Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1918, SOCIETY, Image 16

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ZHdelaide Kennerly
EUa Fleishman,
1 1
1 1-v y :X Sw&J&mmp f tin mart Bt ' ;;
u PENFIELD are among the act
ive young people in whatever so
cial affairs -are taking place. They
have given some delightful dinners
vith distinguished guests since they
were established in their new home,
2308 California street Mrs. Penfield,
who was Miss Bacon of Omaha, is
working with the infants' welfare
sewing class, compoted of the most
distinguished women in the tapital,
and with the state department war
relief committee. ; She is active in
the work of the American Women's
hospital in France, of which Dr.
Rosalie Slaughter Morton, former
Washington woman, is the head, and
located in New York, and will begin
work next week, with the committee
of senatorial hostesses, of which Mrs
Swanson of Virginia is the head
Mrs. Penfield had as her guest last
week Dr. Slaughter Morton, for whom i
she gave a pretty tea, and who gave
. a number of interesting talks on the
. work of the hospital board.
Mrs. Penfield keeps her Fridays at
home and has an interesting circle
of Nebraska people always there, as
well as official and smart resident cir
cles, for little Mrs. Penfield has made
for herself a wide circle of friends and
acquaintances during her short year
of residence here, corning as a bride.
Walter Penfield is a young Washing
ton lawyer, used to be in the State de
partment, and has father specialized
on the Latin-Americans and on inter
national law as between Uncle Sam
and his Monroe doctrine neighbors;
hat done a lot of business with and
for the an-Aniericans, and is partic
ularly chummy with all- of the diplo-,
mats of that group; Which is per
haps why one is almost sure to meet
some of them at Mrs. Penfield par
ties. ? Mme. .Zaldivar, wife of the
.minister, from Salvador, was there
Monday; bringing with her her sis
ter, Princess Ghika, of Roumania and
Paris, who has recently , arrived to
spend the winter, with her. They
are an attractive pair "English as
they can stick," even though therare
listed as of "Paris and v Roumania"
and if "Salvador," It's perfectly sim
ple, of course they are English born
and bred. ' , ,l:
; Stapletons Have New Home.
Other well-known Omahane here
are Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C Stapleton,
who have purchased an attractive
home in the fashionable end of Mas
sachusetts avenue, No. 1619; the chief
.justice of the court of appeals, re
cently appointed, and Mrs. C J.
Smyth, Mr. and Mrs: Austin Gailey.l
nee Mackayr Mr. ad Mrs. Wixter.
nee Kilpatrick, who have taken an
apartment in the Apartment House
de Luxe, on Connecticut avenue, and
Mr. and Mrs. George Peak, who havel
a comfortable home on Nineteenth
. street, near R. Mr, Peak is serving
on the Council of National. Defense.
He is fronvMoline, III, but Mrs. Peak
was '( formerly Miss Lindsay of
Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tool
ine of Omaha spent last week here
on their way south. Judge and Mrs.
Smyth have as their guest Mrs. Sib
bernson and her baby. She expects
to return to Omaha in another week,
weather and railroads permitting.
Mr. and Mrs. Gailey are now in
Omaha, but will return, here shortly
for the rest of the season, although
they will take no part in society, be
ing in mourning. Mr. Philip MeU is
'stationed here and Mrs, Metx, who
(was Miss, Norma Mack, makes fre-.
quent visits to him, while spending
the winter with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Mack, in ' Buffalo.
' Mr. Ben Gallagher, Lieutenant Ar
thur Wakeley and Captain Robert
Shivericfc are all attached to the ord
nance department. V .'
Harrison 3d, Awaiting Orders.
Mr. Charles Saunders is expected
here next week for a visit to his
mother and sister, Mrs. AWin Saun
ders and Mrs. RusseU Hartison, who
are fn4 their apartment at. 1868 Co
lumbia road. They have bad with
them most of the winter Mrs. Harry
A. Williams, jr., of Norfolk, and her
three small girls, who have recently
returned to their home in the fash
ionable end of Norfolk. Mrs Williams
was formerly Miss Marthena Harri
son, the scarlet fever baby of the
White House during her grand
father's administration., Young Wil
liam Henry Harrison, 3d, is now
with his mother, awaiting orders
from the aviation corps in which he
has .enlisted. ,He is a tine young rep
resentative of a long line of ancestors
on both sides,, identified with the
wars and the building up of his coun
try. He spent summer at Big Horn
in Wyoming, on a ranch, as -he had
rather outgrown his physical strength,
but is now a pictnrevof healthy young
American manhood. His urcle, Mr.
Saunders, is this week at Colorado
Springs, where he went to visit Miss
Marthena Barlow, his cousin, who
has been in ill health.
Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, wife
of the senator from Omaha, has not
been well for the last week, but is
"much stronger than she lias been
for some years. Her charming daugh
ter, who is easily one of the belles
in Washington's smart circle, rep
resents her. mother socially much of
Frosty Days and
War-Time Brides V
Hold Interest
(Contlnaed fro rf Oim.) . 7
one of the very popular members of
the younger set Miss Barrett will no
doubt be honor guest at a numbef of
lovely affairs. A miscellaneous
shower was given Friday of thie week
by Mrs. George Engler, who is a very
; recent, bride herself. '
Miss Beeeher. X
The marriage of Mist Ruth Beeeher
and Lieutenant Adrian Robert Brian.
40th United States infantry, will take
place Tuesday, February 12. This
; will also be a very simple wedding,
the bride to wear her traveling suit
There will be no cards issued for the
wedding and . the bride and bride
groom will be unattended.
The strangers within our gates hold
as important niche in the social cal
endar always. Miss Roberta Lewis
of St Louis, who has been s the guest
of Mrs. , Virgil; Lewis lor several
weeks, has been a very popular vis-
itor',, Mrs. F, H. Davis will entertain,
st an afternoon tea Tuesday in honor
iA tne young woman.
the time. Last Saturday rtgnt sue
gave a pretty' little dinner at the
Chevy Chase club. Her guests were
all young people and they remained
for the dancing, which is a feature
of the Saturday evenings at the Club.
LMessage to Nebraska Women.
Just before Christmas t Miss nrb
kova was askefl to join in a Christ
mas message on behalf of the women
of Nebraska to the expeditionary
forces to France. Dr. Anna Howard
Shaw, chairman of the national com
mittee at Washington, sent the mes
sage which read as follows: "
"The women of the Untcd States
are with yon in the spirit of service.
MnW4rWHi4 l l l'l I
Foreign Girls in Omaha
French Woman Lectures
for Fine Arts
Society '
Two foreign women of nrominence
a French woman, Madame Simone A.
Puget. and an Enehshwoman. Miss
Marie L. Shedlock. lecture in Omaha
this week. Miss ' Shedlock, who
comes from London, begins Tuesday
a tenet of, lecture and ttory telling
hours under the auspices of the Kin
dergarten association, headed - by
Mrs. Orietta Chittenden, v
TTli tti4tai wttt K critfAM 1Tjiieee-
ary S, 7, 12, 14 in Central High school
auditorJum, at 4 o'clock. ' Among her
tubjectt are "riBe btory ot the fine
Arts,", with illustrations.' "Fairy Tale
Iroper,r "Tale of RomMce and Ad
venture," "Philosophy of Hans Chris
tian Andersen" and "Fairy Tales in
the Light of the Present Crisis." Miss
Shedlock tells some of her stories in
costume; , . ;.
Two Omaha women, Mrs. T. R.
Rutledge and Mrs. Raymond : Hay
ward, attended a series of lectures
Mist Shedlock gave at the Kinder-
farten inttitute in Chicago. Miss
hedlock tpent soms time at. Ger
trude House, where the Omaha girls
were living. ' - ' .
; Madame Puget cornea Saturday to
soeak before the Fine Arts society
on "The Women of France" in the
t'onteneiie at 3 p. ro. &ne ts tne
wife of a French poet killed in ac
tion. Madame Puget hat met. with
unusual success in her work in New
York this winter, v Although not a
professional lecturer, she .speaks , with
a rare charm of diction and 'manner
which quite captivates her ' audience,
Miss Beecher't Wedding Date. ;
Tho marriage of Mist Ruth Beeeh
er, daughter of Bishop and Mra.
George Allen Beeeher of Hastings, to
Lieutenant Adrian Robert Brian, For
tieth United States infantry, is to take
place on Tuesday, February 12. It
is to be a cruiet church wedding with
no attendants, the bride to be married
in her traveling goWn. There are to
be no cards issued for the wedding,
and everything is to be as simple as
possible, Lieutenant Brian is sta
tioned. at Fort Sheridan near Chicago.
Tavlor-McMaken Engagement' ;
Mrs, Joseph McMiken of Flatts
mcAith announce the engagement of
her daughter, Gladys, to Mr. Sher.
man Taylor, jr.. of Wymore, vNeU
The wedding will take place Wednes
day evening. February 6, at the home 1
of the bride's parents. Miss ; Elsie
Have yon ever stopped to reason
why it is that to many products that
are extensively advertised all at once
drop out of tight and are.. toon for
gotten? The reason is plain the
article did not fulfill the promises of
the manufacturer. This applies more
particularly to a medicine. A medi
cinal preparation that has real cura
tive value almost tells Itself, at like
an endless cha'n system the remedy it
recommended by thote who have been
benefited to those who are in need
of it. - . , .
- A prominent druggist says "Take
for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, s preparation I have sold for
many years and never hesitate to
recommend, for in almost every case
it shows excellent results, at many of
my customers testify. No other kid
ney remedy that I know of has to
large a sale." ,
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who
have used the preparation, the suc
cess of Dr. Kilmer's SwamprRoot is
due to the faftt that so many people
claim it fulfills almost ev.ery wish in
overcoming kidney, liver and bladder
ailments, corrects urinary troubles
and neutralizes the uric acid which
causes rheumatism. ,s
You may receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N.
Y., and enclose ten cents; also men
tion The Omaha Sunday Bee. Large
and medium size bottfesfor sale at
all drug stores. Adv. -y
I X f-
X) fx)
you are our standard bearers, our
! hope. We love you, believe in you.
pray for you." - General Pershing re
sponded to the message w:tti these
words which Nebraska s chairman is
transmitting to all loyal women of the
state: "All ranks of the American ex
peditionary forces unite in heartfelt
thanks to the women of America for
their love and prayers. . The patriot-
than whom there are no others more
noble, thall be our constat inspira
tion until the. great task'whsoh is en
trusted to us shall be accomplished.
Accept our best wishes for the com
ing year and our firm confidence in
final success." .
lane snediocti
Taylor, sister of the bridegroom, Will
be bridesmaid and Mr. G.M. Helmig
of Lincoln will be best man.
Miss McMaken is a - prominent
Plattsmouth girl and is well known in
Omaha also. Mr. Taylor is now en
gaged in business, in Wymore, where
the young couple will make their
home. ; ; t ' '',." ' vV
Honor Rabbi Kopald.
Temple Beth Zion of Buffilo cele
brated the fifth anniversary of Rabbi
Louis J. Kopald't ministry with a
special anniversary ser ice January
25. At the reception and social in the
temple Center,, which followed, mem
bers of the congregation presented
Rabbi, Kopald with a large1 purse
with,, which to- purchase an automo
bile or use in any manner he desires.
Rabbi Kopald is the ton of Mr. and
Mrs J. N, Kopald, , -
Card Party. ' '" ' t '
The Holy Angels parish will give
a card party Tuesday afternoon at
their hall. ,
Tel Jed Sokol Dance.
The Tel Jed Sokol Girls' tociety
will hold a valentine dancing party
Wednesday evening, at their home,
Thirteenth and Martha streett. ,
Holy Name Pariah. 1
The women of the Holy Name par
ish will give an entertainment at their
hall Wednesday evening,. ' (
Actrett Dinner Guett '
Miss Nan Halperin And .titter,
headlinert of the Orpheura show the
past week, ' were dinner guests of
Cyro Slingerland on Saturday at bit
home, 1541 Willis avenue.
Birthday Party.--
Gladys Shonfield will have a birth
day Tuesday afternoon to celebrate
her nun birtnaay. ( .
Dancing Party.
The Young Men and Young Wo
men's Hebrew association will give a
dancing parly at Keep s academy sun
day evening. 'r
Le Mars club (will give a pre-Len-
ten 'da.tcing party-Tuesday evening.
February 12, at Keep's academy. The
club gave a dance Wednesday night,
at which 90 couples attended.
For Mr. and Mrs. Patrick. , ' - ;
Mrs. John Patrick, who is visiting
hef aunt Mrs. J J. Brown, was the
guest of Mrs. J. de Forest Richards at
luncheon Tuesday at the Fontenelle
if t
it ! i i v Li)l v x
i i i ,iv .
1 iBi
jm r r r w
Mrs. R. M. Higgins '
Bride of the Past Week
f r .
(. v
I .
If.' v ;
fit v 1
- I, t . ,V i s
lln-urt.Sffn I'tuXix
A charming bride of .tne week is
Mrs. Rar Morton Hieeins. nee Miss
Lucile Dennis, whose marriage to
Lieutenant Higgins took place Mon
day at Houston, Tex. .The .young
couple are both well known in Omaha
and their wedding came as a surprise
to their many friends Mrs. Higgins
will remain with Lieutenant Higgins
in Houston until he is ordered abroad,
whin the will probably return to
Omaha to be with her mother, Mrs.
George G, Dennis. , .
with , Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Henry
Wyman and Wednesday evening Mrs.
crown gave a unyiy ainncr party lor
Mr., and Mrs. Patrick. Friday Mrs.
E. P. Peck entertained informally at
luncheon for Mrs. Patrick.
Dr. and lira. Joseph M. Aikin have
moved from their home on North
Forty-first, etreet to the 'Elwood
apartments on West Dodge,
Egyptian Chocolates Delight
- i . : ' ' . .
.When I announced to yotr a new chocolate
richly designed my Egyptian Chocolates,
aaid thejr wo'uld delight yon.
, to be more appealing than any;other.thoco '
late you had ever .tasted--HSo much more i
appealing that you would Instantly" appre- '
, elate the difference. Could they be, that
That was only five weeks ago. Since, you
have had your second, your third, some of
you your fourth box. .; ; i
There is the test "another helping." And
you have had several "helpings." ,
TodayV my facilities' for manufacturing
Egyptian Chocolates are larger many many
fold. They soon must be expanded further.
I did not- think a candy business could
grow so rapidly.' And' the most pleasing
part to me is that many of my orders now "
are "repeats,", from my bid dealers.' ,
Surely my Egyptian Chocolates delight you,
You may find Egyptian Chocolates at more
than thirty good shops in Greater Omaha.
If none in your town, send me your order.
Price1 prepaid anywhere :in the United r
States, $1.25 a pound box. If your card ac
companies,the order, I will put it in the
box and send the chocolates to the address,
you designate.
Near Both Wholesale ;
J and Retail Districts
XWS CCilUW, yeu quiet, iutawuu w ww,
Grand Padfic Hotel appeals particularly
c?ted in shopping at Chicago's great stores.
Large, Homelike Rooms ;
The Grand Pacific consistently maintains
its long established reputation for high grade
, food, courteous and attentive service, and a
mosx enjoyaoie oia iasmuneu nuspitmitjr. i?i.c
for reservations or any additional information.
- f. ml Wakefield. Manager :
Grant Pocific Hotel, Jackson Boulevard at Clark Street
Mr. John Redick has returned from
Chicago, Mrt. Redick is stdl visiting
relatives there. ; V -
The Ladies' Aid tociety of the
Dundee Presbyterian church met Fri
day with Mrs. Jf. M. Do-v. Sewing
tor the . Child Saving institute was
done. .' ;. ... ': '
One division of the men's Bible
class of Dundee held a tocial Thurs
day evening at the church. - .
Mr. and Mrs.' Leonard Abercrom
bie were guests at dinner Fiiday eve
ning of Dr. and Mrs. H. Lemere
and Mrs. Mary E. Van Giespn, in
honor of the birthday of Dr. Lemere
and hi little, daughter, Mary Jane
Lemere."'-v ' .
The Thursday Bible class met with
Mrs. R. C Petert. It meets this week
with Mrt.W. E. Rhoades. - i.
In honOof her grandson's wife.
Mrs. Samuel Cotner, of Xovell. Wyo.,
Mrs. Samuel Cotner entertained at
luncheon Thursday the following
ladies: Mrs. D. L. Johnston, Mrs. J.
W. Battin and Mrs. D. C Bueit of
Omaha. . . ' ','
Mrs, Rockefeller, jr Leads
X Move to Atd Girl War
X Workers ,
Mrt. John D. Rockefeller, jr., of
New York hat bet.i appointed chair
man of the housing committee of the
Young Women's Christian associa
tion, which is working out plant for
the. housing of girls engaged in war
work at munition plants, camps and
cantonments. The committee hat al
ready atarted building a house at
Charleston, S. C, which will accom
modate abOi ; 100 girl .workers.
The Touch that Makes
' Nothing adds more to" fem
inine charm and freshness
than a touch of white at the
neck and wrists, lending
much to thebeauty of the
dress in the ensemble, ;
Made of fine grade pique in three different styles,
- strictly tailored to give that dash to your new
Spring suit or serge frock. . . . ..... .50c
SATIN COLLARS The i quality and workman
ship we offer is the best. . . . ; . , ........... .75c
SATIN CUFFS To match above satin collars, 25c :
- And think of it! 25 discount additional "
is offered to all who order these dress acces-r
, sories on the days above mentioned. ,,
But aJWorcl About Our New Suits and DressesFor
Surely You Feel the "Call of SprinV X
! ' tTht new materials have arrived, and they are Indescribably beauti
ful. One hundred different colors in Chiffon Broadcloths, Velonr de
Kashmir, Regent Striped Suitings, Tricotlnes, Poiret Twills, Also Bosh
anara Crepe, Baronette Satin, Cascadeuce Silk, Gros de Londrei and
Imported Satins and Taffetas, for dressy Suits and Gowns.' 1
ORDER YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW We guarantee tailored ex
cellence and superb style... We also design and make Gowns and Even
ing Dresses., ."'., . !.. ,V"..V
' (Over Unitt'DocekaJ Drug Store) .
S. E. Cor, Farnam and 17th Sts. ; Phone Tyler 3071.
Lof tis
Wsedtrrsl Vthct
Are Mounted So
As to Look M
Like One Large
Single Stone
, Set
in Platinum
Tli Lofti Sevaa-Diunand Clutter Ring hu tvn (in DUroonda, mounted m n b
look like en Ivgt lnfl aten. The Olemend art aelMted lor thefr beautiful loatar
and brilliancy hjr tht moat akiliful diamond expert. The aecrat of tho rare hoaaty of
una rB umm w w. rr
nu Hiiiann u w onuionvy, taua
; Open a Charge Account with Us and Wear and Own
a Handsome Genuine Diamonds Fine Watch etc
Call or Write for CataIo( No. 90 Phono Douilao 1444. :
llUIr- B lel Main Floor. City National Bank Block -
1 I P9f .rft K 409 South ,8th
ImmJ mum w w
Free? Proof To You
HMfil ' SMflt arm Inat a dkojava iki. a-- a. ai ... .
w mw wnmnq ( . .
ti 0 1m noetnee. to rort
" WMmt m Mxl-nafui cmitmmt Oea
"i; I tcenrtio tt tboii eutanwoto
, -.wv.vim.
, eaMaaajoaBaaaa). gy Hb
I. c. HUTZELL. Omtstst. Z53S
' f!aeeiiertthooieooiw
ftioel and Kt.
the Smart Girl Smart is"
" Loftis :
K$ 3 a week
( Handsomest:
and Most Showy
Ring for the
Least Ajnount
is 14 Karat
Solid Gold
aionea, an or to Diamond, eat Ut platlnun,
pFOOUCinf IDO tppaoTallGO OX O MTfO. BaJW-
St, Conor ISth and Hartioy Sta, Omaha.
Buryooa - Naah Co. Dopartment Stora.
r nt nait aaartv aernw knew flat
ir thnaaaarl ft., 'imttree' nmmnh .ntad. 7
oaaat Atfod
o Uu oaatiaaM aiata I Stat
mi m a ito
Wast Mala 8L, rart Wayne,
. t