Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1918, SOCIETY, Image 16

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    Cfldelalde Kcnnerly
Ella Fleishman.
a. L
: "Personals ;,
, The surgeon general, it Is said, is
considering taking over the Elms ho
tel at Excelsior Springs (or hospital
purposes. y. r . .-,, , ,
Montague Tancoek is an instructor
1 at the Canadian flying camp at Fort
Worth, Tex. v
Miss Leulla Petersen, who htl been
In the hospital tine her return from
Vassar during the holidays, is at home
again. .-.-..;".",
.A daughter, Mary Jane, was born
to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mitchener Jan
uary 17. 7;;;,.:;- v ,.Y. v.,,;,'
Jack Jordan has recovered from the
measles, and his brother, dunning,
too, is almost well
Mrs. Harold pritchett returned
Thursday from a visit in Pes Moines
with her husband, Lieutenant Pritch
ett, who is at Camp Dodge.
Jamea L Paxton Jeft Sunday for
California on a business trip.
W. A. Ffaser is expected home to
morrow from Washington,
Mrs, William FiUgeratd, who- is
visiting h;r parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
C Byrne, and , has been , sick with
measles, is out again. ,
Miss Marj Megeath is In Philadel
phia to. visit Miss Marion and Miss
Naomi Towle, Miss Helen Ingwer
sen is also -a guest at the Towle home
at Ardmore, and neAt week they will
all go to New York with Mrs. Towle
for a isit ' Miss Ingwersen will stop
in Indianapolis on her way home. '
Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Megeath Ire
staying on at Miami until the latter
part of the month.' when they will re
turn by way ot New York. Mr. and
Mrs. yindsor Megeath. who , have
also been at Miami, will be home to-
Mrs. A. D. Peters Helping
To Equip Red Cross
Base Hospital ;
$ ;J
If; ' n V-
II i
Si ("'.-
a. mmmmmmm
Lieutenant Francis Gaines, at Rich
Field, Waco, Tex, is doing radio
work. ' hsiiYJ
Lieutenant Raymond Low. at Camp
Dodge, has been made telephone offi
cer. Yri vV.v Vr... 'Y-Y
C E. Yost has returned from Flor
ida, where be was with Theodore N.
Vail on the tatter's house boat. Mr.
Yost was also in New York when his
grandson, Tarvi Off utt, was waiting
to sail with his squadron from Fort
Worth. Mr, Yost dined Jarvia and
some of tiff friendf every tight and
give the squadron t week of farewell
partis.v Mrs. Yost is at St Peters
burg, Fla.; wherf Mr, Yost expects to
join her;for the month of March. , ,
Miss -Jsnet and Miss Dorothy Hall
and their brother, Jasper, left Sunday
for the east, the latter to return to
school at Pottstown, Pa, and the two
girls to visit in New York and Phila
delphia. . .S.l-.J
Ms. .Louis '"-Nash. .and. daughter,
Bettjf, expect to leave Tuesday Cor
Coronado. Beach, Cal ' . ( 'rA
i Mrs. Miriam Patterson Boyce, who
has been in a hospital in Chicago with
an attack of smallpox, vas- out this
week and leaves today for New York.
Her -tittle daughter, Jane, went south
to Pinehurat with her grandmother,
Mrs. Boyce. just before her mother
was taken UL .
J-Mrs, M. C Peters and Miss Daphne
Petera left Wednesday for San An
tonio to see Clarence Peters, who is
at Kelly field, but is under orders to
go to some other training field.
;:Mrs. EV W.'Nash left Tuesday for
a- two week visit in Dubuque with
her daughter, Mrs. George Myers,
and Mr. Myers, f , v
Miss Laura Seott left Wednesday
for Houston, Tex, to visit her brother
and his wie, Mr, wid Mrs. Edgar
Scott, who have a house there this
winter. ,
Clarke GoW leaves Monday to 'join
Ka wife and family at Pas-a-Grille,
Mrs., Carlisle Whiting of Fort
Crook has been quarantined with
measles, but U out again.
Sam Barns . returned Thursday
from nearly four weeks' trip south,
Mrs. Burns remaining over a few
daya in Chicago. They were in New
Orleans. Palm Beach and other
southern places.
Mrs. David Magowan is at Colum
bus, O, with her husband, who was
ordered there from Kelly field, San
Antonio, ana has been ill in the hos
pital since his arrival there.
.Miss Emily Keller and Miss Mar
iorie Smith went to Hastings Friday
for the wedding of Miss Ruth Beech
er and Lieutenant Adrian Bricn,
which takts lace Tuesday. v
Mrs. John S. Brady writes from
Belieair, FIjl, that three mornings in
the week are devoted to Red Cross
work by the wo.nen and that knit
ting toes ct. furioutly all the time.
Mrs. Eradv has sent home eieht
trench eapa and half a dozen helmets
fht bit finished herself
W. T. Burns leaves today for ten
Mrs. W. A. Redick Is expected
back from New York the middle of
the week. K:-y '
-Mrs. E. E. Hart ant" dtrliUr
Clara Hart, are now at the Bonne
ville notel at Tacoma, Wash. Lieu.
tenant Henry B. Hart of the 348th
artillery is stationed at Camp Lewis,
and Mrs. Hart and Miss Hart are
staying in Washington to be near
j Mra. FranJr Keogh has recovered
jrom an atuck of th measles. ;
iiiicb justjra m remain, s. z
nd his daughter have been guests of
;jrtrs w?orge A. josiyn.
Mrs." George C Mclntyre and chil
i dren and her brother. Will Crounse.
left Wednesday for Ozona. Fla, to
remain until April. Mrs. Mclntyre
expects her sister. Mis. Storrs Bowen.
to join her there for part of the time
Irom Hattierburg, Miss, where her
disband, Captain Bowen, is at Camp
'helby. r v, . .
-z -Mrs; I. W; Carpenter and 1 Miss
Elizabeth Reed bad expected to leave
X'ednesday for Boston, but post-
Mrs. A. D. Peters is assistant to
Miss Jessie Millard in the huge task
of equipping the Nebraska Red Cross
base hospital unit with necessary bos-
8ital supplies. The work is .being
one in the First Presbyterian church
rooms every day in the week except
Saturday and all women have been
asked to help. '
Senaior Joseph H. Millard con
tributed $1,000 to purchase the ma
terials which the women are to con
vert into operating gowns, head cov
erings, bed linens, towels and the
countless things to be needed ."over
there." " v : ")-::
Mrs.. Peters has been Ictive in all
undertakings sponsored by the ener
getic Ladies' Aid society of the
church. . M ; - -.
poned fcoing on account of the ex
treme cold weather in the east, ,
Miss Martha Folda, who has been
In the hospital for. several weeks, is
out again and is planning to go south
loon. ' v j. jj. ', : ''y . , ,k...
Lieutenant Marlon Brando will
spend a 10 days' furlough in the city
visiting his father, Mr. E. E. Brando,
and his fiancee, Miss Dorothy Meyers.
Eastern Star Kensington. :
Vesta chapttr, Order of the Eastern
Star, will give a kenstngton Thurs
day afternoon at th homeof'MMi'J.
Purcupile. 2525 'California street
Mrs.; Potter's Medal. - - '-YX
Mrs. Philip Potter is the proud pos
sessor of an interesting medal which
was presented last August to her
mother, the late Mrs. Clarke, 82 years
eld, by t!.e American Fund for French
Wounded, in recognition of Mrs.
Clarke's service in knitting supplies.
The medal, which was designed by
Mr. Spicer Simson, is very artistic
and was recently pictured 'on the
cover page of the Outlook,' Orig
inally the medal bore a design but on
one side, the various symbols of the
allies the ship of Great Britain and
its colonies, the cock for France, the
cross for Italy, the Belgian lion, etc..
and the motto, "Do Right and Fear
No Man." With the entrance of the
United States into the war the le
vers side was designed with the
shield, the date April 6, 1917, and the
words, "That Government by the
People Shall Not Perish." '
This medal is issued to. Its contrib
utors by the American Fund for
French Wounded, which has the task
In hand of sending supplies in France,
and the medal sent Mrs. Clarke is the
only one that is known to have been
received in this city.
Silver Wedding.
A silver weddinsr was celebrated
Friday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Rummelhart, it being
the occasion of their twenty-fifth
wedding anniversary. The guests
were: ' , ' .
Rv. and Mm. J. V. Ctrlum. ; .
Rar. and )ln, A. T. Loremr,
Menn. and. Meidames
P. A. Edqulit,
t, K. Edqulft,
H. Andarnon.
Alfred Bloom,
a I Wohlford. ,
Ed Ctrlaon.i
C M. RyUnder, '
B. Htlslnc.
Tounvbsrf, v
Si ! .
J, Hultmia.
Amelia Edaulat. .
Hold Carlton,
Batty Andaraon. ,
MIMr4 Wohlford,
- Maaara.
Joha Handrlokaon.
Charlo Ratff,
J. 8. Cooka,
R. Brrntilniar,
Rava Grout,
Floranra Jonea, ,
Helen Fodrea,
Ruth tlckey,
Helen Wooler.
Inei Slelrler, ,
Maria Marietta,
Manraret Ad ami,
Ethel Brinkman,
Bally Puokatt.
Eaiher Smith,
nard is a niece of Mrs. Harry Hund-.
ley and has visited here at various
times. Mr. McAllister is a young busi
ness man of the city. . .
Farewell Party. -
Miss L. M. Montgomery entertained
a farewell Valentine party in honor of
Miss Florence Jones, who leaves the
latter part of the month for Cali
fornia. The guests included: s
Meadamt-, . . Meadamea--
. Loula Smith,
A. Redinger. . )
R. Swallow.
' Mlaaca '
; Emma Fitch
Kata Brophy,
Ann George,
' Kdlth Montgomery,
Roaa IVaa, .
Kthe! Latter.
.Jean Urquhart, " '
' M. It. Boyce,
Clara Bwanaan,
Edna Roeecrana., i
Dancing Party.
A dancing party will be given
Tuesday evening it St. Cecilia's audi
torium by the women of St Cecilia's
parish. The grand prize will be a
ton of coal, and other prizes have
been donated. - American flags will be
used as a decoration and the follow
ing men and women will sponsor the
W. Wahouskr, i
Oliver Pavla,
William Leafy,
John Kervan.
Thomaa Smith,
B. r. Flood, -Frank
Jeeaph MoMann,
I, B. Cralfh.
Miaaaa i
Anna Oaryay,
Katharine aarray,
Ella Croft,
Phllomana Doyle, .
Ella Krugtr,
Regina Mollataaad,
Mary croaa, -Roaa
Maaara : '
Thomaa Doyle, ,
Bart Krugar, .
Tom crtw
Harry Mltchall.
H. O. Banford. '
Jamea Ollllgan.
John Oervey,
N, U Dunnlvan, .
John Oarvay.
M, L. Dunnlvan,
C, E. Tlarnay,
Richard O'Brien,
Mlaaae - .,
Winifred Traynor,
Amelia. AnheuMr,
Carrie Nagl, . '
Margaret Duftleld,
Maria Peailngar,
Maria Bout,
Maria Daaevan,
Margaret Naland,
Harry Kelly, -Waa
Petar Ollllgan.
Prettiest Mile Club,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Martin enter
tained at a party Saturday evening at
the week-end dinner-dance ' of the
Prettiest Mile club fori :
Meaara. and Maidamaa
Andrew Anderaon, Fred Hallep.
(leorge Flnnerty, tangfalliiar. ",
I. M. Kemp,
Dortora ant Jlatdamea.
Paul Elite, H. B. Newton. v
Jhidge Madden,
The gu.sts of Mr. and Mrs.' Walter
included: " ,
Meaara. and Maadaaae ' '
Leatar Btoderberg, : Otla Alvlaoty, ,
Ralph eegur. , ' Clyde Rock. '
Emtl Johnson.
A. W, Johnion.
N. P. Swandon, .
F. A. E. Hanaen,
J. I. Jacobaon. .
Emit Carlaon.
: Masdamei
D. Owen,
Auguat Carlaon.
Helen JTohneon.
Ida Lniine,
, Edith Jacobaon, .
Ruth Rylander,
Oertrnde Wallander,
Meaara.- .
John Helalng.
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C Bernard an
nounce the .engagement ot .tneir
daughter. Mary Eugenie, to Mr. tu-
gene B. McAllister , of- Omaha.. No
date, has been set for the wedding.
This announcement appeared, in the
St Louis Globe-Democrat Miss Ber-
ipenamg a tew aays visiting nere,
ig called by the ,dea,th of her
ler, Mr, T. C Pflug.
Irs. Carl Martin has returned to
Mrs. N. H. Tyson tnfertained at
lunch Monday for the local 0.
Sisterhood at her' home in Dundee.-
Miss Merle Hughes was hostess, for
the Guild at her home last Tuesday
eyening. , ' ''a . ;-
Mr, L, D. Thoeleke, who died In
Omaha last week, was well known
here, as he had a jewelry ator, w
Benson for a number of years. vf
Mrs, G. M. Balrd has returned to
her home In5 Hastings,. "Net;; after a
brother; here,1- &&tyil
Miss Madeline Horton came down
from Minden Friday Cio- spend the
week-end at the home of her parents.
is spending a few days visiting here,
her home in Stuart, Neb.; sifter few
days visit 'here, fOIlowirig' an opera
tion..; ',V ;;;.'..
The marriage of Miss Helen Davis
and Mr. Frank Armstrong. has just
been announced, the , event taking
place ' October " 15 and - the young
coupleinow reside in arrtum, Neb.
Mrs. Theodore Williams is in New
York visiting wjth her son, Ben, be-
tore his departure for ranee. ,
The local Masons will 'attend the
funeral service today of Mr. J. C
Pflug, one of their members
Rev. A. J. McClung leaves Monday
for Camp Greenling. N. C where he
will do religious work among the
ramps. Mrs. McClung wilt visit with
her and Mrs. McClung' parents dur
ing his absence. '
Mrs, Martin Crossett left Friday
for Loud City Neb., where she will
join Mr. Crossett in their new home.
Mr. and Mrs. wtiiiam Yarton and
daughter. Mrs. William Burnell, will
return this week fr6m a visit in Leigh,
Mrs. William Hoefief was hostess
for the Loyal Women's circle last
Thursday. Miss ' Henry was present
and gave an address. ' -
Mrs. D. C Stafford was hostess for
the Methodist and Mrs, C. Giandt for
the Presbyterian Ladies Aid societies
last Wednesday. t,
Mrs. A. Sagar left Friday for her
home in Stansberry, Mo., after a visit
at the home of her son, Mr. John
Sagar. .. "
m eaaeaBaiaaaaB . (
Equal Franchise Society
To Sponsor Series of WaY
textures by Prof. Fling
The Equal Franchise society wilt
sponsor another series of war lectures
by rrof. r. M, i-ling of the Univer
sity of Nebraska. The lectures, which
wilt be given during Lent,- are on
"Problems of the Peace Settlement,"
and will be given Friday evenings,
March 1. 8. 15 and 22. , "Atsace-Lor.
raine," "A United and Independent
Poland," 'The Hapsburg Monarchy
and the Balkans and An Indepen
dent, Democratic and Federated Rus
sia." will be discussed. v ;
- Vfr" - anA Mr Alhert Noe. fr.. en-
rtaineH at dinner nn FriHav in honor
n( th efiia'in ih Cz v.Rnhinnon of.
fice. Covers were placed for:
Miaae v Mlaaaa - -Mxy
VlrtBre. Oertrude Sbylanakt.
Mary Mcl-am, wary w.uiaroa, .
Eva Mlnnick, ,,; ' ;
Mr. ana Mra. A. woe, jr.
Th marriage of Miss Ciara Tom-
brink, well known South S'de teacher,
and Mr. Oscar W. Olson of Whit
man Vh .. tnntt nlace Wednesday
afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the home
of the bride. Rev. Charles Holler of
the Tnnity Baptist church perform
ing the ceremony, -
The bride wore a white satin gown
trimmed with neatls and a loner tulle
yeil, held in place with orange blos
soms. She carried bride's roses and
hyacinths, v
After a short trip Mr. and Mrs.
Olson wilt maketheir home on a
ranch near Whitman, Neb.
Mr anrt Mr Charles Winters have
returned .from St Louis, where they
were caned by tne; oeatn or tneir
brother-in-law, who was killed by a
train. ; : .' ; ' ' ,;
fr fiiir Hill oi Winona. Minn
visited, at the home of Howard Vore
this week en route to Lolumcus, nto.,
to visit his-paents. . ;
Robert Far ks, son ot commissioner
Ctmrtrn Parlfi snent a few davs at
home this week from Camp Funston,
Billy Uvlck is also homi from the
same camp,- .y
Mr. Viola Randal is at Valley,
Neb,, spending a few days with her
dautrhter. Mrs. Merlin Finlay, and
family. . . , :
Mrs. r. A. Matson oi wonroe,
Neb., is visiting with her sister, Ms.
Howard Vore. . , . ,
A new baby .boy arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Qarence Lmd
this wek, .. :.,:jm:,y ' "' ,
Mrs, Bruce ;McCulloch entertained
th ladles of the United Presbyterian
church at a Mazola demonstration on
Thursday afternoon, Mrs. McUMocn
was assisted by Mesdames Snodgrass
Davis and Robertson.
Mrs. William Berry entertained the
Woman's " Christian Temperance
union at her pome on Thursday att
emoon., : Miss Nellie Farnsworth of
th federil food administration sooke
on the conservation of foon.
The young people aoctety ot tne
United Presbyterian church held I
nril and husiness meetinsr on
Wednesday evening at the home of
Miss tpoa wism. .
Twenty Boy Scouts met on Tues
day evening with 'Scoutmaster Vore
and listened to a very interesting talk
by Mr., English on, the plans for the
comingyr. '
The Dorcas club met on Friday aft
ernoon with Mra, D. J. Green.
this week.; J- - " 1. -
Jlev, Fath coil 5tanDcrry was
guest at the home of D. J. Mcts,ernan
this week. . . .. - '
. tl. l.M:.. t Vi . TJew Tenttirv
ctub- met -at , Centurtatt ball on
Wednesday. '
Kidit; Tf pjbU Of tea Causes
r - serious
For Gray fJaf?
TO matter how ctv. Rtrpfl kfvi or
a fadnrivniir hair man K niuMfknu, and set froa trial oaekafra.
. 4 J V. W Ml. -
vi (,is BaMKatOrHx rewtos at any
drug store. Diaaorra rt in on aanef at water
and comb it throurh tha hair. FuU directions
come in each box. Or eend us tb coupoo be tow
applications of Orlex the Gold Bond Gray
nair iTPannem wm rrmKe rt ugnt Drown,
dark brows or black, whichever shade you
desire. It does not rub off. 1a not sticky
or greasy and leave ch oair fluffy.
A tlC3.C3 Gold Bond
Bond comas in each hoti Knmtaefa that Oriax
Powder doaa not eootaia wtt lead sulphur, mar
easy, nlUna, aoal-tar productr todr darintina.
Freo Santala Coupon
wmtmm MNWHTviiiq van
1 iMlaai St ejaai Tt. M. V. ,
thaaeaawnaadOrlaa. Wiaaa imi) ma frae Mel
en unearawoat m aiaia wrapper.
, yt S
wtr arhwL and your
bladder and kidneys seem to be dis-
jrdered, go to your nearesi anig bw
..j .t hnrtlA of Dr. Kilmer s
Ctamn pnnL it im Tihvsician's tire-
scription for ailments of tha kidneys
and bladder. ; ; - .
has a reputation tor quickly and ef
fectlvaly giving results in thousands
This preparation, so very eiiecuvh
has been placed on saio everywnero.
Gt a bottle, medium or large size, at
your nearest druggist . '
However, n you wisn jirei,. to ibbs
tMa nrtnsrafinn send ten rents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for
a sample bottle. When writing be sure
and mention ine umana ounaay pee.
Advertisement. . , - ' ,
t Tells How To Get Oolek Relief
from Head-Colds. It's Splendid)
In one minute your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages of
Jour head will clear and you can
reathe freely. No more hawking,
snuff line, blowinsr, headache dry
ness. No struggling for breath at
jiight; your cold or catarh will be
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from you$ druggist now. Apply
a littla of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It pen
etrates through every air passage of
the head, soothes the inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and relief
eomes instantly.
It's just fine. Don't stay stuf fed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh Relief
eomes so quickly. -Advertisement.
, eevs.2aa4
.'.- . ':. -.
This institution Is tha only one
In the central west with separate
buildings situated In their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. s The one building
being fitted for and devoted to
the treatment of non-contagious
and non-mental diseases, no others
being . admitted; the other Rest
Cottage being designed for and
devoted to tne exclusive treat
ment of select mental cases re
quiring for, a time watchful care
and special nursing.
JF mm
It 11
To get the very best remits take
Dr. Humphreys' fSeventyMvea" at
the first aaeese or shirar.
Saves ty-aaren breaks rp Colds
that hang m Grip. All Dreg Stores.
A Woman's Size Job Has Appeared
From Out of This World of Chaos
If only our soldiers and the allies
could eat munitions and ships 1 How
simple this food problem would be
for the housewife.- Her responsibili
ties would cease with settling oacK
and exclaiming. "Weir, why don't the
munition manufacturers make more
munitions?" or "Gracious me, don't
they know we need more ships?"
But this rood saving problem is
mainly a woman's job, because 90 per
cent of 'the . food purchased in this
country is purchased by women. This
means that the women of this nation
must shoulder 90 per cent of the re
sponsibility of saving food. ;
Thousands ot tons ot proauce were
saved last summer and are being
saved today because of the patriotic
co-operation of housekeepers all over
the land. But we must save still more.
The outside demands on our national
larder are increasin s every, day as
the Shadow of starvation grows darker
and darker on the skyline of our Eu
ropean associates in this war.
XOU can travel in roianu lor nun-
dreds of miles today and you will
not see a child under 7 years of age.
Where have they all gone? They
have starved to death! You can See
their skeletons lying along the road
side, some of them still in the little
wicker basket cradles in which their
frantic mothers carried them : when
they were driven from their homes by
the Germans.
Belgium today is existing on half
rations and has to depend almost en
tirely, on the commission! for relief
in Belgium there 'to give them food
A traveler lately returned from
France said that the women and chil
dren were especially suffering from
hunger now because they wtre giving
up a part of their dailyrations of
food to the men, wh.o must , have
strength for their work in the facto
ries and mines at home and in the
trenches at the front. . 1
A British soldier returning from
Armenia reports that he found little
children in this crucified country who
for days had had nothing to cat but
melon rinds that the Turkish soldiers
threw them in derision when they
begged for food. 4
Hundreds of men, women and chiU
dren are dying in Roumania, with; but
one cry on their lips, "Food I Food 1"
It is the same cry echoed all;Ov.e:,
the world. ' .
"Food! Food I Give us food!" A
But because they can eat and liyi
by no other means than by food itl'ii
a woman-size job to feed them.
Dr. Lee W. Edwards, 24th
and Farnam, wishes to call the
public's attention, to the Chiro
practic talk on Page 4-A.
Superfluous Hair
The original liquid never dlsap-
Eolnts. Only depilatory with money
ark guarantee in each package. .
February Sale Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry
.When you put your money in a fine, genuine Diamond, high-trade, guaranteed Watch, or solid gold
: jewelry, you have something of value. A dollar er two paid on a diamond or watch, each week, is .money
gaved. Because of our large purchasing power for our many stores in leading cities, we can make prices.
Impossible for small dealers to meet. . . .' - r. : :. : -
LoftU Seven
Cluster Rings
the Diamonds arc
mounted so as to look
like one large single
stone. Has tha aiact
appearance of a soli
taire that would cost
three or tour times as
much. i
Marvela of beauty at
$50, $75, $100 $125.
Credit Tenna, $1.28,
$1.85, $2.50 and $3.00
par wwn.
The secret of the rare beauty this
ring lies in tha perfectly matched stones.
11 ' iSrU" jj
Men's Favorite
767 Men's Pla
mond Ring, six
prong; Tooth
mean ting, 14k
$7 JO a Month.
A IVIon.h
176 La Valliere. fine solid gold, filigree
work, green fold seroll, 2 fine Diamonds,
bright finish, 16-ineh chain,
LoftU Perfection
Diamond Ring
878 This exquisite Dia
mond Bing stands alone
as the most perfect
ring" ever . produced
, $1.00 a Week.
Hunting vfS $00
Case ; LL
493 Men's Watch, hunting case, ' 16 size
plain polished, assorted patterns or engine
turned, guaranteed 25 years, fitted' with 17.
Jewel Elgin, Waltham or fit 9 9
Illinois movement. . , ,. . ... . Saaaata
$2.30 a Month.
The Old Reliable, Original :
Diamond & Watch Credit House
fact. aTl.a riiw MmtUnsat Rank RtVirlt.
uicasn a wa j - -
1 l BnAeo ff ST'B. ). South 16th 5t, Cor. 16th and Harney Sta, Qmab.;.
1 BROaa vUL 1858 . Oppoaite Burgess-Naah Co. Departmeat i$t,., ,
1 1 '
Phone Doug. 1444 and Our Salesman Will
Call. . ;
;t7aU or write for Catalog SO.
- Open Daily Until 9 P. M. .
SatuVdays, Till &:30. y:
Senator M
'in Pare Food and Drag Legislation, Father of Rural Free Pelkzry System Y
Says NuxatedlrorilYn,
Increased His Power and Endurance
so Mucht That He Feels it uugnt to
Be Made Known to Every Nervous,
Run-down, Anaemic Man, Woman and
Child. y , y
Opinions of Dr. Ferdinand King, New
YorH rnystcian ana mcokw numur,
Dr. James Francis Sullivan; formerly
Physician of Bellevue Hospital (Out
door Dept.) New York and the West
chester County Hospital; Former
Health Commissioner Wm. R. Kerr, of
the City of Chicago, and others.
-What Senator Mason Says-
I have often said I would never recommend
medicine of any kind. I believe that the doctor s
place. However, after the hardest political earo
naign of ray life, without a chance for a vacation,
Ihad been starting to court every morning with that
horrible tired feeling one cannot describe. I was
advised to try Nuxated Iron. As a Pne fa the
pure food and drug legislation I was at first loath
to try an advertised remedy, but after advising with
my medical friends, I gave it a test The results
Live teen so beneficial In my own case, I made
up my mind to let ray friends know about it. and
J?u ae at liberty to publish this statement if you
so desire. I am now 65 years of age and I
feel-that a remedy which will build up the strength
and increase the power of endurance of one at my
age should be known to the world. . . ' .
Yours very truly,
, ,Y Y
S :..jiL,f. iVr .m ---V
- - i
, - '' if - J
-, V v5-
I Aya
V 1 .
Y - v-4 i
... u...i. I- w.rd ta health-giving and strength-bnildinf af-
v'",iJ"L!'!Sw? ?eer!phy! interest of the publie wel-
Nuxated Iron was 5. '' r duty to make known the
Sidaaa who were requested to five their ot it, ml I am well past my three-
oplnione thereoa. .... . , teoft Trari aBd j ,nt ttf that i iy,
Dr Kardlnand King, a New York Physi- my own great physical activity is larg7
eian and Medical Author, said: "1 heartily due today to my personal use ot Nuxated
endorse Senator Maaon'a atatament in regard Iron. From my own experience with Nux-
to Nuxated Iron. There can be no vigorous ated Iron I feel It ia sueh a valuable remedy
iron men without Iron. Pallor means anaemia, that it ought to be used in every hospital
Anaemia meana iron dctioiency. The skin of and prescribed by every physician in this
anaemic man and women ia pale: tha flesh country." ' , ;
H.V.K-. h Mnuin lack tone: the brain tags " rt v e. . r.kv..Vin Vn h
and the memory fails, and often they become .tjed abroad and in great European Medi-
waak, nervous, dtsponaent ana mewnenai. eal institutions, said: "Senator Mason is
, .,. pi.. right. As I have aaid a hundred times over.
Dr. i'lSlJ2Si - 1 TtKtr4 or"10 lro0 the greatest of aU
Iciao of Bellevua Hospital Outdoor WW. ,trenth buUdara.
New York, and the Weatebeeter County sirengw Duuoera.
BoapttaL aaid. "Senator Mason ia to be aom- Iron ia absolutely necessary to enable your
mended on handing out this statement oa blood to change roar food into living tissue.
Nuxated ln,n tor publie print Therei sr.. Without tt. no matter Jam much or what
thousands of men and women who need a T eat, your food merely pasaes through
atrana-th and blood builder but do not know you without doing you any good. Ton don t
wha? to ffshtvM opinio, there is fet the strength out of it. and a. m oon.e
nothinir better than organio iron-Nurated quence you become weak, pm and aick y
Iron "or enriching the blood and helping looking, just like a plant trying to grow in
to Urease the strength and endurance of sod deficient in iron - ;
men and women who burn up too rapidly Dr. Schuyler C. Jaquea. Visiting 8ureon
their nervous energy In the strenuous strain of St. Elitabetb'a Hospital, New York City,
of tha great business competition of the said: "I have never before given out any
at. v medical information or advice for publica-
' . . . , : tion. as I ordinarily do not believe in it.
Former Health Commissioner Wm. B. But in the ease cf Nuxated Iron I feel I
Kerr, of the City ot Chicago, aaya: "I have would KmiBa in my duty not to aien
takes Nuxated Iron myaelf and experienced tion H. 1 have taken it myself and given
WOTB-ltaatad Iron. k was used by Seaatot Haaoe artth such ramrtalat rewlta, and which Is t
acrlbad and raoomnwoad aboie by ptuatelans Is not a eacrat ramadr. but one whtoh la well taowa to drag
Itsu etarrwhara. TJnllta Uie elder tnantanla Iran rroduota. It la aasily asalralUtad and dota not lajnia the
tttth. ataka thent black aor aoaat the atomacb, Th aiaaufacturara guaraataa auecaaanil aad entirely satis
factory mulls to awry purchaser er thay will rf d Tout awa. U la dispanaod tar fibarmaa lie
CoonaU Prag Co.. and all good 4raalts.--AdTetUBieBl . ? , .
ft to my patients with most surprising and
satisfactory results. And those, who wish
quickly to increase their atrength, power and
endurance will find it a moat remarkable
and wonderfully effective remedy."
From the Congressional Directory pua
Iished by the United States Government
"Wm. E. Mason, Senator from Illinois,
was elected to the 50th, Congresa in 1887.
to the 61st Congress in 1891 defeated
for tha 62d Congress, 1892 elected Sena
tor to the Both Congress, 1897 to 1903."
Senator Mason is now . Congressman
from the State of Illinois.
Senator Mason's championship of Pure
Food and Drug legislation, his fight for
the rural free delivery system and his
strong advocacy of all bills favoring labor
and the rights of the masses aa against
trusts and combines makes him a national
figure at Washington and endeared him
to the hearts of the working man and
the great masses of people throughout the
United States. Senator Mason haa the
distinction of being one of the really big
men of the nation. His strong endorme
ment of Nuxated Iron mast convince any
intelligent thinking reader that it must
be a preparation of very great merit ana
one which the Senator feels ia boun : ta
be of greet value to the masses of peo
ple everywhere, otherwise be could not
afford W lend his name to it, especially
after his strong advocacy cf iir food
and drugs legislation.