Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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(Defends Wilson Administration and Denies That Ameri
i i
t can , Troops Abroad are Suffering from Lack of
i .Supplies; Says Malcontents are Deceiving
, People; Asserts War Machine Has
s ' ' " Not Fallen Down.
Official Statement Says Tus
cania Remained Afloat Two '
Hours After Being Torpedoed.
i Washington, Feb. 7. Representative Glass, in a speech
delivered in the house today, came to the defense of the ad
ministration, answered the charges contained in Senator Cham
berlain's indictment of the . War department and denied that
'the American war machine has "fallen down."
- Mr. Glass followed Senator Cham
fcerlain's speech, point by point, and
praised the, work ot the aaministra
ion In each instance. '
S He said that it was General Joffre
ho suggested supplying American
troops with ammunition from French
lactones, "since it would save the un-
avoidable delays, the pressingly need
cd cargo space, the tremendous cost
of shipment.
Regarding the machine gun con
"troversy, Mr. Glass asserted that the
Browning gun was selected because
txperts pronounced it "the best ma
chine gun in the world.!
, "The only prop on whfch the critics
now rest their case," he said, "is
the plea that the Lewis gun was im
mediately available, while deliveries
ef the Browning gun will be delayed;
and they use this broken ,reed in face
of expert testimony to the effect that
In tests the Lewis gun had utterly
failed with American ammunition.'!
,5 Army, is Well Equipped.
'The American army in France has
thousands of machine guns to use
jgainst the enemy," he said. '
"It is as well equipped with ma
chine guns as any army in Europe
perhaps better equipped than, the Ger
man army. . I
. t "And no set of malcontents should
be permitted to deceive the people of
is country into the disturbing sup-
fosition that our fighting forces in
ranee are suffering in equipment of
any kind." .
b Regarding the health of soldiers in
camp, Mr, Glass referred to the con
ditions at" Spartanburg, S. C, where,
he said, there were only four deaths
among 31,000 men during a period
of more than three months. !
, He quoted Major General O'Ryan
as saying that the stories of 29i men
freezing in the trenches was "the
mere gibbering of a letter-writing re
cruit desiring to pose among his pe
pje at home as'a hero or a martyr.'
Draft Was Success. v
Referring to th'e difficulties which
the administration faced at tint out
break of the war. Representative
Glass pointed out the success of the
selective draft as a remarkable
achievement. , ' , . .
:,He said!-'"" s
"Not ' until the third year of the
war could Great Britain venture to
apply partially a conscription taw.
"hot tfntil a few months ago could
Canada do it in opposition to the re
bellious threat ofv one of , its largest
provinces. - . ..-
''"It has not been done as to Ireland,
and Australia has twice declined to at- j
tempt the system. 7
'And yet, this republic, with a clear !
realization of the situation, instantly)
applied the democratic method of se
lective draft, , and the, country re
sponded with unparalleled spirit of
"Ten million young men marched
up and registered for enlistment. Such
a thing never happened before in this
or any other country on the civilized
"Great mifitary cities, known as
cantonments, were built almost over
night; and to these, without friction
or hesitation, our boys went, offering
their bodies and their in defense
of human liberty. t
"We have sent nearly ten times as
many troops abroad as the French
and English military missions had
expected that we could do in the time
required, and we have trained and
are training an army far beyond the
original estimates.
"This year we will have in France
more than a million men."
London. Feb. 7. "Liverpool troops
carried out a successful raid last night
east of Armentieres, capturing several
prisoners and machine guns," says to
day s war office report, "uur casual
ties were light
"The hostile artillery has shown
some activity southwest of Cambrai
and south of Lens.""
Paris, Feb. " 7.Heavy artillery
fighting on the Aisne and Verdun
fronts and in Alsace is reported in
today's official communication.
It follows:
"The artillery on both sides was
particularly active on the front north
of the Aisne, on the right' bank of
the Meuse, and in the vicinity ot
Hartmans Weilerkopf. German de
tachments which attempted to ap
proach small French posts in the re
gion of Mortier wood were repulsed.
In the Champagne the French car
ried out a successful raid on German
trenches east of Tetan. In Alsace the
Germans made an ineffectual attempt
to penetrate the French lines at two
points near Banhola, .
"Yesterday morning German air
plane was brought down by the fire
of French anti-aircraft guns."
vyidow of John O'Connor
Is Dead at Detroit
Detroit. .Mich., Feb. 7. (Special.)
The Widow of John O'Connor, who
died in Hastings, Neb., leaving a
$100.0000 estate for Nebraska courts
to fight over, died here today.
g a I e
. ..' -Bigger ; than ever.' The sales today ;have
started bigger than yesterday.
The response is the same as it is to anything the
House of Menagh attaches its name. We will
have nearly every Suit in the stock sold before
night if the sales keep up as they have started.
The heating of our Annex Department is from a
forced hot air system. Through conditions that seemed
uncontrollable, the air has been forced into our rooms
loaded with smoke. It soiled all of the coats some. But
really you will hardly notice it We went to the First
; National Bank about it. Theysaid: "Sell them and we
will stand our part" We stand the balance. YOU GET
, . Tomorrow should be the best day yet,
is Coats we sell.
Coats upon Coats. Some are soiled, some are al
most' perfect, some are only two weeks in stock and
some are not so new in .style.
j There will be Coats of nearljevery material and
t color. The principal fault with these Coats is that we
will sell them too cheap. "
Coats for Coats for Coats for'
29 $495 $)50
yoajfor I Coats for Coats for
ii750 $92
Yaists, Skirts and Furs.
V and Tuesday
hc Final:
,16th Street
London, Feb. 7. The following of
ficial communication was given out
early this afternoon:
"The Anchor liner Tuscania, Cap
tain J. L. Henderson, was torpedoed
on- the night of February 5 off the
Irish coa'st while carrying United
States troops.
"Following is the approximate num
ber saved:
"United States military officers, 76;
men, 1,935. v
Crew, officers, 16; men,. 125.
'Passengers, 3.
. "Not specified, 32.
I "The total number aboard, 2,397.
Total saved, 2,187. v
"The foregoing are approximate
figures, but are as correct as can be
given at present."
The Tuscania remained afloat for
two hours after being torpedoed.
The condition of some of the sur
vivors of the Tuscania was pitiable.
Many Lad cast aside all their clothes
and had been swimming about for two
hours before being rescued.
(Continued From Pag Ona.)
a ship is within range, a torpedo could
be fired by the submarine whjl'e still
submerged. Sometimes under the
laws of chance it might find its mark
and this may have happened with the
While the loss indicated was fullv
appreciated by officials here, 'there
was a general air of relief about the
War and Navy departments that the
loss of life was not larger.
The army will continue to go to
Europe in the face of the submarines,
the government meanwhile bending
every energy to find additional means
of checking the undersea raiders.
War Department Statement.
The War department issued the fol
lowing statement: 1
"British authorities have issued in
structions to their commands in Scot
land and Ireland to afford our troops
from Tuscania every possible assist
arce and to furnish them with cloth
ing' requirements.
Officers have been dispatched from
Liverpool . and Glasgow and London
to points in Ireland where survivors
now are and they will wire narnes
immediately. American consul at Bel
fast reports 600 survivors at Larne.
. Biggest Regiment in World.
The 20th engineers,, (foresters'), is
the largest regiment in the world, al
though only one battalion was on the
'I he aggregate strengtR of'ie regi
ment is 17,000 officers and men. Some
ot tne units still are tn training in a
camp near Washington. 9
Colonel W. A. Mitchell of the regu
lar army commands the regiment; and
Henry a. Graves, chief forester of the
United States Department of Agricul
ture, is lieutenant colonel.
Neither, . however, was With the
battalion on the Tuscania.
The work of the 20th regiment,
which was wised with the active co
operation' of the American Forestry
association, is to cut timber in the
French forests for military uses at
the fighting front; fort hospitals,
Yot'ng Men's Christian 'atsociation
bu Mings and other purposes.
Form Home Ouards.
Harvard. Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.)
An auxiliary company of home
guards was organized in this city
last night by Captain Victor West
of the Gay County Guards, with a
membership of 55. Arrangements
were made for a "father and' son"
banquet. The election of guard of
ficers will take place at a called meet
ing next Tuesday evening.
Tuscania Victims All
, Held War Insurance
(By Amoclatrd FrrM )
Washington, Feb.- 7. Every
American soldier lost on the Tus
cania having dependents, was pro
tected by government insurance.
Many had applied for voluntary
insurance which is issued in
amounts up to $10,000 and all are
covered by government compen
sation payable to a widow, child
or widowed mother. This auto
matic insurance aggregates about
$4,300 and is paid at the rate of
about $25 a month for 20 years.
London Feb. 7. The Finnish red
euard has surrendered Tammerfors
and have defeated General Manner
heim. commander of the government
forces in Finland, according to a dis
patch from the Russian official news
agency in retrograd.
General Mannerheim's forces are
said to be in retreat, ,with the red
cuards in pursuit.
General Mannerheim and his white
guards are retiring toward the Gulf
of Bothnia. Tammerfors was defend
ed by 10,000 government troops.
The losses on both sides were
heavy. The fighting is said to have
begun early .Monday morning.
Dispatches from Stockholm Wed
nesday said that General Manner
heim, who is acting under authority
of the Finnish Diet, had captured
Uleaborg, in northern Finlarfd, and
also had taken Tammerfors, which is
100 miles northwest of Helsingfors,
the Finnish capital.
Destroyer May
Have Sunk Diver
That Hit Transport
(Continued From Page One.)
troop ship lines has been made. On
the contrary, the efforts of the Ger
man high command still appear to be
directed primarily against the cargo
craft bound for British ports.
As the roll of missing from the
Tuscania dwindled today, expres
sions of amazement were heard fre
quently that a crowded transport
could be torpedoed with such com
paratively small loss of life. The
nearness of rescue craft, the fact that
the vessel was afloat for two hours
after a torpedo had exploded in its
boiler rooms, and possibly the prox
imity of the Irish coast all were
factors in reducing the loss.
Bravely Awaited Fate.
Army officers say it must be re
membered that the troops aboard
were not seasoned veterans, nor even
line men soldiers, into whom- every
effort has been made to instill disci
pline, which would have stood them
in good stead in such an emergency.
The fact that most of them were
brought safely to-land is accepted as
evidence, however, that there was no
panic. Some jumped overboard, but
nearly all bravely stood fast to await
their fate.
These soldiers were woodsmen of
the forestry battafion, men of the
supply train, of thev engineer train.
The most discpilined unit aboard un
doubtedly would be the military po
lice. The others are men devoted
to hard work behind the lines.
Around the navy department there
was renewed talk tonight of "bot
tling up" the submarines. Many of
ficers believe that a way can be found
to holdv the U-boats within narrow
limits and keep the rest of the seas
free except for occasional raiders
which might slip through. There is
no doubt that plans to this end have
been given great study both here and
The weight of the American anti
submarine methods is yet to be
brought to bear. What has been ac
complished ' already by American
naval forces has been through make
shift devices and converted craft in
a great measure. Every week now,
however, sees the . approach of the
day when all the plans and efforts
of the navy will bear full fruit and
wide extension of the campaign be
possible, both in the way of addi
tional fighting craft and improved
devices. On this is based the belief
that the submarines can be largely
curbed before summer.
Senre It
Some wtj
every day
rr m
'32 Satisfying Servings s
In Each Package?
Vddicious ux a dozeiways
t Besides supplying: more needs of the
human system in easily digested form
than other cereals, it is a natural laxative,
and blood-purifier. f
Crvam mf Rw GriddU Cakes. Om cup Cream oi Rr
breakfast porridge, one cup aweel milk, two em well beatea.
teacpooa eutar, pinch aalt, one teaspoon baking powder and
enough wheat flour to make e thin batter. Uormntdfmt om M
SoU bf leading grocers.
.MtnoMpoIU Cereal Co., Minneapolis, Mlna.
Alliance Garage Installs
Unique Fuel Saving Device
Alliance, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.)
As a means of saving coal and pre
venting waste a local garage has in
stalled n oil burner under its boiler
into which the refuse oil and grease
from the garage is turned, which,
united with slack coal, gives intense
heat. ' ,
The farmers' auction sale for the
benefit of the Red Cross netted the
committee jn charge $245. which was
turned over to the local chapter.
Chairman Robert Graham of the
Council for Defense of x Butte
county has appointed his committees
to conduct the drive for the next
Liberty loan, the drive to begin April
1. Marcus Frankle, F.iL. Potmesil
and A. T. Lunn were appointed mem
bers of a finance committee.
Arrangements have been started for
the entertaining of the delegates to
the state insurance men's convention
which will be held in Alliance some
time in April. About . 100 delegates
arc expected to be in attendance.
Ross L. Hammond , of Fremont
spoke to two big audiences Monday
afternoon and evening at the Imperial
theater, telling of conditions in the
war zone.
Federal Aid for Texas.
Washington, Feb. 7. To provide
financial relief for the drouth-stricken
area of Texas. Secretary McAdoo
today announced he would deposit
government funds in Texas banks if
the Dallas federal reserve bank can
not supply sufficient credit through
its ordinary channels.
Soldier From Columbus Dies.
Camp Cody, N. M., Feb. 7. (Spe
cialsPrivate Fred Klaus, Companv
A, 134th infantry (Fifth Nebraska ).
died here of pneumonia. His father,
Gottlies Klaus, lives at Columbus,,
Neb. v
Ae fashion Center Jor WJomot
Drapery Remnants
Colored Madras, Filet
Nets, Swisses, ilkolines,
Fancy Sateens, in good
lengths for curtains and
' Reduced in Price
fqr a Quick Clearance.
Cambric Remnants
No. 60, quality Burkley
Cambric, perfect in every
respect. 1 to 6-yd. lengths,
30c 'quality, 20c per yard.
Emerald Lawn
A white fabric that is lovely
for blouses and dresses, and
particularly good for chil
dren's dresses and aprons
(36-inch), sheer, 30c a yard.
Medium sheer, 35c a yard.
Silk Bopt and v
Fibre Hose
The Silk Boot Hose are to be
had in black, white, brown,
oay, bronze, silver, cham
pagne an,d pongee. Silk
where they show and where
, wear is hardest in the heels,
toes and , tops, lisle. Friday,
BSc a pair.
. Fiber Hose in white and
black, 59c a pair.
Pleasant Work Many Women Are Taking Up
So many rooms in one's home
could be advantageously adorned
with becoming lamps of a color
to harmonize with the fittings
of the room and a style of shade
that pleases each individual
In the Artneedlework Section
there is 'a fine selection of popu
lar wire frames in shapes for
every style of shade.
There are Attachable Fitters,
Candle Shade Holders and
Candle Shields.
And a large variety of the love
liest silks, together with suitable
fringes and gold braids.
A competent instructor is at your
command, and lessons are with
out charge when the materials
are purchased in this section.
About Four Hundred Fifty Pairs
Women's Fine High Shoes
Friday, $3.35
These are without question the most re
markable shoe values ofthe whole season.
Shoes of bronze, blue and black kid, also
patent leather.
We haven't a complete line of sizes in each
style, so early shopping is advisable. All
sales are final. No C.1D. D.'s, credits or ap
provals will be allowed on these shoes.
The Price Only $3.35 a Pair
IN"" lm I!i iii
At Any Meal---At Every Meal
you can serve these
Iten Corn Crackers
Good for breakfast,'
lunch or supper. Serve
with hot milk, with cold
half -milk - and- half
cream, with fruit butter
jam or preserves. Many
other ways, too.
By the pound only. 1
Iten Corn Dodgers
A small, square crack
er with salted top, espe
cially fine for serving
with soups, stews, etc.
By the pound only.
ItenLiberty Wafers
Long, narrow, double,
corn wafers with salted
tops. Just the thing for
serving, with salads,
soups, stews, etc.
By the pound only.
HenGraham Biscuit
Good eating for every
body, young and old, at
all meals. "Thirty Ways
of Serving Iten Graham
Biscuit," mailed at your
In 15c and 35c pack
ages and by the pound.
Iten Oatmed Biscuit
Slightly Sweetened)
A tasty cracker that
can be served as a wheat
less breakfast food and
also in many other ways
at any meal.
In 15c packages and
' by the pound.
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
A nutritious cookie of
delicious flavor, made
with a generous quanti
ty of raisins mixed in
the dough.
By the pound only.
A new and different food that tastes SO good, served with hot or
cold milk for breakfast, lunch or supper. ,
A full cracker jar on your table at every meal insures a saving of the more ex
pensive foods.
Your Grocer can supply you with I-ten Quality Products
f' - - tEG. U. S. PAT. OFF.
, United States Food Administration License No. B9414.
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"If our work should not please
you we will change it free of
all charge."
Best Silver Fill
in 75c.
Heaviest Bridge
'Work, per tooth.
Wonder Plate
worth SIS to $25.
Beit 22- Cold
$5, $8, $10
W plea yea er yefuad your aioiiey.
14 th and Firoara 1324 Farum St
Phone Douglaa 2872. , , .
i Your Household j
! Goods, etc., are
Safe from fire,
Safe from cold weather,
I Safe from theft,
Safe from all other dam- f
' ages, when stored in our f
I . Fireproof Warehouse
I Omaha Van i
i & Storage Co. i
i ?
I Phone Douglas 4163.
806 South 16th St. J
'm S
UittJ-ltt l.iii4J"li:lii.liiliililam.M:.liui
Be Careful In Using
Soap On Your Hai
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contam too much alkali, which is very
injurious, as it dries the scalp and
makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use is just plain,
mulsified cocoanut oil, for it is pure
and entirely greaseless. It's very
cheap, and beats the most expensive
soaps or anything else all to pieces.
You can get this at any drug store,
and a? few ounces will last the whole
family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is '
all that is required. It makes .an
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
cleanses thoroughly and rinses out '
easily. The hair .dries quickly and
evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to han- .
die. Besides, it loosens and takes out
every particle of dust, dirt and dand
ruff. Advertisement. .