THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, FEBKUAKY 8. 1918. 'Adelaide? Iveniierly Ella Fleishman, ASS'T EDITOR. i m 4 9 3y M2LLIFICIA. Browncll Hall Patriots. True patriotism reigns in the hearts ef the Brp-wneU Hall girls. Theirs is not the kind of loyalty that consists nnlv in irtl m-nrds and outward show for the girls !are doing a big bit and doing it. in a. -very quiet, unobtrusive The young women have pledged themselves to oat no white Dreaa as long as the war lasts, Gandy is to be taboo also, and no matter how many boxes the fcirls receive they are to be sent jinopened to some canton ment ramn -for the.- Sammies. .This means real sacrifice, for everyone knows what a temptation a oeaumui beribboned box of candy is to the school girl and, to her older sisters, too! - ' Miss Dorothy Judson is among the nlrl, nhn ir dnincr their nart in this 6W ' " O - . - very commendable way and some oi the younger patriots nre miss x.ain crine Denney, Miss Elizabeth Ring wait and Miss Elizabeth Wright. The out-of-town girls at the hall are also very enthusiastic tioovrr aides ana are not only co-operating with the candyless plan, but are emlisting new recruits . at every opportunity. These young women are certainly l setting a wonderful example for their ' elders in the matter of conservation and it would be well for everyone to jdin this company whose watchword is "self-denial." I. ' WcMenemy-Talcott Wedding. An account of the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Talcott, daughter of Mr. and Miss; Waite Talcott of Rockford. Jll., and Lieutenant Logan T. Mc-I Menemy, which took place at Hous ton, Tex., January 26, is given in the Rockford Register-Gazette and also the Houston Chronicle. The wedding tookr place at Camp Logan, where the bridegroom was stationed, ' and vas performed by Chaplain Clinch. Lieutenant: McMenemy is well "known in Orriaha, having spent his 6chool days here, later movingr to Rockford,'-'111.,' with his parents. Lieutenant ; Dudley Banter, also a former Omaha man, who was best man jit the wedding, is a recent bridegroom, naving neen married ine 6ame day to Miss Thelma Langbein of Indianapolis. Boukal-Stalder Wedding. The wedding of Miss Minnie Stal ider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stalder, and Mr. Jerome Boukal of Omaha took place at the home of the bride's parents in Humbolt, Neb., Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Preceding the ceremony, Miss Gail Parsons and Mrs.,D. E. Buck gave Beveral musical" Selections. ' '. ' . The bride was most attractive in lier wedding gown of gray georgette made over gray taffeta. A shower bouquet of 'white roses was carried Following the? ceremony a wedding breakfast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Boukal will make their home in Omaha, and will be at home to their friends after June, 1. Theater Parties. Those giving parties during the Otis Skinner engagement at Brandeis will be: Frank Boyd, Gus A. Renze, F. W. Judson, J. D. Reed, Marion H. Thomas, lone C. Duffy, Mary E. Van Gieson, SV'H: Wilson; C -Wi- RtisseJt; J. E. Davidson, -A.- H. Richardson,-& A. Karrisi Mrs. W. W. Turner, r.rira A"' Pnhprts. Th following will have fours: L. V. Nicholas, C G. Cleveland H. S. Clarke, Bob Switzler, 1. Ziegler.vDr. Arnold, Miss S. Swan son, H. Si Mann, C. Campbell, A. S. Ritchie, Ffajtk Hamilton, R. M. Pet ers, C. Bl. Keller, W. J. Miller, D. Young, A; iP. Condon, H. A. Wolf, M. C. Peters, Mrs. A. F. Johnson, Carrie J. Scobie, A. J. Cooley, Marie Mathews,, W. Arnold, Anna See, fL. F.- Crofbot, Mrs. E. O. Tramley, J. G. W&dsworth, S. H. Wilson. Among others who also had mail orders were:. H. Willinsky, C. R. Docherty, :" A. D Lawrence, Paul Hoagland. B, S. Eaker, Lester Heyn, Lew Lorirfg, Clement Chase, Jack Hughes, p. J. Fitzgerald, M. C; Week, H.-C. Hibbard, F. M. I. Henry, Katharine Squier, Mrs. Mar tin Harris, J. J. Sullivan, H. J. Mc Carthy, William G. Nicholson",. G. W. Updike, Mrs. C. C George, L. B. Bushman, "Flora Burkenenad, Doris M. Goethi, Frederick Cohn, Ida M. TJftnchettyjDr. Newell Jones. Vera J&ne Beats;Louis Boehme, D. F. Bon nell, Mis Laidel Dorsey, Henry Rosenthal. Mrs. Ida .Davis, Nettie Floren, Zeis Vean, A. M. Jeffrey, Irv ing Baxters-Reed C. Peters, John Mc Cague, jr.;' Josephine Grant, E. A. Benson, CJ H. Wright. John S. Tag gart, Frank Pollard. Mrs. F. Kirsch braun, H. H. McDuff. H. C. Rosacker, F. Rosenthal. E. E. Bruce, Tom Kelly, Mrs. M. T. Patrick, Mrs. R. B. How ell. H. U. isliedd. H. fi'. Slater, Mar! . T7 D r T? 'fK..r., H. A. Holdrcge and H. V. Hay ward. Food SaleTj. A number of young girls will try their hartd at selling home-made goodies athe David Cole creamery Saturday afternoon. Unde: the aus pices of the :Young People's society of the Cenfral Congregational church a sale of jome-cooked food witl be held. Mrsjl N.. B. Updike will have the sale ifl charge, and the young women assisting her will be Miss Helen Garvin, Miss Hazel Updike, Miss Eleanor Austin, Miss Mabel Hall, . ar.d Ikliss Lucy Garvin. Dr. Kully Home on Furlough. ' Dr. Barney Kully, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Knlakofsky, of this city, is home on a three weeks' furlough. Dr. Kully graduated from Creighton Medical college and soon after left for Mount Sinai hospital. New York, w here he is making a study of surgery and medicine. While ib. New York, Dr. Kully joined the medical reserve, being com missioned ' Jirst lieutenant. Engagement Announced. Mr. and -Mrs. Joseph Lewis an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Dollie, to Mr; -Jacob .J. Lasfky of ; Fullerton, Neb. No date has been set for the wedding. Lady Byng, wife of the British commander, who directed the recent "drive" on the western frcnt.'is the author of "Anne of the Marshlands," a novel which, created quite a sensa tion when it. .was published some j ears ago. I Your Presence I s Requested " By GERTRUDE BERESFORD. f TTTHAT are you going to wear yy to the wedding? lhat ques ' tion is flying from coast to coast. After all a wedding must have guests and the feminine guests must wear gowns. This frock of amber georgette crepe with an overskirt and over blouse of blue georgette is a fascinating color scheme for such an occasion. The straight-gathered skirt of amber is picot-edged, and the overskirt of blue is likewise fin ished. A band of terra cotta velvet ribbon encircles the overskirt and finishes with a bow in front. Two similar bands are used on the amber skirt. Amber georgette runs to cam isole height, and a kimono waist of blue covers this. Terra cotta velvet ribbon passes around the bust and ends in a bow beneath the small lace yoke. Another band of terra cotta ap pears on the sleeve and the old-fashioned undersleeve is tied with a nar row blue ribbon. This frock will dis tinguish any wearer "among those present. Where the Women Pop the Question .In-the : : Pacific ocean, between Fiji, New Guinea,.,: New Caledonia and the continent of Australia, lies the Melanesian group of islands where head hunters and cannibals abound. Although strange and grew some are many of the customs of the tribes, there are some that are most romantic. For instance, on the islands of Tucopia the women propose mar fiage instead of men. , When a girl of Tucopia sees a nian whom she thinks she would like to have for her husband she does not rush up to him and ask hi.n to marry her. On the contrary, she gives the subject deep thought, and often the man a most careful investigation be fore she "pops the question." The, reason is that his answer spells life or death to her. It is a tribal law that any woman who has been refused must forth with kill herself. Therefore, a wo. man asks a man's hand only when she feels sure that his answer will be the happy one. Many .are the strange and seem ingly inexplicable questions with which the woman of Tucopia ply the stranger, who cannot realize the per sonal motive back of the "solicitude of the husky belles who inquire if he is married or not, and the state of his wife's health. Romances are con sequently very apt 'to run out in happy marriages. But there have been innumerable in stances when a poor girl, smitten by the newcomer's charms, has been compelled to kill herself because the man with whom she had fallen in, love has had to refuse to marry her. Baldness with the women of Tuco pia is a sign of beauty, and never until she is bald does a Tucopia woman become fully convinced that she is really lovely. But bald or not, she takes great care whom she asks to marry her, for the tribal law has never been known to fail. . If a rejected woman does not kill herself she is executed by the leaders of the tribe. A Riding Knitter We've been introduced 'to the di vorce court knitter; the street cai1 knitter, the woman who knits in church, at the theater, and the class of high school boys who knit instead of playing football. Now comes Mrs.- H. M. Shuttle worth of Snowmass, Colo., with the very dernier cri in knitting fashions.' Mrs. Shuttleworth lives ten miles from the railway station, on a cattle ranch, and rides in horseback three times weekly for her mail. She mounts her faithful cow pony, heads him for the, postoffice, opens her knit ting tag, and by the time she gets there, a sweater for some shivering Sammy is well started. Sometimes she "rides herd," too, since a lot of the cowboys have en listed, and she always takes the knit ting paraphernalia along and knocks off' a few stitches, while rounding up the straying bovines. Milwaukee Free Press. ltd Kind. "Thl garden is what I call a marathon kind." ... . "What kind is that?" "The only vines allowed in It are runners." Exchange SoMoqpy if IMote ' Everyone 's Creed wmm ,m i n li i ilw i i , . , I By ADELAIDE KENNERLY. ; IT IS your creed and mine. Everybody's creed, though nobody admits it and few believe it. Sines' the beginning of time each person hts thought himself, or herself, a wee bit better, a little kinder, much more charitable of opinion, than the other fellow. , Perhaps Adam and Eve handed down pur creed to us our real crfed fqr it is the only one which has been deeply enough rooted to remain forever. '. Creeds may come and creeds may go, but this one stavs forever. I believe in God the Father, and myself. I believe that I am smarter and better informed than anyone 1 know. Of all the folks I have met during my lifetime, surely none of them arc as stable, in their judgment, as I. My decisions are fairer than anyone else's except those, persons who agree with me entirely and in alt things. I believe that. I give everyone a square deal, and I believe that my idea of a square deal is the right one. I am confident that my convictions are the right convictions, and that whoever dares to disagree with me. is a tool. 1 In politics my views are the correct ones. If I busy myself changing these views, it is because I am a wise person and know w.hereof I think. My opinions today may not be what they are tomorrow, but I am a broad-minded mortal and change with progress I am the most truthful soul of my acquaintance, being always careful to state facts exactly as I wish them stated. Of course, it is my privilege to withhold a truth in order to leave my desired impression; but have we not always been told that silence is golden? When my enthusiasm cools over an undertaking it is not because I have been unsuccessful, but because I learn through experience that the culmination of certain schemes do not work to the advantage of the world. I am entirely unselfish. , I am extremely prudent. ; My way is the right way, and the world should follow me. Advice to the Lovelorn . By BEATRICE-FAIRFAX. Real Love. Dear Miss Falrfak: Ten men et varlout age have argued Ions and loud ttver aquea- tlcn and have heen unable to reach an agreement. This being; so, they have de elded to submit the question to you. We have been unable to decide as to how old a man must be to fall In love. Also how can real love be recognized la oneself t A. .R. C. M. Surely you are not asking this question In all seriousness. But even If you merely want a little chance to laugh, I am going to answer your letter. love la no .respecter of years.. Some men start tumbling In when they are not even, yet promoted to the dig nlty of long trousers and keep on tumbling until they sit In the chimney corner as per feet exponents of Shakespeare's seventh age, The man who falls In love frequently falls In love lightly. Losing Amanda, he can con sole himself with Bettina. If she prove dif ficult there's always the rest' of the alpha bet Real love Is, I think, unselfish less a personal craving than a desire to give hap piness, to the other. The woman for whom a man really cares Is the woman he wants to see happy not the woman he begs to make t him happy. If there Is a girl for whom a man would be willing to challenge the world, to whom he wants to bring the world and from whom he would accept love tenderly, gratefully and humbly, then he may be sure that she Is his true love. Reply to Bachelor-Farmer. Lincoln, Neb., . Feb. 2. Dear Miss Fair fax: I wonder If the writer of that letter you published In this morning's paper realizes Just what an awful temptation he has put up to the woman who wants and longs for the very things he could give her and most of all his "pardonable ambition." It la almost too great a temptation to resist. If he Is really serious I admire him very much. And sincerely hope he succeeds In finding the one woman who will make him happy ever after. Like the writer, I do not care to have my name put into any Tjap4u. as ,l.anv real well known in a small town not, far from here. 80 I'll not sign this if you will pardon me for not doing so. 't.' It certainly makes things look dull when you see a situation like this one almost Mr. and Mrs. Arthur English are planning to leave for California soon. Mrs. Mary E. Van Gieson,' accom panied by Mrs. .George Mclntyre and children, left Wednesday for Florida. . Mrs. John Hoist has gone to Fort Riley to join her husband, Dr. Hoist, who has charge of the eye, ear, nose and throat work at the medical offi cers' training camp.- 'A s6n was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Le Brand Wykoff. Mrs. Wykbff was formerly -Miss Helga Tornbladt. Mrs. E. P. Baker; accompanied by her father, Mr. L. B. Webb, has goneH to Chicago for a two weeks, visit. Miss' ; Zita Muldoon has as her guests, her cousins, Mr. Henry, and William Warren of Ponca. Neb. 1 . World's Stidard I I )))Vfr Stout Woman's Corset M ft " Only one that restores youthful ap- B U j 1 r tj pearances by permanently reducing B II I ill oo'h site and weight of figure. Com- B I 7 j'fi fortable abdominal support gives relief n , a ll I ISA 'I' to the physically weak. Famous for g mil ' V durability. Greatest intrinsic value. H m ' I vsJ7Sr!r Guaranteed to outwear any other make, m n " I """V 1 Y Theu" invaluable hygienic service R H I u costs you nothing extra. n 1 Am 300' 4,00' anci 6 1 I I nlflill MaDjr Mode,AI1 SiiCS All Stores. 1 kVLI li'&''i Haw HnWait-Fueii ludtata, Krw Twt. Jj Adjustable to Every Figure Oivrs Fashion's smooth "nnbroken line," in front and back, from shoulderto waist. Reshapes, reduces and flatten bust. Induces an erect, graceful carriage. 1 For all figures $1.00 and $1.80. within your clasp and then know you can not reach It. J. Very sincerely. P. S, Ton might let him see this, aa you possess his name and address. I would. Ilk tj know what he thinks of a woman In his own situation. ' , Two Sisters. Dear Miss Fojrfax: I am 10 and a stenog rapher. I met a very nice young man who loves me and In return I like him very dearly. What I want to say is,- he Is not rich. . My parents say 1 have ho right to go out with anyone before my older sister, but they say. It would be different If this young man were rich. I would like to know whether it is right for me to ask my friend wbun h buys tickets for a theater," etc., to get another ticket for my sister. . Would lhat be imposing upon him T A CONSTANT READ&R. There Is an old world tradition which goes back to such authority aa the Bible story of Leah and Rachel and which re quires, that Until the older sister Is mar ried the younger one shall not wed. But the modern day generation does not Insist on anything so difficult. It Is certainly not fair to demand that when a younger girl happen to meet the man for whom she cares she shalt not marry him until her sister Is likewise provided with a husband. Prom the point of view 6f common sense , every one sees that a married sister Is In a po sition to give her single sister social good times. It does not shame or disgrace the older girl .one bit, to have the younger one married before she Is. Indeed In this day when wohian is coming so splendidly Into her' own," there Is po partlouiar reason why the out,eT. sister .should not be just as use ful, worth while '.and' happy an tndlvlduM as In trip younger even though she renum a bachelor maid While her sister marries. It might be nice for you and your friend to take your .sister' along occasionally, but un less you are engaged you are scarcely In, a position to ask him to spend monty on her. A Difficult Problem. . '. ! Dear Jl Us Fairfax:, I am 20 and dearly love a-young man 24. who has asked me to marry him. I do not know whether to ae copt htm for this reason:. If I merry him ws will live with his mother and young brother, who are depending upon him for support. Now, I also hsve a mother and very young brother depending upon me for support. I would-not think of leaving mother alone; In fAct, I would rather not marry him' than think that mother and brother' would be alone, although this young man Is the only one I could ever love. Should I place this extra burden on him; say that mother and brother must live with us; or what shall or can I do? Your advice will be very much appreciated. M. II. My dear child,-.your position : is very difficult one. I don't believe that any one concerned will have half a chance for hap piness If you combine all your household under one roof and try living together. I suppose neither of you Is earning enough so that you could marry and ' leave your people enough ef an allowance to support them. If that were possible, it would, of course, solve your problem. But three women Mn your 'positions can hardly live happily 'under -on roof, and if you were to try it, I think your marriage would prob ably go on the rocks. Can you not wait. try to save a bit and manage In some way l- give your mothers and little brothers separate support. It you cannot, I am afraid you. will have either to give each other ap or to start one household and make up your mind to live the life of a perpetual peacemaker and diplomat. IF Cupid Headless Wings and bow and pretty smile Has this Cupid all the 1 while, But you'd better draw a Lead, Or you'll soon find Cupid dead. ' Alphabet oj Conservation Miss Nellie Farnsworth, emer cency home demonstration agent for the government, prepared the following "A, B, C's of Conserva tion" for the benefit oj Omaha housewives: ' "Applied patriotism means con servation. "Beans take the place of meat and are cheaper. "Cornmcal cakes give hunger the quakes. ' "Doughnuts should be banished from good society. "" , "Energy wisely directed avoids waste of vitality. "Fried foods use too much fat bake them. "Garbage pails should soon be a thing of thjpast. "Honey is a wholesome substi tute for sugar. "Indigestion is becoming obso lete. "Johnny cake, well made, puts bread in the shade. "Knowledge of food values may be had for the asking. "Light takes fuel save it. "Mil that has soured makes good cottage cheese. ; "Needs, not wants, should re ceive consideration. 1 "Olivejoil and oatmeal will save fatsand wheat as well as improve your health. "Poultry furnishes protein and saves beef and pork raise chick ens. "Quell your fears by doing your share of the world's work. "Rice with cheese sauce is a full meal "Sacrifice, not self-indulgence, will avert famine. . "Thrift brings ls own . reward. "Use the . steamer ; and prepare the dinner on one burner. . . "Voluntary rationing is better than that which is enforced. ,. "War breads used .here will send wheat over there. "'Examine your expenditures and see if they have been governed by wisdom. ' , "Your motto should 'be 'eat to live,' not live to eat. ' ' "Zealous efforts hi gardening will help solve the food problem." Serve ie 1 t JTLUIIUUIIK-VUIIZUL ... -fhT rw ' SK10iOT Sav'nSs Bank Hours On Sab fWfl HaT X IIA11I On Saturdays, on and after Saturday. February TlAiAKUIU 9th, 191c?, the SAVINGS DEPARTMENTS of the fol-, - 5 lowing banks will not be open for business after 3 - v l(gVgI3 o'clock p.m. - : ; Cimroy F"t National Bank. Corn Exchange N.t'l. Bank. ! 1 mrw wmwsvv9i Omaha National Bank. State Bank of Omaha. . V WStioTTfr fg-IfflzS tl Merchants National Bank. , Union State Bafik. ' lf&yypmiMM 3PSlg United States. National Bank, Pioneer Sarin,. Bank. ' ' '. Bee Want Ads- Bring Results. . , . ,. . . - , , , , i , y 8 fei --t ' SmZfi: ; v Now Sold Under the Armour Oval Label THRIFTY illations eat . fish. And now, when other foods are hardly sufficient to supply world needs, you can help your country to economize by serving more fish on your table. And in fish as , in all other foods you can secure the. best by asking for Armour's ! Marked with the Oval Label, the mark that signifies careful selection at the source, proper preparation, and highest food value, you may be always certain of top grade. Try These Oval Label Products: Stockinet Star Ham ' Star Bacon Cloverbloom Butter Vegetole (Shortening) . Devonshire Farm Sausage taSST Package Foods Glendale Oleomargarine (Natural Color) leamr Oleomargarine . (WhjW) rv 2073 In Seattle most of the chauffeurs have gone to war and women are driving the taxis. Cut Out Coupon Below-Worth Twenty-Five Cents To You Good, at Local Druggists) as Long as the Free Supply Lasts, for One 25-cent Package of the External "Vapor" Treatment That Relieves Colds Over Night Croup in 15 Minutes, t Each Local Druggist Will Give Away 60 Free Pack agef 12 of Which Are Full Size 25-cent Jars. . Fifteen years ago, in a little' North Carolina town, ft druggist discovered a process of combining trie old-fashioned remedies Camnh6r, Turpen tine and Menthol with certain vola tile oils, such as Eucalyptus, Thyme, Cubpbs and Junioer,' so that, when applied externally, ; the body heat would vaporize these ingredients. These vapors, inhaled all nicrht Jong, carry the medication, with each breath, direct to the air passages and lungs. Today this vapor treatment, Vick's VapoRub, is almost universally used throughout the South In preference to internal "dosing." It is quick in its action, and what is more im portant, particularly to mothers ,with smalt children, It is applied externally' and hence. does not disturb the most delicate stomach. . Colds are j easiest treated at the beginning, ana Vapo Rub makes the ideal preventive for; the entire family. ' This preptrration conies in salve form and its action is twofold. Ex ternally, it is absorbed through and FIS H ODUCT I Salmon, Sardincs,TunaFish, Shrimp, etc., in pack ages, expertly prepared, ready to serve. No waste, no work no shrinkage no cooking expense. Cad oar branch how manager and aik for name of Oval Label dealr$ in your neighborhood ARMOU R COMPANY Robt. Budstx, Mrr., 13th St Jones H. P. LeflerU, 29th and Q LeVs Try It In certain lections of Greece, it is the custom when the bride comes home after the wedding for the bride groom's mother to hand her at the door a glass of honey and water. She drinks some of it, in order that her words may be sweet as honey, and the rem is poured,over the lintel, that the house may be free from strife. Telling1 the Truth. , Landlord Yes, sir; we've a cen tenarian in this village. As a matter of fact, this is his grandson or are you his great-grandson, Joe? Joe Great-great-great-great-great-gr Visitor Oh, come, cornel That's scarcely possible. Landlord (confidently) He isn't telling lies; he's only stuttering.- Passing Show. A California woman is operating an automobile stage line between Air hambra and San Francisco, a dis tance of several hundred miles. stimulates the skin, taking out that tightness and soreness in the chest. Internally, the vapors inhaled loosen : the phlegm and open the air passages. For croup or colds just rub a little over the throat and chest and covet, with a warm flannel cloth. One ap-; plication at bedtime prevents a night, attack of croup. ; For very severe cest colds, tonsil itis, bronchitis or incipient pneu monia, hot, wet towels should first, be applied over the parts, to open the ; pores of the skin and then Use Vapo-' Rub. For headcolds, asthmatic or catarrhal troubles- a little VapoRub can be rubbed up the nostrils or melt ed in a spoon and the vapors inhaled.. The manufacturers know that an actual trial is the best way to prove . how valuable VapoRub is in the' home and they have accordingly furnished ' each druggist in Omaha with 60 free packages, to be given away .on pre sentation of the coupon below. GOOD AT YOUR DRUGGISTS for a free package of Vick's VapoRub, si ,lonjf as tht free supply lasts. Each Drag gist has 60 packages, 12 of which are full sis 20a Jars, to be given t the f hut twelre presenting coupons. Only one sam-. pie allowed each family. Name , Address No. T.2H. Armour' Oval Lhhel it Your Safe Buying Guide Sts., Omaha. Doug. Sts, South 1740. 10SS. r .' ; ... . 1 1' t ...