Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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The Bee by
N -1 y V wnHEM J I Kt! ) V TVJO RVJWr J I KJ v jk y
Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages.
v L.OANS Om Mat Tlr BU.
v SIS Omaha Nat. Rk Rlrtv
ilCNEY to loan on improved farms and
rancnes. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha.
1eli Theater Bldg. D 685.
W, H. THOMA3 & SON. Keellno Bldg.
Stocks and Bonds.
110 WILL buy 600 shares West Belt Oil
and Oas stock. Now drilling three wells
in Oklahoma lands In Salt Creek and
Efg Muddy. Wyoming-. Send orders to
Alfred Day, Dowes, Colo., 211 Temple
Court Bldg.
Arkansas Lands.
Our next excursion to our famous Delta
lanas at Aicuenee. ArKansaa, tail or
201 Neville Blk., Omaha.
Colorado Lands.
WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county. Colorado
$12.50 to 118 per acre. We control 26
choice quarters. Send for booklet, Kloke
, Investment Co., Oman.
Iowa Lands.
160 ACRES Improved, 1 miles from
Mapleton, la. Price, 120,000. Terms,
.112.000 down, balance 6 years, per cent
P i per cent off if full payment In cash Is
mads. Mrs. J. H. Stewart. P. O. Box (Is,
Scottsbluff. Neb.
Missouri Lands.
5REAT BARGAINS (5 down (5 monthly
buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land,
near town, southern Missouri; price only
$220. Address Box 282, Springfield, Mo.
Nebraska Lands.
PRICED to sell, two fine half sections, well
Improved eastern Neb. corn and alfalfa
farms. Money maker for Investor might
consider small trade. Paul Peterson, 364
Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
Douglas 1806.
80 ACRES, nearly level. Improved, between
Oakland and West Point. Neb., at only
$190, on easy terms. G. A. KulU Oakland.
WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per a..
Including paid-up water rights. Henry
Levi ACM. Rylander, IS4 Omaha Nat'l.
RANCH E8 of all sixes and kinds, eaij
terms. A. A. Patxman. $01 Karbacb Blk.
LIST your lands for quick results wltb C
.1 Cansn. lift McCsgue Bldg.. Omaha.
Oregon Lands.
Oat on the ground floor wltb SO acres
Irrigated land In connection with open
range Yon can row stock successfully
and cheaply. Personally conducted ex
cursion every two weeks. Bend for bul
140 1st Nat Bk. Bldg.. Omaha.
South Dakota Lands.
FOR SALE 160 acres land, Meads County,
South Dakota. Price $1,600. Lock Box 114,
Hamburg, Iowa.
CHOICE FARV Nlllsson. 422 Rose Bldg.
Nebraska Lands.
WILL rent ranch of 1,840 acres In Dawes
county, for term of three years. Write
for full particulars.
Don't list your farm with us If yon
want to keep It.
42S 8. 15th. - Douglas $371.
PERSONAL property and right to fartn of
owner or renter who wants to sell out, by
responsible party. Box 12. Routs 4.
Mlnden, Neb.
GRAIN farm of 80 to 160 acres by respon
sible party. Box 12. Route 4. Mlnden,
Horses Live Stock Vehicles
For Sale.
Brown mare and gelding 6 and T. years
eld, weight 2,760; dapple gray Ubrse
years old; black horse 6 years old, weight
2.600; gray mare 8 years old, weight 1,260;
mule $ yea.s old, weight 1,066; good
sound horses right off tbs farm. 1502
PIGEONS. 10,000 wanted. R. 8. Elliott. 7600
Independence .ve.. Kansas City. Mo.
Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry
Malashock. 1614 Dodge. D 661 Est. 1 set
Organized by the Business Men of Omaha
FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security
$40. S mo., H. goods, total, $3.60.
$40, ( mo.. Indorsed notes, total cost, $3.(0
Smaller, larger am'ts proportionate rata,
432 Rose Bldg.. lth and Farnam. Ty. g 6
$34 00 $240.00 OR MORE
$40 PAXTON BK. TEL. DOUG. 2266.
ifW, a TLATAU, EST. 189?. " 10
th Floor (Rose! Securities Bldg.. Ty. 960
Edward J. Krigbaum to Vaclav Kunc
and wife, northwest corner Thirty
eighth and O streets. 40x110 $1,600
Oscar W. Olson and wife to Edith W.
Gillespie, Thirty-third street, 102
fet north of Davenport street, west
side, 60x136 1,700
Lillian C. Ellis and husband to Wil
liam Powell, Underwood avenue, 250
feet west of Forty-eighth street,
i-outh eide, 60x128 6,250
'g more Place company to Ora M.
Cone, northeast corner Forty-eighth
and Douglas streets, 47x128.6 6,500
Lincoln J. Lee and wife to Leander
E. Gosselin. Parker street, 60 feet
east of Forty-third street, south
side. 6pxl50 2,600
Leander E. Gosselin and wife to Hanna
Tlcderman, Parker street, 50 feet
east of Forty-third street, south
side. 60x160 2,700
Reserve Realty company to Blanche
E. Kaiser, Corby street. 250 feet east
of Thirty-ninth street, south side, 50
X120 170
Reserve Realty company to Ellen, Kai
ser. Corby street. 200 feet east of
Thirty-ninth street, south side, 60x
120 180
Reserve Realty company to Catherine
Kaiser, Corby street, ISO feet east
of Thirty-ninth street, south side, 60
X120 180
Reserve Realty company to Grace Kai--r,
Corby street, 200 feet west of
Thirty-ninth street, south side, 60x
120 1T0
Edgar H. Scott and wife to Floyd B.
Reed, Jackson street, 137 feet east
of Lockwood avenue, south side. 60x
12 1.150
Robert J Hunt and wife to Howard
H. BraJnerd. Hickory street, 200 feet
west of Thirty-third street, south
side, $0x13$ 4,800
Best Beeves 25 Cents Higher
Than Week Ago; Hogs 5 to
10 Cents Lower; Lambs
10 Cents Higher.
Omaha, Jan. 14, 191$.
Reeeints were! font TTam
Official Monday 10,193 9,634 14.021
uinciai xuesaay 8,691 19,240 9,674
Official Wednesday .. 5,696 11,695 8 798
Estimate Thursday .. 3,800 12,700 lli500
Four days this week.. 28,280 53,169 43,992
Same days last week. .25,808 61,046 38,414
Same days 2 wks. ago. 35 825 63,838 68,2(9
Same days $ wks. ago.22l838 32,764 46,60$
Sams days 4 wks. ago. 16,811 15,827 24,804
same days last year. ,27,278 (8,07$ 45.998
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Union Stock yards. Omaha. Neb.
at the Union Stock yards, Omahaj
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Morris ft Co. 586
Swift & Co 1268
Cudahy Packing Co. ..1395
Armour & Co 1021
Schwartx ft Co '. . . .
J. W. Murphy
Lincoln Packing Co. .. 48
So. Omaha Packing Co. 7
Wilson Packing. Co. ... (9
Bwirt, Denver
Hill ft Son 12
F. B, Lewi 133
J. B. Root ft Co. ...... 75
J. H. Bulla 128
F. G. Kellogg 17
Werthelmer ft Degen.. 118
Sullivan Bros. 8
Rothschild ft Krebs... 46
Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co. .. 107
Christie 40
Biggins , 1
Huffman 18
Roth 3
Meyers 13
Banner Bros. 95
John Harvey 185
Dennis ft Francis 2
ensen & Lungren .... 22
Ellis ft Co , 9
Other buyers ......... 713
Totals (,09$ 13,970 10,014
Cattle The ran of cattle was light again
today, 3,800 head but ths four days supply
of 28,200 bead has been 2,600 heavier than
a week ago. Ths situation showed no par
ticular change, and for the most part prloes
held just about steady all around, strictly
good to oholca heavy cattle perhaps being
a little firmer, and ths general run of light
and medlumwelght steers and cow stuff
being slow and uneven sellers at unchanged
quotations. Best beef steers are around
25o higher than a week ago, whila medium
grades and cows -are about 2540o lower.
Trade In stockers and feeders was fairly
active, and prices have shown Very little
change so far this week.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beeves. $11.80912.80; fair to good beeves,
Il0.75ll.75; common to fair beeves, $8.60
0.60: good to choice yearlings, 811.25
12.25; fair to good yearlings, 3l0.6O11.26;
common to fair yearlings, $7.00010.00; good
to choice grass beeves, (10.5011.(0: fair
to good : rass beeves, $8.76 10.00; common
to fair crass beeves, (7.008.50; good to
choice heifers, $9.25 10.25 : good to choice
cows, $8.6009.60; fair to good cows, $7,500
8.6; common to iair cows, $6.2607.35;
prime heavy feeders, $11.00011.76; good
to choice feeders, $10.00010.75; fair to good
feeders, $8.50010.00; common to fair feed
ers, 36.25C7.25; good to choice stockers,
$9.0009.75; stock heifers, $7.00 0 8.50; stock
cows, $(.25 0T.76; stock calves, ((.0009.00;
veal calves. $8.75013.25; bulls, stags ate,
Hogs There was another Increase in ths
supply of hogs this morning, and shippers
were only taking a limited supply, buying
theirs on the early rounds at prices that
were for the most part 10c tower than yes
terday. Packers were In a bearish mood, and
were after hogs at further declines. little
later In ths forenoon, however, they com
menced buying at prices that were for the
most part 601Oo lower than the general
market yesterday. They paid $16.20 for
good butchers, while the bulk of the offer
ings moved at $15.90 018.10. Trade was
rather slow all the way through, with a
considerable proportion of ths hogs still
In first hands toward 10:80.
Representativa sales:
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Ar. h. Pr.
80. .243 110(1(85 61. .185 ...$16(0
52. .229 80 16 95 71. .250 40 18 00
69. .219 ...1(05 38. .260 140 1(10
64.. 203 110 1( 15 12. .236 ... 1(20
14. .273 ... 16 25
Sheep A fairly liberal run of sheep and
lambs showed up this morning. Trade was
mora active than it has been In several
weeks. Packers were looking for desirable
offerings, and bought a good share of ths
choice to medium lambs on the early rounds.
i-nees were tuny steady to 10O higher In
spots. Light mixed lambs sold up to $17.1$,
a string of good medium weight fed lambs
turning at $17.00, with InbUweene anywhere
from $16.60 to $1 90. Fat sheep wera In
gooa aemana although rather plain In
quality heavy ewes selling around $11.(5.
Nothing real choice of the light weight class
was sold. Feeders continued fslrly active
at about steady prices. Ths supply was
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs.
handywelght, $16.76017.26: lambs, heavy
weight, $15.75016.76; lambs, feeders, $15.00
Bij.tu; iambs, snorn, $11.50611.50: lambs.
culls, $10.00014.00; yearlings, fair to choice.
sii.60ie.oo; yearlings, feeders, $12,000
14.25; wethers, fair to choice. $11.00013.00:
ewes, fair to choice, $11.00012.2$; ewes.
oreeaers, ail ages, (1O.5O016.6O; ewes, feed
ers, $7.50010.50; ewes, culls and canners,
Representative sales:
No. A v. Pr.
461 feeder ewes ,, ..100 11 85
13 feeding lambs (6 1$ 75
18 feeding lambs 79 15 50
195 feeder lambs (7 j( 25
4,(t reeaer lambs , (5 16 60
239 feeder iambs (( 16 40
St. Loots Live Stock Market.
St. Louis, Jan. 24. Cattle RecetDts 6.138.
lower. Native beef steers $8.00012.60; year
lings, steers and heifers $7.00012.60; cows
$6.00011.60; stockers and feeders $6,000
10.50': fair to prime southern beef steers
$9.00012.75; beef cows and heifers, $6,000
iu.uu; prime yeaning steers and heifers $7.5
ttio.uu; native calves H. 00015.76.
Hogs Receipts. 16,200, steady: lights
$16.20 01( 40: pigs (14.26015.50: mixed and
butchers (16.2001(60; good heavy 16.600
16.35; bulk $16.25016.60.
Sheep Receipts, 2,900: steady: lambs.
(14.00017.75; ewes Cll.60ffl2.00; wethers
(11.50013.25; canners and choppers ((.000
' ix City IJvs Ntoek.
Sioux t".j. la. Jan. 24. Cattle Receipts.
2,200 head; market steady; beef steers.
(900013.00; fat cows and heifers. (7.260; canners. .75.75: stockers and
feeders, (7.50 011.50: calves. .0eiJ.t:
bulls, stairs, etc., $7.60 0 10.(0; feeding cows
ana neners, i.uops.60.
Hogs-t-Recelpts 8.500 head: market 6c to
10c lower: lights. $15.76lt.95: mixed.
I15.90S16.00; heavy, $16.00016.10; pigs.
Cat. Hgs. Shp.
C M, ft St. P 11 ( $
Wabash 4 2
Missouri Paclflo 1 7 4
Union Pacific 87 10' (
C. & N. W., east.... 8,7 1
C. & N. W., west.... 68 71 g
C 8t. P., M. & O. .. 24 17 8
C. B. & Q., east .. 2 2
C. B. & Q. west 22 19 7
C, R. I. A P.. east.... 4
C, R. L ft P., west.. 1 1
Illinois Central 6 4 ..
Chicago Gt. West. ..8 1
Total receipts .184 171 4T
$11.00018.00; bulk of sales. $18.904916.05.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 700 head;
market strong.
Chi cage Live 8 took.
Chicago, Jan. 24. Cattle Receipts 1,4(0)
tomorrow 7,000; weak; native steers $(.40
11.80; stockers and feeders (7.10010.75; cow
and heifers $(.10011.75; calves (9.00 016.00.
Hogs Receipts (0,006; tomorrow 40,000;
weak, 20o under yesterday's average; bulk
$16. 16016.60; light $11. 60016. $6; mixed
$15.85016.45; heavy $16.85016.60; rough
$15.85016.00; pigs $13.60014.86.
Sheep Receipts 14,000; tomorrow 10,000;
firm, wethers $9.75013.40; ewes $9.50013.00;
Iambs $14.50017.75.
Kansas City IJve Stock.
Kansas City, Jan. 24. Cattle. Receipts,
6,000; steady. Prime fed steers $12,250
18.60; dressed beef steers $10.60013.50; west
ern steers $8.60012.00; southern cattle $6.60
011.60; calves $7.00014.(9.
Hogs. Receipts, 12,000; lower; bulk, $16
05016.30; heavy 114.10016.35; packers and
butchers 116.20016.30; light $1(.OOOK.35;
pigs $11.00014.60.
Sheep. Receipts (.000; steady. Lambs
$16.00016.75; yearlings $13.00014.(0; weth
ers $11.00 9 13.00; ewes $10.00012.25.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 24. Cattle Receipts,
2 000 head; market steady; steers, $8,000
13.75; cows and heifers, $6.00012.25; calves,
Hogs Receipts,' 10,000 head; marker low
er: top, $16.26; bulk of sales, $16.90 016.20.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,000 head;
market steads; lambs, $13.00016.76; calves,
New York Money.
New York, Jan. 24. Mercantile Paper
Stt05 per cent.
Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills, $4.72;
commercial sixty-day bills on banks,
$4.71 "it; commercial sixty-day bills, $4.7114;
demand, $4.76(4; cables, $4.7(7-16.
Silver Bar, 87c; Mexican dollars, 70c.
Time Loans Market firm; sixty days,
ninety days and six months 614 6 Pr cent.
Call Money Market firmer; high, 4 per
cent; low, $H per cent; ruling rate, $tt per
cent; closing bid, $ per cent; offered at $tt
per cent: last loan. 8tt per cent.
U. S. 2s reg... 96ttQt. 1st 4AS..6
do coupon ... 9Vs'Ill. cen. ret 4s. so
U. 8. Is reg... 99 Int. M. M. (s.. (IV
do coupon ... 99 K. C. 80. ref 6s. 78
U. S. Lib :. 98.10Lou. ft N. un 4s 8614
U. 8. 4s reg, . .104 M, K. ft T. 1st 4s 60
do coupon ...1044Mo. fac. gen 4S. 671
Am. F. S 5s.... (6 'Mont, power 5s. 88
Am. T. ft T. e. (s 98 N. Y. C. deb 6s. . 2
Anglo-French 6s. 88 No. Pacific 4s... tit
Arm. ft Co 4 Us. 84 do' coupon 3s... 61 Mi
Atchison gen 4s. 84 Ore S, L. ref 4s. 84
B. ft O. CV 4HS. 78PSC T. T. 58. 93
Beth. 8. ref 6s. 86 Penn. con 4s.. 98
Cen. Leather 6s.. 96 Penn. gen 4s.. 90
Cen. Pacific 1st Tl Reading gen 4s 844
Ches. ft O. cv (s 77 St. L. ft 8. F. a (s (1
C, B. ft Q. J. 4s 93 80. Pac. cv (s... 86
CHftBtPC4HS 73 'HO. Ky. 6S...... tl
C R I ft P ref 4s (( Tex. ft Pac. 1st. ((
Col ft So. ret 4s(7Unlon Paclflo 4s. 88
D. A R. G ref 6s 69 U. 8. Rubber 6s.. 77
D. of C. ts. 1918. 92KU. 8. Steel (s... 99
Erie gen 4s 60 Wabash 1st 94
French Gvt 5s.. (6 'Bid.
Gen. Eleo 6s.... 96
New York General Market,
New York, Jan. 34. Flour Quiet; spring
(10.6(010.70; winter, $10.2(010.60; Kansas
Corn Spot firm; kiln dried. No. $ yel
low, $1.83, and No. I mixed, $1.(0; cost and
freight New York, prompt shipment; Ar
gentine, $2.00 cost and freight New York,
to arrive. . ,
Oats Spot, spring: natural, $1.01.
Hay Firm; No. $2.00, nominal; No. I,
$1.90; No. 3 $1.80; shipping, $1.60; all nom
inal. ' )
Hops Quiet; state, medium to choice
1917, 43052c; 1916, nominal; Paclflo coast
1917, 21024c; 1916. 1(0180.
Hides Quiet; Bogota, $(01OHc; Cen
tral America, 18 0 40c.
Leather Firm; hemlock sols over
weights. No. 1, 61c; No. 2, 49c.
Provisions Pork, firm; mess $50,000
(0.50; family, $64.00066.00; short clear,
$50.00056.00. Lard, barely steady; middle
west $26.26025.35.
Wool Firm; domestic fleece XX Ohio
and Pennsylvania, 70c.
Rice Firm; fancy head, $0i Wue
rose, (0(c. a ....
Butter Market easier; receipts 8,100
tubs; creamery extras. ($c; firsts,
6O06$o; seconds, 4(04(e.
Eggs Markef weak; receipts, (.947 cases;
fresh gathered extras, (70 (8c; extra firsts,
(6c; firsts, (4066c; seconds, 60 0 68c.
Cheese Market firm; receipts, 248 boxes;
stats whols milk flats held specials, 250
2(o; state, average run, 24 26c
Poultry Dresssd, market strong; alive,
market firm. f
Coffee Market.
New York, Jan.,' 24. The market for cof
fee futures showed Increasing strength and
activity during today's trading, with every
Indication of a broadening Wall atreet and
western Interest The opening was some
what Irregular, owing to March liquidation
with that delivery five points, lower, but
other months were unchanged to 1 point
higher and the market advanced sharply
during the day on the more optlmlstlo re
ports of peace prospects and rumors that
there will be considerable delay In securing
the use of the interned Dutch vessels.
March contracts sold up from (.(60 to $.76o.
while May advanced from 8.65c to (.970
and September from 9.08c to 9.29c, with
the market closing at the best levels of
ths day, showing a net ad vane of (1 to
(( points. Closing bids: January, 8.60c;
March, 8.76c; May, 8.76c; July, (.18c;
September, 9.18c; October, (.44c; December.
Spot coffee firm: Rio T's (c; Santos 4's
11c. Fsw firm offers were reported from
Braill. Shippers were said to be asking
10.30c for Santos 4's and 4's and IO.I60 to
10.S0O for Santos 4's, London credits.
The official cables reported an unchanged
market at Rio. Santos spots wars (0 rels
and futures 25 to 75 rels lower. Rio ex
change on London 1.82d higher. Rio cleared
16,000 bags for New York and Santos 46,000
for New Orleans. Braslllan port receipts
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits.
K-nw Vnrlr .Tin. 24 EvaDorated ADDles
Dull: Callfornlas, 16016c; prime, 16 016c.
Dried Fruits Prunes steady. California
614c; Oregons, 13014c. Apricots, firm;
choice, 17c; extra choice, 17c; fancy,
i.UiA9A. Pa.ih.. firm: standard, lllic!
choice, 12018c; fancy, 12014c Ral-
BIOS, Steauy; ioobb mueuaieiv, V 71 "
choice to fancy seeded, (01Oe; choice
to fancy, seeded, 901Oc; seedless, 90
10c," London layers, (
New York Metal.
New York, Jan. 24. Metal exchange
quotes lead firm; spot. $7.1 2 7.50; spelter,
quiet; spot East St. Louis. $7.5008.00.
At London: Copper, spot, 110; futures,
110; electrolytic, 125. Tin, spot, 300; fu
tures. 297. Lead, spot, 29 10s; futures, 28
10s. Spelter, spot. 54; futures, 60.
The New York metal exchange will be
closed on heatless Monday.
i 1
TorpeatuM aad Bosln.
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 24. Turpentine
firm, 45c; sales 110 bbls.; receipts (4
bbls.; shipments T bbls.; stock 26,929 bbls.
D 1. 1. --1 fchla ' rAlnt E89
bbls.; shipments 190 bbls.; stock 90 151
Quote B D E F G II I $(.25: K (.((;
M $(.(0; N $7.20; WO $7.40; WW $7.(0. ,
Minneapolis Crain.
Minneapolis. Jan. 24. Flour Unchanged.
Barley (1.3601.69.
Rye $1.9801.99.
Bran $32.(9.
Corn No. $ yellow, $1.(801.(3.
Oats No. 2 whits. 8O061C.
Flaxseed (3.6O03.(3.
New York Dry Gsads.
New York. Jan. 24.--Cotton goods here
today were strong wltb yarns firm. Men's
wear was active. Kntt goods wsra bought
Bulk of Arrivals Corn; Cash Ar
ticle in Active Demand; Oats
Show Advance; Rye
Omaha, January 24, 1(18,
Arrivals of grain today totaled 215 cars,
of which 32 cars were whe-t 168 corn, 18
oats, ( rys and 3 cars of barley.
Cash Corn Was aaaln In active demand.
the spot ' being quoted unchanged to $0
higher. Receipts were fatrly liberal, 168
cars arriving In, and this made for a broad
trading market Early salea were made at
a 2o to 4c advance, but later on a little
weakness developed, several aales being
made at . the close around yesterday a fig
urea Considerable off grade stuff Is looked
for as a result of ths lata ruling of the
Nebraska State Railway commission, which
gives out ts order that 80 per cent of all
corn shipped for a certain length of time
must bs that which contains ;0 per cent
or mors moisture. This should help to re-
lelvs many holders of their wet and soft
corn, as It gives these shipments a prefer
ence. No. 4 white sold today at $1.66 and
$1.(0. and No. ( white St $1.48 snd $1.(2.
No. 4 yellow sold at $1.62 and $1.66, and
the No. ( yellow at (1.43 and $1.4(. Two
cars of No. t yellow brought $1.(0 each.
No. 4 mixed sold at (1.48 and $1.62, whlls
ths No. ( grade brought $1.41 and $1.46.
Oats mads another advance of o to lc,
breaking tha record price set yesterday.
Trade was rather light, only a halt dozen
cars being disposed of up to 1 o'clock.
Standard grade oats sold at $lo, while
ths No. 2 whits brought ths top figure, this
grada selling at 81 and 82c
Receipts of rys and barley were light,
with 4 and ( cars, respectively. Rye soared
again, actual sales being at 2c to 8o ad
vance, while bsrley was quiet, no salea being
reported at a late hour. No. 1 rye sold at
$l.9( and ths No. 2 and No. 4 grades at
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to 302.000 bushels; corn, none; oats, 34,000
busels. .
Primary wheat receipts were 402.000
bushels and shipments 101,000 bushels
against receipts of 841,000 buehels and
shipments of (50,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 973,000 bush
els and shipments 472,000 bushels, against
receipts of 1,297,000 bushels and shipments
of (25,000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts Wera (58.000 bush
els and shipments 619,000 bushels, against
receipts of (74,000 bushels and shipments
of 298,000 bushels last yeaY.
Wheat. Corn, Oats.
Chicago ,. 4 2$ 129
Minneapolis ) 180
Duluth , 4
Omaha 22 168 18
Kansas City 25 101 22
St. Louis , 26 60 . 41
Winnipeg , ,,,.245
These sates were reported today: .
Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 3 cars, (2.12.
No. ( hsrd winter; . car (2 per cent
oats), $2.16; 1 car (1.6 per cent common
and red durum), $2.10; V car (smutty),
$3.06. No. 4 dark bard winter: 1 bulk
head, $2.10. No. 1 durum: 1 car, $2.16. No.
2 durum: 2 cars, $2.12. No. 1 durum: 1
bulkbesd, $2.09. No. 2 red durum: 1 car,
$2.05. Mixed grain; 1 car (17 per cent
rye, 77 per cent hard winter, ( per cent
dlurum). (1.(0. No. $ mixed common and
red durum: 1 car (smutty, 88 per cent
hard winter, 13 per cent durum), $2.09. No,
2 amber durum: 1 car (7 per cent spring),
$2.16. No. 2 northern spring: 1 car, $2.12.
No. 4 northern spring: 1 car (3 per cent
rye), $2.08.
Rye No, 1: 1 car, $1.96. No. 2: 1 car,
$1.95. No. 4: 1 car, $1.95. Sample: 25
sacks (wheat mixed), $1.92.
Oats Standard: 1 car, 81 c. ro. s
white: 2 cars, 88c; 1 car, 81 o.
Corn No. 4 white: 1 car, 81. u; I car,
$1.68; 1 car. $1.57; 6 2-6 cars, $1.66; 2
cars, $1.65. No. 5 whlt: 2 cars, $1.52; 4
cara, $1.(1; 2 cars, (1.69; 1 car, (10 per
cent damaged), $1.49; 4 cars, $1.49; 1 car,
$1.48. No. ( white: 1 car, $1.46; 1 car, $1.43;
1 car, $1.42. Sample white: 1 car. $1.40. No,
3 yellow: 1 8-6 cars, $1.(0. No. 4 yellow:
3 cars, $1.(5; 2 cars, $1.(4; ( cars, $1.(3;
1 car, $1.53. No. 6 yellow: $1.4; ( cars,
$1.48; 2 cars, $1.47; 2 cars, (1.46; 4 cars,
$1.45; 2 ears, $1.44; $ cars, $1.43; 4 cars,
$1.43. No. ( yellow: 1 car, (sour), $1.38;
( ears, (1.86; I cars. $1.34. Sample yellow:
1 car, $1.3$; 1 ear, (20 per cent damaged),
(1.20: 1 car. (1.10. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. (near
white), (1.(2; 1 car, (1.49; cars, (1.49:
1 car, (148. No. t mixed: 1 car, $1.46; 4
cars, $1.46; 1 car (10 per cent damaged).
$1.44; 3 cars, (1.4$; 4 cars, $1.43; cars,
$1.41. No. ( mixed: 1 car, $1.34; 2 oars,
(1.22: 1 car. $1.30: 1 ear, (sour), $1.37; 1
car, $1.26. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.00.
Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 4 whits,'
$1.(501.(0; No. ( white, $1.4801.52; No. (
whits, (1.4201.46; sample white, (1.49; No.
( yellow, $1.(0; No. 4 yellow, $1.62 1.05;
No. ( yellow, $1.4201.48; No. ( yellow, (1.(4
1.38; sample yellow, $1.1001.25; No. 4
mixed, $1.48 01.53: No. ( mixed, $1.4101.46;
No. ( mixed, $1.2(01.33. Oats: Standard,
81c; No. 3 white, 810 82c. Rye: No. 2,
$1.95; No. 4, $1.96.
Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bes
by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers,
315 South Sixteenth street, Omsha:
Art Open. High. LowTCose. Yes.
Jan. 1 27 1 17 127 1 27 127
Mar. 1 25 1 26 125 1 25 126
May 1 24 1 25 124 1 24 126
Jan. (0 , 82 80 (1 (0
Mar. 79 ! 30 79 80
May 77 78 77 77 77
Jan. 47 40 47 40 47 22 47 22 47 26
May 46 82 45 97 45 82 45 97 45 76
Jan. 24 70 24 70 24 (6 24 2 24 (7
May 24 92 25 00 24 (7 24 (2 24 90
Jan. 22 97 22 97 23 (7 23 (7 22 (2
May 24 35 24 40 24 80 24 27 24 25
Skepticism Rogardlng Predictions of In-
creased Movement Vpholds Com,
Chicago, Jan. 24. Skepticism regarding
predictions of an Increased movement of
the crop tended stubbornly today to up
hold the corn market Prices closed un
settled, at $1,28 March and $1.25 01.25
May, with the final range varying from
c decline to c advance compared with
24 hours before. Oats gained to c.
Provisions closed 5c off to 22o up.
Reports were current that bettor weather
In the west was gradually bringing about
more favorable traffic conditions on the
railroads, and that the car supply had
been somewhat Improved In Illinois. Be
sides advices were at hand telling of the
largest rural shipments of corn that had
been made since the recent storm. Nev
ertheless, the scantiness of receipts here
and tbs many times of late that hope of
liberal arrivals had turned out to be mis
leading discouraged sellers. The result was
to keep the market within narrow limits,
and to minimize the volume of trade, de
spite a generally promising outlook.
All deliveries of oats advanced to the
highest prices yet this season. Persistent
demand from the seaboard was responsible,
but In the last hour. It was said exporters
had withdrawn from the market.
Covering by local shorts led to upturns In
provisions. Sharp breaks In bog prices
received but little attention.
Corn No. 2 yellow, nominal; No. 2 yel
low, $1.(001.90; No. 4 yellow, nominal.
Oats: No. 2 white. (2 0 83c; standard,
(408(c. Rye: No. 2, nominal. Barley:
$1.4001.(0. Seeds: Timothy. (5.(008.26;
clover, (21.00030.00. Provisions: Pork, nom
inal; lard. (24.67; ribs, (23.(3024.27.
The close was unsettled at (1.26 for
March and $1.26 1.24 for May with the
final range as a whols varylnf from a
Enemy Planes Are
Downed in Daring
Raid by British
London. Jan. 24. The following
communication dealing with avia
tion was issued last night:
"Nearly 400 bombs were dropped
Tuesday on enemy billets at Roul
ers and Menin and on other targets
in the enemy's forward areas. Sev
eral thousand rounds were fired
from airplanes at hostile troops and
"Seven enemy airplanes were
downed in air fighting, two were
driven down out of control and an
observation balloon was downed in
flames. Two of our machines are
decline to No advance, compared with 31
hours before.
On the bulge, realising sales set In and
a reaction followed.
Live Poultry Broilers. 1 to I Iba, In
separats coop, (So lb.; springs, I to S lbs.,
35o lb.; springs, all sizes, smooth legs, 21c
lb ; hens, sny slxe, 21o lb.; old roosters and
stags, 16o lb.; poor chickens, 6c lb.; geese,
full feathered, fat 18o lb.; ducks, full feath
ered, fat 20o lb.; turkeys, over 10 lbs., fat.
28o lb.) turkeys. ( to 10 lbs., (6o lb.
capons, over ( Iba, I4o lb.; guineas, sach,
any slse, (5o sach; squabs. Homers, 14 to
16a oss., per dosen, $1.60; squabs, Homers,
12 to It jss. each, per doisn, $3.60; squabs.
Homers, 10 to 12 oss each, per doien, (2 00;
squabs. Homers, ( oa each, per dosen,
(1.(0; squabs. Homers, under $ ox. each, par
docen, 60c; pigeons, per dosen, $1.00.
Beef Cuts Wholesale prices of beat cuts
effective January 81 are as follows:
Loins: No. 1, 2(c; No. 2, 2(o; No. I.
1(C Rounds: No. 1, 20c; No, 2, 18c;
No, 3. 16 c. Ribs: No 1, !4e; No. t,
22c; No. $. 15c. Chucks: No. 1, l(o; No.
2. 15c; No. 2. 14c. Plates: No. 1, 14o:
No. 2. 14c; No 2, 12o.
Oysters "King Cole" northern standards,
(2.50 gal.; "King Cole" northern selects.
$2.76 gal.; "King Cole" New York counts.
(2.(5 gal,; blue points, large or small
shells, 310.00 psr bbl.i blue points, per 100,
(1.25; large shells, per 100, (1.(0; Cotults.
per 100, $1.75.
Fish (per lt.) Whiting, sxinnea, no;
round, (o: box lots. 7o: herring, round, 10c;
box lots, (a; herring dressed, llo; box lots,
11c; Tulllbes white, average 1 lb., 13c; box
lota, llo; fresh halibut, fancy express stock,
25a. Fresh frosen: Halibut, coast frosen,
2to; salmon, red, coast troxen, 22e; pink,
20c; black cod sabls fish, coast frssen, 14o;
black bass, order slie, 28o; largs or small.
35c; trout, 23c; whlteflsh, 20o; pike No. 1,
18c; pickerel, dressed, iso; rouno. lie; orep
ple, medium, 16a; tlleflsh, for steak, 16c:
yellow ring perch l(o; buffalo carp rd., llo;
ling cod, 12o; flounders, 12c; western red
snaDDer. llo: smells. 16c: whiting, round.
order sits and medium large, la. Fresh
caught: Halibut fancy, 25o; black end sable
fish, 14c: black bass, order siae, (Oo; large
or small, 26c: era pries. -lb He; order sis
and largs, 20o; buffalo, genuine, round, Ho:
buffalo carp round 14a; red snspper no;
cod, eastern, 18c; flounders. Ho) smelts, lto;
Spanish mackerel, 21c. Kippered salmon,
10-lb. basket (3.80; kippered ssblefish or
grayflsh, 10-lb. baskets, (3.20; smoked whits
(lakeflsh), 10-lb., (2.20. ,
Bolsheviki Agents at
I. W. W. Trial in Chicago
Chicago, Jan. 24. Bolsheviki agents
will attend the trial of 166 Industrial
Workers of the World, soon to begin
before Federal Judge K. M. Landis, it
was announced today.
One already is in. Chicago, two
others are in San Francisco and
others are on the way from Russia, it
is said.
It is reported that an appeal has
been sent to Syndicalists of Italy,
Australia and Spain to send agents
here to attend the trial of the men
charged with conspiracy to obstruct
the government's war work.
Fire in Army Warehouse
Causes Loss of $10,000
Fort Worth, Tex., Jan. 24. Fire of
uncertain origin destroyed a ware
house at Camp Bowie shortly after
midnight with a loss of $10,000. Stores
of the One Hundred and Eleventh
ammunition train were in it. It is
supposed a careless smoker started
the flames.
Soldiers, aided by the city fire de
partment, confined the flames to the
small area.
Government Wants 150 "
More Expert Accountants
Washington, Jan. 24. More than
ISO. expert accountants are wanted by
the civil service commission to
handle several hundred millions of
dollars' worth of government aviation
These men will form the second in
crement of an accounting force
already number in c more than 100 and
which eventually will total 400.
Lincoln Man Injured
In Wreck Near San Antonio
San Antonio, Jan. 24. Fireman W.
D. Coursey of Waco, Tex., was killed
and 15 others, including R. N. Bag
man of Lincoln, Neb., were injured
when a south bound passenger train
from St. Louis, on the Missouri Kan
sas & Texas railroad, collided with
a work engine in the suburbs of San
Antonio late today. The injured were
taken to hospitals here.
Ru8 Situation
Cause of Anxiety
in Berlin Circles
Amsterdam, Jan. 24. German
parliamentary circles regard the
Russian situation as being very
critical, according to the Lokal An
zeiger of Berlin, a copy of which
has been received here.
The paper says that the latest
news from Petrograd shows that
Bolsheviki supremacy is seriously
threatened and the question arises
as to whether it would be wise to
negotiate further with men who
anarchy at, any moment may sweep
The Lokal Anzieger adds that in
political circles account is being
taken of the possible influence
events in Petrograd may have on
the negotiations at Brest-Litovslc
Peace Rumors, Government
Financing, Freight Embargo
and Fuel Shortage Affect
New Tork, Jan. 24. Political and econom
ic factors continued to weigh upon ths stock
market today, although there was a mode
rats rally, dus In part to short covering, at
tha end. Pools were again aotlva In minor
specialties, but tha lack of public Interest In
represenattva shares was an obvious draw
back. Peace rumors, government financing, the
freight embargo, fuel shortage, were among
the conflicting elements that affected the
moderate dealings In varying degree. Trade
authorities agreed that as yet Industrial con
ditions showed little Improvement from ths
government's closure decree.
Qreater esse was displayed In ths market foi
call loans which opened at $H per cent, tha
lowest Initial rata thus far this year, but
tlms funds, while quotably unchanged, wera
scarce the point of complete withdrawal.
That Investment money still seeks an outlet
was seen In the larger oversubscription to
ths $6,000,000 New Tork olty revenua war
rants, which were disposed at a prlca aver
aging slightly over i per cent '
Market leaders moved In a very narrow
groove, rails evincing a reactionary trend on
presentation to congress of a railroad bill
somewhat different from that originally pro
jected. Reasoned Industrials, shippings and active
specialties were responsive to ths mors gen
eral support of ths last hour, closing with a
firm tone. $ Bales amount. d to 810,00s
International Issues, especially tha French
group, were especially higher. Liberty
IVs'a msde a new low record at ((, first 4's
also establishing a new minimum at (6.70
and the second 4'a varying from ((.(0 t
14.11. Total salea (par value) aggregated
(4,416,000. United States t's and registered
4's declined S per cent and common 4'a H
per oent on all.
Number of sales and rangs of prices of
ths leading stocks: .
High. I.ow.
Ant. Beet Sugar. .
77 76ii
16 4 36U
70H 70
56 55
(I' 81
American Can
Am. Car V....
Am. Locomotive ,.
Am. flmelt At Ref. 11, 100
Am. Sugar Ref.... 1,400 107 106H 106
Am. T. T 700 104 104 104
Am. Z . I as S. . . . 600 14k 14 13i
Anaconda Copper... $.600 (1 ti 60
Atchison 60 83 81 82
A O. A W.I.H.S.l... 1,(00 101 101
Baltimore Ohio.. 1,100 4 4 48
Hutte A Sup. Cop.. 200 13( 138 19(
California Pet .... 15
Canadian Pacific. 100 13( 138 U
Central Leather.... 1,100 (5 4 65
Ches. 4s Ohio 200 51 (1
Chi.. M. A St. P... 700 41 41
32 H
Chlcaga aV K W...
Chi., R. 1. . P.
Chlno Copper
Colo. F. I
Corn Products Ref.
Crucible Steel
Cuba Cans Sugur,. 3,000
Distiller's Securities. 3,(00
Erie 300
General Electric, .
(leneral Motors.,,.
1,100 180
1,(00 113 111 113
Ob Northern pfu.,
Ot. N. Ore ctfs....
27 Vi
82 '
iu. ventral
Inspiration Cop..,. 500
Int. M. M. pfd... 38,600
Inter. Nickel ... . 300
Inter. Paper. ,. . (00
Kan, City Southern ....
Kennecott Copper ., 400
Loulsvlllo A N, . . . ....
Maxwell Motors
Mexican Pet. , ,
Miami Copper
.... 300
... 1,300
Missouri Pacific ...
Montana Power ...
Nevada Copper ...
N. T. Central
N. Y N. It. A H.
. $8
Norfolk & W.'tirii
400 102
1,400 (2
1,100 46
Northern Paclflo . ,
Pennsylvania -
Pittsburgh Coal . . .
Offers ths Safest Invsstmant tha Qutcksst and Surest Returns
of Any Other Oil Stock on the Market.
Shallow, Inexpensive Drilling Means Big Profits With Small Risk.
A Well Every Ten Days Means Action in the Stock.
Hlgh-Grade 80-Gravity Oil Which Sells for $3.50 a Barrel Meant
' Sure Returns.
Railroad Running Through the Property AssVires Transportation
and Markets.
Colony Oil Co.
, Have twelve hundred acres in the Thornton Field in Northeast
ern Wyoming, all deeded land, which the leasing bill cannot affect.
The property adjoins producing ground and bears the same geo
logical relations to the escarpment as the other production.
Shallow Inexpensive Drilling
They Have to Drill Only 650 Feet, which can be drilled in ten
days at a cost of at the most $3,000 per welL
The wells average 25 barrels of very high grade SO-gravity oil,
which sell at $3 per barrel. You can figure that a well pays for
itself in a little over a month. Contracts have been let to drill lfi
wells. The first one is due by the first of February arid another one
every ten days.
This Means Unabated Interest in Colony OH. It Means Action
and Rapidly Rising Prices on Colony Oil Stock. It Means Sure and
Quick Dividends for the Investor. Get Out Your Pencil and Do
Little Figuring.
The Company is organized for $200,000, par value 10 cents.
Half of the Stock Is Sill in the Treasury, the Other Half Has Been
Purchased by the Shrewdest Investors in Wyoming. Every cent from
this sale is Still in the Treasury to be used for operating purposes.
There Is Not a Share of Promotion Stock in the Company.
Colony Oil first came on the market a few days ago at 15 cents.
The Flood of Public Approval Has Shot the Stock Up and Today's
Prices Were: 1794 bid; 18, asked. -
Colony stock is traded in on all the Denver and Casper Ex
changes and it is remarkable the strength behind this issue.
We earnestly Believe Colony Stock Will Bs Sellins- 2.4 r...
by the time their first well is in
'. I i J: 1 1
nig iu i eain succeeding wen every ten aays. urder through Your
Local Broker or Wire Us at Once to Buy for You at the Market.
Carter & Company
Brokers, Lobby Midwest Hotel. Casper, Wyoming, Phone 810.
Wire Stockmen's National Bank of Casper for Our Standing. '
Indications American Troops
Soon Will Be Holding Portion
of Line Against Blows .
of Germans.
(By Associated Press.) . - n
Washington, Jan. 24 While declin
ing to comment directly upon the
statement attributed to President Wil
son, that there will be twice as many
American soldiers abroad next June
as had ben originally planned, Sec
retary Baker said today;
"The program of the department
has been a constantly developing one,
and many difficulties and limitations
have been removed or overcome.. I
cannot discuss numbers of men , m
France or anticipated to be in France
at any particular time, but we have
made substantial progress." ,
When General Pershing sent his
first battalions into the trenches with
veteran French troops, formal an
nouncement of the fact was made
here, coupled with the explanation
that these were rounding out their
training course. A similar announce
ment either directly from General
Pershing or from the department is
expected when American troops
finally take over whatever sector of
the battle lines they, are destined to
fight in.
I Recent press dispatches from Gen
eral Pershing's headauarters have
shown that a considerable part of his
force, at any rate, was now regarded
as fully trained. There have been no
hints dropped as to when the Ameri
can 'front would be established, but
the impression is gaining strength
here that the day is not far distant.
London Money. ,
. London, Jan. 34. Silver Bar, 43 Sd per
ounoe, ... . . .
Money 1 per oent. -"
Discount Rates Short bills, S 31-12 per
cent; three-month bills, 4 1-22 per cent,
Jfsw Tork Cotton.
New Tork, Jan. 14. Cotton Futures
opened steady: January, 80.86c) March.
30.78c; Hay, 80.(Sc; July, 30.04a; October,
. Kansas City Dairy,.
Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 34. Butter and
Poultry Market unchanged. . , j
Kggs Firsts, 60c; seconds, 10c.
Ray Con. Copper... 300 23
Reading 8,400 72
Knp. Iron A Steel.. 1,300 74
Shattuck Ars. Cop ,
Southern Pacific.., 700 81
Southern Ry 400 22
Htudebaker Cor.... 600 4tr
Texas Co 2,100 160 ,
Union Pnelflo ; ....
U, 8. lnd. Alcohol. 400 112 t
U. 8. Stnel 72,800 81
do pfd. 400 10(1
t'luh Copper 1,400 80
Wabash pfd. "B". , , 200 21
Western Union ... .
Westing. Flee 300 31
Total sales for the day 810,000
33 22
71 72
73 78
.... 16
80 61 ,
21 22
48 4SU.
147 148
.... 11
118 118
88 0
100 108
79 80
21 ; 21
.... 0 .
13 3
and an additional rise with the brine- r
i , . . "
6 ll I . (at.