Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1918, Want Ads, Image 28
FARM AND RANCH LANDS Miscellaneous. 335-Acre Ohio Farm $14000 With Limestone Alfalfa Soil 140 acre In 1 1 litre, wire-fenced, spring watered, blue grass pssture for 75 cattle and ( horses; catlmated 100,000 ft. oak timber; 100 apple trees, also pears, plums, peaches, cherries, crapes and mspls sugar bush; mala dwelling hs 1 nice rooms; tenant house; 2 food basement barns, silo, granary, corner lb, tool house, i poul try houses. Owner left alone, makes quick sals pries less than t2 an acre; easy terms arranged. For traveling direc tions to see this money-maker see page ' 11 of Etrout's Catalogue of 111 bargains In a dozen states, ropy mailed free. E A, Strout Farm Agency, Dept. 1073, 105 S. 18th Bt., Omaha, Neb. SFkFORE buying or selling a farm read 'Farm Loans and City Bonds." Hartford Wdg., Chicago, foe a copy, I! a year. CHOlfB FAR V ' Nlllssnn. 421 Ro Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED Don't list your farm with us If you want to Keep it. E. P. 8NOWDEN ft SON. il 8. Uth, Douglas 371. .VaNTED To buy 110 acres second botto V or table land, priced right. In eastern Neb. for March II. C. J. Chrlstensen, ;enoa, Neb., R. I. EXPERIENCKD farmer wants to lesse fully equipped farm on shares; 1(0 acres or less. E. E. Harbert, 1413 Gaty Ave, East 1M. IXtUIS, J II. HAVE buyer for 120 to 140. acre farm lm proved, within 10 miles of Omaha; must Be on good road. ( Hastings AHeyden, UK Harney gt. AUTOMOBILES AUTO EXCHANGE CO., BARGAINS Satisfaction Guaranteed Every Customer W do honestly and sincerely endeavor . to live up to this motto. We guarantee the mechanical condl tlon of every car In this ad. This does not necessarily mean that we have overhauled (very ear, but It does mean that we have overhauled every car mat neeaea it. - Every car has been reflnlehed through out. Including new tops where necessary. Ford roadster, good running order, .114 5 Ford touring , 150 Ford touring, 111 J It Three Ford roadsters, 111 125 Five Ford tourings, 11 ISO Four Ford tourings, HIT 125 Ford couRelet, 1917, lota of extras.. 471 Hudson coupe, newly painted 450 Mets touring, like new ............. 225 Studebaker touring, newly painted .. 450 Cadlllao touring, good running order 500 Chalmers Master Six, newly painted, 460 Bulck "17", good running order.... 450 Apperson touring, like new ........ 160 Chalmers touring 160 Oakland "10" touring, newly painted. 150 New hand horns, 11.60 each. New spot lights, 14.00 each. If you are dissatisfied with your old car trad it In and get on you can us. ' Make small payments each month; w tor It for you until you want It . Open Sunday and evenings, AUTO EXCHANGE CO., Douglas (011. " 1107 Farnam Street. ATTENTION GARAGE MEN! W will soon b In position to supply you with all kinds of AUTO PARTS At II to ISo en th dollar; save us your rder. , AUTO EXCHANGE CO., Douglas (Oil. HOT Farnam Street AUTO PARTS CO. We carry the Stock and Make the Price. CARS FROM 1100 AND . UP. 1117 Ford touring 360 1117 Ford roadstsr, nsw tires 100 1U Ford roadster, new wheels and tires ,.. 100 ltll Ford chassis, new tire 100 HIS Ford coupe, demountable rim. 160 1114 Ford touring, a good on ...... 100 1114 Ford truck 160 117 Overland 400 1117 Maxwell touring 115 1011 Velio, car looks Ilk new 100 ltll Mitchell, good tire and la per. feet shape , 110, 1014 Henderson, starter and light .. 160 1(14 Molina, starter and lights 110 1114 Mets roadster 71 1017 Chevrolet 171 AU th above ears are in perfect condi tion, and are on our floor ready for Immediate delivery. Any on of these cars will demonstrated to your entire satisfac tion and will b sold with a money back guarantee. . Com In and look them over. Parts and accessories for more than a hundred makes of cars at lOo on th dol lar. ' - AUTO PARTS CO., 1101 Farnam St. Douglas 46(0. BETTER BARGAINS 1117 Ford Sedan tilt 1117 Ford Touring i III 1017 Ford Roadster Ill 101 Ford Touring, fin shape...... 160 ltll Ford Touring, a bargain 110 1114 Ford Touring, a bargain..... .. 171 1117 Maxwell, brand new. 1117 Maxwell Touring, slightly need.. 116 1117 Maxwell Roadster, lots of extra. 176 ltll Maxwell Touring, fin shape.... Ill ltll Bulck, good as new....,.,...,, lit Itlt Overland, Model II...' 160 ltl4 Overland 71, overhauled 166 ltll Mets, a real bargain 110 These cars are all tn good running or der and guaranteed to give good satisfac tion. Payments to responsible party. t MEEKS AUTO CO. 10th and Harney. Tyler 666. Now is the time. This is the place. CARS FROM $125.00 UP. Brand new Maxwell Touring Car. 11? Maxwell, nearly new $350 ltll Dodge Roadster, Ilk new 160 1115 Bulck 4, cheap at 400 'We are the Used Ford, Men. Brand new ltll Touring. 4 1S17 Touring 1300 to S360 J 11 Touring... 1200 to 1250 1 ltlt Touring $166 to 1239 1 1U4 Touring 1171 to $200 5 1917 Roadsters $300 and 1326 1 ltll Touring $125 Hudson Winter Top.. $50 Ford Winter Tops $71 Tour money back It not satisfied. Farnam Auto Company ltlO Farnam. Tel. Douglas tOTO. ALL kinds of cars for hire, with or with out driver, by to mil or by th hour, Fords, lc per mile. Douglas 7110. Ne braska Service Oarage. LARGE aasorlntent to pick from. All late models, from 1160 up MEKK'S OARAGE. (Omaha Oarage) 10th ft Harney. ' . Tyler 161. QUALITY USED CARS. Studebaker-Wllson. Ino. W have th beet bargains. Be us at one. Hartley. 671. Farnam and I6th Ave WANTED FOR SPOT CASH 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex ; Chang Co.. 1107 Farnam Bt Doug. (031. FOR SALE Early ltll Ford roadster. In good condition. 1176. ox 1141, Omaha Bee. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO., sll kinds of tire repairing and work guaranteed, pouglaa Till. 110 Douglas St STANDARD MOTO.l CO. Used car and trucks t bargain prices, 2020 farnam Bt Carl Changstrom. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co, 10th and Howard. Ford Agents. Doug. HOI, WE BUY, SELL, REPAIR FORDS Tell & Blnkly, Doug. 1140. 2111 Barney St AUTOMOBILES OAKLAND sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. S300 Fa mum St BARGAINS In us-d care. ORfl MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th and Farnam Harney 414 MITCHELL roadster. Just overhauled and good running condition, 1250. Box 1340, Omaha Bee. A FEW lilt Ford touring cars. One user 1917 Ford touring. 4001 S. 14th St. So. 4360. jUATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. r.ver rreajr nailery DiBiiqn, i.vq ririiim. 1100 reward for auto or tractor magneto we can't repair. Baysrlorfer, 210 N. 18th WILL buy for you that new or used auto from dealer or Individual, on easy pay ments. Kills 411 Bee Illdg. Doug. 4s2a. Accessories. DEALER WANTED TO REPRESENT KORD TRUCK ATTACHMENT THE CAMKI.KORD $40 F. O. B. CHICAGO Th" only truck attachment converting the regular Ford Into a one-ton-tru U for $40 la doing the same thing that oIIit forme-truck devices are doing for $350. In dally use by thousands of firms all over the country. Live prospects everywhere. Great money making proposition for re liable party. mate fully your qualifi cations and territory wanted. Replies held In strict confidence. MAREMONT MANUFACTURING CO. Sole Makers. Ill 9. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Auto Livery and Garages. ' RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF JOo a mil, 16o per hour, minimum charge. (Eicept Bunday and holklsysj FORD LIVERY CO., Douglas 1623. 1314 Howard Bt. Auto Bodies. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR AUTO. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO A CAR RIAGE WKS. 2526 Leavenworth. Ty. 701. Tires and Supplies. Boylan Auto Radiator Co. Repairs a Specialty. Out-of-town work given prompt attention, Guaranteed Tires at H Price. Without Any Old Tires. 10x1 ...17.70 12xm... 110.06 14x4. . .111.00 I0xm...$8.ei 35x4.. .$18.30 13x4. . .$12.26 Bpeclal Discount to Dealers. Auto Parts V, Price. Second-Hand Tires and Tubes. Agent Wanted. BOYLAN TIRE & RADIATOR CO. Phone D. 1014. 1514-16-18 Davenport St. TIRES AT HALF PRICE, ALL SIZES. NEW, 10x1 Firestone, $8; Ford tubes... $2 NEW, 80x3 V Non-Kkkl Firestone. .. .$13 KAIMAN'H TIRE SHOP, 1721 CUMING ST TIRE price wreckers. This is no 2 In 1 tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 422 fi. 13th. Agls. wanted. Omaha, Neb. "BILT-NU" tires, guaranteed 3,600 miles. sav money. Vulcanizing and retreading. Auto and radiator repairing. I OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRE AND AUTO WORKS, 1811-21 Cuming St. Tyler 117. SAVE 10 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRES. O A O, Tire and Vulcanizing Co., 241S Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatlo tires and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Sup ply Co., 2061 Farnam St. Starters and Generators Repaired. We repair any storage battery, guaran teeing same for six month. OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO., ltll Harney St. Tyler 3394. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. Ill 8. 11th Bt. Douglas (481. Auto Repairing and Painting. PHONE HARNEY 2007 for auto repairing. DELAY A BEALv W. Farnam Oarage, 1627 Farnam. Now open. Olv us a trial. EDWARDS, B, S.. 2610 N. 11th St Web ster iioi. For best results with repair work consult us. RADIATOR repair work, all work guaran- leea. trawver auto i.o., r urn Bin m Motorcycles and Bicycles H A H L E Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor 11. Roos, Th Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth, I FOR SALE Bicycle in good condition. Call Douglas 4071 day and H. 1690 In th venlnga. PERSONAL THE Salvation A -my Industrial Horn so licits your old eiothlng. furniture, maga zines. W colleot W dlstrlbut. Phone Doug. 4111 and our wagon will call. Call and Impact our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St i DO TOU want to get well, keep well, sleep well 7 Than us a pillow fitted to your particular needs Great success. Free literature. Health rillow Co., 4611 Lake Park- Av., Chlrago. OMAHA bath Inst Electrlo, (team or tub baths, maasages of all kind. 128 Neville Blk. Doug. 7381. 16th and Harney 8ts. MECHANO Therapy massage for youi health's sake. Miss Halrsn, 321 Neville Bk. Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment For appolnt mcnt call Ty. 1038. 701 s, 84tn MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam batha and message. 179 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D 166t MAE BRUOMAN, acientlflo masseuse and bath. 101 Karbach Blk. Red 1727. VAPOR and tub baths. Massages of ail kind. Rm. I, 1601 Harney. Doug. 7041. IMMANUEL private maternity horn. Besl ear, loot Bristol. Webster ros. PRIVATE licensed maternity bom. 4411 N 16th Bt Phone Colfax 1041. MINNIE NAOLU at LaBelle Bath Institute, 1601 Harney. Douglaa 7040. BATH and massage 1801 Farnam St.. room I. Phono Diuslas 1761. SCIENTIFIC mssaasa. Ill Paxton block. Phone Douglas 0871, Manicuring and mass.. 1623 Farnam R It BTBROTf, massage. 701 S. 18th, D. 9636 MISS WEST, manicure massare 310 N 17th. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER! Latest and most sclentlflo treat ment for all diseases. Dr. Charlea Barnes. 113-624 Roa Bldg. Ex amination and consultation fres. He I curing thousands. WHY NOT TOUT Delays ar dangerous. If yon can't call, writ. Hours: I a. m. to I p. m.; 7:30 to 1:10 evenings. Sunday by appointment RUPTURE successfully treatd without a surgical operation. (aii or writ Dr. Frank H. Wray. 101 Be Bldg. Horses- Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. FOR SALE Dapple, grey, pure bred Pur- eneron stallion, 7 years old. sound, will sell. Worth th money as I have no use for htm. Address P. O. Box 442, Osceola, Neb. OLD established coal business for sale, 1 horses, wagons and harness. Apply Coat office 2109 N. 24th St. Webster 2883. MONEY TO LOAN DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOAITS Lowest rate. Private loan booth. Harry Malsshork. 1614 Dodge. D 6lt Eat. lit! Organized by Ihe llualneaa Men ot Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security 140. mo., H. goods, total. 11.13. 149, I mo.. Indorsed notes, totsl cost. 11.10 Smaller, larger am'ts proportional rat. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 411 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Ty. f I LEGAL RATE LOANS 124 00 1240.00 OR MORE EASY PAYMENTS UTMOST PRIVACY 140 PAXTON BK. TEL. DOUO. 1186. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 1 SMALLER LOANS O CI i- Ovt. C. TLATAU. EST. 1117. 0 Cth Floor tRosel Securities Bldar.. T. ISO REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Frank Lucke and wile to George Uabel and wire, U street. 100 feet east of Thirty-first street . north side. 26x130 $ 850 Frank O. Eeward and wife to E. A. Smith, Sahler street 130 (eet eaat of Twentieth street north side. 40x115 4,600 Nellie Vodek and husband to George J. Bralg, Military avenue. 67 feet eaat of Bryan street, east side. Irregular piece. 1,000 Marietta Q. Lee to Samuel Bartlett OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Show Decline for the Week; Big; Run of Hogs Bring About Steady Prices. Omaha, January it, ISIS. Receipts wire: Cattle Hogs. Sheep Official Monday 10,13 " 9,534 14,02i Official Tuesday S.S91 19.240 J. 674 Official Wednesday ... 6,608 11 Mi 8.791 Official Thursday 4.604 12,441 10,854 Official Friday . t 2,6sl 13.161 6,247 Estimate Saturday ... 600 10,000 1.000 Six days this week 32,266 76,063 60, Same days last week. ..32.153 89.461 44 Ham days 2 weeks ago39,307 64,274 61, Same days 1 weeks ago27,897 62.528 64. Ham days 4 weeks agol9,154 27,971 32, (fame days isst year. . .29,698 100,406 62, I Receipts and disposition of live stock ihe Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hons. Sheep. H' C, M. & St. P.... 1 4 Wabash 1 Mlxxourl Pacific 6 1 rnlon Puciflc 14 23 i C. & N. W.. cast . . . 3 2 N N. W west. 3 .. ! Ht. P.. M. O. I II ! ' , H. y , east. . . 1 3 3 !., li. W. west. 7 14 ! ' ., It. I. & P., east. I 1 ('., R. I. A- P., 'west. 2 Illinois Central 3 10 Chicago Gt. West. ... 4 . . Total receipts. ... 36 133 4 DISPOSITION HEAD. Hogs. Morris ft Co Swift b Company Cudahy Packing Co. Armour ft Co J. W. Murphy ...2.023 ...2,383 ...2,617 ...2,161 ... 483 Totals 10.166 Cattle As usual on Saturday then was nothing of any consequence In the way of beef on the market and price were nomi nally unchanged. For the six days the sup ply ot cattle has been approximately 32,260 head, or practically the same as for the week previous, and some 2,600 more than the corresponding week a year ago Bad weather and congested railroad conditions have been responsible for a very unsatisfactory trade during the greater part of th week. There was some demand early for choice heavy cattle and a too of 113.10 was registered. At no time, however, was there any particular demand for the common to fair light and medium weight steer and trend of values on these was lower from start to finish. Strictly choice beeves are quntably a little stronger than at the close of laat week, while the general run of cattle show declines ranging from 16c to 60c, and th sam I true as to cows and heifers. ' Blockers and feeders have not shown much change, as supplies have been limited and the demand slightly broader than last wsek. Light stockera, both steers and cows, ar still selling at very mean prices. Quotations on Cattle: Good to choice beeves. $11.8013.00; fair to good beeves, $10.76011.76: common to fair beeves, $8.60 (510.60; gcod to choice yearlings, $11.60 12.60; fair to good yearlings, $10.0011.00; common to fair yearlings. 17.60 9.80; good to choice grass beeves, $J0.6011.60; fair to good grasa beives, $8.75010.00; com mon to fair grass beeves, $7.001. 60; good to choice heifers. $9.0010.00; good to choice cows, $8.60)1.60; fair to good cows, $8.2501.60; common to fair cows, $6.26 7.26; good to choice feeders, $. 60011.16; fair to t;ood feeders, $8.6009.60; common to fair feeders, $6.2507.25; good to choice Blockers, $8.75t.76; stock heifers, $7.00 8.60; stock cows, $6.608.00; stock calves, $7.00l,00; veal calves, $8.0013.00; bulls, stags, etc., $6.75.50. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Ar. Sh. Pr. 69. .175 ,..$16 41 73. .183 ...$15 60 40. .201 ... 15 10 07. .258 ... 15 70 67. .205 70 15 76 66. .170 70 15 10 71. .178 ... 15 85 71..t33 ... 16 tO 60..I60 ... 15 96 60. .112 ... II 00 PIGS. 37.. II ... 10 00 lings There was a fairly liberal run of hoe-a her for a Saturday. Trad opened with, packers buying their hogs 16 cents lower, and in some case lb cents lower than yesterday. A llttl later in th fore noon, however, trade aasumed a better aspect, and at the close was If anything fully steady. Choir butchers crossed the scale ,.t $16.00, 6 cents under the best price paid yesterday, while th bulk ot tne offerings moved at $16.6615.0. Trade was fairly active and a good clearance was made toward mldforenoon. Trad rules around 25 tentj lower for th week. Sheep About five cars ot sheep and lambs showed up this morning. There was nothing dot e of consequence, a few of the heavier lamb selling at $11.16. For the week trade In this division has shown con siderable : prove nent although weighty lambs have been uncertain sellers at steady to lower figures. Light weight stuff and a good share of th medium grades have found an active demand at prices generally 25 rents higher than a week ago. Choice Mexican fed lamb have sold up to 117.10 17.16, 15SGo under a week ago. Shipping demand has been strong, and anything that will fill th bill ha gone at relatively higher values than stuff to local packers. Sheep have been very acarc and poor In quality, with value about 25 cents higher at the close. Receipts of feeder have been nominal. Th demand 1 good, with light weight 1 mbs quotabl up to $17.00. Quotations on sheep and lambs; Lambs, hsndywelRht $16.76017.25: lambs, heavy weight, $15.7516.76; lambs, feeders, $16.00 016.60: lambs, shorn, lll.5O0ls.5o; iambs, culls, $10.0014.00; yearlings, fair to choice. 111.60011.00; yearlings, feeders, $13.00 11.26: wethers, fair to choice, tll.O0B13.00; ewes, fair to choice, $11.00011.26; ewes, breeders, all ages. 110.50010.60; ewes, reed- ers, !7.6010.60; ewes, culls and canners, 5.007.25. Bt Loftls LIts Stock. Bt. Louis Mo. Jan. 26. Cattle Receipts, I, 300 bead; mark steady: native beef steers, $8.0013.50; yearling steers and heifers, $7.0013.60; cows. $1.00011.60; stockera and feeders, $1.00010.60; fair to prim aouthern beef steers, $0.00012.75; beef cow and heifers, $6.00010.00; prims yearling steers and heifers, $7.10010.00; native calves. $1.00015.75. Hogs Receipts. 8.500 head; market low er; lights, $16.50015.85; pigs, $11.00014.76; mixed and butchers, $16.70016.00; good heavy, $16.10011.00; bulk of sales, $16.70 16.05. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 160 head; market steady; lambs. $14.00017.66; ewes, Ill.60fn2.00; wethers, $11.60011.26; can ners, $6.00t.00. Kansas City IJve Stock. ..Kansas Clty Jan. 16. Cattle Receipts, 800 head; market steady; prime fed steers, $11.00 011.60; dressed beef steers, $10,000 12.60; western steers, $3.60011.26; cows, $6.60010.60; heifers, $7.00011.60; stockera and feeders. 7. 00011.60; bulls, $6.76 10.00; calves, $7.00014.00. Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head; market low er; bulk Of soles. $15.80016.10; heavy $16.00 016.10; packers and butchers, $15,050 16.15; lights, $15.80018.10; pigs, $11.00 II. 76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; lambs, 116.76016.60; year lings. 111.40014.60; wether. $11.00011.00; ewes, $10.00013.25. flk Joseph IJve Stock. St. Joseph, Jan. 26 Cattle Receipts. 200 head; market steady; steer. 18.00013.75; cows and heifers, $6. 00 011.26; calves, $6.00 014.00. Hogs Receipts, 1,600 head; market lower; top, 116.00; bulk of sales, $16,100 16.00. Sheep and Lambs No receipts; market steady; lambs. $13.00016.76; ewes, $6.00 13.26. Chlrago live Stock Market. Chicago. Jan. 26. Cattle Receipts, 6,000 head: Monday, 13.000 head; market steady: native steers. $8.30011.70; stockera and feeders. $7.26010.40: cows and heifers, $6.10 011.66; calves, t.00011.50. Hogs Receipts, 30,000 head; tomorrow, 13,000 head; market, steady at lOo under yesterdaysaverage; bulk of aalesjlMjQ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS and wife, Washington street, 80 feet east of Twenty-third street, north side, 40x128 160 Susan Paxson to Frank D. Welna, Twenty-fourth street II feet south of Davenport street, west side, 30x64 i 2,000 Like McGiath to S. D. Mercer com pany, Hurt street 160.15 feet west of Fortieth street north aide, 45x138 10 George II. Sorensen and wlfa to David E. Buck. Grand avenue. 127 (eet east of Twenty-fourth street, north side, 12x125 1,600 Western Cecuritles company to Henry S. clarr-e, jr., northeast corner Thirty-fifth and Farnam streets, 136x206 1 L. E. Blls to J. Ralston t al.. block between Lincoln avenue, Francis, Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth streets 1,100 Charles Cartwrlght and wife to Anna Torch, southeast comer Tbirty-flrst and Paclflo streets, 76.65x101.7 4,250 Hans J. Petersen and wlf to Anton Jtasmujsen, Seventeenth street, 60 feet south of Canton street west side, (0x127 , ...... 1,740 Fair Food Prices For Douglas County Fugar, per lb $ -0t Flour (Nebraska No. 1 patent): 24-lb. sack 1-60 48-lb. sack 2 90 Flour (Nebraska No. 2 patent): 24-lb. sack 145 48-lb. sack 2. SO Cornmeal. per lb 05 Potatoes (Nebraska) per lb.: Best No. 1 03 Best No. 2 0.'H Butter (per lb.): Creamery, No. 1 52 Creamery, No. 2 4t Eggs, per dozen: Best storage selects... 63 No. 1 storage 5" Fresh eggs 6n Rice (In bulk, per lb.): No. 1 11 No. 2 .- -10 No. 3 08 1-3 Rye flour: 24-lb. sack 155 Oatmeal, in bulk, per lb OCVfc Bread (U. 8. standard loaf, wrapped). 16-ounce loaf " 24-ounce loaf 1 32-ounce loaf 1' 48-ounce loaf . (X. H. Same prices for rye or graham.) Bean?!, per lb : Navy, No, 1 1 " ' Pinto, beet No. 1 1-': Dnron (whole pieces, wrapped), per !h. : No. 1 47 No. 3 4n Ham (whole): No. 1 akinned No. 1 regular Shoulder -0 Lard, per lb.: No. ' purs. '3 Compound $ Oleomargarine (in cartons, per lb.) : J No. 1 SR No. 2 ' Onions. (Club), per lb 04 Cabbage, best quality, per lb OS Corn syrup (In cans): , l'A lbs I' 2 lbs 6 lb 4 10 lbs -. .70 Not 1 These prices ars for cash over th counter. Not 2 An additional charge may he mad for delivery or credit to customer, 15.70; light, $14.00(915.56; mixed, $15.16W 15.75; heavy, $16.10(915.80; rough, $15.10 15.25; pigs, $11.76(9114.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,000 head; Monday, 13,000 head: market, weak; weth ers, $9.75iil3.40; ewes, $9.60013.00; lambs, $14.60017,76. Sioux City Lira Stock. bi... -,!,., t - Ton " fl Ca tt lo Peeelnts OIUUA 1 1 , AH., ,., " " - 600 head; 1 arket steady; beef steers. $9.00 013.00; lat cows ana neirers, si.uvwiv.av-, canners, $6.0007.00; atockers and feeders; $7.00011.60; calves, $8.00012.50; bulls, stags, etc., $7.60010.00; feeding cows and . 1 . a .cat. n Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head; market 20 rents lower; light, $15.40015.15: mixed, $15.55016.65; heavy, $15.60015.70; pigs, Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; market steady. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Liv Poultry Broilers, 1 to 1 lbs., In separata coop, 13o lb.; springs, 2 to 1 lbs., 25o lb.; springs, all sizes, smooth legs, 21c lb.; hens, any site, 21o lb,; old roosters and stags, 15o lb.; poor chickens. 6a ) t geese, full feathered, fat, 18c lb.; ducks, full feath ered, fat 20o lb.; turkey, over 10 lbs., fat. 280 lb.; turkeys. 8 to 10 lbs., 25o lb.; capons, over 6 lbs., 24o lb.; guineas, each, any six, 3 5a each; squabs, Homers, 14 to 16o ois., per doxen, 13.60; squabs. Homers, 13 to 14 jxs. each, per doxen, $3.50; squabs. Homers. 10 to 11 ozs each, per dozen, 12.00; squabs. Homers, 8 ox. each, per dozen. $1.60; squabs. Homers, under I ox. each, per dozen, 60c; pigeons, per dozen, $1.00. Beef Cuts Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective January 11 ar as follows: Loins: No. 1, Hc; No. 2, 26fcc: No. 2, l14o. Rounds: No. 1. 20c; No. 2, 18V4c; No. I. 15He. Ribs: No 1, 24tfc; No. 2. 22c: No. I. 16e. Chucks: No, 1, 16 Wc; No. 2, 161ic; No, 1, 14ttc Plates: No. 1. 14Wc; No. 2. 14c; No 1, 12HC Oysters "King Cole" northern standards. $2,60 gal.; "King Cole" northern selects. $3.75 gal.; "King Coll" New York counts. 82 96 ill - blue nolnts. large or small shells, $10.00 per bbl.; blue points, per 100. $1.25; large shells, per 100, $1.60; Cotults. per 100, $1.76. Frozen Fish (per lb.) Whlttng, round, 7c; headless and skinned, 18c; herring, round, 9c; dressed, 11c; tulllbee, wnite, round, 11a; yellow pike, 17c; pickerel, round. 12c: dressed. 15e: halibut, 21c: salmon, pink, 20c; red, 22c; black cod, 14c; black bass, 23c: Paclflo red snapper, 11c; silver smelts, 16c; croppies, 16c. Local Stocks and Bonds. Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker & Co., 449-62 Omaha National Bank building, Omaha, Neb. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Cudahy Packing Co. com.... 110 112 Deere & Co. pfd 95 97 Fairmont C. Co. 7 pet pfd... 103 Hooch M. ft E. Co. 7 pet pfd... 100 105 Lincoln. Tel. & Tel. com 95 99 Nebraska Power Co. 7 pet pfd .. 101 O. ft C. B. St. Ry. pfd 66 71 O. ft C. B. Ry. ft B. pfd 66 70 O. ft W. Co. 7 pet pfd 100 101 Sheridan Coal Co. com 75 M. H. Smith ft Co. 7 pet. pfd.. 101 Skinner Mfg. Co. 7 pet pfd 99 U. S. T. Co. stock 100ft iz U. P. A L. Co. 7 pet. pfd 100 100 BONDS. Argentine Dollar Bond 94 98 Canadian 6s (1919) 95 "i 954 Canadian 6s (1937) 90 9114 City of Marseilles 6s (1919)... 85 8514 City of Lyons 6s (1919) 85 85J4 Columbus L., H. ft P. 5s (1924) 94 95T Fed. Farm Loan 4Vis (1937). 100 10014 Hastings School 4Hs (1937) 95 98.87 Iowa R. ft L. Co. 6s (1932).. 89 o K, C. Terminal 6s (1918)... 9914 994 O. A. C. Bldg. 6s (1920-32). 9914 100 Omaha, Neb., Various .. 4.65pct Oakdale, Neb., Water 6s... I. 99 100 Russian Gov. Int. 614a (1926) 82 8$ Seaboard Airline Ry 6s (1918) 96 97 T. T. L. ft P. Co. 7s (1920).. 98 9814 Wilson ft Co. 6s (1924) 9614 96 Extra dividend. New Tork General Market. New Tork. Jan. 26. Flour Quiet; spring, $10.56010.70; winter, $10.26010.60; Kansas, $10.60011.00. Corn Soot, irregular: kiln dried, No. $ yellow, $1.78, and No. $ mixed, $1.7644; coat and freight prompt; Argentine, $2.08, f. o. b., cars. Oats Spot, strong; natural, $1.0001.02; feed unquoted. Oats Firm: No. 1. 12.00. nominal: no. z, $1.90; No. 1, $1.80; shipping, $1.60; all nomi nal. Hops Quiet; state, medium to choice, 1917, 43053c; 1916, nominal; Pacific coast, 1917. 21024c; 191$. 15018c. Hides Quiet; Bogota, !8H01OUo; Cen tral America. 38040a Leather Firm; hemlock sal overweights, No. 1, tlo; No. 2, 49c. Provisions Pork, rim: mess. $50.00050.50; family, $54.00055.00; short clear, $50.00 56.00. Lard, firm; middl west, $25.10 25.40. Wool Firm; domestic fleec XX Ohio and Pennsylvania. 70c. New Tork, Jan. 21. Butter Market un settled; receipts, 11.078 tubs; creamery, higher than extras, 62 0 5214c; extra, (92 score), 6114c; firsts, 49 011c; seconds, 46 4840. . Rice Firm; fancy head, !9c; blue rose, 808140. Eggs Market unsettled: receipts, 1.74! cases: fresh gathered, extras, 65066c; ex tra firsts, 6114064c; firsts, 6214063c; sec onds, 66 062c Cheese Market firm: receipts, 4.961 boxes; state, whole milk, flats, held, spe cials, 2526c; same, average run, 2414 254 c. Poultry Live, market firm; chickens, 30c; fowls. 34c; turkeys, 28030c. Dressed, mar ket firm; chickens, 24035c; fowls, 220 3214c; turkeys, 34033c. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits. New Tork, Jan. 26. Evaporated Apples Dull: Callfornlas, 15016c; prime, 1614 016c Dried Fruits Prunes, quiet; Callfornlas. 84014c; Oregons. 13014c. Apricots, quiet; choice. 1714c; extra cholc. 17c; fancy, iiueMp p.,rh,i milt: standard. 1114c: choice, 1214013c; fancy. 13H014C aRlslns. steady; loos muscatels, stride; cnoice id fancy seeded. 91401014c; seedless, 91014c; London layers, $1.80. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Jan. 36. Flour Market un changed. Rye $2.0002.01. Barlay $1.3801.59. Bran $31.60. Corn No. 1 yellow, $1.65 61.70. Oats No. 2 white, 81 34c Flaxseed $1.6103.65. Tork Dry Good Market. New Tork. Jan. 16. Cotton goods her today were strong. Th demand for gray cloths was full. Yarns and linens wer firm, .burlaps steady and wool goods actlv. Duluth OIL Duluth, Jan. 28. Linseed $3.6301.68; January. $3.63 bid; May. $3.6014 asked; July, $2.41; October. $3.16 bid. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Liberal Receipts in Evidence for a Saturday; Cash Corn Steady to Lower; Oats Show Strength. 1 Omaha, Jan. 2G, 1918. Continued liberal arrivals were In evl : dence this monlng, a total of 284 cars be I irig reported, of which 18 were of wheat, 215 ; of corn, 43 of oats, and 4 cars each of rye and barley. ' I All the coarse grains with the exception ! of corn were unusually strong. Cash corn was unchanged to around 3c lower, the bulk of it selling off. There was a continued brisk demand for thfs cereal, however, but buyers refused to meet the prices asked. The Nebraska State Railway commission announced that its recent preferential ; include corn containing 19 per cent or more moisture. This order becomes effective i January 28 and extends to March 2, and specifies that 80 per cent of the cars ap portioned regular shippers at points other than Omaha and Lincoln be loaded with corn containing 19 per cent or more mois ture. No. 3 white sold today at $1.62 and No. ! 4 white at $1.54 and $1.61. and the No. 6 ! white at $1.46 and $1.61. No. 3 yellow sold ; at $1.61 and No. 4 yellow at $1.63 and $1.58. while the No. 5 yellow brought $1.41 and $1.46. No. 3 mixed sold at $1.58 and $1.60 and the 4 mixed at $1.48 and $1.60. No. 5 mixed ranged from $1.40 to $1.46. Considerable of the oats sold of lat have gone to the government, from whom there Is a constant inquiry, especially of late and who are strong bidders for this cereal. Spot quotations today wer lie to 1c over those of yesterday, with fairly good local demand. Another new high record was set, the No. 1 whit selling at 84c No. I white sold at 8314c and 84c and the sam ple grade at 83a and 8314c Rye was strong, making an unusual ad vance of about 6c. Much of this cereal has been bought recently by millers who have paid big prices, the supply not meeting their demands. The No. 2 grade sold today at $2.05. Barley followed ry and brought a 2o premium over yesterday's 'sales, local buy ers absorbing these offerings readily. No. 1 barley sold at $1.60 and No. 2 barley at $1.47, while the feed and sample grades sold at $1.46 and $1.40, respectively. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 189,000 bu.; corn, 18,000 bu.; oats, 280,000 bu. Primary wheat receipts were 282,000 bu. and ahlpments 124,000 bu., against receipts of 909,000 bu. and shipments of 655,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 1,193,000 bu. and shipments 529,000 bu. .against receipts of 1,110,000 bu. and shipments of 676,000 bu. last year. Primary oats "receipt were 826,000 bu. and shipments 638,000 bu., against receipts of 703,000 bu. and shipments of 665,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. 3 221 HO .24 11 18 215 43 33 98 20 29 78 69 Minneapolis Kansas City St. Louis . . Winnipeg 287 These sales wer reported today: Wheat No 2 hard winter: 1 car, $2.1 No. 2 northern spring: 1 car, $2.12. No. 1 mixed common white: 1 car (16 per cent spring), $2.12. . Rye No 2: 1 car, $2.05. Barley No. 1: 2-5 car, $1.60. No. 2: 2-5 car, $1.47 No. 1 feed: 1 car (through bill ing), $1.50; 1 car, $1.45. Sample: 1 car, ''bats No. 2 white: 1 car, 84c. oN. 2 white: 1 car, 84c; cars, 83c; 1 car, 8314c Sam ple white: 1 car, 8314c; 2 cars, 83c. Corn No. 3 white: car (17.20 moisture test), $1.62; 1-3 car (17.20). $1.62. No. 4 white: 1 car, (17.80). $1.61; 13 3-5 cars (17.80 to 20), $1.57; 2 cars (19.20), $1.66; 2 cars (19 to 19.20), $1.66; 8 cars u to j.v;. $1.64. No. 5 white: 1 car (18.4), $161; 3 cars (18 to 20), $1.50; 2 cars (20), $1.49; 2 cars, (20), $1.48; 1 car (20.40, 10 per cent dam aged), $1.46. No. I white: 2 cars (19.81), $1.45; 1 car (19, IS per cent damaged), $1.46; 1 car (20), $1.43; 1 car (21.80), $1.42. Sample white: 1 car (20.60), $1.33; 1 car (20.40), $1.2714. No. 2 yellow: 1 car (16.20), $1.61. No. 4 yellow: 1 car (18), $1.68; S 14 cars (18 to 18.80), $1.65; cars (19 to 19.40), $1.63 No. 5 yellow: 1 car (19.80), $1.46; 5 cars (19.80 to 20.20), $1.46; 2 cars (19 to 19 80). $1.'4; 7 cars (20 to 21), $1.43; 4 car (20 to 20.6), $1.42; 2 cars ((20.80 to 21). $1.41; 1 car (21), l.o. jno. yeiiow; 2 cars (21 to 21.20). $1.37: 2 cars (20.20 to 21.60), $1.36; I cars (21.40 to 22), $1.36; 3 2-5 cars (21 to 22.60), $1.33. Sample yel low: 1 car (20.80, 20 per cent damaged), $1.20; 1 car (23.40), $1.20; 1 car (23.40), $1.15; 1 car (23.20), $1.06. No. 8 mixed: 2-3 car (17.40), $1.60; 1 car: (17.40), $1.60. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars (19). si.ow; car. (19 40 to 19.50), 61.48. IMO. 0 mixea; & cr (19.80), $1.45; 1 ca.' (18.4), $1.44; 3 cars ',20 to 20.20). $1.43: 2 cars (20.40), l.4z; 11 cars (20. 3U to znu. i.v. ,n.-. 1 car (20, near white), 11.40; 1 car, $1.36; 4 (19.80 to 20), $1.35: 4 cars (i(i !0 tn 21). 11.34: 4 cars (20 to 22), $1.33. Sample mixed: 1 c-.r (23.20), $1.26: 2 cars f21.80 to 22). 81.25: 1 car (zoj, ei.iv; i cars (21.80 to 23), $1.17. Omaha Cash prices corn: ino. wnne, $1.62; No. 4 white, $1.6401.61: No. 6 white. 11 ul E' Nn white. 11.4201.46: sam ple white, 11.271401.33; No. 3 yellow, $1.61; No. 4 yellow, $1.6301.58; No. 6 yellow $1.41 1.46: No. yeiiow,'; yellow, $1.05 01.10: No. 3 mixed, $1.68 1.60; No. 4 mlxd, $1.4801.60; No. 5 mixed, $1.4001.46; No, mixed, tl.33tri.ii; sam ple mixed. $11701.26. Oats: No. 2 white. 84c; No 3 white, 83 1-3084c; sample, 83 8314c. Barley: No. 8, $1.47; No. 1 feed, $1.4501.60. Rye: No. 2, $2.05. Chicairn closing Drlees. furnished The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 315 South Slxteentn street. man "Art I Open. High. Low. Close. Yes. CMar. 1 26 X 1 1 I"1 May 1 2514 1 25 125 1 25 12614 Oats. Jan. 13 M H "tt Mar. 8244 8314 824 8314 82 May 7914 1014 7914 79 79H PJan! 47 25 47 25 47 25 47 25 47 12 May 25 87 26 20 25 $7 26 15 25 82 Lard. Jan. 25 67 24 75 24 67 24 75 24 67 May 24 85 26 05 24.86 .25 05 24 87 Ribs. Jan. 22 75 23 80 23 75 28 80 23 65 May 24 23 24 45 24 22 14 42 24 15 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. New Storms Threatening to Hamper Traf- no Btrengiuen vuru tn T.n NJpw storms wnicn mreaieneu w iibiu.i fia had a strengthening effect today on the corn market rrices ciosea uneiu 7s 14 0 94O net nigner. wun xaarcn icuai .REi rittta finished 4 to may ,,., . w..-- l4o up. Provision gained 11 to 32c. With fresh snow falls in progress through .... . 1- . r.n ., rf th nrnlua-nro- duclng states, and with a sever cold wave coming from tne west, aavancea pnc. u. corn furnished no surprise. High winds 1 , k rirtinff the enow badly. and the meagerness of today's receipts tend ed to empnssize in unnnunuun ui mediate bettermen In regard to enlarged available supplies. Demand, however, was not aggressive ana weeK-onu uj.u.. of the trades led to a little easing back of the market during the laat half of th ses sion- . ' ... .. Oats Jumped to th nignesi prices j.i ,1.,. tv.. -a .nn was that the mar- .... iriiallv hare of offerings. On the bulge though, profit-taking by hold er set In, ana xner were mmui vnvernmen t would establish a maximum limit on quotations Buying on tne pan 01 "-"'"-hoisted provisions. Th fact that hog prices . .... ,1 ,u. Minimum eet bv the food administration acted a a handicap on sell ers. Butter Market unchanged. EegSMarket higher; receipts, 880 cases. . firt 6S56c: at mark, cases included, 60017c; refrigerator firsts. 43044c. Potatoes Receipts, 22 cars; market un changed. . - . Poultry Alive, market Clearing Hons Report. v t Tha aetlial condition xsew x oik, ievu. v- - - of clearing house bank and trust companle for th week show mat iney noiu a,.. 760 reserve In excess of legal requirements. This is an Increase of $29,005,520 from last week. London Money. London, Jan. 26. Silver Bar 42V44 ounce. Money $14 Per cent .... ni.ran.t R. lea Short bills. 4 1-31 per cent; three months' bills.. 4 1-16 per cent St. Louis Grata. St Louis. Jan. 28. Corn No. 1, $1.19; No. S white. $1.65; May, $1.2514 bid. Oats No. 2, 84Ho; No. I whit. 1614 0 1614c; May, 8014c New York Cotton, w... Tnrv Jan. 26. Cotton Spot. quiet; middling uplands. 21.06c Futures closed rirm; Marcn, is.iic; saay. July. 21.47o; October, .16e; December, 18.12c, NEW YORK STOCKS Operations Little More Than Perfunctory, Due to Uncer tainties Arising From En forced Holiday Monday. New Tork. Jan. 28. With next Monday's enforced holiday In mind and the possibil ity of many happenings over that period, today's stock market session was little more than perfunctory. Foremost Industrials, Including the steels, coppers and shippings, were variable with equipments at the outset, but the list soon hardened on a resumption of yesterday's Inquiry for rails. Transcontinental, notably Union Pacific and Canadian Pacific, also Norfolk ft West ern and Rock Island Issues, registered ex treme advances of 1 to 2 points, low grade coalers also improving. Professional activity was again observed in speeialttesc such as Industrial Alcohol, General Motors, Studebaker and some of the miscellaneous Issues. Trading broadened be fore the close, minor war shares then coming forward. United States Steel sold over and under Its final quotation of the previous day, fin ishing at a small fractional gain. Others of the same class were slightly higher, but Mexicans reacted, Mexican Petroleum and American Smelting denoting pressure. Sales amounted to 240,000 shares. Noteworthy changes were shown by the bank statement, actual loans increasing about $"9,000,000, reserves of the members in the federal reserve bank expanding al most $31,000,000. with a gain of $29,000, 000 in excess reserves. The bond market was devoid of interest except for the low records made by Lib erty Issues. Th IHs fell to 97.94 and first 4s to 16.60, both new mlnlmums, while tne second 4s ranged between 96.30 snd 96.22. Total sales (par value) aggregated $2,285,000. United States bonds, old Issues were unchanged during the week. Number of sale and range of prices of th leading stocks: Closing Bales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar.... 200 7714 77 77 American Can 600 1714 2614 3614 Am. Car ft Foundi.' 1,200 7114 7014 7114 Am. Locomotive . . 700 6614 56 66 H Am. Smelt. & Ref. 7,300 83s 82 S2 Am. Sugar Ref..., 400 105 105 106 Am. Tel. & Tel 200 104 U 10414 10414 Am. Z., L & S 1414 Anaconda Copper .. 3,700 61 a 6114 6114 Atchison 400 S4-V 84 84 Atl. G. & W.I.S.S. L... 800 102 10214 10214 Baltimore & Ohio.. 900 61 504 60"4 Butte & Sup. Copper 1814 California Pet 15 Canadian Pacific... 1,000 143 141 U Central Leather ... 200 6614 6414 65 Ches. ft Ohio 2,100 63 53 62 C, M. ft St. P 900 434 43 4314 C, R. I. ft P. ctfs.. 1,200 20 20'4 2014 Chino Copper 300 42 42 42 Colo. Fuel & Iron 36 Corn Products Ref.. 3,400 334 32 32 "4 Crucible Steel 6,100 66 6414 5614 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 700 31 31 31 Distiller's Securities 4,600 384 3714 3714 Erie 1,600 1514 14 1514 General Electrlo ... 1,500 130 129 12914 General Motors 9,600 118 118 117 Gt Northern Pfd 88 Gt. N. Ore ctfs 1,000 2714 26 26 Illinois Central 9414 Inspiration Copper.. 2,800 45 45 45 Int. M. M. pfd 21,000 9114 90 9114 Inter. Nickel 500 29 28 28 Inter. Paper 27 K. C. Southern.... 600 1714 17 1714 Kennecott Copper 3214 Louisville ft Nash 113 Maxwell Motors ... 400 27 26 2514 Mexican Petroleum.. 8,200 91 8914 90 Miami Copper 400 32 32 3114 Missouri Pacific... 700 2214 22 2214 Montana Power 67 Nevada Copper .... 500 18 18 18 N. Y. Central 600 7014 70 7014 N. Y., N. H. ft H 2814 Norfolk ft Western. 300 10314 103 10314 Northern Paclflo 83 Pacific Mail 24 Pennsyfvania 800 46 a 46 46 Pittsburgh Coal 4514 Kay Con. Copper. .. 200 25 2.114 23 Reading 3,600 73 72 7314 Rep. Iron ft Steel.. 1,600 75 75 75 Shattuck Ariz. Cop 1614 Southern Pacific... 300 8214 82 82 Southern Ry 800 23 23 23 Studebaker Cor. ... 4,000 61 60 ',4 5014 Texas Co 1,000 150 149 149 Union Pacific .... 2,400 114 11314 114 U. S. Ind. Alcohol... 300 1191s 118 119 U. 8. Steel 42,700 91 90 91 U. S. Steel pfd 10914 Utah Copper 700 12 8114 81 Wabash pfd "B" 2214 Western Union 90 Westing. Electric... 1,400 40'4 39 40 Total sales for the day 240,000 shares. New York Money. New York, Jan. 26. Mercantile Paper 514 5 per cent' Sterling Exchange CO-day bills, $4.72; commercial 60-day bills on banks, $4.7114; commercial 60-day bills, $4.71; demand, $4.75; cables, $4.76 7-16. Silver Bar, 87c; Mexican dollars, 88c. Bonds Government etfsy; railroad firm. U. S. 2s reg... 9614Gt. N. 1st 414s.. 95 do coupon... 9614111. Cen. ref 4s. 80 U. S. 3s reg... 99 Int. M. M. 6s.... 93 do coupon... 99' K. C. So. ref Es. 73 TJ. S. Lib. 314S..97.94L. ft N. un 4s... 87 U. S. 4s reg... 104 M. K. & T. 1st 4s 61 do coupon ..104Mo. Pac. gen 4s. 67 Am. For. Sec. 6s 96 "Mont. Power 5s. 8614 A. T. ft T. clt 6s 93N. Y. Cen. deb 6s 93 Anglo-French 63 89 No. Pac. 4s 84 Arm. ft Ca. 414s 84'No. Pac. 3s . . . 61 Atchison gen 4s. 84'Ore. S. L. ref 4s 83 B. & O. cv 414s. 7814Pac. T. ft T. 5s 92 Beth. S. ref 5s. 87 14 Term, con 414s. 97 Cen. Leather 5s. 95 14 Perm, gen 414s. 89 Cen. Pacific 1st 78 14 Reading gen 4s.. 84 Ches. ft O. cv 6s 77 14 St. L. & S. F. a 6s 62 C, B. ft Q. i. 4s 93 So. Pac. cv 6s... 8714 CMASPcv414s 74 So. Ry. 6s 91 C, R.I. ft P ref 4s 66 Tex. ft Pac. 1st.. 95 Colo, ft S. ref 414s 68 Union Pacific 4s. 89 D. ft R. G. ref Es 50 TJ. S. Rub. Es... 77 D. of C. 5s, 1913 92U. S. Steel 6s. ..100 Erie gen 4s 5014 Wabash 1st 94 Gen. Elec. 5s.... 95 French Gvt. 6s.. 96 Coffee Market. New York, Jan. 26. There was enough realizing to causa some Irregularity In the market for coffee futures at the opening today, but Interest still seemed to be broad ening, and there were advances later which established new high records for the sea son. Unfavorable comment on the Von Mertllng speech, evidently failed to modify the peace views prevallng around the ring, and the buying was again attributed largely to a hope that the war would be over be fore the end of another season. First prices were 7 points lower to 3 points higher with late months relatively steady, and the ac tive months sold about 7 to 11 points above last night's closing figures later In the morning. May rallied from 8.97c to 9.08c and September from 9.37o to 9.50c. The close was within a point or two of the best at a net advance of 6 to 10 points. Clos ing bids: January, 8.60c; March, 1.84c; May, 9.07c; July 9.30c; September 9.49c; October 9.66c; December 9.68c. Spot coffee was quiet but firmly held at 9o for Rio 7's and llo for Santos 4's. It Is reported that sales have been made In the trade of coffee afloat at prices on the basis of March futures and below the May basis. Santos 4's were reported offered In the cost and freight market at 10.30c, Lon don credits. Owing to the holiday there were no of ficial quotations from Santos. The Rio market was unchanged but Rio exchange on London was l.S2d lower. Brazilian port receipts 58,000 pounds. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 26. Turpentine Dull; 4214c; sales, none; receipts, 97 bbls.; shipments. 308 bbls.; stock, 25,720 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 1,157 bbls.; receipts, 398 bbls.; shipments. 614 bbls.; stock, 90, 194 bbls. Quote: B, D, E, F, G. H, $fi.05 6.10; I. $6.066.15; K, $6.50; M. $6.80; N, $7.20; WG, $7.40; WW, $7.50. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Jan. 26. Corn No. ! mixed, $1.6801.75; No. 4 white. $1.7501.77; No. 2 yellow, $1.75 01.79; January, $1.27 1.28; May; $1.25 01.26. Oats No. 2 white, 86 86 14 c; No. 2 mixed, 13084c. New York Cotton Market. New York, Jan. 26. Cotton closed firm at a net loss of 7 to 15 points. You can secure a maid, stenogra pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee Want Ad. R0BT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO. INVESTMENT BROKERS iil::!:i!!i:itnllliillilni!ll:il!H!T':li'l Stocks and Bonds, Local Securities Bought and Sold. 860 Omaha National Bank Bldg. OVERCROWDING IN CAMPS CAUSE OF MUCH DISEASE Surgeon General Gorgas Reit erates Epidemic Charge, But . Agrees Training Had to Be Rushed. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. 26. From Sur geon General Gorgas the senate mili tary committee today sought light upon health and sanitary conditions in the army, resuming its investiga tion suspended a few days ago to present the reorganization legislation about which' centers the committee row with the administration. General Gorgas reiterated state ments made in his official reports to the department after a tour of inspec tion that the crowding of men in the cantonments and camps not ready to receive them was largely responsible for the epidemics of disease which have raged at some of the posts. He agreed with other officers who have preceded him on the stand, however, as to the necessity for hurried train ing. "Wouldn't it have been better to have waited until the cantonments were ready?" asked Senator Freling huysen. ... "From a physical standpoint,' yes, the general replied, "but I think the k training of these men should not have been delayed." Hold Up Hospitals. Hospital construction was stopped last summer that barracks might be erected faster, he explained, and no camp hospital is complete now, though sanitation conditions are im proving as shown by recent mortal ity reports. General Gorgas empha sized the need for observation camps, " the establishment of which is being considered. He did not consider clothing shortages as an important factor in the pneumonia epidemic, ex plaining that control or avoidance of the germ was the principal point to be considered. f General Gorgas said that with the exception of Camp Funston, Kansas, all camps were admirably located from a sanitation standpoint. Fail to Get Ships. Senator Wadsworth suggested that lack of central power could be held largely responsible for overcrowding and inadequate clothing supplies. He said he had been informed that the War department expected to send the national guard to France beiore win ter, but had not co-operated with the shipping board to the extent of requisitioning tonnage to send it across. Questioned about hospital ships. General Gorgas said the question had been taken up by him seven or eight months ago and that he was expect ing a decision every day. He had been told it was decided that the navy should control these ships. It will take from two to three months, he said, to refit a transport so that it could be used for a hospital ship. York Man Ordered to Report In Quartermaster's Corps York, Neb., Jan. 26. (Special.) Feter Meehan has gone to Chicago, where he will report for duty in the Quartermaster's department of the army. Harry Hubbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbell of this city, has been or dered to the aviation quarters of the United States army at Columbus, O. Dr. J. S. Bell, when he arrived iti New York City, where he was to re port at the base hospital for duty, was handed a slip of paper notifying him that his next report would be made in London. George W. Shreck was elected president of the Commercial club. - Mrs. Wunderlich, wife of ReT. Wunderlich, minister of the German Lutheran church south of Waco, died at the Lutheran hospital in this city. She was 60 years of age. The announcement of the death of J. R. Tharp, which occurred at Kear ney, has been received byfriends in this city. He was a bookbinder by trade and worked several years in Fremont and in this city before going ,to Kearney. George W. Bowers, one of the old est Grand Army members in the county, is dead. He was 83 years old. He was born in Ohio and 'spent 14 years in boating on the Erie canai and the Mississippi river. When the civil war commenced he enlisted in McAllister's battery of light artillery and served in that command four months. Then he joined the Chicago Board of Trade battery, light artil lery, and served till the close of the war. He counted the engagements in which he took part as 42 and he es caped without receiving a wound. He assisted in the capture of jtff Davis. He came to York county in 1871 and took a homestead four miles north of York, where he lived until d few years ago, when he moved to this city. Sur viving his death are his widow, three sons and one daughter. Wolfe Outboxes Ertle In Six Out of Ten Rounds Cleveland, O., Jan. 26. Jack Wolfe of Cleveland outboxed Johnny Ertle of St. Paul in six rounds of a 10-round contest here tonight. Ertle got two rounds and two were even. The men weighed in at 117 pounds. CO-OPERATIVE OIL CO. Many investors are makine money in today. Many more would be investing riSht now if they were absolutely sure they would receive a square deal that their money would be tised for drilling. Write for infor. mation in regard to Big; Bear Oil Company, a co-operative company now drilling twe wells in the famous Big Muddy pool oi Wyoming, one down 1,700 feet and one 722 feet. Stock still selling at 12 cents a share. Win. G. Krape In v. Co., 943 Gas snd Eleetris Bldg., Denver, Colo. Adv. 1