Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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RealEstate, toans and Mortgages.
j.uuO .MICE. Uiii if 6 pet. atiiiil-annually";
secured by mured gu valued at 19,1(1)0.00
T.ilmiigy-L.iiiiia Inv. Co. W. O. W. Bldg.
. On dollar starts an account
"I to Ho.ooA MADE "pii'inpHy." F fT
VVescl Weed Ride.. 1th and Karnam 6ts
W. T. QKAHAM. 664 Bee Bid.
IRAN'S Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg.
IV i Omaha Nat. Bk Bidg.
E ' E " B' C0'' 1016 ""'h Nat l
JUC.N'BY to loan on improved farm and
ranoh?. Itloke Investment Co., Omaha
COW RATES C G. ciVrUTBERti. 113 BrarT
deis Theater Bldg I 6. '
Tt L6AMS on" city property.
" VV H THOMAS A SON. Keellne Bldg
jr- . . m i.iir it -
Arkansas Lands.
Our next excursion to our famous Delta
' i.vids at McCishe. . Arkansas, I'alj pr
W. $. FRANK,
201 Neville Blk.. Omaha.
Colorado .Lands.
WhkAT lands, Kit Carson county, Colorado;
; '112.50 to 111 per acre. We control 25
choice -quarters. Send for booklet. Klok
Investment Co., Omah.
Iowa Lands.
U ACRS improved,'-" 1 " "mllea ' from
- Mapleton, la. Prie. : $20,0yil. Terms.
$11,000 down, balance t yeara, ( per cent.
8 per cent off If full payment In cash la
inade. lira, J. H. Stewart. P. O.Bog 116.
Scoftsbluff.' Neb "
Missouri Lands.
ORISA?" SARGAINS--5T down $5 monthly
btrya 40 acres, goad fruit and poultry land,
' near town, southern Missouri; price only
' $210. Address Box 282, Springfield, Mo:
Nebraska Lands.
tQR .SALE SO acrea bottom land, . all
' plowed. 4 miles from Biair; acres Join
tnr elty limits. Improved. 6tore building
for rant. Main St., Klorence. Fred Bugeon,
' Blahs -Neb.
iTACRES, nearly leval. Improved, between
. Oakland and West Point, Neb., at only
$100, on easy terms. G. A. ull. Oakland.
rilEATLAND Wyoming farms, 150 per a.,
V including patd-up water right. Henry
" lv A C, M. Rylander, 154 Omaha Nat' I
tl ACRES, all In cultivation, mile S. W.
of -Allen,. Neb.: all good land; will aell
at a bargain. s. parson, earns, wep.
Xa'NCHES oT . all sixes and kind. MJ
terms. A. A. Patsman. $ni Karuacn Hik
LIST your' lands for quick results with C
J. Canan, IIS HrCagu Bldg.. Omaha
New York La.ids.
, Bargains to help our
fellow men, $1,000
cash buys any farm.
7S acrea. 10 cows, tools,
hens, buildings,
worth $3,600, price $3,000.
80 acres, 10 cows, tools, hens,
worth $6,500, price $4,600.
S acres, 10 cows, tools, hens,
worth $3,600, price $3, 00.
193 acres, buildings worth $5,000,
rt n ft -
price $,
150 acres,-buildings worth . $7,000, price $5,
500. ' ' ......
Railway fare one way to. purchaser. Write
for photos.
- - - 8yracu.iej N.. Y.
Oregon Lands.
bet nn thsL.tround floor with 8 ncret
rrrlgatsd tana m connecunn win wvu
fang. Yon Can grow stock successfully
Aid 'cheaply. Personally 'conducted ex--nrslon'
every two weeks. Send for bul
letin. ; '
. . t40 tat Nat Bk - Bldg.. Omaha.
South Dakota Lands.
i'OR SALE 160 acres land. Meade County.
South, Dakota, price il.ouu. juock xjq h
Ha mburg, Iowa. "
OHOTCR FARV NIHbboji. 422 Roj!glBMS;
mx oSio Clr1 A VT T".T"
' Don't list; your farm with yon
want- to keep it. -'
421 S. lfrth.- . Douglas S371,
PERSONAL property and right to farm of
owner or renter woo wmu u .
reaponslble party. Bos 12. Routs.. 4.
Mlnden, Neb.- .': - : -.
GRAIN farm of"80 to -H50 acres by respon
slbla party, Sox ' It. Route 4. Minden.
Neb. " .. .. 'in
Horses Live Stock Vehicles
t'oft SA LEI Enclosed Timken bearing
medicine wagon; first class shape. J. J.
McOftrriKitt. David .QjyN'1)-
J'lGEONS. 10.000 wanted. R. 8. Elliott. 7600
Inirfripndpne- K'Bl.r!tjf-iMA-
Organized by the Business Men cf Omaha
FURNITURE. plnos and notes a security
$40. mo.. B. goods, total. $3 50.
$4u, S mo.. Indorsed notes, totsl cost. $3.0
Smaller, larger am'ts proportlonato raU.
4.S 3 ' Rom gldg., lth and Farnam. Ty
$24 00
$240.00 OR TIORB
$40 " PAXTON BK. TKL. DOUO. 2295
1 Ow. C. TLATAU, EST. 1892. 10
th Floor 4Rose Serarltles Blrlg.. Ty. 160
' n, . ,.,,x-r A Mr I B"WB!1 .R V I.OAr'S
HIAjiwhl, - - " ' "
Loweit rates. Private loan booths. Harry
iWelRshncU 1 SI 4 Hodge TV Ml Bet 11
South Omaha Land company to Jas
per W. Ooff t al., northeast corner
r,r Ttiirtu-fifth and A .atreets.
60x130 ,
South Omaha Land company to Al
bert Kieler, Forty-first atreet 115 feet
nnth nf ftreet. east side, 60x130..
Rose TS. Dearborn and husband to
Richard O. Bunn and wife, Franklin
atreet 50 feet west of Fiftieth street,
south side, 60x160 , 275
Peterson-Pegau Baking company to
Union Pacific Railroad company.
Twelfth street 121 feet aouth of
Jackson street, east side, 11x132 1
south- Omaha Land company to George
uxtdget, Tmriy-iiiunn nrpn id,
north of K street, east side, $0x130..
Raserve Realty company to Parker S.
Tondit. Lake street 100 feet west of
Thirty-sixth street, north side, 50x130
Darwin E. Leavens anc" wife to Harold
W. Graham. Seventeenth street SO
feet south of Sahler street, west side,
40x125 30
James L. Ward and wife to Robert W.
rif::s. Farnam street 258 feet weat
of Forty-eighth street, north side.
60x13 6000
Gork.a C. Flack to Benjamin F. Wor
ral!. Saratoga atreet 100 feet eaat of
Thirtieth street, south side, 45Hx
146 S
Martin L. Alkln and husband to
Melissa 3. Smith, Forty. first street
"54 ' feet north of Davenport street.
i A t side. 40x110 6300
tnk L. JlcCoy and wife to Effie
Jones, Young atreei itv jeei wm m
Thirty-first Mreet, south side. 60x132
Frank A. Robinson and wife to .Clyde
H. Farls. Spencer street 200 feet
weet of Sixty-fifth street, south side,
New York Cotton.
Tork. Jan. 22. Cotton Futures
1 New
if opened steady:
January. 31.15c; March,
!0S7-- May. 30.64c; July, 30.24c; October.
i'Ne'York. Jan. 22. Cotton Spot, quiet;
tpiddling uplands. SI. 95c.
f i .New York. Jan. 22 Cotton futures closed
smrely .steady: March, S0.56c; May, JO.Tsc;
; October, 2S.4Sc."
.... ,i
. . Cbicsgo Prpyielons.
" 'Chicago. Jan.: 22. Butter Market high-
trf cream4ry, 41 S 48 HC .
Sggs Market higher: receipts. 1.931
aaes; firsts. 64 18c: ordinary firsts. 52
;.5jcj at mark, cases Included. 50j56c: re-
-fMgerator firsts. -434S 44c.
' Potatoes Receipts, 15 cars; market un
changed. Poultry Alive, mar :et unchanged.
St. Louis Grain.
Sf Lonis, Mo., Jan. 22. Corn No. 1,
1.1; No. whfle; $l rMay, $1.24.
Oats No. 2, SI Vic: No. 2 white, 3j83Ve;
' f4Maary. 81c; May, 76?ac
Cattle Prices 10 Cents Lower;
Hogs Show Some Decline;
Medium Ewes About
Omaha. Jan. it. 118
Receipts were:
Official Monday
Cattle. Hogs. 8hsp.
...10,111 l,M4 14. 01
Estimate Tuesday .... 7,400
1 Two days this wek..l7,6l
m days last week.. II, 171
Sam days 2 wks. ago.21,02
Kama days 1 wks. sgo.l0.47$
sme days 4 wlu. ago. i.194
Same (jays last year,, 12, 801
24. 0T
4. Ml
Cattle A moderate run of cattl showed
up, 7,400 head, but tha two days' supply has
been nearly t,000 heavier than a week ago.
Quality of th cattl was very good as a
rule, but the market was just th. reverse of
yesterday in that trade was very (lugglsh
right from the start and prices weak to lOe
lower for both beef steers and butcher
stock. Congested railroad facilities are
largely responsible for the wak ton to th
cattle trade at this time, as both packers
and shipper are finding much difficulty In
moving dressed beef and live stock. While
there were not a great many stock cattl
and feeding tears. on sale the demand was
very slack, and prices unevenly lower except
for choice medium and heavy weight grades.
Quotations on cattle: Uood to choice
beeves. .$11. 10ffil2.$0; fair to good beeves,
1(0, 76411. 75; common to fair beeves, $8.5
($10.60; good to choice yaarllugs, 111. 250
12.15; fair to good yearlings, :io.50ll.a
common to fair yearling. $7.00910.00; good
to choice grasa beevw; 110. 0i(t 11.60; fair
to good : rasa beeves, $a. 75910.00; common
to fair glass beeves. $7.00Jf$. It; good to
choice heifers, $9.26010.25; good to choice
cows, s.6U'o 9.o0; fair to good cows. $7.60O
S.60; common to fair cows, $6.2607.21;
prim heavy feeders, $11.00911.75; good
to oholc feeders, $10.0010.76; fair to good
feeders, $8.6010.00; common to fair feed
erg, 6.25C7.25; good to choir Blockers,
$9.00$ 9.76; stock heifers, $7,00 8.50; stock
cows, $6.25 7.75; stock calves. $6.0001-90;
veal calves $8.75 13.25; bulls, stags et
Hoas Receipts of . hogs today wer
heavy, and trad wns fairly active, th
majority of the offerings changing hands
In pretty good season. Shippers were again
only buying a light supply, the bulk of
the business being in th packer division.
Both shippers and packera bought their
hogs-at prices that were steady to 5B10C
lower. . Rood heavy hogs wera bringing
steady prices, while the mixed lighter stuff
soia unevenly so to joc tower. tbi oeat
price was $18.10, paid for choice, butchers,
steady with yesterday's top, while th bulk
of th hogs moved at $15.7(016.00. There
wera still several loads reported back on
late trains.
Representative sales:
No. At. Sh. Pr. No. Av,
80. .162 ... $15 25 35. .16$
$16 60
15 75
It 55
16 90
16 00,
18 10'
23. .190
41. .204
72. .212
12. .875
74, .240
66. .298
15 60
It $0
15 90
81. .187
21. .209
62. .228
75. .260
30. .295
15 95
16 05
16 15
Sheep Sheep and lamb recelpta were
moderate for a Tuesday. The bulk of the
supply was killer stuff. Some activity in
sheep featured the morning market, fair to
medium ewes selling at $11.60011.85, or
about steady. Fat lambs were slow again,
very little being done on th early rounds.
Little prospects of remedying facilities for
dressed stuff is still having a oeansn in
fluence on the market Holdover lambs
sold at $16.3516.60. weighing around $0
to 85 pounds .Feeders were scare ana
nominally steady. Nothing gold early.
Quotations on sheep and lambs; Lambs.
handvweiKht. $16.76617.00; Iambs, heavy
weight, $15.7516.75; lambs, feeders, $15.00
016.50; lambs, shorn, ui.oowij.bu; lamos.
culls. $10.0014.00; yearlings, fair to choice,
lll.6015.0O: yearlings, feeders. $12.00
14.25; wethers, fair to choice, $11.001S.00;
ewes, fair to choice, $11.00012.26; ewes,
breeders, all ages, $10.50lli 50; ewes, feed
ers, $7.50010.50; ewes, culls and canners,
Representative sales:
452 fed lamb
195 fed ewes
219 native lambs
26 cull native feeding lambs
28$ native lambs
. 81
. 72
. 59
. 75
$16 70
11 60
18 75
II 70
St. Loafs Ut Stock.
8t Louis. Mo., Jan. 22 Hoprs. recelpta,
II TOO; higher, lights, $l$.l$ffllS.40; pigs.
$14,2515 60;ra Ixed andb utchera $t.20
16,6o;g ood. heavy, $16.451.$0; bulk,
$16.20 l.6t.
Cattle receipts, B,40: teady; native beef
steers, $8.00013.60; yearling steers and heif
ers, $7.0013 50;e ows, $5.00 10. 50 ; stock
ers and feeders. $(.60 0 10 00;p rim yearl
ings steers and heifers, $7.60010.00; native
calves, $5.75 16.00.
Sheep receipts 1. 1 00; steady; lambs,
$14:001517.65; ewes, $11.50012.60; wethers,
III 5012.76;ca oners ando hoppers, $6 00
00 ...
Kama City IJve Stock et Market.
Knasas Clty.Mo .. Jan. 22. Hogs, receipts
13,000; steady. Bulk, $16,1016.25; heavy
$16,2016.30;p ackers and butchers, $16.10
9 16.10;. light $14.00016.20; pigs $11600
Cattle, reclpts, $1,000, steady Prims
fed steers, $12.00013.75; dressed beef steers
$10.60012.26; westerns teers, $8.60012.00;
cows, $6.50010.60; heifers. $7 00011.00;
stockera and feeders, $7.60011.00, bulls,
$6.5010.00; calves $7.00014.00.
Sheep receipts, $6,000 ;s teady.. Lambs,
$15.76(3 16-60; yearlings $13.00014.60; weth
ers, $11.00012.75; awes, $10.00 12.00.
Chicago UwestArk.
Chicago, Ills., Jan. 22. Hog, receipts, '
60,000, tomorrow 48 000; weak, 10e under
yesterday's averaga; bulk, $15.35016.70;
light, $I6.7616.60; mixed 116.0616.76;
heavy, $16.00016. 80;r ough, $18.00018 20;
pigs, $12.76016.15.
Cattle, recelnts. 20.000: tomorrow 1900:
weak; native steers $8.15018 88; stockera,
and feeders, $7.00010.70; cows' and heifers,!!11.76: calves $9.00016.25
Sheep, receipt 22,000; tomorrow 18,000:
weak; wethers, $9.17012.25 wea, $9,400
i2.iv; lamns,'.
Slonx City Live Stock.
Sioux City. Jan. 22. Cattle Recelpta ..-
600 bead; market steady to lOo higher;
beef steers, $9.00013.00; fat cows and
heifers, $7.26010.25; canners. $6.6006.75;
stockers and feeders, $7.60011.60; calves,
$8.00012.50; bulls,-stags, etc., $7.25010.00;
feeding cowa and heifers, $6,00 0 $.60,
Hogs Receipts, 7,600 head; market
ateady; light, $15.60015.90: mixed, $lt.ts
015.95;; heavy. $15.90016.06; plga, $12.00
013.00; bulk of salea, $15.86018.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,200 head;
market weak.
St. Joseph 1,1 ve Stock.
St. Joseph, Jan. 22. Cattle Receipts, I,-
500 head; market lower; steers, $8.00014.00;
cows and heifers, $4.00012.26; calves, $6.00
Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head; market
lower; top, $16.25; bulk of sales, $16,900
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,200 head;
market ateady; lambs, $12.00016.60; ewee,
Coffee Market.
New York, Jan. 22. Coffee A further a-
vance of 6 to 12 points at tha opening ot
the market for coffee futurea her today
met a good deal of realizing, whll there
was alao some selling for trad account
After selling at 8. 91c, May contracts reacted
to 8.75c, whiel September eased oft from
9.31o to 9.16c In consequence. Offerings
were absorbed around this level by a con
tinued demand from Wall street or commis
sion house sources, howevet and the close
showed rallies of 1 to 4 points from the
lowest. The day's business Included ex
changes of March for September at 60 and
59 points and of May for September at 40
pointa. Closing bids: January. 8.30c; March,
8.60c; May. 8.78c: July, 9.00c; September.
9.20c; October. 9.28c; December, 9.41c.
Spot, dull; Rio 7s, 8c; Santos 4. 10c.
Cost and freight offers were unchanged to
little higher, including Santos 4s, 10 20e
to 10.50c London credits.
The official cables from Brazil wer de
layed, but It was reported that freight room
was engaged yesterday ana also toaay at
$2.00 per bag by steamer. At thts time last
year the rate was In the neighborhood or
$2.25 per bag.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit.
New York, Jan. 22. Evaporated Apples
Quiet, but steady; Callfornlas, 15016c,
prime, 15 016c.
Dried Fruits Prunes, firm; caitiorntas.
64(14c; Oregons. 13014c. Apricots, quiet;
choice. 17c; extra choice. 17c; fancy,
19V.20c. Peaches, quiet; standard. lle;
choice, 12013c; fancy, ll014c. Ratalna.
steady: loose muscatels, 9X9c; choice to
fancy, seeded. 90IOc; seedless, 901Oc;
London layers, $1.80.
"ew Tork Dry Goods.
New York Jan. 22. Dry Goods Cotton
goods markets here today were firm with
buyers and s llera Indifferent about trading
Yarna ruled firm. SHU were quiet. Burlaps
were steady with Calcutta easier.
New York sugar.
New York, Jan. 22. Sugar Raw: Market
ateady; centrifugal, .05c; molasae sugar,
nominal: refined, ateady; fin granulated,
Interest in Cash Grain Market
Centers Chiefly on Corn and
Despite Large Receipts
Prices Hold Finn.
Omaha, January 2:, 1918.
Receipts of grain today wer again fairly
liberal, a total of 244 car of all grain ar
riving. Arrivals of wheat were 42 cars, corn
144 care, oats 32 oars, rye two cars and
barley three cars.
Interest In the coarse grain market to
day centered chiefly In corn, thla cereal con.
turning the bulk of receipts. Cash fig
ure war slightly higher and this caused
a slower trading market than that of yea
terday, sellers asking 102e more than they
were bid. Ther was a good spot demand.
but, due to the difference in opinion, trades
wer not made quite no freely. Corn fig
urea wer generally J97e higher for the
bulk, whll a few ears of off-grade stuff
sold at even a greater advance, and a very
ew ears of good corn brought about yester
day's price. No. 4 whit sold at $1,520 and No. I white at $1.4701.50. No, 4
yellow sold at $1.4701.49 and th No. t
yellow at $1.2601.42. No. 2 mixed brought
$1.54 and th No. 4 grade $1.4201.50, whll
the No. t mixed went at $1 $901. 42.
Oate were strong and In ready demand
Spot quotation on this cereal were un
changed to a half cent up. No. 2 white
sold at 80 He and standard oats at 780
10c. No. t white brought 794. 0c and the
No. 4 whit 71 He. Salea of th sampl
grsd wer made at 7l074c.
Ry was quiet, no salea of this cereal
balng reported, while barley was about un
changed, the No. 3 grade selling at $1.47
and th No. 1 at $1.46. No. 1 feed sold at
$1.41 and th sample grade at $1.26 01.26.
This artlcl waa In good demand and told
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to 601.000 bu.
Primary wheat recelpta were 291,000 bu.
and shipments 117,800 bu., against receipts
ef 569,000 bu. and shipments of 410,000 bu.
last 'year.
Primary corn receipts war 1,(00,909 bu.
and shipments 451.000 bu., against receipts
of 1,281,000 bu. and shipments of 412,000 bu,
last year.
Primary oata receipts were 810.000 bu.
and shipments 164,000 bu., against receipts
of 646,000 bu. and shipments of 427,000 bu,
last year.
Wheat. Corn.
Chicago 6
Omaha ....
Kansas City
St. Louis ..,
. 18
. 3
. 22
. II
These sale were reported today:
Wheat No. 2 hard winter; 4 cars, $2.12.
No. 2 durum: 1 car, 12.12. No. 3 amber
durum: 1 car (8 per cent spring). $2.16.
Barley No, 2. 1 ear, $1.47. No. 4M-6 car,
$1.46. No. 1 feel: 1 car, $1.42. Sample: 1
car, $1.31: 1 car, $1.25.
Oats No. 2 white: I cars, 80!ic. stand
ard: 1 car, 80c; 1 car, 1ic. No. 2 white:
1 car (special billing), $80c: 4 2-6 cars.
74e; 1 car, 79Vc No. 4 whits: 2 car,
7914c. Sample white: 2 cars, 79Hc; 2 cara,
79'4c; 1 car (barley mixed). 78ic
Corn No. 4 white: 2 cars, $1.65; 2 cars,
$1.64; 6 cars, $1.63; 2 cara, $1.52. No. 5
white: 1 car, $1.50; 2 cars. $1.49; 1 cars,
$1.48; 8 cars, $1.47. No. 6 white: 1 car,
$1.44; 1 car, $1.43; 2 cars. 11.41: 2 ears.
$1.40. Samale white: t car, $1.28: 1 car, (16
per cent damaged), $1.20; 2 cars, $1.16. No.
4 yellow: I car, $1.49; 2 cars. $1.47. No. 6
yellow: 2 cars, $1.41; 1 car, $1.42; 2 ears,
11.39; 14 cara, $1.40; 2 cars, $1.3S 1 car,
$1.36. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.38; 12-5 cars,
$1.22; 1 car, $1.30. Sample yellow: 1 car.
$1.25; 2 cars. $1.20; 1 car. $1.17; 1 car, $1.15;
1 car, $1.10; 1 car, $1.02; 4 cars. $1.00.
No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.64. No. 4 mixed: 1
car, $1.60; 2 cars. $1.45; 18-6 cars, $1.44;
1 car, $1.42. No. 5 mixed: 1 car, $1.42; 1
car, $1.41: 9 cant. $1.40; 2 cars, $1.39. No.
6 mixed: 2 cars, $1.25; 6 cars, $1.30; 8 cars,
$1.28; 1 car, $1.27; 14-5 ears, $1.26. Sample
mixed: 1 car, $1.20; 1 car. $1.16; 1 car, 11.10.
Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 4 white.
J1.6241.S5. No. 5 white, $1.4701.50. No. f
white, $1.4001.44. Sample white, $1,150
1.28. No. 4 yellow, $1.47 01.49. No. 5 yel-
-. $1.8801.49. NO. I yellow. $1.1001.25.
Sample yellow, $1.001.25. No. 3 mixed,
$1.64. No. 4 mixed, $1.4201.60. No. 6 mixed,
$1.3901.42. No.' 6 mixed, $1.2601.30. Sam
ple mixed, $1.1001.20. Oats: No. 2 white,
8014c. Standard, 7908Oc. No. 3 white, 794
0 80c No. 4 white, .79 Vic- Sample, 79V40
79c Barley: No. 4, $146. . No. feed,
Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee
by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers.
815 South Sixteenth street, Omaha:
Art. Open. High. I Low.rcioa. Yea.
Jan. 1 91 1 2T4 1274. 1 $7 127
May -1 24 1 24Vi 12314 t 13 124
Jan. 79 79 4 79 79 7
May 76V4 7tVi 75 7$ 76
Jan. 47 29 4T 20 47 10 4T 18 47 20
May 45 16 45 91 46 70 46 75 46 10
Jan. 24 70 24 70 24 70 24 70 24 75
May 24 92 24 95 24 92 24 95 25 00
Jan. 23 95 22 15 23 95 28 95 24 02
May ' 24 45 24 45 24 36 24 26 24 42
Big Receipt Stimulate Broader Trading In
Corn, Leading tn Weakness In Values.
Chicago, Jan. 22. Big receipts stimulated
broader trading In th corn market today
than has been th ease for a long time, and
led to weakness In values. The elos waa
nervous, at the same as yesterday's finish
to Ho lower, with March 1.24 e and
May 1.2301.23'Jc. Oats clostd c off to
0 advance, and provisions down 6c to
Arrival of corn here showed such a de
cided Increase that a general rush to sell
took place. It was definitely known that a
considerable portion of the receipts came
from a clean-up of congestion on on of the
principal western lines and ther was much
talk current that the supply might temper-
arlly exceed the demand. Slowness of east
ern shipping Inquiry added to bearish senti
ment, but snow flurries and a prediction of
colder weather tonight operated later as
something of an offset. Profit-taking by
bears tended further to unsettle th mar
ket toward the end of th session.
Oats reflected the weakness of corn, but
word of 600,000 bushels sold at Minneapolis
and elsewhere for export prevented any ag
gressiveness by the bears.
Plentiful supplies of hogs seemed to re
strict inquiry for provisions, and to weaken
prices. Business In lard cam nearly to a
complete halt.
Corn No. S yellow, nominal; No.
2 yellow. $1.66 01.70; No. 4 yel
low, $1.66 01.(0. Oats: No. 3 whits, 80
081 o; standard. 81082e. Rye: No. 2,
nominal; No. 2, (1.94. Barley: $1.4001.69.
Seeds: Tlomthy, $6.0009.25; clover, $20,000
28.00. Provisions- Pork, nominal; lard,
$24.75; ribs, $23.46024.20.
New York General Market.
New York, Jan. 22. Flour Quiet; spring,
$10.56010.70; winter, $10.25010.60; Kansas,
Corn Spot, steady; kiln d.ied, No. 9 yet
low. $1.77, and No. 1 mixed. $1.72, cost and
freight New York, prompt shipment; Argen
tine, $2.06 asked, cost and freight New York,
to arrive.
Oats Spot, firm; natural, $1.00.
Hay Firm: No. 1, $2.00, nominal: No. 2,
$1.90; No. t, $1.80; shipping, $1.50; all nomi
nal. Hops Quiet; state, medium to choice,
1817, 4S963c; 1916, nominal; Pacific coast,
1917. 2124c: 1916. 15 1(1 8c.
Hides Quiet; Bogota, 3840c; Cen
tral America, 28 040a
Leather Firm; hemlock sole overweights,
No. 1. 61c; No. 2, 49c.
Provisions Pork, firm; mess, $50,000
60.50; family, $54.00065.00; short clear,
150.0056. 00. Lard, barely steidy; middle
west, $25.50026.40.
Wool Firm; domestic fleece XX Ohio and
Pennsylvania, 70c.
Rice Firm; fancy head, 8S9c; blue
rose, 808c.
Butter Market strong; receipts, 7.999
tubs; creamery higher than extras, 64 0
55c; extra (92 score), 64c; first, 6O064c;
seconds, 46049c.
fresh gathered extras, 72c: extra firsts, 71c;
firsts, 69070c: seconds. 62068c; refrigera
tors not quoted.
Cheese Market steady to firm; recelpta,
(77 boxrs: state whole milk flats held spe
cials, 25c; state average run. 24f 25c.
Poultry Alive: Market firm: no prices
established; dressed, market firm: chick
ens. 25035c; fowls, 22032c; turkeys, 250
Turpentine and Roaln.
Savannah, Ga.. Jan. 22. Turpentine
Firm, 46c: aales, 122 bbls. ; receipts, 220
bbls.; shipments, bbls.; stock, 24,178 bbl.
Rosin Firm; sales, 187 bbls.; receipts, 1,
219 bbls.; shipments, 100 bbls ; stocA, 90,
481 bbl. Quotations: B. D, E, F, fl, H. I.
$4.40; K. $6.55; M, $6.80: N. $7.16; WO,
$7.40; WW. $7.70.
New York Metal.
New York, Jan. 22. Metal exchange
quotes lead quiet; spot, $7.00 bid; spelter,
quiet; East St Louis, spot, $7.75ft8.00
At London Copper, spot, 110; futures,
110; electrolytic. 126. Tin. spot. 299, 10s;
futures, 296 10s. Lead, spot, 2910s; fu
tures, ilOs. Spelter, spot, 64; futures, 50.
Gains Registered During the
Forenoon Are Relinquished
With Publication of Ad
verse Industrial Reports.
New York. Jan. 22 Stocks wire firm to
strong at the opening of today's market,
marketing further gains during the fore
noon. This advantage was lurgely If not
wholly, relinquished later, the r vrrl con
curring with th publication of several ad
vert industrial reports.
Specialties, such as oils, tobaccos, ferti
lisers, leather, motors and their accewor
les wer again brought forward, presum
ably by pools, at gross gains of 1 to four
points. These Issues wer ai. ong the
first to rcde. however, on the free offer
ings of the afternoon.
General news In Its relation tn quoted
values was somewhat contradictory. For
eign advises, particularly the cumulative
Indication of unrest within tha central
empires, wer helpful to the hull account.
but this was nullified In part by the polit
ical situation In V anhlngton.
Th money market as perceptibly eas
ier, call loans declining to 4 V per cent,
after opening at six per cent. Short time,
loans also relaxed slightly but without any
pronounced Increase of supply.
Among th more representative stocks
United Steel reacted over 2 points from
Its best, closing at 90, a net loss or half
a point. The steel directors meet a week
hence to act on the dividend for the Inst
quarter of 1J17.
Ralls wer dull to th point of stagna
tion and shippings moved erratically, Ma
rin preferred atrengthenlng In the final
dealings. Sales amounted to 476,000
shares. An advance of 2t4 points In
Distillers' lecuritle was almost the sole
featur of the Irregular bond market.
Liberty IH's sold at 18.40 to 98.24, first
4's at 97.16 to 94 78 and second 4's at 96.34
to 96.14. Total sales, par value, aggre
gated $1 266,000, United States (old Is
sues) wars unchanged on call.
Hund. Hgh. Low. Bid
Am. Beet Sugar 46 7V4 76 74
American Csn .... 32 17 16 36
Am. Car Foundry 16 71 71 70
Am. Locomotive ..22 56 55 65 v.
Am. 8melt. & Ref...l7l 84 81. :,
Am. Sugar Ref. ... 26 106 102 102
Am. Tel. A Tel 4 105 104 104
Am. Zinc, Lead A S, 7 16 14 14
Anaconda Copper . . 99 t,l ( 61
Atchison 9 83 82 82
At. Of. W. I. S. R 99
Baltimore It Ohio.. 9 50 50 60
Butte. A Sup. Cop.. 2 19 19 18
Calif. Pet 15
Can. Pacific 8 140 139 139
Central Leather 5
Chesapeake, Ohio 5 4
Chi., Mil. ft St. Paul.. 10 43 42 41
Chi.' A Nthwtrn.... 2 92 92 92
Chi. R. I., Pas. ctfs. 6 20 19 19
Chlno Copper . 6 48 4! 42
Colo. Fuul A Iron 35
Corn Prod. Ref 77 32 11 31
Crucible Steel 10 hh 64 64
Cuba Cane bug si
Dlst. Secur 146 37 16 '4 86 i
Erie 20 15 14 14
General Electrto .. So 131 129 129
General Motora ... 48 114 113 113
Great North. Pfd.. S 8 58 87
Ot. North. Or Ctfs 16 27 26 26
III. Central 91
Inspiration Copper 6 45 44 44
Int. Ver. Mar. Pfd.. 402 91 89 91
Int. Nickel 10 29 2k 28
Int Paper 17 28 27 27
Kennccott Cop. ... 9 33 32 32
Louis. A Nash 109
Maxwell Motors 24
Mex. Pet 350 93 89 90
Miami Cop 5 .11 31 31
Mo. Pacific 64 21 21 21
Montana Power 67
Nevada Cop 5 18 18 18
New York Central. . 2 69 88 68
N. Y. N. H. A Hart. 2 29 2S 28
Norfolk A West 108
North. Pac 4 82 82 81
Pacific Mail 23
Pacif s Tel. A Tel 46
Pennsylvania 46
Pittsburgh Coal 45
Ray Consol. Cop. .. 14 23 23 23
Reading 45 73 72 72
Rep. I uon A Steel 74
Shatt ArU. Cop 16
Southern Paclflo . 6 82 81 81
Southern Railway . 6 22 22', 22
Studebaker Corp. . 29 49 4 48
Texas Co 46 151 17 147
Union Paclflo 12 112 lit 14 111
U. 8. Indus. Alcohol 45 122 118 119
U. 8. .Steel 1183 82 90 90
U. 8. Stool Pfd. .. 109
Utah Copper , 32 13 82 81
Wabash Pfd. "B" 11
Western Union ... i 91' o 90
Westing. Elec 2 40 39 81
Total sales for th day 476,000 shares.
New York Money.
New York, Jan. 22. Mercantile Paper
6&6 per cent.
Sterling Exchangf Slxty-dny bills. $4.72:
commercial alxty-day bills on banks, $4.71;
commercial sixty-day bills, $4.71; demand,
$4.75; cables, $4,74 7-16.
Silver Bar, 87c; Mexican dollars, 71o.
Bonds Government and railroad, Ir
regular, Time Loans Firm; sixty days, ninety
day and six months, $06 per cent.
Call Money Easy; high, 6 per cent; low
4 per cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent; doting
bid, 4 per cent; offered at 4 per cent;
last loan, 4 per cent.
U. S. 2s. reg.. 96III, Cent. ref. 4s 79
do coupon.... 96 Int. 51. M. 6s.. 93
U. 8. 2s, reg... 99 K. C. S. ref. 6s. 74
do coupon 99 L. A N. unl. 4s 92
U. 8. Lib. 3s. .98.20 M. K. A T. 1st 4s t;i
U. S. 4s. reg. .104. Mq. Pac. gen. 4s. 671
do coupon 104 Mont. Power 6s. sii
A. For. See 6s.. 96 N. Y. C. deb. 6s. 93
A. T. A T. clt. 6a 93UN. Pac. 4 S3
Anglo-French 6s. 88 do 3s 61
Armour&Co4s 84Ore. 8. L. ref. 4s 83
Atchison gen. 4s. 84 Puc. T. & T. 6s 91
Bal. A O. cv 4a 78Penn. eon. 4s. 98
Beth. Steel r. 6s 88 do gen. 4s.. 91
Cent. Leather 5s 95 Reading gen. 4s. 84
Cent. Pae. 1st.. 76 8. L, A g. F. a 6s 67
Ches. A O. cv. 6s 77 7 S. Pae. cv. 6s.. 87
Ci B. A Q. J. 4s. 92 S Railway 6s... 91
C. MASPc. 4s 71'jTex. A Pac. 1st SB
C. R, I. A P. r, 4s 68 'Union Pacific 4s 88
Colo. AS. ref 4s 87 U. S. Rubber 6. 78
D. A R, O. r. 6s 60 U. 8. Steel 5s.. 99
D. of C, 6a 1931 91 Wabash 1st 94
Erie gen. 4s 60 French Govt 5s ii
Gen. Elec. is 94
Gt. N. 1st 4s. 95 Bld.
Local Stocks and Bonds.
QuoJtlons furnished by Burns Drinker
A 449-62 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Oma
Cudahy Pkg. Co. common
Deere A Co preferred
bid asked
110 112
95 97
Fairmont Cream Co. 7 pc. pfd 102
Gooch Milling A Elevator Co.. 7 per
per cent Pfd "B." 100 105
Lincoln Tel. A Teleg. common 95 99
Nebraska Power Co., T pc. pfd. 100 101
Omaha A Council Bluffs St. ry ptd 68 62
Orchard A Wilhelm Co. 7 p. c. pfd.
X Dlv. 100
Sheridan Coal Co., common
M E. Smith A Co.. 7 p. c. pfd. 101
Skinner Mfg. Co., 7 p. e. pfd.
Union Stock Yards Co. stocks
Union P. & L Co, 1 p c. pfd
Argenetlne Dollar bonds
Canadian 6's, 1919
Canadian 6 s. 19137
City of Marseilles 6's, 1919
City of Lvons 6'a 1919
Columbus L., 11. & P. 6's, 1924
Federal Farm loan 4s. 1937
100 102
100 100
1 96
Hastings, Neli.s chnol 4's 1927 98
Iowa Ry. A Light Co. 6's, 1932 89
Kansas City terminal 6's 1918 99
Omaha Ath. cluh. bdg, 6's, 1920
32. 99
Omaha, Neb. various
Oakdale Neb water '
Russian govt. Int. 5 'si 1926
4.65 p.c.
99 100
87 92
Seaboard Alrln Ry. 6Y 1941 95 96
Wood Hlver. III. 5 p. c. Impr.
99 100
Minneapolis Grain.
Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 22 Klour .Mar
ket unchanged.
Barley 11.8601.63.
Ry $1.9401.95.
Bran $32.60.
Corn No. 2 yellow. $1.5301.63.
Oata No. $ white, 7879c.
Flax $3. 61 03.64.
London Silver,
tiondon, Jan. 22. Silver Bar, 43d per
Money 3 per cent.
Discount Hates Short bills, 2 31-32 per
cent; threo month' bills, 4 1-32 per cent.
Kansas City (-rain. I
Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 22. Corn No. 2 i
mixed, 11. 6401 67; No. i white, $1.7001 72;
No. 2 yellow, nominal; January, $1.27
1.28; May. $1. 240124.
pate No. 2 white, 8383c; No. 2
mixed, 80 081c.
Duluth Oil.
Duluth, Jan. 22. Linseed: January, $3.47
asked; May, $3.52 bid; July, $3.48 bid;
October, $3.51 bid.
Kansas City Dairy.
Kansas City, Jan. 22, Butter, Kggs and
Poultry Market unchanged.
You can secure'a maid, stenogra
pher or bookkeeper by usinar a Bee
Want Ad.
Nothing But Wild, Untamed,
Horses Being Slaughtered
by Butchers Who Sell
"Hoss" Meat.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LiYoln. .fan. 22.- (Spfcia!.) State
Veterinarian J. S. Anderson spfot the
last of !aM week in Grand Island and
while there inspected the horse meat
market which has been the subject
of so much controversy.
Dr. Anderson says that the market
does not attempt to handle any other
meat except horse meat, tish and
chickens. The horses killed are sub
ject to a very complete mallien test
for the purpose of discovering if the
animals are free from disease. No
domesticated animals are used, noth
ing but the wild, unbroken animal
being butchered. One day last week
a farmer brought in a nice fat mare,
appearing to be sound in every way
except for being; stone blind. The
market refused to buy her.
One Hastings market uses horse
meat exclusively on meatless days,
and has a sign up so that people may
know what they are buying. Where
evcr the meat has been used it has
met with universal satisfaction and
in the minds of many veterinarians is
a much safer meat than tliat of beef
from the standpoint of disease germs.
Detning, N. M., Jan. 22. Thirty
five per cent of the sickness in the
thirty-fourth division of the army at
Camp Cody, here, could have been
prevented if only physically abled
men had been accepted into the army,
Major B. C. H. Harvey, medical sta
tistician, said in commenting on the
medical report of Lieutenant Colonel
J. M. Coffin, division surgeon, made
public tonight.
Many of the men here he said
should never have been taken into the
During the six months covered by
the report there have been 83 deaths,
none of them from preventable dis
eases. Meningitis, typhoid, diph
theria, scarlet fever and smallpox
are virtually unknown here. The
largest number of deaths were due
to pneumonia. Nineteen per cent of
the pneumonia cases have resulted fa
tally compared with an average of 30
to 70 per cent in civil life.
Red Cross Auction Sale on
Pender Street Realizes $802
Pender, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special.)
The Red Cross street auction sale
here vesterday realized $H02. Three
weeks' old calf sold for $79; $10 bill
for $50.50: two boxes of cigars for
Saturday was field day for the Red
Cross among the Omaha Indians at
Macv. At the Omaha Indian coun
cil there were speeches made by rep
resentatives of Ked Cross, Home
Guards and Food conservation.
The Omahas are taking an active
interest i.i all of these subjects and
great good will result.
In the evenincr there was a Ked
Cross dance, at which between
dances talks were made upon these
various subjects. ' t I
rifty new members were secured
for the Red Cross and over $100
The Macy chapter is financed in a
peculiar manner. E. M, Peebles, Bert
Maybcrry, Will Mayberry and James
Brewer have undertaken to supply
the funds and have done so by giv
ing a series of Red Cross dances
regularly and they have realized sev
eral hundred dollars, the dances be
ing attended by young people from a
long distance.
President Prepares New j
Food Products Price Bill
Washington, D. C, Jan. 22. A
draft of a bill giving the president
broad powers to fix prices of foods
and other products essential to the
conduct of the war or for domestic
consumption was laid before mem-1
tiers of the house agriculture com-1
mittee today by President Wilson j
with the request that it be pressed for
Representative Lever, South Caro
lina, chairman of the committee, and
four fellow members were called to
the White house and told by the
president that he believed the situa
tion necessitated immediate legisla
tion to provide these powers.
Boucher at McCook.
McCook, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special
Telegram.) J. J. loucher of Omaha,
representing the United States gov
ernment, addressed a meeting of the
citizeiis of McCoo': in the First Meth
odist church of this city last evening
in the interest of war savings stamps
and certificates. Today Mr. Boucher
carried the campaign into the public
schools McCook and Red Willow
county will respond splendidly to the
call of the government with money
and patriotic support, as it has already
in men and money.
Two Killed in Train Crash
Near Russell, Ky.
Ashland, Ky., Jan. 22. An engineer
and fireman were killed and four
other trainmen were injured in a
head-on collision of Chesapeake and
Ohio passenger train No. 4, and a
yard engine in the railroad yards at
Russell late tonight. No passengers
were hurt.
Official Price
Range for 1917
New York Curb
213 Industrial Stock
31 Standard Oil Stock
108 Independent Oil Stocks
233 Mining Stock
56 Bond
You will find this booklet a valuable
Butircc of information duriPK the advane
inii markets we believe will feature 1918.
Copies free upon application.
Howard A, Riley & Go.
20 Broad St., New York.
Land Title Building, Philadelphia. ,
yew U. S. Passports
Much Reduced in Size
(By Associated Press.)
Washington, Jan. 22. The time
honoted old American passport,
vjitli its vast expanse of parchment
paper headed by an American
spread eagle with talons full of
javelins, has at last given way to a
modern and convenient document.
Fvcept in the case of persons trav
eling in the western continents the
oid passports shall not be issued.
Travelers bound to Europe and
Asia must in every case take out
new passports.
The size of the passport has
been reduced to just one-half of
its old proportions and it is en
closed within a small green si iff
cover fitting easily into an ordi
nary pocket.
It ha often been the case that
non-Fnglish speaking officials in
small places could not be made to
iiiuler.stand the nature of the docu
ment, so the new passport bears
within the cover statement print
ed in different languages, "This
document ' is an American passport."
London, Jan. 22. The bitter attack
on the war office and the higher com
mand of the army by the Daily Mail
has made a decided stir throughout
the country.
Coincident with this comes the an
nouncement of the resignation of
Colonel Rt'pingtoii, the military cor
respondent of the Times. Both
newspapers are under Lord North
cliffe s direction and the public
couples the two incidents.
Colonel Repington told interview
ers today that he resigned on public
grounds and protested strongly
against what he termed intrigues
against the army by politicians. In
the same interview he said:
"The government has lost the con
fidence not only of labor, but of the
great majority of the people, and if
existing methods are allowed to con
tinue will succeed in wrecking both
the military and naval services. The
great crime of the government is that
it will not tell the nation the truth."
Declaring that the army has seen
one good man after another sacrificed
to cover the blunders and intrigues
of politicians, he continued:
"Twelve months ago the govern
ment knew quite well what the posi
tion was. It was placed before them
in a memorandum by the army au
thorities, but no effort has been made
to meet that demand. The same game
is played every time in this attempt
to shift the responsibility for blunders
from the politician to the soldier and
Colonel Repington is considered the
foremost military critic in Kngland.
He is credited with exceptional inside
knowledge of the army and acquaint
ance with the higher officers.
Three Aviators Killed
While Machines in Air
Toronto, Ont. Jan. 22. Three stu
dent aviators in training with the
royal flying corps bete, one of them
an American, were killed today as a
result ot accidents to tneir macnines
white in the air, N. M. Milne, of
Maiden, Mass., was killed when his
machine was struck by another
driven by D. E. McMillan, of Dur
ham Center, N. H.. who also was
killed. Axel George Benedix, a Dane,
was killed at the I.easidc camp when
his machine overbalanced as he was
making an ascent.
Costs Money to Enter
Mexico After February 1
Mexico City, Jan. 22. President
Carraiiza has approved the bill im
posing a tax on immigrants. All per
sons entering Mexico after February
1 will have to pay a tax of 50 cents
Mexican. ,
C0L0MY 01
Offer the Safett Investment the Quickest and Surest Return
of Any Other Oil Stock on the Market.
Shallow, Inexpensive Drilling Mean Big Profit With Small Risk.
A Well Every Ten Day Mean Action in the Stock.. ;'
High-Grade 50-Gravity Oil Which Sell for $3.50 a Barrel Means
Sure Return. . - . : .
Railroad Running Through the Property Assure Transportation
and Market.
Colony Oil Co.
Have twelve hundred acres in the Thornton Field in Northeast
ern Wyoming, all deeded land, which Ihe leasing bill cannot affect.
Th? property adjoins producing ground and bears the same geo-.
logical relations to the escarpment as the other production.
Shallow Inexpensive Drilling
They Hare to Drill Only 650 Feet, which can be drilled in ten
nays at a cost of at the most $3,000 per well.
The wells average 25 barrels of very high grade 50-p;ravity oil,
which sell at $3 per barrel. You can figure that a well pays for
itself in a little over a month. Contracts have been let to drill 15
wells. The first one is due by the first of February and another one
every ten days.
This Means Unabated Interest in Colony Oil. It Means Action
and Rapidly Riaing Prices on Colony Oil Stock. It Means Sure and
Quick Dividend for the Investor. Get Out Your Pencil and Dot a
Little Figuring.
The Company is organized for $200,000, par value 10 cents.
Half of the Stock I Sill in the Treasury, the Other Half Ha Been
Purchased by the Shrewdest Investor in Wyoming. Every cent from '
this sale is Still in the Treaiury to be used for operating purposes,
There I Not a Share of Promotion Stock in the Company.
Colony Oil first came on the market a few days ago at 15 cents.
The Flood of Public Approval Ha Shot the Stock Up and Today'
Price Were: 17 ?4 bid; 18 asked.
Colony stock is traded in on all the Denver and Casper Ex
change and it is remarkable the strength behind this issue.
We earnestly Believe Colony Stock Will Be Selling at 23 Cent
by the time their first well is in and an additional rise with the bring
ing in of each succeeding well every ten days. Order Through Your .
Local Broker or Wire Us at Once to Buy for You at tha Market.
Carter & Company
Brokers, Lobby Midwest Hotel. Casper, Wyoming, Phone 810. -
Wire Stockmen' National Bank of Casper for Our Standing.
Two Turkish Vessels Mined
Near Entrance to Dardanelles;
British Aircraft Bomb
Stranded Cruiser.
(By Aimoclatcd Pros.)
London, Jan. 22. One hundred and
j seventy-two members of the crew of
j the Turkish cruiser Mkltillu, former
I ly the German Breslau, were rescued
I after the action between British and
! Turkish forces at the entrance to the
' Dardanelles, in which ihe Midullu
was sunk, it wns officially aneunced .
Of the total ' of 310 men ort ttrri
British monitor Raglan and die smalt
monitor M-28, lost in the action, there -are
at present reported 132 survivors..
the announcement states.
Both the Breslau and the cruiser.
Sultan Selim, the former German
Goeben, the pther Turkish vessel en-i v
gaged w er mined, th statement adds.
The Goeben is now being; continr
uously bombed by British aircraft tn
the narrows of the straits, where. 5 '
stranded after It bit the mine.
The Goeben and the Breslau, the
statement explains, had emerged
from the Dardanelles on Sunday -morning
to aftack British naval
forces north of the island of Imros.
After the Raglan and the small mon
itor had been sunk the Breslau -was
forced into a British minefield.
The Goeben beaded at full speed
toward the Dardanelles, striking
mine near the entrance.
Turkish destroyers, coming to the, .
assistance of the Breslau, were en4 ,
gaged by British destroyer ahtt :
driven off. ' . .' ;
New York, Jan. ,22. Authentic,
news of the sinking of three large
steamers, one an American freighter,'
while a convoy of which they were a.
nart was passing a lighthouse on the
Mediterranean Spanish coast last
month, was received in shipping cir
cles here today from Spain. No.
lives were lost. The names of the
ships were withheld.
The attack occurred at midnight.
The American ship was second in the
convoy. As the leading vessel came
into line between the lighthouse and.
the spot where the submarine lurked
obliterating probably the beams from
the light, the torpedo which sunk her
was fired. Before the American ves
sel -could shift her course she too
crossed the beams and was fired
upon, the torpedo hitting her square
amidships. As the crews were launch
ing their boats they heard the explo-
sion of the third torpedo which sent
to the bottom the ship immediately
So near the short did the sinking .
occur that the inhabitants of a small ;
Spanish village near the lighthouse,
were awakened by the explosions.
I hey hurried to the heacn and gave
aid to the crews when they landed '
from their lifeboats.
Viscount Broome. Heir of
Lord. Kitchener, is Savea
London, January 22. Viscount
Broome.'a commander of the British i
monitor Raglan, which was sunk in ,
the engagement with the TurkisV.
cruisers, which formerly were the
German vessels Breslau and Goebenr
at the entrance, of the Dardanelles;
is among those saved, according to
the Evening News'! Viscount Broome
was chief beneficiary tinder the will
of the late Earl Kitchener, of whom
he is an heir to the title.