Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1918, Page 9, Image 9
o THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1918. PROPOSED PLAN TO OPEN STREET TAKES NEW FORM City Planners Meet With Coun cil and Property Owners for Discussion of Main Points in Project. Members of the City Planning commission, city council and Douglas street property owners, discussed the proposed opening of Douglas street, .twenty-fourth- street to Twenty-fifth avenue, at a meeting in the council chambers rridav morning. In connection with this project is the proposed widening of Douglas street, west of Twentieth street, to an ell-foot thoroughfare. J. Lincoln Byrne announced that Albert Dresher offered to donate a strip 120 feet long on the north side of Douglas street, numbered 2212, 4, 6 and o, to promote the eU-foot widen ing west of Twentieth street. Others will do likewise. Means $109,000 Damages. Appraisers recently reported that opening of Douglas street to an 80 foot thoroughfare would entail dam ages in the sum of $109,000, which is $9,000 more than the council can Ie gaily approve even upon recom mendation of the planning commis sion. To surmount that difficulty the proposition has been made that prop erty owners raise $9,000 among them selves and thus bring the appraise ment down to. the legal limit. F. A. Brogan advocated that meth od. Carl E. Herring, speaking for the Scottish Rite cathedral and the Ma sonic Temple association, stated that his organizations would contribute liberally to the $9,000 fund. He urged widening of Douglas street to 80 feet west of Twentieth street as a pro gressive and necessary improvement. Would Insure Development. "The time is coming when there will be large buildings at southwest and ' northwest corners of Twenty-fourth and Douglas streets. There is con gestion now at Twentieth and Doug- Alas streets when the Scottish Rite temple and Omaha club have func tions at the same time, sam Air. Herring.- Corporation Counsel Lambert ex plained that the $9,000 feature would have to be a consummated act before the city could act upon the $100,000 project for the 80-foot opening. The City Planning board will pre pare new recommendations on the matter and new appraisements will be made. The indications are that the 80-foot project will be favored. HOOVER PLEADS FOR INCREASED FARMPR0DUCTS "The main thing is to get planting and breeding on a larger scale than ever before. And while I know the feeling of the farmer in regard to the labor situation, we can find a so lution to the harvest, even if we have . to turn our town populations into tha " fields." This statement comes from Herbert Hoover, United States food adminis trator, to- Gurdon W. Wattles, in a communication emphasizing the ne cessity of increased production. "What we must do," says Mr. Hoover, 1s to arouse the mind Jo the national necessity tor proaucuon. ine particular crop the farmer raises is of secondary importance to the fed eral food administration as compared to production, so long as this crop yields an increase in animal and hu man food." Railroads Resume Custom Of Delivering Tickets 4 , Passenger officials of the railroads r entering Omaha have resumed the de livery of tickets to parties who tele phone in for them. This custom was discontinued when the McAdoo order was issued a couple of weeks ago. With the delivery of tickets to cus tomers, so far as handling local busi ness, the railroads are back where they were prior to Mr. McAdoo get ting into position of director general. The solicitors, both freight and pas senger, arc back on their jobs and they are all busy. Clark's Ouster Suit Against . "Johnny" Lynch Postponed Sheriff Clark's ouster suit against County Commissioner "Johnny". Lynch, which was scheduled to begin before Judge Redick, sitting in equity court, Friday morning, was postponed on account of the illness of one of the witnesses. A crowd had assembled to hear the testimony. The case will be tried starting February 11, the first day of the next term of court. OP Burgess-Nash Company. 'CVERYBODYS STORE" Extra Special! 1 CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES 45 FOR Saturday only, we offer large uniform size (No. 100), California Navel oranges, thin skin and very juicy, at 4c each. Xo mail or phone orders accepted and none delivered. Butf cts-Nuh Co. Down Stair Stor. Friday, January 25, 1918 -A"lH . p. m. BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- Store Hourn "Saturday 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. -Telephone Douglas 137 Store Opem Satarday Til 6 'Clock The Remnant Sale The Bargain Event of the Year Comes Monday, January 28 at Burgess-Nash All Omaha Awaits It. CRESH VIOLETS At 19c a Bunch F1ESH California Violets, 50 in a bunch, very special for Saturday in cut flower section, at 19c a bunch. Co. Main Floor A Timely Offering of New Crepe Hats At $5.00 Featured for Saturday Only EXQUISITE new crea tions, just out of their tissue wrappings, as this is being written. Beautiful new models made of very fine qual ity Georgette crepe, combined with straw. New Bustle Hats, Short Back Hats, Poke Bonnets in taupe, Copenhagen and brown, also black. Every mod el in the very height of fashion. The selection is'exceptionally varied smart creations possessing the characteristic Burgess-Nash individuality. Burgstt-Naah Co. Second Floor w omen's Sample Hose At 50c ROADMEN'S samples, includ ing cotton, lisles, fibers, etc. Full fashioned and seam less. Very special Saturday, at SOc a pair. Burfett-Naah Co. Main Floor w OMEN'S Union Suits At 50c THESE are, indeed, unsual values at the price. Made of fine white cotton, low neck and sleeveless and cuff knee, lace trimmed knee or envelope style, at 50c. Boys' Union Suits, At 50c Samples of balbriggan cotton union suits, variety of styles, at 50c. -Nat h Co. Main Floor Clearaway of Leather Goods At 10c, 19c, 39c and 50c HERE'S a clearaway of leather goods of more than ordinary im portance. Odd pieces and some of them are mussed or slightly damaged from display. Included you find: Jewel boxes, Sewing kits, Brush sets, Purses, Music rolls, Game sets, Hand bags, Card boxes, Bill folds, Memo books, Beaded bags, Etc., etc. Burgett-Nath Jo. Main Floor CONTINUING the Clearaway of Sweaters PRACTICALLY our entire stock of wool sweaters for women and misses is of fered in this clearaway at less than half the orgininal price. The values are really extra ordinary. BurfoM-Naih Co. Stcond Floor. Entire Stock of Baby Bonnets Reduced to Vfc Price for a Quick and Decisive Clearaway BONNETS for little folks to 4 years of age, made ST in a remarkably wide variety of styles of crepe i de chine, poplins, bengaline and corduroy, either plain or with trimmings of ribbons, laces, em broidery and fur. The colors are light blue, pink and dark street shades, as well as white. If baby needs a new bonnet, this is your oppor tunity to get a pretty new head dress and save fully one-half the original price. Burfeu-Nath Co. Second Floor j3 fLEARAWAY of t Women's Kid Gloves, $1.29 Pair THE assortment consists of French kid and lambskin gloves sample pairs, also soiled and mussed gloves from our sock which have been greatly reduced for quick disposal. They include silk lined and unlined mocha and cape gloves, every pair of which has been greatly reduced t6 $1.29 the pair. Burfeat-Nath Co. Main Floor 3. Women's Winter Coats in The Down Stairs Store Involving a Big Selection of the Season's Smartest Styles at But a Fraction of the Original Price $4.95 THE coats are all this season's latest styles, in a wide range of selection, made of all-wool Scotch tweeds, mixtures, velours, burella cloth and astrakhan. JLpose-ntting models, some belted all around, others belted in front with loose back. Pock ets, large cape collars that can be buttoned up tight around the neck, also collars trimmed with velvet. Children's Coats, at $3.95 THE materials are mixtures, chinchillas, corduroys and fancy coatings. Broken sizes, ranging from 6 to 14 years at $3.95. Children's Dresses, at 59c Made of plaid ginghams and chambray, for girls 6 to 14 years; sale price, 59c Burf ett-Nath Co. Down Stair Stort Extraordinary Clearaway of Women's, Girls' and Boys' Shoes THREE big groups that smack of the most remarkable of val ues, the Down Stairs Store has offered for a long time. Women's Shoes Reduced for Saturday, to $1.19 The offering includes gun metal calf, patent colt and kidskin, the small sizes, 2Vi, 3 and 4 left from our best selling lines on the second floor, at but a fraction of original price, $1.19 the pair. Girls' Shoes, at $1.95 Children's and misses' good school shoes, gun metal, patent colt and tan Russia calf, sizes 8 to 2, sale price $1.95 a pair. Boys' Shoes, at $2.65 Youths' and boys' high cut storm boots, black, box calf and tan oil grain, sale price, $2.65 pair. , Burtea-Nash Co. Down Stalri Stora N EW Trimmed Millinery at $2.98 and $3.98 TWO groups. A splendid as sortment from which to make your selection, in satin and straw and all straw. Trim med with ribbons, fancy feath ers and flowers. Very special at $2.98 and $3.98. Trimmed Winter Hats 25c 10 toll A. M. Only Your choice of every winter hat in stock at 25c Burg eta-Nat h Co. Down Stair. Stora Q)nn P Men! "Get In" On This Great Sale of Shirts At 95c and $1.45 Involving The Sample Line for 1918 of a Certain Manufacturer at a Tremendous Price Reduction f i l iv . nun i i "II i 1" i THEY'RE the kind of shirts that make you glad to take your coat off fresh, new and well made, in a variety of patterns and colorings that rivals a bed of full blown "spring beauties." Your size on a special table. And how they will go Saturday like a six-cylinder down the home stretch! They're made of the most desirable materials for spring and summer 1918 mate rials that always go into high grade shirts, such as madras, percales, pongee fabrics, mer cerized cloths, silk fiber, etc. ; all made coat style with turn-back cuffs, and offered at 95c and $1.45. , Practically the entire north aisle of our Main Floor is given over to the sale and there will be plenty of salespeople to give you attention. ' Burfett-Naah Co. Main Floor Boys' Wool Suits Specially Reduced Saturday to $7.95 We have gone through our stock of boys' suits and picked out all the broken lines and marked them for a quick disposal in order to make room for our spring lines. The suits are all wool materials, made pinch back, and 3-piece, belt, single or double breasted styles with patch or plain pockets. Two-pair of pants full lined. A wide range of patterns from which to choose. Plain colors, fancy checks, stripes and mixtures. Ages 6 to 17 years. Specially reduced for Saturday, to $7.95. Boys' Mackinaws Reduced Saturday Every coat has been subjected to a substantial reduction to effect a quick clearaway. Blues, greens, browns and reds, plaids, $3.95, $4.95. Boys' Overcoats Reduced to $4.95, $6.95 and $9.95 For ages 3 to 18 yean, in blues, grays, browns and fancy mixtures. The savings are really exceptional at the reduced prices, $4.95, $6.95 and $9.95. BurgMt-Naah Co. Fourth Floor Every man with a thought for economy should take heed of this sale of en s Suits and Overcoats M Reduced for Saturday to 17oOO WITH the price of woolen cloths advancing to about a prohibitive figure and with the U. S. Govern ment taking over the output of many of the big woolen mills this announcement is all the more important to you. Every garment possesses all the points there are to a suit or an overcoat thorough satisfaction with the way they fit, the way they're made and the way they look and wear splendidly tailored throughout. In style and fabric everything that is new is represent ed. The tailoring shows the master touch of America's greatest designers. All sizes represented, from 33 to 46. Co. Fourth Floor Boys' Caps Reduced to 25c and 50c Two big groups of boys' caps, with fur or plush inbands that pull down and fit snug over the ears and forehead. Plain blue serges, Scotch plaids, checks and fancy mixtures, reduced to 25c and 50e. Boys' Hats Reduced to 25c and 50c With turn down inside ear bands, the materials are velvets, corduroys, chinchilla and wool mixtures. Plain and fancy colors. Co. Fourth Floor TOT mi EVERYBODYS STORE