Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1918, Page 12, Image 12
THE BEE: OMAHA. JTHUKSD AY, FEBRUARY 7, 1918. POTATO DAY IS NEW- ; trators will urge merchants in their respective communities to sell pota toes at a reduced price and urge the consumption of the potato. The state food administration first got in touch witL some local commis sion men and got their promise that they would do all in theirvpower tc. keep the price of potatoes from being boosted as a rfsnlt of the institution of potato day. Consumers are watch ing this with a great deal of interest. No Price Increase. There are' large quantities of po tatoes in the state in the hands of the growers. The food administrator urges that the price of potatoes for potato day should not be higher than at the present time. The present fixed price .for Omaha is from 2Vi to to sell potatoes as a substitute along with vfhert flour on the basis of four pounds of potatoes to. one pound of flour. In making such sales, however, merchants are not to be allowed to sell more than one 48-pound sack of flour to one customer, nor to substi tute potatoes for more than one half JHRIFT STAMPS GO mentioned by many as ifraking it easy to carry on the sale of war savings stamps in a large way vut in the state. Mr. Burgess was highly pleased as the telegramaj poured in, for among letting them feel that the , responsi bility is theirs. ; -, .- Platte County's Report. A telegram .from C C. Goodrich, chairman, and C. M.. Gruenther, sec retary, of the Platte county organiza tion Tuesday, announced that with 65 districts reported and 15 districts es war savings for Nuckolls county, wires that $140,000 worth of war sav ings stamps were sold or,, pledged yesterday Jn Nuckolls-V county and that many of the districts; hare not' yet been canvassed. :-";r; Reports to Railroads Say 4 ONE TO REMEMBER FAST OUT IN STATE them he found one from Frank A. Van Derlip, chairman of the national war . savings committee, , congtatur ,Spuds Will Occupy Limelight on Thursday of Each Week; food Administration Is- 1 . . fues Order. K . Potato - day - has come to pass. Thursday of each week is now des ignated by Food Administrator Wat tles as potato day. Mr.- Wattles makes the designation by authority of the federal food administration at Washington. ' . On that day county food adminis- Burgess Estimates That All Counties, Will Oversubscribe Their . Quota by March 1. the total amount-of wheat flour sold. Iating Aebraska on its fine work, and stating that the Nebraska committee through its work brought cheer to the national headquarters and had stim ulated' the entire country. Nebraska now leads the entire United States in the progress made in war savings and the state directors from other states are wiringMr. Burgess to learn how to do it. Mr. Burgess -modestly remarked that it was merely a matter of selecting good men for the state organization, such as county and town chairmen, and timated the subscriptions for baby bonds will total $483,000 outside of ; Spring Is Headed This Way i Reports to the railroads ' indicate that all through the west, if spring; has- not arrived, it 'is headed this way: Temperatures in .Nebraska started in at 24 to 40 degrees above zero, with the warmest -tout la the western counties of the state. Reports from Colorado were of temperatures of 24 to 45 , and from Wyoming, 24 to 38 degrees above zero. Clear and calm is the rale. Burglars Steal Quantity of " ; Lard Hams and' Meats Burglars, with anti-Hoover pro clivities, robbed the C. H. Marquard store, 2003 Cuming street, of 31 hams. 7 bails of lard and a ouantitv Columbus, and that large results are expected from the campaign in Co lumbus which will follow immediate ly, Mr. Gruenther and Mr. Goodrich have worked out a plan of selling war savings stamps which will be given out in detail to - the other county chairman as soon as it can be out lined.; Mr. Gruenthers' own sdhool district oversubscribed its quota four times. ., ' - . , . JjE. Portyood, county chairman of A flood of telegrams poured into the office of Ward M. Burgess, state director of war savings-, Wednesday announcing the splendid progress that is being ruade by the counties of the state in the first big drives for large sales of war savings stamps. The injeexamp1e setby Omaha is of meats. ; Mrs. M. E. Kelbourme's home. 3 cents per pound, according to grade. I 3868 California street, , was robbed of a quantity of jewelry and clothing. Un potato day, the state food ad- 30C I3E3E EDE SEE A: -MEM M 12" - " ... . ... 4 ! n X ' -THE DON'T MISS IT : 1 GREATEST' SENSATION OF THE YEAR i moe iviaraeL or aioux utv. m.. to V, V .... V7 7 , TAKEN OVEfe BY THE PANOR SHOE CO. m TO! . Be Closed Out Sale Stkrts Tisursdap Morhm at IS 12:lBouglas Street FROM THE SHOE MARKET CO., Sioux dity, Iowa. , , ' Thousands and Thousands of Dollars' Worth of High Grade Shoes to Be Sold Less Than Wholesale. A Wonderful Shoe Bargain Even for v ; z the People of Omaha. EVERY MAN, WOMAN ANF CHILD SHOULD GET SHOES NOW. ;-J ; ;A-.; Come Reathei Benefit Bargains You Can't Resist? . - 7 ; uWHBfr WE,TBKOW0PEN .THiB DOORS"THOTSi)AY MORNINaAT 9 O'CLOCK, BE IN LINE WITff THE CROWDS. 'WPr Johmoii &MurpWSh ' FOR MEN REGULAR $16.00 YALUES You know what the name Johnson & Mur phyi means, ; and if you want ax pair, of shoes known to bo , fho best we ibffer them '.;. to you in 'this sale, at Men's Dress SHOES SHOE MARKET'S 600 STYLES Gun metal calf in EnglisL button or blucher styles', , vith leather or rubber soles. Our price in Jhis sale, at-r- v v i Moren ..900 t Pairs ' W " j . ,' i iSHOE MARKET Co" ' ai - I . ; $4 and $5 Shoes . n '; : ' - FOR LADIES 1 V V -V ; lvHarffains r I (J I P ;:Button'.Lace Style, jf ! ; A . ? Welt and turn soles, pa- J " j L tent and kid tons, all kid ". I' !' shoes black, white tops, y vj i ' rroken'luies, wonderful 1 T7 J jj - bargain. Our rice, only, " m Ladies's Novelty Boots SHOE MARKET PRIOE, $6, $7, $8 Gray Boots, White Boots, Brown' Boots, . Combination Boots, with fine cloth top to match; English walking boots, tan and black, a n d v v VV '"N dressy boots, Uju f j Q 1 0 J with covered l I V. (r Louis heels. P)h'J IUJ this big sale, only, at....V f Men's Extra Serviceable Shoes ONE BIG LOT SHOE MARKET'S ' 350 STYLES , ' , , ken's black blucher, Tottm or English styles vill be sold by us, at only. Men's Four-Buckle S OVERSHOES J -Men's four-buckle, cloth overshoes, with extra neavy soles, go m this sale for. . . . LADIES' HOUSE SLIPPERS SHOE MARKET'S PRICE, $1.50 to $2.00 ' Patent Tip J uliets, with rubber vin ""N side, also Princess Patterns, with ' CfO nand-turn sojies, a" dandy house slipper for ladies., Our price while they last, only;; . .vv;. i OKI n Ladies' Rubbers - ' BEST QUALITY. ; ; For high or low heels, in sandal or foot hold styles, go in this sale, at Hi WOMEN'S OVERSHOES Fleeced Lined $1.7$ Values ; s Fine black serge overshoes, with I fleece lining, in one-buckle styles, 'JT I go in this sale, only............. Ladies' Famous Wicherts$io ud $12 Boots AV1U uua UWA Beautiful Gray Kid, Brown Kid, i ituu ijiuuse auu xwacK xua UOOIS, with wood covered Louis hftelsl . At.!. 1 1 7 go m xms saie, ar. ........... ... Ladies' Brown Kid And Tan Walking Boots SHOE MARKETlPRIC?, $8.00 Styles Waljdng Boots in all brown kid and tan calf with the new walk ing heels, also tan combination cloth top boots. Our price u this sale, special, at only v " I -r 7i M Ladies' Kid Boots : BLACK LACE SHOE MARKET'S PRICE, $5.Go' s Beautiful soft black kid boots, 8 and 9 inches high, with Louis heels. Our price in this great sale only, at BIG BOYS' SHOES utton' OHR KTAAP. I sv $2.50 Values. Gun tiletal button school shoes , sizes, good wear ' ing shoes, go at. , Misses' and Children's Shoes : . ' I SS.AA Vdkua. T ' j. Dull-leather or Q patent leather, rj cloth ofltid tops, go inth!s sale, t OS Jargairis for Biys and Girls and Little Tot s Bab y Shoes. Soft kid, hand turn patent or kid leather shoes go in this sale, at....... Little Men's Shoes HI-CUT, $3.50 Values. Tan. Hi-Cut r storm shoes, 'go in this sale, at BABY SHOES HI-CUT STYLES $2.50 Values. Fancy colors and trimmings, with Iland-turn soles, go in this sale, at r -. 1 1 1 - - ' ( J " " . - . . " " ' ' -.f' - i ., mj m - a : . ' - ' " ' - - .-. .i 1512 Douglas h 0 f r 4 u n J'l