Want Ad Rates ' ' (Gpunt Six Word to Us Uot.) 1V A4 Takes) for Lena Than Two tin ,. Loral. CASH WITH OBOEB I per tin ......1 tlmi !c per Ua..l or mor eonstcuttv Insertion (o pr lln'..... .....1 tlm to pr line.. 3 or mora eontecutlv insertions - To par Una 10 consecutive Insertion SITUATIONS WANTED ' SS psr.lln ...I. per weak ; ; '''.'- FUNERAL NOTICES toe par Una each Insertion (Minimum chtrg SO cent,) " Oot-of-Towa Rates tfart With Order (Ceoot 8ii Word to Una) Financial I llo per lln 1 tlraa i (c.psr lln t or mora , Help Wanted Agent Wanted Business Chance eonaecntlT Insertions r (o per llo I Mm i to per lln I or mor All Other Clarification consecutive Iniertlona USE THE TELEPHONE !( idi cannot con ' violently bring or send In your want ada, , Aak for Want Ad Taker and you will reoelve the aama food service aa . wbeo delivering your, want ad at tbla ottfi, , ,'. PHONB TYLER 1000 c- WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSB EVEN1NO EDITIONS M.... 11:00 M. MORNINQ EDITIONS T.. 10:00 J?- M. ' ' Contract Rate tin Application. MOVIE PROGRAM . North. ALHAMBR-.. - 24TH AND PARKER . .. i MABEL TALIAFERRO, - .. In . A MAGDALENE OF THE HILLS" GRAND, 16TH AND BLNNJBY . . ., EDWIN ARDEN, in - . "THE IRON HEART" 'Sooth!' APOLLO, 26TH AND LEAVENWORTH NORMA TALMADGE, in ' .'- '''I "POPPY" ' HOHLKKj 2669 LEAVENWORTH v '-.- GEORGE, HERMANDEZ I ' In - i 'tTt ro rinurv West ! DUNpEB, ilST AND UNDERWOOD MARGERY WILSON, in . ; "WILD. SUMAC" BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth Franklin cTand CharlotU Dealer, 1(40 Willi avenue, boys Robert .Duncan and Martha. Carrnthera, 3620 Blnnay atrael, boy; H. L, and Beeala Frill. 101 Woolwortb avenue girl; Max L and Myrtta Walker, 2670 Camden avenue, girl; Everett 8. and Mabel Dodda, 2303 South Thlrty.flrat atreet, boyi Oeorc F. and Katla Lee Bevee, 1114 North Twenty-seventh avenue, . girl; Lea E. and Ellen Jenkins, 2027 Elm atreet. boy; Joaeph Sabaatlan and Maria Hoffman, 1010 South Thirty-ninth avenue, bay; Wll- Itam V. and Josephine Edwin, (441 South Twenty-second tret, boy; E. A. and Hulda HolmrjulBt, 2824 Elftson Mvenue, girl; Joe and Oladya Hargla, 017 North Twenty-fourth tret boy; Jessl and Schrelda Shield, 242) X atreet, boy; Frank and Roala Broza, $420 South Twenty-eighth atreet, boy. Death John English, 3, 1001 Grace ' atreet; Anna Chrtateason, 24, boepttal; Mary Cbristner,,66, 2614 Seward etreet; John Ben- ' nett, 44, 4624 South Twenty-aeventh atreet; Fannie Lewie, 24 boepttal; Camlla Shla.1 tno, . 2661 X atreet; William E. Mills, T Vaye. 4210 South Twenty-third atreet; Jamea fclgar, '(6, boepttal; Homer Galne, 7(, 2402 California atreet; Krleten M. Jensen, (0, 3121 South Forty-second atreet; Thomaa Phelan, 71, til South Thirty-third street Jtoe Vanderford .02, 2621 Spencer atreet. t MARRIAGE LICENSES. - Permlta to wed have been Iseued to the following; Name and - Beaidenee. Agei Dewey Dlllard. Raleton, Neb.....,,,..,, 21 Valada Rothtrmund, , RaUton, Neb.,,.., 21 Oeorge Etookburger, Twin Fallf, Idaho.. SO Jlarguerlt Kateleen, Wyoming, la...... 20 Irenaeua Bhttler, Omaha,,, ....... .over tl Helen h., Kempn, Omaha. ......... .over 12 Warren Blackmon, Omaha, ...... ....... 20 ChrleUna Waob, Omaha.... 22 DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. HVACINA Jacob, Med 38, died January 27. Service at t reeldence, (147 South Twtnty-aecene! atreet, Wedneaday, Janu , ary 10, at. 2i20 p. m. Interment Bohem - Ian National cemelfry. Friends Invited. y::v FLORISTS. ' . ; BKlNa a member of the National Klorlata' - Telegraph Delivery a,'saolatlon, w ar In position to deliver-llower t short notice . anywber In th Unit 8tatt or Canada, . Hess A Swobofla, rloi at. " ionutaall , Florista, LEE L. LARMON 1214 Douglaa. St, Douglaa 1114. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowers. HENDERSON, 1 519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER SHOP, 411 a II.' P. 2102 TUB FERNERY, 101 S. 16tn St. D. 221. ROGERS. Florist, 211 R. lth. D. 2400. BATH. National Florist, 1804 Farnam St. A DONAflHl'R. 23 Harney DnuglOOL FUNERAL DIRECTORS. . TAmXFALCONER Independent Undertaker. 24 Har. t. 217. K. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Directors. I 9 L. Fero. Mgr., 23d and Cuming Sta. Phone Douglas T7. Auto amoitianc. kULSB A RIEPEN,- undertakera and em- balmera. 701 8. th. Douglaa 123S. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker" ani embalmar, , 2614 Leavenworth. IX '1(2(. LOST FOUND REWARDS , OMAHA i COUNCIL BLUFFS SXltLLX - . RAILWAY COMP-ANY. -'Paraoas' bavins lost aon)t artlcl woold do well to call up tbe office of the Oman , 4 Council Bluffa Street RalluV company - to avcertala whether they left It In tbe ; atreet car. ,-- .. . Many article each day ' are turned In and the company la anxloua to reatore them to the rightful owner. LOST Wed. evening, Dec. 12, 117, black fur muff between A. V. Ktnster's, 2161 Farnam, : and Union depot. Return to Mr. Jamea T. Klnsler, till Jackson, 6L Fhon Har. ' 4712. Liberal reward. ' f IF YkU lore anything end will advertise It . ber you will surely recovet It If 4ound by an booeat person. If you find any- . thing of value i the hottest way i to ad vertise for the owner. . - LOST Between Ban ford Hotel and Com mercial High School- pocketbook contain -log watch,, keyaand money, Return Ban- fort Hotel. RewsrVlt.- ' i LOST Moonstone necklace, 1031, Reward.- Call Doug. FOR SALE MiMellaneout Furniture and Household Goods. V THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF FURNITURE. RUGS. STOVES, ETC Wur Surplua, Stock. liCST B. 'SOLD. REGARDLESS OF COST . Buv Now and Get First Choice. The choicest bom furniahlhg that money ' an buy. 'We cnake a specially of complete borne outfits.,' also- hotels and rooming kbouea. ' Railroad far 'rr to ay out-of-. .town buVer within 10 mile ot Omaha on - purcaaaee of 120 or mor. '- ' v STATE FURNITURE CO., . Tet Doug. 1317. Cor. lttb and Dode Sta.. .i f Omaba - -You Can S It for Lea at t But. OUR FURNITURE SALE. . Mahogany candlesttcke, tctr1e lamp. doofold. chair and table, cblffonlvra. , anltcaees. .bags and trunk, tsbln closeu ruga . t- -TUB LOTAtf FURNlTUttB CO- ' ' Itl N 1Mb St. - - - Douala 4177. ..huh ttt i I i'aiaf '" 1 1 k. 1 !. tnad from your own feather. iumm?r - mnsj winwr f uws vwi iwwm w' - than cotton r hair btO Pfcont for - I 1 Tu.Ia. tlm.m I A all - aillliypir ' (.? nnnn s -vuaita i"i UAHGAINS IN STOVES AND FUKNITUR . Beda. aprlnga. mattreases. bvddlag of all kinda, table, choirs, china and kitchen cabinets, rug a ad linoleum H3I-1I47 N tth St. Webatet 1607 Open till ( p. m. liXBH right down,, ad get you share of all kind af furniture at sacrii: M( N ltb Pianos and Musical Instruments. Electric pianola is-note. used i year - Exaellent condition. Bargain (or eaah. Bos 740 llartingten. Neb. Mr. R. T. Bente. Sewing Machines, SEVINCr MACHINES W rest, repair. k-II jieCie and parts of ai aewing machine. -' - MICKEL'b " '" ' - - NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. , 16th axd Hrzwy tits. iouf. 1662. For Saltj Miscellaneoeu Store and Office Futures. WE HAVE moved to new Jobation. Wa buy aell and make deeke, 'eafea. ahowcaaea. i ahclvlng ate. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., a W. Cor. 11th and Doug. Phone. P. 2724. , Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and Smith Premier typewrltea. Sent anywherr Rental auppllt on purcheee Remlngtoi Typewriter . company. Nineteenth and KouirlKi trrete. TVPEWRITKRS eold. rented and repaired, ' Rent an Oliver I month for 15. Central Typewriter Exohant,, 0 Farnam. y ' Guaranteed typewriter, 210 avl up. Writ for Met. Mioiann Typ. uo., im uoag. Nurseries, Seeds & Plants. FOR SALE 60 hot-bed aaahea. Call Wal nut 1833-1. ' Miscellaneous.' 140 REED baby buggy, good new, ueed on month, a bargain. Call Walnut 2402. SWAPPERS' COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME Trade thoao article of furniture, cloth ing,: personal belonging, etc , that you have no need of, pet aometblng you can ne. Special rate for ad In Swapper' column 2(0' for 2-llne adv. 2 daya and 2o per anewer formal I inter received. . Rualnee ads regular rate - WILL awap a Red Crow railway apedr. On Itooe peanut roaater on wheels On Steven Improved, 2-foot bowling alley.. Would prefer a cash register, ten pin. automatic- pin and ball return, -or what hve you? T. J. Cllmlno Zolouskt. Elba. Neb. WlL' - trade- Edison phonograph- with up- right born. and about 10 records for :12 Winchester rep. shotgun or automatic shotgun; mutt be In good shape as phono graph la nearly new. Boa T-368, Omaha Be. FILMS developed, 10c a roll, one-day aerv. Ice. Kaae Kodak Studio, Neville Bile.. 16th and Harney. WANTED TO BUY TlTMyTWC oyuare dl guaranteed jrilNlVilNO For your need suits. o'eoate, shoes, rugs, loola. trunks, or ault cares, I will call and ty best prices, Doujj, 263t; n Duug. S"32 DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and tt-aded J C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D 14. WAN,TEX TO BUT Car of corn, No. 4; price l.'o. b. American. For, utan. Aiptna Poultry' Aaaoelatlon.'R.' L. Ashby Sec, American Fork, Utah. WALNUT logs wanted suitable for gun- atocka in any ' quantities. Adareaa u. Warmot, Pawnee City, Neb. WANTED TO BUT fcr-ream Ublea and chairs. Olympia Candy Kltchenr 1611 Har. BOOKS bought. Kleaer. Loyal Hotel Bldg ANNOUNCEMENTS OLD Dutch line tfui'Oti and carbon. Tou try It before you buyIt from Hlatt, 1221 First Nat'L Bk. . Tyler 246. Accordeon and Pleating. ACCORDEC N. side, knife, st'nburel. bos pleating, covered buttons, all also and styles; h mstltchlng, plcot dglng. ey let cut work, buttonholes, pennant. IDEAL L'UTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300-10 Brawn Bldg. Bouglss IS6. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Buttona Co.. 1.14-7 Pnxfc.D Dlk. Douglas 210 - Baths. LaUELLK Bath Inatltutv; electrlo andplaln bath;maaagea of all kinds; expert at. ' tendanta. 1606 Harney. Douglaa 7041 MA8SEVfj:' hatha, manicuring! physical .ult Mlar Walker. 2?4 Neville Blk. Baggage and Express. tEPUULIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything foi you. Packagea ls than 20 lbs., 11 cent. Doug. 7412. THlTOHLYv ,WAY:o!a Bide THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Foundries, Paxton-Mltfiiell Co., 27th and Martha. Sta. Carpeni iters and Contractors. LkHSARU & 8)J. afi81 Cuming. Ty. I63S ( ' Cemeteries. . WESTLikWN fh cemetery ot thoughtfut atirvlce perpetual oare; no annual assess ments; easy Inalallments. In emergencies pnnne wsinm ea". . - '- - - - Chiropractors. r. J fc Lawreni e. Bslrd Bldg. D. 1461, Chiropodist. Carrie J. PurforU, 120 Pax tun Blk. R. 4117, Church Notices. MOUNT "Hi Plf SPIRITUAL CHURCH 231 a. litn, nav. .isiia v. tsmun, pastor, oerv kea Sunday and Tuesday evening at I Prlvat consultation dally.- Tyler 1314. ' Dancing Academy. rw T nvo School. Popular . Ballroom UV UUAC Dane, a Class Monday Eva. Ill B Hth. Phone Walnut 1037. Ill 8 LEARN to dance In 13 lesaona. Rate. 11.00, Keep txmoing Academy,- Douglas - 7110. I Drainage Contractors. TRACTOR drainage and trench work of. all t: Kind, w ar equipped to handle your drainage work at low cost, quick service, and courteous treatment. Lewis Bros., ' Drainage Contractors, Fremont, Neb. Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVE .ASSOCIATION,. (00 Klrat Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Tyler 2110. JAMES ALLAN, 113 Neville "Blk. Evldene cured Ir. all cases. Tyler 1121. KD. JOLLY, (13 Paxton. Red 113. Dressmaking. COMPETENT dressmaker wishes work , by the day. Harney 4611. TERRY Dressmaking Co., 10th and Farnam Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. (31 W. O. W. Bldg. DR. TEFFT. the well known Omaha den- tlt ha moved to - , 403 Brandela Bldg. - ' Taffe Dent. Hma,. 301 Rose Bldg. P. 1111. Fixtures anoVWiring. nTTPifM Electrlo weahlns machine, LU1V1V11M sieetrlc Iron nd reading lamp. 25S3 Cuming St. Doug. 211(. Harness and Leather Goods. - HARNESS, SADDLES AND TRU'SkS." W make them ourselve; sell them direct to consumer - Wry pay two profit (or. In ferior goods, when you ran get high grade goods at first cost ALFRED CORNISH Si CO, 1310 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. Historical Costumer. The largest stork of theatrical and masque i.u. v-i'aminrs ,n inr pnumry ivr rni vr aele. Theo. T.li'hen A Bon, 1114 Howard. Household Specialties. C P. ADAMS. 622 SUth. D. S007. Under , new manaem"iu. , vte, warn io a oia frirftd and meet new Open SaL evening Tour credit Is good. Agent wanted. - Insurance. l.VSLItANCIi- Ftre, tornado, autoraobllej C. A.. Ortmmal'.. 4( Omabn National Bank NATION'L AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO. (12-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2M( Jewelry. - '- UltlUJlUO privilege - to buy back at email protlt. OROsa. 40. N. 16th-St. LARS EN J.EWE1.RY STORE. 204 V, N litb St Phone Red 3627. lowest cash price. Lumber and Building Material. SAVE HALF on b-.-nW columns, brick.- H Ornea I.umher nd Wreck. Co Web. 14 Osteopaths.'- 0TEOrUTUY for rheumatism. ' tonsllltta la grippe, pneumonia, diseasea of women. young women auffering from anaemia. ' Chlorosis, Aymnorrhe Dr. Mabel -We- eon. 614 Bfandels Bldg ' Re, phone, H 4741; office. T 2(60 - ' -4- Mr,J R. Mustek, sulphur, ateem and euca ' lypt u be I he 4H2-3 Security Bldg. - Oxy-Acetylena Welding. ; Expert Welding of All Metal. H W LEVERING. 2i( SAtth St D 2571 Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and eold., INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., (13 Brandela BICy, Douglaa 10(t. 6TURGES A 8TURGES. U S. and foreign patent and trademarks 230 Be Bldg 4 Printing and Office Supplies. Water-Brnhrt 'Pig Co.. 124 & 13th St. Piano Tuning and Repairing. 10l( Expert tuning ami repairing Piano rebuilt and reflniahed. Estlmatea free. !'W. R, Dalhey. plsno tuner. Douglas , 1247 Plumbing and Heating. rOPP A CO.. l!l Vinton street PUmblng and heating: general repair work our specially. , Oil burner experts. Tyler lilt. Announcements i'ianos for Rent S3 10 per mo A. Hosp Co.. UI Douglaa RemovaL Dr, F. W. Boland. phys.. sur 411 Bea Bldg, Safes. Q A VV G BARGAINS, 1313 Farnam. Orir IjO j. j. Derlgbt Safe Co. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L.. 21 8. '20th. Tailor. D. 2421. Trusses. ' . "CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Expert. Th W. n. Claveisnd Co.. 14fO-12TIrny St Towel Supplies. Omh!Towol Supply 207 8 11th. P. 12" Voice Cuiture. Albert Haberatro Basso cantanti, teacher of singing,-technique end repertoire. Stu dio, 438 Securities Bldg. Tylr S467-J. Weddin; Stationery. WEDiOl.IG -announcements and printing. Douglaa Printing Co.. Tel. Douglaa 644. AUTOMOBILES ALT. kind of cars for hire, with or with out -driver, by Ue -mile or by tbe hour. Fords, lOo par mil. .Douglaa T290. Ne braska Service Oarage. ' - '' LARGE easortment to pick from. All late modela, from 1110 up .-- - . - - MEEK'S GARAGE, , (Omaha Garage) --Ath-A Harneyr ' -Tyler lit. Ol'ALITY USED CARS. , Btudebaker.WIion, lnc, . , W "have the beat bargains. See ue at one,' Harney '871 Ksrnam and 2&th Ave WANTED FOR SPOT CASH ' 100' USED CARS; quick action,- no delay; .Auto K. ' change Co., 2107 Farnam St. Doug. 0031. GUARANTEE TIRE AND "VULCANIZING CO.. all kinda of tire repairing and work guaranteed; Douglaa 7612. 1102 Douglaa St STANDARD MOTO! CO. - - Dead car aVid truck t bargain price. 2020 Farnam St. Carl Changatrom. - BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., - , lQth and Howard. Ford Agents. Dons. 2501. 1216 FORD Coupe, demountable rims. In fine condition: ijod. Anto Parts Co., il'JS Farnam St. - Douglas 45S0. - - - WE BUY, SELL, REPAIR FORDS Tell ft BlnKly, Doug. :M0. 2318 Harn? St. OAKLAND sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2200 ' Farnam St. ' t I - BARGAINS In used cars. . - , , , v ORB- MOTOR -SALES CO., 7 40th and Farnam, , Harney 414. MITCHELL roadster, just overhauled and food running condition 'f?60. ; Box 1240, Omaha Bee. ' t S A FEW 1111 Ford toarlng cire. On user 1(17 Ford toarlng. 4001 S. B4th SL So 4360. ' : ,'.'. - BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Ever rdy Battery Btaflon, 1206 Farnam. 1100 reward for auto or tractor magneto w can t repair. Baysdorfer, (10 N. lth. Auto Liver and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF lOo a mil. 35o per hour, minimum charge (Except Sunday and holiday.., . FORD LIVERY CO.. ' Douglaa 2122. 13.14 HowardNIt AutcBodies. NOW IS TH IVt 1 ME TO PAINT YOUR AUTO. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO St CAR. RIAGB WKS. 2521 Leavenworth. Ty. 701 vTires and Supplies. Boylan Auto Radiator Co. pepair a specialty. . Out-of-town work given prompt, attention. uuannteea Tire at H rric. Without Any Old Tlrea. 0zS ...27.70 22x2 H... 210.01 24x4... 112.00 20x2 H.... 12.60 21X4H... 116.20 23x4. . .113.21 Epeclal Discount to Dealer. Auto Part H Prlc. Second-Band Tlrea and Tub. Agenta Wanted. BOYLAN TIRE & RADIATOR CO. Phone D. 2114. 1114-11-11 Davenport St. TIRES AT HALF PRICE, ALL. SIZES. NEW, 20x2 Firestone. 18; Ford tubea.i.ll NEW, 10x3 Non-Skid Firestone. .. .213 KAIMAN'S TIRE SHOP, 1721 CUMING ST TIRE price wrecker. This is no 1 In 1 tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY.-' ' 423 R. ISth. Agr. wanted. Omaha.' Neb. "B1LT-NO" tlrea, guaranteed 3.(00 miles ve money. uicaoiaing sua reireaaing Auto and radiator repairing. OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRE AND AUTO WORKS, 1811-21 Cuming St. Tyler (17. SAVE 60 PER CENT ON YOUR TI8BS. O A OTIM and Vulcanising Co, -2411 Leavenworthi Tyler 1M1-W. '-.-' BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatia tire and - llmlnat your ttrev.t roubles. -Powell Sup- P'y tj-. 301 Farnam St. Starters and Generators Repaired We repair any storage battery,, guaran teeing earn for six month. OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO, 2213 Harr.ey St.- -. -.- Tyler 1314. T AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. lnvtrilna I a I Vwiiit unnvi a n id 216 S. ltth St kuoeaj (iniitiivui aa vw u a. fvui aavua.v Douglaa 1433. Auto Repairing and Painting. PHONE- HARNEY. 2(07' for auto repairing. DELAY sY BEAL, W. Farnam Garage: 2627 Farnam. -Now open. Give u a trial. EDWARDS, E. 8 2616 N. ltth St. Web eter 1103. For beat result with repair Work consult us. ; RADIATOR repair work, all work guaran teed. . Trawver Auto Co., 1(10 Farnam 8t Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y DAVIDSON . MOTORCYCLE nargsins in usea macninea. victor 11. Roos. ' he Motorcycle Man, 37th anal Leav enworth. FOR SALE Bicycle in good condltlonl van xougma evil aay ana tu D9V m the evenlngu. ; BUSINESS CHANCES ;. FOR SALE, no trade considered. A first :. claaa pool and billiard ball Including alt : tablea, aeate, Itneoleum, cigar- and, candy 'race, wall MCk and all fixture but not .the bulkllng -Located In a county seat town -of 8.000 population.- Doing 2121 .per wek buslnem, a fine location, cheap . rant. Price , $3,000., - Box (0. Crea ton, la. ' - . GOING OUT OF BUSINESS.- ' , . ' l I will cell at publii tale my foundry and t machine ahop, .,. real, eatate, power ma .' chlnery, -tools and stock, Sal bills will be aent on request ' , , , ' , ' y . OEOROE KCCERA. 1 ,; j 133 North Cedar St ' Grand Island, Neb. UEBK Is a abance for a party to get intoH f -business quickly.- Grocery store and meat . market for tale;' aa good' a location aa there la In Omaha; will sell for. cash or , part cash, balance on easy term If sold at one. For Information apply at 213 B. 14th St., Olander Studio. FOR' SALE No trad considered, a corn plete let- of abstract book. In a county aeat town of about 10,000 population. I doing a fin buslneas. Also oponlag tor a. good attorney., Price, (4,000. . Writ BLACKSM1VH 8HOP and -reeldnc for aaJe in a gooo oaunaer county, ixeo., rtonn ; .Otfly abop in town; plenty work all-year; good opportunity for a mechardo. Box Y MS,. Omaha Be.- -''--' rt I OOUU men's ulotlilpg, shoe stock-end tlx- ( ture for sale. In growing Nebraska town, - cash business, only, clothing store in town, rent reaaonaWe. No. trades. Good reason tar aeTllng. Care Box Y , Omaha Bee. Ml I.LINEKY , stock - and fixtures tor sale tn a'good prosperous-town. Terms reason able Muat aeU at once to work for gov - era men t. For particulars writ r to Bex T (43. Omaha Be tV'P ADD IVT TilU lliDITT tAD vW .vvcv- a.v nib iunivit.v,n ' country mixed scrap Iron. Writ tor -price. . A..B. ALPIRN. ,. - ' . i -' 7th and Douglaa Douglaa (434. FOR SALE Only drug store In good Neb. - town, near Omaha. ' Writ or phon D. W. Bell, proprietor, for parttculAra. .111 8. 55th Av., Omaha. Neb - , PARTNER .wanted In real etsat and lntur ' ance; have nice office; large lists of lands and ranches; no Investment, P. O, Box -"7(1. ... l- ..,,, WdVING PICTURE machine, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co.. 101 Nat I Bldg. GROCERY atore and meat market for sale: atock and fixtures new; a bargain at 13.000 cash. Duff Ave. Oroo., Amea. Ia. HOSPITAL la town of 3,000, to lease; good v, piece for two nurses. Broker Bow Hos pital, Broken Bow, Neb. ' MOTION picture machine (new and re built . theater supplied. Omaha llln ex change. 1 S. 14th St. j TIN ahop for sale. Good business. On ac count of going farming, Benson U7-J. BUSINESSES furntshed'and sold. All stale F. V. Kiil.it, Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. DOWD.SALH AST AUCTION . CO, 111 W. O. W Bldg Red 2261. - TO GET tn or out-et buainee call oa CANGESTAD, 241 Be Bldg. Doug. HW. BUSINESS CHANCES Rooming Houses. (-ROOM modern house, rooms rented; furnl tnr for al reasonable. Red B)47. PERSONAL THE Salvation my Industrial Horn o flcita your old nothing, furniture, maga line. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4121 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St OMAHA bath Inst Electric, steam or tub baths, massages of all kind. 223 Neville Blk. Doug. 7311 Kth and Harney Sta UECHANO Therapy massags ; for youi - health's sake. Miss Halran, 222 Neville Bk. Manicuring (Healer). and scalp treatment For appolntment'call Ty. 1018. 701 8. 34th HISS FISHER, aulphur, (team bathe and - massage. 27 Bran. Thea. Bide" D UK MAE BRUGMAN. acientiflo maaaeuse and -.hatha 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727 VAPOR kinda and tub baths Hassages of all Itm. ,3, 1606 Harney. Doug. 7046. tM MANUEL private maternity bom Best car. 2611 Bristol.' Webster 2(01. PRIVATE licensed maternity bom 4416 N 2th St. Phone Colfax .042. - - -' MINNIE NAGLE at LaDell Bath Institute. Jin- Han ey. Douglas 7046, BATH and massage. 1102 Farnam 6U room . 2 Phone Duals (7(1 SCIENTIFIC masaage. (12 Faxton block Phone Douglaa 6373. Dressmaking, Mis Sturdy. Douglaa 13(6. Manicuring and mas.. 1623 Farnam K 10 E. BROTT. massage. 703 6. 12th. D. 526 MISS WK8T msnlrure masesr 510 N I MEDICAL WHY 8UFFER7- . Latest and most aclanttflo treat--' m'ent for all diseases- Dr Charles ' . Barnes, 13-124 : Ros Bldg-Examination and consultation free. He la curing , thouianda . WHY NOT TOUT Delay ar dangerous. If you can't call, wVlt. Houfs: a. m. to I p. m.) 7:30 to (:30 venlng. ' Sunday by appointment. RUi'TURB aucceasfully treatd witholt a surgical eperatlon. Call or writ Dr Frank H. Wray. 301 Bee Bldg. SITUATION WANTED V .- . Male. RELIABLE colored man ' with ! referencea wanta position. Can drive any. kind of car and do some repair work: married. Tel. Poagla 7(33. 2(4yCumlng'Bt, BANKING, real estate ' or cler.cal position wanted by, xperiened young, man; best of reference. W. W. Moore. Pleasanton, la. ENGINEER and, fireman and repair man city references Web. 5040. want situation. PAINTING, Paperhangingand Decorating. -Lowest estlmatea given. Call H-6K8. JAPANESE wanta house .work. 4106-41 Dodge St. ' WANTED, by experienced mechanic a posi tion in snop or on truck. Colfax 2631. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wishes, work In store or traveling. Box 138, Omaha Bee. ishea and cinder hauling. !,. Dotaon. R. 7138. Female.. : YOUNG worhan with 2 small children want position aa hdusekeeper In home without children. Mrs. Phyllis ShleIds, Fullerton, Neb." - , . - FIRST-CLASS bookkeepea-ajid stenographer witn aeverai years experience, wanta po sition. , Call Harnoy 2441. POSITION aa housekeep4r or with small -.-.!... n ' - .... , -ui4s vwii wiiu - u-jrvmi-uiu boy; city references. Walnut 231. PL A II and fancy clothe Called tor and carefully delivered. laundered? Web. 4283. COLORED girl wahts work with child year old. Tel. Webster 1088. COLORED -woman wanta day work. Call after p. m. Webster 169(.' DAY or chamber maid worlt Web. 1867. DRESSMAKING, and alterations. Tyler (42. " Laundry and Day Work. 73! FIRST-CLASS colored laundress, With Cell D. 8712. BUNDLE washing and lace curtains nicely aone. Webster ivzt. Colored lady wants day work. Har. 6401. LAUNDRESS) Wants work. Exp.. Web. 3622. FOR a good woman for day work. W 6(73. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 2269. Colored woman wants day work. Web. 6(8, day wei nted. V Webst BUNDLE washing wa Webster- 13 WANTED Day work, iter 4631. LADY wsnts day work. Tyler 1(11. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE ANI FIRE. 'Advertise for "help" the asm way you advertise "to ell merchandise, and the difference In returns will surprise' you. The next .time you need, help call Tyler 1000, A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you tn 'preparing yeur advertisement - ' - ' ." WANTED Young single mau, not subject to draft, for bookkeeping In northeast Colorado bank;' town of 1,000 people; pre fer' one' who can , apeak some German. (No banking ' experience required). Also want male . iiteno, for western 'Iowa bank. (Previous experience not necessary). THE' CHARLES E. WALTERS COMPANY. 1434 First Natl Bank Bldg., OmahaA - WANTED By. large manufacturing estab- k llshraent in southeastern Nebraska, two Ilrst-clas stenographers, either' male or female; state wagea, wanted .and. give available references In reply: permanent positions to those who qualify. Box Y 360.' Omaha Bee. WANTED Ry. mall clerks, 176-11(0 month. O gratia examination, soon. Sample questions free. Franklin Inst. Dept 135 M. Rochester. BOOKKEEPER, splendid Omaha firm. 1100- no. , ; THE MARTI CO.. 1317 WwO. W. Bldg... BOOKKEEPERS, $100. (90, 186.' 76. WATTS REF. CO., 1T31 First NatUtnal Bank. BOOKKEEPER, elderly man, (11 TUB MARTI CO., 1817 W. O W, Bldg... Professions and 1 1 ades. x - WANTED- i. We can use a limited number of meji between 21 arid 40 years of age as i r , CONDUCTORS '- " . MOTORMEN. . ' ' Must be physically ' ' . sound, of good character ' " " '' , and .habits and come well 4 1 s . recommended,4 V' - ! . -' Apply ir person at of " ' .' fices of superintendent of, A ; transportation, Room 205," v second floor, Merchants r- ( NationaljBank-'Building. OMAHA &' COUNCIL -BLUFFS . - '.STREET RAILWAY. CO. : ! , t WANTED , r v-i . ;'". : ." ' .': ; .LABORERS! y'- WAGES 35C PER HOUR, e . , ',,, ' apply .-' . . , ; . . - " x ' ; ' WITH fcRSPOON-ENGLER CO., . t CHICAGO A N. W. ELEVATOR CO.,' COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA." FLOUR and FEED packers wanted; good 5ul. wages; S hours per day. Writ Or wire MANKY MILLING CO., Omaha. Neb. LEARN barber trade, low rates now Call or write Barber College, 1124 Doug Is 81 Salesmen and Solicitors. TRAVELING .salesman for national tnanj ' facturing organisation; Nebraska- terrt ' tory; established trade; prefer young man under 31, aggressive and. ambitious, with plqnty of .confidence; .will be sent back to factory In eat. for preparatory school ing; ealary (131 and expenses. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASyN WANTED Student . university or college, age 21 to J0wbo can devote short time - each day to handling Insurance for us among Pullman employee of Omaha d!s . trtct. Work not- difficult and remunera " tlve. Answer Box Y S71, Omaha Be. WANTED tihoe salvsnian to carry popular priced Itne ot work shoes tn middle weet ' aad western terrt torfea. Do' not apply unless you have a successful eelllng rec " ord. Addree P. U' smith, 4S1 Broad way, St Paul, Minn, x. HELP WAN JED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Two neat appearing young meni must be able to meet the public; 134.00 per week to start, to those who quality. Call 113 Balrd Bldg., 17f and Douglaa Sta., Omaha, before 10 a. m.; also after 1 p. m. Ask for salea manager. Trade Schools. BOTH men and women to learn tbe barber trade. Special rates. Call or write. 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BAK3LR COLLEGE. AUTOMOBILE4SCHOQL Learn In six weeks, flio books;, easy to learn; free catalogue.- Rational -Auto School. 2814 N. 20th St., wjmaha. Neb. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. ,'306( Farnant Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED cn lco field. Carter lake; take East Omaha atreet car; good meals, 20r. anfl Inrfa-lnr fre- bMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO. ATTENTION, farmers If you want help we can supply yoa. Bluff. City Employ ment Buresu, (16 H W. Broadway, P 431. LAB)RKRS.,for inaide In the city ; bo . of tic fee. Apply 323 8. 10th-St. -. ' ;. , . HELP WANTED Male and Female. ' MOLER Ba. ber College wanta yung men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call or write .for. free catalogue, 110 8. " l4tb tiU Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. .-. , STENOGR ' PHERS! ATTENTION! '. The demand tor stenographers baa been ao great that our supply la exhausted, ao we. have decided to place all stenographers who register this week' at .16 per cent of their first month's salary. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. . . . THE MARTI COMPANY, ' ' ' ' 1317-18 W. O. W. Bldg. ' " ' STENOGRAPHERS. 86, 176,. 365, (60, (0 Bookkeeper, (80, (76, (06. ' Typisu, (40 WATTS REF. COTT 'l138 First National Bank. 2 CLERKS, GOOD AT FIGX'RES 160 2 BOOKKEEPERS .176-180 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, 375. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'.N. Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company offers an exceptional opportunity to young lames to learn local and long-distance telephone operating. . Permanent positions, oppor tunities for advancement, good wage. A alary. la paid while learning. Parent desiring .to acquaint thsmselve with th working condition or. any other details are specially Invited to accompany the applicants. . Apply- to C" F. , Lambert, 1807 Douglas street. -c- - STENOGRAPHER: Vacancy In general of- flcee-iDf big corporation for competent woman stenographer. Must, have at least two years' experience, be able to take dic tation rapidly, tranjerioe notes correctly and turn out neat and attractive letters. 'An excellent opportunity for -a capable young woman. Pleasant working .condi tions; hours 1:30 to (. salary 217 weekly. Apply In writing, stating -briefly your ex-perlenc--nd - qualification. Addresa EFB, P. O. Box 1286, Omaha. WANTED Makers, Trim mers .and Apprentice ; Girls APPLY Spiesberger & Son Co., 1014 Farnu ... St ...... s . WANTED Glr!, colored preferred. THE -3MAHA PAPER STOCK CO., 18TH AND MARCY, DOUGE.AS loi. . . WANTED A lady masseuse at La Bell In stitute, 1(06 Harney St. LEAKN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St Household and Domestic. GOOD girl for general housework; no wash ing, 18 per week;-must give A-l refer ences. 'No other aed appy. iTelphone South 206. WANTED Middle aged white woman for housework; no washing or Ironing; three In family: no objection on child. Call Douglaa 272. ' : WANTED A. middle-aged white woman for housework; no washing, no Ironing; 3 in '" family; no objection to. one child. TeL Doug. 273-or Colfax 272. WANTED Experienced -wh!teN girl for gen eral housework. Wages (3 .. per weex. Mrs. Joseph P. O'Keefe. 41(0 Cass St Walnut 238.- - " WAITED Competent ; girl for general housework;? must be good cooky Mrs. J. j. Council' Bluffs, la. WANTED A housemaid or second girl, no ' cooking, 28 a week. Telephone Walnut - 626. Mrs, John L. Kennedy. WANTED Girl near Minna Lusa to assist with housework and 3 -children; go borne night.. .27 4 4. Titus Ave. WANTED A net young whit, girl to s , stst with -housework; -two In family. 1503 S, 3 2d Ave. Telephone Harney -717. .' EXPERIENCED maid for 'general house work, good wages. No washing, Harney 1891. 408 S.'40th St. WANTFD Experienced 000k; wagea 210, Mrs. M. G. Colpetzer, 402 South S8t St TOUNG girl for general housework; good home: srrtall family. 'Can Mar.- 5u. WANTED Competent white Igirl for house work; must be good cook. II. 2641. GOOD girl for light housework; dandy home for the right girt. Harney 2Z65. WANTED Majd for general housework. good wagea -Call South ED 5. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced arm' waitress. breska Restaurant. 31 R N. 16th St Ne- EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY-SCHOOL. . V NIGHT SCHOOL. 1 Every day t enrollment dy. Book keeping. horthand. stenotypy. typewrit Ing.' telegraphy. Civil service all commer - cial and English branches. Catalog free ; . BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1661. ltth nd Harney S' Van Alant ye boo I of Business. Day and Evening Scboola. 218 Omaha National Bank Bldg. . Pouglag 18(0 v ; ,-. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TO THE WOMEN. WHO HAVE , ROOMS TO RENT. ! Remember that the Weather -condition for the next few eks will probably not permit room, huntera making -an ex , .tended hunt for rooms. . Ther will ty . inside and watch th. want-ads If you wish your rec-m. rented, . phone -u J our , ad NOW. Tyler 1000, MODERN furnished rooroa at the Sunshine apartments, -equipped for Itfht bousekeep .' Ing;- bet and cold ,watr .For men-only . Low rat. . ; ' Office. 808 N 17th St ' LARGE Iront room, opposite Turner "pari; beautiful West, Farnam district walking district; excellent meals, ophqgal., Il a list Ave. - v- - . "' r LARGE comforubJe room lu private family In . Hanscom park district. Block to car line - Walking dletaace Tel Hart4l FOR RENT Lovely front- room la private family; walking dlsUnc for gentleman. Phone Harney 6407. - . - . - , STEAM-HEATEU rooms (2 wk.. atao api with kllcheneta. Ogden Hotel-Co. Bluffa 2008 St Mary'a Ave. Nice large, pleasant . hoated. fur. rm., suitable for 2 gentlemen 2417 . DODGE Newly furnished sleeping room, very best heal Call Dopgla-l. Housekeeping Rooms MOD turn rm. at 8unshine apt, equipped light hakpg Hot and cold water'lor men only Office Q( N.17th. r 20V1 St Mary'a ve. ! nice pleasant rooms, for light housekeeping, walking hitance Board and Rooms. FOR. working glrla and, room, quiet home, aplend students, warm : home cooking. cine in. . aaonable. Douglas 630. - Rooms Wanted. WANTED 2 or 2 nicely furnlahed rooms for light .housekeeping by .young couple with 3 little gtrl. - Must be In good ' tielrhberboed. -Dletance no object. Will 1 furnish best ot rcf. .. Box 1603, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FOR RENT Furnlahed Apt In Dundee, one block from car. Call Walnut 2026. ELEGANT, all modern furnished or unfurn ished apartment TeL Webster 4321. FOR" RENT HOUSES West 208 8. 41st HOT WATER PLANT, (S6.00. 201 Marcy-St, 7 rooms, mod.,(31.00. JOHN N. FRENZER DOUGLAS ES4. North. TO PROPERTY OWNERS. We have good prospective tenant for desirable residential property; north ot Cuming St Mitchell Inv.vCo.. office 24th and Ames Ave. Colfax 217. Miscellaneous. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RENT In the way of four, five or six-room mod ern, up-to-date apartments? Preference wlll be given to those In better districts of . the city. Want to deal direct with own era No agents. - TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1016 1103 PARK AVE., 8 rm.,...,..,....30.00 k 116 Park Ave., 7 rm 40.00 4011 Capitol Ave., 7 rmi,v ,45.00 'ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1636. 233 Securities Bldg. T' FOR RENT . Houses, cottages, and apartments. PORTER ti SHOTWELU 20 8. 17th St. Doug. 1012. Offlcea with Home Buldera. f I ROOMS 3014 Mason street modern. 230.00. 10 Rooms 1020 8. 30th Ave., mod.. 125. 10 Rooms 2412 Cass St, modern, 140.00. ' BENSON & MYERS CO., 434 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 746. (-ROOM, all modem house, close in, 146. JOHN J. MULV1HILL (Rnaltor), 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. 18. PAY your 'RENT only to , Shopen . & Co. Realtors .Doua ezza t FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. MOVE TO THE HAMILTON Fireproof. right down-town; plenty of heat; one to six rooms: .reasonable. D. 1472. North. 4 AND 6-room apts., new, ars now ready" la the Mple Court, steam, heated, all mod em, all,' outside rooms; winter rate, 230 to 836. 18th and Maple. - T.I. i. xeo-, ELEGANT 6 roomr upper St. Louie fla rlalM 3817 Cuming, opposite para, narney t 68. South. CHARMING (ocation; 6-room apt; by Feb. 1 til. -A f J SI. JTIK-'HUJ JT.4XI IICJF toiv Miscellaneous. SPECIALISTS in apartment house manage ment ' PETERS TRUST CO., Realtor. 1621 Farnam. Tyler 144, PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists tn Apartment management FOR RENT Business PrVty Stores. MODERN store and basement; 624 8. 16th St, Nebraska and Wyoming Investment Co., 322 Brandeia Theater Bldg.. Doug. R71 ' ' . . . MODERN store near poetoffice, for ient O. p. HtebOins. ltiiu tnicago. Office and Desk Rooms. OFFICES, (20 per month and up. FIRST PiA-i juAlj UAa jouiyv FIRST TRUST CO.,-Agts. Tyler 800. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY tS2Si FREE t ' Phone Douglas 288 for complete list o. vacant houses and apart ments. Also for atorage, moving. 16th and Jackson St. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO.' Expert services; prompt attention. Youi moving, jour packing, yonr storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Stort, 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7781. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing xand shipping. 4 OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.J (06 S. 16th. . ' Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. ror ,eai service in iiiuvius, iisviu,,-, au. storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. , Jf 'Dtr'L'TS Expresa Co. . J. SXCjUjU packing 1.6 Co., Moving .d Storage. 1207 "'amapr St. Web 3748 Doug 6 4. 11 ' ' ' '' ' 4 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North NEW 4 ROOMS . . .3 LOTS $2,600 $260 Down, $24.60 Monthly . Near 40th and Grand car Itne, almost V,' acre ot fine garden and poultry ground. Basement well arranged for Incubator cel lar; good well; wired for electricity. Buy this' nOw and prepare for spring. House faces eaat: lota slope to rear. "Call Wal - nut 2672 this evening and Tyler 60 during day and. ask tor Mr. Manvllle.. t-RCOM, ' strictly modern, large lot full basement,- paving alt paid, nicely d acc reted. , A .big harsati. at the price, 22.660 Located 2331 Ames Ave. Terms. , NORRIS A NORRIS. 400 Bee Building. Phone Dougli 4370. AK BUNGALOW. -' Five rooms, brand new, all modern, very attractive, price 33,lDOt -only small amount cash. .Balance Ilk rent. D. 8140. FOUR-RriOM. 'till modern but, heat. 6-room accommodations. New. Good location. 176 cash. Call Wal. 677. South. FIELD CLUB $4,500 ...-"...,-..'.'' , . Best buy In this high class section. - Beautiful stucco home, 6 rooms and sleep ing porch; .oak " floors; mahogany -and white enamel over birch. Tile bath, room, fireplace and In let-class condition; south front. See thia at once. , v GLOVER & SPAIN, '. (REALTORS) -- '.. 919 City Nat Bank Bldg. D. :163. 10-ROOM house, close In. strictly modern, In best of condition. Price 16,000, term to solt'' - Tel. Owner, Douglas 41 24. ' Miscellaneous. LET me show you my brand new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca-' tlon A -real bargain at 3.so0 Hea- . sonable terms.' Call )wner. Douglas 1732 W.'. FARNAM SMITH A CO, . . Kca 1820 Far Real Estate and Insurance., nam St Doug ' 10(4.- WE HANDLE real etsUte. Why not yours? INTER-STATE REALTY CO., (1S-14 City, Nat: Doug. 28 1 (. . HOUSES . . ', V IN ALL PARTS OK THE CITY.' " CREIOII SONS A CO.. BEM BLDG. , R R. TRUMBULL 201 iat' Nat'I ak. Bid;. Doug. 1724. RE L ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty M CAOUE INVESTMENT .CO.,. . Ir-me, Business ahd Trackage Specialist, and Dodge Bts.- - Douglas 416. vii;,nj-., A lmhertv. . - T Oltv Real Estate. ' Dongtas 1571 . 322 Brandels Theater. H A. WOLF. Realtor. War Blk Specialist In- downtown buHlnesa property REAL,' EST ATE Other Citie FOR SALE . OR ' EXCHANGE--Desirable residence property, .Cedar Rapids. -la.; . equity; a bargain; or will exchange for vacant Omaha v lota up tq, (1,400. 36463 Bee. " ' 'V - . REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT FARM We have pr ' brick busrne block almost new. tu center of Omaha's big busi ness, net Income under Jeas 35.000 per year. Owner wanta good central Nebraska farm. - ... S. S. & R. E.- Montgomery 211 nty National. WANTED TO BUY House; must be mod ern throughout; about 31.000. Describe fully, giving location, telephone number and price. Box 1413, Bee. WE HaV aeverai good relilble buyer foi. 1 and 6-roota houatt and bungalow with - 1300 to 1600 down. Call Oaborn Realty . Co-.Tyler, 1. .701 Om. Nat Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Florence. . SMALL ACRE TRACTS In Florence. Only 1 block east of car line. Consisting of four east front lots 66x122 feet each, or four-fifth of an acre. Improvements consist of 1-room cottage. Good place for gardening. Price 13.750. All clear. Reasonable terms. Can tub divide. GEORGE CO., Fhoneouglas 756. Acreage. ' ACREAGE FOR CITY PROPERTY We have a client 'that has 4 acres, lo cated In the northwestern part of the city; good barn, chicken house, 7-room house, all fenced woven wlre-tightr' about lOOt-berry trees, a few apple, trees. Would consider trading for a piece ot city prop erty, not too large and not too old; . 3 blocks from itr line and paved street. Great opportunity, where you can make your 'own living. Price ot this property, 34,000 for quick eale. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 637 Om ha National Bank BdR. IX 17M. ACREAGE BARGAIN Consists of 2 acres with 7-roojn stone house, 4 rooms on first floor and 3 on -second. All fenced, woven wire, tight chicken house and other outbuildings. Lo cated on the Fort Crook road, right on the boulevard. Priced at 34,500. 31,000 dovn, balance monthly. If you are looking for' a good home aa well aa acreage, don't miss It. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 637 Omaha Nat'! Bmk Bldg. D. 1781. FIVE- very fine garden lots, close to car line, close to school Just outside the city limits, where you do not have to pay city taxe; an. Ideal place to raise plgawpoultry of garden: the owner has moved to Cali fornia and says sell at once: price 192 - each: terms, 60c a week on each lot Call Walnut 3466 toa ln tlie gvenlngv REAL ESTATE Unimproved Miscellaneous. LARGE garden lots near car litye, paved street. 1125 to 2195. (1 dows. Doug. 6074. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6. BH and Per Cent J. BVPUMONT CO., Keeline Bldg. i and per cent mortgage ivcueed by Omaha residence or Nebraska farms. E.H. LOUGEE, INC.. 633 Keellne Bldg. . cor. . MONEY V. IO HARRISON & MORTON. ' (1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. H. W BINDER. Money on band for mortgage loan. City National Bank, Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 1 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account OMAHA LOAN A BLDG ASSOCIATltr. 11,600 MTGE., bearing 6 pctf semi-annually; secured by mortgage valued at 15,500.. L Talmage-Loomla Inv, Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat'I Bank Bldg. Doug. 2715. 1100 to 110.000 ' MADE promptly i1 IX Wesd. Wead Bldg.. lEth Mid Fart.m Sts. NO DELAY IN CIlOSING- LOAaii W. T. GRAHAM, 04 Be BIdg.vJ city. Garvin Bros.. LOANS Om. ?Nat Bk. Bldg. MCNEY to loan on Improved farms and ranehe. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. LOW RATES C O. CARLBEBG. 212 Bran del Theater Bldg. D 68. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY W H THOMAS A SON. Keellne Bldg. Financial Wanted. WANT to borrow from private party 11,200 . as first mortgage; land value 36,000. Box 1437.' Omaha Bee. y FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. FEBRUARY 5 T Our next exourston to anr famous J5elta lands at McGehee, Araansaa. Call or 0.f, W, S. FRANK, 201 Neville Blk.. Om-Vs. Colorado Lands. ATTENTION! STOCKMEN! RANCHERS. - 340 head high grade Hereford (t, 320 acres deeded land, 4,000 acres leased, eastern Colorado; all fenced, plenty water, fine Improvements; 12 head horses, 33,O0o worth of bay, chickens, hogs. Implement, furniture, etc Everything included In bargain price of 233,000. For particulars address Box 1418, Omaha Bea. 320-ACRE8 (Lincoln County, Colorado) farm; small .Improvements; 80 cultivated; choice land. Possession March -t-r-115 per acre.; Bargain. John L. Mauror, Omaha, Neb. WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county. Colorado; 112.60 to 118 per acre. We control 25 choice quarters. 8end tor booklet Kloke Investment- Co.. Oman. Iowa Lands. 160 ACRES Improved, 1M, mijes froin flaple ton, la. Price, 120.000. Terms. 112.000 aown. balance 5 years, 6 per cent; 6 per cent f If full payment In cash Is mad. ( Mrs. J. H. Stewart. P.. O. Box 816, ScotU bluff. Neb. Nebraska Lands. 1,920-ACRE Thomas Co. ranch must bo -sold in 30 days. Half valley, cut 1,000 tons hay, 2 sets imprs., 1H miles R. R. loading sta. 6.75 cash. Mortgage 15,000, due March 1922. Seward Bros., 678 Brandeis. Bldg. Doug. 3840.. - - . - - FOR SALS Best large body high-grade, medium-priced land ln Nebraska. Very little money required. C Bradley. Wol- bach. Neb. ' - 20 ACRES, nearly level. Improved, between Oakland and West Point. Neb., at only 3190 on ey terms. C. A. Kull. Oakland. Neb' '- er 1 " WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. 250 per a.. Including paid-up water right Henry Levi ACM Rylandrr. 354 Omaha Nat'I. RANCHES f all sisrs and CJiids, ea) term. A A. Pat-man. Sol Karbach Bill. LIST your lands for quick result with C I Cion III Mrrsruf Bldg Omen ' New- York Lands? 428 ACRES, H mile from v'llagc. etoro, ' blacksmith shop, church, sawmill; grist mill, cheese factory, 4 from station; 30 trim Buffalo, population , 600,000. . Good 11-room bouse, eplendld gambrel' roof barn. 42 by 120, litter carrier, fine pig gery and hennery. eplndld waitr r pply. 150 acres tillable. 100 acres Umber, bal ance good pasture; 100 apple trees. In cluding 68 bead of Holstem cattle, horse, sow. 1 pig, about 600 bu. oats,, about 130 tons hay,- disk harnpw. Hind roller, grain drill. - apringtooth rows, sulky culti vator, plow, aurrey, manure spreader, horse rake, gag engine. - cream sepa ator. mewing machine, gra4n reaper, corn har vester,"1" ay tedder, wagon, sleighs, small todls. Price 312-000; 13 000 cash; 5 -per cent Interest Free list bargains, Ellis Broe.,-Srjrlnrvill, N. Tj". Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS 15 down, 15 monthly . buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land. ' near town, southern Missouri. Price only - (2.0. Address Box 283Springfield. Mo. Oregon Lands A NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of tho range.. Get oti the ground floor with 60 acres irrigated land tn connection with open range. You can grow'stock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted -excursion every twj wcrkWr Send for bul- letln. ' Harley J. Hooker, 940 1st National Bank Bids.' Miscellaneous. HOICK FAR. NIIIhsc.:.. 423 Ro Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED x - FARMS WANTED ' Don't list your farm with us tf loa . want to keep It. E. P SNOWDEN A SON. 422 S. 16th Douglas (371. WANTED To buy 160 acrea second bottom or . table land, priced right. In eastern -Neb. for March 18. - C J. ChriBtensen, Genoa, Neb., R. 3. POULTRY AND PET STOCK PIGEONS. 1V.00 wantrrf K & Elliott. 76vO Independence v;.. Kansas City. Mo. That extra room will pay your coal bill. Rent it through a Bee Want Ad. i .' .- , . " . ' i 1 I I 'II