Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' -
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$10,000 A YEAR
Omaha Woman Alleges Head of
Optical Company is Worth,
Half Million; Divorce Ac-,
tion Dismissed. ; :
Nellie A. Riggs, wife of Elwood
Riggs, president of the Omaha Op-
tical company, has filed a petition id
district coyrt.for $10,000 a year main
tenance- from her husband, who is
v now in Portland, Ore -
Mrs. Rfegs filed a petition for di
vorce May 31, u?17,' irt Douglas
county, alleging that Mr. Riggs was
transfering property valued a $100,
000 to Gertrude Si. Mattison. his
stenographer. Mrs, Riggs declared the
transfer was made for the purpose
of .concealing the property and its
proceeds from her and to deprive her
of her dower interest in the real
estate r" '
Went to Portland. ' V
The divorce action was dismissed
in June, 1917, by Mrs. Riggs at her
husband's request. Mr. Riggs then left
for Portland. Ore., refusing to allow
his wife to accompany him, she al-
leges. - ::ci-r -. " V
v Mr. Riggs is worth $500,000 accord
ing to his wife's estimateand . has
an annual income of $50,000. He owns
0 the majority of the stock in the Riggs
Orr Investment company, the Riggs
Optical company and the Omttha Op
tical company1, of which he is president.-
'. ' '
Mrs. RiggsVhas' no separate estate,
she declares. They were married in
903 and have heen for 10 years resi
dents of Omaha, living at Forty-ninth
and California streets, in Dundee.
Central Wins Fromdlni
Place on Maxwell's Shots
Lincoln, . Neb., v Feb. 2. (Special
Telegram.)' Captain Maxwell's
flashy work enabled Omaha Qentral
High to nose -out an 18 to 16 victory
a?ver tnc University Place High five
iere last night t the: Wesleyan gym
nasium. 'Maxwell made 12 of the 18
points for his team on five field goals
and two points from free throws.
The game was hard fought with
Mulligan's team . seven points to the
good at the opening of the first half.
The Lincoln ' suburbanites ) came
back with a rush in the. second period
and were pushing the Central five
during the rest of thargame. A
pretty field basket by Maxwell just
before the final whistle decided the
battle in favor of the Omaha team."
For University Place .Gates also
played well, scoring five field goals
and . two . free throws. Close guard
ing characterized the game through
out 1 ,
Government to License ; ,
U. S Fuel Oil Industry
Washington, Feb. 2. The govern
ment today took the final steps to
ward taking over administration of
the fuel oil industry. -' ':" ii
By presidential proclamation'
issued soon, the industry will be
placed under the fuel administration
and be conducted under license.
February; G 1 e a r a n c e Sale
of lLadles, and Men's Glothihg-
Remember, NOW is when you must take advantage
of this wonderful opportunity. Our low rent, our econom
ical system of doing business, our
m0 i
I n kf
i) i
Men's Suits
t The latest colors and fabrics
that men and young men
want; $18.75 to $32.50 suits,
for i-.
$10.95,$ 12.95
m i
Onyx Silk Fiber Hose.
50c Ladies' Hose . . . . .29
75c Ladies' Hose. . . . .33
50c Men's Hose . , . . . . 29d
. 65c Silk 4-in-Hand Ties 39tf
Even at These Great Reductions We Offer Our Easy
Credit Terms of
The People's Store" .
y oounwiu nun unit on
Francis and His Staff.
Washington, Feb. 2. Ambassador
Francis and members of his staff In
Petrpgrad are assured of 150 rubles
per person a week, according to in
formation which has reached the
State ifiepartment.
The ruble is now valued at approxi
mately 10 cents. ,
The ambassador . reported to the
State department at the time the
banks were closed in Petrograd the
difficulty he waa having drawing
money that should have been placed
in one of the banks to his credit and
tat he was attempting ttf establish
a credit at Vladivostok. V x
No report of any r.ew order by the
Bolsheviki government closing cred
its to Ambassador Francis and other
diplomats at the local banks has been
reported to the department. -
Members of Organization Will
Fling Service Flag With Many
Stars to Breeze at Early
' Date. -
, At the first meeting" held in its new
home Friday night the members of
the Central Labor union adopted
resolutions unanimously endorsing
the federal farm loaa bill now pend
ing inpngress, and also the bill pro
viding for higher salaries for mail
carriers. t , ,.. ..,
" The Omaha labor temple now is
located on the corner of Sixteenth
street and Capital avenue. Carpenr
ters'a union No. 427 has leased the
two upper floors for a period of five
years. It is understood that all oth-
er unions in the citywill make the
new location tneir neaaquarters.
H. F. Wulf, president of carpenters'
union, m a short address welcomed
the labor organizations of Omaha to
the new quarters. ' ' '
Within a short time a big service
flag will fly from the roof of labor
temple.- It is t estimated that more
than 100 members of organized labor
of Omah.t now arc with the tolors.
The union endorsed action of the
patriotic council and appointed a
committee " to co-operate with vthe
council' in " mapping out a program
for Lincoln's" birthday.
Private A. B. Lawson, Company B,
vFifth balloon squadron, Fort Omaha,
was. permitted to pass around in tne
meeting to sell tickets "to a farewell
ball. by the squadron at the Audi
torium, Saturday, February 9. ' Six
teen tickets were sold.
Bolsheviki Unearth Big ;
; v Coanter Revolutionary Plot
Petrograd, Feb. 2. A counter-revolutionary
plot has been unearthed by
the Bolsheviki authorities in Petro
grad. Sixty officers and-soldiers have
been arrested by the Bolsheviki. ' ;
An unsuccessful attempt on the life
of Premier'" Lenine ws made last
nighty,- - .. ' .V' . !
; Boycott Enemy Firms. '
Washington, " Feb. 2. The' war
immense, buying power all make
our regular, prices real economy to
you. And yorian have-these sav
ings at our easy credit terms of $1.00
or so a week. , .
- Women's Coats, About
;r. ' y- h Price ,
Any Misses' or Ladies' Coat in our
entire stock, formerly sold at $18.75
to $47.'50, in four groups, at
$9.95, $12.95
$14.95 and $21.95
y Ladies' Suits, J and Less
snappiest styles and smart materials
of this past season, v, 4
.Men's Overcoats ;
Our regular $18.75 to $37.50 Coats,
in trench models, Chesterfields, as
well as conservative models. This
3ale '. " ' '.' ' ' " '
$3.95 to $24.95
$1.00 or So a Week.
Opposite Rome HoteL
Prominent ; Society Girl and Bean
to Fiance With Base Hospital Unit
lnO nX77 T3-nl.
trade board added to the enemy trad
ing list a number of business houses
in Argentina,' Chile, . Costa Rica and
Peru.. f
Ob, lloctoi! t,
A druggist nenda in the following, collec
so foot
m e
Miss Ann Gifford, pretty society
girl, will accompany the Nebraska
base hospital unit to France. Miss
Gifford, who is the daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Harold Gifford, will be
French interpreter and stenographer.
Her brother, Dr. Sanford Gifford,
goes with the unit astone of the lab
oratory experts. .
, Miss Gifford is well qualified to
fill her position. She attended Boyles
college , here , for the , stenography
course and speaks French fluently.
She is no., in New' York taking a spe
cial course in French. '
That Dean James ATancok of
Trinity Cathedral will accompany the
unit as chaplain, is another inter- '
esting announcement just made. Dean,
Tancock has a son, Montague, in he .
service in "France. 1 . '
1 Who will take Dean Tancock's
place in the cathedral has not yet
been decided. . i ?r '
The entire personnel of the hospital
unit, which w formed under the
sponsorship of the University of Ne-'
braska, wilrbe announced in a few
days. -
Dr. A. atokes is director in
chief: Dr. E. L. Bridges, chief of the
medical staff, and Dr. C. A.
chief of the surgical staff.
tion of nojei h bai received recently:
"This la my llttli girl. I eni you 5
eenti to' buy two powders (or a groan up
dult la slke." ' - .
"Dear Dochter pleai glf bearer S cen
worse ot Auntl fonyn (or 'to gargle baby'
throat and oblige."
'Tou will please glye the lettle boy i
cents worth of npecac for to throw up In
eri Hwe;S
. . - .
loaned to this store by
. the recognized foot authority,
He will be here only
February 4 to
bothered people should lose
in coming to see him.
Examination and Advice
Absolutely FREE
This expert knows all about fet.'
He knows trie famous Dr. Scholl
t h o d s of correction and
knows that, v '
m Scholl
Jiiam or Rcwfy fcEJbxTmU
mm examine your ioot aim
tell yoUywhat is the trouble, the
cause aha the wajf to .quickly
correct it. Bet him demonstrate
on your own f opt that you can
gain . u;,-. ,
: Foot Comfort :
immediately. You don't have to
wear "freaky" or loose shoes.
The Dr. Scholl plan is to give
loot comiort wmie you .wear
fitting shpes '
you like.
All Welcome.
Come In.
117 North 16th
Across From Postoffice
r N, i
a five month s old babe. N, B. The baby
ha sore atunimlr k." f " 'r
"I. have a. cute pain In my, child's diagram.-
Pleuse give tiny , spn siniiethlng to
releaas It." , . . ' '"','
"My little, baby has eat up Its father's
parlnh plaiihter, Bt-nd nit' antertote Quick,
as posxlble hy the' 'lnviiMid girl;1' Chicago
Heralrt. .'. ',
is here
Card System to CoWoI '
v Distribution of Foods
v Cleveland," O., Feb. 2. Adoption of
the card system to control distribu
tion of sugar, flour, flour substitutes
and other cereals to grocers and re
tail stores was announced here Friday
by Chairman Bishop of the.cjjy and
county food committee. The. order
v A
Not a day passes but
office complaining of teeth aching under crowtis, or un
comfortable bridges, and often with fillings dropped out
because their former dentists were either unable or un
, willing to give them proper attention
. A root canal was hot-properly treated part of the
nerve was leftinlays and fillings had been put in place
frefo'r the cavity had be.en properly ; prepared and, I
sayiit without malice, poor material had, entered into
many crowna and bridges.' ; ' . , , , ,
; It is -these .UNSEENut; vastly important little
things that make the difference between good and bad
dentistry. , r ' ( ' '
. I do not desire , to build up my. practice by tearing
down others -nor tvouid I, if 1 could, but I would cer
tainly, discharge ajDentfist in my employ if he were guilty,
of neglecting the work of any patient in my office.
, My instructions are, giye: the patient the very best
material, give all the time, attention and skill required to
insure a, perfect piece of work save all unnecessary time
and suffering and act toward EVERY patient just as 1
would' if I personally were at every chair at the same
time. f ' ,iS . !-"'' J 'v- ,,;.'v 1 '.'h.
We seldom indeed have what is known among den
tists as "come backs"- 'dissatisfied patients who have a
just grievance but-nevertheless my personal guarantee
is such that if any work done in this office fails to please
and the fault is due to inferior material or faulty work
manshipit will be made right without any expense to
the patient. ' , :
: jThat is due to the fact that th UNSEEN QUALITY
of bur work saves us the necessity df doing work over.
423-428 Securities Bldg. 16th and Farnam Streets.
Office Hours: 8:30 A. M.
The rich buttermiUt ttrengtb.
orsins Ms nmrt mU K
tm. Tha clean balanced
Gt the Oriilnal
Com cull' So iali oh(k tight
mk: Buy rnr Mwr.
tmtm Imm tOt M ton.
STEWART SEEO 00.. lit North ISMl 81,
I1CBRA8KA SEEO CO., 1613 HewifS St
, .!
liliiiiiiii i mi
. .Grandmother kept tier hair beauti
fully darkened, 'glossy and attractive
taruth a brew of Sage Te"and Sulphur.
Wnenever-her hair took on" thlt dull,
faded : or streaked appearance, ' this
simple mixture was applied with won
derful effect. By asking at any drug
store for"Vyeth s Sage and Sulphur
Compound, you will get a large bot
tle of this" old-time recipe, improved
by the addition of other ingredieis,
all ready to use, at very little cost.
This simple mixture can be defended
upon to : restore natural color : and
beauty to the hair. i-r.-v '
1 .
DR. E. R. TARRY j - 240
! W -W' I if: te V
I 1 1 I -s
will go into effect February 8. The
action lonowea revelations or ine sc- .
rious situation hce, particularly of
sugar. - 'i
Consumers wH not be placed on
card fcatiqns. Chairman O'Brien of the
sugar - and flour -committee an
nounced, but, he added, enough of the
various articles arc not available to
fill the clciand. ) ,
It is the UNSEEN quality
that marks the difference be-
tweenny work and ordinary
work V.
what some patient visits this
to 8 P. M. Sunday, 9 to 1. ;
1 1 To get tho very fceit results lak
Dr. Humphreys "SeTeBty-Mvea" at
Ike first sneeae or shiver. , .
"SeventyseTen1 breaks up Cold's
that banc on Grip, i All Drug Stores.
to Darkeri
: A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage
and; Sulphur Compound now because'
it darkens so naturally and evenly
that nobody can tll it has been ap
plied it's easy to use, too. ' You
simply dampen a comb of, -soft brush
and draw it through your hair, tak
ing one strand atr a time. By morning
the gray hair disappears; afterAnoth
er application or two, it is restored -to
its natural color and looks glossy, soft
and beautiful: This preparation is a
delightful toilet, requisite. St- is not
intended for the cure, mitigation or
prevention of disease. Adv. ' c
Rectal DiseasesCured, without a severe sur
gical operation. No Chloroform ot Ether '
used. Cure guaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED.
Write for Ulunrated book on RectlDleeei. with
Dent neopie who htve been Dermanently ured.
"ww wuw ussvej vocn Derma ncouy TUreo.
Dee Cldg., Omaha, Neb.
. x.' ' -, 'i i, It lit ' 1 :M ...