7 A Sunday, February 3, 191ft- St" Hort " A. M. to P. M." -BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- Store Hour: A. M. to t. M." -Phone D. 137. Monday Ss Thrift DaySa veBuy War Savings Stamps THIS OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 8. 1918. 3 Thrift Means Prosperity Not Parsimony Every man, woman and child ought to avoid wasteful ex penditureought to save where ever possible, but not to the point of parsimony. Save some money now by all mearfe, you have a golden ftppor Uinity. Invest in Liberty Bonds, Thrift Stamps and War Savings Certificates. Do it until it hurts. You'll help your country. You'll help yourself. You'll have a profitable investment and one that is secure. If a Liberty Bond or War Sav ings Certificate is not safe backed by Uncle Sam nothing can be safe. But do not hoard, keep most of your money moving just as you always have. The needed and legitimate purchases should be made just as ever. We must have seasonable clothing and can probably buy it now. more cheaply than Iatar. We must and should have time and labor-saving devices in our homes, offices, factories just as always. Let us spend our money for these desirable things. But let us spend it more carefully, more advisedly, more wisely than ever. Let us habitually read and study the advertisements before buy ing. Let us make every dollar count. Let us renew our obligations to work harder keep , cheerful spend wisely, and never flinch a moment from our duty. VALENTINES and Novelties Our showing is quite ready, including novelties of all sorts; nut cups, tally and place cards, lunch sets, napkins, table cov ers, plates and party invita tions. Valentines to make let the youngsters make their own. special box for 25c. Valentine folders and cards, with -clever verses for the grownups, 5c to 25e. Valentines for "that box at school," at le to 15c. v BurfMt-Nuh Co. Mala Floor s N EWEST BOOKS Well Worth Reading One can't "occupy their time these long winter evenings in a much better way than by read ing good books. Here are some of the new ones: "Carry On," by Lieut. Con nigsby Dawson, $1.00. "Private Pete," his own story, $1.50. "Over the Top," by Arthur Guy Empey, $1.50. "Three A Things," by Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews, 50c. "And the Captain Answered," by Octave Thanet, 50c. 4The Pentecost of Calamity," by Owen Wister, 50c. "The Dwelling Place of Light," by Winston Churchill, $1.60. "Understood Betsy," b y Dorothy Canfield, $1.30. BurfeM-Nuh Co. Third Floor Thermometers The fuel administration says we should keep 'our rooms from 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Get a thermometer for every room, and do what you can to save coal and also keep your health. Thermometers, 35c to $5.00. Barometers tell you when storms are on the way, $10 to $60. Burfcio-Nuh Co. Main Floor WOMEN Who Practice Thrift Will Appreciate This: Miss E. M . Matthews Special Representative of( The Pictorial Review Co. of New York Will be at our Pattern Department MONDAY This is an excellent opportunity to-, ...learn :.mort jtboujfe ; these .most popular patterns. " Miss 'Matthews will be pleased to explain why ' Pictorial Review Pattern are more chic, more graceful and more economical than any other pattern. She will also explain how you can save time, labor and material by -using the cutting and construc tion guides furnished only with Pictorial Review Patterns and will be able to give- sugges tions of great value to the woman who makes her own clothes. Burfnt'Nath Co. Main Floor B RING YOUR FILMS1 to Burgess-Nash If you will bring your kodak films to us any day before 12:30, they will be developed, printed and ready for you at 11:30, the next Likewise all films left before 4:00 p. m., will be ready at 3:30 the, next day. We guarantee our work; too. Our stock of films is always fresh, you take no chance if you buy your films at Burgess-. Nash. . . No. 0 Brownie camera, $1.75. No. 2 Brownie camera, $2.50. No. 2A Brownie camera, $3.50. No. 3 Brownie camera, $4.50. ,Xodak albums specially priced at $1.35 to $3.00. We carry Eastman kodaks exclus ively. BurftMNuh Co. Main Floor Tomorrow Is Mina Taylor Day at Burgess-Nash , "Choosing a house dress is like picking a husband; it pays to consider both looks and wearing qualities9 , Aunt Mary. And Aunt Mary and All Her Neighbors Have Adopted MINA TAYLOR DRESSES "For Home and Porch Wear" AFTER all, the two tests that Aunt Mary gives are the two big ones, aren't they? Isn't this about the way you decide on a new dress: Is it becoming? Will it wear? Y AUNT MARY IN the first question you include style, de sign, the little indivdual touches which make the dress truly representative of you and your tastes. BY the second, you mean fine points of workmanship the durability of the ma terials fine wearing quality the staunch ness with which the dress stands steady use. ' MINA Taylor Dresses will measure up to your requirements. And tomorrow you will have an opportunity to see these dresses in styles for spring dresses which will stand the double test of appearance and quality. A great many of our women customers made the acquaintance of Mina Taylor dresses last season. If you were among the number, you know the quality of these most "different" dresses. If you have not already learned about MINA TAYLOR DRESSES why, then, this is the very time. Come in tomorrow and let us show you the linedresses that are good to look at, made of materials that your judgment will approve designed along lines of originality and beauty. And they are just as practical as they are charming. We Illustrate Seven of the Splendid Styles Featured in This Offering Monday j This Droit, $2.25 This Dress, $2.75 This Dro, $3.95 This Dro, $3.50 . This AproB, $1.75 J558j Thii Dress, $2.50 Thi. Droit, $4.75 Here Are Some of the Points of Superiority That Are Features of Mina Taylor Dresses: jnple room through I Large, roomy arm I An abundance of I Ravel-proof button I Every Mint) Taylor I Rigid inspection of AmpI the hips so that you can bend over without feeling restraint. holes and sleeves, spar ing you those binding, pulling sensations. room across the shoul ders. There is comfort, lots of it, built in at this point. holes, your guarantee there will be no "run ning" even though the thread should break. Dress is first fitted over a living model, insur ing a perfectly fitted dress. Mina Taylor Dresses preventing imperfec tions and defects. The display of Mina Taylor Dresses will be at i its best tomorrow. Take opportunity when you are down town to come in and "shop through" the line. There's a Mina Taylor here for you. . And it will meet Aunt Mary's tests (and your tests) of a dress. Come for it tomorrow. ' , Mina Taylor Dresses. $2.25 to $5.50. Mina Taylor Aprons, 50c to $2.50 Burfui-Nath Co. S.cond Floor A Most Unusual Sale of New Georgette Crepe Hats Which Spells T-H-R-I-F-T in Capital Letters Because It Means a Saving of About One-Half $5o0 raw A ND not only the thrift-wise woman who will appreciate this an nouncement, but every woman who has the need or desire for a new hat for present and early spring wear. The hats are the show-room models of a leading Chicago trimmed hat maker, which we fortunately bought at about half price, and we offer t6 you the same benefit. They're made of pure silk Georgette crepe in all the very newest shapes and for every occasion, including: J Bustle Hats Poke Bonnets Mushroom Sailors , Large Hats Dress Hats . Street Hats All individual creations but one of a kind, 1n every new favored color and black. It is, indeed, a most unusual offering the like of which comes but seldom. Burf eu-Nuh Co. Second Floor Monday a Day of Thrift in Down' Stairs Store EVERYONE with a thought of economy will thoroughly appreciate the gatRering of money-saving specials . in the Down Stairs Store Monday. , , . Women's Vests, 15c Women's white cotton vests, low neck and sleeveless, . full taped, samples; special at 15c Women's Union Suits, 50c Women's white cotton union suits, long sleeves, ankle length, light fleecing, at 50c Girls' Middies, 39c Girls' middie blouses, big va riety of styles in white and fancy trimmed ; specially priced at 39c. Girls' Dresses, 39c Girls' wash dresses and aprons, made of colored ginghams, re duced to 39c. Boys' Pants, 98c Boys' pants, fancy mixtures and corduroys, sizes 6 to 16 years, re duced to 98c. Boys' Blouses, 50c Boys' blouses of light colored percales, sizes 6 to 10 years; spe cially priced at 50c. Wool Scarfs, 49c Women's and children's all wool and fiber silk scarfs, caps, shawls, etc., all colors and sizes; reduced to'49e. Dress Ginghams, 16V2c a Yard 27-inch dress ginghams, plaids and stripes, mostly dark colors; special at 16 He a yard. Longcloth, 12 Yards, $1.65 English longcloth, fine sheer weave, 12 yards in a bolt, for $1.65. Remnants Wash Goods, ' 1434 c a Yard Short lengths of percales, fleeced percales, fleeced serges and batistes, lengths to 10 yards, 32 to 36 inches wide; 14 e a yard. Val Insertions at lc Odd pieces of val lace inser tions, good assortment of pretty designs; special at lc a yard. Children's Coats, $2.00 ( Children's winter coats, medium or heavy weight, for ages 6 to 12 years ; reduced to $2.00. i Remnants Dress Goods, 45c Short lengths of wool dress goods, 36 to 40 inches wide, in checks, plaids and fancy weaves, lengths 1 to 6 jrards, at 45c. Brooms at 39c Sedge grass brooms, four sewed, best quality handle, will wpar better than broom com; spe cial, 39c. Corset Covers, 15c Large selection of corset covers, neatly made of good quality mus lin; special at 15c. ' Earthen Bowls, 10c Brown earthen bowls, glazed outside, white lined, assorted sizes; specially priced at 10e. Toilet Paper, 5 for 14c Crepe tissue toilet paper, good size rolls; specially priced for Monday, at 5 rolls for 14c. Burfew-Nath Co. Down Stairs Slor. Misses' Shoes at $2.29 Misses' and children's sizes, pat ent, gun metal and tan Russia button shoes, reduced to $2.29 pair. Boys' Shoes at $2.65 High cut, tan or black calfskin shoes, for skating and school wear, reduced to $2.65 a pair. Boys' Shoes at $2.95 Big boys' black velour calfskin shoes, button or lace style, double soles, at $2.95 a pair. . Men's Shoes at $3.45 Men's tan oil grain calfskin work shoes, specially reduced Mon day, at $3.45 a pair. Men's Pants, $2.35 . Men's dark pants of fancy wor sted, dark colors, all size waist bands; reduced to $2.35. Oil Polish, 19c Pint can of Big Wonder Cedar Oil polish, for furniture, floors and autos;nops, 19c. , Embroideries at 15c Remnants of embroidery edges and insertions, 3 to 6 inches wide, nainsook and cambric, at yard, 15c Remnants of Nets, 19c Short lengths, one to two yards of nets, madras, voiles and cre tonnes, specially priced, each, 19c Burfost-Nuh Co. Down Stair 3 tor Oil, Qas or Electric Heaters Help conserve coal by using an electric, oil or gas heater. Perfection Oil Heaters, $4.95 Perfection oil heaters, four-quart fount guaranteed smokeless and odorless: Nickel plated trimmed $4.95 Detroit Oil Heaters, $7.95 Detroit vapor oil heaters, large size, very easy to operate, $7.95. Gas Heaters, at $1.98 Round or radiator type. Your choice, at $1.98. Hot point electric heaters, guaranteed for one year, at $7.50. Burfott-Notli Co. Down Stalrt Stor u EVERYBODYS STORE