SPECIAL M AIL EDITION Bee VOL. XLVII NO. 201. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1918TWELVE JAGES On TntlM. at Hotili. Ntwi SUndt, Etc, M SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. 1 h T ' Daily THE WEATHER Fair Mm WD EXCHANGE FOR RAW MATERIALS FROM U. S. i - Tardieu, High Commissioner to America, Declares Ally Can Manufacture by July 1st Enough Artillery to Sup- . ply 500,000 Troops; Warm, Praise for Our ."-" War Administration. (By Associated Press.) " , New YorK,'Feb. 6. Announcement that France will be able before July 1 to manufacture enough artillery to supply 20 American divisions, or approximately 500,000 troops, if the United States meanwhile adheres to an understanding by which France would receive the necessary raw materials from Amer ica, was made; here" tonight by Andre Tardieu, French high commissioner to this country. TROOPS IN FRANCE. O : ' Mr. Tardieu made the state ment - also that there are in France today more American troops than comprised the American army at the time the United States entered the war; t that time, he said, the American army contained about 212, 000 officers and men. The French official spoke at a din ner which was" part of New York's celebration of the Jour De L' Alliance t Francaise, which was observed throughout the United , Mates ana Canada today, the anniversary of the treaty between France and the Amer ican colonies in 1778. jiues j. jus serand, the French ambassador, also was a truest of honor. - Asserting, that "secrecy ought to be a thing of the past, because our democracies want to know in order to will," Mr.VTardieu-said that "just appreciation of the results acmevea by America in its war preparations "is a stimulant for effort and nobody has the right to refuse to the Amer Tcan people this stimulant." The com missioner reviewed- the nation s ac- niuhtncnta and outlined what France had done in the way of man ufacturing ordnance, ' both for tne United States and for France's other allies. Enormous Munitions Output, "VV. hv in the line." ' he said, "about 15,000 guns of every caliber. and every cay more than ouu.wu shells are turned out by cw iaewie"--fw-oHEn:sHon-jtnertt -ar -nrst7 aaa To get fli'dse ''guffs, teTprodttet tbOse j bee awf 5l"-te "Salct ba't", the corudi- did not' exist before .the: war and which has enabled us nat;only,to arm r)Aiii wr rrrair.u u niuuaLi t nmv ourselves but also to arm our aui. W;tknnr sneakine of what we manufacture for vou and that is sev' ral hundred guns a month, we have during the past three years i given, to . -our allies in Europe ,1,350,000 rifles, 15,000 automatic rifles, 10,000 machine aims. 800.000.000 cartridges, 2,500 rna- inA i 7X aprnnlanes. ... "The adoption without any modifi- jation of our various types oi guns would certainly have saved some time to the benefit of American production ind some-delays may be the conse quence of the improvements you "are looking for, always, ind rightly at , that, aiming, at better results.. ft Need Raw Materials. "But as we have agreed, it is under stood that you should supply and transport to France the necessary raw materials and we will under such conditions be able, in France, to de liver to you before July 1, emwign guns to thoroughly equip 20 of your divisions.' The situation therefore is completely safe in that respect. Mr. Tardieu described Americas military effort as "wonderful and splendid" and asserted it had been a surprise to. the enemy." "I have- co nneratd for nearly 10 months, hour your allies, worthy of yourselves. Alluding to' the raising of the na tional army, .Mr. Tardieu declared ' (Continued on Tata Tour, Coining Six.) The Weather , For Nebraska Fair; mild tempera ture for several days. fcy hour, with every part of your war Organization," he said., ."What you nvt done is magnificent, worthy of Hour. De. b a. m. 38 a. m 35 7 a. m .3 S a. tn ....35 9 a.-m.. 37 10 a...m.... 38 ' 11 a. m 39 13 Til 42 1 p. m .......... 43 V 2 p. zu... .4t 3 p. m 48 '4 p. m...S 47 5 p. m ....48 6 p. m 46 7 p. m ...45 8 p. m 44 Comparative Loral Rroord. 11S 1917 1916 1915 48' . 37 17 30 S4t 23 .48 41 31 10 . 10 00 .00 .02 .00 Highest , ystrday... Lowest yesterday . w . Mean temperature... Treloitation J cmperatun and precipitation departures irom tne normal: Normal temperature.. y,. 12 Exces for the day , 1 Total deficiency since March 1 755 Normal precipitation m, .04 Inch Deficiency for tha day....."..;.. ' .04 inch Total rainfall aince March 1... 22.49 Inches Deficiency Mnes March, 1.. 7.SHnches Deficiency for oor. period, 1916.13.S8 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1915. .61 Inch Reports From Stations at 1 F. jkf. Station and State Temp. High- Rnln f Weather. 7 p.m. . est. fall, ."heyenne, cloudy ......44 El .00 Davenport, clear ,.34 ' 40 .00 Denver, oloudy 66 r,l ' ,00 lcs Moines, clear 40 .on . Louis, eleaf .. 4S ; o Lander, clear.' 44 , , J.n 7(0 North Platte, cloudy. ...43 M' ' '',00 Umaha. clear '..45 4S .00 ,'ucblo. cloady 63 C2 .00 tUpid City,, cloody 46 .,,50 , .00 t-'alt Lake, cloudy .f U .T Santa Pe, clear 43 62 .00 Sheridan, cloudy '..34 . , 42. . . .00 (Mcaeo. clear ...36 44 .ID -Vatentir. ptrt cloudy'.. 42 - 43 -.00 ' Indies f s trae of roripilation. II FIGHT AGAINST GERMAN U-BOATS - , Secretary Daniels of Navy De partment Optimistic Over Re mits oj Allied Campaign ' Against Subsea (Menace. Washington, Feb. 6. Secretary Daniels said today the United States and the allies were winning the fight against Germany's submarines. "We are havinir our una and downs," he said, "but the'fight is be ing won." - Allies perfect Campaign. The results -of the anti-submarine campaign - might be described as pendulum-like, Mr. Daniels said with the return swing becoming shorter and shorter as the allies gradually perfected their operations. The secretary expressed optimism regarding the conditions at the ports or oeparwtioji in trance: tions have been wonderfully improved and continued improvement is to be expected. . , . , Young Holdrege Soidier. On Late Casualty List Washington, Feb. 6. General Pershing, today reported that Private Rufus S. Atkins, infarltrv. of Winston- Salem, N. C, was killed in action on February J. " ' ' '' , Details of fighting were not given. Ten infantrymen were sliehtlv wounded in action February 2 aTid 3. They were: Corporal Luthr L. Burnett. Snnne- ville, Tenn. : Private Henry T. Richards, Elm Grove, W. Val Walter L. Beach, Eastwood, O. Raymond Cesak, Chicago, 111. Ernest E. Alien, Lansing, Mich1. Max Gantman Romanoff. Volinski Gubernia, Russia. James V. Lee, Garysburg, N. C. Roscoe Taylor, Woodbine, Ky. David Snyder, Caenegie, Pa. George H. Yarborough, Dickey, Ga. Corporal Georire R. Mitchell, of in fantry, was slightly, wounded Febru ary 4. " , I tit enlisted from Holdrege, heb. RAIL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE TRAFFIC TIEUP Washington. Feb. 6 Further steos looking to diversion of railroad traf fic from the most congested eastern gateways were taker, today by Direc tor General McAdoo by, appointment of a traffic investigation committee. It consists of B. L. Winchell, Chi cago, trafrtc director of the Union Pacific; G. F. Randolph. New York. head of a number of trunk line com mittees, and T. O. Powell, Cincin nati, vice president of the Southern Railway. ' . Extend Credit to France. Washington. Feb. 6. Allied credits have been increased to $4,648,400,000 by a loan of $155,000,000 to France. the funds will be spent largely this country for military supplies. U.S. WINNING Dope Fiend Begs Federal Men to Send Him Where He May Be Cared R. Harris, arrested by federal offi cers in a, "dope" raid, begged thenf to send him to some-institution to be, cured of the habit. "I have tried to cure myself six timts in the last 21 years," he said. "But it irimpossible. When the habit once gets you no will power is able to overcome it. I ha,veleen off of it as long as six months at a time, but it always gets me again. "I am different from most dope fiends. I work. Every night I put-i in at hard work in a restaurant to get money to buy morphine. I take about three grains a day now. I used to take 30 grains, bu. that was in the ' oays when you could get a whole 1 bottle ior a dollar. It's exnensivx - LT . . . Cr llUV! Jug- ill 0. S. TRANSPORT!-! 8M BULLETIN, v ' . . . Washington, Fek 6.-The British steamship Tus cania with 2,179 United States soldiers on board has been torpedoed and sunk in the war zone. No estimate of the loss of life is available, but 1 ,1 00 survivors have been landed at Buncranna and Lame, Ireland. , ; BULLETIN. ' , Washington, Feb' 6.-The disaster was officially an nounced by the War department, which had received only meager advices, without names of survivors or vie-urns.-. . ; . ' y- FEW PARTICULARS RECEIVED. 'The Wad department has been officially advised that the steamship Tuscania was torpedoed and sunk, and that survivors numbering 1,100, as far as could be ascertained, were landed at Buncranna and Larne, in Ireland. -- There was a total of 2,179 United States troops on thin No name of persons lost has been reported to the War department and no name of survivors was reported. . ,s ..4 AdditiojtxaJ. pjarticulacs arromlsed aroon as-received. JbjoiiaSijkfi v Cunarder ot 8,62 lnet ' tcmVai last re- Atlantic pdrt on October 1 9, It is presumed- that sinde in, transposing American droops to Europe.' PEACE ENVOYS AT BREST ARE IN DEADLOC Teutons Reported Returning to Conference; Negotiations May Come to End Over Ukraine Disagreement. Amsterdam, Feb. 6. The German and Austro-Hungarian foreign min isters, Dr. von Kuehlmann and Count Czernin, left Berlin last night for Brest-Litovsk to continue the peace negotiations, according to a -dispatch from the German capital. Deadlock at Brest-Litovsk. London, Feb. 6. The negotiations at Brest-Litovsk have, been broken off, the correspondent at Petrograd of the Exchange Telegraph company saysfhe is informed. Reports from Brest-Litovsk in the last few days indicated that a dead lock had been reached on the ques tion of the Ukraine After the Ukrai nian delegates had almost completed an agreement with the GermansShd Austrians for a separate peace the Bolsheviki sent to Brest-Litovsk new delegates, who. they said, were the real representatives of Ukraine. The representatives of the" central powers refused. to recognize, the new delegates, who represent, the' soldiers' and workmen's deputies of Ukraine, whereas the .first delegation was se lected by the Ukrainian Rada. I bis situation was ' considered at the crown council in Berlin on Mon day, after which the German and Austro-Hungarian foreign ministers left for Brest-Litovsk. . stuff now because you federal men are getting it cleaned out. "I think I could make a man of what's left of. me yet if I could once get it out of my system. I am indus trious. I like to. work. I wouldn't be satisfied, if I wasn't working. But I have to ha.e the dope to keep me contented even with work. As soon as I am deprived of it my nerves are all gone. I can't do anything. I can't even sleep. Oh, I hope you can help me get cured." ' When Harris was 24 years old he suffered a severe injury to his knee. The doctor gave him morphine to ease the pain. This action, he says, is re sponsible for the 20 years' slavery to the habit which he has suffered. Federal .authorities will try to have him er.t to art institution for ineut !Y U-BOAT 1917 that time she had been employed FLOODS THREATEN ENTIRE COUNTRY WHENWCOMES Warmer Here Thursday and Ail Over the Central states; Rivers Frozen Deep. A great wave of warmth has settled all over the United States east of the Rocky mountains, as shown by the weather map. The temperature this morning was 20 to 30 degrees warmer between the great lakes and Rocky mountains and from 40 to 50 degrees warmer m the Ohio valley and lower lake regions. At Chicago the-temper-ature rosc38 degrees in the last 24 Soldiers and Sailors to Be Granted Moratorium Washington, Feb. 6. The sol diers' and sailors' civil rights bill, providing a moratorium for men in. military establishment, waB unanimously passed today by th senate, virtually in the form it passed the house. hours, at Pittsburgh 52 degrees, at Buffalo 40 degrees and at New Y,ork City 18 degrees. Ihe jorecast 4S lor still warmer, While thig is good news so far as coal conservation is concerned, Col onel Welsh points out that there is grave danger of unprecedented floods this spring. ' "The whole country is covered with a blanket of s'how of great depth," he says, "and ' the rivers and other streams are frozen up to a denth in some places of three feet, frozen water of enormous volume is on the land and the waterways that should carry- the surplus water off are frozen, so that there ! no hope of a break ing up of the ice in time fo do much good. . "The best we can hope for is that the warm weather will start in tire south and get the streams thawed out before the great thaw furthet north begins. If we haVe a big thaw, or if the thaw starts in the north before the south has been well rleared of water, there can be no result except the most disastrous floods." Insurance Man Suffers Stroke of Apoplexy Huiiti Carpenter, 53 years S-Oltl, sut- fered a stroke of apoplexy oi n the first floor jf the Omaha National Bank building Wednesday morning. His right arm arid leg were paralysed. He was taken to St.. Joseph's hospital. treat- Mr. (..? reenter is an insurance, col ftcctOtf , ' SECRET AR Y IS UNABLE TO SUPPLY WAR FACTS U. S. ARTILLERY SHELLS GERMAN FRONUOSITION Teuton Airmen Forced to Give Up Attempt to Cross Ameri- can Lines; French Chil dren Are Rescued. By Associated Trr.) With the American Army in France, -Tuesday, Feb. 5. American artillery kept up a continuous fire ou the enemy batteries throughout Tuesday and the Germans responded, with the re sult that there was lively shelling along the-ajire sector. At the same time the American anti-aircraft guns were busy repelling auempts oi enemy airmen to cross over the American lines. Two German airplanes finally aban doned the attempt, after having been shelled heavily. Amember of the military police to day found three little French children, a girl and two bovs. wanclerint aloiiir a road immediately behind the front wnich is shelled frequently by the enemy and is considered very dan gerous. ' He turned the children over to an ambulance driver, who returned them to their homes in a nearby village. ARMY BALLOON MISTAKEN FOR GERMAN CRAFT Macon, Ga., Feb. 6. An army bal loon from the training school near here was fired upon, today during a flight near Eastman, Ga its tackling was struck, but the escaped injury. The authorities arrested Clem Clem ents, who is being held without bail, pending investigation.'-. .-.--j j - - Th jo;a4'1ll5uiby H.5.V. had thrc& students aboard.- -"! ' Aftefthe bullet struck thi tack ling the ballast was unloaded and the. men ascended to a higher altitude for safety. mot Tardea was lot fired on near Eastman last week. Authorities' hpre expressed the opin ion that a farmer fired at jhe balloon last week thinking it a German craft. According to members of the crew who returned here late today, offi cials at Eastman were of the same opinion in regard to today's occur rence. . - ' ' ; " : U. 5. APPEALS TO LABOR TO HELP SHIP PROGRAM Washington, Feb. 6. Responsibil ity for-the success or failure of the government's shipbuilding program was put on labor today by Charles Piez, vice president and general man ager of the Emergency Fleet corpor ation, in an anneal for shiovards workers The shipping board has the neces sary yards, tqe materials and the money," lie said. "All that is lacking is a spirit in the nation that will send a quarter of a million American mechanics into the yards to give the best and most efficient work." Jhe' fact that shipyards are work ing only one shift six days a week was characterized by Mr. Piez as "mon strous." ' "If we are to keep ahead of the submarine campaign," said he, "we must run three shifts a day $Z weeks in the year." U. S. STEAMSHIP TORPEDOED OFF ENGLISH COAST T I BULLETIN. New York, Feb. i Word of the loss ' of the American steamship Alamance, owned by the Garland Steamship Corporation, and the re sultant loss of six lives was received in shipping circles here today. Alamance, which left New York, January 17, was torpedoed yesterday off the English coast, it was reported. It was a vessel of 3.0Q0 tons. No Americans were lost. " ; .The ship had a crew of SS and a naval gun complement of 23 men. Its commander was Captain E. E. Johnson. CARRANZA SENDS MESSAGE OF WARM FRIENDSHIP TO KAISER (By Associated lVe.) .' - ' London, Feb. 6. Venustiano Carranza, president of Mexico, sent a fulsome birthday message to Emperor William of Germany recently, according to Reuter's Limited. President Carranza, in this message, used the phrase: "Your majesty, who celebrates his anniversary today with just cause for rejoicing." According to a telegram from Copenhagen, President Carranza's telegram to the German emperor on the hitter's birthday read as follows: "To your majesty, who celebrates his anniversary . today with just cause for rejoicing, I have the honor to send your majesty my most cordial congratulations, and am pleased to express to you nvDest wishes for your personal happiness and that of your aufjust family, as well as for the prosperity of th's great, friendly nation." (. : ; COMMITTEE ASKS PROOF THAT U. S. CAN TRANSPORT LARGE ARMY TO FRANCE Will Hear Baker's Detailed Statement in Secret Session Tomorrow; Original Account Was Unfortunate, He, Declares; Senators Squabble Over Methods of Cross- . Examination; Reveals Military Information. BULLETIN. Washington, Feb. 6. Almost coincident with Secretary Baker's re-appearance before the senate military committee to day for cross examination upon his recent statement of what America is doing in the war, the administration's answer to con gressional agitation for a war cabinet and munitions director was given by introduction in the senate of a bill -Transmitted to President Wilson which would give the president blanket au thority to reorganize and coordinate all federal departments, bureaus, agencies, officials and personnel? v f (By Associated Press.) . - ' Washington, Feb. 6.--Secretary Baker came up for crose examination today before the senate military committee on his picture of the state of prepavedness of the army, which con gressional critics have attacked as "grossly exaggerated." . iq BAKER UNPREPARED. BAKER DEMANDS MORE WAR POWER FOR PRESIDENT Convinced That Legislation LQMbing Chief Executive. With .qaiuonai Auinoriiy is ioiu t ,: tion of Present Problems. ' (Of Asmclatod IrSN.) . jVashington; Feb. 6. As the sen ate examination of Secretary Baker turned to the question of supplies for the army today it became apparent from the nature of his replies to ques tions that he and President Wilson had been discussing some form of fur ther reorganization of the War de partment which they hoped "would satisfy those who are oressine the bill for a director of munitions. It was indicated earlier in the day also in other official quarters that the president ana tne secretary ot war hoped by a further move to meet the demand for the bill. Would Free Wilson's Hands. "I have a feeling," Mr. Baker said in replv to Senatoi Wadsworth, "that legislation that would free the presi dent's hands and allow him to trans fer, functions and co-ordinate the needs of the departments as they arise would be the best answer to the diffi culties. , "All departments arc constantly growing. "I am, as you know, continually creating r.ew agencies and sometimes when in doubt have to study the stat utes carefully to learn how far my. au thority goes. It the president were simply authorized to reorganize, re-co-ordinatc ?.nd transfer functions as he sees fit we could go to him and se cure the necessary ordey as were deemed ffesirable." senator Wadsworth said lie re ferred particularly to statutes placing innunif table checks and balances on expenditure of army funds. - "It might perhaps be wise," Secre tary Baker continued, "during tne pe riod of the war to au.horize the pres ident to suspend any restrictive stat ute that might be found to impede efficiency. - r "I'm not sure that it is wise not to have these checks and counter bal ances. We are spending very large sums of money and it seems to be wise to check expenditures very care fully." Delays Are Disappearing. Senator Wadsworth cited delays in paying troops and Secretary Baker said that was a "disappearing, dimin ishing difficulty.' Questioned as to delay in payments to the familiej of soldiers, Mr. Baker said indefinite addresses of depend ents le.t by the soldier frequently pro duced that result. Difficulties of ac- (Contlnaed on Fsre roar, Column Four.) But the principal point of the whole ' -controversy the( question of where the army is going to get ships to transport 1,000,000 men to France this yearwas left untouched, partly because Secretary Baker did not have -the' detailed figures to show the com mittee on what basis he made his as sertion and partly because the com mittee got into a squabble over -whether it would be proper to have the secutary of war disclose the fig ures in public. - , ' - - ' .- ...,..-. . JTlve iipshot it war that the ques tion of ships was left to be presented in detailed exact statements to the committee ' in secret session tompr row and tne cross-examination went on to other subjects of s general na ture. . f ; ' . ' Senator is Insistent Senator Hitchcock, who has ' at tacked the secretary of war's state ment that the United States could put 1,000,000 men in- France this year ( U.S. Had 582 Ships i j Available November 30 Washington, Feb. 6. Senator Hitchcock said that on November 30 the shipping board advised him the total gross - available Ameri can tonnage was 582 ships of 3,721,806 tons, including tankers and former German and Austrian ShlpS. r 'i ; v ; Secretary Baker, said he could not estimate how many troops that tonnage would supply. in addition to 500,000 early this snrinrf was insistent that Mr. Baker should show the committee what grounds he had for believing there were ships available for their transport and sup ply. ' , v. ' ' Secretary Baker reohed he did not have the exact fiarures in his mind, but that his statement was made on fig ures which had been prepared by ex- perts who took m, the information at the disposal of "he shipping board ; s well as what ships might be available from neutraivand- foreign sources. The secretary made plain that he was not counting wholly on Americfti ships to transport the troops. Original Statement Unfortunate. ' Secretary Baker did say. however. that probably the form of his original statement to the committee, which has been mad, the basis of attack, was unfortunate in that it expressed his general opinion of a broad situa tion rather th.n the. exact statement of experts dealing in details. The misfortune for me, if I may can it sucn. said secretary caker, "lay in the fact that I attempted tc give opinions of the broad general situation as I saw it when the infor mation laN in details that ought to have been gotten from the experts in direct charge, or in statistics giving specific nets. I was attcmptm ( a general survey. It was a misfortune for me to dc that." Favors New Legislation. An estimate of 791,000 tons of shine available for transport on February 1, (Continued on ruse Four, Colnma Tws) The Same, But Different The type is the same, the general appearirice is the same in the Want-Ad col umns every day -but the offers, the story of each ad is always differential ways changing. The only way to keep up with this ever:changing markc t -place is to r6aa the Want Ads every day. - : v. ii