f Want Ad Rates 3 . i Count Six Words to tt Lln.) Ad Taken for ! Than Tiro Line - Ieal. - ' CASH WltH OBUEK fa per Una 1 tlmo ;a per lin..t or xoor cocsecutlv insertions . - ' :.-r CHARGE ". c psr lino 1 ttmo is por lino. .1 or more consecutlv taaertlona So por lis .It conioeattvo tnierttona STJXATIOXS WASTED SSo por line. .por wnk CARDS OF THANKS AM) FUNERAL NOTICES 15c per" lino oioh insertion (Minimum t barge 10 cents.) :-i ' Ont-f-Towa Bates ' ' Cask WitA Order (Coast Six Words to Una) imencial 12o por lino 1 tlmo to por lino I or mora Ktlp Wanted ' Agents .Wanted : liuslness Cfcaaiees consecutive tnoortioaa o pofTtno 1 tlmo ' Other- . .tlfleations to per lino t or moro consecutive Insertions THE TELEPHONE It you esnnot eon emsntly bring or nd In your want sds. A (or Want Ad Taker and yon will :celvo the sam goadrvtc a when tieilvsrlng your want aa at ibis office. : 7 PtHWOB TTLCR 1000 " '. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOBB r.VENTNO EDITIONS !: M. MORNING EDITIONS ........ 10:01 P. M. Coatnet Bate o Application. MOVIE PROGRAM North. ' ALHAMBRA, 24TH AND PARKER WALT WHITMAN in "THE TAR HEELED WARRIOR" GRANO 16TH AND B INN EI ' WILLIAM S. HART in . 'THE NARROW TRAIL." South. Apollo, 3th and Leavenworth EDITH TALIFERRO end , JACK 8HERR1LL 1b BOOTH TARKINOTON'S STORY "THE CONQUEST OP CANAAN." ROHLFP. 25 LEAVENWORTH MIRIAtf COOPER in "BETRAYED." West DUNDEE.' -. H3T AND UNDERWOOD DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in -THE HABIT OF HAPPINESS." BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Fred and Clemma inorasen, 4210 Pouth Twenty-fourth atreet. boy) Ma and Lena Dolleck, 1411 outh Forty-eighth ave nue, girl; laldore and Bertha Fhafsr, tilt north Twenty-flfta etreet; Frank G Ander son, Florence. girl; Ray.'M. and Elmlra Hunhope, SOU . Davenport atreet, flrl; La Bey K. and Josephine Newton, till Taylor atreet, Ctrl; John C. and Cora Gelwick,3402 Davenport afreet, flrl; Howard W. and ftuth M. Lan, 3.7 North Nineteenth atreet, boy; Prank and Bessie Runna, 1040 South Four teenth street boy; James and Josephine Havelka, 1764 South Fourteenth atreet. girl; .Terry and Pranoea Pleskao, 0703 South Twenty-eeventh atreet. girl! Charlea and Mary Ringo, 1911 M atreet, girl; William A. and Marl Kbert, 3t31 Casteler street girl. Deaths Wllllsm P. Vom W, It, 4t23 North Tjyenty-ftfth. atreet; Henry Simon eon, 64, 3143 Meredith avenue; Joseph Jin dra. 14, Sll 8 V street; John Youngqulst, 17, 3010 California, etreet; Roxang Olffen, 10, Omaha ;. Samuel' W, Carrier,!!, lioapttal; Motile Q, Llddeil, 49. hospital; Lillian Dur fee,' 80. . hoapltal; Thomas J. Fltchle, , 1410 Can treet; Mary H. Smith, tt, Omaha; Hulah Kyea, JO daye, hoapltal; William Ttoak, 14, hoapltal; Michael Maher, 71, 3210 South Fifteenth atreet: Eber H. Smith, 03, hoepital; Earl 8. Welch, 17, Port Omaha; MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following touplea obtained llcenaea to wed ' Name and Attdreaa. ' ' " :" Age. CUrta.A. Rceh, R lair, .Neb....,.." .. It Adena ifanacn, Blair, Neb. ............ SI Arthor C. Dyer, Aaliland, Neb. , IS Zepba K. Iilohanla, , Aahland, Neb, ...... 21 Prank Ahart, Omaha .... ... .t 17 Lena.Merkel, Lyona. Neb .. ........,rr, It Ceorge Rose. Port Calhoun, Neb St Ellxabeth Miles, Kansas City, Kan 13 William I Williamson, Page, Nb. tl Antonetto Hodge, San Francisco It David, K. Lundle, Omaha ............... St Loma Stanley, Stuart, la. It George Mote, Omaha ......... ,,. tt Helen L'Headley, Omaha ............. It Jess F. Orape, Benaon, Neb.-tl Gwendolyn 1. Stiles, Hldnoy,, la, ........ SO Johns. Jaclunskls, Omaha .............. It Mlchallna Smulskla, Omaha ....,...... 30 John Anderson,' Dcs Molnea, la, tt Jeanetto Jernander, .Milwaukee. Wis. .. 11 Cbarlta D. Wright, Oroaha tl Louise Castntr, Oinaha ,......j.. ...... 20 BUILDING PERMITS. lira. J. P. Flack. 1801 St. Mary s avenue, alterations, ISOff. J. Rackln, 2IS1 Marcy street, tram dwell ing. 13,000. . ' 1 DEATHS & FUNEKAL NOTICES. MEZOER Elisabeth. bel6ved wife of Charles W, Meager, died Sunday, January 20, at the residence, 1103 South Twentieth atreet. Aged IS ears. - Funeral services' Wednesday, January SI, at t o'clock, at Halae A Kfepen's chapel, in South Mateenth atreet. Rev. K. T. Otto will officiate. Friends wel come. Interm- West Ijiwn -cemetery. ilHEBEHOST John J Monday, January 11, lll, aged 40 year. Mr lirebahoat la survived by bis wife and two slaters, Mrs. Taylor Wright and Mrs. bawls Kohrell ot Kebraake City. Neb. Funeral from reeldenee. . till N. tsth -Ave., Wednesday, -January 11, Itll, at 3:1 p. m. Interment Neliratkn City, Neb. bt'TLERFrancea T-. widow of the lata. Arthur E. Butler;, died Monday, January XI. aged years. f Funeral aervicea -will bo held at the rut dence of her son., R. D. Butler, 1114 pia street, weonesaay at i p. in. jnier ment Forest Lawn oematery. Friends wel STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. 14 A Har, 1. 7. IS. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Director. P. L..Fero. Mgr., 13d and Cuming St. Phone Douglas 877. Auto ambulance. HCL8B V RIEi'EN. underlakera and tin- belrotrs. 301 8. lth, 'Douglas 1220. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and enibaltner. 1424 Leavenworth, D. !&. ;" ' FLORISTS. y : BK1NU a memtwr uf the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery aeooulatlon, we ars tu position to deliver flowera at abort notice anywhere In tb Unit States or Canada. Hess A Swoboda, Florlsto. ionterull Flortata. LEE L. LARMON 7S14 Dougltis St. ' ' Duuglaa 0114. LARGEST aMHirtinent of fresh flowera. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM.' PARKER FLOWER SHOP. 411 8. 14. D. 3103 VHB FKUNEMV, Ml 8. lth St. D. ROGERS, Klorl.t, 311 S. 10th. l. 3400. BATH, National Florist. 1404 Farnam St. a71)ONAOHUE. 022 Harney. Doug. 1001. LOST FOUNDREWARDS , UjtAIiA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREEX' i RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost soma artlcl Would ! do well to call up the office of the Omah ! at Council Bluff Street Railway company ' .to aecertela whether they left It la tb ' atreet car. - , Many article aacll day ar turned In and the company t anxlou to reator them to- the rightful ownera. Ir9 VuU lore anything and will advertise it sera you will surely reeovei tt If found by an honest person. : If you find any thing ot valu tb honoat way la to ad- vertlee for the owner. - - . LoSr Monday afternoon near-mial mutt la , Drandeia Store. Call Harney 4101 morning or -evening. Reward", i " - tvk'f liiu.d bag on Tleiison car lln. On fliidlog. it pleas call woo. 4110 ana re ' t-wive reward, ' EoST Gold Red Crooa pta with blue ban around. Liberal reward. Cdirsoutn t34. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. OUR FURNITURE SALE. i Mahogany eaadleetlcks, electric lamp. Auofolds.' chelra and tables, chiffonier. suUcaae,' bag and trtftiks, china cloacta. ruga . THE'TOTAL yCRNITCP.B CC Sit. U. Utb SC Douglaa 4117. FOR SALE Miscellaneous y Furniture ond Household Goods. TUOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OP FURNITLRB. RUCS. STOVES. ETC '!' Our Surplus Stock. MV6T 11 80LD REGARDLESS OF COST. I Buy Now and Get First Choice. The choicest homo furnishings that money can buy. Wo make a specialty of complete homo outfits, also hotels and rooming bouses. Railroad faro free to all out-of-town buyers within It miles of Omaha on pnecbaaes of 120 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO.. ToL Doug. 1317. Cor. 14tb and Dodgg Eta.. Omaba. "Toa Can B It-Tor Leas at t. 8tate." BARGAINS IN STOVES AND FURNITURE. Beds, springs, mattreeees, bedding of all kinds, tables, chairs, china and kltcben cablncta, ruga and linoleum. ISil-1147 N. 14th St. Webster 17. Op till t p.- m. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather roattreasea mad from your own feathers, summer ' and winter aides; cost lees anl laat longer than cotton or hair beds. Fhone OS for 'sample. - HOT Cuming. Donglas 47. RUSH right down nd get you ahar of all kind of fumitur at eacrl:s. tot N. 10th. Pianos and Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC PIANOLA li-note. Used 1 year. Eseellent condition. Bargain for caan. Box 744 Hartlngton. Neb. Mra. R. T. Beate. BEEN DRAFTED, will cell practically new player piano, worth $400. for UJI eaah If taken at once. Call 'Walnat 3714. ' BEAUTIFUL new 600 Chlckorlng Bros', pi ano. Big bargain for cash, wainot ste. Sewing Machinct. SWING MACHINE : We rent, repalrr aell needle and part of all sewing machines. - MICKEL'S ; ' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 1 5th snd Harney Sta. Doug. 4f. Store and Office Fixtureg. WE HAVE moved to new location. We buy. sell and make deska. safea, showcases, shelving to. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., S. W. Cor. llth and Doug. Phon. P. 1730. Typevtriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Sent snywber Rentsl supplies on purchase Remington Typewriter company. Nineteenth , and Douirlaa streets. , ' . . 1 TYPEWRITERS sold, rented snd repaired. Rent an Ullver I montns ror . central Typewriter Echin,e, 101 Fsrnana. Guaranteed typewriter, 110 and up. Writ for list,. Midland Typ. Co., 1404 poag. SWAPPERS COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME Trad those articles of furniture, eloth Ing, personal belonging, eta., that yon hav no need of. Get something yoo can use. - ' - v Special rate for ads in Swapper column lie for 1-lln adv. t daya and to pr answer for. all letter received. . . . , Hnalness ads regtMsr-ratea ' ' ' FILMS developed, lOo a roll, one-day aervJ Ire. Kaa Kodak Studio, ; Nevlll B1K 14th and Harney.' . WILL swap even, Victor and Columbia rec ord In gtod condition. 1S04 Chicago St. Red 0272. . WANTED TO BUY 't ! TPMWIMQ Souare deal guaranteed JCilNJViiNO ror v your used suits. o'coats, shoes, ruga, tbola, trunk,- or suit' cases, I wilt call and pay best prices. Doug. 2H8; Res Doug. 1052. DESKS ; DEKS DESK'S jvte sriHt, oenQ aesHpr nougni, sola inu traded. 3 C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 0140. DIAMONDS-. k carata and upwards, bought from icsponaibl parties.' Albert Ed holm Jewelry. WANTED To buy grocery store in nearby town or good location. Give full particu lars. Box 1171, Omaha IJe. - - BOOKS bought. Kleaer. Loyal Hotel Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon and Pleating. ACCOHDEC-N. aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all alses and styles; h-.matltchlng. plcot -edging, ya- let out work, buttonholes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300-303 Brown Bldg, Bougie ltS. VAN ARM AN Dress Pleating and Button. Co., JI0-T Paxton"Blk. Dnoglas 10t. ' Baths. LaBELLE Bath lnalltutet eleotrlo and plain bath: masaagea of all kind; expert at tendanta. 1508 Harney, Douglas 7040. MASSEI 'SB baths, manicuring, physical cult. Mini Walker. 234 Neville Blk. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANT will haul everything for you. Paokag lo.e than 20 lb., II cents. Doug. 7451. Bldg. THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. . ' Paaton-Mltohell Co., 27th and Martha Sta. Carpenters and Contractors. LEVARI) A SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1033. Chiropractors. Dr. i. C. Lawrence, Bnlrd Bldg. D. 1401. v Chiropodist. ' Carrie J. Hurford. 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4107, Church Notices. - MOUNT Ht Phf SPIRITUAL CHURCH, Slit B. utn, Kv. una D. Smith, pastor. Serv Ices Sunday snd Tuesday evenings at Private conaultatlon dally. Tyler 1304. Dancing Academy. Deluxe Pouular Ballroom Danes Clsas Monday Eva. lit 8. Hth. Phone Walnut 1037. LKARN to dance in 13 Ivaaone. Rat. 14.00. Keep Dem-lna; Academy, Douglaa TI&O. ' Drainaee Contractors. TRACTOR drainage and trench work of all kind, i W ara equipped to 'hand! your drainage work at low coat, quick service. - ana courteous treatment. Lewis Bros Drainage Contraflow, Fremont. Neb. Detectives. OMAHA DETECTI VIS ASSOCIATION. tOO nrat yat. Hk. yiilg. Phono Tyler 3610.- JAMES ALLAN, 113 Nevlll Wk.- Evldencs aecured Ir. all ease. Tyler 1134, it X. JOLLY, 413 Taxlon. Red 1158. '1 " Dressmakinr COMPKTENT dreasmaker ; wishes work by tnw uay. -jiamey ettes. ............ breeeitiaklng, Miiui Sturdy. Douglas 4304. fofiRr Dressmaking Co.. loth and Fa Dentists. L-rJL'?ur-yiMo. i"tn- ii w-. o. w. Bldg" DR. TEFFT. the well known Omaba den list, has moved to 401 Brandela Bldg. - Taft s Dent. Urns., 303 Roe Bldg. D. 3100. Fixtures and Wirintr.s Electrlo washing machines. alectrlo Irons and reading lampa. fuming St. (oug. 111. Harness and Leather Goods. HARNESS. SADDLES AND TRUNKS. VW luak them ourselves; sell them direct to consumer, wry eav two nroflts foe in ferlor goods, when you can get high grade bbvus Bt nrsi costT AurRED CORNISH J rarnam St. Omaha. Neb, Historical Costumer. The largeet atock of theatrical mntt tane costumes in me country for rent or Tie. ineo. i.i.-Ofn m Bon. 1614 Howsrd. Household Specialties. ' U F. ADAMS, (13 8, 16th. D. 2007. .Under new management . W want to see old menu ana meet new. Open Sat evening mar cretin is gooq. Agents wsnted. Insurance. NATION L AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO, Jy Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug.- tilt Jewelry. DIAMONDS Zl? 7"i at email proru. OKUSS, 402 I. 14th St LAfiSEN JEWELRY STORE, I04t N. 14th st. i-none Ren 8527. Lowest cash price Lumber and Buildinc Material iAVE" HALF on beams, eoluinna. brlslt. Tl Oroaa Lumber and Wreck. Co. Web. 24, Osteopaths. OSTEOPATHY- for rbeumatUin, tonsllltla la grippe, pneumonia, dlaeeaee of women, young women gufferlng from anaemia, chlorosis, dysmenorrhea. Dr. Mabel Wee sun, 114 lirandela Bldg. Rea, phona, H. ti; orneo. t. iieo. Mr, i. U. Mualck, sulphur, ateaaa and lyptua balha. 402-1 Security Bldg, Oxy-Acetylene Vf elding. Expert Weldini? of All Metal. H. W. LHVER1NG. 300 S. 12th St. Di I IT isUnos for Rent 13.10 per ma. A. iloap Co., lull Douglaa. THE BEE: ANNOUNCEMENTS Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. INTERNATIONAL rATB.NT W., tit Brand-Is Bldy. Douglas Ottl. STURGES A STUROES, U. S. and foreign patents and trademarks. 319 pee mag. Piano Tuning and Repairing. THATCHER, CHAS. H-. HOI Harney. Doug. 1011. Expert tuning and repairing, nasos rebuilt and refiniahed. Estimates free. W. R. Dalbey, pleno Atwer. Douglas 0217. Plurpbing and Heating. TOPP CO., 171a yinton street. Plumbing and heating: general repair worn- our specialty. Oil burner etperte. Tyler 11 U. Printing and Office Supplies Wators-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 424 8. llth St. Removal. Dr. F. W. Boland. phys.. our.. Oil Bee Bldg. Safes. C A V?V7C BARGAINS, 1313 Farnam. OirUlD j. t Derlght iafe Co. Tailors. Dledrlck, P. U. 210 8. 20th. Tailor. P. 2422. Trusses. . "CLECO . COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Experte. ' The W. O, Cleveland Co.. 1410-13 Harney St. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. llth, D. 121. Voice Cuiture. Albert Haberatro Basao eaatantt, teacher of singing, technique and repertoire. Stu dio, 411 Securities Bldg. Tyler 140T-J. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements snd printing. Douglas Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas 044. AUTOMOBILES ALL kind of cara for hire, with or with out drivr, by tl.e mil or oy tne nour. Ford, JOe per mile. Douglas 7390. N4 braeka Service Garage. LARGE assortment to pick from. All lata moaeis, from lis up. MEEK'S OARAGE. , .(Omaha Oarage) 10h A Harney, ' Tyler IS. " QUALITT USED CARS. " 1 Studebaker'-Wilaon, Ino. '. . Ws have the best bargains. See us at once. Hsrney 171. Farnam and 2lth Ave. FOR SALE. . ' AUTOS AND 8UPPK1ES. . . ' Ilarley Davtdsort Trt Car; first elan condition. Call Anderson. Doug. COI. . WANTED FOR SPOT CASH 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 3107 Farnam St. Doug. 0031. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO.. all kinds of tiro repairing and work guaranteed, Douglas 70(3. llOt Douglaa St. STANDARD MOTOaI CO. . TJd ear and trucks at bargain price. (' 3010 Farnam St. Carl Chan gat rom. BAR0A1N8 IN USED FORD CARS. MoCaffrey Motor Co.. 10th and Howard. Ford Agents. Doijg. tlOI. OAKLAND senslbls Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 3300 Farnam St. ' WILL buy for you that new or uaed auto from dealer or Individual on easy pay ments. Ellis. 411 He Bldg. Douglas 4121. BARGAINS In used cara, . ORR MOTOR SAI.ES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. A FEW ISIS Ford touring cars. On user 1117 Ford touring. 4001 8. 34th St. So. 4340. " ' - , . - ' ' - : BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Kvr ready Battery Station, 1206 Farnam, 1(00 reward for auto or tractor magneto we can t repair. Baysdorfer, 310 N. 18th,. WE BUY. SELL, RETaTrTORDS fell A Blnkly, Doug. U40 2111 Harney Bt. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT V5URSKLF 10a a mile, ICo per hour, minimum charge. (Except Sunday and hotldaya. FORD L1VERT CO., Douglaa 8023.. . . 1314 Howard At. Auto Bodies. NOW IS TUB TIM B TO PAINT TOUR AUTO. WM. PFE1FFER AUTO A CAR RIAGE WKS. 5525 Leavenworth. Ty. T01. Tires and Supplies. Boylan Auto Radiator Co. Repaira a specialty, -Out-of-town work given prompt attention. . Guaranteed Tire at H Prlc. r Without Any Old Tire. ' 30x3 ...17.70 SSxSVt... tlO.OI 34x4, ..113.00 lOxtU.V. tl.lt tlx4U...tlM0 83x4... $12.25 . Special Dlacount to Dealers. Auto Parta H Price. , ' -' Second-Hand Tire and Tube. Agent Wanted. BOYLAN TIRE & RADIATOR CO. Phon D. 3114. 1414-14-11 Davenport St TIRES AT HALF FRICB, ALL SIZES. NEW, 30x1 Flreitone. 18; Ford tubea...t NEW, 30x3t Non-Skid Ftreaton....tl3 KAIMAN'S TIRE SHOP. 1731 CUMING ST T IRE price wretvknrs. This Is no 2 In I tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. ltfljty Jackson. Agts. wanted, Omaha. Neb. BILT-NU" Urea, guaranteed 1,100 mllea. savs money, vulcanising and retreading. Auto and radiator repairing. OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRE AND AUTO 1 WORKS, 1311-11 Cuming St, Tylr 117, . SAVE 50 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRES. GAG. Tlr and Vulcanlalng Co.. 2411 Leavmworth. Tyler 1341-W. BUY Lee punuturo-proof gineumatio tire and llmliiata your tlr troubl. Powell Sup ply Co., 2051 Farnam Bt. Starters and Generators Repaired. We repair any storage battery, guaran teeing same fur six month. ,OMAIIA BATTERY AND SERVICE! CO., ins narney at. 'xyier list. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. . 318 8, Itth St, Dougla 1413. . Auto Repairing and Painting. i'HONE HARNEY 207 for auto repairing. DELAY A BEAL, W. Farnam Garage. 1527 Farnam. Now open. Gl v us a trial. EDWARDS, U. S 241 N. 19th St Web- ter 1103. For best results with repair worn consult vi. RADIATOR repair-work, ail work guaran- teed. Trawver Auto Co.. 1110 Farnam fit Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machlnea. Victor H. Rooa, Th Motorcycl Man, 37th and Lav- enwortw. - ; BUSINESS CHANCES V FOR SALE. BOYLE8 RESTAURANT BUILDINO FIXTURES ANI FURNITURE COMPLETE ' rwo.tory nnok building, with full basement erected T yeara ago,' known a the BoyUa' Restaurant on South Malu St., Oorfion, Sheridan county, I.ebraska. Ail restaurant fixtures, tncludln. atovea, counter, dlshea, tables, chair. te. Six large room:- and bath upstairs, completely furnished. Water and electrlo lights to all part et th building. Th price for quick sal 1 11,000 lea than actual valu and liberal terma will be given reaponat- bi partiea wtihlng to purchase. Building Ing . will, be sold either with or without fixture. Por further Information writ Mr. R. K. Boyle. Gordon, Nebraska. 114,000 STOCK OF CLOTHINO AND SHOES IN BULK AT CRE8TON, IOWA. Owing to th dissolving of partnership we will ell at ,-auotlon our high grade tock of: Clothing, gent' furnlihinga, runner gooent men and ladle' u. wear. a complete atock ot men', ladles' and children (hoe, hat and csps. etc. eto, Thl stock ha positively to be sold, with alwnlutely nothing reserved. Th sal to takeplac on the premises February 4th, ltll, at l:3t p. m. Ths stock to be of fered lu departmenta reserving th right to sell .In bulk to th highest bidder, at the cloee. Ten per cent at eloa at bid, balanc at clos of Inventory. 1 T. W. CURRTNft COMPANY. EXCEPTIONAL WYOMING OIL IN VESTMENT. - W ar In position t ell high class all "producing" and re ' fining atock backed by prominent west era Nebraska - business men and bank ere at ground floor price o monthly payment. n nanaie sonservatlva In r veatments. not stock speculations. For particulars writ Robert Realty . Co. Billing. Mon. GOOD mdse. atock for sals, located tn small town, Crawford Co. s enly itors In town: stock 11,600; cash salea last year 017,004; .good farming loealtry; good reasons tor ' selling j a snap for ens wishing to go Into business; no, trades..' ' Ctauton " Bros., Klron. la. - - . HARNESS shop, best equipped In slat, at big discount .Doing good business ; well located; cheap rent; no desd stock. Rea . on for selling, both ' sons working for - United States. Old man not able to ban ' , die business.. ' Writ J. C York A Co., Mlnden, Neb. - .- " MILLINERY atock and flxturea for aal - In a good prosperous town. Terms reason able. Must ll at one to .work for gov ernment For particular writ to Box Y 141. Omaha Be. - --'. MOTION picture machine (new and re built), theater aupplled. Omaha Fllrar Ex Changs, 101 6. 14th St. - OMAHA, JATsTjaRY ,191. BUSINESS CHANCES HOTEL FOR SALE In live Montana city, making over tt pet clear per year on th lnve-.mnt. 110,000 cah will bandl th proposition. For further Information writ to Carl StettUr, P. O. wx 281. Columbu. Nebr. WE ARE IN THE BUSINESS - --for country mixed scrap Iron. Write ua for prlcee. A. B. ALPIRN. 7TH AND DOUGLAS. DOUGLAS 1411. BUSINESS CHANCES I WANT lady or gentleman to take ln tereet in ur money making propoaition. Small Investment.) Muit traveL Addrees Box 1173, care Bee. ; BAKERY In Dts Moines. Ia., for aale. Thla is no run down joint, but a good paying. all retail ' business, but can be bought ibeap on payments it reliable. Box Y lit. O nsha Ben? MOVING PICTURE inachlne, new. and re built all make; supplies. Western Sup ply Co., 201 Nat'l B!dg. FOR SALE Millinery stock at 40o on th , dolls.. Also fixture, cheap for cash. Box 314. Osrtland. Neb. ' , ' ON ACCOUNT of poor health, will sell at great sacrifice my garage and livery In . a good town and good buslnexe. County seat.' Alvln Lamm. Hebron. Neb.' FOR SALE Laundry in a thriving" Iowa town; bwlng to death' of owner I ot tered on reasonable terms to a compe tent laundryman. Box Y 354, Omaha Be. CIGAR ator on busy corner; clean atock. good fixtures. Will stand strictest - In vestigation, . - Satisfactory reason. Box 71, Omaha Bee. -' GROCERY ator and meat market for aale; stock and fixture new; a bargain at 13,000 caah. Duff Ave. Groc Ames. Ia. FOR SALE or trade, a general merchandise store. Inquire a A. Monan, Elm Creek, Neb. - , - . . TO GET In or out of business call' on GANOESTAD. 34S Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. BUSINESSES furnished and sold. All states F. V. Knleet, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb- DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1120 W. O. W. Bldg Red 3285. Rooming Houses. 23 'ROOMS, filled, fino -furniture, money maker, 11.500 down, clos In. Box lOtt, Omaba Bee. PERSONAL TUB Balvatton Army Industrial Horns so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga sine. W collect Wa distributee Phone Doug. 4125 and onr wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bom. 1U0-1U1-1114 Dodg St -- - ' - OMAHA bath Inst. Electrlo, steam or tub bathe, masaagea ot all kinds. 228 Nevlll Blk. Doug. 7331 10th and Harney 8t. MECHANO Therapy massage for your health's sake. Mies Harlan, 233 Nevlll Bk. Manicuring (Healer) and acalp .treatment For-appolntment call Ty. ion. 703 a. I4tn. MISS FISHER, sulphur, ateam bat ha and massage. 37 Bran. The; Bldg. p l&t LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing tit Paxton Blk. Red Z4Q0 MAE BRUGMAN. aclentiflo masseua and baths. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. VAPOR and tub baths. Massages of all kinds. Km. S, 1606 Harney. Doug. 7040. IMMANUEL private maternity horn. Beat care. 2400 Bristol, Webster zos. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4410 N 33th St' Phon Colfax 1041. MINNIE NAGLE at LaBells Bath Institute, 1S04 Harrey. Dougla 7044. BATH and massage. 1S02 Farnam BU room S. Phon Diuglns 3761. JOY to epileptic. For particular write box Y 160. Omaha Bee. SCIENTIFIC massage. 513 Paxton block. Phone Douglas 4373. Manicuring and mass.. 1423 Fsrnsm, R It E. BROTT, maaxage. 703 S. 18th. D. t52. MISS WEST, manicure, masaag. 210 N. llth, MEDICAL WHY SUFFER! Latest and moat aclentiflo treat ment for all dlieaiea. Dr Charles Barnes, 511-621 Ros Bldg. ex amination and consultation free. H la curing thousand. WHY NOT TOUT Delay are dangerous. It you can't callwrit. Hour: 1 a. nw to I p. rn.; 7:30 to t;30 evening. Sunday by appointment RUPTURE successfully treatd without a surgical operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H. Wray. 806 Bee Bldg. OXYGEN Sample treatment free to th ff lloted. 113 S. 26th. Tel. barney 1077, SITUATION WANTED Male. RELIABLE young married man with sev eral yeara experience a traveling sales man, now employed, dealrea to get off the road. Can furnish best reference! a to character and ability; If you hav some thing worth while to offer, can ' arrange an Interview.. Box 1077, Omaha Bee. MODERN shoe repair man, . run Landla tltcber, ag 34, American. ' Go anywrer. 11 yrs. last place. ; Box 370, Omaha Be ' BANKING, real estate or clerical position wan-tad by experienced young man; best of reference. W. W. Moore, Pleaeanton, Ia. PAINTING, Paperhanglug and Decorating. lowest estimates given. Call H-eiss. Ashes and cinder hauling. L. Dotson. R. 7338 Female. POSITION a housekeeper or with sma family; young woman with 3-year-old boy; city references. Walnut 838. PLAII and fancy clothes carefully laundered . Called for and delivered. Web. 428,1. ' - COLORED woman want day work. Call after 5 p. m. Webster 1599. DAY work wanted by colored girl cooking or cleaning. Web. J393. FlANO PLAYER. Can sight read, transpose and play pictures Box 1075, Omaha Bee. DAT or chamber maid work. Web. 1807. Laundry and Day Work. FIRST-CLASS, colored, laundress, with rf. Call D, 8713. ' LAUNDRESS want work. Exp. Web. 2511, FOR a good woman for day work. W. 5072, BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 2269. Colored woman want day work, Weh. 68. BUNDLE waahlng wanted. Webster 131 6. WANTED Day work. Webster 4639. LADY wants day wbrk. Tyler 1655. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. HELP WANTED MALE. Wanted experienced bank taller and counter man not subject to draft for bank In town tt 1.300, N. E. Nebraska. German Catholic preferred. Also young man for posting machine work. Answer by letter. state salary expected, positions held ana salary received. , . THE CHARLES E.' WALTERS CO., 1424 First National Bank Bldg. Omaha, BOOKKEEPER, who can meet th publlo, IH0 to 1100. good future. WATTS REF CO., 1138 1st Nat'l Bank. 3 R. R. CLERKS.',. 150. IS5 BOOKKEEPER ... 190 THE CANO AOEKCY; 400 BF.H BLDG. USE OUR DEPENDABLE SERVICE In se curing a position 1 . THE MARTI CO.. 1117 W. O. W. Bldg, TEN HIGH GRADE, commercial positions open. Co-operative Reference Co., 1016 City National Bank building. GENERAL office man. 165, WESTERN REFERENCE A ftOST A9'N Professions and Trades. WANTED LABORERS! WAGES 15C PER HOUR. APPLY WITHERSPOO.V ENGLER CO.. CHICAGO A N. W. ELEVATOR , CO., COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. ; !.' ' ' MEN WANTED! - Aged 31 to 41 years for yarding stock and genersl work. All winter Job for good men. Apply Timekeeper CHUTE HOUSE UNION STOCK ' ; YARDS CO,t i! - x ... South Side. - . MEN .WANTED, en 1c field st Carter lake. Begin Wed. morning ( Tsks East Omaha street csr. Good meats. 30c. Lodging fre. "OMAHA-aCB AND COLD STORAGT3 CO. BARBER wanted at once; good wages; i ateadit jiab. , ' Sltts. Lake Andes. B. J HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED v. . , We can use limttii . number of mea between . . 21 and 40 years of age at conductors 4 ': AND' ' ; ; motormen. -Mutt be . pliyitcailj-7 . sound, of good character ; .; -and habits scicome weUY-f'.. . recommended.- . .. . : Apply in perton at of-' fi.ces of tuperiritendent of' '""' 1 transportation, Room 205, ' second floor. Merchants i - . National Bank Building. ' OMAHA' cbuNCIL:BLVFFS; " S-JREET' RAILWAY tp:;; ; Experienced cabinet maker and finisher. Apply : - " 8UPT. HAYDEN BROS. WANTED By large Iowa Industrial cor poration, experience teiegrapn operator for repeater work; beat of. opportunity for advancement for ambttlou young man. Address "H," Omaha Be. Council Bluff. Ia. '- ' '' .-".' - WANTED AT ONCE, AN ALL AROUND AND EXPERIENCED MAN CAPABLE OF RUNNING A LAUNDRY IN A TOWN OF 8.000. CRETE"1 STEAM LAUNDRY. CRETE, NEB. - . LEARN barber trade, low ratea now. Call or writ Barber College, n uongias or. WANTED Blacksmith, good shop, stdy. wk. Writ at once. C. A. Johnson. Lyons, eo. Salesmenind Solicitors, TS T 0 C K SALESMEN WANTED Automo ' bile Tire Factory now;' ! manufacturing t i r e s and tubes. Call for Mr. Beers, Hotel Fonte- nelle, Monday and J Tuesday. WANTED Men to sell tock in an estab lished well knovrn Omaba firm. Thla la an exceptional opportunity for aome high grade man, a this stook practically flt itself: 1 tr cent cumulative and participating preferred atock. It you areH a wide-awake aalesman ana wisn to mane a profitable connection It will ba to your advaniaga to communicate with ua, Box 104. Omaha Bee. WANTED Two "heat young men, mut be able to meet th publlo. City ana roaa work. Steady employment Call 313 , ft Urd block before 10 a. m., alio attar 3 p. m. Ask for ale mnager. 1 TRAVELING salesman, young man, estab lished trade, 85. WESTERN PREFERENCE tk BOND ASS'N WANTED Good aid line by salesman call- tng on Auto. Implement ana now.- iraae. Bo.' I7t, Omaha Be. - Trade Schools. BOTH men and women to learn th barber trade. Special rat, tan or writs, saui Dodg. ' TRI-CITY BAK3ER COLLEGE.; . AUTOMOBILE SCHOOX " Learn In lx wek, ho books; aay to learn: free catalogue. National Ante School, 1814' N. aoth St. Omaha. Neb. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 2069 .Farnam. Boys. ERRAND BOY WANTED AT T. L. COMBS A CO. (JEWELER.) . Miscellaneous. ATTENTION, .farmera If you want , help wa can supply you. Bluri city employ ment Bureau, 014 w. Broaoway, r wi. LABORERS, for Inside In th city; no office feOApply 32! tt S.10ttt Bt, HELP WANTED Male and Female. MOLER Ba.ber College want young men ana laaie to learn in. rw.r uauv. er writ for free catalogue, 110 8. 14th 8t Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores arid Offices. WANTED Young lady to Uks obarge of . sales and city lad era In ftrst-elass es tablishment. Thta work ta don under the supervision of th auditor. .On witn experience tn posting and good business 'writing preferred. Salary 365.00. Write t.o Box lilt. Omaha Bea. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer,- III; typist (railroad). S6; iypist.ji; stenog rapher (small ofnee), 1 65 ; ..dge clerk. 165. Co-operative Reference Co., 1015 City National BarhK building, STENOGRAPHERS, S75. 65, t60, 50, 140. Compt and typlt, 176. Bookkeeper, 0. WATTS REF CO., 1138 1st Nat'l Bank. BUOKHissnsBi . , WESTERN REFERENCE uvuv Aoa STENO., tT6i steno., 566; filing cltrk, 130. THE MARTI" lv., 1311 v. ; Professions and Trades. -y THE Nebraska Telephone company offer an , exceptional opportunity to young- ladle to learn local and long diatancoj telephone operating. Permanent position, opportu nities for ' dvaocmirV good wagea. A aalary I paid whll learning. - " Parent desiring to acquaint thmelve with th working condition or any other detalia ar pclally Invited to accompany th appllcanta, . ' , Apply to C F. Lambert, 180? Douglas street. . WANTED Girl, colored j?rfrred. THE OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO., 1ITII AND MARCY. DOUGLAS lt. " GIRL WANTED to answer telepnono, with a little experience in pantatorium - work. State Dry Cleaning Co., 120 No. llth St. WANTED Sewing machine girls, Nebraska Tent end Awning Co .,- 1204 Farnam St. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY FOR SILK AND DRESS GOODS DEPT. APPLY SCPT. HAYDEN BROS. Household and Domestic. WANTED Middle, aged whit woman for housework; ao washing or Ironing; three In family: no objection to on child. Call Douglaa 231. . . EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework; wagea l a week. - Apply to Mr. J. P. O'Keefe. 4160 Case. Wat. I3. WANTED Competent maid for general housework and plain cooking. Mra. Geo. T. Porter 1625 Lincoln Blvd. Wal. 2821. GIRL wanted to take car ot 6-year-old ' child three aftemoona a week. Call Har. 145. Apt 107. Blackstone hotel.- GOOD girl tor light housework; dandy place and a real horn for a good girl. Phone Harney 424. RELIABLE girt for goner! housework, tit per, week. Harney 6551. 3515 Wcolworth Ave'.- . : ' . WANTED Floor, girl. Hoepital. Apply Clarkson WANTED Competent, girl for housework; I sunt bs good, cook. M It 41. . , , HELP WANTED FEMALE Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Two experlenotd waitresses, high wages; ticket advanced. Wire Ho tel Paddock. Beatrice. Neb. Miscellaneous. j WOMEN everywhere can turn their spars time Into . dollar and- render patriotic service co-operating with AMERICAN MOTHERS' KNITTING LEAGUE. Write for detalia today. Room 503, 171 Mad ison Ave.. New York. THEATRICAL Ladles and gentlemen for dramatic- ; company, . Traveling. Glv personal - description. Bright amateurs considered. AtMres Box 1173. care Bee. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE ' DAY SCHOOL. ' - . . " NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day, Hook . beeping, ahortband. atanotypy, typewrit- Ing, telegrapky, civil servic all commer- ciai ana tnguea nrancnea. catalog irea BOY LES COLLEGE. Doug'a 1445' 18th snd Harney Sta Van Sant School of Business. -. ' Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha Nations! Bank Bldg. : ' , Douglaa I8t9 FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms.! ATTENTION' ROOM HUNTERS! -' It you fall to find the - room you' : desire among these ada call at Th , ' Boa office fora Room List. Give complete description of vacant rooms In all part of ths city. .New list Issued every week. ..-- - . . ' MuDERN furnished rooms at the Sunshine spartmenta.' equipped for light housekeep ing: hot and xold water.- Far men only Low-.' rale. .'. j . Office. 408 N. 17th St. ATTRACTIVE, warm, modern room for gen tleman, with refined private family of adults. Walking distance. Call Tyler 3"t&. LARGE comfortable room In private family In Hanscom park district. - Block to car line. Walking distance. Tel. Har. 1481. 22 ROOMS, filled, Jut furniture, money maker, 11300 down, close in. , Box 1093, Omaha Bee. ' ' S'lCELY furbished, pleasant warm room, In modern, private family. 131 Aorta Slat Ave. - STEAM-HEATED rooms tl wk.. also apis - with kitchenet. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluff. FURNISHED or dnfurnlshed rooms, semi bsseme.it. 231. Leavenworth St.. Doug. 8861 KIE large room,-private family; two doora east of 24th St orAPInkney. Web; 1141. , N- Housekeeping Rooms. ' - MOD. furn. rma. at Sunshine apta. aqulpptd light bskpg. Hot and cold water for men only. Offic 608 n. I7tn iiy. 2473 Kt. Mary'a Ave Housekeeping Apt. wlt turn, strictly clean,; good heat, plenty not water, no emmren; NEW furnished rooms for light house keeping. Phone Harney 0860. 3044 Farnam. 4721 HAMILTON 4 nic housekeeping rooms, 310. Call Walnut 3856. ' : Board and Rooms. WANTED 50 men .for room and board; room 12.50 to 34 single; tt to 16 double; tsble board I5..25 week, t meals a day: 3 meals 13.60. ' For' men only. Union hotel, 1023 Mason St., Douglas 6744 FOR TWO Large warm rm., private, mod. home, good board, bom privileges. Har ney 1633. ' 5 ' ' BOARD AND ROOM, close In, for gentle men. Navy Recruiting - Office., Douglaa 1799. Call between 9 a. m, and 4 p. m. ROOMand board for one or two gentle men. 124 South 24th Bt. Douglas 8162. , Unfurnished Rooms. a UNFURNISHED rooms with heat, light and gas. Call Webster 1000. FOR RENT HOUSES West. FLAT 230S Leavenworth, 6 rma. 120.00. 20S South 41st hot water plant 126.00. John N. Frenzer, Douglas 154. 2633 DAVENPORT St., 4 rail., hot wster heat. 317. E. H. Benner Co., D. 1401. North. VERY NICE 6-roora apartment in modern apartment house; out north; Vacant Feb ' ruary 1. Private garage. 2501 Sherman avenue. S022 JAYNES ST., 6 -room cottage, strictly modern, good cond'tlon, 122.60. Vacant Wednesday. Phon Ty. 1500 or Col. 4140. South. - 7-ROOM . strictly modern, practically new house, oak finish down stairs; garage; on car line; Hanscom park, district Har ney 1619.. ' ' Miscellaneous. SOt SO. 31ST. 6 rm.... ..130.00 ' 610 Park Ave.. 7 rma. ....340.00 ' ' SOU Capitol Ave., T rm .....141.00 ARMSTRONG WALSH CO. f Tyler 1536. 333 Securltle Bldg. S.ROOVS. 1110 Farnam street ...316.00 S room, 618 South 13th St.. ...... .117.6 4 room. 2013 Clark street.. ..110.00 : BENSON & MYERS CO.. REALTORS, 424 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. D 740. m FOR RENT ' Bouses, cottages, and apartmantav PORTER A SHOTWELU 203 B. 17th St' Doug. tOlt. Offices with Ham BuTlders. t-ROOM brick . house furnished, will rent 6 months for 150.00. J. J. MulvlhUl, 300 ' Brandels Theater Bldg. ' ' PAY your, r nl only. to.. Shopen Cp. Realtors. Doug. - 4231. . , FOR RENT APARTMENTS t-ROOM modern apartmeot for rent. Wal nut 3745. - ' ' ' West. urtvu Tn the HAMILTON Flreoroof. . right -dowii-tuwn; plenty of beat; on to elx rooms: reasonable, D. 17 4-ROOM and sun room. apt,. 4 Maple court vacant Feb. 1st Winter 132.60. 1816 Maple ELEGANT 5 R.. St. Louis flat 3117 Cum- Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPAQ, . f. 'Specialists In Apartment Management. Five room ap.t. for rent. Call WaL 3746.; 3 FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. gutii, Ing, splendid, well lighted, steam' heat ed rooms, enesp rent. i. . nammuu Agent, 310 South llth St MODERN store and basement; 24 S. 16th .St, Nebraska . end Wyoming investment Co., 322 Brandels 'inoaier tsiag., uum. 1571. - ' -'".' moderm atore. 16th street. near- P, O low, rent. O. 1. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Rooms. OFFICES. 120 - per month and up? FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG FIRST TRUST- CO.. Agts. . Tyler 100. WANTED tO RENT Unfurnished Apartments ant Houses. WE WANT more houisrl and apartment to nsni., in. in... . " . - - . cleared up our big list ta conclusive proof of the efficiency of our, rental service. If if you want to Keep your piaco nraitu Payne a siater vo., um n5 416 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug 1014. Furnished Houses and Apartments. WANTED For 2 ladles and grown son. who fare employeU. small furnished apartment with 3 or 3 rooms witn Kiieneiwh have 2 comfortable beds Close In. Box 1079. Omaha Bee. . ' ' MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY sfciO'REE Phon Douglaa 281 for complete list Ok vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, muvlng. 16th and jsrKson a. t METROPOLITAN VAN AND . ... 7 STORAGE CO. ; Expert services; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your aioras ll. in i-iffir omrat Furniture StOrt 17th and Howard. - - Tel. , Dong.- T785 no ronfwiP wREHOlSE 1 Separata locked rooma for household .goods an ' pianos; ' moving; packrhg and shipping. ...... - OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO tOt A 16th. - " Douglas- 4163 Globe Van and Storage Co. For ,eal eervlce In moving, packing and storing can Tyler 230 or Douglas is. Jp PE'Tri'l Express . Co, Moving . J, RCiEtXJ Packing ' ad Storage 1S07 Farnam St Web. 274. Donax 4, ii,. 1 REAL ESTATE IMPROfp FIELD CLUB - " Best " bur In this high class ectioa. Beautiful stucco horn 0 room and (leap- . ing porch: oak floor; mahogany ana whit enamel over birch. Tile bath room . fireplace and In lt-cla condition, outH front Se this at once. -GLOVER & SPAIN, - REALTORS-. . 'f d 89S8. " tlt City Nat Bask' Bids. North. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW 2 LOTS, PAVED STREET; FRUIT. . PRICE $4,000 Thit tUc .1 located- fn tht-nortlvwiet. rn part of the city., flow -to Momftoatb fain t.iiwi uivvn- - , different kinds of bearing fruit trees, also nice young shade trees. -Rose bushes and -berry Dushes. Large" chicken house, two . brooders; Garderi space in rear of lot separated from lawn, by fence with vine growing, over-It Hous la -in excellent con ditlon; all rooma on one floor; Kcreen and otorm sash; screened porch. This is a bargain. . Act quick. ' Call. Tyler 1860 to day or Tyler 60 during week. 5-RCOM. strictly modern, large lot toil , basement, paving alt ram; Tated. A big brsalt. at the price, K.950. Located 33i Ame v. itm. . . . , NORRIS A NORRIS, - 400 Bee Bulldlne:. Phon Dnuet-. 4iin. BETTER (ook up that ,4-r. Kountse Place bargain, 'it can oe oous"i. t-.-- ' . . .,: W. H. GATES,,- ? ' 647 Omaha Nat. Bk'. Bide, . P. 1394. . A RESIDENCE property, in Lennox Add.;'. " ... .... . -, t sun iih wui sen ior muh; bi. . wnnd terms. - Clauson- Bros. Klron. 7a. FOUR-ROOM, all modern but heat, 5-roonr aecommodation. r,ew. viooa kksuud. cash. Cell War. 077. - ' Oa,1, BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. i n mi floor: larca living room and dining room, finished In oak; built-in cupboard, oak floora, tiled bath room with medicine cabinet, electric light ".fixture.- nicely decorated, exterior tucco; located: 2803 S. 34th St. Price 33,650. Term to good parties. . ; , C"G. CARLBERG. . ' ' ttO-113 Brandei Theater Bldg. Miscellaneous. v BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. BARGAIN. 7 I, rooms on on floor, all-modern, oglt finish; full basement t tront lot It's a little dandy, built to last a life lime, and th price, 13.000, I les than It worth. Location 4622 N. S6th St just a tew door from the Ame Ave.- car.- . M'CAGUE INV. CO., i Phnna D. 416. ' A LET me show.' you my brand jSjpw stucco. bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion A real . bargain at 13.160. Rea sonable terma. Call Owner, Douglas 1723- . W. FARNAM SMITH A CO.. . Real Estate and Insurance.. 1130 Farnam St Doug. 1064. - - ... HOUSES , IN ALL MPARTS OF THE CITY. CREIOH SONS A CO., BEE BLDG. V . R, S. TRUMBULL, tOO 1st 'Nat Bk Bid D 7714 -T . REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty . YOUNG & DOHERTY, City Real Estate. Douglas 1571. - 332 Brandels Theater. H A. WOLF, Realtor, War Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. ' REAL ESTATE To Exchange 20 ACRES irrigated land 4 miles west of Corning, Cal. ; 10 acrea orchard, balanca pasture; will trade tor Omaha property or sell for 82,600. Wm. Craig, 2816 Ham ilton St "'Web. 4104. 10 ACRES Cat. fruit land near Belta Tarra, Tulare, Cal.. - surrounded by oranga and lemon groves, worth 1150 per acta, to trad for Omaha property. Box tTt, Omaha Bee. - 40 ACRES, Mead, So. Dak.; 112.60 pel acre. Will trad for, auto. Bos 171, Omaha Bee. " 160 ACRES, 10 mllea north of Rapid Clty,.y 8. D partly Improved, worth 15,000 To trade for Improved Omaha acreage near car line. Box 979, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT ' INVESTMENTS , . . .. - New brick, income paying over 31,600 per annum, no maintenance cost except taxes, 16,000 cash will handls; this is th greatest value wa - have ever offered and will pay over 13 per cent on Investment, TRAVER BROS. CO., ' .- illt Flrat Naf Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved ' North, FOR SALE SOME CHOICE AeSIDEN- TIAL PROPERTY ' IN THE NORTH: PART OP THE CITY FROM 12,500 TO 16.000 EACH. - ALL ARE BARGAINS I MITCHELL IMVESTMENT CO. " . OFFICE, 24TH AND AMES. - ' , Phone Colfax 217. . ' Miscellaneous. LARGE garden lots near car line, paved street 1125 to 1195. 11 down. Doug. 6074.' REAL' ESTATE SUBURB AN , Florence. - 9.13 ACRES 1 ' . - - . v. -" - ' . : ; i. ' Lboated usti horth of Floreaesr City lo Hmita.wltb, nearly 1.000 feet ot frontage " ' on paved road. having 3 fine building ite. About J, acre In alfalfa, balance in- cultivation and - pasture with aome timber. Fries $6,000. Reasonable term. " GEORGE & CO.,-Douglas 756. ; Acreage - ACREAGE SNAP. " ' . MUST .BE SOLD; 4 acre weat f Miller park; . t-room eottare in ' fin rpalr; . barn, chicken house fruit., grape. tc. price reduced to 11,150, tl.500 cash. Thla is the best acreage buy close to Omaha. 'HIATT COMPANY. Tyler 60. 246 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg FIVE very flna garden lots, close to car llui" clos to school just outside the city limits' where you do not have to pay cTty taxes' an Ideal place to raise pigs, poultry or' garden; the owner has moved , to Calt- - tornta and says sell at once; price 3s eaeh; term 0 a week n each lot Call Walnut 3446 today or In the evenlnv. FOR SALE AND" TRADE- """" '.I a. n. of Florence. Fine Impr., iv, w. of Benson., Impr.. chick ranch. 3 'jolt" - fine chicken lay out. New bungalow r,ait modern. 6 rms. SEWARD BROS '7s Miscellaneous. WB SPECIALIZE In suburban prupert' ( ' weerve you7 Call Mr. Browne. " S13-14 Ctty Kat. f REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT FARM - wa hsiv tir VivIad- - a.. - - - w. WUSSIigCBS U1UCK slim 4X1 nr-aV In Mnts srimV.u'a. . , ... wa .. wav at uiBJ VUW new, net lrcom under leau W.000 pr j-tfmr. Owner. wo: good antral Nebraska farm.' - S. S. & R. E. Montgomery . 213 City Nstlonal. WE HAV several good reliable buyerafor . I and 6-rooi,i houses and bungalows with ,1300 to liOO down. Call -Osborne Rn v jsna Blag. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages!" CITY AND FARM LOANS " I, 6V4 and t Per Cent. J. H. DCMONT CO. sis Kasim Bldg. 6"i and 4 per cent mortgagee ecure"" Omaba residences or Nebraska farm. ; ;e.h.lougee. INC ,7 ,, --"..w paoa. . - IT R,RivnrD. Monsy on hand for "mortgage le.,. V t s4( .fc-f4twv;aWSia J.'