3 A Sunday, January 27, 1918. . STORE HOURS: 9 A. M. TO S P. M. BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY. STORE HOURS! A. M. TO S P. M. Phone Douglas 137. Burgess-Nash Announce for Monday Their Semi-Annual An Extraordinary One -Day Event That Will Surpass All Sales of Previous Seasons THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 27. 1918 in M NAN 'OMEN'S Winter Coats, at Exactly J Off That's the way we offer our stock of women's winter coats, although the size and style assort ments are badly broken, there's no doubt but you can find the coat to suit your fancy and at the same time benefit by a saving of exactly a third off the regular price. WOMEN'S Tailored Suits Reduced Fully Every winter suit, regardless of what the former or regular price may have been, goes into this January clearaway at exactly one-third less than the regular price. The suits are very de sirable for immediate as well as early spring wear, and represent rare values. 0 jUR Entire Stock of Furs, Reduced to Price Fur coats, fur scarfs, stoles and muffs the entire stock has been cut exactly in half in price to insure a quick and decisive clearaway. W rOMEN'S Skirts, at Frac tion of Reg. Price, $1.95 There is but a limited quantity, but the values are simply sensational, and we advise early selec tion as we know they will not last long at this price. Serges, poplins and plaids. Sale price, $1.95. 0' iDD Lots of Women's Wool Sweaters, Less Than J All broken assortments of women's and misses' wool sweaters and that, by the way, is practic ally our entire stock, have been reduced to less than half the original price. Four big groups at $3.45, $5.95, $7.95 and $12.50. STOCK of Baby Bonnets, Re duced to h Price Bonnets for little folks to 3 years of age, made in a remarkably wide variety of styles of crepe de chine, poplins, bengaline and corduroy, either plain or with trimmings of ribbon, laces, em broidery and fur. The colors are light blue, pink and dark street shades, as well as white. If baby needs a new bonnet, this is your oppor tunity to get a pretty new head dress and save fully one-half the original price. Burgess-Nath Co. Second Floor iDD Lot of Men's Night Robes at 79c Soiled and mussed, but good quality. In fact, a job lot which nicludes every style and kind that a large factory makes. Special at 79c. B ROKEN Line of Men's Union Suits, at 89c Sample union suits; not all sizes, but if we have your size, you'll share in the most extreme values. Athletic and knitted kind at 89c. s MALL Lot of Men's Fabric Gloves at 50c Men's fabric gloves, small sizes only, mostly brown color. Very specially priced to close at 50c a pair. BROKEN Assortments of Men's Neckwear, 33c Good full shapes, with satin slip-easy bands. Wide assortment of styles and patterns. A clearaway of the higher priced lot at jjftc iDD Lots of Men s Shirts, At 95c Including neck band, soft and stiff cuffs, col lar attached and soft cuffs. Big line of colorings and patterns from which to make your selec tions, at 95c. Burgeti-Naih Co. Main Floor W REMNANT SALE IN R' EMNANTS of Muslins at Greatly Reduced Price Every short piece of muslin, tubings, sheet ings, casings, madras, etc., greatly reduced in price for a quick disposal. 0' iDD Pieces of Fancy Linens Reduced to 39c All broken linens and odd pieces of fancy linens, some are soiled and some are damaged, but every one is a wonderful value. The lot in cludes scarfs and centerpieces, lace trimmed and embroidered, at 39c 0 iDD Lots of Bed Spreads, I Under Regular Price Odd bed spreads, scalloped and trimmed, only a limited quantity that were soiled during our January Sale, at one-fourth regular price. M1 ILL Ends and Remnants of Wash Goods A collection of short lengths, which have ac cumulated during the past several months. M1 ILL-END Lengths of Mercerized Prints, 1 lie Come in lengths up to 10 yards, in pretty plaids and stripes, for Monday's selling, 11 c. M1 ILL-END Lengths of Poplins, 151c Yard Pink, lavender, light blue, also mill ends of sateens in this lot, for Monday, 15c a yard. 30 INCH Serge Dress Goods at 141c Yard White, red, navy, green and plain colors. Your choice Monday, 15c a yard. rpHE doors will be opened at 9:00 sharp and our en tire force of salespeople will be ready and in their places to serve you. Don't let anything keep you away Monday come, rain or shine, snow or blow set your alarm clock for an early breakfast, and recollect it's the early comers who will find the choicest bargains. No Mail or Phone Orders Accepted. No Goods Credited or Exchanged on Remnant Sale Goods. Thousands of Yards of Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, White Goods, Muslins, Etc., at But a Fraction of the Regular Price Short lengths of the choicest materials. Remnants that are of but little value to us we must get rid of them and do it quickly. These prices show how we do it. D EMNANT Sale of Women's Shose, $3.35 Pair Remnant lines of women's dull calf and kid shoes. Sizes 2M to 5. Less than one-fourth the former price, at $3.35 a pair. Women's Shoes at $3.25 Remnant lines of women's patent colt, cloth and kid top button and lace, at less than one fourth the former price, $3.25 a pair. Women's Skating Boots, $4.45 Women's skating boots, tan, black, pearl gray, $5.45 and $4.45. Women's Dress Boots, $4.15 Remnant lines of women's patent dress boots, cloth top, button, thin soles, greatly reduced to $4.15 a pair. Women's Boots at $4.95 Remnant lines of women's kid lace boots, with cloth tops, light welt soles, reduced to $4.95 a pair. Women's Slippers, at $3.65 Remnant lines of women's party slippers, black and white satin, beaded vamp, black kid opera and strap slippers, bronze kid, five bar slippers reduced to $3.65 a pair. Burfeas-Naih Co. Second Floor CHILDREN'S Sweater Sets Reduced to Price To effect a quick clearaway, we have reduced every sweater set for little tots, consisting of sweater coat, cap and leggings in dark colors to exactly one-half the original price. TVX MADE" White Uni form Dresses, $1.50 For maids, nurses and governesses, made of a splendid quality white material, especially desir able for such dresses. The dresses are slightly soiled, but are otherwise perfect, and are very unusual values at the reduced price, $1.50. Burgeas-Naih Co. Second Floor 0 DD Lots of Novelty Jewelry at 29c Including: Novelty Fob in roman or green gold finish; Plain or Fancy Hair Pins, casque combs, barrettes and side combs; also back combs with heavy rolled edge. Vanity Punes, in nickle silver. Gold Filled Ring set with brilliants and various colored stones. Novelty Ring, with jet and cameo settings. Velvet Neck Band with rhinestone clasps and slides. Men's gold-filled waldemar chains, all at choice for 29c. Burgeis-Nuh Co. Main Floor Q-INCH Fleeced Percales OO atl5cYard Suitable for house dresses, children's school dresses, etc. For Monday, 15 Jac SHORT Lines of Women's Shoes, at $1.45 Pair Remnant lines of women's high shoes, in pat ent, kid and gun metal sizes 2, 3, 3J, for $1.45. Children's Shoes, at $1.95 Remnant lines of children's and misses' dress and school shoes, gun metal and tan Russian calf, at $1.95. Infants' Shoes, at $1.19 Remnant lines of infants' and child's shoes, cloth and kid tops, reduced to $1.19 a pair. Boys' Shoes, at $2.95 Remnant lines of boys' calfskin shoes reduced to $2.95 a pair. Women's House Slippers, 79c Remnant lines of women's felt house slippers reduced to 79c a pair. Girls' Felt Slippers, 69c Remnant lines girls' red felt juilet slippers re duced to 79c a pair. Women's Rubbers, at 39c Remnant lots of women's rubbers reduced to 39c a pair. 0) S) UK ned for a wonderful response to y 4 this announcement as the buying Q6tut0i44-SfCl&j puunc icaiiz.es mat time are the values REMNANTS of Silks, at 98c and $1.29 Yard Monday we will place on sale every remnant of silk left from this season's selling, regardless of the former selling price, in widths from 36 to 42 inches, lengths from one-half yard to five yards in a piece. Plain colors, stripes, plaids and fig ured patterns, including all colors and black, in the following weaves: Plain Taffeta Silks Check TaffeUi Satin Plaid Taffeta and Plain Messalines Plain Crepe de Chine Plain Canton Crepes Plain Dress Satins Plain Lining Satins Plain Silk Poplins Plain Natural Pongees Plain Black Satin Plain Black Messaline Stripe Taffeta and and Satin Figured Natural Pon gee Flowered Kimono Silks Stripe Wash Silks Japanese Kimono Silks Fancy Lining Silks Plain Black Taffeta Satin Burfeai-Nuh Co. Main Floor REMNANTS of Dress Goods, at 45c a Yard Short lengths of wool dress goods, 36 to 40 inches wide, in checks, plaids and fancy weaves, lengths from 1 to 5 yards. Sale price Monday, 45c a yard. REMNANTS of Dress Goods, Monday, 89c a Yard 36 to 50 inches wide, short lengths of wool dress goods, in plain and nifty weaves. Lengths from 1 to 5 yards. Desirable for waists, skirts and dresses. Sale price 89c a yard. Burf e-Nih Co. Main Floor 0' X)D Lots of Linen Tray Cloths, at 39c Pure Irish linen damask tray cloths, 18x27 inches, limited quality at sale price, 39c each. SMALL Lot of Lunch Cloths, to Close at 89c 36-inch round scalloped lunch cloths, of fig ured damask, pure linen, less that original cost Sale price 89e each. BROKEN Assortment of Lunch Napkins, $4.95 Lunch napkins, size 14x1 4-inch, scalloped edge, figured satin damask, pure Irish linen, sale price $4.95 a dozen. SMALL Lot of Fancy Linens, Offered at i Price Fancy linen pieces, including scarfs and lunch cloths, some slightly soiled, for a quick clear away, reduced to one-half price. Burf efs-Nath Co. Main Floor TI L OT of Remnant Factory Ends Wash Goods, at 5c Consisting of percales, ginghams, etc., in lengths from one-half to five yards, 5c. H ALF Pairs of Curtains, Reduced to 50c Each Lace curtains, in half pairs, 2 yards long, used as samples, slightly Boiled, reduced to 50c each. 0 DD Pieces of Voile Reduced to 20c a Yard Linen voiles, 36 inches wide, with drawn work borders, suitable for bedroom curtains. Sale price, 20e a yard. EVERY Velvet Trimmed Hat, Reduced to 19c Every winter hat in the Down Stairs Millinery Section made of velvet radically reduced to close at 19c. FANCY Flowers, Feathers and Ornaments, at 5c Entire assortment of fancy flowers, feathers and ornaments, used for trimming, reduced to close, at 5c. lUf " EVERYBODY STORE" EVERY section in the store has contributed to the great Semi-Annual Clearaway occasion and thou sands upon thousands of articles will go -at a mere frac tion of their real worth. We anticipate and have plan- at uu outer j so great. V FANCY Drapery Nets, at a Fraction of Regular Price, $1 Fancy drapery nets, known as Levee nets, in a big selection of beautiful designs, excellent quality and some are slightly soiled. Reduced to but a fraction of regular price, at $1.00 a yard. Figured Nets, at 29c Figured nets, 36 and 40 inches wide, square mesh, small figured designs, white and cream colors. Specially reduced to 29e a yard. Imported Grenadines, at 50c Small lot of imported grenadiers, 40 and 72 inches wide, dot and all-over patterns, fine and thin, slightly soiled on edges. Reduced to 50c a yard. 0 DD Pieces of Cretonnes Re duced to 25c and 39c An accumulation of cretonnes for draperies, fancy work, knitting bags, etc. Wide selection of patterns and colors. Specially reduced to 25c and 39c a yard. Burgess-Nuli Co. Third Floor. BROKEN Lots of Leather Goods, 10c, 19c, 39c, 50c. Here's a clearaway of leather goods of more than ordinary importance. Odd pieces and some of them are mussed or slightly damaged from display. Included you find: Jewel Boxes Sewing Kits Brush Sets Purses Music Rolls Game Sets Hand Bags Card Boxes Bill Folds, Memo Books Beaded Bags Etc., Etc. Burgess-Nub Co. Main Floor O' iDD Lots of Women's Hos iery Reduced to 25c A big group of women's black cotton or silk lisle hose, seamless, all sizes in the assortment. Sale price, 25c. BROKEN Assortment of Boys' Union Suits, 50c Boys' cotton union suits, broken assortment of sizes, knee length, short sleeves and athletic style. Sale price Monday, 50c BROKEN Sizes of Women's Silk Gloves at 60c Pair The assortment consists of manufacturers' samples and odd lots, including double tip silk gloves, chamoisette and leatherette gloves. A splendid opportunity. Anticipate your wish for spring and summer at a big saving. 60c a pair. Burgass-Nuh Co. Mala Floor DOWN STAIRS STOR 0 DD Lots of Underwear, Reduced to 39c Women's Swiss ribbed, low neck and sleeve less cotton union suits, knee length. Women's cotton union suits, with low neck and sleeveless, lace trimmed. Boys' union suits of nainsook, athletic style. Boys' open mesh cotton union suits. Sale price, 39c W OMEN'S and Children's Cotton Hose, at 10c Odd lots of women's and children's cotton hose, specially reduced for Monday, at 10c a pair. CHILDREN'S Work Dresses and Aprons, at 39c For ages 2 to 6 years, made of ginghams and percales, in a variety of styles. Specially re duced for Monday to 39e. CHILDREN'S Scarfs and Caps, Reduced to 25c Big selection of children's knitted scarfs and caps, in a variety of colorings and styles. Spe cially reduced for Monday to 25c. MfM. D EMNANTS of Flouncing! and Allover Embroideries 39c Desirable lengths of embroidered flouncings and all-over, 18, 27 and 36 inches wide, pretty assortment of designs, reduced to 39c a yard. Embroidery Flouncings, 25c 12 to 18-inch embroidery flouncings and gal loons, 4 to 6 inches wide, exceptional values, at 25c a yard. Embroideries, at 15c Lengths of embroidery edges and insertions, S to 6 inches wide, very fine nainsook and cambric reduced to 15c a yard. REMNANT Lots of Lace Edges, at 5c Val laces, edges and insertions, to IK inches wide, good assortment of designs, 5 a yard. Burgees-Nub CavMaia Floor D EMNANT Prices on Notions For Monday 400-yard spool of basting thread, at Be spool. Machine thread, special at 2 He a spool. Silk thread, all fast colors, at 3e spool. Snap fasteners, special at 5c a dosen. Pins, 400 to paper, special at Be. Safety pins, all sizes, 3 cards 10. Burgess-Nub Co. Main floor 0 DD Lots of Traveling Bags Reduced to $4.95 Genuine cowhide bags, black walrus, grain finish, 16 to 18-inch style, specially priced at $4.95. Cowhide Suit Cases, $10.00 Odd lot of genuine cowhide suitcases, with strong handles, two heavy straps and double1 riveted leather corners, at $10.00. Hard Fiber Trunks, at $13.00 With full slatless, three-ply body, cased and bound with hard fiber, deep hat box and covered tray. Reduced to $13.00. Burgess-Nash Co. ThlrW Floor. P EMNANTS of White Goods. At Greatly Reduced Prices Monday we offer a big accumulation of all kinds of white goods, including longcloths, nain sook, batistes, India linons, voiles, poplins, gab ardines, piques and fancy weaves, at but a frac tion of their regular price. Burgess-Nash Co.- Main Floor B OYS' Hats Reduced to 25c and 50c With turn-down inside ear bands, the mate rials are velvets, corduroy, chinchilla and wool mixtures. Plain and fancy materials. B OYS' Mackinaws Reduced to $3.95 and $4.95 Every coat has been subjected to a substantial reduction blues, greens, browns and fancy mix tures at the reduced price of $4-95 and $3.95. B OYS' Caps Reduced to 25c and 50c Two big groups of boys caps, with fur or plush inbands that pull down and fit snug over the ears and forehead. Plain blue serge Scotch plaids, checks and fancy mixtures, reduced to 25c and 50c. Burgess-Nash Co -Fourth Floor 0 DD Lots of Table Glass ware at 10c Including sherbets, tumblers, parfaits, soda glasses, ice tea glasses, goblets, etc. Thin blown, with etched or cut patterns, at 10c each. O DD Lots of Aluminum Ware Specially Reduced Aluminum sauce pans reduced to SOc. Aluminum sauce pans reduced to 69e. Aluminum pans with wood handles reduced to 69c. Aluminum Berlin kettles, large size, reduced to $2.25. Aluminum perculators reduced to $1.95. Men's Jersey Gloves, at 17c Good looking, gray color, a dressy, perfect fit ting glove that will stand quite a little wear, price 17c Men's Jersey Sweaters, 98c Blue, maroon and khaki color, fine grade worsted yarn, price 98c. Men's Suspenders, at 19c That came in fancy boxes for Holiday selling, have been removed from the boxes and all prices thrown in one lot. A very extreme value at 19e. Men's Wool Hose, 33 Vic Oxford gray, a clearaway of all "odd lots, samples, seconds. Price 33 c. Men's Initialed Handkerchiefs, 6c Soiled and shop-worn, good quality, hem stitched, not all letters. Those we have are a real bargain. Price, 6c. Men's Hose, 12 c Every pair reduced for this sale, double heel, toe and sole, excellent wearing, some silk lisle included. Price, 2Yc.