'V, 16 THE BEE: OMAHA, , Want Ad states tCash With Ordr.) ltt par word..' ...each insertion l per word for tare consecutive insertion! 1 per word for each additional insertion N ad taic en for less than a total of SO or less than 10c per day. 8 CHARGE per Hn (eonnt words to line) one time e per line each time. 1 eonsecutir times T per line each time, 10 consecutive times SITUATIONS WANTtu IS par line per week CARDS OF THANKS ANU FUNERAL NOTICES Jt per line .each insertion (Minimum Charge. 60 Cents.) Contract Rates Oa Application For convenience of advertisers want ads will be accepted at the following offices : MAIN OFFICE. , Bee Building Ames Office ..4119 North 24th St. Lake Office 251 North 24th St Vinton Office . 1714 Vinton St Park Office..... 2615 Leavenworth 8t Wainat Office.... 819 North 40th St South Side... 2318 N St Council Bluffs 14 Main St. North THE BEE will not be responsible for ' nor than on Incorrect insertion of an ad- .vertisement ordered for more than one time. 1 TJse THE TELEPHONE If yon eannot eon: leniently bring or send your ads to any of the above offices. Ask for a Want Ad Taker and yon wlil receive the tame good service as when delivering your ad in person. PHONE TYLER 1000 Want Ad Columns Close Evening Editions 11:00 M. Morning Editions 10:00 P. M Sunday Editions.. 10 P. M. Saturday Evening MOVIE PROGRAM North. ALHAUBRA. 14TH AND PARKER HENRY GALEEN, in "THE MONSTER OFxFATE" ORAND, , SIXTEENTH AND BINNKT CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG, 1 THK PRICB SHE PAID" AND GOOD COMEDY ' South. APOLLO, MTH AND LEAVENWORTH CHARLES RAY, in "A SON OF HIS FATHER" ROHLFF, 156 LEAVENWORTH MABLE TALIAFERRO, in. "THE JURY OF FATE" West. DUNDEE, (1ST AND UNDERWOOD MARIA DAVIES, in "RUNAWAY ROMANY" , BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Edward A. and Ellen F. Ortmau, Omaha, girl; Roy L. and May Flanagan, J72I Fowler avenue, girl; Frank W. and Anna C Novak, tl2a South Twenty-third, girl; La Brand D. and Helen N. Wykoff, 6I1 Blnney, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bow- man, too Capitol avenue, girl; Nioholaa B. and Maude Bnyder, 8861 Ellison avenue, girl; Frederick W. and Mary Fiohardt, 1701 South Twenty-ninth, girl; Vlncenso and Sebaeti ana Cammorato, 1111 Pierce, boy; Paola and Lucia Mtlone, 40S Pierce, boy; Carl H. and Olga Johnson, 1211 Webster, boy; Sam uel i, and Bertha Purohaae, 1310 South Thirty-first, girl; Chart B. and Luella Mussock. 1001 Emmet girl; Albert A. and Gertrude PetHt, 1411 Btnney, girl; Carl F, and Evangeline Llndequlst, 1711 Decatur, boy; Vernon B. and Merla Armstrong, 1601 Leavenworth, girl; John and Anna Kubertl, . 1214 Poppleton avenue, boy; John H. and Sidney WaUoa, 1001 Pierce, boy; Charles F. and Emma Campbell, 1101 North Thirty ninth, girl; Henry A. and Llrile Jensen, , West Leavenworth, girl. I Deaths Nellie Larson, 70, hospital; Ed gar S. Dyball, 42, 4241 Farnam; Clyde C. Ourtia, 20, 1722H Cuming; Arthur A. Chris, tlsnsen, I months, hospital; Mary . Nerd ham, 41, hospital; Samuel D. Frlsse, 4 months, 2210 Paclfio; Henry F. Karley. 11. Omaha. ' , ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permlta to marry have been Issued to the following: s. Name and Residence. , Age. -awin a, Horgeeon, Omaha 10 . xmma Mcunntook, Waterloo, Neb 11 Henry A. Larson, Cedar Creek, Neb.... 11 Cial Cannon, Flattsmouth, Neb It -Charles Newby, Omaha...., ever 21 Ladle Bay ne, 'Omaha. .over II Howard Carter, Omaha ...,.,. 24 Gertrude ZlpfeL Norwallt, O. 11 - Howard Balderston, Omaha ....... f. ,,, , It Leona Bates, Omaha.-.. it William V. Fox, Sao. Cltyr fa... .....ovsrll Ethel M. Baker, Woodbine, la.. ....over ll Merle W. Chllds. Omaha.,,. 24 ' Esther Rude, Oman H Harry E. Hallstead. Albion, Neb 10 Mable L Clark, Albion, Neb..... 21 Jamea T. Fltxpatrlck, St, Louis, Mo..,. 21 Dorothy A. Wight, Chicago, II... 11 William H. Jackson, Modale, la........ ft Ida Belt Coulthard, Modal, Iau.i,.. II Carroll T. Disney, Omsha..-........over II Carroll T.'- Disney, Omaha. over II BUILDING PERMITS. Benson ft Carmichael, frame dwellings, 1216 Hamilton, 126,000; 101T North Thirty third; 11,600; 1011 Lafayette avenue, $3,600; 1101 Lafayette avenue, 11,600, DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. WALLACE At his home In this city, Feb ruary I, Mayo C Walldoe, aged It years, en August IS, 1M7. Funeral services will bs held In the Elks' lodge room Friday, February I, at 'I p. m., In accordance with the funeral ' ritual of the order. Elks will attend, without further notice. Friend are In- l ted to attend. Burial la Elks' Rest Forest Lawn cemetery. - , Attest: L W. MINER, Secretary. T. B. DY8ART, Exalter Ruler. THOELECKE Louis D aged 77 year, Survived by a daughter. Bertha Thoelecke ef Omaha, three son. Louis O. Thoelecke of Omaha and Otto H. and Herman "Thoelecke of North Platte, Neb., and a sister, Mr. Oust Fries, and two brothers, Julius T. Thoelecke f Pocatello, Ida., and John A. Thoelecke of Omaha, Neb. Funeral from the bom of Gu Fries, 4626 Izard Bt-Saturday, February t, ltll at 1 p, m. Interment Mount 15op ceme tery. ' TRUELSEN Mrs. Henry T., at hospital In Omaha, Wednesday morning, February 6. Funeral service Sunday at 1 p. m. Feb ruary 10, at farm home, five and one-half mile southeast of Gretna and three mile from Chalco, Neb. ' llEDWELSiy Anton, age 40 year. Mr. Redwelskl 1 survived beside his mother by two brother, Frank and John. Funeral at t o'clock Saturday morning from the -residence, 2tlt Valley St In terment Bt Mary s cemetery. CARD dF THANKS. TO THE Rev. Ernst to the sweet singer, to the pallber.rera, to all those dear friends ; and neighbor who so willingly offered helr help and sympathy, to those who sent the beautiful flowers, w are most grateful. MR8. GEO. SOUCIE. HAROLD BOUC1B, RALPH BOUCIK. i , a J FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONElt Independent Undertaker, 14 ft"Hair. D. 187. El LT DODDER " CO., Funeral Director. F. U Fero, Mgr., 13d and Cuming St. Phone Douglas 677. Auto ambulance. HULSE & RIEPEN, undertaker and m palmers. 701 a 16th. ' Douglas 112. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker -and . mbalmer, 1624 Leavenworth. D.' 1661. Our Nc ew Cash Rate 1 cent per word each Insertion. . S cent per word for thre onecuthe , insertions, and 1 cent per word1 for each additional in sertion. - Ka ad taken for les than 21 cents, or It cent per day. , . Tyler 1000 FLORISTS. 11 EI. NO a member of the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery association, we are In position to deliver flower at short notice 'anywhere In the United State a:id Canada. Heaa Z Swoboda. Florists. lee l. larmon 1814 Douglas St. , , Douglas 1214. LARGEST, assortment of fresh flowere. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM. Parker flower shop, 411 a. io. p. 1101 THE FERNERY, 601 8. 16th St D. 26. ROGERS, Florist, lit S. 16th. D. 2400. BATH, National Florist, 1804 Farnam St. A. DONAGHUE, 1621 Harney. Doug. 1001. LOST FOUND REWARDS OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having Jost soms article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street' car. Many articles each day are turned In and the oimpany la anxious to restore mem to toe rigntrui ownere. LOST Gentleman's bloodstone ring on 80. 11st Ave., between uarney and Farna streets. Inscription on Inside, "From Mother to Bill." Valued as keepsake. REWARD. Return to Lieutenant W. L. Tullls, Fort Omaha. LOST Black purse containing giaases, also receipt Carl Williams, between Mc Kin ney Bhoe Store and Brandels entrance. Suitable reward. Return to Omaha Bee Office or call Florence 1682. IF YOU lost anything and will advertise it nere you win surely recover It If found by an honest person. If you find any thing 01 value the honest way le to. ad eetlse for the owner. LOST A gray undertaker's rug. 2x7 feet. on Parker to 24th etreet on Cum lugs on January I. 12 reward for return same to Obee-Hanter Undertaking Co. Notify uougias ami. LOST A muff on Rlvsrvlew park car Sat urday afternoon. A gift from my sister rour days before her death. Finder please return to tit Hickory (in rear). Liberal reward. 1 LOST Sunday, Feb. 1, green rosary, be tween St Patrick's and 10th. "Martha Dublin" on cross. Reward. M. B. 8., hand kerchief department Thomaa-KUpatrlck Co. f LOST Lady's diamond ring, set In plat inum. Black enamel, back of ring gold. Return to Hayden Bros.,) main olflce, care Mrs. Smith. Reward. LOST A leather purse on the WestXeaven- wonn car mursaay morning, containing1 receipt witn name J. Eleanor Jacobson Wal. 2828. Reward. STRAYED from 2824 8outh 26th street . brown and black alrdala dog. Reward for his return. Tel. South 1867. LOST or strayed alrdale dog. black and brown. , Return to 2628 drant street Get reward. Tj1. Webster 6838.' LOST Alrdale pup, I months old. male. Reward. 4011 Harney St. Phone H. 707. ' For Sale Miscellaneoeu s Furniture and Household Goods. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS' WOimToT? FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES, ETC, our Burn us stock. MUST BID SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. Buy now and Get First Choice. TThs choicest home furnishings that money ean buy. We make a specialty of complete home outfits, also hotels And rooming houses. Railroad fare free to all ut-of-town buyers within 10 mile of Omaha- on purchases of 120 or more. BTATB FURNITURE CO., Tel. Doug. 1117. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. f 'Ton Can Buy It for Lees at the State." BARGAINS IN STOVES AND FURNITURE. ueo, springs, mattresses, bedding of all kinds, tables, chairs, chins and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum. 1832-1847 N. 14th St. Webster 1807. Open till t . m. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses maae rrora your own feathers, summer and winter aides; eost less and last longer than cotton or hair beds. Phone us for sample. 1807 Cuming. Douglas 2487. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAIN 8 Full 11ns oi rurnlture, gai and coal oil stovee, rugs, baby carriages, trunks, etc loyal Furn. Co., Ill N. ltth. RUSH right down and get your share of all Kindj of furniture at a sacrifice, tot N. 16th Pianos and Musical Instruments. Hospe's Sacrifice Cohimfl A List of Bargains In Used ' , ' -.1 "J : " , Instruments - -,w. j.1 Whitney p!Xr plana, tnahogany eat, good condition.... ',.1299, 00 Prlc ft Teeple, player, oak case, . good condition ,,,,,,,,,, 219.00 Cabla-Velaon piano, walnut oase, .." practically nw 171.00 Bush ft Lane piano, oak ease,' mas- . slve, nearly new tlt.OO Hlns piano, oak east', fin condition, lit. 00 Hlns piano, mahogany case, fin ' condition 117.00 Kimball piano, mahogany case, fin condition 169.00 Spies piano, walnut ease, good Value 171.00 8teger piano, ebony ease, good value 109.00 Burdctt organ, piano eased, oak, v good value ,, ., 69.00 Monarch organ, high top, oak, good ;.. Jt.00 Lakeelde orgai. high top, oak, good ' lu .. i(.to Cornish organ, chapel, oak, good f 17.00 Kimball organ, high top, mahogany, - ' good value , 1. 00 Piano for rant 11.10 per month. rtano tuning, 12.10. Plan bench 18.00 and up, ' . Player roll, 16 and up A. HOSPE CO., ,1111 Douglas Bt GENUINE Noby Square Grand piano In good condition, for sale very cheap. Phone Webster 8070, A. HOSPE CO., 1611 Douglas, have pianos to rent at tl.lt per month, or wUl sell on easy terms. 1 Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES ' W rant repair, sell needle and part of all sewing machines. MICK EL'S " NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1862. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and Smith Premier typewriter. Sent anywhere Rental supplies oa purchase. Remington Typewriter Company, Nineteenth and Douglas streets.. WE buy and sell and xchange all makes of typewriter. Guaranteed typewriter, 110 and up. Writ for Uat Midland Type. - v uoage Bt. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and reoalrei. Rent an Oliver 1 months for 16. Central typewriter gxenange, 1905 Farnam. OLD Dutch line ribbon and carbon. You try It before you buy It from Hlatt 1120 1st National Bank. Tyler 2468 Store and Office Fixtures. WE have moved to new location, We buy, ell and make desk, safes, showcases, (helving, ete. Omaha Flxlure ft Supply Co., B. W. Cor. 11th and Doug. Phone D. 2714. Miscellaneous. JJOIST, ledgerwood. 1-drum. 16-horse ret e.. Jt l,n.. . 1, . . . . ' vow; oouh, nonzontai, 60-horse, full front, 1260; will swap for electric motor 60-horse power. Phone Walnut 177. uk balk Todd check writer, almost hew, reasonable. Jepsea Bros., 1602 Cuming St NOTICE TO BEE WANT AP PATRONS For Your Convenience and Furihermg Our Policy of the Best Possible Service bill The Bee aCept elePone orders for Bee Wan Ad? at our new cash rates and a collector will call a day . . It is sometimes a pother to come-down to The Bee office to place your want-ad, and then again it is quite for you to come down this way to pay the bill for an ad you have had mserted; You now need only go to your telephone to secure the same service you would receive at our office. And at : . Call Tyler 1000 and place, your ad--the rest is done for you.. ; v , . WANTED TO BUY JENKINS Square dee.1 guaranteed. For your used aults, o coats, shos, rugs, tools, trunks or suit' eases I wlil call and pay best prices. D, 2115. Res. Doug. -8012. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, osed desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1Z07 Farnam. D. 1148 WANTED Saloon back bar set, of cut glassware. Describe same, giving price. Address E. M. Finn, Westgate Hotel, Kansas City, Mo. ONE 12-foot grocery counter. Tomson'e Market, 2201 Leavenworth. Doug. 140. BOOKS bought Kleser, Loyal Hotel Bldg SWAPPERS' COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME. Trade those artlclea of furniture, cloth ing, personal belongings, etc., that you have no need f. Get something yon can use. ' Special rate for ade In Swappers' Column 2 Tie for 2-llns adv. 1 days and lo per answer ror all letters received. Business ads regular ratee. TRADE High grade 23-Jewel Vanguard Waltham watch, will pase railroad In spection, for motorcycle. Box 2008, Om aha Bee. LADY'S coat, size 40, and spring suit, size is, win trade ror chickens, dresser, ward robe or anything of use. Box 1080, Bee. FILMS developed, 10c a roll; one-day serv ice, Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk. ltth and Harney. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, aye- let eut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 100-108 Brown Bid. Douglas 186, VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button Co., 338-7 Paxton Blk. Douglas 110. Baths. LaBELLE Bath Institute; electrlo and plain baths; massage of all klnde; expert at tendants. 1608 Harney. Douglas 7048. 1 MASSEUSE, baths manicuring, physical cult. Miss Walker, 224 Neville Blk. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you, " Packages less than 20 lbs., IS cents. Doug. 7462. THE ONLY WAYVuii' THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltehll Co., 27th and Martha Sts. Carpenters and Contractor. jESSARD ft SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1822. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. Cemeteries. WEST LAWN, the cemetery of thoughtful service. Free perpetual care. Easy Install ments, In emergenclee phone Wal. 820. Dancing Academy. De Luxe Siri Popular Ballroom Dance--Clas Monday Eve. Ill 8. 18th. Phone Walnut 1087. LEARN to dance In 12 leseone. Rate 16.00. Keep Dancing Academy. Douglaa 7850. Dressmaking. COMPETENT dressmaker wishes work by tne nay. riarney 4888. TERRY Dremmaklng Co., 20th and Farnam. Dressmaking, Miss Sturdy. Douglas 6196. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No palnTlll W. O. W. Bldg. DR. TEFFT, the well known Omaha den tist, ha moved to . 403 Dtandels Bldg. Tsft's Dent. Rma,, 308 Rose Bldg. D. Silt. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Blk. Evldsno secured In all cases. Tyler 1130. f S, D. JOLLY, 613 Paxton. Red 1136. Drainage Contractors, fRACTOIt drainage and trench work of all kinds. We are equipped to handle your drainage work at low cost quick service and courteous treatment Lewi Bros., Drainage Contractors, Fremont, Neb. Fixtures and Wiring. riTTPlVTXT Electric, washing msohlne. v v-i ele.trlo I on and reading amps, zin cuming Bt. Doug. !61t. Historical Coctumes. The largest stock of theatrical and masque rade costumes in the country for rent or saie. -ineo. i.ieben ft Bon, 1514 Howard. Household Specialties. C. F., ADAMS, 623 a 16th, D. 2007. Under new management We want to see old friends and meet new. Open Sat evening, Your credit I good. Agent wanted. Insurance. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE ' INSURANCE COMPANY, , tll-14 City Nat, Bk. Bldg. Doug. lilt. INSURANCE Fire, tornado, automobile, C. a. unmmei. is umana National Bank. Jewelry. DIAMONDS-w pay be,t "rlM wl,h UlXllKJViUO privilege to buy back at email pront. GROSS, 401 N, 18th St LARSEM JEWELRY STORE, 20414 N. 16th 6i. rnoM Red S6Z7. Lowest cash nrice. Lumber and Building Material. SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. uross i.umner and Wreck, Co. Web. 1884, Osteopaths. OSTEOPATHY for rheumatism, tonsllitls, 1 grappa, pneumonia, diseases or women, young women guttering from anaemia, chlorosis, dysmenorrhea. Dr. Mabel Wes son, 614 Brandels Bldg. Res. phone, H. 47411 office, T. 2960. Oxy-Acctylcnc Welding. EXPERT WELDING OF ALL METAL. H. W. LEVERING, 301 8. 11th St D. 1671, Plumbing and Heating. TOPP ft CO., 1715 Vinton treet Plumbing ana neating; general repair work our specialty. Oil burner experts. Tyler 1118. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 683 Brandels. D. 6691. Patent Attorneys. STURGES ft STURGES. U. 8. and foreign patents and trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Uarnhart Pig. Co., 624 . 13th St Piano .Tuning and Repairing. THATCHER. CHA3. H 1908 Harney, Doug. 6019. Expert tuning and repairing. Pianos rebuilt and reflnlshed. Estimate free. W. R, Dalbeyl piano tuner, Douglas 1297. Removal. I Dr. F. w. Roland., phys., sur., 616 Bee Bldg. Safes. R A FPQ BARGAIN- 1212 Farnam. Oil! iO j. j. Derliht Safe Co. Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L. 216 8. 20th. Tailor. D. 2422. Trusses. , CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Per&ctly by Experts. The W. G. Cleveland Co., 1410-12 Harney St. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 628, Voice Culture. Albert HaLeratro Basso cantante, teacher of singing, technique and repertoire. Stu dlo, 438 Securities Bldg. Tyler 2467-J. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. AUTOMOBILES Standard Motor Co. Used Allen touring car, good condition. Bargain. , 2020 Farnam St Carl Chang- WANTED FOR Sl'OT CASH, 100 USED CARS; q ,ck action; no delay. Auto Ex change' Co., f 107 i arnam St Doug. (026. AUTOMOBILES ALL kinds of cars for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, 10c per mile. 'Douglas 7390. Ne braska Service Garage. LARGE assortment to pick from. Ail late models, from 1160 up. MEEK'8 OARAGE, - (Omaha Garage) 20th ft Harney. Tyler 666. QUALITY USED CARS. , Studebaker-Wllson, Inc. We have the best bargains. See us at once. Harnejh871. Farnam and 26th Ave. ' BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARli McCaffrey Motor Co., ' 10th and Howard Ford Agents. Doug; 1508. 1116 SMITH FORM-A-TRUCK, Just ver hauled and In fine condition, 1400. Auto Paris Co., 2106 Farnam St Doug. 4660. OAKLAND Sonslble Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., . 2300 Farnam St. A FEW 1218 Ford touring cars. One used iu toia louring. 4001 S. 24th St So. 4380. BARGAINS U used cars. ORR MOTOR 8ALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. WE BUY; SELL, REPAIR FORDS. Tell ft Blnkly, Doug. 1640. 2318 Harney St. $100 reward for auto or tractor magneto we can i repair. ayedorrer, 210 N. 18th. BATTERIES CHAROEL AND REPAIRED fcver Ready Battery Station, 1206 Farnam. ' Auto Bodies. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR AUTO. WM. fFEIFFER AUTOft CAR RIAQB WK3 2526 Leavenworth. Ty. 701, Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD -DRIVE IT YOURSELF. juo miie, a do per nour minimum charge. (Except Sundays and holidays.) FORD LIVERY CO., Douglas 1622. 1J14 Howard St. Tires and Supplies. Boylan Auto Radiator Co. ' R. pairs a SDeclaltv.- Out-of-town work given prompt attention. uuaranteed Tires at H Price. Without Any Old Tires. 10x1 ...27.70 12x3tt.. .110.06 34x4. ..111.00 lOxlVJ. .11.60 36x44. ..$15.10 23x4. . .112.25 Eectal Discount to Dealers, ." Agents Wanted. BOYLAN TIRE & RADIATOR CO. Phono P. 2214. 1514-16-18 Davenport. BILT-NU" tires, guaranteed 3,500 miles, save money. Vulcanizing and retreading. Auto and radiator repairing. , OMAHA RADIATOR, TIRE AND AUTO WORKS, 1819-21 Cuming. Ty. 217. TIRES AT HALF PRICE, ALL SIZES. NEW 20x3 Firestone, $8.00; Ford tubes, $2; NEW 20x3 Non-Sl.ld Flrestones. 213. KAIMAN'S TIRE. JOBBERS, 1721 CUIINO. TIRE'prlce wreckers. This la no M-ln-l tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 422 8. 13th. Apts. wanted; Omaha, Neb. SAVE 60 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRES. ( O. ft G. Tire and Vulcanizing Co.. 2415 Lei ilJY eavertworth. Tyler 1261-W. Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate yonr tire troubles. Powell Supply Co., 2051 Farnam St. Starters and Generators Repaired." AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 16 8. ltth St Douglas (483. We repair any storage battery, guaran teeing same for six months. OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO., 8311 Harney Bt. Tyler 1394. Auto Repairing and Painting. PHONE HARNEY 2807 for auto repairing. DELAY ft HEAL, W. Farnam Garage, 1527 Farnam. Now open. Give us a trial EDWARDS, -E. 8., 2616 N. ltth St. Web ster 1102. For best results, with repair work consult us. 1 RADIATOR repair work; jail work guaran teed. Trawver Auto Co., 1910 Farnam St Motorcycles and Bicycles H A Ki E Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth. BUSINESS CHANCES . nnPTHPCi To the highest bidder UKJJX 1J.VO goe a cabinet bath out-1 fit. Fin for rheumatism, colds, eto, Splendid :djunot In osteopath's or chlro- praetor' office. It brings mora patients. It make more money. It added 1168 to my practice la on month. Am drafted. What I your bid f, e. b.T Box Y 393, , Omaha Bee. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. I will aell at publio sale my foundry ana macnirtp snop, real estate, power ma chlnery, tools and stock. Sal bill will be aent on request, . GEORGE KUCERA, -121 North Cedar St.. Grand Island. Neh U'ANT TO SELL a restaurant along with lunch room and confectionery, Ice cream parlor; doing a good business in a good live town; want to sell 'on account of husband' health. Sadie Wllley, Grafton, Neb. , FOR SALE Hotel at Curtis, Neb., only hotel In railroad division point. Fixtures and business. Doing over 11,000 per month. Reason for selling, have other business. Geo. E. Stlbbs, Lake View hotU. WANTED To buy dry goods and ready-to-wear store, Invoicing 115,000 to 160,000, In a live middle west toiyn, population 2,000 to 20,000; Iowa preferred; must, be well established and a money-malfer. Write at once. Box Y 183, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE for cash. Up-to-date shoe shop. oesi location ana best trade In town. Shining parlor in connection; full stock on hand. M. V. DeMlro, 602 Central Ave., Nebraska City, Neb. MILLINERY stock arid fixtures for sale in good prosperous town. Term reason able. Must sell at once to work for gov ernment. For particulars writ to Box Y 343, Omaha Bee. ONLY exclusive gent' furnishing store in a good town of 600 population. Owner called to war; will sell right Notify Carter' Toggery, Wtnslde, Neb. MOTION picture machine bargains, new and rebuilt, ruuy guaranteed. All supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 South ltth St. BLACKSMITH shop, well equipped, good Duiiamg, in farming community. Price right Write B. C. Bates, Carleton, Neb. FOR SALE A paying meat market and Ice business. Am in the draft reason for sell lng. H. P. Jesaen, owner, West Side, la. FOR SALE The only restaurant In the town, fin opening for a bakery; If In terested write D. F. Norman, Wausa, Neb. DRUG STORE ft.500, long established, owner in navy. Good location. Will sell right. Dr. Mlnnlch, Palmer, Neb. MOVING PICTURE machine, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co.. 201 Nat. Bldg. FOR SALE Well-established, flourishing business; net 11,100 In 1917. 12,000 cash. Box 1846, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Garage, good location, every thing complete, reasonable. Box 1076, Omaha Bee. MILLINERY stock, and fixture for sale cheap If taken at once. Olive Ryan, At lantic, la. BUSINESSES furnished and sojd. All states. v Knlest, Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. DOWD SALE AJJD AUCTION CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Red 3285. ONLY drug store In Archer, Neb., for sal. small investment Box Y386, Omaha Bee. Rooming Houses for Sale. WANTED to buy, rooming house in good location. Doug. M09. t-ROOM modern house, rooms rented; furni ture rnr sale reasonable. Red 6047. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga line. W collect W distribute. Phone Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. OLLIB BLACK died in confinement In com hospital or (liters' home. Left tw or three children. Estate for children when found. Address Mrs, Esslg, Bos Y391, Omaha Bee. OMAHA Bath List Electric, steam or tub tatfts. massage of all kinds. 821 Neville Blk. Doug. 7381. 16th and Harney eta PERSONAL MECHANO Therapy massage lor your health's sake. Mies Halran, 121 Neville Bk. Manicuring tHealer) and scalp treatment For appointment call Ty. !038. 702 8. 24th. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam hatha and massage. 271 Bran. Tbea. Bldg. D. 1662. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 202 Karbaxh Blk. Red 2727, VAPOR and tub baths. Massages of all kinds. Rm. 1, 1606 Harney. Doug. 7046. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4414 N. 38th St. Phone Colfax 2042. MINNIE NAGLE at LaBelle Bath Institute, 1506 Harney. Douglas 7046. BATH and massage, 1802 Farnam St. Room Z. I'none uouglas 8751. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. It, E. BROTT, massage. 702 S. 18th. D. (526. MTS3 WEST, manicure, massage, 210 N. 17th, SCIENTIFIC mass. 618 Paxton Blk. D. 6372. MEDICAL PILES, fistula and other rectal diseases cured wttho-t surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TWRRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank Hi Wray, 306 Bee Bldg. OXYGEN Sample treatments free to the afflicted. 112 8. 26th. Tel. Harney 6677. SITUATION WANTED Male. ONE of the best Jobbing and specialty sales men In Nebraska and Black Hills territory wants to change, drive my, own car. Best of reference. Box T 389. Omaha Bee. SALESMAN Road, sober, alert clever, in dustrious, with own car, on commission above, draft age.. A-l references. Box Y 374, Omaha' Bee. 1 MARRIED man wants work on farm; ex perience in an imea or rarm work; house to self. Oscar "Meier, St. Louis, Mo., 1806 Hickory St. YOUNG colored boy wishes position where us can team automoous repair business. Some salary, expected. Colfax 3238. TWO married men want positions on farm about March . Experience In all kinds of farm work. Box Y390, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED chauffeur, white, married, seeks situation with private family; ex cellent reference. Phone Harney 2056. HOUSE, window, furnace cleaning and waxing floors. Call Henry, Tyler 1484, fvcniniri ana mornings. 6 to 7, WANTED Position as farm or ranch fore- mn, jteierengss. uox zmg, umana Bee PAINTING, Paperhanging and Decorating, jjvweoi e.'-timaies given. jan ht-tflaa PEOPLE that have wood to be sawed call weoster less after 5 n. m. PHONE Webster 7034. ashes hauled. Female. COMPETENT! stenographer, wiahes work a nome evenings. Phone Tyler 1902-W miss jonnson. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully laun dered. Called for and delivered. Web, 4283, u.iuuutu agea laay wishes position as housekeeper or cook. Phone Walnut 2780 LADY wishes position Phone Harney 5061. housekeeper. WANTED Practical nursing by competent iaoy: city rererences. call Webster 6040. WANTED A place as nurse maSd by girl 01 jsn Niamey D&03. Sewing at home, shirtwaist, skirts spcy, rv. 1 (02. DRESSMAKING and alterations. Tyler 142 FOR an experienced nurse call Web. 2060. Stenographers and Clerical. YuUNG lady wants work fo help out with onice wont; naa Jitti experience. Call iyier mm. Laundry and Day Work. RELIABLE colored woman wants day work, can give references. Webster 1202. BUNDLE washing and lac curtain nicely Colored lady wants day wrk. Har. 6405, Colored woman wants day work. Web. 698, LAUNDRESS wants bundle wash. Coif. 2036, BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 3269. FOR a good woman for day work. W. 6972i HELP WANTED MALE Scores and Offices. TOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE. Advertise for "help" the same way you advertise to sell merchandise, and the difference In return will aurprlse you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you In preparing your advertisement. WANTED Young single man, not subject 10 aran, lor bookkeeping in northeast Colorado bank; town of 1,000 people; pre- ier one wno can apeak some German, 1NO banking experience required). Also want maio bteno. iwr western Iowa bank. trrevious experience not necessary). THE CHARLES E. WALTERS COMPANY , nze first Natl Bank Bldg., Omaha. OFFICE MANAGER. Competent; must be high man to take charge of office. Prefer iutomobll expe rience. Mid-City Motor and Supply Co., vwnina. f-nonj xyier Z4BZ. FINE POSITIONS Bookkeeper, grain, f 100; xiuuKiieeper, insurance, 190; .Bookkeeper, mfg., 1100; Ledger Clerk, $75-180; Steno., Beatrice, tiuv: )OOKKeeDer. ISb. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER or offica clerk, who ha had flour mill experience, must have good education, good penman, salary depends on aouiiy. WATTS REF. CO., 1131 1st Nat. Bank Bldg, STENOGRAPHER ....165-276 A Iioo 176 STENOGRAPHER, BANK 2 LEDGER CLERKS .... THffl CANo'a'gENCyJVoo' BEE BLDG, ...175 WANTED Thoroughly .competent druggist wno Knows tne aetans or the drug business ' and has managerial ability and willing to work and can furnish high-class rererences. box Zlll, Omaha Bee. BOOKKEEPERS. 1100 . 190. 1S5. 180. 7S oienos., iuu, iso, iso; office clerk, 40 m 110, WATTS REF. CO., 1131 Vlrst Nat. Bk. SHIPPING and STOCK CLERK. 7S. WESTERN REFERENCE! ft BOND "ASS'N. WANTED By. mall clerks, 176-1160 month. umana examination soon. Sample questions free. Franklin Inst: Dept. 235 M. Rochester. BOOKKEEPER, take charge mall office, WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. WANTED We can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Steady, healthful em ployment. Must r be physically sound, of good character and habits and come well recommended. Apply in person at of fice of superintendent of transportation, Room 205, second floor Merchants National Bank building. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO: WANTED A man with two or three grown boy to work on farm; house, garden, chicken and cows furnished. Writ G. A, Sweet Valley, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED UNION CARPENTERS AND MILLWRIGHTS. APPLY WITHERSPOON-ENGLER CO., C. ft N. W. ELEVATOR, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. WANTED. MAN EXPERIENCED' IN ltANDLINQ POWER PIPE THREADING MACHINE. Position permanent. No lay-offs. Good chance In a shop where) heat light, ven tilation and wages are first class. Floaters will not be considered. Apply to Ware house Foreman. Crane Co.. 10th and Harney. WANTED First-class architectural drafts man, must thoroughly understand building construction and detailing of same and be capable designer. Give experience, qualifications and salary expected In first communication. Address Nebraska Building and Investment Co.. 130 S. 13th St.. Lincoln. Neb. AUTOMOBILE REPAIR MAN Must be absolutely first-class in every sense of the word. We will pay a man' who jvll come up to this standard exceptionally good Wages as- well as assuring him permanent position. Married man with family pre ferred. Write Bannock Motor Sales Co. Boise, Idaho. 1 , 4m JOURNAL,,, Chadron, Neb., wants linotype operator who can alsj do Job and ad work; could use man with wife who can do re porting, office work, or Inside work. Beet equipped shop in western Nebraska, In new steam heatedbulldlng. WANTED AT BURG BSS-N ASH CO:, AN EXPERIENCED BUSHELMAN FOR MEN'S CLOTHING. APPLY TO SUPER INTENDENT. BALCONY, BURGESS NASH STORE. , WANTED. ' A FIRST CLASS 8ODA DISPENSER. SHERMAN-M'CONNELL DRUG CO., 19TH AND FARNAM. WAivTiiiJ .Blacksmith and general all arouna man, must be good shoer; married man preferred, steady Job for e:ood man. good wages. Write box 212 or phone 28W Anna, 1a. WANTED One expert battery and repair man. Good wages for a good man. E. A. Brandes. Grand Island Neb. LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglas St. Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Two young men to work towns In Neb. Good position. See E. E, Thread glll, Paxton hotel, after t a. m. ' . Boys. WANTED Boy for farm work about 16 or 17 year of age. George Thunn, Ft. Cal houn. Route No. 2. ' . WANTED-Boy 17 or 18 years old, to learn meat business. Carl O. Hartman, 3556 8. 24th St., South Side. Trade Schools. BOTH men and women to learn the barber .trade. Special rates. Call or writ. 1402 Dodge. j TRI-CITY BAK3ER COLLEGE. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL , " Learn In six weeks, no books; easy td learn; free catalogue. National Auto School, 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE 2059 Farnam. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTE Age 21 to 60 years, for yaromg stock and general work. All winter job for good men. Apply Time Keeper, Union StockYarda Co. LABORERS, for lnside-ln the city; no office ree. Apply vizy, 8. 10th St. HELP WANTED Male and Female. MOLER Ba.ber College want young men and ladle to learn the barber trade. Call or writ for fre catalogue, 110 S. 14th Bt. Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER (insurance). 165-170: stenographer (small' office), 65; stenog rapher (railroad), 180; steno. and recep tion room girl, 65; stenographer and bookkeeper, 85; typist, 166. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO, 1015-16 City Natl, Bk. Bldg. 2 TYPISTS nn.5n TEACHER, elderly lady... icj ...c i.ai,u auiani;!, pup BKK BLDG, BOOKKEEPER. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N.' TYPEWRITER OPERATOR, fine position; THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS,. 176, 170. .!. 1607150: WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 First Nat. Bk. STENO. and- BKPR., small office, 175. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND itLtUKAfH COMPANY offers an exceptional opportunity to sev eral bright, well-educated young la dies between ages of 18 and 22 to learn LONG DISTANCE TELE PHONE ork. Those with gram mar school education preferred. In teresting work, congenial surround ings, liberal salary paid while learn ing. Apply to CHIEF OPERA TOR, 656 Brandeis Theater Build ing. THE Nebraska Telephone company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladles to learn local and long-distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opper- lumues ior advancement, good wages. A salary is paid while learning. Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other ueiana are specially invited to accompany the applicants. Apply to G F. Lambert, 1807 uouglas street. WANTED Girls, colored preferred. THE OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO., 18TH AND MARCY, DOUGLAS 159. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge Su Household and Domestic. AT ONCE Competent maid for family of iwo. uooa wages. Mrs. o, s. Goodrich apt. 4. The C lbert, 3871 FaraUm street. Barney ,4911. GOOD girl for light housework; dandy name ior a gin mat appreciates one. rnune narney Z5 or Harney 3268. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, aiusi oe gqoa cook; good wages; refer- ences. Har. 6663; 3S15WooIworth Ave. GIRL to help with general housework and cooking: ; i in ram lilv: 128 a month Un B. G. Burbank. Walnut 779 , ANTED Competent girl for general housework; must be good cook. Mr. J. J Hugh. 118 Fifth Ave.. Council Bluffs. la! WANTED Competent girl for general Housework; good wages; no laundry. Mrs. H. G. Kranx, 3335 Woolworth Ave. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework; small tamllg; references required. Walnut 1246, Dundee. or so later with the often inconvenient 1 tWnew cash rate. HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. GOOD wages to two competent white girls for general housework; good cook; laun dress kept Harney 2641. EXPERIENCED girl for general house, work; good wages: no Wsshlng. 116 So. 34th St. Harney 621. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE WORK. 117 SOUTH 33D ST. TEL, HARNEY 741. 1 WANTED Girl for general housework. De tention hospital. Call at Health Office or Tel. Tyler 2596. . AT ONCE, competent maid for family of two. Mrs. Julius Kessler, 627 N. 40th St. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework at 110 S. 34th St. Harney 2896. GOOD steady white girl for housework; can go home nights. 2109 S. 33d. MAID for general housework no washing; 19 per week. Call Walnut 128. GOOD girl for general housework, good wages. Webster 860. GIRL wanted; small house and family. Dr. Scott Fort Omaha WANTED A competent nurse maid. S. 3Sth St. r 131 EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. ' Every day la enrollment day. Book, keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit Ing, teleg-raphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue frea BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1565. 18th and Harney K8ts. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. - ' Douglas 5890. . FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TO THE WOMEN WHO HAVE ROOMS - TO RENT. Remember that the weather condition for the next few week will probably not permit room hunter making an ex tended hunt for room. They will stay ; Inside and watch the want-ads. If yon ' wish your room rented, phone u your 1 ad NOW. Tyler 1000. STRICTLY modern furnished room, private home, near car, breakfast if desired. 2201 Plnkney. WeMfer 4971. FINE large south room, suitable for two or three gentlemen; walking distance. , 2618 Harney. 2124 DOUGLAS New flat steam heat good beds, bath on both floors. Plenty of hot ' water. STEAM-HEATED rooms 13 wk., also apt with kltchenets. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluffs.' ATTRACTIVE front room, desirable for tw gentlemen; private. 2632 Capitol Av. 2216 DOUGLAS Furnished rooms by week or day; well heated; good location. GRAYSTONE. 25th and CasST nicely fur nished rooms. Douglas 7994. Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS 1 If you fall to find the room yon desire among these ad call at The Be office for a Room List. Give complete description of vacant room In all part of the city. New list Issued every week. PRIVATE HUME Attractive rooms new ly and beautifully furnished,, with break fast and dinner to gentleman or married couple employed. Call Har. 2360, or J619 Farnam. 2561 DODGE ST. Beautiful room for two or three gentlemen, modern, good board, walking distance. Call Harney 6143. LARGE southeast steam heated room; ex cellent meals' tastefully served. Phone Harney 1796. WILL room and board lady with child; rea sonable; mother's care. Har. 1149. Hotels. CLAREMONT INN, 17th and Jackson, tran sient guests, 81 a day, permanent guests, 15 week. Douglas 2735. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. ELEGANT all modern, furnished or unfur nished apartment. Phone Webster 032. FOR RENTHOUSES West. 328 HARNHY ST. All modern, 1 rooms, 150. E. H. BENNER CO., Douglss 1406. South. 201 3 36TH ST., 8-r., 35.00. 1001 S. 38th Ave., 6-r., 127.00. , C. G. CARLBERG, 812 Brandels. 1317 8. 28TH ST. 7 rooms, modern, 127.80. B. H. BENNER CO., Douglas 8408. Miscellaneous. 1637 S. 26TH ST., 6 rm., all mod., !25.. 2212 Mason St., 8 rms., all mod., S1.00. 4011 Izard St., T rms., all mod., 136.00. 3423 Jackson St 4 rms. part mod, 112.00. 2602 Chicago St., 6 rms., part mod., 111.00, 815 8. 26th St.,. 3 rms., part mod., 18.00. ' 408 N. 26th SU 5 tins., part mod., 122.00. BIRKETT ft COMPANY, 250 Bee Bldg. Doug. 612. WE want more houses and apartment to rent. The fact that w have practically cleared up our big list la conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. , If you Want to keep your place rented see Payne ,& Slater Co., Omaha Rental Men, 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016. 510 S. 27TH ST., 7 rms 96.0? 6011 Capitol Ave., 7 rm 45.00 209 S. 36th St.. 7 rms 46.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. 333 Brandel Bldg. FOR RBN1 Houses, cottages, and apartment. PORTER ft SHOTWELL, 202 S. 17th, St Doug. 1011. Offices with Home Builders. t-ROOM, all modetn house, close In, 146. JOHNiJ. MULVIHILL (Realtor), 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Doug, tt. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF , THE CITY CREIGH S0N3 ft CO., BEE BLDG. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. LEAVING city, muat sub-lease new 6-room apartment, oak fialsh, hard wood floor, tile bath, electrlo light, steam heat hot water year round, 250 per month. No children. 4824 Chicago St., Dundee. Wal nut 3810. HEATED APARTMENT. 6 rooms, modern, 410 S. 25th Av., with heat and janitor service, private basement) rates, winter. 145.00; summer, 140.00 BENSON ft MEYERS CO. umana at. Bank Bldg. D. T46 BEAUTIFUL 3-rom and bath apartment walking distance, In fin location. 13150 winter. Douglas 3140. HAMILTON APTS. Fireproof, 24th ft Far nam; Ho t rms. with kitchen. D. 1472. North. 4 AND 5-room apartments in Maple Court new. 123 to 135. Steam heated. All modern. 1811-16 Maple street. D 2802 Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists in Apartment management FOR RENT Business Prop'tv .Stores. MODERN store near postoffice, 150; moderrt store room on 16th, near postoffice low rent. G. P. Stebblns. l6fo Chle 4718 S. 24TH ST. South Side, near post.' office. E. H. BENNER CO.. Doug I4SS STORE ROOM, 20x60. 18l)8HrrTRNEYH3'r7" Office and Desk Rooms urrn.co. tzv per month snd un FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO FIRST TRUST CO.. Agts. ffvler so T i e TZ ' - 14 , 0 wg rl ,rk- l urn to the Help Wanted Columns nr.,,, v.. will find hundreds of positions listed there. Our New Cash- Rate 1H ent per word each Insertion. ' en.:.1df0r 1 ee?rtioWOn5 f0' eCh ddiJ No ad taken for les than 2 eent. or 1 eent per day. M Call Tyler 1000 Now.