iTHE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1918. 2 BRINGING WELL 'NOV HOV ANNi t COIN' TO f UP I FATHER : Copyright, 1MT, International Not Srv1ce. .; 6 ) I I ARENT VOO A-bHAMEO ) I WELL-IVC T I WHAT? XOO 1 I 00 - I l CAKT LEEP 1 "7 " H T? T 7 ?H TfTON LEFT HIM H K JCOOLDNT THAT r- 4. - i WMr r rtThVr -r . . WAKE ODt! 2"- l: if . it Drawn for The Bee by George McManus --;.. S EASTERN FIVES TO PLAY OMAHA CAGE TEAM HERE Hyde Parks of Chicago and Pierce Arrows of Detroit Coming for Games With . : Benson & Ttornes... : i basket bill games in which the Hyde-Parks of Chicago and ' the i ' PiercslArrows of'. Detroit two of the - classiest cage quintets in the coun ; trjr, are in store - for Omaha : floor ; fans. " 'C.' . ;'" : John Reel,. manager of the Benson fk' 4t Thorne team of Omaha, is in '; communication with the Chicago and ' J' Detroit quints and he announces that negotiations for these games : are , about completed. Both of . the games played in Omaha. !) . The Jiyde Parks and Pierce Ar ir rows- are reputed to be the.two lead 's; ing contenders 'for the Amateur f 4 Athletic Union 'championship. They .' ,'are now the ranking favorites for po sitjons in the; finals when the annual ; tournament is staged in Chicago. I Reel also announces that the Ben : on & Thornes have signed two new players V who formerly were sharks on eastern cage teams.. He is .not disclosing their identity, but will spring them as a surprise at the next game, There is some gloom , in the BensdrV !&Thorne camp however, '"owing to the illness of George Par rish who is. down with the.-grip, i The games between the Benson , & Thdrncs and the Chicago and Detroit teams will be 'staged during v Februarys - , , ; x Pearl Memorials Suffer ;' FifSt Defeat of Seaspn V' 'WOT'THBTaTAirp. t, P.. W. L. Pet, IVfil. iletnartala wmiimw" i wop .. ... ..!, s ir )JaiKom Park! I 4 S .(T i'trat MetJ0(1Ut-.--,v. A i S,l .Se Hnnon Msthodiiita' ... S 4 .Ml Wa1rtt 1IIU .....i.'... ....... , . ' .'tUESDAVaHESUtTa. ' ,' ' Plrxt MnlhodWt, ll,'.Prl MemorUlij , ;i William' Wops, H; Walnut Hills. . (. . HanMom Frka, S'i Brtio Metboatati. f. First Methodists Upset all'the dope ' )n the -Church Floor- ledgue' at the .7Young- Men's ' Christian, . association Tuesday night by defeating thfr league " leading Pearl Memorials,; 12 to 6. Wil liams" Wops buried the Walnut Hills under an avalanche of score 55 to 6, .and the Hans'com Parks beat the: Ben 1 ,;son Methodists, 8 to 5. . ' . (. : . :iiktiesi Days, Will Make ! ; For Better. BallRowland Chicago, Jan. 3dWiti i meatless 'nd, wbeaUess ' days ia 'force some 'managers look for : faster base bair .V next.. -season " than ' ' has "ever ' been Y?!aye4.' V :"..;;; -.- . "I am-; tot the . Hooveriied qit, . "-Mid Clarence-Rowland, manager of , ihc Champion White Sox today. "Now 'that the. boys will be compelled to 'xmX, out .much of the meat, they will 'play-20 per. cent faster, base . ball, .' I am no vegetarian, but I am for cur- tailment of meat for athlete. 4 "The trouble with.ball players has .' been that they have always eaten. too ' tnuch meat.- It has a- tendency to stiffen up the men,, and that is the principal, reason why it. has been so hard for,- some to get in condition Juring the training season, especially." Greighton Floor Quint To Play Furniture Five . , Coach Milfs' blue and white quintet will c6lKde with Walt Gattner's Cen ' tral Furniture team at the Creighton gym Friday night-"Mills' five is ex A pected to; trounce the Furniture boys. 'i but the Creighton mentor does not . wish his team to go stale- on his . hands with the basket ball . tourna ' meiif with Camp Fun stonl ad Camp ; Dodge 'one' a . week away. Negotia ; tiqns to, bring Yoik and Doane here ' for the week end failed. . . The-Central Furniture team has one tf the strongest fives in the Com V niercial league. . Gartner's a quintet -: had ome rough sledding in the'earlv gaines of.the leaguerlut they have hit )' their stride at last and' expect to suf ;',fer no more defeats. ' ' v"t. . ; Fulton Signs Articles, - ; : i ,V;ButW? AboutJess ;.:VenVeYoto.ja:W.Frf)d'. Ful- ;toir,-' contender for ' the heavyweight j5'xing; championship , of, the world. Ji aligned' article fo meet Jess Vil ,.'kr4 champion, bere -next summer, . ' t-Jam Mj- JIammil,- a local.promoter, anrootBicjEd today, Hammil announced ; he would leave for Chicago next week V to offer a guarantee to Willard of $50, ' WJO for the' bout" All oftthe money taken: in a to go to the Red Cross. Futton ts iri ' Denver'to box Tom M eMail on here February 11. r ; MnrphysBeek Gaines. The - lurphy- 'Did It Juiiiors ,'are "looking-for- bask -t ball gamest-with any . 2 16-p. vnd teams in . Omaha or out of lown. Cair Ei Solg at "Red 8715. : AT ARMY CAMP MEET PLENTY OF THRILLS All Accoutrements of Modern Warfare From Bayonet to Stretcher Play Part in Carnival. A second engagement of the mili tary carnival and dual athletic meet by soldiers of Camp . Funston and Camp Dodge will be held at the Auditorium in Omaha Saturday night. The original carnival was staged la&t week at Kansas City and the thou sands who attended were so en thusiastic it was decided to hold the affair in Omaha. In this carnival, the first of the kind ever seen in the west, several hundred picked men from the two cantonments give an insight of the work they have been at since Seotem. ber. They are seen with bayonet and grenade, storming dummy trenches a,nd destroying dummy enemies -after the most modern ideas of combat" ricked. teams from the classes of Lieutenant B. Baumber of the British mission at Funston will meet .a sim ilar number of bayonet experts from Dodge. . Two bayonet instructors from the Iowa camp will give an ex hibition combat.. Included in - the military part of the program are races by teams of stretcher bearers, gas mask drills and grenade throwing contests. , The association of bayonet combat and boxing will be demonstrated. In all of the national army cantonments men are obliged to receive instruc tions in. both boxing and wrestling. as a preparation for hand-to-hand hKhtmg that must come to many of them before another year has passed. .Just what thousands ot younn Americans are learning of self de fense will be demonstrated in the squared . ring - at the Auditorium. Among the most likely men in- sirucica, oy noo lucMimcr. Doxing instructor, at Funston " are Sergeant William Uvick (the Omaha Butcher Boy h Private Eddie Daly of San Francisco, Sergeant, Tyler. Weltmer of Missouri. These three will meet proteges of Mike Gibbons, the Dodge instructor and McAllister and Gib bons will close the boxing events with an exhibition sparring affair. ' Earl Caddock of Dodge he's Prn vate Caddock now--wilr be there with a half dozen of his pupils. One of them will be pitted against O. W. Miller of Funston, formerly captain of the Nebraska university wrestling squad. . ( .' . .. ' .. Dundee Community Center . Lambasts Castelar. Five ' Dundee handed tl.e Castelar -com munity center team's pennant aspira tions a-severe jolt by; beating them 26 to 3 on the Dundee floor; OBnen and Snegge did the bulk of the scoring. The score; - DUNDEE. . ' '.' a- . . . O .Ft '-r-Pta OBrien, r. f. ..6 0. X 10 uiranc, e. .......... .v.... 9 I . Wallace, r. a. ................ ..1 9 O S Cleland. I. g. Uobaun, (tub.) . 0 I 4 -' a ' . CASTELAR. - ,!-r ; , O'-rt FPU MoOrath, r. t .". . . ... .... i.. .... .1 0 1 S Rurtel. e. 4 0 10 Klynn, r. ." ......... ......( Murphy l. r. o .i ;v "1 ;: ' '''- 1 Bfrterm, V. Moor, aeorer W. Deema. 1 11,000 Officers Soon to Be" Graduated From War Camps - Washington; DJl C; Jan. 30. Army officers today estimated . that : 11,000 officers ' will be graduated, from -the third series of training camps, now in progress, making a total of 56.000 officers turned out i through ; these camps.' Commissipns were isued to 27,341 graduates of the first camp and 17,237 of the second. Complete statistics on third tamp which opened January 5 show .that 18,348 men are under instructions, of whom 60 per cent are expected to qualify for commissions. Arrest German Who Predicted Ship Yard Fire Paterson, N. J., Jan. 30. Charged by federal authorities with having predicted publicly last ' Wednesday that .the Submarine Bo' corporation plant at Newark would be blown up of destroyed by fire, Antoine Deutsch, a machinist employed at a Passaic shophas been arrested. Last Saturday fire caused a million dollar loss to the docks nd ware houses of the plant, and Deutsch is being held pending examination. ' Identify "Murdered Woman. Chicago, -Jan. 30. The young wo man found tburdered last night was identified today as Mrs. '.May Mar shall," a waitress. , . .- . Her husbanl. it is' said, was-recently drafted into the army. No mo tive for-the crime was discovered. Today's. Spori Calendar Oalf Ananal milaf of Wanea'a Golf aaaaclatloa f Baaton. .. . . Racing MoMeal handicap, Mehaat fntt f tha Haraaa aMetinf, will ka rna tadar . Boxlaav-Jack IMHoa anlant Uomr Kmlth, tea roimui, at 1 art Wajrae, lnd.i K CK C iroa acalaat Aathoo BfeCawan, tea waa, at S,w -.lorki Fraadia nallay lead, ra. . t LIEUTENANT B. BAUMBER, THE BRITISH BAYONET. WONDER With part of the team of Funston men he will bring to Omaha for the Inter-Camp Military tournament Saturday night mmmmmmMmmmSBESmmm imaii 4.'''- The. public, alwavs eager to hear of the -miltary progress of it's boys in the cantonments, will have it's first opportunity of viewing it at first hand on Saturday night. The graphic and spectacular action of the Inter Camp tournament between Funston and Dodge is expected to prove a tremendous educational factor in showing how the boys who left nere raw civilians have been turned into trained experts in the" modern ' war fare. Incidentally the public will be STECIIER AND ZBYSZKO STARS IN GOTHAM MEET Former Throws Hussane After Long Contest and Latter Puts Olin Out of Running by the Toe Hold. ;; . New York.. Jan. 30.-Wladek Zby szko of Poland, and Joe Stecher, of Dodge, Neb., were winners here last night of wrestling bouts which were expected to have considerable bearing in determining the. successor of the late Frank Gotch as world's' With the Greater Omaha Iarn. ' CENTRAL FURNITURE. lat Jd. Sdi Tot: BANKERS REALTY lat 3d. 3d. Tot Hafrlaon . . 128 1(8 191 47 Prlmean .,185 ICO 119 484 Howard 114 161 147 422 H. Hansen ..' 164 131 14 434 K. Sclpta IT118 190 1T7 S7I Totals ....741 790 8(6 1398 WASHINGTON SHIRT. . . ' lat !d. Id. Tot LeprMakl V 101 131 180 04 O. Olaon .... St 131 111 Hmrstrom 17T 148 184 4S7 Kennedy ..181 180 1(9 511 Toman .... 138 17 161 477 Regan ..... 141 141 Totals .. 776 860 817 3443 MURPHY DID IT. lat Id. 3d. Tot Brannlan ' 1 30 HI S7S H.lhax ay 10 161 171 630 3woboda - ..10. 148 181 481 C. Bland ..111 174 191 676 Wartcfcow -..111 170 181 681 ' Total . i .875 862 918 1766 Hanson. H.K.l&t 1S 1S (44 Ktnr ...... 1U'S 171 .S4 Rldion 1I0 145 1XI us Jaroah J.... .1T4 a J10 S Learn 1 16 1S 650 Totals ...877 1 0 17(3 BEVO. : Jal. Id. Sd. Tot. Shaw .... ...US 14172 624 Maurer . ...177 174 13t 410 Wiley .... ,...10 1S 180 5,08 nt fluntlnfton ,1M IKS U 188 187 ISO 604 645 Totala SIS SIS 131 SS71 POWELL 8UPPLT CO. 1st. 3d. 3d. Tot Bakor . 174 134 1DO Ms Bland .... U3 160 9 499 Bertrocll- ...171 ISO. 138.41 Dobwr 171 111 17 McCar .... 10 18 198 89 Totala . . 86S 838 870 2J SCOTT TENTS. ' 1st Id. 3d. Tot. O'BRIEN Martin .... 14T 173 131 617 Senger .... 161 193 US 608 Pitsicerald . Willi' ... .. I.ingley .. Karla ...'. Ztmmerman ,161 16S .180 14 It Terrell .... 181 18 178 H4 Koran .... 183 141 176 499 itans ....... ITS 101 110 61) ToUla 844 86S lit 23 Total You Can Defy Disease If Your Blood is Pure Don't Invite Attack by Slug gish Circulation. Keeping your blood supply up to the standard of perfect purity, is like building an 'impregnable fortress around the-system to protect it from the insidious enemy of disease. Thus you are assured of a strong and vig orous vitality that means perfect health.- - " When impurities creep : into the blood supply there is a loss of energy; a failing -of the appetite, you are easily tired arid find the body weak ening under ordinary tasxs, an 01 which means that yen are losing . -., y t ....... ; . able, to See, as In no other manner, Why the allied, and ' especially the American soldiers are so hated and feared by tha Hun. They have the spirit which: make war a game more than a "mere life-and-death struggle, than a mere life-and-death struggle Led by Lieutenant B. Baumber of the British tnllitary mission, the crack bayonet team from Camp Funson, in its exhibition, is expected to prove one of the biggest events . of the tour nament Picked men; all,. who have champion cat. h' as catch can wrestler. l. Zbysiko,!,wno woa th,e final match ol'a heavy -weight tournament he7e ilast - ' December t rbm v "Strangler" Lewis defeated John Olir), Finland, with ' ia toe hoH ,rfe hour IS minutes and"-. 25 , seconds. Stecher threw Yussiff Hussane . of the Balk ans, With a body scissors h-ild in one hour, 3 minutes and 8 seconds. Qlin repeatedly tried to get the head hold but 'Zbysiko broke it half a doxen times. ,; Zbyszko tried several different holds', finally 'ending the', cqitest with;-oe;ji(0ld.: , Stecher and ttussin"e!,ei;e on their feet most of the time their contest, seldom going to the mat' The Balkan man was on the r defensive almost throughout, endeavoring to pin his opponent's legs in-order to avoid the deadly body hold.' The frequent use of the head lock enabled Stecher to weaken his opponent, who suc cumbed to the bedy hold shortly after the Nebraskan downed him with a flying fall. - ' - - Bowlers CORKY A McKENZIB. lat id. Id. Tot Zarp ,,.....176 161 168, 495 Kent 167 141 1(3 461' Holllday .. 146 151 15 460 Hussell .... T81 167 171 (20 Landon ,...178 161 177 (17 Totals ..838 781 SIS 1431 COMMONWEALTH LIFE t lat. 2d. 3d. Tot Fohnsoa ....175 103 160 538 Larson ....134 17S 171 473 U - Norgard . 1ST: 16 138 443 Brodahl ,61 114 166 (41 174 T41 17S 490 771 S04 80 2486 A. .bsasae. - Oaff Totala . V. M. C. NICHOLAS OILS. - . lat Id. Id. Tot i Johnson Moor Neville ,.127 167 16 (90 .....117 (0 17S 181 ....116 111 130 14 ....137 108 125 170 Hudson noil .....11 :il 140 173 Handicap ..11 IS 11 6 Totals . Stocking , Wilson . . . owanson . Kleberg ., H. Jensen ..717 621 77 1132 M. C. A. 1st. Jd. Id. Tot. ..182 150 170 (0m ..160 198 13 497 ..166 198 167 631 ,.145 167 166 478 ..110 90 110 110 CANDT. 150 189 490 542 647 45 6(0 18 191 161- 114 150 160 161 173 lit 851 924 2688 Totala ...763 80S 751 r 318 stronsr. virile, robust vitality that keeps the system In perfect condition to resist the' attacks of disease that everyone is subject to. By keeping the blood purified and the circulation strong ana vigorous, the system more easily wards off dis ease. This can be done by everybody by the use of a few bottles of S. S. S., tha ore at. vecretahle blood medicine. S. S. S. routs out' all' imourities and revitalizes the blood and gives new- strength and a neaitny, vigorous vi falitv fin fn vnnr rlruB- store and tret bottle today, and if you need any medical advice, you can ooiain same witKftnt Mil TIIMIVWV VVB aJ T..y.H5 - cal Adviser, Swift Specific Co., 818-E thatiswut JjaDoratory, Aiiania, ueorgia. .1. . . . v a . all A competed for weeks for places on the organization, they will present a sample of military precision and deadliness that should bring the aud ience to its feet. Lieutenant Baum ber, himself, is rated among the crack men of the army on the west front, and he has the faculty of instilling a wonderful snap and vigor into the men he has trained, .Medium sized, quiet, but with, commands that crack out like a whip, he directs the team of twelve men in maneuvers that, for a civilian audience, border on the1 sen sational. Lieutenant Baumber, by the way, is a member ot the lUth Lincolnshires, one of England's oldest regiments, the same that took part in the battles Of Concord, Lexington and Bunker Hill in our own revolution, who are now fighting side by side with our soldiers and sending officers to Amer ica ion the instruction of the new army in war's latest wrinkles. , Vaudeville end Photoplays . Presenting Eadie & Ramsden "CharlleV Vlair . " Gilbert & McKutcheon In "Momenta Musical" ' Two C&rltons . . Silent' Humorist TointBrown, "Ten. Brown fo B'ack" Mr. Vernon Cattle, in 'COIIVICT 993V The Beet Dressed Woman in America, in Thrilling-, . Sensational Photoplay. f 6-BlG ACTS-6 pw:.ndV1 on? & Dance revue Hippodrome Four; 3 Weston Sitters; W. S. Harvey A Cot Harry Adler; Zethroa' Dogs; Paths Weekly; Sidney Drew Com edy; Nordln's Augmented Concert Or chestra. . . ... , .. DAILY MATINEE. ZtlS P. tL, 15c, 23c Sal. and Sun. Matinees, 15c,. 28c, 35c I SHOWS EVERY NIGHT, 7:1S, :1S. Price IBc 25c and 35c; Baxae SOc; Or chestra and hoxes reserved. Phone D. 600. : Entire New Shew Every Sunday. .aasiaasVyTWrliTffwrrssni n 71 Naa Hnlperin Emily Aaa Wellman Fradkln, assisted by. Mitt Jeaa Tell Percy Brfnsea and Winnie' Baldwin; Ben Linn; The- Bart Hughes Ca-j Raymond , Wilhert; Orphenm -Travel Weekly. -J ' . . . . . 1 . OtMHA'S-FUD CENTER i tO,rmm1?tP'i Mata 15c. 29c, SOc ?A4psJ E v'gs, 25c SOct 75c $1 . Hera's rhs H seise Ssslml Cesile-. MSUD1N6N BILLY WATSOU ae rite BVIIICSOUE WONDER SHOw. : BIN Wstwa alt tHreest) the shea. Sherawa. rift a Batty. NarsMeiws: Lata Ceeit S Cfekei lasas. etatr Cherts el Seaaee. LADIES DIME MATINEE WEr OAT Sat Mat. A Wk: fiany Morton sod Sella BusmO. BEATON REFUSES ' PUBLICITY POST business Man Declines Chair manship of Commercial Club Bureau Committee Under New Arrangement. Charles D. 'Beaton has refused to take the chairmanship of the Commer cial club's publicity bureau committee under the new arrangements whereby the bureau becomes a part of the club instead of a .separate organization supported by independent funds. Mr, Beaton was elected to the chairman ship of this new committee at the regular election of the board of di. rectors of the club. . W. F, Baxters, was chairman under the old arrangement, Beaton was elected from outside the membership ot the governing committee of the bu reau, though it had been a long estab lished custom fo have the bureau rep resented in the club s executive com mittee by a man who was already a member of the bureau s governing committee. Was Elected Tuesday. . . At Tuesday's meeting of the exec utive committee Mr. Beaton declined to serve as chairma . of the newly- created committee and C. O. Talmage was made chairman, while Beaton was retained as vice chairman. Three of the nine members of the old governing committee of the bu reau of publicity were chosen as mem bers of the new club committee of 16 members. Those of the old board chosen were Everett Buckingham, ,C. H. Conant and Joe Kelley. Mr. Beaton gave ill-health and press of other duties as his reason for de clining to undertake the chairmanship of the publicity bureau committee un der the new arrangements. Gamble Names Committees. Following are the first five com mittees made up by Executive Chair man Gamble for the work of the year: . Fruit' Marketing and Development R. S. Tribmle, chairman: N. 'H.-Nel-. son, vice chairman; C. B. Ay res,' J. W. Baffin, W. W. Bingham, F; P. Brown, L. P. Campbell, T. B. Cole man, J. H. Dumonf, E. T. Heyden, P. C. Hyson. T. I. O'Neil. J. Van Rensselaer, C. G. Trimble, H. S. Weller, EE. Wise. Public Welfare C. C. George, chairman; Dr. I. W. Porter, vice chairman; F. J. Adams, H. R. Bbwen, Rabbi F. Cohn, R. V. Cole, C. F: Fos ter, W. J. Foye. R. B. Howell, How PHOTOPLAT8. Today Friday Saturday Henry B. Walihal in- "HIS ROBE OF HONOR" Today Only . ANITA KING in 'THE GIRL ANGLE" No. 14 "THE RED ACE" DVh All Week, Twice DVlU Daily, 2:15. 8:15 WILLIAM FOX Presents THEDA BARAthI Icreenf CLEOPATRA It eeet Csetar tt eaielrs te aw Clwestra. It will ceit tea. Mils. 2Se aaa 80s. En's. 28e te 81.00 HAMILTON "Z ind tilton Today -ETHEL BARRYMORE ia "UFE'S WHIRLPOOL" 5 ...MUSE . . :. n S-.turdv . - f A , W ,W . . .Saturday III r4 I j laWlftnatJ . . i CONSTANCE 1 nli;i 1 .., , ,, ,' , V -tawtPa ' ' ' - ' . , '"'', 1 11 m w. i ard Kennedy, L.- h. Kountze,' A. H. Murdock; D. E. Porter, Dr. D. T. .Quigley, M. M. Robertson, "T. F. Sturgess, G. .G. Wallace, R. G. Young. House W. R. Wood, chairmanf H. E. Milliken, vice chairman; 0..':T. Alvison.. Dr. W. J. Bradburyi W. -J. Brandt, C. E. Etd, E. H. Flitton, J. M. Gilchrist, J. T. Wachobj-R. C Wagner.- " -- "! Finance L. C. Nash, chairman; Randall K. Brown, Thomas A. Fry, C. C. George, J. W. Gamble. ; v Publicity Bureau C. O. ;Talthage, chairman; C. D. Beaton, vice chair- " man; E. Buckingham,' W. L'. - Bur gess, G. H. Conant, Dr. I. S.J Cutter, I. C. Dahlman, C. L. Gould, Joseph Kelley. E. J. Malone, I. A. Medlar, R. E. Sunderland, F. W. ThOmas, H. A. Tukey,. W. A. Pisley, J,.H.'. Wright PURCHASES OF ; ARMY SUPPLIES TO BE MADE HERE .Washington Bnrean, Omaha Bee, 1311 G' Street, Washington, Jan. 36. (Special-Te!- egram.)-Sehator Hitchcock and Con gressman Lobeck made 'a hurried visit to the War department today trying to rnn .dOwn a rumor that the Quarter master's department had decided; to buy all subsistence for Camp Dodge through the quartermaster's depot at Chicago ' instead of Omaha. "Tihs" President George of the Commercial club says "will mean the loss of nearly $1,000,000 per month in- sales to Omaha houses." It was ascertained that purchases of clothing, men's wear shoes, etc., would still be tnade at Omaha as in the past and that no change was contemplated. . . X lie ucparinicm s ucainis win; urn- aha's wholesale merchants are. pro nounced entirelysatisfactry. - -. No Censorship Imposed on -Army Correspondents Washinsrton. Tan. 30. Press" dis patches filed from National a'rrny and National Guard camps in the United States by accredited newspaper -cor- Tespondents' not in the military-serv ice wi:l not be censored .bymimary authorities - under a War "epaffmeht order made public tonight. f f ' The correspondents will be mstruct ed by the camp tommandefs;' how ever, that they " must rigidly aanere to the requests: for secrecy with re spect to information of value to4 Ihe enemy, as' defined in' the. printed: card send out by the committee on public information. ' " Correspondents', violating . this re quest would be deprived of the' prii leges of the camp. . . ' ; PHOTOPLAYS. Now. Playing 51 SPECIAL MUSICAL SCORE - in it.KrKETED BY AUGMENTED 0RCHEST7A Preformnncet star promptly at .11, 1, J, 5, -7 and 9. . No Raise in Prices. ; LOTHROP"."' TodayGRETCHEN HARTMAN in. MARRIED IN NAME ONLY" SUBURBAN 24th e AaeMa. 1 - ea Today JULIAN F.LTINCF in Col. 284( "THE CLEVER MRS. CARFAX "1