2 A "FETE OF NATIONS' BRILLIANT CARNIVAL STAGED BY TALENT - OF' UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Spectacular Event Held on dampus at Lincoln Consists of . . Events Ranging From Classical Greek, to Rol licking Negro Minstrel Show, Di i rected By Omaha Girl. The .frolicsome spirit of the car nival dominited the spectacular "Fete of the Nations" staged last night by the students of the University of Ne braska in the Temple building at Lin coln. ' Ten .tations were represented at the big all-university festival and the stunts of the various groups ranged rom the aesthetic clasisism of an cient Greece to the grotesque antics .of the .southern negro minstrel. ' The girls f the physical education department succeeded well in their novel exhibit in which th; predomi nant note was Russian. A Bolshevik himself could find no fault with '.heir dialect. Real ukeleles .and real Hawiian songs and d.nces featured the grace ful Hawiian act which was staged under the dinctiDii of Luce Wilcox. Winifred Williams and Carolyn Reed. A distinctive hit was the minstrel nhow given under the directio.i of Maurea Hendee of Omaha. Ten fair co-eds converted by make-up and full dress suits into roilickinor darkies, strummed banjoes, sang sons and cracked jokes that convuUed the au dience. The "Chocola'.j Drops," as they were stvled. consisted of members of the Alpha Xi Delta sorority, and they hail from various parts of the state. They an: Ada Kibler, Kearney; I' ranees Larsen and Hele Larsen, St. Paul; Jane Beechler nd Marguerite Ehlers, Scribner; Lucille Keith, Hast ings; Jean Rankin and Gera! line Itrown, Can, bridge; Helen Fisher, Fort Pierre, S. D.; and Maurea Hen dee, Omaha. Misj Hendee acted as interolocutor. From their opening chorus, "Over There," through a varied program of popular songs and clever quips, to the final bow, the minstrel show breathed originality and excellence in the dif- , ficult art of burlesque. The crowning feature of the evening, was the patriotic spectacle "America written by Prof. H. 13. Alexander, professor of philosophy, and coached b Prof. Robert D. Scott, professor oj dramatic literature. Prof. Alex ander, is known to Nebraskans as tlie author of several pageants given irf Lincoln which attracted large crowds and elicited favorable com ment. .Following the pageant which de lineated conditions of today, the mem bers of the Philosophy club appeared irf a Greek tableau setting forth the c!flights of a Utopian republic, repre senting the dreams of philosopher! on 'an ideal existence. 1 The setting was Greek and the flow in'cr draneriea and classical attitude of th" actors combined to form aO beautiful finale to an exceptionally mjeritorioui program. Following is the list of nations rep resented and the organizations par ticipating: ."Orient, Art club; Russia, Physical Educational department; Scandanavia, Ttgner spciety; Italy, Latin club; Minstrel Show, Alpha Xi Delta; Hawaii, General; Bohemia, Komensky klub; Greece, Pan-Hellenic; Holland, Dramatic club; France, La Soire Ffancaise; England, English club. Refreshments were dispensed at, a Yfcung Men's Christian association hot and a Young Women's Christian association hostess house. The en- lire proceeds of the fete will go to forward University of Nebraska war activities. ROOSEVELT IS REPORTED TO BE SOME IMPROVED few York. Feb. 9. The condition of 1 Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, who underwent .two operations last Wednesday, Vas reported at Roose velt hospital early today as "some what improved." Dr. Harold Keyes attended the colonel throughout the night. He re ported the patient had rested comfort ably. The colonel did not awaken during the night, a muse informed Mrs. Roosevelt when the former president's wife entered th- sick room at 5 j'clock this morning. Letters and te'egrams addressed to ;he former president or to members if his family here continued to reach the hospital today from all parts of ihe countrv. That extra tooni will pav vour coal bill. Rent it through a hi-.e Want Ad. Five Years at 1324 Farnam Street J!t 1 m bet Dr. 'McKenney says: "ONE 'BAD' TOOTH can make ypu lose a big sale, a golden opportunity, a valued friend, and even put you on a bed of sickness. You can't estimate the influence . your teeth exert upon your health and success." 'Best Silver 7C- I Beit 22k Filling IOC I Cold Crowa.. Wonder Plate Worth $15 to $23. McKENNEY 14th and Farnam Sts. 1324 Farnam Street PHONE DOUGLAS 2872. NOTICE Out-ot-town patron can got PlatM, Crown. Bridie end Fill ing complete te ONE day. Hours, 8:30 M. to P M WtdnmUr nd Saturday Till S P. M. Net Opea Sunday I yr:-v "if HMC.. . ij ,4V.,. .;-"IHDk.. Sfaurea P. Hendee Miss Hendet Directed Minstrel Show of Ten Co-Eds. Prof. Scott Coached the "America." Pageant, YANKEE TROOPS EXPLORE GERMAN . TRENCH IN DARK (Continued From Pag On.) flat on the ground just as a machine gun began to spit bullets in their di rection. A few feet away a heavy object struck the ground. This was found later to be a bomb which had beer, hurled from the German trench. The corporals stayed where they were for some time and listened to the German soidiers talk among them selves. One of the corporals knows German so that what the Germans said was understood. After the Germans retired again to their dugout, the smaller patrol re joined the large one, which soon after was the target for IS or 20 German shells, but no one was hit. Mumps again have appeared in the trenches. A number or soldiers are afflicted, as is one member of the corps of newspaper correspondents. Yank Is" German Prisoner As z Result of Delay Washington, Feb. 9. Delay in de livering orders to forces in France was responsible for Daniel D. Gallig her, an American trooper, being taken prisoner in the first German raid on American trenches, Representative Huddleston of Alabama today told the house committee on expenditures in the Postoffice department. Relatives of Galligher, who is not yet 19, had prevailed upon the War department to grant his discharge. Orders to release him were sent on September 26, but did not arrive until October 6. TEETH Am 'without We Please You or Refund Your Money fcyl D Heaviest Bridge Work, per tooth, Ap Aq A a J0 ipOf iplU DENTISTS rr Examination. td Attendants. No Studeate THE OMAHA ALLEGED BANDIT GANG NABBED BY POLICEJRAGNET Six Men and Two Women Charged With Robbery of Many Mercantile Stores; One Escapes. With the arrest of six men an two women, Omaha police believe tirey have uncovered a gang of the most active thieves who have operated in Omaha in many years. Those arrested are: Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Thomas, 2001 Vinton street; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guthrie, 2014 Vinton street; Frank Kellcrman aid Sam Novak, 2121 Clark street; Donald Diamond, 1108 North Eigh teenth street, and Monk Trunimer, 4108 South Tenth street. Joe Novak, alleged to be "fence" for the crowd, escaped. The arrests followed the alleged discovery of Diamond, Guthrie, and Thomas stealing an automobile Fri day night at Elevenworth and Far nam streets. Diamond was captured, but Guthrie and Thomas escaped. Thomas was later captured at 2121 Clark street, the home of the Novaks, where he was said to be found hiding in a clothes closet. 1 Jobs Laid at Door Police assert that durinsr the last two months this gang have robbed a number of Omaha merchants of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. They are saiH to have been indentified with the following "jobs" Steinberg's junk yard, January 4, $1,000 worth of brass stolen; H. C. Ellinghusen's Toggery, January 20, $1,000 worth of clothing; Y. Thomp son, Tailor, 282i Leavenworth street, $3,000 worth of impored cloth; C. H. Marquard's meat market, 2003 Cum ing street, 31 hams, and a large quantity of pork loins; Kulakofsky's grocery, 1944 South Tenth street, six sacks of sugar, and numerous other food stuffs; Frank Simeral's clothing store, Sixteenth and Williams street. 150 pairs os shoes. The last "job" credited to them was Thursday night, when they are said to have ramsacked Sam Goldstrom's store at 2621 Sher man avenue. Well Known Characters Trummer, Thomas and Guthrie are well known police characters. All have served sentences, according to Acting Chief of Detectives Dunn. Trummer will be turned over to the federal authcrities Monday. He is said to be wanted in Pacific Junction, la., for two box car robberies, U. S, Prisoners Are Taken by Germans (Continued From Page One.) could work their way commercially into the grain growing territory and thus obtain supplies of food for their hungry populations. Their own people seem to have built great hopes on the effectiveness of this peace with the Ukraine, but apparently their leaders are none too certain of the relief it will give for one thing because of the uncertainty as to the security of the rada's power in the territory. They are reported trying to incite Roumania to join forces with the Ukrainians in an attempt to defeat the bolsheviki and to be holding out to the Roumanians the possibility of their taking portions of Russian ter ritory in Bessarabia as a reward, labelling the transaction as compen sation for the loss of Dobrudja to the Bulgarians. The Ukrainians, it ,has been reported, were to get parts of Russian Poland for signing a peace. The Spanish steamer Sebastian and the Italian steamer Duca Da Genova have been sunk by German subma rines off the Spanish coast j Spain is contemplating a protest to Germany over the torpedoing of the latter within a mile of the Spanish shore, following up its recent pro test over the sinking of the Giralda, a Spanish coastwise steames. Equipment, machinery, etc., the finest ever installed in the west. An eastern expert and an able force will take care of any manner of shoe repairing. Just phone Tyler 345 and a man trill call for your shoes and deliver them when finished. Or? you may send in the shoes when you send in your clothes to be cleaned. This is merely an another instance of "Dresher Progressiveness." Dresher Brothers JDyers Cleaners 2211-2217 Farnam St. U'c-'rvWi REPAIRING b-cjf; mm " fosl! wm mm Shoe Repairing Dep't Just Added SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 10, 1918. Omaha Catholic Clergy Opposed To Prohibition (Continued From Pafe One.) stand against prohibition?" he was asked. "The church as a church does not declare itself on such questions," he said. "It is left to individual opinion." "Hasn't prohibition been a success in the states that have tried it?" "On the surface it has, but not un- derneath. It has encouraged abuses! and the bringing in illegally of large j quantities of very bad whisky." i Father Judge, pastor of the Church ; of the Sacred Heart, Twenty-second : and Binney streets, is outspoken ! against prohibition. "You can't legislate a man into be ing virtuous," he declared. "Prohibi tion is a fantastic law and it will be a New Store Hours: Every Day, Beginning Tomorrow, Monday, 9 A. M.to 6 P. M. Correct Handwcar Trefousse glace kid, one and two clasp styles, in black, white, gray, brown and pastel, with self and contrasting embroideries, priced at $2.50 and $3.25. Mochas and washable leathers, for shopping wear, $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75. Children's Undermuslins Gowns, lace and embroidery trimmed, low neck, short sleeves, at 65c, 85c and $1. Children's pajamas of corded and striped nainsook, 6 to 14 years, at 85c, $1 and $1.25. Drawers and knickerbockers, 2 to 14 years, at 25c to 65c Third. Floor. Knitting Yarns Every sort now in demand is ready. ' Third Floor. New Mousewear "True Worth" house dess aprons practical, good looking styles, in gingham and percales, $1.69. Spring petticoats of black sateen, at $1.29 and $1.69. Basement. I Dancing Corsets In the Corset Section are several ;i new models of corsets especially designed for dancing. Some in all elastic, others a combination of treco materials, with wide bands of elastic; flesh color and white $1.25 to $4 a Pair. Third Floor fiat failure if it is ever tried in this country. "It abridges personal liberty. Here in my parish are about 2,000 souls. Not more than 20 of those have ever abused their personal liberty. Is it fair to abridge the personal liberty of all the rest just because those 20 have transgressed?" Father Flanagan Talks. "Do you know any Omaha priests who are in favor of prohibition?" Father Judge was asked. "Well, there may be some, but I can't think of any at present," he said. "I believe after a trial of prohibition in this country the people will aban don it." Father P. A. Flanagan of the Church of the Holy Angels, whose reference to prohibition in his sermon at the funeral of Detective Frank Rodney has been criticised, declared his staunch stand against prohibition. "We were given to understand by tVinc nermV uhrt ur fioVitinir for prohibition that such tragedies could 'you are cordially invited to be presertf at our introductory ' " ' EXHIBITION OF SPRINGTIME FASHIONS A comprehensive showing of latest models direct from New York City awaits your viewing tomorrow. Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses Private Display Rooms at Your Disposal Thompson, Belden & Co. Jfp The Fashion Center for Women THOMRSON.BELDEN &- CQ r55" Qhe fashion Center Jor White Fabrics Now in Favor Embroidered Voiles again lead in popularity for Spring and Sum mer. Voiles are plain, with small embroidered figures, lace effects and checks of various sizes. Plain Voiles, 35c to $1.50. Checked Voiles (36-inch), 50c, Embroidered, 65c to $1.25. White flaxons in checked and striped designs. Plain flaxons, 30c to 65c. Patterned flaxons, , 35c to 50c. Linen Section In Selecting Your Silk HOSIERY Make Certain of Quality Silk hose are necesarily more ex pensire than cotton and lisle and, for this reason, if for-no other, particular care should be devoted to their selection. As you must finally rely upon the word of the store selling you hosiery, it is well to consider that Thomp-son-Belden patrons are increasi ing at an unusual rate. $1.25 for silk hose with lisle tops and soles. To be had in col ors, black and white. $1.50 for pure thread silk hose in all popular shades. Lisle tops and soles. $1.75 for pure thread Jap silk hose, with lisle tops and soles. Excellent values. not happen when liquor was taken away," he said. "We find that their Utopia has not materialized. I am informed that there is more liquor in Omaha now than there was before prohibition, and it is worse liquor and it costs four or five times as much as before. "I would rather see a man drink a few glasses of beer and a glass or two of whisky legally than to have him get them anyway and make a criminal and a sneak of him besides. I am talking plain common horse ense and not indulging in the visions that the prohibitionists have." Father Flanagan did not know of any Omaha priests who favor pro hibition. British Meat Ration Is One Pound Weekly London, Feb. 9. Baron Rhondda, the fodd controller, has issued a meat rationing order which gives each Civilian approximately one pound of meat weekly, BELDING'S SILKS FOR SPRING WEAR GUARANTEED The exclusive privilege of selling Belding's silks is en enjoyed by Thompson-Bel-den & Co. Their wear is guaranteed in all that the word implies and prices are no more than those asked for ordinary silks. S0R0SIS SPRING FOOTWEAR PUMPS and OXFORDS Sorosis Footwear lends distinction to the costume. Leathers show the soft beauty of quality. Lasts are shapely, sim plicity of design is a charming feature of both the pumps and oxfords. Heels are full Louis and military. WILD RIOTS BY RAIL STRIKES OF ARGENTINE Buenos Aires, Feb. 9. A general railroad strike was called today throughout Argentina. Immediately upon quitting work the strikers began a wild anarchistic demonstration throughout the country. Trains were wrecked', tracks destroyed, cars laden with wheat were burned -and -wires were cut, preventing news from the interior from reaching this city. Troops are oeing rushed to points of greatest disorder. The large yards in the outskirts of Buenos Aires which cover 22 city blocks were set on fire men. Exploding tank cars added to the conflagration. The strike is a fresh outbreak of the labor troubles which have been dormant since last October. Womat0 For Spring, New Taffetas, Satins, Crepe Taffetas and a great variety of novelties of the most distinctive sort. In thirty-two years of sell ing silks, the highest qual ity has always been maintained. Tan, brown, gray, black and patent kid. Priced $6 to $8. SPATS are very much in vogue at present, and are shown in all desir able colors Priced $2.50 to $5. It will be a pleasure to show the new footwear at your convenience.