Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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. Miss Farnsworth, Govern
ment Expert, Tells Woman's
Club How to Help Win
"The food situation is more serious
everjr day and calls for patriotic denial
in overcoming food prejudices and
changing food habits," Miss Nellie
Farnsworth, government Jiome dem
onstration agent, told members of the
home economics department of the
Omaha Woman's' club Thursday
"If we cannot sacrifice and con
serve willingly, we must acknowledge
that democracy cannot defend itself
and that after all compulsion or au
tocracy is necessary."
"Every cup of sugar saved in the
20,000,000 kitchens of the land gives
10,000,000 pounds to send to the Al
lies or our boys over there," she said.
"It is a real benefit to our health, be
sides, for we eat far too many sweets
and suffer many ailments in conse
quence. The natural flavor of fruits
is lost by the addition of too much
sugar. Are we not willing to eat our
cake without frosting that a starving
cnuci may De iear
War Bread Healthful.
- "War breads are most healthful,
giving us the bulk to aid in digestion.
Corn breads are unpalatable, yes,
when not well made, but this is
equally true of wheat bread. Women
must therefore learn to prepare these"!
suDstituies so mat iney win oe appe
"There is no excuse for frying foods
when we are urged to save fats. Use
the oven more, either bake or steam
Conservation Hints.
Miss Farnsworth gave out the fol
lowing conservation hints:
Eat but three meals a day.
Co not serve refreshments at the
4dies' aid or social affairs.
' Do your own baking. Do not de
ceive yourself into believing it is
cheaper to buy cake or bread.
Conserve fuel by preparing the
whole -meal in the oven, on cue
burner or in fireless cooker.
Use more full meal dishes; that is,
one dish that contains all the food
Use fruits in natural state when
Distinguish between your needs and
your wants.
Use local and seasonable supplies;
do not crave things out of season.
"Talk conservation to everyone in
your block. Make the city of Omaha
alive to the war situation," she urged.
Lane Says All Western
Stock Wintering Fine
C. J. Lane, general freight agent
of the Union Pacific, is back from
the, west. In Denves he attended the
meeting of the National Live Stock
association and in Salt Lake jfity,
the annual meeting of the Western
Sheep Growers' association. Both
meetings, according to Mr. , Lane,
were largely attended and time and
again the cattle men and flack mas
ters expressed their confidence in the
plans of the United States in con
nection with the war.
Mr. Lane asserts that so far the
winter has been ideal throughout
the ranged country and animals are
reported in fine condition.
Cattle men, says Mr.Lane, are do
ing everything possible to increase
their herds and are enthusiastic over
the live stock outlook, anticipating
high prices and a good output.
So far as sheep raising is concerned,
Mr. Lane says that the Hocks are
coming through the winter in fine
shape. Everybody is anticipating high
priced wool. With the shearing season
ji6iT months away, but few of the
flock masters are contracting the wool
clip of this year.
Florence Couple Deny
Having Sold Liquor to Man
Milton Sellers and wife, Lulu Sel
lers, were arraigned in police court
Thursday morning on a charge of n
legal possession and sale of liquor at
their home, Blurt and terry streets.
Florence. The complaining witness,
E. A. Van Allen of Neligh, Neb., al
leged that he had at various times
purchased liquor from Mrs. Sellers,
paying SI and $2 a drink. Mrs. bel
lers denied his statements and sought
to prove that the complaint was the
result of malice against her for hav
ing obtained Van Allen s arrest on
the charge of contributing to Jhe de
linquency of Ruth Cornish, her niece.
Miss Cornish, 16 years old, denied
that Van Allen had at any time
.bought liquor from her aunt. A. B.
Hunt, superintendent of the Metro
politan Water district, testified that
it was through his influence that Van
Allen had been arrested and that he
knew Mr. and Mrs. Sellers to be rep
utable people. Sellers is an employe
of the water district at Florence. A
small quantity of whisky was found
in his cellar by the morals squad
when the house was searched. The
case was continued pending the ar
rival of another witness from Norfolk.
Chinese Troops Take Harbin
From Control of Bolsheviki
A Pacific Port, Jan. 24. Passengers
aboard trans-Pacific liner which ar
rived here today from the orient
'A aught details of the capture by
Chinese troops of the Manchurian
city of Harbin.-
M. J. Davis of Chicago, one of the
passengers, said the Chinese took the
citySn a unique but effective manner.
, "The Chinese commander," Mr.
Davis said, "walked into the office of
the Bolsheviki commander and
promptly killed him."
Much fighting followed, Mr. Davis
said. At the close of hostilities, he as
serted, the well, drilled Chinese troops
had driven the Bolsheviki solders
from the city.
Jury Holds Bell Shoots
. Fielding in Self-Defense
Self-defense was the finding of the
coroner's jury in the case of John
Bell, charged with the murder of
Marsha'! Fielding at the former's
home. 1210 Howard street. Tuesday
morning. The complaint against Bell I
a dismissed, I1
Nebraska Leads Country in
Sale of War Savings Stamps
Nebraska leads all states thus far
in the sale of war savings stamps,
according to Ward M. Burgess, state
director for Nebraska. He telegraphed
Robert H. Manley from New York
saying that he has been checking the
matter up and cannot find that any
state has equaled or exceled Ne
braska in the first week's drive.
Influx of Visitors to Conven
tions and Meetings Puts
Accommodations at
Hotel accommodations in Omaha
have been at a premium for the last
two months. Although there are more
than 80 hotels in Omaha, the influx
of upstate visitors in attendance at
the various annual meetings and con
ventions has taxed hotel managers
to their utmost to devise ways and
means of taking care of the increased
In addition to the large number of
business visitors who are determined
to do "business as usual." ihe city is
virtually overrun by soldiers and sail
ors, ennsted men and officers, who
are either coming or going. In order
to be assured of lodging accommo
dation when they arrive m the city
the wiser ones take the precaution
to wire ahead for a room.
According to travelers, the same
condition prevails all over the coun
ry. As a rule, arrivals on day trains
ave little difficulty in procuring first
class accommodations, but those who
get stranded in some small town
where one train each way a day is
the limit, and where mam line train
connections are not convenient, are
out of luck when they arrive in the
cities late at night. .
Slick "Con" Artist
Silks Store Clerks
A number of Omaha stores have
been "worked" out of small amounts
of money by a smooth confidence
man. The "con" artist is young, good
looking and well dressed.
His modus operandi is to enter a
cigar store, take a wallet from one of
his pockets and extract a $5 bill all
in plain sight of the clerk. Then he
leisurely inspects the display of cigars
and selects one which costs IS cents.
In the meantime he crumples the
money in his hand, deftly substitutes
a $1 bill and drops it on the cigar case.
1 lie clerk has seen the $5 and. when
he picks up the crumpled bill, he
doesn't give it the once-over the sec
ond time, but carelessly presses the
la-cent button, tosses the bill into
the cash register and hands the "con"
artist $4.85 in change. Not until he
checks up at closing time does lie
realize that he has lost $3.85 on the
The young confidence man confines
his operations to cigar stores, drug
stores and at other small places of
business where cigars are sold. The
amounts lost by the merchants are so
mall that none of them has notified
the police. Complaints from various
sections of the city indicate that
the artist is no respecter of sex and
lady clerks have been "srvoed" two
and three times. He is described as
being about 20 years old, and is con-'j
sidered real handsome by his female
victims. He wears a blue serge suit,
light fedora hat and black shoes.
Bigamy Charge Causes
Arrest of Max Ziebtke
Max M. Ziebtke cannot resist the
ladies, according to kitormation filed
by Airs. Ziebtke No. 1, formerly Mar
tha Zilke of Stanton, who caused the
arrest tf her husband on a charge of
bigamy. She alleges they were mar
ried in Omaha November 14, 1917.
The honeymoon was to be spent
with the parents of the groom on a
farm near Stanton, while the house
in which they were to live was being
prepared for occupancy. The hus
band went to town to install furni
ture and two days later succumbed to
the charms of a former sweetheart,
Clara Schultz, to whom he was mar
ried in West Point, November 16,
v)i, according to wife ho. 1.
Wife No. 2 was duly installed in
the home prepared for wife No. 1,
and the first wife was brought to
Omaha to live. During a visit to wife
No. 2 in Stanton the Omaha wife
learned of his duplicity and swore
out a complaint. He was arrested
upon his return to Omaha.
Millard Hotel Rooms
Ordered Closed by Judge
Every room in the Millard hotel 'on
lower Douglas street was ordered
closed for one year by a decree issued
by Judge Day of district court. Spe
cial Prosecutor McGuire made appli
cation for the injunction on the
grounds of repeated .violation of the
liqurr law.
Only the dining room and the
kitchen will be allowed to remain
Rome Miller, owner of the building,
has filed suit for $50,000 against
Joseph Vasko sr., Joseph Vasko, r.,
and John Chadek, lessees, on the
ground they violated, the terms of the
lease in selling liquor.
The Millard is one of Omaha's old
time hostelries.
Pixley Appointed State
Director of Accounting
Frank W. Judscn, state Red Cross
director, announces the appointment
of W. A. Pixley as director of pub
licity and accounting for this state.
Mr. Pixley is general auditor for the
telephone company in five western
states. Mr. Pixley took an active
part in the recent membership cam
paign. He will be located at the state
office in the Wead building.
Ames Students Cut
Out Formal Affairs
Ames, la., Jan. 24. (Special.)
Fraternities at Iowa State -college
went on record as abolishing full
dress affairs for the rest of the war
at a meeting held here. They are
Jiot only cutting out the formals,
I i J ! J J J il
u ui nave uckiucu lu uunaic mc
monty saved thereby to some mili
tary organization. Informal dances
i are also to be reduced to a mini
Plan for Distribution of Coal
Suggested by McAdoo Re
garded as Feasible by
The creation of a zone system'for
the distribution of coal, as reported
to have been suggested by Director
General McAdoo, is something that
is not new to local railroad officials.
While they have never attempted to
put such a plan in operation, they
have discussed it many times and gen
erally have agreed that it would be
feasible, though they all admit it
would do away with the long "haul to
a considerable extent.
What effect the zone plan of dis
tributing coal would have upon
Omaha railroad men will not even
predict.- However, they assert that if
it should be adopted and enforced to
the letter it would practically take
from this market all the Illinois and
other central and eastern bituminous
coals. They are of the opinion that
it would throw a large -quantity of
the Iowa coal into this territory, as
well as that from Kansas and a good
deal from Colorado and Wyoming.
On many other commodities rail
road men are of the opinion that a
zone system would be acceptable to
consignor, consignee and also -to the
railroads. This would be particularly
true in the matter of cement. This
commodity is produced in large quan
tities in Nebraska and northern Kan
sas and could come into Umaha at a
low rate and on a short haul. The
shortness of the haul would quickly
release equipment and help materially
to reduce the car shortage.
Big Supply of Income Tax
Blanks Reaches Fed Officials
A minister in a small town out in
the state wrote to the internal revenue
office here inquiring whether he had
to pay a war income tax.
1 have an income of SI, IKK) a year
and have a wife and 11 children de
pendent on me," he wrote.
He was informed that a married
man has an exemption of $2,000 and
an additional $200 for each dependent
child. So this minister would have
an exemption of $4,200.
A big supply of the income tax
blanks for incomes under $1,000 for
single persons and $2,000 for married
persons is now on hand here and hun
dreds arc being mailed out every day.
The blanks for larger incomes are ex
pected Friday. Envelopes are all ad
dressed and the blanks will be in the
mails within a few hours after they
are received, says Collector Loomis.
Food Administrators Will
Hold Liberty Meetings
State Food Administrator Wattles
s urging county administrators to
hold Liberty meetings in every sec
tion of their counties. At these meet
ings speakers will discuss in an edu
cational way the work of the food ad
ministration and other national af-
Lfairs. Administrator Wattles re
ceived word lliursday that L. G.
Bliss, county administrator fqr Buf
falo county, has arranged to hold
Liberty meetings in every town in the
county. The teachers in the, schools
will be asked to co-operate and meet-
ngs will be held in the school houses
in the rural districts.
Find "Impurities" in Candy
Sold to U. S. Sailors
Washington, Jan. 24. Discovery of
impurities in candy supplied to
canteens of navy ships today caused
the issue of an order suspending the
sale of candy to the men and also the
purchase of additional supplies pend
ing investigation.
Senator Takes Oath.
'Washington, Jan. 24. Senator
Charles B. Henderson, democrat, suc
cessor to the late Senator Newlands
of Nevada, today took his oath of of
fice. Sufferers from
Goitre find
Cause is
Goitre, or swelling of the
thyroid glands in the neck, a
deformity much dreaded by
women, who are more subject
to it than men, is caused by
interference with the nerve
supply' to the glands.
The deformity is the worst
of the trouble, but in severe
cases it sometimes interferes
painfully with breathing and
Spinal adjustments restore
the nerves to normal, health
ful action, and nature does the
rest. Reduction of the goitre
follows as a normal result.
Establish asaCIuWRACTOR Since 1912
I Bard Bktf. N.W. Cor. 1 Dowlas Str
-WlNUT t04
"Youthful looks and vigor are
absolutely dependent upon the
perfect condition of the teeth."
Heaviest Bridge
Work, per tootb,
Wonder Plain
worth $13 to $25,
$5, $8, $10
Best Sliver Fill
tags 75c
Best 22-k Cold
Crown t
We pies you or vefund your money.
14th and Fanum 1324 Farnim St.
Phone Douglas 2872.
Store Opens
9 A. M. Closes
5 P. M.
Saturdays at 6
Again this Big Basement affords you opportunities to buy serviceable, stylish wearables and
fabrics and other Winter needs, at prices which are so modest that you are able to make sub
stantial savings. "Economy Center of Omaha" is a title earned only after years and years of ef
fort and will be maintained by the same kind of effort even with prices soaring sky-high in the
j . i . ,
wholesale market today.
Odd lots of Table Damask,
Crashes, Napkins and
Fancy Linens, Art Linens
and Towels.
, Remnants of Damask, 98c
This lot consists of 16 and
2-yard lengths; nice quality
mercerized Damask, all very
pretty patterns, choice in this
sale, each 98c
Damask Remnants, $1.18
One lot of linen finished Da
mask, all very desirable lengths,
in a range of pretty patterns,
special, each $1.18
Odd Lot of Lunch
Cloths, $1.25
These are in the 64-inch size,
hemmed, ready to use; made of
fine quality mercerized Dam
ask, in a line of patterns to
select from, each $1.25
Remnants of Damask,
This is a lot of silver-bleached
linen finished Damask, 58-inch,
in the Dice effect pattern only,
two yards long, each. . . .$1.59
Remnants of Damask,
These are all desirable lengths
in the Belfast make, high class
Damask patterns, two yards
wide, wears and launders like
linen, special, each $2.50
EXTRA; Remnants of
Damask, Off
This is an accumulation from
our regular stock, all in desir
able lengths, consisting of all
linen and mercerized Damask,
at a saving of V off the regu
lar price.
Remnants of Crashes:
The lot of household crash in
the bleached and unbleached
kind, all desirable lengths, all
linen and cotton weaves. Also
all linen art crashes and em
broidery linens at a remarkable
Odd Lot of Napkins
6 for 98c
An accumulation from our
regular stock, all desirable
patterns, wearing qualities un
excelled, 6 for 98c
AH Linen Napkins
6 for $1.75
One lot of all linen Napkins,
hemmed, ready to use; in a
range of pretty patterns to
choose from, six for $1.75
iyc Fancy Turkish Face
Cloths, 5c
These are perfect (no seconds
or mill ends), (six to a custo
mer), each 5c .
Women's Shoes, $2.45
785 Pairs Wpmen's High Grade
Shoes in Patent, Dull and Vici
Kid Leathers. Matt Kid or
Cloth Tops; Welted, Turned, or
McKay sewed Soles. This is a
cleanup on lots of shoes we
want to close out; every size
from 2'A to 8. Values from
$3.00 up to $4.95; a
pair at $2.45
Misses' and Children's
Shoes, $1.95
Vici Kid, Box Calf and Dull
Leathers, patent or stock tip,
half double sole, good wearing
quality; sizes from 8 to 2.
About 600 pair, Friday only, a
pair at $1.95
Chldren's Shoes, $1.00
In gray, with black cloth top,
hand turned sole, stock tip, but
ton style, splendid fitting shoes;
sizes from 4V& to 8, a
pair at $1.00
Felt Slippers, 50c Pair
About 300 pairs of felt slippers
with felt soles, also padded soles
and heels, sizes up to 6 only. A
cleanup for Friday only,
a pair at .50c
Boys' and Youths' Shoes,
500 pairs made up to stand
hard wear. All sizes from 9 in
youths' up to 6 in boys', Friday
only, a pair $2.45
Women's and Children' Slight
ly Soiled Handkerchiefs, 3 for
10c, or,
each, at ,
Ten Big Basement Bargains
Coats, Dresses, Suits and Furs
When you buy Ready-to-Wear in
this Big Basement, you have the assur
ance that you are getting serviceable
wear, in many instances copied from
higher priced models, at prices which
are certainly the lowest you ever paid
for like value.
At $4.95
Splendid Winter Coats for' Women, Misses'
snd Juniors'. Many have big fur collars, oth
ers are fur trimmed some are the new mili
tary styles. Others are good staple and prac
tical styles. Such materials as all wool, all
satin lined broadcloths, all lined corduroys
with big fur collars, fancy rough cloths, novel
ty cloths, all wool zibeline cloths', etc. Many
different kinds of good materials, dozens of
styles of coats.
. At $3.69
Take your choice of any Girl's Winter Coat,
ages z to b years, 0 to 14 years and
years, in tnis uasement Department.
up-to-date styles. Several hundred
choose from.
At this price we have a lot of odd
About 150 to choose from. Not this
sman women or large gins, uood
J0 AG A big lot of
Misses' and Juniors' Silk Ponlin.
Serge and other kinds of cloth
dresses. Many different stvles.
Made to sell at $3.95 up to $6.00.
Good practical stvln dresses nt a
very low price.
AT PA- Girls' Washable Fall
JC rials manv different,
laTllnai nn 4t $1 lft
QCr for Women's $1.00, $1.25
wV ham. tlPrCflln. nlsn fWcjH
, r ,
Q fr Children's Sweater Coats, white and colors, values up to
Fur Pieces at Lowest Prices
One big table full of many different kinds of desirable neck and
shoulder fur pieces large as well as small pieces. Made to sell
at $2.00 up to $6.00. Good shapes, good in M CO
every way, only 4 1 eOlv
Household Needs
Golden Rod
Washing Pow
der, small size
packages, 3
for 12c
2 lA pound
packages, spe
cial, each 19c
One-Quart "Polly Prim" Floor
Polish, regular $1.00, special, 50c.
"Mrs. Potts' " 5-
piece set Sad Irons,
per set, at. . .$1.29
Toilet Paper, 7 rolls for 15c
Bread Boards, 29x20 inches; made
of extra selected Basswood and
well matched; 79c value at... 49c
Wall Paper
In our pre-inventory sale
patterns irom our regular stock in lots from one to three
rooms eadh, priced at such sharp .reductions for quick sell
ing that those who intend to paper early can buy now and
save a dollar or more on each
Bedroom Paper in stripes, allover
effects, with pretty cut borders to
match, worth to 20c, Fri- Q
day, a roll, at wC
Paper for Dining Room, Living
Room and Parlor, in light and dark
colors, with cut-out bor- 11
ders for each, Friday, roll 1 1 C
Kitchen, Bedroom and Living
Room Paper, worth to 12Vac; all
have borders to match, 7l.
Friday, a roll.. 2.
m raw
13 to 17
All new,
stvles to
at $1.95
suits, Women's, Misses' and Juniors',
season's stvles. but srood suits, for
practical styles. Made to sell up
1 A Q Over 600 skirts
P "f to choose from.
Women's and Misses' sizes. Serges,
fancy cloths, mixtures, corduroys,
in various colors, etc. All good
styles, splendid skirts for ordinary
wear, at a very low price. Made to
sell up to $4.00.
and Winter Dresses, srooil mate.
ntvloa 9 tn A and It In 11 vmn
and $1.50 House Dresses, in ging-
AarV hlim mil matan.l.
" S'W '"v"
Food Chop
pars, small
size at.... 98c
Medium size
at $1.29
size . . . .$1.49
Family Scale, 25-pound capacity,
warranted correct, $1.75 value,
special at .'.$1.49
Salt Boxes, .very
nice imported wood
en salt boxes; just
a few left at. . .15c
you will find all the popular
Plain Oatmeal Paper, 30 inches
wide, in tan, light brown, gray, etc.
With beautiful cut-out borders and
band3 to match; worth to 22c;
a riday, a roil ini
at l$C
A Few Patterns in Light Oatmeal,
grass cloth and weaves with new
decorations, worth to 60c, Qfl -
Friday, a roll
Store Opens
9 A. M. Closes
5 P.M.
Saturdays at 6
Bleached Muslin Remnants;
lengths up to 10 yards, balance
of January White Sale, Jl.'
a yard "2C
36-inch Percales, light and dark
colors, lengths to 5 04
yards, a yard
36-inch Unbleached Muslin
Mill Remnants, easily bleached 1
and laundered, 10 Jin
a yard lt
Genuine Serpentina Crepe long ,
serviceable lengths in all the ,
wanted patterns; very IP
special, a yard. ...... IOC
27-inch India Llnons, Mill
Remnants, good sheer quality,
lengths to 10 yards; 1 Al,
special, a yard ...... " 2 C
Everett Classic Dress Ginghams,
lengths up to 20 yards, all new .
patterns, 'in light and . 1 Q '
dark colors, a yaTd. . . . 1 C .
72x90 Attica Sheets, . French
Seam in center " 7C-
each OC
42x36 "Fidelity" 01 n "
Pillow Slips, each..,. .d&OC
45x36 "Fidelity" OA n
Pillow Slips, each. ... .eStC ,
Basement. , ,
"Gift Shop"
Mesh Bags, large sixe, were
$2.00, now ....... . . .91.00
Three-Piece Ivory Toilet Set,
were $3.50, now. .... .$1.50
Ivory Dressing Combs, special
at 25
All the Imported Jewelry that
sold at 69c and $1.00, choice
each 39t
One Lot Fancy Lavalliers
at ....29
One Lot Beaded Bags at. .69
Men's Fancy Scarf Pins, each
at .25.
One lot Real' Cameo Scarf
Pins, worth $1.75 and $2.00,
special each 91.00
Hosiery and
. .
Women's Cotton Lightly
Fleeced Union Suits, high neck,
long sleeves,1 ankle length, a
suit, at 50c
Women's Peeler Lightly
Fleeced Vests, each 35c
Children's Cotton Union Suits,
peeler color, sizes 2 to 12 years,
each 50c
Infants' Sample Shirts, to close
out, each 15c
Women's Black Cotton Hose, in
odd lots, 25c values, to close
out, a pair, at. ........... 15c
At Remarkable Prices '
25x50 Hit and Mist Rag Rugs,
regular $1.00 f?Q.
values ............. UaC
27x54 Gingham Hit and Miss
Rag Rugs, regular AO.
i ko of 30C
I T w " I - ............ "
7-6x10-6 Hit and Miss Rag Rugs
regularly $7.50, fcO OQ
at P070
9x12 Hit and Miss Rag Rugs,
regular $12.00, C OQ
at pd70
27x54 Axminster Rugs, regular
i.3-.M: ..$2.50
27x60 Axminster Rugs, regular
$3.75, djrt QA
at PSt70,
27x54 Velvet, fcO OP
regular $2.75, at. . 4e0
27x54 Velvet Rug, 1 TQ
regular $2.50, at. vltiO .
Brussels Rug Remnants, regu
lar $1.25, special, IQ
a yard , . TrJC
Axminster Rug Remnants 3,
'SY and 4-yard lengths, each, "
$2.98, $3.49 tQ HQ
and vOsaO
9x11 Velvet Rugs, regular
$20.00, - A (- Qo
each 4XU70
9x12 Brussels Rugs, regular
$18.00, tl o rn
at Pl70
Linoleum, 6 feet vndt. P? P"
a square yard........ OOC
Linoleum, 12 feet r
wide, a square yard.. OOC
No. 1 Jointleis China Matting, 1
regular 50c yard, see- OA
cial, a yard. ay C ,
mm m mt