Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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Anton Redwelsky Send? " t
Through Brain After
ing Door; Two-Hour
for Coroner.
Anton Redwelsky, 39 years old,
Thursday morning locked himself in
his home, 2919 Valley street, and shot
himself through the head, dying al
most instantly.
The coroner was summoned, but
the body lay on the bed, gun clutched
in one hand, for two hours awaiting
his arrival, while the aged mother,
83 years old, looked on.
Redwelsky had been in the employe
of Swift & Co., but had not worked
for a week, owing to ill health. He had
intended starting again Thursday, but
suffered a relapse, and his mother
urged him to stay at home.
While she was in the yard work
ing he locked the door of the home,
and took his own life. His mother is
deaf, and did not hear the shot.
Neighbors notified the police, who
broke down the door. He was single.
Elaborate Preparation
For Celebration on Feb. 12
The program for the Washington
and Lincoln day celebration at the
Auditorium, February 12, is nearing
completion. Colonel J. M. Banister,
chairman of the committee on ar
rangements, announced that the
oration would be delivered by Dr.
Frank VV. Gunsaulus of Chicago, one
of the finest public speakers in the
country. The music program has
been put into the hands of Harry V.
Burkley, whose suggestions will be
considered by the committee Friday.
The committee has designated Hon.
Lee S. Estelle of the district bench
to read Lincoln's Gettysburg address.
Colonel Banister," by arrangement
with Colonel Douglas Settle of the
41st regiment. United States infantry,
at Fort Crook, has secured the mili
tary band for the occasion. Brief
remarks will be made by uoionei t.
A. Grant, U. S. A., and by Captain
C. E. Adams, representing the Grand
Army of the Republic. T. P. Rey
nolds, president of the central labor
union, stated to the committee that
it was possible the musical union
band could be secured to participate
in the program. These and other de
tails will be settled tomorrow and the
complete program announced.
Major R. S. Wilcox is chairman of
the committee on decorations for the
celebration. It is his purpose to pro
vide decorations befitting the oc
casion. J. G. Pflug, Merchant,
Dies After Short Illness
J. G. Pflug, president of Wagner
Brothers company, died at his resi
dence. 3008 North Fifty-fifth street,
yesterday afternoon after a short ill
ness. He was 54 years old and was
born on a farm in this county just
west pi .Omaha. ..He was. in the gen
eral merchandise business at Fapil
lion, Neb., for some years and about
eight years ago closed out his inter
ests there, removing to Omaha and
acquiring an interest in the concern
with which he was identified at the
time of his death.
He is Survived by a widow and four
children: Byron C, who is connected
with the Wagner firm; Grace and
Hazel, who live at the family home,
and Mrs. Colvin Leeder of Minden, la.
Mr. Pflug was a member of Benson
lodge of Freemasons, the Scottish
Rite and the Order of Nobles of the
Mystic Shrine. The funeral, which
will take place at the Kountze Me
morial Lutheran church on Sunday
afternoon, wUl be in charge of the
Masonic fraternity.
Moore Granted Divorce,
But Must Pay Alimony
Steven A. Moore, engine inspector
tor the Union Pacific railroad, was
granted n divorce yesterday from
Nettie Moore, who made sensational
charges as to Moore's relations with j
three other women in her cross-pe-j
tition for separate maintenance. j
In granting Mr. Moorethe decree j
Judge Leslie fixed an alimony allow
ance of $85 a month for the support of
their daughter, Ethel. Moore had t
previously deeded his daughter his ;
farm in Oklahoma valued at $5,000.
Testimony by a witness for Mrs.
Moore that he had seen Moore
through a keyhole kissing another
woman was discredited. Mrs. Moore
alleged her husband had been in
fatuated with three successive loves
for younger women during the last
years of their married life. Moore
charged his wife with extreme jeal
ousy and with hindering him in his
advancement by her constant accusa
tions. Red Cross Notes
Omaha's quota of membership In the jun
ior Red Cross campaign to be launched on
Uncoln'i birthday, February 12, Is 25.000.
There are 40,000 school children In Omaha.
Superintendent Bevertdge, chairman of the
campaign committee, expects to enroll the
children 100 per cent.
Of 385.000 school children in the state j
'he quota Is 200,000.
Indians at Macy, Neb., gave a dance Tor j
'he Rod Cross Saturday night. This is the:
.Iphth of a series which retted $400 to
the Red Cross. E. M. Peebles. Bert and
Will Maberry and James Brewer are the
Indians who managed the dances.
Are there any Omaha women who with
a Red Cross class in dietetics? Miss Nel
lie Farnsworth, emergency home demonstra
tion agent for the government, has volun
teered to instruct such a class, to meet In
the Toung Women's Christian association.
Mrs. A. L. Reed already has the names of
three applicants for this instruction. Mrs.
Reed will receive all further applications.
Dietetlca classes suffered In this city last
spring when the first aid and home nursing
classes were organized because of a scarc
ity of instructors.
Dr. C. W. Erwlne of Lincoln has devised
a scheme for laying out gauze for the
gauze cutter, a machine recently purchased
by Omaha Red, Cross chapter. Dr. Erwlne
sent drawings of hta plan to Gould Dietz
to facilitate the use of the machine In
old, died at the home of his sister,
Mrs. A. Fries, 4625 Izard street, Thurs
day morning. Besides Mrs. Fries he
is survived by a daughter, Miss Bertha
J. C. Thoelecke, and three sons. Louis
O. Thoelecke of Omaha and Otto H.
Thoelecke and Herman C Thoelecke
k, pf North Platte. .
Brie) City New
Hut Boot Print It Now Beaooa Press.
Lighting FUtnres. Burgcts-Granden.
Bremerg A Lee, attorneys, removed
to 707 Keellne Bld0'. Doug. 2!92.
Income Tax Returns Coriptled D.
C. Patterson, secretary. Douglas 2947.
Kenneth S. Flniayson has removed
his law offices to 920 First National
Bank building.
Robt. C Drnesedow & Co., stocks
and bonds and local securities, 860
i Omaha Nat Bank Bldg.
1 Thrift is the handmaid of prosper
ity, the enemy of waste. Start right
with Nebraska Savings & loan Asa'n,
N'egro Bound Over Charlie John
son, negro, was bound over to the fed
eral grand Jury under $3,000 bond,
charged with selling morphine. He
was arrested in Johnnie Moore's place,
221 North Thirteenth street, Tuesday
Smith Agency Manager Clyde G.
Smith, who has been conducting a
free school of instruction in life in
surance salesmanship for the Com
monwealth Life of Omaha, has been
appointed agency manager for the
State Bunk of Omaha, corner Six
teenth and Harney streets, pays 4 per
cent on time deposits; three per cent
on savings accounts. All deposits in
this bank are protected by the de
positors' guarantee fund of the state
of Nebraska. Adv.
Four Divorces Granted Mary A.
Lyons was granted a divorce from
Pearl A. Lyons by Judge Leslie in dis
trict court Divorces were granted to
John E. Gray from I. Z. Valeria Gray;
Hattie Stacy from Roy Stacy; Anna
Macek from Frank Macek.
Sues for Injuries Suit for $10,000
damages was filed against the Rock
Island railway by Bertha Muncle In
federal court. She alleges she was In
jured when a train on which she was
going to Lincoln, December 22, 1917,
ran through a misplaced switch at
Havelock and collided with a freight
Say Failed to Register Deputy
United States Marshal Quinley brought
Benjamin Stutheit from Blair, Neb.,
and he was given a hearing before the
United States commissioner on the
charge of failure to register. He de
clares he had registered, but lost his
card. He is being held pending inves
tigation. Income tax law continually changed
by treasury rulings In favor of tax
payer. Avoid errors of hundreds of
dollars for or against you in your tax
return. Consult experts. Correspond
ence Invited. War Tax Service Bureau,
805 Omaha Nat. Ban:. Bldg., Tyler 320.
References: Omaha National Bank,
First National Bank.
Gentleman is Safe Thomas Gen
tleman, the Omaha boy who sailed for
England last month to accept a posi
tion with the United States consulate
service, has landed safely In England.
A cablegram from the young man,
sent from "Some port In England,"
has been received. His mother Is a
widow, residing at Twenty-sixth and
Dodge streets.
Fine fireplace goods at Sur.derlands.
Wagon Load of Groceries
Stolen on South Tenth
Robbers broke out the glass front
door of the grocery store of I Kula
kofsky, 1944 South Tenth street, and
stole a wagon load of groceries.
Eight sacks of sugar, 1,000 cigars and
a large quantity of meat and canned
goods were taken.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Household Drugs and Toilet Articles
At the 5 Sherman & McDonnell Drug Stores
Toilet Soaps
25c Cutlcura Soap,
25c Woodbury Facial
25c Packers Tar Soap
Swift's Oriental Tar,
Peet's Crerae Oil or Imperial
Peroxide Soap, 10c one cake free
with every 3 cake sale.
Big cake Olive and Palm
Soap, for
Ivory Soap
5 Cakes for 29c
Tooth Preparations
Ask us for the new ones and the
old timers.
50c Pe-be-co Tooth
Paste, for
25c Williams' Dentalac
Powder, for
25c Lavorla,
30c Kolynos Tooth
Paste, for
Gosnells Cherry Tooth pa
Paste (London) OUC
25c St. Regis Tooth Pow
der, for
Colgate's or Williams'
Shaving Soap, 8c
Shinola, 8c
Friday and Saturday.
Art Gam,
5c Cubic Inch.
Sherman & McConnell
Cor. 16th and Dodge Streets (Original).
Cor. 16th and Farnam Streets East and West of
Burlington Office.
Owl Drug Co. (New), 16th and Harney Streets (Soon).
Dahlman Alone Votes Against
Dismissal of Charges;
Chauffeur Principal
Leroy L. Wade, former member of
the morals squad of the police de
partment, patrolman since February 1.
was exonerated by city council of
charges that on January 25 he was im
plicated in the disappearance of six
pints of whisky.
Mayor Dahlman alone voted against
the dismissal of charges against the
"The testimony ahowed that Wade
was left in charge of an automobile
from which the liquor was checked
out at the police station," said the
mayor, "and he was just as respon
sible as anybody in seeing that all of
the liquor went into the station. There
has been at least enough evidence to
take this man Wade off the morals
squad. I'll admit the evidence is not
very strong, but I am satisfied that
the whisky was token.
Chauffeur George Armstrong was
the principal witness. In substance he
testified: "On the night of the raid
at Frank Nigro's place I went out to
the police station garage to get a
car for a call. When I went in I no
ticed Officer A. C. Anderson holding
two pints of whisky in his hands and
three pints were on a chair near by
He told me the three pints were for
Officer Wade. Anderson placed the
two pints in his pocket. Then I made
my call and that was the last I saw
of the whisky. That night Sergeant
Murphy asked me about the whisky
and I reported the facts as I have
told them."
Officer A. C. Anderson, also under
charges in connection with this case,
is up for hearing Thursday afternoon.
Sergeant Murphy in his testimony
told the city council that on previous
occasions confiscated liquors had been
checked short and he added that
liquors disappeared while being car
ried from police station to municipal
court to be' used as evidence in cases
being tried.
When the evidence had been of
fered, Commissioner Kugel moved
"My daughter Lucile is subject to croup
and I keep a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy in the house all the time.
It is the best croup medicine I know of'
writes Mrs. Oran A. Swaidner, Roanoke,
Patent or Proprietary
Our stock of these medicines is In
most instances obtained direct
from the manufacturers and we can
therefore guarantee freshness and
genuineness. We do not "recom
mend" patent medicines. We be
lieve that many of them are merit
orious enough and do good in cer
tain instances. The chief danger to
the public lies in self-diagnosing.
When you are sick, a physician is
the only one qualified to determine
the particular character of your ill
and prescribe for same.
This Sale for Friday and
Saturday Only
25c Bingo Corn Remedy,
for ,
25c Mustard Cerate,
for ,
60c Omega Oil (large)
50c Stuart's Calcium
Wafers, for
60c Syrup Figs,
35c Castoria,
$1.00 Pond's Extract
(Genuine), for
25c Carter's Little Liver
Pills, for
25c Sloan's Liniment,
for ,
50c Pape's Diapepsln,
for ,
50c Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin, for
25c Mentholatum, '
50c (pint) Usoline White
Oil, for
25c Requa Charcoal Tab
lets, for
Eagle Condensed Milk,
69 c
25c Weeks'
Sale on
the Standard
11.00 size for
Small size
12c .
N. E. Cor. 19th and Farnam Streets.
Handsome Commodious.
Harvard Pharmacy, 24th and Farnam Streets.
West End Pharamaey, 49th and Dodge Streets.
General Office, 2nd Floor, 19th and Farnam Streets.
Well Known Bandmaster to
Leave After 33 Years' Serv
ice as Leader of Musical
George Green, for the last 33 years
bandmaster in Omaha, has contracted
to assume the bandmastership of the
Somrt hand tn Vt.ftf XV I TT
will leave in a few days to assume
u:. j...:..
ins new mines.
The Simco band is composed of
employes of the Simmons Bed com
pany, a factory employing more than
3,000 people. Mr. Green visited the
factory three weeks ago and led the
band during three rehearsals. The
work proved satisfactory to the Sim
mons company and himself and a
contract was entered into.
Mr. Green has resided in Omaha
for 39 years and his band here has
become recognized as the best band
in the state. He ha heen Hrlar4
the winner of four contests in which
his band entered. The band has be
come known as the official band of
Omaha and has played at every im
portant public function since the
opening of the Douglas street bridge
in 1888, when the band marched from
Hanscom park to Council Bluffs and
Five presidents have been wel
comed to Omaha with the strains of
music from this band and for 19 years
it has played at Ak-Sar-Ben gather
ings. The band has given entertain
ments in the parks of Omaha for 21
Fail to Find Diamond
Robber in Columbus
Detectives Murphy, Dolan, Rich, and
Pszanowski returned from Columbus,
Neb., early this morning reporting
that they were unable to discover the
whereabouts of the sixth bandit in
volved in the recent diamond robbery
at the Harry Malashock jewelry shop.
The detectives went to Columbus
on the strength of a clue which
pointed to the possibility that the un
captured bandit might be hiding in
for dismissal of the charges and Com
missioner Hummel seconded the mo
tion. The six commissioners agreed
that the evidence did not' connect
Wade, but the mayor held out against
dismissing the charges.
to Croup
Talcums and Powders
Our stock in this line comprises
nearly 500 items.
75c Mary Garden Talcum oft
for oyc
25c Lazell's Talc 2 or 3 A
kinds, at 1C
50c Bourjois Java Rice iA
Powder for OtC
50c Melrose Powders, tr
for tVC
25c Mavis Talcum, a
for 14C
25c Absorbit (Body i a
Deodorizer), for ....... . 1 l C
Rose, Carnation and Violet, Q
Roman Talcum OC
25c Simplex Shampoo A
Powder, for ltC
50c White Cross Dry qq
Shampoo, for awtC
60c Aubry Sisters' Beautl
f ier for, ,
$1.00 Simplex Manicuring
Outfit, for
79 c
25c Vantine's San Der- a
mal Talc, for liC
25c Babcock's Cut Rose A
and Violet Talc, for.... 14C
Drug and Medicinal Items.
If it belongs in a Drug Store, we
have it
100 6-gr. Aspirin Tablets,
100 2-gr. Pure Quinine
Pills, for
1 lb. Pure Sulphur or
Copperas, for ,
1 lb. Epsom Salts,
for ,
Crude Carbolic Acid, 15c and 25c
100 Hinkle Cascara Pink r
Cathartic Pills, for 17C
Trusses and Supporters
We sell Trusses and Supporters
for men and women. We have ex
pert men and women fitters, some
of whom have done this work tor us
nearly 20 years.
Drug Co,
that vicinity. The hunt was a wild
scare, however, and no additional
light was thrown on his whereabouts.
Cliarles McClure Arrestee
With Trunk Full of Liquor
When two expressmen delivered a
trunk to his home Wednesday even
ing, Charles McClure, 2705 Douglas
street, little knew that one of the "ex
Thursday, Fob. 7, 1918. STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY. Phone Douglas 137.
FRIDAY-A Day of Special Values in the
Down Stairs Store
A Clear-Up Sale Friday of
All the Short Lines of
A Clearaway of Women's Novelty Boots Friday at $4.45
An assortment of women's novelty high cut lace shoes. Your choice of gray kid
vamps, brown cloth tops ; brown kid vamps, ivory cloth top ; patent kid vamps,
gray cloth top; patent colt vamps, black kid top.
All have leather Louis Cuban heels and are extremely low qa a
priced; in fact, less than i2 the former selling price. Priced at iJrt.'tO
Boys' Boots, $2.65
Boys' high cut storm boots of
tan and black calfskin, just the
kind for rough wear, at $2.65.
Women's Vests, 15c
White cotton, low neck and
sleeveless vests, taped arms,
very special for 1
Friday, at. IOC
Plisse Crepe at 19c
Plain blue and pretty small
figures in this lot, which is
specially priced for Fri- 1 Q
day, at, a yard 1 JC
Muslin Underwear, 15c
Corset covers of white muslin
and lace or embroidery trim
med, priced 15c
Scotch Madras, 45c
Figured Scotch madras, 30
inches wide, colors are brown,
blue, rose and green, AtZg
specially priced, a yardT'OC
Girls' Middies at 39c
Girls' and misses' plain white
and fancy colored middies,
many materials in red, blue,
pink and striped collars OQ
and1 cuffs, at OJ7C
Fancy Corsets at 89c
An extraordinary value in a
fancy batiste or coutil corset,
with low bust, long skirt, free
hip, steel boned, in pink QQ
and white, at OUC
Women's Waists, 69c
A special lot of waists, many
styles of new sheer dainty ma
terials, also solid colors and
fancy striped effects, many
beautiful designs to (ZQe
select from, at UJ7C
Fancy Toques, 15c
The entire lot of fancy knitted
toques and caps for girls, boys
and babies, in white and col
ored. Every style and shape,
some slightly soiled, 1 C
priced at IOC
Specially Priced Lab or -Saving Devices
That Will Be of Interest to the Housewife
Oval splint
clothes baskets,
good quality
and good size,
special, at 59c.
Clothes Baskets, $1.50
Willow clothes baskets, with
wood bottom and rattan
handles, for $1.50.
Clothes Hampers, $1.19
Splint clothes hampers,
medium size, with cover, spe
cial, at $1.19.
Galvanized iron
wash tubs, extra (
large size, first
qua lity, every
one guaranteed,
at $1.49.
Bench Wringer, $5.95
"Horse Shoe" brand, holds
two tubs and has wringer in
center, extra wide, very strong
and rigid, at $5.95.
pressmen" was a member of the
morals squad. But he was not kept
long in ignorance. Sergeant Murphy
and his "booze hounds" swooped
down on him shortly after, and es
corted McClure and his trunk to the
station, where said trunk was found
to contain two dozen half pints of
McClure professed astonishment at
the discovery. He asserted that the
s-Sta Cot-M
At $1.39
Your choice of a big lot of women's button
and lace shoes, all goodyear welt soles, but
ton and lace styles, including patent colt, dull
calf and kid skin. Sizes 2't. 3, 3 12 and 4
Priced for Friday at leas than the cost of half
so'leing. Choice $1.39.
Dress Shoes at $3.95
Women's dress shoes including patent colt
with kid top, lace, Louis leather heels; patent
colt with cloth top; patent colt with kid top;
vici kid, button and lace. All sizes and
widths for Friday only at $3.95.
Girls' Shoes, $2.45
Girls' school shoes of tan Rus
sia calf, gun metal calf, black
kid skin, sizes 8 to 2, at 12.45.
Burfsa-Nanh Co. Dawn Stairs Storo
Notion Specials
Machine thread, spool,
Spool silk, spool, 3e.
Dust caps, each, 12 He
Darning cotton, 3 spools
for 5e.
Kid curlers, dozen, 10c
Hair nets with elastic, 5 in
package, for 12
12-yard bolts bias tape, bolt,
12 c.
Hair brushes, each, 5c.
Dressing combs, each, 10c.
Beeswax, each, 2c.
Skirt belting, yard, 10c.
Snap fasteners, dozen, 5c.
400 yards basting thread,
spool, 5c
Safety pins, all sizes, card, 5c.
Silk finish crochet cotton,
spool, 5c.
Burfss-Nash Co. Down Stairs Storo
Sample Union Suits, $1.25
Women's white cotton union
suits, medium weight, ankle
length. Samples and are very
specially priced 25
Comfort Sateen at 25c
A wide selection of patterns in
floral, oriental and small fig-
ures, fully 36 inches wide, for
Friday, at, 9K
a yard aSuJl
Wool Scarfs, 69c
A special lot of women's and
misses' extra large fancy knit
ted wool scarfs, plain with
fringe. New shapes and new
colorings, specially CQ
priced at OJ7C
Children's Gowns, 49c
Good quality outing flannel
gowns and sleeping garments,
fancy striped and plain ma
terial, excellent values, slight
ly soiled, but splendid ACkf
values, at HVC
Clothes Props, 19c
Clothes line props, 8-foot
size, for 19c.
Hardwood clothes pins, at 7
dozen lor 10c .
Big Wonder Mop Outfit,
Consisting of triangle shape
cedar oil mop, 1 triangle shape
polish mop, 1 dustless dust cloth
bottle cedar polish and two pol
ished handles, $1.00.
Ironing Boards, $1.25
Basswood Ironing board,
with stand, well made, $1.25.
a Nk - I
trunk was the property of a woman
who was to rent a room at his ad
dress. .
McClure was locked up. ' :
Tobacco Pays Dividend.
New York, Feb. 7. The American
Tobacco company today declared a
quarterly dividend on the common
stock of 5 per cent in scrip.
Hit m
Men's Shoes, $2.95
Men's sample shoes for work
and dress, all leathers with good
year welt soles, special at $2.85.
Figured Swiss, 20c
Figured Swiss for curtains, 36
inches wide, of excellent qual
ity material, 2V4 yards long,
specially priced, at, ' 20c
Marquisette Curtains,
Hemstitched marquisette cur
tains which are edged with lace,
2 yards long, d "7C
special, at, a pair. .vlu
Union Suits at 50c
Women's white cotton, high
neck, long sleeves, ankle
length union suits, also fleece
lined vests and pants, small
sizes; odd lot children's union
suits and boys' summer weight
cotton union suits,
your choice, at. , . . . ; . OUC
30-Inch Serge, 14Vc
30 and 36-inch serges, in plain
and figured designs. This has
been very specially priced for
Friday selling at, a lll
yard lr'2"C
Colored Madras, 50c
Scotch madras for window
draperies, 36 inches wide, col
ors of brown, rose, blue and
green, special, a fJ
yard , OUC
Children's Dresses, 39c
Fancy plaid and solid colored
gingham dresses and madras
cloth dresses, also broken lots
of ladies' aprons, skirts and
dresses, the entire lot OQ
priced at OIC
Coutil Corsets, $1.00
A large assortment of batiste
and coutil corsets, with free
hip, double steel boning, with
low or medium bust and elastic
top; pink and J1 f(
white; sizes 19 to 30P 1 UU
"D o v er"
sad irons, set
o f t h r e e
irons, stand
and handle,
five- piece
set, $1.25.
Water Pails, 35c
Galvanized iron water pails,
first quality, 35c. '
Clothes Racks, $1.25
High folding, 54-foot dry
ing space, at $1.25.
Galvanized iron wash boilers,
with stationary wood handles.
No. 8 size, $2.19.
1 1