Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1918, Want Ads, Image 27
3-C fHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 27, 1918. FOR RENT Busmen PrVty Stores. FOR RENT Building, Wholesale District American Hand-Sewed Shoe Co. build in s. northwest corner 12th and Harney Sti., about 39,000 squara feet GEORGE & CO.. Douglai 756. STORES FOR RENT ' $25.002710 Leavenworth Street $50.00707 South 16h Street. $70.00617 South 16th Street. $75.00 611 South 16th Street $100.001605 Howard Street, 20il0 ft., team heat. GEORGE. &CO.. Doug. 756. 1210 FARNAM ST., 18x47 $76.00 311 8. 13th St., 2d fl., 2,300 sq. ft.. $85.00 FIRST TRUST COMPANY OP OMAHA, (REALTORS) 400 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tyler 600. 1409-11 HARNEY ST., 44 feet frontage. In the heart of Omaha's best business Jin- I trict - I CITT TRUST COMPANY, ' 16th and Harney ,8ta. Fhon Doug. 789. i St.. Nebraska and Wyoming Investment Co., 123 Brandela Theater Bldg., Doug. 1571. 116 S. 13TH St., 20x44 and I ran., above, mod. L ht ...$10.06 BIRKETT ft COMPANY, 260 Be Bid?. Doug. IJ 4711 8. 24TH ST., SOUTH BIDE Near post office. E. H. BENNER CO. D. $401. ONE office In Wead Bldg.; open for inspec tion. 310 S. 18th St. Office and Desk Roomi. OFFICES. $20 per month and up. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO FIRST TRUST CO.. Agts. Tyler 100. Miscellaneous. j WAREHOUSE SPACE 66x131 feet., on trackage, lultabl for storage of automobiles. World Realty Company, Douglas 6348. Sun Theater Bldg. MOVING AND STORAGE T7,TTTT TTV RENTAL TTPWl? L tUUUX X X SERVICE A- IkUU Phone Douglas 283 for complete list oi vacant house and apart- ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson fits. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Expert services; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store, 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7786. f , FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE separate locked rooms for household goods an pianos; moving, packing and ahipplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 106 S. 16th. Douglas 4161. Globe Van and Storage Co. For leal servlcs In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 2S0 or Douglas 4338. Jf Tt?X?T Express Co., Moving . J. SXCjIZixJ packing ad Storage. 1207 "'urn an- St. Web 2748 Doug 0 4. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WEST FARNAM JUST COMPLETED SIX ROOMS $4,000 Full two-story aquar typ, with vry Inch of space divided off to best advan tage; living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, etc., on first floor; three good bedroom and bath on second; oak floors throughout " entire house; oak finish downstairs; mahogany and white enamel above; fine basement; splendid location. About $600 cash will handle, balance monthly payments. Armstrong-Walsh Company REALTORS, Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. $400 CASH $30 PER MONTH You pay this much as rent each month. Why not have something to show for It and own your own hornet 6-room bungalow; large lot, In new addi tion ; close In ; has all modern conveniences ; nicely decorated and all ready to mov Into; built In 1917. Price $3,600. Term a above. Let us show you this. J. H. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS. 4M-13 Kselln Bldg. Phon Douglas 110. 1 'IMPROVED ACRE TRACT 6 ACRES Improved with 10-room mod ern house in good condition, having hot water heat, facing east on paved road on west aide of Omaha Country Club, convenient to good sohool, and carllne. About 2 Vi acres in cultivation, balance In lawn and bearing fruit with many fin shad trees. Thla Is something very de sirable. Close in and would make an ideal home for one who desires the advantages of country life, and yet be close to th city. Pries $17,600. GEORGE & CO., Doug. 756. ' THE ELMWOOD OMAHA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT NEW FIRE PROOF Two or three more apartment left, I room each, with 6-room accommodation. Open from 2 to 6 p. m. today. Phon Harney 708 and a car will call for you ana take you to see these beautiful apartment. J. L. HIATT CO., Office Phone Tyler 60. 7-ROOM modern house, 10 blocks from post offlce, 6 from high school, barn and gar den room. $2,750.00. Buy direct from owner, as I have to bo In Washington March 1. C. Torell, 2638 Capitol Ave. Har. 4486. ' " NICE BRICK HOUSE Near 30th and Farnam, 7 rooms; 4 bed rooms. Ready Feb. 1st. Low rent V H DRAKE. Douglas 8705. 716 Brandela Theater. 6-RM. house, north or Hanscom Pk. district; strictly modern; $2,600 to $4,500. Box 1460. Omaha Bee. North. BEAUTIFUL MERCER PARK v.tre every lot front on a boulevard, special In and paid for; served by three car line. Every lot a perfect noma lt. having frontage from 10 to 78 feet. NO FRAME HOUSES PERMITTED In thla exclusive residential district. Price and term very reasonable. STUCCO HOME In beautiful Dundee. OAK TRIM THROUGHOUT. Built by the owner for a home; S room on on floor. Surrounded - by plendld homes. Paving all paid. Price 34,000. "Would llge $S00 cash, but $600 will do. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St, TeL Doug. 1064; Even lnt ColfM 1(71. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. BUNGALOW BEMIS PARK DISTRICT "$3,000 Frame and ttnceo flv room and bath, all modern; oak floor and flntah. Built three yeara ego and for aale at for lew than coat at that time. Garage. Dandy south front lot on paved atreet Only two blocks from Harney car line. Good surroundings. This la a genuine bargain. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 16S. 333 Securities Bldg. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW" 2 LOTS, PAVED STREET. FRUIT. PRICE $4,000 This place Is located In the northwest ern part of th city, clou to Monmouth Park school, I blocks to car Una. Has I different kind of bearing fruit trees, also nice young shad trees. Rom bushes and berry bushes. Large chicken house, two brooder. Garden space la rear of lots separated from lawn by tnoe with vines growing over It House Is In excellent con dition; all rooms on one floor; screen and storm sash; screened porch. This Is a bargain. Act quick. Call Tyler 1860 to day, or Tyler -60 during the week. $500 CASH Balance like rent, will buy a new 6-room, afl modern beautiful bunga low at 3919 N. 20th St. (blvd.), with garage in rear. This is a snap. H. A. WOLF CO., 114 Ware Blk. Tyler $5. WHY PAY RENT? $100 Down Balance $20 Per Month Just listed a 5-room, strictly modern cottage except beat, located 2427 Saratoga St Living room In white enamel, dining room ha fireplace; good cellar under house, but not cemented. This place can be bought for $2,000. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1781. NEW 4 ROOMS 3 LOTS $2,600 ' $260 Down, $24.60 Monthly Near 40th and Grand car line, almost H acre of fine garden and poultry ground. Basement well arranged for Incubator cel lar; good weU; wired for electricity. Buy this now and: prepare for spring. House faces east; lots slops to rear. Call Wal nut 3672 thla evening and Tyler 60 during day and ask for Mr. Manvllle. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW We have several 6-room bungalow that we can sell on $300 to $600 payments. Prices from $2,600 to $3,000. These ar all modern. See TRAVER BROS. CO., $11 First National Bank Bldg. BUY A BARGAIN, NEARLY NEW HOME. Dandy two-story, flveroom, strictly modern home; oak finish, bookcases, ex tra closets; full basement; choice east front lot; only one-half block to car, wo block to school. A snap for $3,500. Terms. Owner has left city. Immediate possession. To see today, call Colfax 124$. During week, Colfax 7496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bid. Tyler 496. Near Sherman Avenue 7 rooms, strictly modern; 5 rooms and bath on first floor; special price; easy terms. E. H. BENNER CO. D. 8406. 7 ROOMS, CLOSE IN, HOME. - $3,200. All modern home about T year old; large lot 60x188 feet and paving all paid. This place worth $4 200, but will sell for $3,200 on asy terms, or take In good building lot for equity. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., 222 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 3140. 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, VERY NICE FINISH IN OAK. FOR ONLY $2,900. Thl house I a half block to Sherman Ave ear Una. A nice home for some one. W. H. GATES, 47 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1294. Realtors. Web. 2688. NIFTY MODERN OAK BUNGA LOW, $150- CASH. $30 PER MONTH. Very attractive oak finish, new bunga low nicely located and ready to move Into. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., 222 Keellne Bldg Douglas $140. $100 DOWN, $20 PER MONTH. $1,600.00. FURNISHED FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 6-room cottage, gaa and electric lights. Furniture thrown In, Including a gaa and coal rang. Cement basement Nice level lot On blk. to oar and school; fin loca tion. Call Doug. 601$ during office hours or Col. 2460 after 6 p. m. Ask for E. L MORROW. f-RCOM, atrlctly modern, large lot full basement paving all paid; nicely deco rated. A big bargain at th price, $2,160. Located 2331 Ames Ave. Term. NORRIS NORRIS, 406 Be Building. Phon Dongla 4270. CAK BUNGALOW. Five room, brand new, all modern, very attractlva, price $3,150; only small amount cash. Balance like rent. D, 3140. FOUR-ROOM, ull modern but heat, 6-room accommodations. New. Good location, $75 cash. Call Wal. 677. South. FIELD CLUB BARGAIN $4,500 Best buy In this high-class section. Beautiful stucco home, C rooms and sleep ing porch; oak floors, mahogany and white enamel over birch, tile bath room, fireplace and in first-class condition; south front See thl at once. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, , Douglas 3962. 119-20 City National. NOW BUILDING NEW 4-ROOM 'HOUSE ON TWO ACRES Ground 1 located 3 block from car line and paved road. Lays fin for garden. Near (tore, Cathollo church and school. Hous now being framed. Will make reas onable changes of partitions to ault Ready to turn for spring. This I the last one. Two already sold. Terms $300 cash bal anc monthly. Call me at Walnut 3672 today or evenings. Week days at Tyler 60. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. COST $5,000 SALE PRICE $3,:00. Six-room, 2-story bungalow; Vapor heat; strictly modern In every way; built by owner for horn three year ago; lot 60x171; on car line; best snap on onr list OSBORNH REALTY CO., . 701 Omaha, Nat'l. Bank Bids. Tyler 46. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED South. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT Six-room bungalow, large living room, dining room with built-in buffet, finished In oak, three bed room and bath, stair way to floored and plastered attic, ex terior stucco and frame. Located 3006 8. 33d street Price $3,860; $200 down, bal ance term. Purchaser may have th us of vacant lot adjoining for garden th coming season. C G. CARLBERG, 310-612 Brandels Theater Bldg. BRAND NEW HOUSE I rooms and batb, living room, dining room and den on first floor, two bed rooms and bath on second floor, plenty of closet room, east front decoration and fixture to suit purchaser. Price $3.(00; $200 down, balanc term. Located 2841 8. $4th St Purchaser may have use of vacant lot adjoining, for th coming season. 1 C. G. CARLBERG, 310-312 Brandela Theater Bldg. 10-ROOM house, cloa In, strictly modern. In best of condition. Price $6,000, term to suit. Tel. Owner, Douglas 4134. Miscellaneous. $15.00 PER MONTH! Pay down one hundred dollar and In a few year yon will own on of these houses. 2230 Emmet St., a 6-room house, on a corner lot, with olty water, toilet and gas. This Is a snap on these terms. 2014 Bancroft St., a 6-room home, with city water and toilet. Buy this place, put in bath, electrlo lights and paint the house and you will make several hundred dollar more than th work coat Th owner 1 a nonresident and ha reduced th price for a sale at thl time. Be It today. 4717 N. 42d St. This 6-room house en asy payments Is a real buy. Put sev eral hundred dollars Into th bouse to make It modern and you will have a real horn. This place la near school and ear line. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Dougla 200. Realtor. 606 Be Bldg. HOW would you Ilk to move Into a new 6 room bungalow completely furnished? You can do so for only $500, Thl buy equity and furniture. Address Box T-864, Omaha Bee. LET me how you my brand new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion A real bargain at $3,850. Rea sonable terms. Call Owner. Dougla 1722. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. 1220 Farnam St. Doug. 1064. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS A CO.. BEE BLDO. R. & TRUMBULL $06 lit Nat'l iJk. Bldg. Doug. 1734. REM. ESTATE B'neai Pr'pty BUILDINGS FOR SALE FOR REMOVAL I N. W. Corner 43d Ave and Cum ing St., one 5-room house, one and one-half story barn, 20x30. Submit bids to GEORGE & COMPANY, M'CAGUB INVESTMENT CO., Income, Business and Trackage Specialist 16th and Dodge Sts. Douglas 416. YOUNG & DOHERTY, City Resl Estate. Dougla 1571. 222 Brandels Theater. H A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT A DOUBLE BRICK THAT'S DIFFERENT N CLOSE IN Rental $1140 Price $10500 Not built on the stereotyped plan but artistically designed to give appearance of on fin home. Tapestry brick, eement porches asbestos roof, etc. Six fin room, sleeping porch and bath on each side. Oak finish. Walking distance between Harney and Leavenworth. Lot 50x140. Good ga rage. Mortgages of $5,000 can be paid or assumed. Armstrong-Walsh Company REALTORS. , Tyler 1536. 33$ Securities Bldg. BfclCK FLATS CLOSE IN i Two apartment, rent $70; right down town, handy to Harney St. For quick sale, $7,260. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Douglas 8962. 919-20 City National. $5,000 MORTGAGE on well located apart ment house, due April 1 1919,, Interest 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, subject to first mortgage $10,000; value of build ing $35,000. We will (guarantee lnterest and principal day It becomes due. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St Phone Tyler 60. NEARLY new. 2 Apt, brick flat, 23d and Howard. Price $8,600. Will take clear bungalow up to $8,000 In trade. Wal. 2007. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE 99x132, brick buildings, 14th and Leavenworth; for sale or for rent; all or part. E. H. BENNER CO. D. 8406. REAL ESTATE To Exchange For Sale or Exchange 108-acr farm $ mile from good town, every acre good wheat, corn or alfalfa land; ha good house and 6-acre orchard. Price $150 per acre; mtg. $5,000. Owner will exchange for Omaha Income, . R. S. TRUMBULL, 1306 First Nafl. Bank Bldg. Tyler 785. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Choice 640-acr farm in Sulley county, 8. D. Every acre good. Price $36 per acre. Owner would except some Omaha property In exchange. t R. S. TRUMBULL, 1305 First Nat. Bank Bldg, Tyler 785. EXCHANGE or sale, wholesale price, your . choice from thousands of acre In high lands. South Central Florida. Writ Flor ida Good Home Co Scarrltt Bldg., Kan sas City, Mo. FOR EXCHANGE Cement stone works, large building with railroad siding for land. Address 132 N. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. HAVE 80 acres, Wheeler county, value $2,600; will trad for equity In olty prop erly Wllnon. 817 S 16th REAL ESTATE Unimproved Miscellaneous. LARGE garden lots near car line, paved street $126 to $196. $1 down. Dona-. 6074. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. WELL-LOCATED Dundee lot, 60x135 feat Price less than $1,000. Terms can be arranged. Phone Harney 4283. Acreage. CLOSE IN ACJiE SNAP 7-room, strictly modern house except heat with one acre of ground, one block from car line, 3 block from Miller Park school, 1 block from paved street' Price of thl property I $4,600. Owner would discount thl $260 for cash. Thl la a nap. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 617 Omaha National Bank Bids.' D. 17$L Acreage. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN 14 ACRES CLOSE IN On 40th St. south of Center; smooth, rich land; all la blue grass; n th main road and a half mil outside city limit. Good fence and well, but no building- Price $$,006. Reasonable terms. Practically all elty convenience here, Including elec trlo light mall delivery and good school I block away. HARRISON & MORTON, Realtor. 911 O. N. B. Bldg. TWO FARM BARGAINS ONE SUBURBAN HOME 75 aors at Crescent station, 19 miles north of Council Bluffs, In cluding townsite. General store and elevater needed. To close eatate will aell for $100 an acre. 200 acres In Council Bluffs, nesr Institute; car line; lays level, soil rich; good barn. Pries $239 an acre. Fins suburban house, 9-room mod ern house, tenant house, fruit, gar den land; full view; close to paved street; 21 acres. Will sell at a bargain to close estate. N. P. PODGE & CO.. Omaha, Neb. Doug. 829. ACREAGE FOR CITY PROPERTY ' W have a client that ha 4 acres, lo cated In th northwestern part of th olty; good barn, chicken house, 7-room house, all fenoed woven wire-tight; about 100 cherry tress, a few apple trees. Would oonstder trading for a piece of city prop erty, not too large and not too old; 2 block from car line and paved itreet Great opportunity, where you can make your own living. Price of thl property, $4,000 for quick sale. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 627 Omuha National Bank Blrtu. 1). 1781. DODGE STREET ACREAGE And adjoining land I rapidly Increas ing In value. W offer 40 acres, $0 acres In cultivation He high, lightly, sloping gsntly to shaded pasture of 8 acres, with spring and running water; fair Improve ments, soms fruit, located 5 miles west of city limits, mil from Dodge St on main road. Term $3,000 easb, balanc easy pay ments. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., REALTORS 101$ OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDO. Douglas 2715. FIVE vary fin garden lots, olosa to car line, close to school just outside the city limits, where you do not have to pay city taxes; an Ideal place to rets pigs, poultry or garden; th owner has moved to Cali fornia and say aell at onoe; price 183 each; term, 60o a week on each lot Call Walnut $466 today or In th evening. 13 $-10 ACRES Price $3,600. t room house, closet, pantry, bath room, cellar, barn, sheds, ehlcksn hous, yards. Apple and cherry orchard; alfalfa and plow. land, ltt mil city school. In sight entrance Loveland Grand Canyon on road to Kite's Park. O. N. Wkeelock, Loveland, Colo. 5-A. with assorted fruits; good house and barn; on Krug park road; good buy for $6.000. F. D. WEAD,' 310 6. 18th St. South Side. FOR SALE 8-room house, S lots, hog, chloken house, 1 block from car line; S block from school; furnace, eleo. light; $2,400; soms cash; easy terms. 4726 R St. Tel. 8. 1636. Miscellaneous. AN UNUSUAL EXCHANGE PROPOSITION A one-acre tract with 3 houses, ons 6 room, on 4-room, nearly new, 20 cherry trees, 10 apple trees, a few pears, peaches, etc., grapes, bsrrles, sto. Splendid rich garden coll. You can live in one hous and rent th other. Prfce $3,400, Mtg. $1,200 In B. & L. Co. Will take s dear $1,800 cottage and $400 cash for equity. Call Walnut 1629 .today or Doug. 2819 next week, WE SPECIALIZE In auburban property. Can W serve youT Call Mr. Browne. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 113-14 City Nat. Doug. 2819. REAL ESTATE- -Other Cities FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Deslrabl residence property, Cedar Rapid, la. qulty; a bargain; or will exchange for vacant Omaha lot up to $1,400. 36463 Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED W'ANTED 1 or 8-room modern home on paved St., close to cars, reasonable walk ing distance, congenial neighborhood. An old house not consldsred. For a five acr block, a indicated IihRED on- Map. In the New Brownell Han and Falracro dis trict, on West Dodge St, which I paved for mile beyond. Located In the choice uburban exclusive resident part of Omaha. Observe the many fine homes In Fairacre, costing from $8,009 to $30,000. Adjoining . th J. L. Kennedy' $20,000 10-acra build ing (Ito. You deal dlreot with the woman owner, who bought It In 1884, expecting to build. Have other property If required In a deal or will assums a reasonable mtge. C. 3. Cahan, 810 McCagus Bldg. , , WANT FARM Ws hav pr brick buslnes: block almost new, In center of Omsha's big busi ness, net Income under lease $6,000 per year. Owner want good central Nebraska farm. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery 213 City National. HAVE $15,000 cash and about same amount of vacant Iota to apply on purchase price of close-In Improved or unimproved, on Harney, Farnam or Dougla Bts. Box 1402, Omaha Bee. WE HAVi several good reliable buyers for 6 and (-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Oaborn Reslty Co., Tyler 196. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. POULTRY AND PET STOCK SINGER CARARIES FOR SALE. HARNEY 4674. PIGEONS, 10,000 wanted. R. & Elliott 7600 Independence 4ve., Kansas City, Mo. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS ( 9,500 buys St Louis flat having two apartments of five and . six rooms each. One block to car line and five minutes' walk from 16th and Harney Streets. Gross yearly rental $960. $10,000 buys stucco terrace of two apartments in West Farnam district. Gross pearly rental $1,200. $25,000 buys 2-story brick store building, 33x124 feet on lot 33x132 feet. Located only 2 blocks from 16th and Harney streets. Gross yearly rental $2,400. $30,000 buys 2-story Duplex brick of 9 rooms each having hot water heat. Located on Harney street between 20th and 24th, in a coming business location, where values are in creasing rapidly. $8,700 cash will handle this deal. $45,000 buys a 3-story brick building with stores below and living quarters above on South 16th street. Gross yearly rental about $4,500. Encumbrance $24,000, five years, at 5. $45,000 buys a brick terrace of 8 apartments, nearly' new. Located in fine neighborhood in west portion of city. Gross yearly rental $6,060. IF INTERESTED, CALL ON OR SEE George .& Company PHONE DOUGLAS 756. FINANCIAL. 10th and Hickory Sts. At the southeast corner of 10th and Hickory we offer a full lot with 2 stores and flats above and brick cottage in rear. Rented for $1,128 per annum. Price $8,500; terms, easy. H. A. WOL'F,. $14 War Block. Tyler $1. JReaEstate, Loans andMortgages, PER CENT FIU8TFARM MORTGAGES On Inproved Nebraska farm, Interoat payable semi-annually. $1,000, ecurlty worth $6,201.00. $3,000, aecurlt worth 3U.OCO.00. Other up to $15,000, lot exceeding 40 -per cent of .at- of secnrltU . PAYNFI INVESTMENT COMPANY. 637 Omaha Natl Bank Bldf. Omaha. CITY AND FARM LOANS 5. Ctt and Per Cent. J. H. DUMONT CO.. Keeline Bldg. 6 VI and 6 per cent mortgagee secured by Omaha resldenece or Nebraska farms, E. H. LOUGEK, INC., 638 Keellne Hklg. 501 MONEY jO HARRISON A MORTON. 916 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. H. W BINDER. " Money on hand for mortgag loan. City National Bank Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF S PER CENT OR MORS On dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASSOCIATION. $1,600 MTGE., bearing 6 pet semi-annually; scoured by mortgag valued at $6,600. Talmane-boomis inv. to., vr. u. v. mug. $3,600 MTGE., bearing 6 pot semi-annually ; . scoured by mortgag valued at $9,0' 0.00. Talmage-Loomls lnv. Co., " O. W. Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST1 NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., IMS Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug, 2T1S $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F D Wead. Wesd Bids-.. 18th and Farnam Bts NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Be Bldg. CITY. LOANS GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. LOW HATES C. O. CARLBEBG. 313 Bran. dels Theater Bldg. D 688. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W H. THOMAS It SON. Keellne Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. WARE & LELAND, STOCKS, GRAIN, PROVISIONS. COTTON, COFFEE. Members New York Stock Ex change. New York Cotton Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade. Omaha Grain Exchange. Write for special review of stock market. Mailed free. , 727-30 Omaha Grain Exchange. Financial Wanted. WANT to borrow from private party $1,200 a first mortgag; land value $6,000. Box 1437. Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. 1'OTACH MAKES NEW MILLIONAIRES. Write for our prospects, how an Invest ment of $100 may yield a profit Income of $6,000 a year In a remarkable new American Industry; $10 to $600 put you into th ground floor syndicate. W, C. GUMM, TO 3 Commerce Bldg., Kama City, Mo. FARM ND RANCH LANDS THE CATHOLIC COLONIZATION SOCIETY, U. S. A. the recognized national organisation for directing prospective settlers, after careful examination mads on the ground, rscom mends select, fairly priced farm land project In Wisconsin, Michigan, th Da kota, Montana, Colorado, Texas, Missis sippi, Arkansas and Florida. Free infor mation on any of these tract. Cathollo Colonization Society, AWand Block, Chicago, Arkansaa Lands. FEBRUARY S Our next excursion to our famous Delta land at MoGehee, Arkansas. Call or writ W. S. FRANK, 301 Neville Blk., Omaha. Canadian Lands, (40 ACRES highly Improved, well culti vated farm with good building, fencing, etc. 20 mile from Winnipeg and oloa to railroad and market with full equip ment, at only (36.00 per acre, $10,000 cash, balance arranged. Land alon I worth $60.00 per acre. Writ the Walch Land Company, Winnipeg, Can ada. Colorado Lands. FOR QUICK BALE. 1,600 acres S mile town, (0 per cent tillable; Improved; 400 acre In cultiva tion; tractor proposition and outald range, near oil well. Price $20 per acre; easy term. 480 acre. $3,000 worth of Improve ments, all tillable, best of soil, wheat and corn land. PHno- $20 per acre; easy term. (20 seres, 2Vt mile from town, a per fect half section; 1 mil of school, 1 mil of the Golden Belt Auto tflad. Price $20 per acre. Terms L. B. BARGE'R, Wray, Colorado. FARM LANDS OPPORTUNITY Eaatorn Colorado along the Rock Island line of fers splendid opportunities for securing good low priced farm land Just ready for the plow. Many farmer paid for land with 1917 crop. The Rock Island ha no land for -tie, but 1 deeply Interested In locating Industrious, earnest settler along It lines. Write today for free Illustrated literature and complete detailed Informa tion. L. M. Allen, Passenger Trafflo Man ager, 736 La Salle Station, Chicago, III. ATTENTION I STOCKMEN, RANCHERS. $40 head high grade Hereford cattle, $20 sores deeded land, 4,000 acres leased, eastern Colorado; all fenced, plenty water, .fine Improvements: 13 head horses, $2,00 worth of hay, chickens, hogs, Implements, furniture, etc. Everything Included In bargain price of $33,000. For particular address Bos 1413, Omaha Bee. 320-ACRKS (Lincoln County. Colorado) farm; small Improvements; (0 cultivated; choice land. Possession March 1; $16 per acre. Bargain. John L. Maurer, Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. WHEAT land, Kit Carson county, Colorado; $1$.60 to $1$ per sere. W control SI choice quarter. Send for booklet Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha. Florida Lands. FLORIDA We will build your home on rich farm near Jacksonville, at only $1 month ly. Writ Jacksonville Heights CO., Jack sonvllle, Florlds. Idaho Lands. OPPORTUNITY, Independence, comfort, beautiful valley, no bltssarda no drouth, no cyclone, mild winters, fin summers, wonderful crope ure. Writ for Informa tion. Commercial Club, Caldwell, Idaho. Iowa Lands. FORCED SALE I? 2 belt, between Omaha and De Moines, Adair county; practically all cultivated; halt lays well, balance quite rolling; two story house, large barn: close school; 7 miles county seat Sacrificing at $113.50 (appraised $136): must sell this week: $7,00 cash necessary. No trades. lon't write, unless prepared and mean business. Address Box 125-A, (luthrle Center, la. 1(0 ACRES improved, IS miles from Mspleton. la. Price, $30,000. Term. $13,000 down, balanc i year. ( per cent: ( per cent off If full payment In cash la mad. Mr. J. H. Stewart, P. a Box tlS. Soottsbluff, Neb 160 ACRES Improved m miles from Msple ton. Is. Price. $20,000. Terms, $13,000 down, balance 6 year. ( per cent; ( per cent off If full payment in cash is made Mrs. i. II. Stswart P. O. Box IK. Scotta- bluff. Neb. Montana Lands. EASTERN MONTANA Crop Producing Farms, Dawson County, In th famous Redwater Valley. Near schools and churches. Fin watsr and most health ful climate, Improved farms. 111 to $36 per acre, Raw pratrl land, $1 to $11 per acr. Also fin ranching propositions. Easy terms and low Interest rates. Write for our special January and February land lists Plan .en coming out In th apring. It will pay you big. OCCIDENTAL LAND LOAN COMPANY, Blchey. Mont. ' Minnesota Lands! HUNGRY for landt W hava-aholc land along our Una In Saint Louis ooimty, that w will tell you In tract to suit and on th easiest possible terms." What w want I actual settlers. W want all such to writs. Arnold, Commissioner, Iron Rangs Ry., (07 Wolvln Bldg., Dulutn. Minn. Writs todsy, MissourFLands. SMALL "MISSOURI FARM. $2.50 cash and $3.60 monthly! no in terest or taxes. Also an Interest In our great development project which within th next few month should pay you on hundred dollar for every dollar you In vest. Highly productive land, close to three big marked; photographs and full Information free. MUNGER, H. 117, N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansa City, Mo. GREAT BARGAINS $6 down,' $1 monthly buy 40 acrts, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Pries only $220. Addres Box $82. Springfield, Mo. WELL Improved 160 acrea, $2,600, terms, all sixes, bargain. Mat, , McOrath, Moun tain View, Mo, Nebraska Lands. AT AUCTION! GOOD BURT COUNTY FARM To Be Sold to Highest Bidder FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST Teknmah, Neb. Cons ! of 160 acre of good valley land In high state of cultivation. 24 aore tinder plow, II acre pasture, bet anc hay land. Good fair1 Improvements, good grove and orchard, food water. Terms, one-third down, balanc within reasonable time at IH per cent Interest Parties desiring to look thl place over will be met at depot and furnished free transportation to farm and return. THOMPSON AUCTION CO., Auctioneer, Lyon, .Neb, Owners: Alva Smith, Omaha; Max Smith. Phon Web. $56$ or Web. 1710 for in formation. FOR BALE 120-Acr Wood River 'valley farm. In Buffalo bounty. It mile from Kearney. Greater portion of the farm I fenced hog tight, a portion seeded to al falfa. It Is ctat up ome by Wood river, lnty of good timber. Improvement fair, hi farm bandied a an alfalfa and hog proposition would pay a handsome rev enue. Price $00 per acre, good term. Choice Wood River valley farm,- 0 acres, Improved, 2H mile from good rail road town, about II mile from Kearney. Price 116,000 on good term. Th abov two Buffalo county farm ar th bait on th market 480 acre located In northwest Perktn county, about 240 acre In cultivation and In fin shape for spring seeding, A half section fenced, quit a good barn, granry, corral, well, windmill and cistern. Hous not extra good. Price $37.60 per acre $8,000 will be carried five years at I par cent Thl I an exceptionally good propo lltlon and w can guarantee thl will rent for cash to pay the Interest on th pur chase Investment C. K. Dsvlei, Kearney, Neb. HORSES for sale. 1718 Webstar Street ACT NOW. On account of III health, I will Hit my farm of 480 acre IH mile west of Sutherland on Lincoln Highway! 10 acre tinder the plow, 13 aore undar cultiva tion. This Is the finest land In th Piatt valley. First-class tor alfalfa, beet or corn. An Ideal stock and hog farm. Pos session March 1. See me or writ direct for term. W. A. C. Yule, Sutherland, Neb. REAL ESTATE Minne Lusa Homes We are selling our new homes in this beauti ful addition as fast as they can be completed. Permits for twenty-five homes costing nearly $100,000 were issued to us yesterday. MINNE LUSA is the logical place for you to buy for an INVESTMENT A HOME A SPECULATION The reason for our remarkable sale record there is simply that YOU CAN GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY. Buyers look over other offerings and in Minne Lusa they find every improvement in the streets, building restrictions on ALL LOTS, a lighting system that makes the 126 acres in this tract a veritable Fairylandsplendid street car service and they BUY THERE. The BEST place for your savings is a Minne Lusa lot or home. We will take your Liberty Bonds. ' . . Sundays call E. A. Hoisington, Colfax 2202, ' or F. L. Gallup, Colfax 120, CHARLES W. MARTIN- & CO., -REALTORS t, 742 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg, Tyler 18.7, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. FARM RENTERS ' . ATTENTION! POSSESSION MARCH 1st, 1918 - v ' - If yen hav $1,000 rash and can pay $2,060 to $3,600 more March 1, come and see us. W have for ssl an Improved farm of S3 acres close to Omaha and IH miles from railroad town; black loam soli, with day subsoil and very productive r 6S acre In cultivation and th balance In timber and pasture. The corn averaged 46 bushels and the oats 60 bushels thl year. Price $125 per acre; easy terms. Own your farm and atop paying rent J. H.-DIjJMONT & CO. . 4K-U Keellne Bldg. Phon Dougla 190. ' A CLOSE IN FARM of IT acre, ti mile of Omaha, ought to be called acreage. Splendid 7-room hous 4 year old. basement cemented, guaran teed new furanco, good barn. Douhl crib, double garage, cow barn, Italia for 17 rows, with hay mow; hog house, good alio, mil to paved road. Possession , March 1. Will carry $10,000, balanc cash. Was first priced st $271. Want of fer; on account of closeness ot city I now worth $300. Here I a chance to buy acreage at little mor. than farm land price. Don't hesitate. Put $25 per acre In your pocket the moment you pur- -chase this farm. Address Graham-Peters Realty Co., Ill Omaha Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ; U. , (B-16) $5,000. Clear 20-a. Improved aubur ban fruit and farming land, about IS mile north of Florence; 6-r. house, barn, sheds, chicken, hog and to houae; fenoed; grapes, apples and all klnda of fruit. , Want a horn close to school, and ehurcnt will consider desirable lot and cash, o mtge. back for difference. Occupied by owner for 20 years. . C. J. CANAN, III) McCague Bldg. PLATTE! valley farm of 172 acrea In Daw son county. This s ideal alfalfa and corn land, water being within 13 ft Barn new, stsel windmill and other improvement. Owner wlshea to sell to. enter business. Th man that ha th time to put thl all , In alfalfa ran nearly double hi money. Price $60.00 per acr. Owner, Address Box 6311, Omaha Bee. IMPROVED 1,329 acre ranch, no blow-out. halt valley.- Must be sold In 10 day. A sacrifice. Seward Bros., I7S Brandela Bldg. 10 'ACRES, nearly level, Improved,' between Oakland and Wast Point Neb., at enly $190. on easy term. O. A. KulU Oakland. Neb. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, 160 per a-. . Including psld-up water right. Henry Levi ft c. m. Rylsnder, it Oman Man. RANCHES of all slses and klnda. easy terms A. A. Pataman, 101 Rarbach Rlk. LIST your land for quick result with C. J Canan. II" MrCagne Bldg.. Omaha. New York Lands. 428 ACRES, H mil from village, store. , blacksmith shop, churchv sawmill, grist mill, ohsese factory, 4 from station) 10 from Buffalo, population 600,000. Good 11 -room house, splendid gambrel roof barn, 41 by 120, litter oarrler, fin pig gery and hennery, sjpUndld water supply. 160 acres tillable, 100 aore timber, bal anc good pasture! 160 apple tree. In cluding 68 head of Holstsin cattls, horse, sow, I pigs, about 600 bu. oats, about 110 tons hay, disk harrow, land roller, grain drill, iprlngtooth trow. ulky culti vator, plows, surrey, manure aprsader. horse rake, ga engine, cream separator, mowing machine, grain reaper, eorn har vester, hay tedder, wagons, (lelghs, small tools. Price $13,000; $8,000 cash; I per cent Interest. Free list bargain. Elli Bros., Sprlngvtlls, N, Oregon Lands. THE JORDAN VALLEY In southeastern Oregon, I a beautiful, -fertll district that you ought to Investi gate. Many shrewd farmer are buying ther. becaus their keen business fore sight tell them that Investment will psy big teturns from th natural Increase In,, th value of th land alon, to lay noth ing of th big crop that they can pro duce. Prlcee low; term easy. Ask me for authentic Information, ab solutely free. You are cordially Invited to emit at room 112. Union Paelfls building, to see our sxcsllsnt and extensive exhibit ot product grown In th Union Paclflo country. R. A. SMITH, Colonisation and Industrial Agents Union Paclflo System. Room 1311, U. P. Headquarter. Omaha, Nebraska. SEW JORDAN V ALLEY PROJECT. HEART Or THtl RANGE. (let en the ground floor with 10 ere Irrigated land In connection with oven ring... You can 4 torn atock uceeeefully and Cheaply. Personally conducted ex cursion every two weeks. Send for bul letin. BARLEY J. HOOKEH. 140 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. LOOK 6 -aore tract, enclosed, chicken tight; walklnat distance; Oregon agrlcul-, tural campus; new 6-room house, barn, wood shed, hen houses, fine garden. Price, . $3,600 cash. Will accspt amall place In middle west town as part payment Write If interested. Mrs. K.. L. Clarke, B. I, Box 8-D, Coryallls, Ore. v ' ' HOMB seekers attention! Come to Oregon and enjoy mlM climate year round. Fertile farm land $51.00 to ll0.00 per acr. Writ for listing and Informa tion free Miller A Walter, Cor.allis, Oregon. ' ' Miscellaneous. DO YOU WANT LAND? W want to send everybody wanting land free sample copy of American Land bulletin, containing . land for aale In 10 states. Many snaps. We ar publishers, not land dealers. Writs for free copy, stating kind of land wanted. American Land Bulletin, Bald win, Wl. REAL ESTATE 1