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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1918)
V? J 1 i i 'I . 1 . a .M li W f i If r ' a - L nptiin nxf A TT A CTTXmAV PTTtt JANTTATIY 27. 1918. ' "" U , " vJinim ummx . r , -i BUSINESS CHANCES JfB OtTB a warrant? deed u eU lota. alM 1,(09 aq. ft. (40x40). With each tot yoa set aharo la aiz producing all and ga walla, also vtn mora walla bow drilling. ThU land locatad la . Oklahoma, tha world'a rraataat oil pro doctng atata. Ona lot eoau II. Of two Iota 5.00, fiv lot 119.0. Thaaa lota and hare mar bring 70a an lnooma for Ufa. Mot intra prospect, bat a raal producing - company. Band money today before to lata. Map literature and rafaraneea tant wun tout daada and aharea. If aot aatla- rtad aftar recoipt notify na wlthla II daya and wa will return tha money. Stanton 4t McKennon, 411 Harakowlta Bldg, Okla . bom City, OkL PATENTS 1 THA xBOTCT AMD AT. ' ' BOOKS AMD ADYXCa FREE, and akatch ar medal tor aaaroh. Hlgheet reference. Beat remit. Proroptne aaaarad. .Watson E. Coleman Pacific Bldg, Waahlntton, D. a WANTED Dependable partner, active or , Client, with 11,000 to $4,000 cash, or bank credit for like amount Te ouch a man I ' will ahara as exceptionally profitable business, possessing merit of the highest .. order. Tula oapltal la required In tha production of aevaral aUpla artlolea which - are made andar eon tract and en whloo I control patent. Theee article are dlt ... tlnetlvcly In a claaa by thuntelve and for which there la a universal demand. Tan particular given at Interview only. Xtos 1411 Omaha Bee. FOR SALE, so trade considered. A flrat - claaa pool and Millard hall Including tlx table, aeata, Ilneoteum, clear and eandy eta, wall rack and all future but not the building. Located la county at tew of 1.000 population. Doing $121 P week buetaeee. a tin location, abeap rant , Price tt.00. Box If, Cr ten. la. COAL situation aoived. No aeal needed W want actlv men having 111. $400 10 aaip handle ami f the Universal Portable Oa plant used la atovea, heat era, furnaoaa; retail 110.10. Uautual opportunity now accoant of eoal abort age Application by letter. Untvtrtal Co., Ill Plymouth B)dg Chicago , A GOOD money making general atore, in i a A-l location on main Una U. P., Platta valla town, tor aal or trad: atock la A in a dandy condition 1 n trading ituff or clothing; a high grade prepoeliloa oi about 17,000, and lultabl for aoma ena j really wanting a home and. bualne. Ad it I urea boi x-t7, umana Bee. Ol account of being drafted I will sell gooa tailoring, dry cleaning and preeelng builna; a good location and vary aheap rent This place baa don over 110,009 business In the past year; will sail thla place at very reasonable price for aih cr banks bis not. Imparls! Tailoring C., Austin, Minn. ' ooBjq 6ut or business. I will sell at public sal my foundry and machine shop, real estate, power ma cbtnery. tools and stock, talc Mils will be sent on request , OEOROB XIJCERA. ' l Korth Cedar Ht. Orand Island, Kab, 'i HERS I a cbano for a party to get Into 1 ' buatnea quickly. Oreo err store and meat market for sale a good a, loeatlon a there la la Omaha; will sell for cash or part cash, balance a easy term It (old 1 At eaa. Far Information apply at 111 B. 14th Bt, Oltnder Studio. t ESCCLBSIVB shos store, well balanced I : stock, beat looatlon, normal school town, county a eat, In Hebraska, population 1,000. ' Owner praotleal aho man; protection of i health raon tor lllng; last year's i business 111. 000, Per further Inform. tloB wrlt - J'bneon, Tork, Nab. I IbB INDEPENDENT, ' ChlropraeU doctor I earn 19,000 t 14,000 yearly; work for i yourself; this good paying profesalon 5- quickly learned by eorrecpon dance; low . I rata; easy term; Illustrated book and ti chart) free, American Unlvrilty, 167 J Manlerre Building, Chicago. I 1 WANT tour more man to Join me la or ' 1 ganlstng a big Oo-operatlva Oil company. ' j One to be president, one vice president and ail to b director. Uuat uveal 1100 ' ( cr more cash. For parUoulars, address 1 Bog 111, Cambria, Wye. J ,V rOlaINO OIL We are reoommendlng I cevaral lnvtlgat4 etl ccmpanta which I precept exceUant opportunities. Will be I pleased to place your name on our mall , Ing Hat. Kemmorer Brokerage Co. (Inc.), i j Kemmcrer. Wyo. - i - llm Makes Iollar. t .; ..' ttoitlme thres or four, ; . W know whan dimes s Should make quarter. . Probably much mar. F' ft Co., Tranaportatloa Bldg., Chisago, Iff-at Ai"r No trade eonaldered, a eom . t ft of abstract book. In a oouuty 'seat town ef about 10,000 population, I doing a fin buelneea. Alao opening for a good attorney. Price 14,000, Writ bet Sfi. Oayeola la. A B:7lALL"amount of money will handle t'Rte prepoeitloa that ha been worked with good tucce. A man that will take this ea will elaar up a good deal of money right from the start. Leaving town la the tm for selling. P. O. Bos 717, Omaha. FwANi "pejrtr to aot sa cahlr and -fat R U restaurant bualn, Expert n not neaary. I do tha cookHng, at. I have ehotc location. Long oitabllahed. A boat Sl esh required. Fin chance to right piuw Box 140. Omaha Be. LACKS XifTmOf and reaidence tor aala . In a d Stunders county,, Nab., town; nly shop In town; plenty work all year; good opportunity for a mechanic , Box t fy """ iooii riucn a clothing, ahu etock and flx tureaf for tale, In growing Nebraska town, eath bualneas, only clothing store in town, rent reasonable. No tradea. Good reaaon for celling. Car Box T 161, Omaha Be. FiTulL WELLS Now paying II per cent yearly. Unlimited poaalbllltiea, Amaxtng booklet (Fortune In Oil) fro on request. Shares L Id aeon Oil and Oaa Co., bear- ritt Bldg., Kanaaa City, Mo. FOR SALE Dry goods ator; central Iowa town of 4.000; stock and fixture. 11,000; term. 15.000 cash and balance real aetata. Leading atom and beat location, Addreas Bog T-IS. O'nnb, Bee. t5lL PROPERTY producing t,00 bsrrels dally. Many proven locations t drill. Kan aaa field; 1,700 feet deep. Alao other prop- rtles larg and email. T. H. Andaraoa, Coffeyvllle, Kan. MILLINERY atock and fixture for al In a good pro parous town. Terraa reason able. Must aail at one to work for gov ornmcnt. For particular writ t Boa T 141. Omaha Be. t We are in the market for ' country mixed scrap Iron, write for prices. A. B. ALPIRN, Tth and Douglaa. Douglas 1414. MEAT market. I want to lease meat market fully equipped In good country town. thoroughly understand the bualna and eaa make good. W. Oaddts, Exeter, Keb. FOR SALE Only drug a Us re In good Neb. town, near Omaha. Writ or phono D, W. Bell, proprietor, for particular. Ill I. lith Ave.. Omaha. Neb. -- PARTNER wanted la real tat and inaur.; have nice office ; larg Ults of lands an4 ranehat: no invattmcnt. P. O, Boa it. OLD oetabilahed mercantile houe daalre to represent out-oNtowa mannfaoturer or jobber la New York sad surrounding Relmann, 4T Veeey St. New York. FrUO CORE in Broken Bow, Neb,; ohandls Involc IS. 000: fixture when bow 11.000, Will U for 11.00. Reason em la Class 1 in draft S. R. Lee, owner. WANTE1 Young man to go In partnerehlp with young man owning 14 area of weet ora Mabraaka land. Good offer to right man. For particulars phone Walnut lit, MOVING PICTURE machine, new and re built, all makes; eappliea, Wetter flap- ply Co., 101 Nan Bldg. WANTED To hear from owner ef good : . bnalneae for sal. Stat cash price, full . deeorlptisa. D. F. Buah, Minnas polls, Minn FOR BALE Grocery; doing 110,00 boat , noes annually; fin location. Tyler illl-W. Do not call ,unle you mean buainea. JaOSPITAL In town of 1,000, to lease; good place for two nunc. Broker. Bow Hos pital, Broken Bow, Neb. ATTORNEY to put In 130 ard take over practice, butlneas, etc.; owner entering; tha army, box t ioi, omasa Bee. FOB SALE Patented tie preater and hang Mall order proposition. Boa 1111, Omaha Be. GROCERY ator and meat market for aal', stock and flxtnrea new; a bargain at H,00 aash. Duff Ave. Oroe., A rata. Ia, MOTIOH plotur maebtn (new aad re boll t). theaters supplied, Omaha Film Ex change, io a, itn Bt. BUSINESSES fumlahed and sold. All atates r. v. Knleat, Be Bldg., Omaha. Nab. DO WD SALB AND AUCTION C04 111 W, a W, Bldg. Red last. TO GET in or out of bustaee call on OANOESTAD, 141 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1477. Rooming Hoosea. I-ROOM medor hens, roogac rntodi turnl' 1 tare tor sale raasonabia, Bed iiit SITUATION WANTED Male. POSITION WANTED Toung married man, Claaa IT, division A draft; 11 years ex perience, bank and store: reference; want position In drug ator. Present salary 171; now employed. Box T i, Omaha Bee. RELIABLE! colored man with reference waata position. Can drive any kind ef car and do some repair work; married. TeL Douglas Till. 1640 Cuming St BANKING, real eatate or clerical position wanted by experienced young man; beat of rcferencea. W. W. Moore, Hleaaanton, la. ENOlNEKlt and fireman and repair man want altuatlon, city reference. Web. 140. PAINTING. Paparbanglng and Decorating. Lcweet estimate given. Call H-01II. JAPANESE want house work. 4101-41 Dodge 8t. WANTED, by experienced mechanic, a poai- tlon In ahop or on truck. Colfax Hill. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wlah work In (tor or traveling. Bos ISO, Omaha Be. Ashe and cinder hauling. L. Dotaon. R. 7111. Female. LADY with ona child, aohool age, wlahea position a houaekeaper, city or country. Mr. E. M. StDbblefleld, 107 W. Front, Grand Itland, Neb. FIRST CLASS bookkeeper and atanographer with several yearr experience ' want po altlon. Call Harney 1440. POSITION a houaekeaper or with email family; young woman with 1-year-old boy; eltr reference, Walnut 111. PLAIJJ and fancy clothe carefully laundered Called for and delivered. Web, 4211. COLORED woman want day work. Call after I p, m. Webeter lift. EXPERIENCED colored lady wanta lay work. Barney 1401. bAT or chamber maid work. Web. HIT, DRESSMAKING and alteration. Tyler 041. Laundry and Day Work. WR9-CLaS8 colored iaundr, witk rat Call D. 1711. BUNDLE washing and las curtain nicely dona. Webeter 1TI7, Colored lady wants day work. Bar. 1401. LAUNDRESS wanta work! ' Exp. Web. ISlt FOR a good woman for day work, W. 171. BUNDLB -Washing wanted. Walnut Hit. Colored woman wants day work. Web. (01. BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 1110. WANtPiri Day work. Webeter !. t,AI)T wanta day wnrit." Tyler 1HI." HELP WANTED MALE Storea and Office. TRAYILINO aaleaman, automobile, (1M; traveling salaaman, atapla Una, 1100; bookkeeper and aooountant, lll; aaa't credit manager, 100; ledger clerk, SI; general of floe man, 70; bookkeeper, aome atenography, automobll firm, email of flc, 174-184; bookkeeper, Int. office, $11. Weitern Reference & Bond Aii'n, - Originator of the Referenoe Buelneea, 731 First National Bank Building. tOtf MEN WHO HIRS AND firbT Advert! for "help" the sam way you advartlae to sell merchandise, and tha ' difference In retnrn will urpris you. The next flm you need help eall Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will aealat yoa la preparing your advertleemant ' WANTED young tingle man, aot aubject to arari, xor aooKBaeping in northeaat Colorado bank; town of l,00t people; pre fer one who can pak aoma Gorman. N banking oxperlenoc reaulred). Alto want male ateno. for waatera Iowa bank. (Prevloua experience not neceaaary). TIUI CHARLES B, WALTERS COMPANY, 1414 Flrat Natl Bank Bldg., Omaha. WANTED An abstraeUr and offloe aaalat ant In a truat company In an eaetern Ne braaka county aeat town, X lady r gen tleman with abitraotlng xprlenc will b oonaldertd, but mult b very efflolent and have itenographlo experlenee. A tplendld poiltlon with opportunity for advancement to right party, Addreaa Bos T-170, Omaha Be. BOOKKEEPER, elderly man 171-184 ieager eient, implement houe,,, ...... o tenographar, out of city. 171 Bookkeeper, fir Iniuranc.. ..lilt Bookkeeper In lumber yard TWENTY OTHERS, NO FILING FBE. The Marti Company, v 1I1T-1I W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED By largs manufacturing eetab- lianment in aoutheaitara Nebraska, two tint-class taographr, lthr male or female ; itate wages wanted and five available reference In reply; permanent potltlona to thoa who qualify. Bos T 160, Omaha Bee. TYPEWRITERS for rant, or aal at only 11 per montn, civil atrvice, taleamanahlp, and builneee eoaraaa by mall. For "tree tuition," address Carnegie College, Roger, Ohio. BOOKKEEPER. 1100. Office clerka, ft6, 170, 7I. TypKteV III, 70. CO-OFERATIVM REFERENCE1 CO., 1011-1 CITT NAT'L BK. BLDO. WANTED Ry. mall olerke, 171-1150 month.' Omaha examination eoon. Sample quaatlon free. Franklin Inat. Dept III M. Rocheitar. BOOKKEEPERS, 1100, C, 6, 7S. ISsI Otflo Clerka. !i, I0, 7i, 16, 60. WATTS RKF. CO., Ill Int Nat'l Bh. DRAFTSMAN, mechanical, out of clty..uj ' TUB CANO AGENCY, 00 BEB FLDO. Professions and Trades. WANTED , We can use a limited numbor of men between 21 and 40 yean of age as CONDUCTORS a. AND ; MOTORMEN. Must . be physically . sound, of good character and habits and come well recommended. ? Apply in person at of fices of superintendent of . transportation, Room 205, second floor, Merchants National Bank Building. OMAHA k COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. ' WANTED LABORERS! h WAOE8 IIC PER HOUR, APPLY WITHERSPOON-ENQLIR CO.. CHICAOO It N. W. ELEVATOR CO COUNCIL BLUFFS, I A. ' WANTED.' y-, ' : Xsf bntchara, also laborers, ST Ha pr aour. oooa enaneo , advancement. APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. t MORRIS & CO SOUTH CM AHA. MAN to work tble city reflnltbing chan deliers, bras bed, automobll, by caw method. i aauy without capital or perlenea. Writ Gunmetal Co., IS Elm, Decatur, III. FLOUR and FEED packer wanted; good wages; Boors per day. Writ or wire MANET MILLING CO., Omaha, Neb. BE A DETECTIVE. Excellent opportunity. good pay; travel. Write a T. Lttdw'.g, wetiover mag, Kenea city. Mo. LEARN barber trade, low rate now. Call or writ Barber College, 111 Douglas St. BAltBBH wanted at once; good wagea; netay job, vein Hltta, Lake Andes. 8. D, Wanted Bunkbook forwarder. Newt Printing Co, Aberdeen, S. D. Salesmen and Solicitors. EVERYBODY U intereeted In coal W bars the strongest company organised In the stats' of Utah for development of pro perty that ha been passed rpon aad ap proved by United State geological engi ne re. Th company la backed by atrong aait La financial Interest. An exhaust Ivs advertising campaign has been Inaug urated. Salesmen are needed to sell atock who will be adequately backed up. Address iron coanty.coei co, Ceatlnnt4 Bank D10g, Bait A4UC, Utah, HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. LOOK NO FURTHER "Hare's a real opportunity for the mas who wanta to get Into a permanent paying bualneat. Well-rated firm employing over 100 aaleaman traveling In wagont and autoa In all parta of the United Stat, has de alrabte openings for few more men to aell eatabtlahed line of flavoring extractt, aplcea, soap, toilet articles, bom rem edial, ttock and poultry preparations, san itary brushes, roofing, ate. In town and country. Let ua ahow yot how E. R. Harrison mad 11.100 In 10 weeks; score of other men earn 11,000 to 13,000 annually selling our THREE BIO LINES to farmer. No experience or capital required writ today. Furat-McNes company. Dept. Ill, Freeport, III. STOCK SALESMAN ATTENTION I . ' AN OMAHA BANK la Increasing Its capital and re quire tha aervlcea of two high grade atock taleamen; applteanta muat have clean record; come well 1 recommended and be able to finance themaelves. If you measure up to these requirements and want .to make a splendid connection, addrea Box 1441, Omaha Bee, giving ref erence In flrat letter. GET Into a permanent reliable bnalneae ef ytur awn, supplying ths ssms farmer euetomara with houaehold necessities. It will bring yon a sure, tady Income of from 1209 to 1400 a month. W furnlth tbt good on eredlt You furnlth only th team r auto with a wllllngnae to work. Tour railroad far paid to plant or branch whan you qualify. Write, deck SI, Ilttnrlch Chemical company, Minnea polis, Minn. SALESMEN AND DISTRIBUTORS wanted . for Marvel Motor Vim inoreaee power, give 11 per cent to per cent more mileage, eliminate carbon, doubles motor values. : Endorsed by chemlats and user. Big teat offer and valuable advertising make Introduction e-aiy. i BIG OPPOR TUNITY in EVERY LOCALITY. If you are making lee than 116 weakly, write and aecure territory NOW! Motor Pro duct Co., 7101 Eatt 15th, Eantaa City, Mo. SALESMEN WANTED T (tart immedi ately celling our line of art and twelve thaet butlnett calendars, together with our big line of leather good, memoran dum book and diaries; moat complete Una ef outdoor and Indoor metal algnt; alto very fin Jin ct other naeful apaclal- tle. Term, (alary, commlatlon - and drawing aocount Xttabllahtd 1170. The Wlntera Company, Springfield, Ohio. EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY SALESMEN WANTED To Invlt fra trial order for cur popular high class Royal paper bating praise, on very liberal commlatlon batia. Every buai : neat houa aeedi a prate, but only a few r tupplied. Writ for full particular. UKUW CO., MT, PLEASANT, I A, CLEAN-CUT aggreasiv aaletman, thor oughly xprlend In high claa talet work, to rtpreaent prominent manufac turer. Onr propotttlon embraces aalanr, axpenaaa aad double bond on aale. Stat tge, txparleno and patt average income to Inaura Interview with aal manager. Box Y lit, ear Omaha Be. SALESMEN Experienced or Inexperienced. city or traveling Bend for our free book "A Knight of the Grip." and lltt ef opening. Immediate employment ervlc rendered members. Addreia n str eet office. Nat'l Saleamena Tr. Attn. Dept 411, Chicago, San Frtnoleoo, New York. . ESTABLISHED concern baa unuaual open ing ror iKiiirui aptoiality man, capable to tarn 11000 or more thla year. Mod erate priced good , for general trad. Unequalled morohandlilag plan. Splen did commlatlon contract. O. B. William, itzo Kuena Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMEN wanted Immediately. Excellent line ugn and noveltlt. Traveling exptntet advanced. Liberal commlatlon. Ex- clualv territory. Olv age, height, weight, ' road experience and thro , late butlnett rafaraneea, Btanford-Crowell Co., Ithaca, N. Y. tl A WEEK to apeclal men to travel by auiomoou ana introauos ioo-oandl power eoal oil lantern for farmer, dairyman, huckttara, gardener, eontractora, army camp, to. W furnlth th auto free. Writ for particular. Thomas Mfg. Co., a hi Mott St., uayton, o. "SALESMAN Wanted in leava tha lv mt MM.! AW. pent assured It you prove a good man. van gir. jjuce, aee vaiuo noiei. SALESMAN For general mercantile trade la Nebratka to cell a new propotttlon of merit Vacancy now. Attractive com mlatlon contraot; 111 weakly for xpnie. Mile F, Blxler Co., Wboleial Jewelers, 1114 Carlln Bldg., Cleveland, O. WANTED Shoe aaletman to carry popular v priced una ol work ihoei in mlddl wttt and weatern territories;. Do not apply unlet you hav a tucceaaful celling rec ord. Addreaa D. D. Smith, 111 Broad way, St Paul, Minn. SALESMAN WANTED High grade travel- Ing aaleaman capable of tarnlng 11,00 and exptntea annually. Staple lln to general merohandla trade. Attractive proportion to dialer. Adrtrett Sales Manager, 111 Heamt Hiag.t Chicago. SUCCESSFUL aaleaman at cnos for general trade In Nebratka. New ttrong propott tlon; staple lint; splendid commlatlon contract tor 1111, 16v0 weekly for xpente. Continental Jewelry Co., 1174 Continental building, Cleveland, Ohio LADIES 110 a month Introducing our guaranteed hosiery In your apara time. Mr. Schurman averages 111 a week with only two hour work a day. Eandtoma ample outfit- furn tuned fre. Thoma ' Mfg. Co., B 1SS Ry St., Dayton, O. WANTED Two neat appearing young men; mm i b able to meet the public; 1:4.00 per week to itart, to thot who qualify. Call 111 Batrd Bldg., 17th and Douglat Stt, Omaha, before It a. m. also after I p. m. A eh for tales msntger. SALESMEN To tell our Yucatan Punch and other temperance beverages. Lsrgt commlatlon and drawing account to tuc eeatful men. Eaty teller and big de mand!. Writs M. E. Muet, Sales Manager, 4th and Market 8ta., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMAN to place contracta with retail tore for th famou Underwood at under wood Photographic New Service of United State War picture; window advertising; liberal eommltalon. Elliott ServIox,Co., World' Tower Bldg., New York. SALESMEN Excellent permanent position for eapabls talesmen In Nebratka ror nil. Staple line tor general retail trade; liberal eommlttlon; 1 weekly advance. Rice Co., 411 William Bldg., Detroit SALESMEN Detlrtbl itapl fast eelling line torv. country merchants, ' Pocket ample. Liberal commltatlon. Oood Jhen earn 1100 weekly. Addreaa Palmer, 104 Schiller Bldg., Chicago. - SALESMAN for our aervlce button, popular at tervlc flag. Liberal eommlttlon; aplandtd aid lln. Sample and term 10c. toi Chamber Commerce Bldg., Bt Paul, Minn ' SALESMAN Our new colored Patrtotlo Art Knife Saletboard uat out Consign ment proposition. Write Aoday. Iowa Novelty Co., Corner Broadway and Fulton St., Keota, la. - SIDE line aaleamen, A necessity for merchant. Large'demand, liberal eom mltalon. Pocket sample. Wlrth Sales- book Co., Pept A 10, Chloago. HARRY Reed made 1140 In seven day. W hav more rich territory open for tub crtptlon aaleimen. Writ us. Th Petro leum Journal, Wichita, Kaa. WANTED Two live aaleamen capable of earning 1150 to ISO a month. Local and outaide work. Box 1101. Omaha Bee. TEN men within thirty mile of Ornaha to all treee. thrubt, rote, vine; permanent Brown Bro., Rochetter, N. T. Agents and Canvassers. SEND your name and addreaa and w will end you ire eampl of the world FA MOUS ''ENERGY" LAUNDRY TABLET. It coat you nothing to try It W take all rlak. Contalna no paraffin, lime, ly or any Injurious chemicals Our thou tanda of agents are coining money. Write for proof. Permanent profitable buelneea assured. Farquhar-Mooa Mfg. Co., Detk B 17, Van Bursa and La Salle a treat. Chicago. QO INTO BUSINESS. Read th attrao- tlv opportunKle la Th Gibraltar Ad- vrtlr, a magaxln containing valuabl ' Information and money-making propo sition for agents and mail order deal er. Gt It read it and make good Sample copy I cant itampa. Tha Gib raltar Advertiser, "Station Q Key Wet ' Florida. SALESMEN of financial and moral re ponilbtllty, who ar good mlxere can make extra money. No capital required. Man who hav told books, stock, bond snd Inauranc eaa add to their wealth. Commlatlon. Writ M. A. Manabach A Co, i Broadway, Utw York, Agents and Canvassers. HELP WANTED MALE AGENTS Big chance. Coal scare. Light bandaom. a nickel-trim; Intenae heat . Bunion burner, gas ttove, heats, bolls, fries, toaats. Sella on tight for 13. Sample 1, apeclal quantity prlcea. Ask for cir cular. Morris, 1011 Mlcbigsn Av., Chi cago. MEN Wanted to distribute free food cample and accept order. Everywhere, too cackace eaves 11.60 Prove Itself by fre trial. Blggeat ' seller and repeater known. Quick money maker. Sampl free. Olob A'n, 121 Como tsiag., cm- cago. - AGENTS Make 12 an hour, apare time, tak ing order for Kantleak Waterproof Kitchen Apront; fin tidellne; Cooper mad 1. it In II minutes; order In every houa for huttlert; tampl given; writ quick for proposition. Comer Mfg. Co, Dept. o-IU, uayton. o, OLD established houa wants agent 1& dividual or firm, calling on drug trade and covering territory every aix weekt to handle ready teller and quick repeater at aldellne. No bulky tample to carry, Reference required. Gordon-Thorn Co, Utlca, N. T. AGENTS To meet government require ment for Income tax ached ule every farmer should hav my Farmer' Manual and Complete Account Book; huttlert clearing 17 dally; outfit free. Prof. Nlcholi, Napervllle, III. AGENTS I want 100 agent to take order for Comer Raincoat. Spring Una ready dindy coat 13.19; II ttylet; profit! in ad vance; w deliver. Send pott card for ample and propotttlon. Comer Mfg. Co., Dapt O 11. Dayton. O. AGENTS Butter at 4c pound. Wonderful new Invention. Cuts high cost of living. Big profits 10 per cent Writ quick for horn territory and tree sampl. In tttnt Buttsr Merger Co, B 1131 Lino Bt, Dayton, O, CATCH the kaleer, greatest war gam novelty. Very faiolnatlng, sold througn agent only, both taxes, Enormou profit. Particular free. Checker Board Mfg. Co, Lo Angelea, Cal. AGENTS Writ for free cample Ideal Steak tender and vegetable chopper; It make chuck attak as tinder as porterhouse; btggett hlt,on ths market Tyler Mfg. Co, Dept fa, Muncle, Ind. WANTED An agent In each county for entirely new and neoenary article. Ev ery man and woman buyt at eight; eaty teller, large profit Address: Msnufao turer. Box U-196, Key Wett. Florida. AGENTS A live wire aocetiory tor Ford ear. Bell on tight to dealera and ear owner. Nothing alee ilk It; no competi tion. Bill Manufacturing Co, II Factory St., La Porte. Ind. AGENTS 130 to 1100 week. Free tamplei. Oold tlgn letter for (tore and office window. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 431 N. Clark, Chicago. asri. t,A.tir.i1 f,.nl fBllfnrnle. rnej. , bead. Absolutely new. Big profit!. Cat- aiog xree. juiaaiun, aaaoav, v Angelei, Cel. AGENTS Write at once for free cample ef the beet moneymaklng article jutt out. 100 per cent profit Ooldimlth Co, 160 N. Well, Chicago AGENTS and organiser wanted to aell low colt memberships giving big, ntw and noval benefits. Society of Pan-Mutul, 161 Empire Bldg, Seattle, Wash. OAS firs In any coal atov from eoal-oll; Best coal, agtnra bonanxa; wonaer Burner, Dept 1, Columbut, Ohlo "PER8HINO In Franot." "Berlin or Butt" Patrtotlo picture wittt punch. Sampl free People' Mfg. Stt, P., Chicago., Boys. WANTED By manufacturing concern, boy II yeart or older for filing ana mall cterk. Splendid opportunity for advancement. State ago and salary expected. Bos 1131, Bee. BOY wanted, over 1. Omaha Broom Fac tory, 1141 B. 10th St. Trade Schools. BOTH men and women to learn' tha barber trad. Bpaclal rate. Call or writ. 1403 Dodge, . TRI-CITY BAR3ER COLLEGE. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL" Learn In tlx weekt, no bookt; easy to learn; free catalogue. National Auto School, 1814 N. 10th Bt, Omaha, Neb, BE an auto and tractor expert In a few week; earn t0 to 1100 a month. Our big free book explains. Rahe's Auto School, 1110 Oak Bt, Kama City. Mo. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 1050 Farnam. Miscellaneous. SINGERS, bands, orcheatrat, agents Bpt clal lnducementi to introduce newest, greatett patrtotlo long hit Bend telf ad dressed 1 eent wrapper for tampl copy and particular. R. Harney, 1301 Title & Truit Bldg., Chicago. ATTENTION, farmer If you want help w can supply you. Blurt City Employ ment Bureau, I1IH W. Broadway, P 431. LABORERS, for lnalde in the city; no office tec. Apply 121 8. 10th Bt HELP WANTED Male and Female. Al PROPOSITION MSN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS. , AGENTS' SPARE TIME. BIO MONEY. Make money in your spare time tailing "TTialyte" lndeitruottbl ga mantles. Savea 1-I gas. Equal the light of I others, and outlaiti doxen of any other make. Retail! at ISo each, I for ISo. One doxen Bent postpaid upon receipt of II to agents, or on consignment if reference ar aatltfaotory. J. I. Robin, Mfr and patentee, 130th fit and Park Ave, Ntw York. tj a GOVERNMENT vents thousand! elerki at Washington. Men, women, II or over. 1100 month. Quick mcreaae. 10 daya vaoatlon with pay. Eaty work. Common ducatlon aufflolent Pull unneceesary. Be patriotic. Your country needa you. Help her and live In Washington during the tlrrlng war timet. Writ Immediately for free liat of position open. Franklin In atltuta, Dept 130-M, Rochetter, N. Y. MOLER Baiber College want young men and ladle to learn tha barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue, 11 & 14th Bt, Omaha, Neb. -' HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER and tenographr, auto Ann, email offloe, !a-76; tnographr and clerk, Inauranca offloe, 7S; bookkeeper and order clerk, 181; han dle own correspondence, 175-186" atano grapher, credit dept., 176; bookkeeper and ctenographer, 171; atenographar, lnveit ment firm, 175. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n, Originator of th Reference Buelneea, 731 Flrtt National Bank Building. - . BOOKKEEPER and atenographar, 111; ateno, bank, 171; ateno, lumber, $76; teno., auto firm, $S; office clerk and ateno, S0-t5; comptometer opr. and typ lit ICS; ittno, 50. The Marti Company. J 1117-11 W. O. W. Bldg. COMPTOMETER and general office clerk, l. Stenographer, 170. Three typist III. 160, 40. Stenographer (law), 150. Stenog rapher and bookkeeper, 75. Bookkeeper, 7I. Ledger clerk, l. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1011-1 CITY NAT'L BK, BLDO. 1 TYPISTS $41-141 BILLER i 17 I CLERKS, good at figures $0 I STENOGRAPHERS 145-140 THE CANO AGENCY, 400 BEB BLDO. STENOGRAPHERS, 185, M0. $71, III. 60; bookkeeper, 6I to 80; typists, 150 to 70; typist and compt opr., 170; compt opr, III; blller, $50; tteno. and clerk, 165. WATT8 REF. CO, 1133 lit Natl Bk. WE have good opening for thoroughly com petent and experienced bualneaa Woman, Union Outfitting Co, llth ds Jackson Stt. Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company offers an exceptional opportunity to young lad lee to learn local and long-dlatanoe telephone operating. Permanent positions, oppor tunities for advancement good wagea. A aalary Is paid while learning, Parent desiring to acquaint thamttlvet with th working condition or any other detail ar (pectally Invited to accompany th applicant. Apply to C F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas street STENOGRAPHER : Vacancy In general ot- ficea of big corporation for competent woman atenographar. Muat hav at least two years' experience, be abl to take dic tation rapidly, transcribe note correctly and turn 'out neat and attractive letters. An excellent opportunity for a capable young woman. Pleaaant working condi tional hours 1:10 to I. salary 117 weekly. Apply In writing, atatlng briefly your ex perience and qualification. Addreaa EFB, P. O. Bos 1185, Omaha. LEARN barber trad. 1401 JDodgo $U HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Tradea, WANTED Makers, Trim mers and Apprentice Girls APPLY v Spiesberger & Son Co., 1014 Farna-, St MORRIS & CO. Offer exceptional opportunities to young ladle to learn handling of packing houte product. Permanent poaition. Oood chance for advancement; XOo per hour while learning. APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. SOUTH SIDE. WANTED Girls, colored preferred. THE OMAHA PAPER STOCK COMPANY, 18TH AND MARCY, DOUGLAS 159. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WIDE AWAKE woman to take charge of our local trad. 3 to $4 a day steady. No experience required. Pay atartt at one. Writ today, E. M. Feltman, Salea Mgr., 1071 Third St, Cincinnati, O MISS Nelaon mad $34 in two day taking tubtcrlptloni tor ut. W hav more rich territory open for aubecrlptlon taleiwomen. Writ na. Th Petroleum Journal, Wichita, Kat. FIVE bright, capable ladle to travel, demonstrate and aell dealers, 171 to $11 per month. Railroad faro paid. Goodrich prng co. Dept. 14, omana. Neb. Atrenta and Canvaaaora. WOMEN make $5 to 125 par week tilling "rnaioner &gg coniarv. Take piac ef egg and reduce coet to I 1-le per doxan, Whol or apar tlm. Fre particular. A. F Fletcher Production Co, 111 S. Clinton, Chicago. Household and Domestic. , OOOD girl for general houaework; no wash ing, $s par week; muat give A-l refer ence. No othtr need appy. Telphon South 104. WANTED Mlddl aged white woman for houaework; no washing cr Ironing; three In family; no objeotioa to on child. Call Douglaa 17$. WANTED A middle-aged whltt woman for boutework; no washing, na Ironing; I In . family; no objection to on child. TeL Doug. 273 or Colfax 173. COMPETENT girl for general houte work, also second girl; small family; good wage. Harney 4043. 1330 S. 14th St. WANTED Competent girl for general houaework; mutt be good cook, Mr. J. J. Hugh, 138 Fifth Av, Council Bluff t, la. WANTED A housemaid or second girl, no cooking, $8 r week. Telephone Walnut 025. Mr. John L. Kennedy. WANTED Girl near Mlnne Luaa asalat with with houaework and I children; go homo night. 3744 Tltu AV, WANTED Competent maid - for general houaework and plain cooking. Mr. Geo. T. Porter, 3821 Lincoln Blvd. Wal. 182. WANTED A neat young white girl to at' lit with housework; two In family,-1101 B. I2d Av. Telephone Harney 717, WANTED Maid toi general housework. good wage, call south to. WANTED Competent whit girl for bouse, work; mutt be good eook, H. 2441. WANTED Experienced cook; wagea $1. Mr. M. O. Colpetter, 401 South lit Bt GOOD girl for light homework ; dandy home for the right girl. Harney 1208. WANTED Experienced arm waltrea. Ne bratka Rettaurant, ll N. llth Bt Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to larn barber trad Special rates and Inducement. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. LADIES Fascinating home buttneai tinting pottcardi, picture, etc, apar time for profit; II on 100; no eanvasalng; sampl lOo (atampa). Particulars fre. Artlnt, ill B, Station A. Brooklyn, N. T. EARN 121 weekly, spar time, writing for newspaperi, magazines. Exp. unneo. di tails fre. Fret Syndicate, 111, St Lout, MO. EDUCATIONAL THIS WAR YOUR CHANCE The U. S. government through the office of the president of the civil service commission has issued a call for stenographers and typists, at an entrance salary of $1,100 to $1,200 a year. , This cal) has taken many persons from the local business world which must be filled at one. NOW is the time for those without the re quired training to undergo instruc tion, that they may be able to fill positions vacated by those going into the civil service. Remember this demand is likely to continue indefinitely and thereby of fers you great opportunity for suc cess. Day school or night school, cata logue free, call, phone or write. BOYLES COLLEGE 18th and Harney. Omaha. Doug. 1565. Vao Bant School of Bualneaa, Day and Evening Schools, 111 Omaha National Bank Bids. Douglaa tils. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TO THE WOMEN WHO HAVE . ROOMS TO BENT. Remember that the weather eondlttonc for the next few weeks will probably not permit room hunter making an ax tended hunt for room. They will atay lnald and watch th want-adc If yon wlah your room rented, phone tu your aa rvuw. Trier 1000. MODERN furniehed room at th Sumhih apartment, equipped for light housekeep ing; hot and cold water. For ma only. Low rat. Offlc. 101 N. lTth Bt LARGE front room, oppoalt Turner park. beautiful Weet Farnam dlitrlet walking diatrlct; excellent meala, optional. Ill 8. tlt Av I LARGE comfortable room la private family in Hanaoora park diatrlct Block to car line, walking distance. TeL Har. 1481 LARGE front room In private family for gentlemen. Res, 10C 2ltU Ave. Harney 40T. STEAM-HEATED room II wk.. alao apt L with kltchenets. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluff. 1001 St Mary'a Ave. Nice large, pleaaant heated, fur. rm, cultabl for 1 gentlemen. 2417 DODGE Newly furnished tleeplng rooms, very best heat Call Douglaa 881. 101 S. 15TH AVE. Furnished room In pri- "BVO .B II 1 1 i J . )Fh I Housekeeping Rooms. I ROOMS and bath, heated, furnished com plete, modem, private home, referenoe. 1011 Chicago, Harney 1411. MOD. turn. rma. at Sunchin apta. equipped light htkpg. Hot and cold water for men only. Office 101 N. 17th. 1001 St Mary'a Av. 1 nlc pleaaant rooma, for light housekeeping, walking distance. Board and Rooms, WANTED It men for room and board; room 11.6 to 14 single; 14 to II double; table board tt.ll week. 1 meala a day; S meala 11.10. For men only. Union hotel, 1011 Mason Bt. Douglat 1744. FOR working girl and student, warm rooms, quiet home, splendl horns cooking, elos In. i aaonabl. Douglas 1201. Board and Room. FOR TWO Large warm rm, private, mod. home, good board, hem privilege. Bsr- iy list. FOR RENT ROOMS Rooms Wanted. WANTED 1 or I light housekeeping room within walking dlatanc. Box 12(1, Omaha Be. ROOM In private family by office man, 45. Please etate price. Box 1384, Omaha Be. FOR RENT FURNJSHED Apartments. WAYNE. 1 rooma and bath ...133 Wayne, 1 room and bath II See Janitor, 601 So. 18th street. OARVU; BROS, 141 OMAHA NATL. BANK BLDO. FOR KENT Furnished Apt. In Dundee, one block from car. Call Walnut 2025. ELEGANT, all modern furnished or unfurn lahed apartment Tel. Webtter 4328. FOR RENT HOUSES West, FLAT 1201 Leavenworth, I rmt, 120.00. 208 South 4 let, hot water plant 121.00. John N. Frenxer, Douglat 664.S 208 8. 41tt HOT WATER PLANT, $25.00. 101 Marcy St, 7 rooms, mod, 135.00. JOHN N. FRENZER DOUGLAS 654. FOR RENT 3840 Franklin St, 7 rooms modern. 127.10 per month. Scott Hill. I-ROOM Two baths, Wett Farnam dia trlct, $46. Phone Douglta 2047. WEST FARNAM 323 N. 38th Ave, 1 rma, two batht. 145. Douglat 2947. 1321 HARNEY ST., all modern, 1 roomi, 160.00. E. H. BENNER CO. D. 1408. HOUSES In all parti of the city. F. D. WEAD 11 S. 18th St. D. 171. i North, 111 M. IITH AVE., I large rooma, all mod ern, combination hot water and air htat recently decorated, Wett Far nam, $10. 1411 Dodge St, T rooms, nloely decorated, with built-hj feature, xolutlv neigh borhood, lt. 1114 Hamilton Bt, T rooms, newly decora ted, near three ear line. $25. 4141 Grant St., room, modern, hot water htat large yard, with tbed lultable for garagt or stable, $30. A. P. TUKEY & SON REALTORS, 110 Flrtt Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Ph. Doug. 602. TO PROPERTT OWNERS. W have good protpactlvt tenants for desirable residential property; north of Cuming St Mitchell Inv. Co, office 14th and Amea Av. Colfax 117. South. - ROOMING HOUSE I Free Rent to February 10th. Thl 1 a good 11 -room, brick house In good condition and within walking dlt tance. Fin for a rooming or boarding house. On car lln and thrtt blockt from Cuming car Una. Addret 611 N. 10th St. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, REALTOR8. Douglaa 10. 101 Be Bldg. 122 S. 27TH ST. l-room atrlctly modern bungalow, 23 par month. Wo. McCune, 124 S. 24th St. Douglat 1182. 1317 8. 2STH ST. 7 roomi, modern, $27.66. E. H. BENNER CO. D. 3401. Miscellaneous. Houses All Modern S605 8hrm&n Av:, I rmi... if. a j a $26.00 ststi aiuuu oi av rials)1 1411 N. 24th Bt, I rmt 1101 Park Ave, I rmt 1621 Lafayette Ave, I rmt 10 8. Hit St., 1 rm 1504-1 Oeorgla Ave, I rm. ....... 12$ Oeorgla Av., 1 rm.,.., 140$ St. Mary'fe Av, 1 rmt 110 B. 17th St, 7 rm 611 Park Ave., 1 rmt,,.. 1024 Wirt Bt, 10 rmt 1011 Capitol Ave, T rmt 200 S. 16th St., I rmt 4101 Florence Blvd., 7 rma 331 S, llth St., rooming house, 14 rm '.. 1560 Harney St, garagt for 1 can, 10 rm 25.00 27.50 10.00 30.00 10.00 10.00 85.00 31.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 46.00 46.00 10.00 10.00 10. DO HousesPartly Modern 1431 1810 4120 4140 1822 1665 014 1513 1817 2021 8. 10th Ave, 4 rm. .$10.00 . 15.00 . 16.00 . 11.00 i 11.00 . 17.00 . 10.00 . 26.00 . 15.00 . 15.00 Chtrlei Bt, I rmt... Grand Av, I rm T ,01. a. , i . vain ai, v rule.,.. N. 20th St, I rmt... N, llth St, 4 rm..,. B. i5tn Bt, 3 rmt Til a. A riDm ok.$ w iu.,,,,, ..... Davenport rma.... Cat St, 10 rm. Flats Mod. and Part Mod. 1111 K. Hth Bt, I rm $14.00 1064 8. 20th St, I rm 11.00 1481 S. llth Bt, T rmt 10.00 Armstrong -Walsh Company REALTORS, Tyler 1611. Ill Securities Bldg. FOR RENT. I room, HIT North 17th street, bath and gaa .....$11.10 4 room, 2011 Clark atrtat 10.00 I room. 111 South llth atrtet .... 17.00 5 room. 111 South llth tret .... 12.60 I room, lilt Farnam (treat 16.00 I 1110 North tlrd atret 11.60 1 rooms, 3014 Maaon ttreet, modern 30,,00 1 roomi, 13 North llth street mod ern 11.00 I rooms, 1411 North 17th street modern 15.00 10 rooms, 1411 Caaa atreet modern 40.00 II room. 1031 South 10th avenue, modern 21.00 BENSON MYERS CO, 424 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D. T4I. $11.001664 N. IITH St, 1-r. flat, walking - dlttance. $11.00112 Grace street, I rm, water paid. , $20.002420 Plerc atrtet .1 rmt, clot to Crositown car, $30.001814 8. II Bt, I rmt, Hanacom park diatrlct. $32.101561 Mandaraon St, 7 rma, brick houte; hot water heat; barn haa cement floor; can be uted for garage, $45.00415, N. 40th St, I ran, sleeping porch. $85.00114 N. 40th Bt, I rmt, fins plac. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, ' REALTORS. 137 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781. $20.00 971 N. tSth St, 7 rmt, all mod. $10.001201 Howard St, I rmt, part mod. r '115.001121 Lafayette Av, I rmt, all mod. $33.60111 N. 14th St., I rma, mod. $35.00 56$Vi S. 20th St, rmt, all mod. $40.00704 S. 14th St, 7 rmt, tr. mod. $41.00114 N. 14th St, 10 rm, mod. $50.003321 Harney St, rma, very good. $71.00407 N. llth Bt, I rma, mod, gar. OLOVER Ai SPAIN. (Realtors! Pongla llll. 110-20 City National. WEST FARNAM THE BEST OF THE OOOD ONES; MODERN THROUGHOUT; IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION; PLEASANT SUR BOUNDINGS. 414 N. llth St, rm, sleeping porch $45 $611 Harney, I rma. 4b Bleeping porch. 15 2640 Harney, t rm... 60 3111 Farnam Bt, 1 rma $ 101 8. 18th Av, 1 rm 66 THE BYRON REED COMPANT, Dong. 27 (REALTOR) ill 8. 17th St. 2433 & llth St. -r, modern $22.00 10 8. 17th St, -r, part modern... 11. lo 1531 Spencer, l-r, part modern.... 12.60 Jill Franklin, 6-r., olty water.. 11.00 161 N. 12d St, 4-r, city water.... 7.8 2418 8. 6th St, 4-r, city water 7.50 4101 Charles, l-r, well 10. 00 3411 Evans, 5-r, well j.oo CREIGH, SONS at COMPANT, Douglaa 200. Realtor. 601 Be Bldg. $16.00 6-r. cottage at 1304 Franklin Bt 111.00 -r. cottage at 1107 Ohio St. $22.10 7-r. modern house at 1807 Loth rop St $12.10 7-r. modern house at 1607 St Mary's Av. $10.00 6-r. modern. house, nice order, at 1021 N. 13th Bt W. H. GATES, 147 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1314. 4011 IZARD St, 7 rma, all mod. $35 1211 Maaon St. t rmt, all mod. 11 10 & llth Bt, 1 rmt, part mod. .. 10 40 N. 16th 8t, I rma, part mod. ..22 2601 Chicago Bt, rmt, part mod. .. It 1421 Jtckson Bt, 4 rm., part mod. .. 12 111 S. 15th St, 1 rm, part mod. I BIRKETT 4 COMPANY. 15 Bee Bldg. Doug. 33. WE want mora house and apartments to rent Th fact that w hav practically cleared up our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rentsl rvlc. If yoa went to keep your place rented see Payne Slater Co, Omaha Rental Men. 414 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Dong. 101. PAY your RENT only to Shopea A Co, Realtor. Dong, 4221. run ncn i nuudu i Miscellaneous. 1021 LOCUST Bt, 7-r. '. $ll.6 1807 8t Mary' Av, Id a, l-r 18.09 10 B. llth Ave, 7-r, mod 10.0 1431 Hcwthorn Ave, -r mod 76.00) FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA REALTORS, 400 Flrt National Bank Bldg. Tyler 600. 1010 DODGE ST., 10 room, modern, good location for rooming house; 111 S. 20th St., I rooms, modern, extra lavatory and toilet on both floor. CITY TRUST COMPANY, 18th and Harney St. Phone Dou?. 780. 101 SO. 1 1ST, 6 rm 130 00 516 Park Ave., 7 rm $40.00 5011 Capitol Ave., 7 rmt... $45.00 ARMSTRONG WALSH CO. Tyler 1631. 331 Securltle Bldg. FOR RENT Houtea, cottage, and apartments. PORTER as BHOTWELL, 202 8. 17th St Doug. 1011. Offlcea with Horn Builders. 1 ROOMS 3014 Maaon atreet, modern, $30.00. 10 Room 1029 S. 80th Ave, mod., $25. 1 Rooms 2412 Cats St., modern, $40.00. BENSON & MYERS CO, 4'4 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 746. I-ROOM, ail modern house, close in, $45. JOHN J. MULVIHILL (Realtor), 200 Brandel Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. 86. 114 N. 24TH ST., 12 rma, modern, $40. Ill N. 24tn St. 8 rmt, moaern, ju. F. D. WEAD 310 S. 18th St D. 171. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENTS AND BOARD For families who desire attractive surroundings and to get away from the care, slavery and drudgery, of housekeeping, and for. bachelors who likewise desire all the comforts of home at a minimum cost, there are( available a few. very complete and beau tifully appointed apart ments and single rooms in the best building, located in the finest section of this city. And for the rest of the winter really ridicu lously low rates for board will be made, though the cuisine is the best west of Chicago. Address a postal to Box 1047 Bee and all particulars xwill be sent you. West. APARTMENTS FOR RENT WEST SIDE. FOR FAMILIES WHO DE SIRE THE BEST SURROUND INGS WITH EVERY CON CEIVEABLE MODERN CON VENIENCE, THERE ARE AVAILABLE IN A BEAUTI FUL NEW APARTMENT BUILDING, LOCATED IN THE WEST FARNAM RESIDEN TIAL DISTRICT, A FEW 4 ROOM, 6-ROOM AND I-ROOM' SUITES WHICH CAN BE RENTED DURING 1018, VERY REASONABLY. EVERY MODERN INNOVA TION IS INCORPORATED IN THESE APARTMENTS IN CLUDINO PRIVATE BATHS AND FIRB PLACES, AND ALL KITCHENS HAVE OAS RANGES, ICS CHESTS WITH ' FLOOR DRAINS, BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS AND CHESTS OF DRAWERS, GARBAGE CHUTES, ETC, ETC. ARRANGE FOR INSPECTION BY TELEPHONE. CALL DOUGLAS 2928 ANY WEEKS DAY BETWEEN I A. M. AND 3 P. M, AND ON SUNDAY BETWEEN 10 A. M. AND 1 P. M. TELEPHONE HARNEY 6927. Glenarlo Apartments 51ST AND CAPITOL AVE. (DUNDEE) NOW READY FOR OCCUPANCY. s 4-room apartment with 6 -room ac commodations, strictly modern In every detail. Fir proof building. Selma Realty and Construction Co. . w iv at i bk. jmag. voug. 0001. MOVE TO THE HAMILTON Fireproof? right down-townt plenty of heat; one to wm rwme; reaaonaoic. U, 1471. 4-ROOM modern apartment with porch, In the Victoria; $50.00 winter, $42.60 um mer. Call Harney 0260. North. 4 AND 6-room apta, new. are now ready In th Maple Court, ateam heated, all mod ern, all outside roomi; winter rate, $31 to $35. 18th and Maple. Tl. D. 2802. VERY NICE (room apartment In modern apartment houte; out north; vacant Feb ruary 1. Private garage 1501 Sherman Av. 6 R. and bath, modern heated apartment. In refined residence dUtrlot 1821 N. 10th St Special price to party without ehll- mon. rjinne weoater osvz. ELEGANT 1 room, upper St Lout flat 1317 Cuming, oppoalte park. Harney 176$; South. CHARMING location; 6-room apt: by Feb. 1. Til. TT . . . -oi. ruH. journey zaio. Miscellaneous. l-r, 1717 Park Ave, ttrictly modern, nlc oak floors, beautiful lighting fixture, nicely papered, good con, throughout .$l l-r., 1203 8". llth, modern x. heat, close to atatlona $11 l-r, 2523 ft N. 24th, modern, tx. fur nace $i l-r, 107 N. Hit, clott-ln, modern x. heat ga heater, owner will make any neceaaary repair, snap lor 121.60 SEND FOR OUR WEEKLY PRINTED LIST, it will help you get located. naaungt jHeyaen, 1614 Harney St SPECIALISTS In apartment houa manage meni. PETERS TRUST CO, Realtor. llll Farnam. Tyler $44. LOOK AT THESE. . 1210 N. 24th St, l-room flat aecond floor, $9. 2944-70 Woolworth Ave, 1 and 4-room (lata, flrat and second floor, $11, $12. Modern except heat and lip good condition. Call Webster 6031, D. C. Buck, 3202 N. 24th St. PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists In Apartment management. WAYNE 2 room and bath $23 Wayne 2 rooms and bath $2t See janitor, 603 S. 28th St. GARVIN BROS., 345 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. HAVE YOU ANY VACANT PROPERTY? " If to, let ut talk with you about it a we have partlea waiting for rental prop erty of all klndt. SERVICE rendered. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENVY. Hatting Heyden, 1614 Harney St. FOR RENT Business PrVty Stores. STORES FOR RENT f 1,000 iquare feet tor room with 1,0ft quar feet of dry and light basement, available toon In the uoper retail dlitrlet Suitable for high data lino of furniture, piano an: mulc, art goodt, fura or other good catering to th ladi.- trade. No better room In the city for light and ven ttlation. Can make long, favorable leas to firm who want to establish Itself per manently. HARRISON & MORTON, 111 O. N. B. Bldg. CLOSE-IN (tore or garage, 17th and Dodga, r.X. WSAD, 119 g, ltthahj, .. v