i.iii,in,.'!:-,-:::r;' Spring Fashion Shorn Brandeis Theater Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Living Models SHOP EARLY SATURDAY Store Closes at 6 Spring Fashion Show Details Will Be Announced in the Sunday Papers "HIT!' "Vf;"-: "V 'I " g Wagh SwtB f3P Ejb Haw AmwbM The First Showing Here on Saturday Every mother will be interested in seeing these new Wash Suits Valentines A COMPLETE assortment at prices to suit every purse. From the little "Comics," at lc each, to the very elaborate "cut out" designs, in beautiful color ings. lc and Upward Main Floor, Book Store w m. I 6 Drugs and Toilet Needs Special for Saturday Madame Ise'bell's Toilet Water, $1 size, special, at K. 59 Madame Ise'bell's Vanishing Cream, 25c size, at 18 Madame Ise'bell's Freckle Cream, 50c size, at f. 33 Madame Ise'bell's Turkish Bath Oil, 60c size, at , 33 Madame Ise'bell's Lilac de Iie'bell't Face Powder, $1.25 size, at 79 Madame Iie'bell'a Exquisite Face Powder, ' 50c size, at 29? Syrup of Fig, 60c size, at 33d White Pine Cough Syrup, 50c size, at. -29 Natures1 Remedy, 50c sizeat 29 Peroxide of Hydrogen, -pound bottle. 10 Sloan's Liniment, 35c size, at 16 Squibb's Paraffin Oil, for internal use $1.00 size, at 79 Djer Kiss Talcum Powder, 40c size, at. .29 Rubber Gloves, regular 50c values, pair, 29 Lemon White, skin whitener, contains the . juice of fresh lemons, 50c size, at 29 Cream of Almonds, 35c size, special, at 23 Main Floor, Rear m m p jj Second Floor, Men, Buildi L Military Trench models, Norfolks, Tommy Tuckers, Eton collar effects, Peter Pan, Pocket models and numerous other styles. k The colors are exceptionally good and staple this season. Plain gray, plain brown and plain blue. A few high colored effects in the lot also. Serv iceable stripes in all shades, such as pink, blue, tan, brown, green, gray and lavender. Materials are strong and serviceable Galateas, Chambrays, Percales, Linens and Poplins Priced at$2.25 to $5.00 K. & E. Wash Suits, at $1.50 We specialize on this make every color guaran teed absolutely fast. Wonderful School Suits for Little Chaps ,2 I a a k I. ---4 9 m 4 The Knit Underwear Women's Union Suits, we offer a sale of woti rlerful garments. The very well-known makes, such as Forest Mills, Carter, Thos. Dalby. Al most any style and all sires. Very . t -t rj special, price, each, a suit P 1 . O Women's Union Suits, "Munsing" seconds of early Spring parments. Kvery one knows the wonderful values we give in thesie garments. All sizes, open or tight knee; regular price up to $1.25, Q sale price, a suit, at OtC Women's Vests, Pants and Corset Covers, "Munsing" seconds. All sizes and styles, such as tight or open knee pants; short sleeve or sleeveless vesta; worth up to i.uu; win he lound on bargain ylQ , TUC tabic, each Third Floor , The Hosiery Women's Thread Silk Pure Dye Hosiery in shoe shades. These colors are especially good: Cordovan, Brown, Bronze, New Tan, Putty, Fawn, Champagne and Gray, we have them all; a d jrr ai pyj- pair, at J 1 .OU and 3 1 O Women's Silk Hose in black only, fashioned high spliced heels, toes and soles; QO lisle tops, garter hem; a pair, at. . . . OC Women's Fiber Silk Hose in all colors, seam less, double heels, toes and soles, JQ irregular sizes; a pair, at DiC Women's Cotton Hose in regular and out sizes, plain and all ribbed; some with plit QC soles; a puir, at 3DC Misses' and Boys' Hose in medium ribbfid; double soles, heels and toes; good OQ weight; a pair, at 3a7C Misses' Fine Lisle Hose, in new brdxyn, white 50d and bluck; all sizes, extra good quality; a pair, at Misses' Thread Silk Hose in bjack only, gtf&d value, all ribbed; a pair, at oyc Children's Medium and Fine Ribbed Hose in all sizes and weights, extra quality; nr a pair,11 at OC Main Floor Women's Tailored Suits For Spring Saturday At $29.00 . FIRST SHOWING OF THESE fine Tailored Suits, in charming mod els, strictly Mannish Serges and Gabardines, also the much desired pencil stripes, in black or navy. Peau de Cygne, silk lined and excellently made. Other Suits, $250 Down to $35 Are being shown as fast as they arrive. We are receiving new models daily, and the display is extremely interesting right now. Tailored and Fancy Suits, each the best that' have been pro duced to sell between these prices. Second Floor Women's Velvet Skirts, $7.50 NEW ARRIVALS Skirts made of good wear ing Velvet; in seyeral distinctive styles some with large pockets and wide belts others with braid trimming; shown in black, navy, brown, taupe and plum. Very popular for wear right now and spe cially priced, at $7.50. Second Floor "Elsie Dinsmore" Dresses for Girls Are Becoming More Popular Each Day WE HAVE THE SOLE agency for these fine Dresses in Omaha, and we are proud to be able to present suchvgood Dresse at moderate prices. "Elsie Dinsmore" in literature, has been fa mous for many generations, and today, no girl's library is anywhere near complete without one or more oftthe "Elsie Dinsmore'' bool;s. What is more appropriate than to so make a dress that it is indispensable to the well-outfitted girl and call it "Elsie Dinsmore"? These Dresses are made of Ginghams and Chambrays, in extremely novel and distinc tive effects for girls from 6 to 16 years of age. 'Tyhese Dresses are distinctive because they are1 hand finished and possess the characteristics which the dressmaker alone knows how to give to a garment. We are sole agents for these celebrated Dresses in Omaha New Arrivals "Flapper" Dresses A trifle smaller than the regulation nlisses' size, to fit the growing girl; in plain and fancy plaid Taffetas, Meteors, etc., also Serge Dresses, at attractive pricesi, all for school wear. Girls' Wool Serge Dresses Just arrived from New York, and to be sold at prices far be low regular. Suitable for wear right into Spring. Particularly fine for school wear. A special group, at $5.95. Second Floor Children's Light Weight Coats New arrivals for Spring, in a variety of styles and materials. Those who anticipate going south, will find that they can outfit the girls In the family here at moderate cost. "Priscilla" Poke A Brand New, Pleasing Style WE'VE MADE IT and be fore using this announcement in the newspapers, we plaeed a few on the tables, simply for comment what we had went so quickly that no comment was necessary. A charming little- poke of medium size, hand made, of Skinner's Satin, with caterpillar braid top, facing and with ribbon streamers. Comes in fascinating combinations, such as: Gold trimmed with navy. Solid navy, trimmings and all. Sand trimmed with brown Gray and New trimming. Blue Very Special, Saturday $3.75 . Second Floor $1.00 and $1.50 Drape Veils, 59c RIGHT AT THE opening of the season, we are able to make an announcement that will be extremely pleas ing to every woman interested in Veils. At full prices these Veils would be very desirable our personal representative was fortunate to secure them at a con cessioii and so we pass them along at a very low price. New York Manufacturers' Samples Ready Made Veils Shetland and Chantilly I lli yards long, in black, Meshes (Hexagon, Filet, I white, and all the new etc.) , Scroll patterns. I Spring colorings. Advance showing, and yet at a special Vice a double bit of good news. Main Floor Women's Shoes Reduced to $2.95 For Final Clearance-Saturday OU CAN PICK three or four pairs on Saturday at this low We have assembled the entire remainder of two or three groups nd repriced all of them downward for a final clean up profit by it. Patent Leather, with kid and cloth tops, welted and turned soles, leather covered Louis heels. In button and lace styles excellent assortment of sizes. Special, for Saturday, djo QC a pair piVQ i Main Floor, Rear r. New Eton Suit Blouses At $3.95 and v v i ir $5.00 The very newest note in Blouses, designed to wear with the Etoit Dresses or Eton Suits, which are so fashionable for Spring. Back and sleeves are of fine net while collar, cuffs and front arc of excellent quality Habutai Silk in candy stripes or cinnamon checks. AH Sizes, 34 to 44 New Georgette Crepe Blouses At $5.00 to $6.95 Beautiful Dress Models, at modest prices. Shown here in Soldier Blue, Bisque, Turquoise Blue, Orchid, Flesh, Tea ' Rose and White. Also Beadd models, with new Satin Collars. Second Floor 4 II 11 aUui V II IV Ik U i1 Ml., 'l i fts. m rW.iBlls- orameis mm SETS THE PACE FOR GROWING OMAHA Cut Flower Specials for Saturday Potted Hyacinth, in bleom, . Large Bunches of Violets, at lytf I a bunch , 19 Large variety of Spring Cut Flowers on display, such as Jonquils, Daffodils, Sweet Peas, Narcissus, etc. Special Prices On Saturday Only Wcd'l-ng and Funeral Design Our Specialty Main Floor, Pompeian Room 1 i