.48. Clothes Hampers, $1.19 Splint clothes hampers, medium size, with cover, special, at $1.19. Ironing Boards, $2.19 Automatic ironinjr boards, with stand, reinforced with steel brace, stands very firm and rigid, $2.19. Clothes Line, 45c Galvanized wire clothes liae, 100-foot lengths, 45c. Clothes Lines, 25c Cotton clothes lines, at 25c. We Feature Scores of Time and Labor-Saving Devices, Which Every Housewife Will Appreciate, Whether or ix oi one uoes tier Uwn Laundry Work. Water Power Washing Machines, $15.00 Washing machines operated by water power from your hydrant, priced at $ 1 S.00. Quality Washing Machines, $13.95 Quality washing machines fitted with roller bearings, easiest oper- atinc hand rriArhinn nn tha morlrof t .- nm - v. w iiucu ai .1.93, Big Wonder Mop Outfit, $1.00 Consisting of triangle shape ce dar oil mop, 1 triangle shape pol ish, 1 dustless dust cloth and bot tle cedar polish, 2 handles, for $1. Floor mop, special, at 25c. Wringers, at $4.95 "Horse Shoe" brand clothes wringers, warranted for 3 years, hardwood frame, li-inch rubber rolls, for $4.95. Clothes Pins, 7 Dozen for 10c Hardwood clothes pins, at 7 ddz en for 10c. Clothes Racks, $1.25 High folding, 54-foot drying ?pace, at $1.25. Gas Plates, $2.50 8-burner laundry gas hot plates, at $2.50. Wash Bench, $2.25 Hardwood wash bench, holds two tubs, at $2.25. Wash Boards, 39c Extra wide, well made. SDecial. at 39c. 1 Ironing Boards, $1.25 Basswood ironinc board, with stand well made, for $1.25. Water Pails, 35c Galvanized iron water nails. first quality, 35c. Bnr(is-Nash Co. Down Stain Stor Wash Tubs. $1.49 IrBlv anized. iron wash tubs.l extra large size,) nrst quality, ev ery one guaran teed, at $1.49. Vacuum Washer, 69c "Rapid" vacuum washer, with wood handles, special, Monday, 69c. wseam Irons, at $1.25 "Dover" sad irons, set of three ironB, stand and han dle, five-piece set, for $1.25. Electric Irons, $3.45 "Gloria" electric irons, with de tachable plug, full size, at $3.45. Curtain Stretchers, $1.29 Basswood curtain stretchers, full 6xl2-foot size, special, $1.29. Scrub Brush, 5c Tamnico scrub brush, rood size. for 5c Bu RGESS-itai G mm. -Telephone Douglas 137 Newness Is Creeping In Daily at Burgess-Nash EVERYBODYS STORE