1918. i 1 ! KEN YON BILL TO f DISFRANCHISE l ALIENS IN STATE Constitutional Amendment Pro hibiting Aliens From Voting j for Congressmen and .' President Introduced. 111 1 Washington Feb. 8. Introducing & constitational amendment requiring all persons who vote for memberj of congress and presidential electors to be American citizens. Senator Ken yon of Iowa today called the senate's attention to 'seven states Arkansas, Kansas South Dakota, Nebraska, Xiissouri, Indiapa and Texas which, he said, permitted aliens to vote. , This condition, he said, is "rather shocking. I Vice President Marshall observed that he thought the number of such states was nine. MAJOR GENERAL MARCH HEADS GENERAL STAFF. KUWmwmtmtinmnmt mini, ytxunrngm "vr r 1 7 ftv Wiimwm" urn mini n ii i w i mm i i mita Health Conditions at Army Cantonments Improving Washington, Feb. 8. Health condi tions at all camps and cantonments in the United States showed con tinued improvement during the last week, with decreasing deaths and hos pital admission rates. 'The measles epidemic is generally declining and pneumonia, while still widely prevalent, shows a decreasing ratio. . . There was a marked decrease in the number of new cases of meningitis. Wilson Names New Judges I ; For Hawaii Bench 'Washington, Feb. 8. James L. Coke and Samuel B. Kemp of Hono lulu were nominated today by Presi dent Wilson to be respectively chief and associate justices of the Hawaiian supreme court. 'William H. Edings and L. L. Burr were nominated to be federal judges of the First and Second Hawaiian dis tricts,' respectively. , 1 I Smallpox at Bisbee. :Bisbee, Ariz., Feb. 8. Dr. 0. W, SWeek, state health officer, after in vestigating the smallpox epidemic in this district, today placed the entire community under quarantine. illnder the regulations prescribed by Dr. Sweek, any one desiring to leave the city must obtain a bill of health from the county heaJth officer. Four teen cases of smallpox are being treated in the detention hospital. It is reported that Major General Peyton March, now commanding ar tillery units of the American expedi tionary forces in France, is to be brought back to this country and placed in charge of the general staff of the army. The proposed' change is said to be directly due to the de mand of General Pershing, com mander of the ovrseas forces, that the general staff be reorganized with general officers conversant with the great task the American army must bear in the war. Captain Ralph Christie On Torpedoed Tuscania Captain Ralph Christie, a former Omaha boy, was on the torpedoed Tuscania. He was a doctor with the 158th aero squadron. No report has been received as to his 'safety. Captain Christie is a brother of Dr. B. W. Christie. He was educated in the Omaha schools and was gradu ated from the Creighton Medical col lege. He was a practicing physician at Clarke previous to enlisting in the army. Tuscania Disaster Boosts Enlistments New York, Fib. 8. As a result of the sinking or the Tuscania, the number of volunteers to present themselves for enlistment at the chief marine 'corps recruiting sta tions here today was greater than that recorded any day since the declaration of war by the United States on Germany, the fficer in charge annur.ced. .ITT ! mini 1 " .4 Waists, Skirts, Furs, Sweater;sT-Saturday Hundreds upon hundreds-we could even sav thousands have attended thi3 greatest sale in our estimation Omaha has ever seen. It is needless to say what the values are. Your neighbor who has been here can tell you more than this whole page written Dyus. . The Reason for This Sale . Our heating has been from a forced hot air system. During a period of 90 days past our heat has been forced into our rooms loaded with smoke. It noticeably soiled all of the lighj; colored garments. We , asked the First National Bank what to do. hey said: "Sell them and we will allow you a part." The House of Menagh stands the balance. YOU GET THE BENEFIT i Saturday we will offer approximately 1,400 garments for sale. We cannot hope to sell only the best values in the stocks, so if you want the best selections, come early. THE WAISTS Waists at . 49c Waists at 98c Waists at $1.59 Waists at $2.25 Waists at $2.88 Waists at $3.98 THE SKIRTS Skirts at $1.98 Skirts at $2.98 Skirts at $3.85 Skirts at $4.90 Skirts at $5.95 fetf :4 1 Ll ..ji hi hi 1 THE FURS Purs Furs at 1 at $6.75 $12.75 Furs , Furs at at $9.50 $17.50 - Furs'- -at $21.50 SWEATERS at $3.85 SWEATERS at $4.95 SWEATERS at $5.90 MONDAY AND TUISDAY THE ITOAL THE HOUSE OF MENAGH ANNEX First National Bank-302 South 16th St. "4 D. S. PATROLS GO OVER TOP TO GET GERMAN SNIPERS (Continued From Pf On.) few well-placed shots from light ar tillery ended their career. At another pLce a hail of machine gun bullets was effective. One. two or possibly three snip ers' posts are still in front of the American positions, but they are not likely to be there long. U. S. Tactics Anger Germans. The American artillery is keeping up a harassing fire on the German lines, bombarding batteries, trenches, cross roads, dugouts, light railways and houses in which enemy troops are billeted. Evidently the American tactics an gered the Germans, for they started a vigorous shelling of our batteries with 77s, the firing" stopping only when the American heavy guns si lenced the German artillery. Early today observers saw a body of enemy infantry, estimated at two battalions, near a forest. A heavy fire was directed on the spot, scattering the Germans. It is felt certain that the enemy sus tained numerous casualties. Later American shells started a fire in a German town, which burned for an hour. Abandon Heatless Mondays Afbr February 11th Washington, Feb. 8. Continue im provement in weather and transpor tation conditions will bring an end to the heatless Monday program after its enforcement next Monday, Fuel Administrator Garfield announced to night. Dr. Garfield was more hopeful over the general Outlook tonight than at any time for week past. Although there is danger of floods from melt ing snows and consequent interfer ence with traffic, he thinks warmer weather will bring a far better situa tion than has existed during the re cent cold spell. Careful Censorship of AH "Movies" Going to Mexico Los Ansreles. Cal.. Feb. 8. Motion picture films manufactured here for export into Mexico are all being cen sored before shipment, accordingto a statement today by John B. Elliott, collector of customs, who is acting as censor for the federal government. Mr. Elliott declined to discuss the reasons for the censorship. It was said by motion picture men that in some instances scenes which might inflame persons against Americans in Mexico had been deleted. Mr. Elliott said the public might uiarr i j v w ii iiuviviiw Plan Big Military Funeral in Honor Of Men Lost at Sea (Continued From Tf One.) reached the department and press stories of the cool behavldr of the troops, some of them partially trained boys, who lined the rail singing na tional airs, have been read with in- Ierest by army officers. Reports that the British destroyer which was convoying the Tuscania pursued and sunk the submarine also lack confirmation and the report of the British admiralty is eagerly Awaited ' The Navy department today an nounced that latest reports of the sur viyors of the Tuscania show 76 offi cers and 1,274 enlisted men of the army have been landed at Buncrana, Ireland; that 16 officers and seamen of the crew have been landed at Lame, Ireland, and that approxi mately 570 officers and enlisted men of the army have been landed at Is lay, Scotland. "In addition," the department an nouncement continues, "approxi- Joy for the boy and the parent, too, in fairly, priced shoes made on foot-form lasts for health, happiness and long wear REAL shoes for REAL boys. TEEL HO D HOES A combination of good value and good looks. Both you and the boy will be satisfied with these shoes that serve and save. One pair of these shoes will outwear two pairs of ordinary boys' shoes. Boys' Sizes ftft 1 to 512....VW-VU Little Men's 00 Cft Mail Orders Solicited Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 FARNAM ST. Parcel Post Paid. mately 99 soldiers and members of the crew are reported to be in hos pitals. "Six members of the crew and 72 soldiers are in the military hospital at Londonderry. "Ten soldiers are in Lough Foyle hospital at Londonderry and nine sol diers and two of the crew are in the infirmary at Londonderry." As the list of Americans, on board; the Tuscania was lost wnen tne ves sel went down, it will be impcssiblet o ascertain the names of those lost un til the names of the survivors have been cabled to the United States. Survivors Arrive. Glasgow, Scotland, Feb 8. Sur vivors from- the Tuscania, including Captain McLean and a number of American members of the crew ar rived today from a Scottish port. Many relatives awaited the arrival j and touching scenes were witnessed 1 when some learned that expected ones j had not arrived. I The survivors were garbed in an assortment of clothes which they had picked up when landed. Captain McLean loked well, but refused to make a statement Tho engine room storekeeper said when he found the Tuscania was likely to float for some time he rescued some casii and other trinkets before getting awav. WM i ft PBE3BPUBktoJE3EMBiii j Real Boys! SATURDAY Business Hours 9 A.M. 6 P.M. Washable Gloves So very practical for early Spring wear and quite moderate in price. One-clasp washable leathers, in white, gray, putty, Newport and Smyrna, $2.23, $2.50, $2.75. Washable fabric gloves, in white, 50c, 75c, $1. Chiffon Crepes When used in combination with silks, chiffon crepes make the loveliest blouses ad frocks for Springtime. We have practically every color (45-inch), $1.50 yard A Sale of New Spring House Dresses Women who know values and ap preciate new styles and delightful colors, are most enthusiastic about our Spring offering of new house dresses. , $1.69 and $2.39 Dresses Attract the most attention. In these days of high prices such ex cellent values sort of astound one. Basement Thompson.Belden co. Qhe fashion Center Jor WometV0 Snrhiff Showmffs in hm Section of the Store K k y 5 j I Enjoyable Moments Among the Silks Becoming acquainted with Spring silks is the delightful privilege of those visiting the Thompson Belden silk store. A reputation for quality, earned during thirty two years of service and practice, is surely worth considering when making a choice. SILK GINGHAMS A most refreshing novelty. A lovely silk in gingham plaids, of gray, preen, Alice blue, and a mixture of green and tan, all on white grounds. BELDING'S SILKS Sold exclusively by this store in Omaha. Qualities are so uniform ly good that their wear is guaran teed. Belding's silks are pure dye, a yard wide, and do not cost more than ordinary silks. Taffetas, Satins, Novelties for dresses, and distinctive linings. Spring colors of Pekin, army, cadet, sailor, silver, beet root, wisteria, beige, grays, numerous blues, reseda and myrtle greens. ' . A Sale of NECKWEAR - At Unusual Savings Attention is directed to the fact that these offerings are new and desirable. For this reason we believe such low prices will be appreciated Saturday. Stocks with jabots, white net lace and black silk stocks with jabots. 63c to $4.50 Round silk collars, organ die and pique collars and a few fancy vests. 50c to $1.88 Regular Prices Were Double These Reduced Ones. Correct Foundations For Every Costume . Bandeaux Of imitation Cluny lace, a very pleasing style that fits perfectly, 50c. Bratiieret Of a firm material, , with trimmings of lace and em broidery, $1.00. A Corset Topless, made espec ially for dancing, shown in pink brocade, $1.25. With such small prices, why not Come in' Saturday and economize. Corset, Third floor Two Good Numbers Women's Underwear Ribbed cotton union suits, a gar ment of fine quality, made low neck, no sleeves, or Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length, $1.35 Ribbed mercerized union suits, very attractive, with low neck and ankle length, $2. McCall Patterns 10c and 15c Sold in the Basement. Ready With New Coats More Than Ordinarily Attractive With the first break in the dull days of winter and the thoughts of Spring, women quite naturally think of new apparel, a change from the more sombre tones of the departing season. Coats are of first import ance because they are worn earlier than any other 3pring garment. The coming season features coats of sil vertone, serge, Poiret twill, velour de cashmere and gabardines. Quality of fabric and excellence of tailoring are characteristic of Thompson-Beldenxapparel $25, $35, $45, $55, $59.50, $75 A Sunshiny Classroom For Needleworkers and Knitters This room, on the south side of the third floor, with its large windows, insures a pleasant, bright and airy room for those who seek to know more about knitting, crocheting, embroidery work, lamp shade making and other kindred lines. ' Instruction is thorough under the supervision of Miss Steenstrup and her capable assistants. Materials of every description, each the best of its kind, are available. With reference to yarns we mention Minerva and Utopia brands, which our exper ience has shown are best adapted to the knitting of sweaters. Classes every day from 10 a. m. to noon and from 3 to 5 afternoons. The Blouse Store Thus early in the season come these delightful blouses of em broidered Georgette crepe. They are Spring personified in charm and color. An Unutual Value t When Priced $7.50 Blouses are here now in great numbers of distinctive new styles for spring. Many details of cut v and trimming add the exclusive touch so jiecessary. Prices to suit every demand. Now As Never Before Watch Quality. Shop in a Dependable Store mna 1 Itu uranl Most unusual, in a hun dred Wing Chair and other overstuffed designs in Chairs and Rockers. Chair or Rocker after this pattern, splen- Jl Jl w n 4- A A (limy cimat j. u c v o u and upholstered in Tapestry and Velour, $18.75 $22.50 $24.75 $27.50 and Up. Many tempting values in Smaller Rockers, in golden oak, fumed oak and mahogany; values from $3.25, $4.25, $5.75, $7.25, $8.50, $9.75, $11.25 and Up. New Idea Duo-Fold Bed The Duofold here pictured vH is most mod ern in arrangement. The back is flexible. The pillows fold in. Duofolds similar to this one, in golden oak and fumed oak, in Spanish leather and morrocolin, from $37.50 Up. WE SAVE YDU MONEYTHERE ARE REASONS v I L 36x72 Matting Rugs, 39 cents. Announcement Savings Bank Hours On Saturdays On Saturdays, on and after Saturday, February 9th, 1918, the SAVINGS DEPARTMENTS of the fol lowing banks will not be open for business after 3 o'clock p. m. Firit National Bank. Omaha National Bank. Nebraska National Bank. Merchant National Bank. United States National Bank. 1 Corn Exchange Nat'l. Bank. State Bank of Omaha. American State Bank. Union State Bank. Pioneer Saying Bank. II NO TICE! To the Personal Tax Payers of Douglas County: I shall very much regret to issue distress warrants to the sheriff for collection of the 1917 county and 1917 city delinquent personal taxes on February 1st, as pro vided by Section 6483, Statutes of Nebraska. It would only add additional cost and expenses to said taxes. For the benefit of the tax payers, I will extend the time for paying these taxes to February 15th. Please pay them now, if you believe in conservation. M. L. ENDRES, Treasurer. C7 IfcathM to warth man t roo M a oott thsn H win bring wo us hid Ro coats wiillMMsra port Ttr,tUan nr. Prepart now for next winter By x far eoat far amy member of tha family. Sand year hides to as for tsnninir making-. Our wort is belt. Our prices an most reasonable.. Send for t&. tjxtet eataloRL NAnONAl FUR AMD TANNIN6 CO.. 1931 Sou 13 St. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, -ol id eoat. Utaf When Writing to Our Advertisers Mention Seeing it in The Bee