17 ABIE, . THE AGENT VJfcU., I check nw Copyright 1918. International News Service. Drawn for The Bee by Herschfield THE BEE:. OMAHA. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 0. 1918. . .... .... 1 If H"r ' FU 1 IK- TnKY. VfMnrf I I rue VhsM l?.T)nMH- f V ,",wl" . vi V ws-r- 3 ' ' ' " , "" "" " ' " ' " '' i r - n ii ii i m i i ' " j j i in ii j i i -i - i i - I MOVING AND STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 808 S. 16th. Douglas 4163. FIDELITY K FREE Phona Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th nd Jackson B. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. . Expert services; prompt attention.. Tout moving, your packing, your storage Main office. Central Furniture Store, 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. Globe 'Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and torlng call Tyler 280 or Douglas 4338 Jf1 T?!?!?'!""! Express Co., Moving, . J. SXEjEjV Packing .and Storage. HOT Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 614(1. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. NO CAMOUFLAGE Needed to sell 1015, Orand Ave., just 'round the corner from Florence Blvd., near the "Prettiest Mile" and the beau tiful Charles W. Martin home. Owner says cut It loose for 13,200, though he figures t house would cost 14,000 and lot (1,500. All modern, Including oil heat; pavement paid In full. Home owners on all sides, who keep their lawns up like parks. So close to Florence , boulevard, partakes pf Its character. Act quickly If Interested. HARRISON MORTON. V (REALTORS) 116 Omaha, Nat. Bank. D. 314. ARE YOU WILLING to move Into a brand new 5-room house In a good neighborhood If I can give yon practically your own terms? 'House is strictly modern. Go oi)t today. Phone Doug. 3628. MY 6-RMi HOUSE, modern ex. heat; lot 60x120; fruit and Bhade trees, chicken coop; close to car line; for sale ata sac rifice. Am leaving city. Will take late model car as part payment. Call at place, 2417 Maple St. Web. 3055. KOUNTZE PLACE Modern 8-room house, full basement, large lot, close to car. Price $3,350. Norris & Norria, D, 4270. OAK bungalow, 6 rms., brand. new, atl mod very attractive, $3,150; only small amount cash, bal. like rent. P. 3140. . , , MINNB LUSA homes . and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. LET me show you my brand new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion A real bargain at 33.860. Rc sonants terms. CaTTOwner. Douglas 1723. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO.. Keal ustate ana insurance. 1320 Farnam St. Doug. 1064, R. 8. TRUMBULL. 806 1st Nafl Jk. Bldg. Doug. 1784. REM ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty BUSINESS properties and investments. T A. I. luivnii uu siwi., . 620 Flrst Nat. Bank Bldg.' " " M'CAUUE INVESTMENT CO.. Income, Business nd Trackage Specialist. ikh. and Dodee 8ts. Douglas 415. YOUNG A DOHERTY. ' City Real Estate. Douglas 1571, 222 Brandels Theater. f b A. WOLF, Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown ousiness property. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE- 99x132 brick buildings, 14th and Leavenworth, for sale or for rent. All or part. E. H. BENNER CO., D, 8406. f REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. VACANT NORTH Hav full lots on Plnkney street, south front, at ISth Av among beautiful new homes. Priced to sell, can give terms. TRAVER BROS. CO., Douglas 6886. 81 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. "r Smith fOR SALE Lot 18, Mock 2, Rush and Selby addition to Solh Omaha. Make m. an offer. No reasonab offer rs fused J. H. Stone. North Platte, Neb. Miscellaneous ELrQB garden lots Bear car Jlne. paved treet $126 to $195. $1 down. oug. 6074. " That extra room will pay your coal bill, ftent it through a Bee Want Ad. REAL ESTATE-5UBUJRB Benson. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE One Acre Paved Road $3,20O-TERMS This -home is located in'Benson Gar den, .addition, is right on paved rtto full cemented basement with floor drain. Both Inside and outside entrance. Four iTlee large rooms and bath on first floor: flvmg worn and dining room finished in eakV Has electrlo lights, cesspool and a Water system. A good chicken house. This U m Ideal Ssr. Call Tyler 1860 evenings ir Tyler 60durlng the daytime and ask for Mr. Clark. ' Mr. Man, Take Warning! Here Is a little farm of 16 acres that Is prTette.Ur acreage now B J Is highly improved and can buy It at little more than farm lann pnen. , iewfon March 1. Price $276 but owner ri.. ff- Do vou get this? Act Quick, as It will be gone. Address Graham-Peters Realty Co., $2 Omaha Nat. Bank. Omaha. $100 CASH- $24 MONTHLY rive rooms, strictly modern, oak floor.. MManteed furnace, full lot. convenient fTir In BeSon.Se. this todar. REAL" ESTATE SUBURBAN Acreage FIVE-ACRE TRACT This Is lorated north of Krug park, having east frontage on 52d.St. of 330 ft. Improvements consist of new( 2-story, 7-room modern house, having furnace heat, wa,ter pressure system, etc.; good tiled well, with unlimited supply of wa ter, 75-barrel cistern, good chicken house, fine brick arched cave, 1H acres of cherry orchard containing 300 trees, surrounded with 5-foot woven wire fence on red cedar posts, 2 acres In grapes, H acre In young orchard. All fruit three years old; beginning to bear this year. Land la Isvel, lies high and sightly and Improvements are all new and attractive. This place Is clear of ill encumbrance and must be seen to be appreciated. Price $8,000. Irr.pVovements alone worth $5,00,0. $1,000 per acre has been refused 'for unimproved land adjoining this. Do not-fall to look this up if you want something good. GEORGE & CO. Phone D. 756. Acreage, Snap , 7 IS acres at 48th and Brown, owner will sell 8 acres or all. Just over the city limits, 2 aores good fruit-bearing trees; balance under cultivation. 7-room house; good barn; chicken house, partly fenced, chicken tight; til kinds of small fruit. Pries of this acreage is $7,500. Only 5 blocks from car line, paved street, and Grand Ave. school. If looking for a good home, as well as lot of ground to raise your llvtng. don't fall to see this. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, Realtors, 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. BIdg. D. 1781. A LARGE suburban tract of ground outside city limits, near carltne. Ideal flsce to ' raise poultry or garden. This Is a 300-ft. frontaoe for $510; will sell on easy terms. Telephone Walnut 3466. 1, 2 and 6 acre tracts tor sals or exchange. Call Mr. Browne. INTER-STATE nALTY CO., 13-14 City Nat':. Doug. 2810. 10 ACRES with 7-r. mod. bouse, hot water heat, barn and pump house, $1,000. F. D, Wead, 810 8. ISth St. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE WANT A BARGAIN We have ready buyers at all times for a SNAP; either a Jlouse, income or purely speculative property. Bring your bargain to us for quick action. - GLOVER & "SPAIN, (Realtors) WANT FARM Ws have pr brick businet) block almost new. In center of Omaha's big bust. N ness, net Income vundef lease $5,000 per year. Owner wants gopd central Nebraska form. , tS'. S. & R. E. Montgomery '. SI3 City National. WE HAV1; sevcia good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-rooiii housts and bungalows with 3300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. FEBRUARY 5 0. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. 8. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE. BLK. Colorado Lands. $12,800-BUYS a Rood rancfr if taken soon. 487 acres in body, 100 acres within lVi nfiles of same. 27D acres under plow and fence, two pit silos 12x29, one pit silo 16x25; fair Improvements; house, sheds, stables, cave; als have 1,280 acres under yearly lease. 640 acres under three-year lease and 640 acres school land under five-year lease, all to go with same, one third cash, balance terms to suit pur chaser at 6V4 per cent interest, 3nllca from town. Address J. B. HASSMAN. , First View, Colorado. WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county, Colorado; . $12.60 to $18 per acre. Wa control 25 choice quarters. Send for booklet Kloke Investment jjo.. Oman. Iowa Lands. 160 ACRES improved, 1'4 miles from Mapleton. la. Price, $20,000. Terms, $12,000 down, balance 6 years, 6 per cent; 6 per cent off If full payment in cash Is made. Mrs. 1. II. Stewart. PvO. Box 816. Scotisbliiff. Neb Kansas Lands. BARGAINS. !,588 acres Improved, alfalfa, wheat, stock ranch, 125; teams. ,- . 160 acres, Improved, $1,000 and 6000 bushels of wheat; no Interest. BIRD & UNREIN, ' - ,. HAYS, KAN. Minnesota Lands. COMS to the rich -clover, grass and oorn belt along new Soo line. 60 miles Ht. Paul-Minneapolis. Landseekers all say, "I saw nothing better." You'll like this wonderfully prosperous stock and dairy region, too. Rich soils, hard' wood tim ber, - plenty rainfall, healthful climate, beautiful lakes, t fine schools, creameries everywhere. Prlc $15 per acre and up, im proved or wild; easy terms. Map and list free. Baker, N. A. 117, St. Croix Falls, Wis. - Miannri T.snda GREAT BARGAINS $o down, $5 monthly. buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town,- southern Missouri. Price only $220. 'Address Box 282, Springfield, Mo. Montana Lands. FAMOUS JUDITH BASIN. Improved farm of 480 acres, 350 acres under cultivation, nearly all In wheat; only $50 per acre; on fcvorable torms. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. Oreoon Lands. NlJW Jordan Valley Project Heart of the range. Get on th ground floor with 80 acres Irrigated land In connection with open range. You en grow stock success- fully and cheaply. 'Personally conducted excursion every tw- wteks. Bend for bul letin. Harley J. Hooker, $40 1st National Bank Bldg. . Nebraska Lands. CATTLE RANCH FOR &ALE. 14,400 acres well Improved cattle ranch In western Nebraska, seven mile, from railroad. Will run 2,000 head of cattle the year around. Three men can operate the place. One ef the very best ranches in the state. Write us for full particu lars. - Omaha, Neb. ' 1 (00 ACRES, part Imp., Thomas Co. ranch. 'Average 00 tons hay yearly. $6.00 acre cash. Seward Bros., 678 Brandels Bldg. D. 3840, v 400 ACRES In the heart of Merrick county; J1 An vnrth nf lm nhtVCmil) 1. 1 176.000. half cash if taken soon. Owner Gustaf A. Anderson, westonjvep. 1 280-ACRH ranch for sale at $13.50 per cattle: Improved smd lake, lots fish. Boys are arariea. w ni. " WIB HAVE client, who will pay cash for bargain, m weir FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. LIST your lands for quick results with U .1 funnn. 3H McCaguo Bldg.. Omahs. KANCHES or all sizes snd kinds, eaej terms A. A. Patsman. 301 Karliach Blk, New York Lands. 428 ACRES. Vi mile from v llage. store, blacksmith shop, church, sawmill, grist mill, cheese factory, 4 from ktatton; SO from Buffalo, population 600,600. Oood 11 -room house, splendid gambrel roof barn, 43 by 120. litter carrier, fine pig gery and hennery, sphndtd watte J .ppiy. lau acres tillable, loo acres timber, bal ance good pasture; 100 apple treesi In cluding 68 head uf Holsteln cattle, horse, bow, 8 pigj. about 500 bu. oats, about ISO tons hay, disk harrow, land roller, grain drill, sprlngtooth ' .rows, sulky culti vator, plows, surrey, manure spreader, horse rake, gas engine cream sepa.ator. mowing machine, grain reaper, corn har vester, ay tedder, wagons, sleighs, small tools. Price $13,000; $3,000 cash; 6 per cent Interest. Free list bargains. Ellis Bros., Springvllle, N. A. Washington Lands. FOR SALE At Lyle! Wash., a money- making orchard and hog farm, 80 acrea. Fifteen acres In 8-year-old commercial apples, eight acres alfalfa, balance tilla ble land and pasture. Nice buildings and Improvements. 'Sr miles from rail road depot, and boat landing. A scenic country. A gentleman's home. Land of sunshlns. Returns should pay for place In five years. Price $20,000. John S. Beall, Portland, Ore. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $50 per a.. Including paid-up water rignts. Henry Levi & C. M. Rylnnder. 854 Omsha Nst'l. Miscellaneous. CHOICE FARM. - Nillsson. 422 Rose Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED Don't list your fsrra with u if yon want to keep It K. P. SNOWDEM. & SON. 423 S IMh rf Douglas OL POULTRY AND PET STOCK "OLD TRUSTY1' Incubators and brpoders shipped promptly. ig catalog tree. ai. M. Johnson Co., Mfre., Clay Center, Neb. PIGEONS, 10,600 wanted. R. S. Elliott. 16v)0 Independence a, v.. Kansas t;iry. mo. FINANCIAL. Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. $7,000 FIRST MORTGAGE On a Douglas county farm, Improved. Value $22,000. Loan runs five years; i per cent interest. 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONBTYt,ER 60 6 and 6 per cent mortgages secured by Omaha residence or Ne&rssKa larms. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 638 Keenne iag. r 1 CI MONEY OjfO. 0 HARRISON & MORTON 910 umana in at. u. jjiub DIVIDENDS OB1 5 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASSOCIATION. H. W. TB1NDER, Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National cans: mm. CITY AND FARM LOANS . r -, . m t, "'-. 3. H. DUMONT C.L KeellneBjgjrV OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. OKEEl'K llrJAL KSTAJ.E, -u., 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2715. i r iiusj nv rtTV PROPERTY W. H. THOMAS & SON, Keeline Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18in ana rarnam mn. M.ONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. Kloke inveatment to,, NO DELAYS IN CLOSING LOANS W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee tfiag. LOW RATES-C. G. CARLBERG,, 312 Bran- dels Theater Bldg. u. Stocks and Bonds WE HAVE TAKEN THE GAMBLE OUT OF U1U. Company organized ' with production, and wo will declare a dividend In Feb ruary; only selling a small amount of the stock at par; stock will advance very rapidly; buy at once and get In on flrBt dividend. SILVER SIGN OIL CO., Box 1702. Tulsa, Okla. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. .... -IT 1 Int.) 19 SO. Su, s mo., n. iuuua' $40, ( mo.. Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60 Smaller, larger am'ts proportlonste rate. PROVIDENT LOAN COMPANY. , . -d... d. mth and Farnam. Ty. 666. Id, uoo ' " D . - ' ; :: LOANS-WIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 70- W. C. FLATAU, EST. 1832. O 6TH FLR. BECUKlila buukt., DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS Lowest rates. Private to?;-!? v-le-hock, 1514 Dodge. D. 661. Est. 1831. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Nathan Bernstein to Sam Bernstein, .r.,. . ... north of .... .M. 26x140 .ill, 226 Inter-Urban Landi company to Jes sie A. Knudtson, iniri.y-socuiu street, 60.25 feet north of Spring ...... .... .M 10x116.4 too Theron Cooper and wife to Charles P. Cooper, soutnwest corner eighth and Webster street.. 60x 190 Arthur '. Williams, bishop, trustee, to the Cathedral Chapter or moceBe vi Nebraska, southeast corner Forty second, and Hamilton streets, 150x 175 ' J. Mellck and wife to Edwin D. Fmalls, Twenty-ninth street, 234 feet south of Dewey avenue, west .1. ?iia 4. 500 Earl S. Harvey to G. C. McDowell, Hartman avenue, zuu reel easi oi h trp. south aide. 40 xl32 j, 1 Q, C. McDowell to Guy Haber, Hart- ,800 ,400 man avenue, ZOO reel east or rwen tv..p,nlh Ktreet. south side. 40x 19 ...1 Earl S. Harvey to G. C. McDowell, soutneasr corner r ony-eisnm eircei Ualnlr ...nil. 133x400 1 500 Vito Paacale and wife to Felemena PIccoloS Forty-fifth street, 23 feet nnth of flrnnt street, east side. 23x 110. and other property . e ,000 Marie K. Carlber and hisbaniT to Otl. Nielsen et al, Forty-aeventn avenue, 120.5 feet south of Bedford avenue, .1,1. irwi2r. 2 ,400 Frank BtieK ana wwe to vaciav an- kovsky and wile, Ji. street, zus reel west of Thirty-fourth street, north .1. . ftnl IT 1 .636 Walter L. Hosklns and wife to Henry itooerc ivansr jtiorion avenue, iuv feet north of Reed street, east side. 60x128 1 .500 Sioux City Live Btock. Sioux City, Feb. I. Cattle Receipts, 2.200 head; market weak; beet steere, $9.00 013.60; fat cows and heifers, I7.60O11.00; canners. $6.007.25; stockers and feeders, 17.76011. 00; calves, $8.00012.60; bulls, stags, etc., $7.50011.00; feeding cows and heifers, $6.2608.60. Hogs Receipts, 12,009 head; market 15 lower; light, $15.015.75; mixed, $15,760 16.90; heavy, $15.85016.00; pigs, $10,000 13.00; bulk of sales. $16.75016.96. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 200 bead; market steady OMAHA UVE STOCK Cattle 50 to 75 Cents Lower for Week; Hogs 10 to 15 Cents Lower; Feeder Sheep Are ;Dull. Omaha, Feb. 3, 111$. Recelnta ware: Cattle. Hoes. Sheen. Official Monday 13,447 14,76$ 8,394 Official Tuesday 7,451 30,011 13,113 Official Wednesday .. 6,608 30.043 9.772 Official Thursday .... 6,079 13.111 6,408 Estimate Friday .... 3,200 23,000 4,000 Five days this week.. 36.785 95,099 40,697 Same days last week.. 30.170 .66,653 61,943 Same days 2 wks. ago. 31, 655 ,66,063 49,593 Same days 8 wks. ago. 31,180 78,601 43,184 Same davs 4 wks. ago. 38, 649 61,818 60,966 Same days last year.. 24, 613 119,938 60,169 Receipts and dlapojition of live etock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, for twenty four hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday ; RECEIPTS CARLOADS. ' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. UVs C, M. St. P 12 !i Missouri Pacific ... 1 I 4 ... Union Pacific 41 64 13 C. & N. W., east... 11 6 ... 1 C. N. W west... 33 116 1 3 C, St. P.. M. As O.. 13 1 C, B. eV Q east... 11 5 C, B. & Q., west... 22 40 .... ... C, R. I. & P., east. 1 3 C, R. 1. & P., west. 3 4 Illinois Central 2 6 Chicago Gt. West... 5 5 Total receipts ..M60 298 20 4 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co 231 4,402 163 Swift & Co 822 4,921 1,236 Cudahy Pack. Co.. 366 4,846 2,864 Armour A Co 714 6,593 329 Schwartz & Co 530 J. W. Murphy 319 ...... Lincoln Pack. Co.. 45 So. Om. Pack. Co.. 6 Wilson Pack. Co... 102 , V. B. Vahsant Co. 61 ' Hill & Son 49 F. B. Lewis 192 J. B. Root & Co... 213 t J. H. Bulla 30 Rosenstock Bros... 60 .... Werthelmcr & D.. 551 Ellis & Co 7 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 107 Chrtatio 87 Huffman 3 Roth 9 ' Banner Bros 39 ,, John Harvey 265 ' , Jensen & Lungren. 3 ...... Eat O'Day 13 Hunlnger Oliver. 1 , Other buyers 617 J42 Totals 4,188 20,300 - 6,434 Cattle Receipts were rather liberal for aTttday, about 3,200 head, and for the five days some 36,800 cattle have arrived1 nr fully 6,600 more than last jveek, and 13,000.1 more man a year ago. Trade was prac tically dead on the early rounds as railroads were not taking any live etock or fre.h meat east, .and both shippers and packers had their hands atled. Local packers have cattle on hand now that were bought on Monday and Tuesday, and could not be slaughtered by reason of full coolers, and inability to move refrigerator car.. What bids were placed thl morning looked fully lOo lower than yesterday, and 60O75e lower for the week. There was -scarcely anything doing during the forenoon, but the tone to the market was decidedly weak and lower. Only a few loads of stockers and feeders were Included In the offerings, and these went slowly at more or less shaded figures. . Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $11.7513.50; fair to good beeves, $ 1 0.7 6 11.60 ; common to fair beeves, $8.60 10.60; good to cholee yearlings, $11.00 11.75; fair to good yearlings, $9.76010.76; common to fair yearlings, (7.6009.50; good to choice grass "beeves, $10.60 011,10; fair to good grass beeyes, $8.76010.00; common to fair grass beeves, $7.608.60; good to choice heifers, J9.004jJUO.10; good to choice cows, $8.609.60; fair to good cows, $7.60 8.60: common to fair cows, $6.tOQ7.26; good to choice feeders, $9,50Q10.76; fair to good feeders, $8.759.50; common to fair feeders, $0.25 7.25; good to choice stockers, $9,000 10.00; Btock heifers, $7.008.50; slock cews, $6.608.00; stock calves, $7.0009.60; veal calves, $8.25613.25; bulls, stags, eto., 17.00 9.75. Hogs The heaviest run of bog. ef the week was on hand this morning, and the market for the most part was anyway 16 0 20a lower than .yesterday. ' A few early sales were made that were perhaps only 10c lower, but these were In the minority, and the bulk of the offerings went at the above decline. The top wa. $16.10, 13 lower than yesterday, while the bulk of the offerings moved at $15.76016.91. There was no Inclination on the part of seller, to hold out, and the trade wa. fairly active from the beginning. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 77. .2(9 70. ,360 36. .331 (6..26T Sh. Pr. ... Ill $0 ... II 10 ... 16 00 11 10 01 71. .217 36. .224 72. .261 66. .306 50. .324 $16 76 16 85 16 95 16 06 16 10 Sheep Receipts of sheep and lambs .till continue light There has been no Improve ment In fat lamb trade. As was the case yesterday, the few desirable lamb, that did meet the local demand .old about steady. Other, were very dreggy and unable mostly to command a bid. Where any bidding; was done it was done at considerably lowsr fig; ures. 'Good 76-pound lamb. Mid up to $16.90, other kinds in the Mm elast aelllng around $10.76. No heavy In-between were sold early. Sheep were aottv and sold at about stsady prices. Nothing holo was on the market Common ewe brought 110.66, while others around 110.00. Feeder, were rather dull and --values unchanged. Quotations on sheep and lambs! Lambs, handywelght, $16.76 17.26; lambs, heavy, weight, $16.00016.76; lambs, feeders, $15.01 016.60; lambs, shorn, $11.50013.60; lambs, culls, $10.00014,00; yearlings, fair to choice. $11.50(5.00; yearlings, feeders, $12,000 14.25; "ethers, fair to choice, $11.0013.00; ewes, fair to choice, $11.60 012.50; ewes, breeders, all ages, $10.50016.50; ewes, feed ers, $7.60010.60; ewes, culls and cannere, $6.0007.25. Representative .ales: No. 43$ Idaho lamb. 62 culls 165 shorn lambs 171 Idaho feeding lamb... 25 cull. 216 fed lambs Av. . 80 .102 . 86 . 63 . 62 . 63 Wt. $15 80 15 50 13 60 16 76 15 76 16 36 Kansas City livestock, .Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 8. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,600 head; market steady. Rrlme fed steers. 812.60O13.76; dressed beef steers, $10.26012.60; western steers, $9.25012.75; southern steers, $7.60010.00; cows, $6,750 107S- heifers. $7.00011.76: stockers and feeders, $7.60012.00; - bulls. $6.76010.00; ralv.a 17.60(3114.25. Hom Recelnts. 6.000 head; market 10c t 15a lower. Bulk. $16. 30O16.60; heavy. tl6.45016.65: packere and butchers, $16.40 O1C.60; light, $16.30016.45; pigs, $11,000 14.00. Hhcen and Lambs Receipts, 3,00 bead; market steady. Lambs, $10.00017.25; year- linn. 13.5014.76: wethers. $11.60013.60; ewes. $11.25013.00; stockers and feeders, $8.60015.85. St Louis, Feb. 8. Cattb! Receipts, 2,700 head: market prospect, steady. Native beef steers, $8.00013.60; yearling steers and h.ffora. 37. 000)13.50: cows." $6.00 0 11.60 ; tinlrMrA anil feeders. 36.00010.60: fair to prime southern beef steere, i.uooii.: beef cows and heifers, I $6.00010.00; prime yearling steere and heifers, $7.60010.00; na ..i.. t a AAfflia oo. Hta.RMiinu. 10.60 head: market steady. Llghls, $16 36016.10; pigs, $12,100 16.16; mixed and butchers, l.4O0ll.7D; good heavy. $16.50016.70; bulk, $16,160 10.65. ' Sheen and Lambs Receipts, 1,400 head; market steady to strong. Lambs, $14,000 17.76; ewes. $10.60012.00; wethers. $11.60 013.25; canners and choppers, $6.0009.00. Chicago lire Stock. Chicago, Feb, 8. Cattle Receipts, 10,000 head; tomorrow, 6,000 head; market weak: native steers, $9.40019.90; stockere and feeders, $7.20010.40; cows and heifers, $6.25 011.65; calves, $9.50015.00. Hogs Receipts, 63,000 head: tomorrow, 17,000 head; market, weak; lO016o under yesterday's average; bulk, $16.40016.60; light, $16. 00 4ns. CO; mixed, 316.10011.16; heavy, $15. lit 16.60; rough, $15.9016.16; pigs, $i$.ooon.:5. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 12,000 head; tomorrow, 6,000 head; market, wosk: weth ers, $10.00013.40; ewes, $9.6i13.00; lambs, lit. 60017.70. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Wholesale prices of beef cuts: No. 1 loin.. 29Ujc; No. t loins. 26V&C: No. $ loins, 16 Ho: No. ribs, 24fto; No. 2 ribs, 33c; No. 3 ribs, 16c. No. 1 rounds, 20c; No, I rounds, 18Vbc; No. t rounds, l&Ho, No.U chucks. 16c; No. $ chucks, 16c; No. 2 chucks, 14u. No. 1 plates, 14Hc; No. 2 plates, 14c; No. I plates, 12UjO. Oysters King Cole northern standards, per gallon, $2.75: King Cole northern selects, per gallon, $3.95; King Cole New York counts, per gallon, $3.10; blue points, per 100, $1.35; large Shells, per 100, $1.50; cotults, per 100, $1.76. Celery California mammoth, fresh trim med dally, well bleached, per dozen, 90o. Fish Whiting, ocean pike, per lb., skinned 17 He; round, 8c; box lots, 7a. Herrln per lb., round, 10c: sack lote,, superior stock, fancy goods, 9c. Herring, per lb., dressed, 12c; tox lots, 11. Tullih.ee white, avge 1 lb., per lb., 12c; box lots, 11c. Freeh Frozen Fish Halibut, coss't frozen, per lb., lie; salmon, red, coast frozen, per lb.. 22a; pink, per lb., 10c; black cod sable flail, coast frozen, per lb., 14c; black bass, odd size, 28c; large or small, per lb., l$o; trout, per lb., 23o; whltefish, per lb.,' lOo; pike No. 1, 18c, box lots, per lb., 17c; pick erel, dressed, 16c; round, per lb., 12o; crapple average, H lb, 16c; tileflsh, for steak, per lb., 15c; yellow ring perch, per lb., 16c; buffalo-carp, round, per lb., 13c; ling cod, 12c; flounders, per lb., 14c; western red snapper, per lb., 11c; silver smelts, per lb., 16c; whit Ing round, odd size and medium large, per lb., lo. Fresh Caught Fish Black cod .able fish, per lb., l4o; blaok bsss, odd slse, 10c; large or small, per lb., 26o; crapples, odd size and large, per lb., 20c; buffalo, genulue, round, If any, per lb., 10c; buffalo-carp, round per lb., 14c; red snapper, per lb., 16o; cod, east ern, per lb., 18o ; flounders, per lb., )4o; smelts, per lb., 15o; Spanish mackerel) per lb., 18c. Frogs Louisiana black bulls, per d.en, Jumbo, $3.00; medium, $2.00. . Kippered salmon, 10-lb., baskets, $3.10. Kippered sabletlHh or grayflsh, 10-lb. bas kets, $2.40. Smoked white (lakefish), 10. lb. baskets, $2.20. -. Very little poultry was put In cold stor age the past fall, comparatively no broilers. Urge your poultry raisers to Increase pro duction. Live Poultry Broilers: 114 to $ pounds, In separate coop, 38o pound; springs, 2 to 3 pounds, 25c pound; springi. all sizes, smooth legs, 24c pound; hens, any size, 240 pound; stags, 19o pound; old roosters, 17o pound; poor chickens, 5o pound; geese, full feathered) fat, 21o pound; ducks, full feath ered, fat, 22o pound; turkeys, over 10 pounds, fat, 280 pound; turkeys I to 10 pounds, fat, 28o pound; capons, over I pounds, 280 pound; guineas each, any size, 40c pound; squabs, homers, 14 to 16 ounces eaoh, $8.60 dozen; 12 to 14 euncos each, $3.60 dozen; 10 to 12 ounce, each, 83.00 dozen; I ounce each. $1.60 dozen; under I ounce each, 60a dozen; pigeons, II.Ck per dozen. , i New York General Markets. New York', Feb. $. Flour Quiet; springs, $10.56010.70; winter, $10.16010.60; Kansas, $10.60011.00. Corn Spot, firm; kiln dried No.' 3, yellow, $1.8741; No. I mixed, $1.16; cost of freight Nev York prompt, Argentina, $2.11 delivered spot. Oats Spot, barely steady; natural, 89c $1.00. Hay Strong: No. 1, $3.00; No. t, $111; No. 3, $1.90; shipping, $1.76, all nominal. Hops Quiet; state medium to choice 1917, 40060c; 1916, nominal; Pacific coast, 1917, 21024a; 1916, 14017C Hides Steady; Bogota, 3$H041o; Cen tral America, 88040c; Leather Firm ; hemlock sol overweight., No. 1, 61o; No. 3, 49o. ' Provision Pork, firmer; mess, $$1.00; family; $64.00066.00; short Clears, $60,000 66.00. - i Lard Essy; middle west, $26.00026.10. Tallow Quiet; city spsclal loose. 17o. Wool Firm; domestto fleece XX Ohio, 17. I Rice Firm; fancy head, $09c; blue rose, 68Mc. Butter Firm; receipt, 4,911 tubs; e ream err higher than extras, 616Hc; extra (91 soore), tltio; first. 49081o; seconds, i704l$,e. Eggs Steady; receipts, 1,411 ease; fresh gathered extra, 14016c; extra firsts, lltio; first. I3063e; aeoonda, 410110, Chesee tSeady; receipt., 11$ boxes. Coffee Market. ,' New York, Feb. I. The market for 'oof fee future, showed eontlnued neavousness today but order, w.re batter divided after big break of tb last two day. and fluc tuations wore Irregular. The opening wa I to It point hlgbsr on covering, bit bulge met continued or renewed liquida tion and after eelling at T.lOo, May Mid off to T,68o, while September deollned from 1.01 to T.I70. ' The eloe was steadied b trad buying, presumably due to hedges against spot coffee as future were well below the maximum prloe level and some little Improvement wa. reported in .pot demand. Last prloe. were ( polnte lower to I point higher. March, 7.46c; May, 7.65o ; July, 7.76c; September, 7.81c; Octo ber, 7.94c; December, 8.07c, The spot mar ket was Irregular with Rio grades He lower on the basis of 8 He for 7's while Santos coffee, were unchanged at 10 o for 4'.. Evaporated Apple, and Dried Fruits. New York, Feb. 8. Evaporated Apples Nominal; .tats, 15s016ttc; California, II 016 Vic Prune Firm; California, $14o; Ore gon., 13014a. Apricots Scarce; extra choice, 17 Ho; fancy, 19 ft O30e. .Peaches Scarce; standard, llftc; choice. llViOUc; fancy, 13U014C Raisins Quiet; loose muscatels, 909Ho; choice tp fancy seeded, 9Vi10V4c; seedless, 801OVio; London layers, $1.60. Mlnnea polio Oram. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. I. Flour Un changed. Barley $1.6101. $4. Rye $2.1802.30. Bran $33.60. Corn No. I yellow, $1.7601.80. Oats No. t whiter 84086c. Flaxseed $3.6 1 H 0, 3. 6 5 V, . New York Dry oods. New York, Feb. I. Cotton goods and yarn, here today were quieter, but still very .firm with a higher trend. Wool mar ket were quiet; silks were In moderate de mand. London Money, London, Feb. I. Silver Bar, 43 d per ounce. Money 8 per cent. ' Discount Rates Short bills, 4 1-33 per cent; three monthe' bills, 4 1-16 per cent' New York Cotton. New York, Feb. . Cotton Future opened steady; March, 20.24c; May, 29.66c ; July, 39.10c; October, 27.76 GRAIN AMD PRODUCE Receipts Are Liberal; Cash Corn Shows Slight Decline; Oats Slightly Lower; Rye and Barley Stronger. TJmaha, February I, 1911. A very liberal run of grain was In evi dence today, a total of 289 car. arriving In, Receipt of corn were heayy with 238 care while those of wheat and oats con tinued light, with 13 and 31 cars renpeotlve ly. Arrivals of rye were I car. and barley, I cars. A preferential and priority order has been Issued by Director General McAdoo Instructing all western roads to glvs pref erence to all shipments of grain and grain product. , and urging all Interested to co operate In facilitating the movement of this grain as the'fa'ct la generally recog nised that the time I vr limited In which to move the great amount of soft corn In order to save much of It from spoiling. Cash corn attraoted considerable at tention today, and with the liberal run ofN this grain, price declined but utile, tne spot being quoted unchanged to 2o lower, White cor.i wae about steady, selling at close around yesterday', figure, while the different grade, of yellow and mixed eold off le and 2e. No. I white .old at $1.83 and No. white at- $1.71 and $1.80. No. t white brought $1.18 and $1.73. No. yellow .old at $1.63 and $1.67 and the No. 6 grade at $1.43 and $1.47. No. 4 mixed sold at $1.52 and the No. I mixed at $1,43 and $1.46. ' Oats were fractionally lower, this cereal declining H to o. with a continued good local demand, elevator Interests taking the bulk. Standard bats .old at 36 He and No. I white at 86Vc: one ear of this grsde sold on shipper', weight, brought 16c. No. 4 white went at !6o while .ample oats sold at !4o and 16c Rye and barley were In a somewhat stronger position, the better grade or rye sHranetnt to, while barley wa. lo to le up. The demand . fo these oereal. todsy wss rather light No. t ry .old at $3.1$ and the No. 3 grade of barley at $1.75. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 54.000 bu.; oats, 121,000 bu. Primary wheat receipts were 180,000 bu. and shipments 103,000 bu., against receipt, of 691,000 bu. and shipment, of 141,000 bu. last year. ... ... . Primary oorn receipt, wer 1,111,000 bu. and ehtpment. 696,000 bu.,. against receipt of 937,000 bu. and shipments of 481,000 bu. last year. ... ... Primary oatl reeelpts wsr 193,000 bu, and shipment 710,000 bi against reeelpts of 694,000 bu. and shipments of 462,000 bUj last year. CARL0T rKC:bipt8. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chlesgo I ll ' " Minneapolis H Utlluth " Omaha ....II III II Kansas City. M 131 80 St. Louts II - Winnipeg HO iThese eaies wsre reported today: Corn No. 2 white: 1 car (6 per cent damaged), $1.3. No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.80; 1 car, $1.79; I l-S cars, $1.71; 1 car, $1.77; 2-6 car, $1.76; 1 car, $1.76. No. t white: 3 cars, $1.7l 1-6 cars, $1.70; 1 l-l cars, $1.68. No. white): 1 car, $1.65; I cars, $1.60: I cars, $1.48. Sample white: 1 oar, $1.05. No. 4 yellow: 1 care, $1.67; 4 care, $1.66; 8 2-6 cars, $1.65; 18 oar$l.!4; 1 3-6 cars, $1.68. No, t yellow: 4 cars, $1.47; 3 2-45 bars, $UV I cars, $1.45; I oars, $1.44) 1 cars (10 per cent damaged), $1.43; I cars, $1.43. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.40; I oars, $1.38. Sample yellow: 1 car, $1.30; H car, $1.16; 1 car, 85c. No. 4 mixed: 7 cars, $1.63. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.48; 4 oars, $145; 4 cars, $1.44; 11 cars, $1.4$. No. mixed: 1 car, $1.87; 4 cars, $1.16; 4 cars, $1.35; 2 car., $1.33. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.40; 2 cars, $1.80 rl car, $1.13; 1 car, 86c. Oats Standard: t cars, 35Vic No. I white: 1 car (shipper's weights), 16c; 7 cars, 88Ho. No. 4 white: 1 car, 86c Sample white: 1 car, 86c; 1 car, 84c; 1 car, 14c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 86o; 1 ear (barey mixed), !4o. No. I rustproof: 1 car 86 c. Rye No, I: 1 ear, $318. Barley No. I: 1 car, $1.71. Omaha Caah Prices Corn: No. I white, $1.83. No. 4 white, $1.1501.80. No. I white, $1.68 01.71. tfa, 1 white, $1.4801.65. Sample white, $1.06. No.' 4 yellow, $1.6301.56. No. 6 yellow, $1.43 01.47. No. yellow, $1,180 1 40. Bample yellow, 86cO$1.30. No. 4 mixed, $1.63. No. mixed, $1.4801.46. No. mixed, $1.3801.87. Sample mixed, 85c0$1.4O. Oatet Standard. IIHo. No. 3 whlte86V4 086c No. 4 white, He, Sample, 140 150. Barley i No. I, $1.76. Ryoi No. I, $2.11. . t Chicago clostng prices, furnl.hed The Bee by Logan A Bryan, .look and grain broker. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes . 1 I7H 117117 117 117 121 126 16 126116 14 14 11 II $$ 14 83 13 13 $0 II 79 It 10 41 Tl 41 TT 41 17 41 M 41 77 28 II II II II 41 11 47 It 16 II 17 II IT II 10 II It 21 tt 24 IT 14 11 II II 14 II 14 tl Corn. Mar. May Oat. Feb. Mar. May Pork, Mr Lard. May July Ribs. May CHICAGO ORAIX AMP PROVISIONS. With New Priority Order Giving Grain . Blght-of-Way, 0ra Stamp. Chicago. Feb. I. With a new priority or der In fort living grain the right-of-way over praotloally all other freight except fuel, th oorn market today showed a downward drift Th olose, although steady, wa o net lower, with March $1.17 and May $1.11. Oat deollned o to o net IB provisions th outcome varied from un changed figures to lOo off. Notwithstanding a general disposition to await actual result of the priority mandate, a noticeable easlsr feeling became evident In the eoW trade. Warmer weather counted also tt. a bearish factor, specially as no se vere low temperatures wer expected (or at lent ssveral days. Oat. were under much telling pressure, largely ss a result of renewed talk of possi ble establlehment ef a maximum price level. Provisions weakened because of large re ceipt of hog. Omaha Hsy Market. Receipt heavier of the low grade and coarse prairie bay ha caused declines ef practically II per ton, good bay suffered a like decline 1s just as steady. Alfalfa hold, steady at unchanged prices. Straw e In good demand at unchanged prices. Cholc upland pralrl hay, lilt No. 1, I19OI0; No. 1. $16017; No. I. $12014. No. 1 Midland. $19020; No. 1, $16017. No. 1 Lowland. $16017; No. I. $14016; No. I, $11013. Cholc alfalfa, $10; No. 1, f IIO 29. Standard. $26037; No. 2, $28 0 15; No. 8. $30 0 33. Oat traw, $11- Wheat traw. $10. Chicago Produce. . K Chicago, Feb. I. Butter Market easier; creamery, 44049o. ...... ' Eggs Market unsettled; receipts, 1,011 cases; first., 4905Oo; ordinary first., 480 48c; s,t msrk, casee Included, 48 0 49c; re frigerator first., 44e. Potatoes Receipts, 14 oar; market un changed. Poultry Alive, market unchanged. t Joseph TJvo Btock. St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. I. Cattle Receipts, J 000 hsad; market weak; eteers. $7,000 11.60: cows and heifer., $4.00012.00; ealv., $6.00012.60. . . Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head; market lower; top, $16.65; bulkof .ales, $16,260 "sheep and . Lambs Receipt., 700 head; market .lead; lambs, $18.0017.!5; swes. $6,00 01f' NEW YORK STOCKS Price Changes Probably Kepre. sent Tentative Short Cover ing Over Approaching Holidays. New York, Feb. I. So far ss prloe change In today's dull stock market had any sig nificance, they probably represented Jenta tlvs Short covering nva. th. .nn.n.ku. holidays. Industrials, shippings, oils atid motor were at all times In ths foreground. Steel and equipments made up considerable of the,, previous day's losses and pools resumed their operations In specialties. Coppers, tobaccos, dlstllJRg Issues and Meneral Motors, the latter at an extreme advance Of EU, tloinl. rnnlrlhilr.il In th. occasional upward spurts. ' Ralls were unusually apathetic, early gain of 1 to 1 polnte In transcontinental and Coaler Suffering; nnrtlal lmml,m.,l 1.... Sales amounted to 610.S00 shares. Bonds were firm, Liberty Issues were th only striking exceptions, the second t's fall. Infr to tha n.w minimum n- ac tl . ,,, w4 w,mo. jiiio,. sales per vslue $4,425.00 Vnlted Stat vuuua, uiu Maun, were unonanged on call. Number of leading sales and quotations osl tocks: Closing . Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar.. 400 78 78 78 American Can.... 19,300 40 38 89 Am. Car A Fndrv. inn 1t: ii van Am, Locomotive... 14,800 60 68 ,69 Am. S. & Retng... 6,900 13 31 ' i fa 104 Am. Tel I. Tel. A Tel.... 200 10$ 105 106 I. Zinc. T.. & ft ...... in. Am Anaconda Copper.. 3,100 62 "tl 62, Atchison $00 844. 14 u A. Q. A W. I. S. L. 1,600 114 112 11H, Baltimore & Ohio. 1,100 60 60 60 Butte A Hun ruf . t. Cal. Petroleum 1,800 ir 'ii 16' Canadian Pacific. 1,200 147 141 146 Central Leather... 7,100 70 69 19 Chesapeake A Ohio. 700 63 62 63 . v i. a bi. i- iuu 43 42 42 Chicago A N. W... 200 93 92 92' C R. I. A P ctf. 300 20 19 19 Chlno Conner. colo. Fuel A Iron. 600 81 - $7U 8TV4 . - ' ..j -" 7 ai 40 43 43 43 Corn Prod. Rnfn.. seir &l hu' tan Crucible Steel ls'sna mL. ku atiz Cuba Cane Sugar.. 1,109 31 30 $0 uieiljierr Beos.... 17.109 42 41 41 r'Vvv,-M0 u General Rlatrln 1 inn foa t,i ..; ' -" " w 4 o , 79 General ..Motors.. 17,300 141 184 118V, k .lunnsrn piu... tuo lut $0 Ot. N. Ore otfs... UV 37 H 37 87 Illinois Central M fnsnlratlen Connae ana jku. ah aI t. . J. T.I 111 in., ai, Ol. pill,.., JSt.auu (. ag aj-ii VI.L.I ... .... - - - Inter. Nlnkal.. Inter. Paper...., K. C. Southern.. 1,400 31 30 81 17 Keneott Copper, Louis. A Nash.. 600 38 12 200 113 113 600 30 21 19,000 91 19 100 80 (0 (00 22 13 "'700 "?0 'it 200 (0 11 "'700 '83 'l3 '2,800 "48 '46 1,000 '71 '74 19 Miami Copper Missouri Psciftc... Montana Power... Nevada Copper..,, N. T. Central 70 11 70 29 103 $3 26 Pennsylvsnia 2,800 46 46 . 44 Pittsburgh Coal... , 4$ Ray Cort. Copper 33 Readlna .. . . AAA K j Ren. Irnn A Rta.l .aw . .......... ,,, 1, Shat. Arls. Copper. 144 ooutnern raciric... , 8$ Southern Railway, 1,200 28 21 22' Studebaker Corn., soon si in si uu. Texa Co 2,600 166". 153 153 . Union ' Pacific 700 114 118 14 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol 1,900 125 12JVi 1(3 U. R. Steel 93,800 94 93 94 U. 8. Steel pfd... 600 109 109 109 Utah Copper 200 82 83 81 Wabash pfd. "B". 400 1 Waata-n TTnl.n .na ..tl ... ..4, w ,uv .v?e a-7 aTS Westlngh. Electrlo 1,200 41 41 40 .v.., ...ica iur me uay, eiu.uuu Shares. Stock, and Bond. U. 8. 2s, feg... l7Ot. N. 1st 4... tT do coupon... 97Mll Cent. ref. 4. 80 U. 8. 3s, reg... 99 Int. M. M. 6s.. 94 do coupon.... 99 K. C. 8. ref. 6v7( TT. 8. T.lh. sua at iar. m. m .,i i. .1 U. S. 4s, re...104Mo. K AT 1st 6s 6 do oupon 104 Mo. Pae. gen. 4i. 68 m. ror. pec ss KOHMont, rower 61. ton A TAT .u k. atuv v r -u Anglo-French 6s 89 N. Pacific lis.. II irmourloS SS "dO 8S. 60 Aicnuon gen. 4s. 84 Ore. 8. L. ref. 4 12 Bal. A O. e. IUi in u Pan T a h c. uu Beth. Steel r. 4a 89Penn. oon. 4s. 99 Cent. Leather le. 96 do gen. 4.. 89 -went, rao, let. 7SKeadlng gen. 4s. 84 Che. A O. a. 6s 77lt 1. a a s . a. as-- C B. A Q. J. 4s.. 93 8. Pac cv. Is.. 89 CM ASPo 4. 73S. Railway 6..... 92 0. R. I. A P. r. 4s 16 Texa A Pac. 1st 36 Colo. A 8. r. 4. 69 Union Paolflo 4. (1 D. A B. O. r. 6. 41 U. 8. Rubberf 6. 71 -u. ot u. ss mil 99 u. B. Bteel 6.,. 99 Erie gen. 4s..., 11 Wabash lit 14 Gen. Electrlo I. 71 Bld. Dtm'. Review of Trad. New Tork, Feb. I. Dun' tomorrow will ayi Both In It producing and distributing branche. business more clearly reflecte th retarding Influence of varloue existing drawbacks although return to more. nor. mal condition Is to be expeoted with s permanent moderation ot the weather. Curtailment ot .Industrial and mercantile operation, ha. already been unusually ex. tenelve and th restriction of work through the holiday observance, not only cause added Inconvenleno but also tends to re. due th purchasing power of many con. umers. With the consequent dlmlnuatlon, retail buying, and with the delays In ship, ments resulting from the transportation Congestion, complaints of less satisfactory collections are rather more common, and la some cases where deliveries cannot be made with the desired promptnss cancella. tlons of contracts are reported. But while transaction, generally are smaller la volume It remain, the fact that In some linee business Is only Imltedl by the In. ability of producere to book more orders, and there are many Indications, notably la the weet and south, ot a disposition to pro. vide liberally for future requirements. Weekly bank olearlngs, 15,043,692,879. Boston Wool Market. Boston, Keb. I. The Commercial Btil letln will say tomorrow: "The Wool market hae passed through another dull week, although there we heavy trading. "Th manufacture are finding a very good call for civilian cloth although th government I not exhibiting any great keenes. to place new orders as yet." Scoured Bails Texas: Fine, 12 months. $1.6501.60, California: Northern, $1.7001,76; middU county, $1.6601.60; southern, $1.4501.50. Territory: Fine staple, $1.8601.10; half blood combing, $1.7001.75; blood comb ing, $1.4501.60; tine clothing, $1.0001.651 fine medium clothing, $1.6501. 10. Pulled: , Extra, $1.8001.85; A A, $1,709 1.80; A giipere, $1.6001.65. - Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Feb. I. Turpentine Firm. 44c sales, tl bbls.t receipt., 141 bbls,; ship ments, 41 bbls.; etock, 15,66 bbl. Rosin Firm; sales, 183 bbl..; receipts. 337 bbls.; shipment., 750 bbls. J stock, 90,. 494 bblsf Quote: B, T, H, F, O, H, T, $1.70; M, $7.10; N. $7.40; WO, $7.60; WW, $7,650 t it - . 'l Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Feb. I. Butter and Poultry Market unchanged. Egg Flrstn. 4' eoMde